Brown rice for weight loss: healthy recipes. For healthy weight loss. Dietary rice with vegetables: recipes for a frying pan, photos of ready-made dishes Low-calorie rice

Followers healthy image Life knows that rice itself is beneficial for the human body. By supplementing it with vegetables, you can make an incredibly tasty and healthy dish.

The basis of any diet is the consumption the right products and healthy dishes. The goal of most adherence to the principles of proper nutrition is to get rid of extra pounds and maintain good tone.

Those who want to get quick results. After four days spent in the company of buckwheat porridge, you may be able to lose weight, but buckwheat will make you vomit. And this method cannot be called useful. In addition to the fact that this is harmful to the body, since the body will begin to come off in a few days without a varied menu, it will continue to haunt you until extra pounds will not recover.

If you have no desire to go on a diet, then you can consider the option of eating dietary main courses. One option is dietary rice with vegetables.

Specifics of the dish

Why is rice with vegetables such a popular and healthy dish? The answer to this question consists of several components:

  • ease of preparation. The recipes are so simple that even those who recently picked up a cookbook for the first time can handle them;
  • cooking time. Depending on the ingredients chosen, cooking the dish will take on average from 40 to 60 minutes;
  • utility. There is no need to repeat the benefits of rice and vegetables;
  • variety of dishes. You can cook dietary rice with vegetables every day using various recipes;
  • opportunity to lose excess weight.

Who is it suitable for?

It can be eaten by children, pregnant women, and everyone. The only exceptions are those who have individual food intolerances. Particular attention to dietary rice with vegetables for weight loss should be paid to those who love to eat tasty food and do not want to spend a lot of time preparing the dish.


There are many recipes for cooking dietary rice with vegetables, both in a frying pan and in a double boiler. Any type of rice is suitable for cooking. However, it is worth paying attention special attention on steamed rice - this way it will turn out crumbly.

With vegetables and chili sauce

To prepare the dish you will need:

A delicious lunch or dinner is just a few steps away:

  • Place the rice in a sieve and rinse under cold water until the water becomes clear. Place the rice in a saucepan with cold water (the standard ratio is a glass of rice: 2.5 cups of water) and cook until tender over low heat, according to the instructions on the package. (Usually rice is cooked for 18-20 minutes, but there are exceptions - red rice is cooked for 40-45 minutes).
  • To prevent the rice from sticking, you need to add 2 tbsp to the pan. l. sunflower oil.
  • While the rice is cooking, you need to do the vegetables. Cut the garlic into small pieces and place in a frying pan with hot sunflower oil. Fry for 3-5 minutes (the garlic must be constantly turned so that it does not burn).
  • Remove the garlic from the pan. Fry finely chopped onion in the resulting garlic oil for 5-7 minutes. Add diced carrots and fry for another 5 minutes.
  • Add chopped into strips bell pepper. Mix the vegetables thoroughly. Add salt, pepper, seasonings.
  • Place the tomatoes cut into pieces in a frying pan, simmer for a minute and add rice to the dish, stirring thoroughly.
  • simmer for another 5 minutes, then remove from heat and let steep (10-15 minutes).
  • When serving the dish, pour chili sauce over the rice and sprinkle finely chopped herbs on top.

Interesting! If children eat rice, then carrots and other vegetables can be cut into shapes (stars, hearts, etc.) this will increase the child’s interest in the dish.

With vegetables and peas

For preparation you will need:

Cooking recipe:

  • Rinse the rice, add cold water and cook over low heat until tender;
  • Peel the onion and carrots and cut into medium cubes. Fry in vegetable oil in a frying pan for 5 minutes (You can add a pinch of curry to hot vegetable oil. This will give the dish a rich taste);
  • add diced zucchini and a tablespoon of water. At the same time, vegetables need to be salted and seasonings added;
  • After 5 minutes, add corn and peas to the vegetables. Mix everything, cover and simmer for 5-7 minutes;
  • add rice to vegetables and let simmer for 15 minutes.

The dish is ready. Before serving, sprinkle a plate of rice with chopped herbs. In addition, you can add fresh vegetables to the dish - tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers.

In Chinese

For preparation you will need:

  • 250 grams of rice;
  • 1 red onion (can be replaced with regular onion);
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 bell peppers (it is preferable to choose different colors);
  • 200 grams of cabbage (Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and Chinese cabbage);
  • olive oil;
  • soy sauce;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings.

You can see a photo of the famous oriental dish above, and the recipe for this type of dietary rice with vegetables is quite simple, you need:

  • Rinse the rice under cold water until the liquid turns clear. Bring to a boil over low heat and cook until tender. Remove cooked rice from heat;
  • Cut the garlic into slices and the onion into half rings. Pour olive oil into a preheated frying pan, and after a minute turn the heat to medium. Add onion and garlic. Fry for 2-3 minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon;
  • Wash and peel carrots and bell peppers. Cut into large cubes. Pour into the pan and, stirring, simmer for about 10 minutes;
  • Cut the cabbage into medium pieces and add to the vegetables. At this time, you can add salt and spices. Stir and cook for another 7 minutes;
  • add already cooked rice to the pan, stir and cook for another 1 minute;
  • add 2-3 tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • Before serving, decorate the dish with herbs.

The recipes listed are suitable for everyone without exception. Rice dishes with vegetables can be eaten on their own or can be used as a side dish. Goes great with chicken meat(boiled chicken breast and fillet).

There are several secrets that will help you cook even more delicious and aromatic rice.

  • You can use curry and barberry to enhance the flavor of the dish.
  • If while frying vegetables they begin to burn, then you need to add a little water to the pan.
  • You can use any pan to cook rice, but a wok is perfect for frying vegetables.


Rice with vegetables makes a great lunch or dinner. It can be prepared daily using a different set of vegetables.

This easy-to-prepare dish will not leave any family member indifferent. Eating dietary rice with vegetables for a week will allow you to lose around 2-3 extra pounds.

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Porridge, paella, risotto, pilaf - it’s impossible to imagine modern cuisine without rice dishes. But they are all quite high in calories and contain a lot of starch, which clearly does not have the most favorable effect on the figure. Therefore, everyone who goes on a diet first of all removes this high-calorie cereal from the diet as a source of carbohydrates, which are converted and stored as fats in the most problematic areas. But why then do nutritionists insist on using rice for weight loss - how can it contribute to weight loss? It's time to figure it out!

Benefits for weight loss

Thanks to his chemical composition Rich in microelements and vitamins, rice affects the functioning of many systems and organs. By improving their functioning, it triggers processes that ultimately, if certain recommendations are followed, lead to noticeable weight loss.

This is what happens to the body when you regularly consume this cereal:

  • improving the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • removal of excess fluid;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • normalization of lipid metabolism, as a result - fats are no longer stored;
  • energy costs for digesting cereals;
  • Some varieties (for example, brown) have fat-burning properties;
  • improving the quality of blood composition, which, accelerating, also promotes weight loss by supplying tissues with the necessary oxygen;
  • the beneficial effect on the nervous system eliminates the risk of compulsive overeating, when literally every problem is immediately consumed.

And the most important property of this cereal is that it is useful for cleansing the body of toxins, toxins, poisonous substances, and decay products.


However, losing weight with rice also has contraindications. Too powerful an impact on the functioning of internal organs can negatively affect their condition.

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • stomach pathologies;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • renal failure;
  • liver diseases;
  • tendency to constipation, bloating and flatulence;
  • rehabilitation period after operations or illnesses.

Nutritionists advise checking your health before trying rice diets. Failure to comply with contraindications ultimately leads to serious complications requiring long-term treatment. Among them are exhaustion of the body, vitamin deficiency and numerous intestinal disorders.

Choosing a product

The modern market is oversaturated various types rice Which one is the most useful for losing weight?

  • Red

A good choice for weight loss is red rice. Since during production it undergoes only a peeling procedure and is not polished, it contains a large amount of useful substances. You need to be able to cook it correctly in order to preserve its valuable properties. Firstly, its cooking time is from 40 minutes to 1 hour 20 minutes. Secondly, it cannot be stirred during cooking, otherwise the shell can be damaged, because it is in it that vitamins and microelements are concentrated.

  • White

The familiar white rice to all of us is chosen by the majority not only for everyday dishes, but also as the main product for weight loss. Its advantages are its delicate taste, soft consistency after cooking, speed and ease of preparation. But it must be borne in mind that during production it is subjected to such thorough grinding that almost all useful substances are removed along with the husk and shell. And subsequently, during heat treatment, he also loses them. Experts say that after cooking we consume almost starch in its pure form.

  • Black/wild

Most good choice for weight loss - black (or wild) rice. It is the seeds of a plant called aquatic plant. It is a close relative of rice cereal. In appearance, these are dark (color varies from chocolate to rich black), thin, long grains. After cooking, they acquire an unusual purple-lilac hue. A useful feature of this cereal is that minimum quantity sodium inside the grains.

Despite the fact that such rice is not processed during production, it is ready for cooking and consumption. Wild cereal does not retain salt and water inside the body. It also does not contain “harmful” fats, but it is able to saturate with glucose, which is so necessary for everyone losing weight during a diet.

  • Indian/Nautical

Indian sea rice is not a plant, but is named so only due to the appearance of this unique product. In fact, it is a living organism, a bacterial substance, the scientific name of which is zooglea. It looks like a mass consisting of round, cloudy white fragments. Their size and shape resemble grains of rice, which is why it is called that. Anyone can grow this mushroom (like a tea mushroom) at home.

Sea rice made at home, actively used in the fight against overweight

It is prepared from useful infusion, which is used for weight loss, as it has a powerful diuretic effect and eliminates excess fluid in the body.

  • Steamed

To lose weight, you can choose steamed rice, which is easier to digest by the body. Unrefined grains are first moistened and then subjected to powerful pressure with hot steam. At the next stage, the shell is removed and the surface is polished. But all these procedures are no longer dangerous for the usefulness of the product, because vitamins and microelements are under steam pressure absorbed into the core of the grain.

  • Basmati

This variety is considered the most expensive, is a long-grain variety, does not stick together when cooked, and contains a large amount of substances beneficial to the body. So it is quite possible to use basmati as part of any weight loss. It can also be sanded or not, steamed or treated. If you learn how to cook it correctly, you will surely love this product and give preference to it.

Weight loss plans

Rice is a very popular grain in dietetics, so there are a huge number of nutrition systems and weight loss plans based on it. All you have to do is choose the best option for yourself.

Fasting days

  • On rice water: during the day you need to drink 1-2 glasses of healthy liquid, solid food is excluded.
  • With kefir: a handful of undercooked cereal is washed down with 100 ml of kefir, 5-6 meals.
  • Rice and tomato juice complement each other perfectly, as they give a long-lasting feeling of fullness: the weight loss scheme is similar to the previous one.
  • With apples (or pears): daily intake - 1 kg of green fruit and 1 glass of boiled Saracen millet.
  • WITH soy sauce(Japanese version of a fasting day): allowed by nutritionists with tension only when you know for sure that without this seasoning you will not be able to last until the end of the hunger strike.
  • According to Malysheva: a glass of cereal (undercooked) is divided into 8-10 servings.
  • According to Koroleva: the grain is soaked, boiled, the volume of the glass is divided into 6 meals, honey is allowed, and be sure to drink at least 2.5 liters of water.

Diets by duration

  • For 3 days: a handful boiled rice eaten 5 times a day and supplemented with a small amount of raw fruits and vegetables.
  • For 5 days: the three-day diet scheme remains, but in order to avoid exhaustion, you are allowed to prepare a full-fledged rice dish for lunch - just make sure that it is dietary and low-calorie.
  • For a week: for breakfast in the morning - porridge with honey or fruit, for lunch - (preferably with rice water), for dinner - a side dish with mushrooms, stewed vegetables, during breaks you can eat fresh fruits and dairy products.
  • For 10 days: the diet consists of low calorie foods, for breakfast and dinner, before eating, eat a handful of al dente unsalted rice, i.e. leave it a little undercooked.
  • For 2 weeks: repeat the 10-day weight loss scheme + include chicken and fish in the diet.
  • For a month: we adhere to the principles of proper nutrition (exclude harmful foods from the diet), eat small and small meals, count calories (no more than 1,200 kcal per day), give preference to rice dietary dishes on the menu, every other day in the morning we drink a glass of rice water.

Diets by product

  • “Two dishes” (for 5 days): for breakfast - a glass of boiled pearl grains, for dinner - 300 grams of boiled unsalted fish, no lunch.
  • “A glass of rice” (for 3 days): stretch 200 grams of rice porridge throughout the day, satisfying your hunger green apples and grapefruit juice.
  • “How old?”: on an empty stomach in the morning you need to eat as many grains of rice (raw) as you are, after which you can’t eat anything at all for 4 hours.
  • “How much do you weigh?”: the scheme is exactly the same as the previous one, but you eat as many grains as kilograms.
  • “Five volumes” / “Tibetan” (2 weeks): for 5 days, 5 cups of rice are soaked and eaten alternately. Allowed products are fish, meat, eggs, cottage cheese, fruits, vegetables, tea, coffee without sugar.
  • “Geisha figure” / “Japanese” (5 days): only rice dishes and green tea are allowed.
  • “Protein-vegetable” / “3-3-3” (9 days): the first 3 days eat boiled rice (a glass), the next 3 days - 1 kg of chicken breast, the last 3 days - 1 kg of any vegetables; salt is excluded, but you can eat 1 tablespoon of honey daily.
  • “Pearl” (week): glass boiled cereal+ vegetables, nuts, fruits, dairy products, portion sizes are limited.
  • “Walter Kempner” (2 weeks): 2,400 kcal - daily norm, daily - boiled rice (350 g each) + dried fruits, legumes, potatoes in small quantities + 6 glasses of water; fruits, juices, alcohol, avocados and tomatoes are prohibited.

Choose ones that you are sure to be able to endure to the end. Don’t immediately jump into something that is too strict and long-lasting. Start with simple ones, and over time you can complicate them.

Cooking methods

When deciding to lose weight on rice, be sure to study the question of how to cook it correctly in order to retain the maximum benefits in it.

  • Boiled

Soak the cereal, washed several times, overnight in cold water. In the morning, boil in unsalted water for 20 minutes. Drain the liquid (if any remains), keep covered for 20 minutes.

If you want to improve your weight loss results, cook your rice al dente. Cooking time is reduced to 10 minutes.

  • Raw

The bravest and most desperate eat raw rice to lose weight, because more than 80% is evaporated during heat treatment. useful composition. However, for such a food system you need to have a very healthy stomach.

Soak 20 grams of cereal in a glass of cold water, change the water daily for 5 days. After this, the swollen grains must be chewed thoroughly between meals to suppress hunger. Duration - no more than 5 days.

Brown and black rice can also be sprouted and eaten raw along with sprouts according to the last scheme.

  1. Get a medical examination and talk to your doctor or nutritionist to see if you have any contraindications for rice diets.
  2. 2-3 days before fasting, switch to light food, eliminate unhealthy foods from your diet, and eat rice porridge in the morning to prepare your body for the upcoming stress.
  3. All dishes are prepared without salt, seasonings or spices.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids - about 2 liters of water daily and 2-3 cups of green tea without sugar.
  5. Before preparing the dish, the cereal is washed several times under running cold water and soaked for at least 2-3 hours.
  6. Slightly undercooked rice is especially useful for weight loss.
  7. If you choose a diet that lasts more than a week, be sure to take a multivitamin to avoid exhaustion.
  8. Exercise to improve your performance.
  9. The optimal period for losing weight is no more than 2 weeks.
  10. The diet should contain exclusively low-calorie, dietary dishes.
  11. To maintain the results obtained, switch to proper nutrition, arrange once every 10 days.

What is better for weight loss - rice or buckwheat?

Buckwheat is considered more dietary cereal, which means it is preferable for weight loss.

Nutritionists cite the following reasons to give the palm to her in this matter:

  • buckwheat retains more useful substances after production processing;
  • it is easier to prepare;
  • it tastes better than unsalted uncooked rice;
  • environmentally friendly, as it does not absorb harmful substances.

Which variety is best for weight loss?

Give preference to black and red, since during processing they preserve both the shell and the husk, which contain the concentration of all useful elements. Brown (brown) is also suitable for weight loss. It is better to leave white only for fasting days.

Why take potassium on rice diets?

Because, along with toxins, Saracen millet also takes potassium from the body, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart. To avoid problems with the “fiery engine”, you need to take medications with this element or include dried apricots and raisins in your diet (but they are quite high in calories and can ruin the results of losing weight).


To diversify your diet, include in your menu recipes for rice dishes that are low in calories.


Since rice and vegetables are called the ideal tandem, prepare not only stews and soups based on them, but also dietary, very tasty salads.


  • 4 tomatoes;
  • 100 grams of rice;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 2 eggs;
  • to taste - soy sauce, parsley;
  • 30 ml lemon juice;
  • a pinch of ground black pepper.


  1. Wash the tomatoes, remove the tops and seeds. Cut one into circles, the other into cubes.
  2. Boil the cereal, drain in a colander.
  3. rinse, cut into cubes.
  4. Chop the hard-boiled eggs. Cut one of the halves into slices.
  5. Chop the parsley.
  6. Mix cucumbers, eggs and tomatoes.
  7. Mix soy sauce, lemon juice, pepper. Cool the dressing and only then pour over the salad and stir.
  8. Before serving, garnish with tomato slices, egg slices and parsley sprigs.


  • 250 grams of rice;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 1 parsley root;
  • 15 ml olive or any vegetable oil;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 onion;
  • to taste - greens (dill, parsley).


  1. Chop the onion. Grate the carrots and parsley root onto a coarse grater.
  2. Pour water over all these roots, bring to a boil, and cook until tender.
  3. Drain the water and strain.
  4. Boil the cereal in it.
  5. At the end of cooking, add roots to it. Cook for 5 minutes.
  6. Sprinkle with chopped herbs.



  • 500 g chicken breast;
  • 300 grams of brown rice;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 1 onion;
  • 20 ml olive oil.


  1. Chop the onion. Grate the carrots.
  2. Fry them together in oil until golden brown.
  3. Place in a cauldron, add washed cereal, cut into small pieces chicken fillet, crushed garlic cloves.
  4. Fill with water.
  5. Cook in the oven for 40 minutes at 200°C.

Rice, along with and is a leader in nutrition. Based on it, numerous diets, fasting days, and nutritional systems are developed aimed at losing weight and improving the health of the body. It makes sense to try it as a dietary cereal and lose weight without harm to your health.


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Why is it important to steam?

Doctors are loudly trumpeting the dangers of rice for the figure - the high sugar content, prohibitive glycemic index and high calorie content have made it the main enemy of all slender girls. In addition, it is a pure source of quickly digestible carbohydrates, which tend to actively “fill up” even the thinnest. Not best option for weight loss! But don’t rush to draw conclusions and put an end to this product: there is a way to neutralize harmful components and reduce its calorie content.

If you're unsure whether you should soak your beans, we'll give you some facts. The most harmful and calorie-rich thing in this dish is starch. Under the influence of high temperatures, it is digested into a thick sticky mass (which is why boil crumbly porridge- real art). If you use soaking instead of cooking, the starch is removed from the grains into the liquid, and all you need to do is drain off this water, and with it everything harmful.

As a result, you not only lose weight, but also improve the condition of your body. Judge for yourself - after a week you will notice the following changes in your body:

  • Losing weight by 3-5 kilograms;
  • Getting rid of salts, liquids, waste and toxins;
  • Normalization of digestion;
  • A surge of strength and vitality;
  • Acceleration of metabolism;
  • Reducing cravings for junk food;
  • Clean and glowing skin.

Cooking the perfect porridge

First you need to choose the right variety. Buy brown or unpolished, as they are much healthier for the body. The steamed or round variety will not work.

Since such grains cannot be steamed overnight, we will cook it for several days. To make this process more convenient, and for you to always have a ready-made portion at hand, use a special cooking system according to Malakhov:

  • Take glass jars of the same size, marked 1, 2, 3 and 4;
  • On the first day, pour four tablespoons of grains into jar No. 1 and fill with water;
  • On the second day, change the liquid in the first jar and pour a portion into the second;
  • On the third day we change it in two jars and make the preparation in the third in the same way;
  • Fill the last jar with cereal and change the water in the first three again;
  • On the fifth day you can start drinking the first portion. As soon as you empty it, fill it again and let it sit until ready, remembering to change the water every day.

This way, you will have prepared porridge on hand to eat on an empty stomach, and you won’t have to cook it until it’s ready. 3-4 tablespoons of grains is a conventional value, and you have the right to change this amount depending on your appetites and needs.

It doesn’t matter what kind of water you steam in – either cold or hot will do.

Video: Cleansing the body with rice

To cleanse the body, you should consume the product in the morning in this order:

  • After waking up early in the morning, drink a glass of herbal or green tea. It will start metabolic processes and “awaken” the stomach from sleep;
  • After half an hour, you can move on to your meal. It is prohibited to add butter, sugar or salt to the dish;
  • Then you cannot eat or drink anything for 3-4 hours.

For lunch and dinner you can afford whatever you want. The exception is fried and fatty foods, as well as alcohol and milk.

Choosing the right diet

Steamed rice is a kind of brush for our intestines, sweeping out all deposits, waste, toxins and other harmful substances.

It is best to clean for two weeks twice a year. The regime is easiest to tolerate in the fall and spring; moreover, this is a great way to tighten the body before summer or strengthen the immune system on the eve of winter.

It is worth mentioning that although this cleansing option has a beneficial effect on the body, it is more suitable for maintaining weight than for actively losing it. To significantly speed up this process, we recommend resorting to a more restrictive diet.

It represents three fasting days. All you can afford these days is one glass of grains per day. Don’t be scared - we are talking about dry cereal; when cooked, it increases in size several times, and you get a decent portion (700-800 grams). It must be prepared in the manner suggested above, and consumed in small portions throughout the day, washed down with herbal tea.

Rules for taking for weight loss

To bring your body back to normal, you must adhere to the recommendations of a healthy lifestyle and remember the features of eating rice given below:

  • Combination with fat, meat, sweet and spicy is prohibited. It is not forbidden to eat this during other meals - most importantly, in moderation;
  • Stock up for these days apple juice, green tea and clean water - you will have to drink often and plentifully;
  • Consume foods rich in potassium regularly. You can find it in fruits, nuts, dried apricots, raisins and vegetables. By the way, the combination of cereals with dried fruits and nuts is very tasty! Just don't forget about the high calorie content;
  • You can’t overeat at night - your last meal should be at least three hours before bedtime;
  • The product does not tolerate harmful additives: salt, sugar, cream, butter and milk. No one is forcing you to eat dry cereal: if you want to dilute the taste, use spices and seasonings without artificial flavors and emulsifiers (lemon juice, curry, ginger, pepper, cinnamon or suneli hops).

This diet is contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women, and those suffering from cardiovascular diseases may be at risk (porridge leaches potassium, which can cause malaise and heart pain).

The following points should also be taken into account:

  • Causes constipation and bloating. To avoid being bothered by such “surprises”, use flaxseed oil or bran, which gives a mild laxative effect;
  • If you have a high degree of obesity, it is better to avoid this dish;
  • Extensive physical activity is contraindicated - there simply won’t be enough energy for it, and you will experience fatigue.

Do not worry about contraindications - if you follow the recommendations correctly, you will not have any problems with your health and well-being. An examination by a doctor the day before and during cleansing will insure you against poor health and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The best confirmation of our words are reviews from readers who, using this method, managed to achieve amazing results:

Osksana, 23 years old

Hi all! Despite my dislike for fast diets, losing weight on rice turned out to be easy and enjoyable for me. I spend fasting days several times a month. Then I gradually break out of their regime: I eat small portions of no more than 1200 kcal per day. As a result, the lost kilograms do not come back, and I continue to lose weight without strict diets and permanent restrictions.

Valentina, 38 years old

Hello! I decided to resort to cleansing with rice not to lose weight, but to cleanse the intestines and liver of toxins. In addition to the healing effect, after a few weeks of eating it for breakfast, I noticed that I managed to lose a fair amount of weight. The old things fit me more freely, and I felt younger and lighter.

That's all for us! If you are looking for a simple and safe way to lose weight, a rice cleanse is perfect for you. You will lose excess weight, improve your body health and go through a real shake-up, which will make it easy to lose weight in the future.

There are many different products that can be used to effectively and quickly remove a few unwanted pounds. Rice is often used for this purpose in dietary menus. This cereal perfectly satisfies hunger, cleanses the body of toxins, and normalizes metabolism. However, if we talk about the struggle for slim figure, then brown rice for weight loss comes first here. Let's talk about the benefits of this food product, the rules for its preparation, and variations of the rice diet menu.

The benefits of brown rice for weight loss

Rice is one of the healthiest cereal products on the entire planet; every day it satisfies the hunger of half of all humanity. There are many varieties of it: white, red, wild rice, brown, black. Brown rice is considered the most useful for weight loss and low-calorie. To understand whether it is possible to lose weight on rice, let’s look at the benefits of this cereal:

  • The calorie content of rice is relatively low; 100 cooked rice contains 330 kcal.

  • The grain is rich in fiber, so when consumed, the body is cleansed of toxins, harmful substances, waste, the activity of the intestinal tract improves and its microflora is stabilized.
  • It is very nutritious, because it contains complex carbohydrates that are very slowly absorbed by the human body. A small portion allows you to feel full for a long time.
  • The cereal does not contain plant proteins (gluten), and therefore does not cause allergic reactions.
  • The cereal contains many useful substances, vitamins, microelements (phosphorus, iodine, sodium, magnesium, potassium)

How to cook brown rice

Brown rice is effective for weight loss if cooked correctly. Before cooking, the cereal must be thoroughly washed. It will be tastier and easier if this cereal is pre-soaked in cold water (5-6 hours). To learn how to lose weight, check out these two basic recipes cooking delicious fluffy rice using water. For both methods we need brown rice and water.

Cooking method No. 1:

  1. Boil 1 liter (5 cups) water in a small saucepan.
  2. Then immerse 1 cup of pre-washed rice in boiling water, reduce heat to low and cook for 30-35 minutes.
  3. Strain the finished cereal from the liquid through a colander, rinse with a small amount of warm water.
  4. Afterwards, pour the rice porridge back into the pan, cover it with a lid, wrap it with a towel and let it sit for 15-20 minutes.

Cooking method No. 2:

  1. Boil 2 cups of water in a saucepan and add 1 cup of kupa. Turn down the heat.
  2. When the grains have absorbed all the liquid (20-30 minutes), remove the pan from the heat, close the lid tightly and leave to swell for 10-15 minutes.

Rice diet menu

There are many diets based on brown rice. The main rules to follow when eating a rice diet are as follows:

  • Many rice weight loss systems are mono-diets, so it is recommended to follow them for a specific short period: 3, 5, 7, 14 days.
  • It is recommended to make a mixture of brown and wild rice; it is digested even more slowly.
  • Although brown rice contains potassium, its amount is not sufficient for the body, so there is a need to take potassium supplements during the diet.
  • Children, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, people suffering from gastritis and peptic ulcer, rice diets (only rice and water) are contraindicated.
  • It is not recommended to add sugar, salt, spices and oil to the dish.
  • While following the rice diet, drink plenty of water, mineral water or unsweetened green tea.

Diet for 3 days A glass of rice

A three-day strict diet to cleanse the body and lose weight involves the need to eat only brown rice, as this is done with mono-diets. Diet dietary nutrition consists of three days, during which you need to eat 1 glass of cereal. The diet menu does not change every day:

  • Every day you need to cook a glass of rice porridge without salt and oil. You can break this amount into several parts or eat it at once.
  • You should drink up to 1.5-2 liters of mineral water without gas or plain clean water per day.
  • To satisfy a strong feeling of hunger, you are allowed to drink 600 natural apple or orange juice per day, or eat 2-3 apples.

For 5 days

If you follow a five-day rice diet, you can lose up to 7 kilograms excess weight. This food system is used no more often than once every 2 months, because it is very tough. The diet menu is as follows:

  • Breakfast – 0.5 liters of green tea with milk (ratio 1:1).
  • Lunch – 200 grams of rice, fresh juice.
  • Dinner – rice porridge, herbal tea.

From Malysheva

The basis of the 7-day diet from TV presenter and weight loss expert Elena Malysheva is brown rice (150 grams in each serving), water, vegetables and fruits. List of prohibited foods while on a diet:

  • meat and fish dishes;
  • dairy products;
  • rice with soy sauce, mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • spices, salt;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • sugar;
  • marinades, smoked meats;
  • coffee, strong tea.

Sample Malysheva diet menu for a week:

Monday, Wednesday

  • Breakfast – steamed rice porridge; green tea.
  • Lunch – a few green apples.
  • Dinner - vegetable salad, seasoned with sunflower oil; brown rice; vegetable broth.
  • Afternoon snack – one fresh carrot or a salad made from it.
  • Dinner – rice cereal, stewed vegetables, green tea.

Tuesday, Thursday

  • Breakfast – rice porridge, green tea.
  • Lunch – a few pieces of melon.
  • Lunch – brown rice with vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack – fruit salad.
  • Dinner – rice porridge, vegetable salad.

Friday, Sunday

  • Breakfast - rice porridge, fruit salad.
  • Lunch – 2 oranges.
  • Lunch – rice cereal with stewed carrots.
  • Afternoon snack – apples.
  • Dinner – rice cereal sprinkled with fresh herbs.
  • Breakfast – rice porridge with prunes.
  • Lunch – a handful of walnuts.
  • Lunch – stewed brown rice with vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack – grapefruit.
  • Dinner – brown rice with honey.

Kefir-rice diet for 7 days

If you follow this nutrition system, you can get rid of 4-7 extra pounds in a week. The daily menu is not very diverse and includes:

  • Breakfast – 1 serving (100 g) of rice and a glass of kefir.
  • Lunch – a portion of brown rice and some boiled meat or fish.
  • Dinner – half a serving of rice, vegetable salad.
  • Before bed - a glass of kefir.

Diet for 2 weeks 5 volumes

Thanks to this diet, you will cleanse your body of salts and toxins. It is not recommended to follow the “5 volumes” diet for more than two weeks. The essence of the diet is as follows:

  • Prepare 5 small jars or glass glasses.
  • Pour 2 tablespoons of brown rice into each container and pour 200 ml of boiled water.
  • Hide the jars of rice in a cool, dark place.
  • The cereal will be infused for 4 days (the liquid from the containers will not be drained).
  • On day 5, drain the water from the first jar, rinse a portion of rice well in warm water and eat it.
  • Refill the empty jar with rice and water and place it at the end of the line.

Using this scheme, eat soaked grains of rice every day (for breakfast) for 2 weeks. You are allowed to eat other dishes 3-4 hours after eating the main product. Salt, fatty and high-calorie foods, and sweets must be excluded from the two-week menu. Over the entire period of following a diet, many manage to lose 5-8 extra pounds.

Raw rice on an empty stomach for weight loss

Brown rice for weight loss on an empty stomach acts as an excellent cleanser of the body from harmful substances, cholesterol, and salt. Eating this dish in the morning will prevent you from feeling hungry. The recipe for making raw rice is as follows:

  1. Add 3 tablespoons of pre-washed, unpolished or peeled brown rice to a glass of water.
  2. The next day, drain the water, rinse the rice grains, and refill with a glass of water.
  3. Repeat the procedure 3 more times.
  4. On the sixth day, rinse the rice, boil it a little, and use it for consumption. Spices and oil cannot be added.

Video recipes with brown rice

Based on brown rice for weight loss, there are many different useful and delicious recipes dishes: porridge, salads, soups, puddings. Try to cook something tasty and filling at the same time. For a visual aid, check out a couple of great recipes that will help you learn how to cook wild rice to quickly and effectively say goodbye to excess weight.

Dietary rice with vegetables

Brown Rice Salad with Broccoli and Bacon

Reviews of the results of the rice diet

Natalya, 35 years old

Following the rice diet is not so easy, so I chose Elena Malysheva’s system, where in addition to rice, you are also allowed to eat fruits and vegetables. I didn’t lose the treasured 10 kg in a week, but 4 kilograms is also an excellent result. I noticed that my skin improved and my cheeks turned pink. I feel good.

Katerina, 22 years old

I followed a kefir-rice diet. At first I had headaches and wanted to eat. I endured and at the end of the week I was rewarded for my torment with the loss of three kilos of weight. Few? In my opinion, great!

Karina, 26 years old

With my small height of 163 centimeters, the extra pounds are not melting away as quickly as I would like. I tried the five-day diet and was very pleased. Just 5 days and I lost 3 kg of excess body weight. It was difficult to follow a diet on only brown rice, but I survived. I'll repeat in a couple of months.

Benefits of the rice diet

The rice diet is a balanced complex of valuable components that ensures stable and safe weight loss. The benefits of rice are in its composition, and it includes:

  • Starch, which envelops the mucous walls of the stomach and is therefore useful for high acidity of gastric juice, ulcers, gastritis;
  • Rice porridge is useful for nursing mothers for lactation;
  • Babies are fed rice porridge from the age of six months;
  • Rice is good for functioning nervous system;
  • Potassium from its composition normalizes heart function;
  • Calcium strengthens bone tissue;
  • Iron provides cells with oxygen for respiration;
  • Iodine is necessary for the functioning of the endocrine system;


  • C to strengthen the immune system;
  • And to improve vision;
  • B3 - participant in the breakdown of nutrients;
  • B6 is necessary for the synthesis of digestive enzymes;
  • Plant fibers enhance the ability of the intestines to contract and cleanse its walls.

After such a list, rice can be called a storehouse of useful and valuable substances, which nourish the skin, bones, brain and heart at the same time.

Dietary nutrition based on oriental cereals helps remove excess salts and water from the body, which leads to normalization of blood pressure, metabolic processes, and reduction of body weight.

You can also lose weight on a rice fasting day. The morning begins with a vegetable breakfast. Then, throughout the day, every two hours, salt-free rice porridge with water weighing about 100 g is eaten. During the day, it is better to drink unsweetened tea. Dinner as a way out of a fasting day can also be vegetable.

Rice diet for 3 days

The 3-day rice diet is a very short-term diet and is used if you need to lose weight in a very short time.

There are 2 known options for this diet:

  • Fish. Meals are provided 6 times a day. The menu includes only 2 dishes: baked fish and boiled rice. At one time you can eat 100 g of cereal and 50 g of fish. After 19.00 you cannot eat. At this time, it is necessary to adhere to fractional meals. Rice can be eaten at meals 1, 3 and 5, and fish at meals 2, 4 and 6 respectively. Oil is not added to dishes.

  • The vegetable option differs from the first in that fish dishes on the menu are replaced by vegetable ones, but the vegetable portion is 100 g. The second option is more economical and positive reviews about it are more often found on the endless expanses of the Internet.

A rice diet for 3 days allows you to lose up to five kilograms. The diet does not affect the condition of hair, skin and nails. This diet provides the body with everything necessary for its normal functioning.

Diet for 7 days

The 7-day rice diet is distinguished by a varied diet and a balanced composition, which will allow you to reduce weight. The table below suggests a rice diet menu for a week.

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner

Rice + tbsp. l. lemon juice;

Green tea.

Rice porridge + tbsp. l. vegetable oil as a dressing;

Vegetable broth;

Vegetable salad; rosehip tea.

Rice; dish of stewed zucchini (50 g);

Stewed carrots;

Mint tea.


Fruit salad (100 g);

Rice + citrus zest;

Soup with vegetables (100 g);

Rose hip tea.

Rice + broccoli;

Herbal tea.

Third Rice + cinnamon (tsp);

Radish and lettuce salad;

Rose hip tea.

Rice + honey (casserole); tea with mint.

Rice + raisins;

green tea.

Rice + boiled fish (50 g);

Green tea.

Rice + vegetables;

Mint tea.


Rice + nuts (2);

Almond flake porridge (50 g) with milk.

Rice + mushrooms (casserole);

Salad (tomatoes + greens + tbsp oil);

Green tea.

Rice + fish;

mint tea.


Rice with nuts (4) and dates;

Vegetable broth (100 g);

Rice with vegetable oil (50 g);

Lemon-honey drink.

One hundred grams of boiled fish;

Mint tea.


Rice with nuts, apple, raisins and figs;

Rose hip tea.

Rice + beans 100 g each;

Greenfinch salad without adding oil (100 g);

Green tea.

Rice + olive (50 g) + sunflower oil (5 g);

Mint tea.

Cleansing with rice

If you properly process the grain, you can get rid of toxins and waste that impede metabolic processes and digestion itself.

The cleansing technique is simple and not labor-intensive. Prepare 7 jars. Place 2-3 tablespoons of rice in the first and add water. On the second day, the same is done with the second jar, etc. On the seventh day, rice from jar No. 1 is ready to be eaten for breakfast. It does not need to be cooked, but eaten raw. On the eighth day we have breakfast with rice from the second jar...

Why is rice processing necessary? The fact is that after a week of such bathing, the components that contribute to the formation of mucus are washed out of the rice. Inside, it acquires a kind of openwork frame, characteristic of all sorbents, and like a sponge it can absorb various substances from the gastrointestinal tract, including excess bile, cholesterol and other metabolites that are of little use to the body.

To ensure that rice absorbs more toxins, you should not drink before or after such a breakfast. Rice is eaten without oil, spices and other additives. Salt consumption will have to be limited or, better yet, eliminated altogether.

Such cleansing is accompanied by bouts of severe hunger, but this will need to be overcome for the maximum cleansing effect. The next meal after breakfast should take place a few hours later. Food can be the most ordinary, with the exception of sour, spicy and fatty foods.

During the period of cleansing with rice, a categorical “no!” is said to alcohol, otherwise all the forces of the “vegetable pearls” will be spent on neutralizing the products formed during the metabolism of ethanol.

The rice diet is practically devoid of contraindications, but nevertheless its duration should be limited to 9 or 14 days. You can’t sit on it any longer, since the cereal rids the body not only of toxins, but also substances that are useful in all respects: amino acids, vitamins and minerals, just like any other sorbent.

Strict rice diet

A 10 kg rice diet per week involves consuming an undercooked or raw product, and only the brown variety. Unprocessed rice is valuable because it contains a shell in which fiber, microelements, and vitamins are concentrated. One hundred grams of brown rice contains only 109 kcal of energy. A prerequisite for such a nutrition program is to drink plenty of fluids to avoid constipation. Drinks may include herbal decoctions, plain water, as well as non-carbonated mineral water. Cleansing with rice unnecessarily loads the urinary system, so you can brew lingonberry leaves and drink this decoction to improve kidney function.

The diet consists of consuming as daily value only one glass of rice, cooked according to the method described above. The duration of the diet is a week. The cereal is eaten almost raw (I don’t recommend it), although you can boil it a little, but without adding oil.

During such a diet, your diet menu should be supplemented by taking microelements and vitamin preparations, especially potassium salts for the heart.

Rice and osteochondrosis

Treatment of osteochondrosis or disorders (dystrophy) of cartilage and bones includes diet therapy. One of its types is the rice diet, with which patients improve the motor capabilities of the spine and pain goes away.

Rice therapy is the same cleansing technique, when for a week the patient eats only rice for breakfast, prepared according to a well-known method. Washing the cereal for 9 days is considered more effective, as evidenced by numerous patient reviews.

For lunch and evening, familiar foods are consumed. In addition to the therapeutic effect, patients manage to lose several kilograms of weight, which also has a beneficial effect on health.

Kefir-rice diet

This weight loss program has a double effect and helps:

  • get rid of fat reserves;
  • eliminate slagging from the body.

The diet lasts a week:

  • for the first 3 days you can only eat rice porridge without salt, oil and spices;
  • for the next 3 days you are allowed to drink one kefir;
  • On the last seventh day you can only eat baked apples.

Such a diet, if used frequently, can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases, as well as a slowdown in metabolism.

Rice with vegetables

Safe rice diet with vegetables, lasting 9 days, including fresh vegetables and rice. A rice dish cooked in water, with the addition of a small amount of salt along with a side dish of vegetables, will quickly satisfy your hunger, while simultaneously eliminating excess weight.

One day as a fasting day with a completely vegetable diet will increase the effectiveness of the diet. In 9 days you can lose up to 2 kg of weight. But these seemingly unimpressive results are actually quite useful. After all, it is known that what goes away quickly also returns quickly. It is much better when the result is stable and the method of achieving it is safe.

Rice water

If someone wants to fit into their favorite dress, but does not want to eat rice porridge, you can try to lose weight with rice broth. To prepare it you will need:

  • 200 g rice, preferably unpolished;
  • 3 liters of water.

The cereal is cooked for an hour. All nutrients, including plant fibers, end up in water. The decoction is contraindicated for those who experience frequent constipation.

In the morning they drink only rice water. You should drink 2 liters of rice drink per day. Nutrition should be moderate: without flour and sweets. After 19.00 it is better not to eat anything. You can stay on this nutrition program from a week to a month. The result will be a cleansed gastrointestinal tract and less weight. Improvements affect the functionality of the joints, the functioning of the urinary system, and the normalization of blood pressure, as evidenced by numerous reviews from those who were on such a weight loss program.

Who is the rice diet for?

First of all, for those who love and know how to combine business with pleasure and always win. Rice saturates cells with energy. It is included in the cuisines of many peoples of the world and can be assigned to medicinal purposes for those who:

  • slagging of the body;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • joint pain;
  • intestinal problems;
  • kidney function is impaired;
  • Tissue swelling is often evident.

But eating “plant pearls” is a mono-diet, and so that it does not pose a threat to health, you should consult with a nutritionist before starting it, especially if the following contraindications occur:

  • anemia or low hemoglobin levels;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gout;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy period.

And the doctor will tell you which tool to choose for weight loss from the 1000 options provided by nature. Although to become slim, you will need 2 main tools: desire and desire.

Taking into account your individual characteristics, you can always choose a suitable diet program for weight loss. And when the result is obvious, it turns out that losing weight is beneficial in every sense. Why buy things when the closet is full, they just don’t fit on your rounded figure. But that was in the past, and today and tomorrow everything will be different. I just need to strengthen my will a little. Thanks to those strong women who overcame this difficult path. Their reviews of the rice diet are inspiring.

What do women write about oriental cereals as a diet for weight loss? That they are happy with the result, and none of them ended up in the hospital. On the contrary, the complexion and general well-being improved, there was lightness in the body and a smile on the face.

Happy and healthy Japanese and Chinese women are prime examples of this.

Brown rice cereal is an excellent substitute for high carbohydrate foods. The popularity of this ingredient gives rise to a question among girls: how to cook brown rice for weight loss? In fact, this grain crop has several features, knowledge of which allows you to endure even the most strict rice diet without any special consequences.

Grains are considered incredibly nutritious foods.

Millions of women from all over the world include brown rice in their diet, because the effectiveness of this ingredient consists of several undeniable advantages:

Try these healthy brown rice cakes here

Raw organic sprouted brown rice can be purchased here

Right the first time taste qualities brown grains may seem unusual. This is due to the degree of hardness of the rice and the rate at which it softens.

  1. To avoid mistakes in how to properly cook brown rice for weight loss, you should use a rice cooker. Thanks to this method of heat treatment, the product retains the largest amount of nutrients.
  2. If additional household appliances out of stock, you can do it yourself. Rinse a glass of brown cereal and place a double-bottom container on the fire. Pour 2 cups of water into a saucepan and boil. Place the rice in boiling liquid and leave on the stove for 30 minutes. After this, wrap the dishes in a towel and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Fans of soft grains can try cooking brown rice in the oven. A glass of washed grains should be boiled in 2 glasses of water. Then the dishes with cereal are placed in the oven for 45 minutes. When girls soak this rice in water in advance, they get the most tender dish possible.

Girls who know the benefits of brown rice for weight loss include this ingredient in their daily menu to quickly saturate the body.

  • The simplest and most gentle option for consuming rice cereal is to use brown grains as a side dish for dinner or breakfast with the usual amount of fish, vegetables and meat. This tactic reduces appetite and allows a person to prepare for the next stage - reducing the size of portions.
  • An express diet based on brown rice helps to get rid of 2 to 5 kilograms in a week. It is necessary to eat cereals for breakfast in combination with vegetables, and the portion should fit in a saucer. You should not take long breaks between meals. Fruits are allowed for an afternoon snack; sometimes you can dilute the rice with soy dressing.
  • How to cook brown rice for weight loss during a single fasting day? Nutritionists recommend boiling a glass of brown grains until fully cooked without adding spices. The porridge is divided into 5-6 servings and eaten during the day when you feel hungry.
  • The classic brown rice diet lasts a week. For 7 days, cereals are consumed in 60 gram portions without adding oil or spices. The diet excludes meat and fish, but they are replaced with stewed vegetables, fresh fruit and low-fat fermented milk products. It is important to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. This diet allows you to lose up to 5 kg. In addition, this nutrition option can be taken as the basis for one fasting day a week.
  • There is also an original version of a strict diet based on compote and cereals. Every day you need 50 grams of semi-cooked brown rice, 250 grams of dried fruits and 2 liters of water. The last two ingredients are used to make compote, which is used to wash down rice porridge, consumed 4 times a day. Ideally, such a diet should alternate with standard scheme nutrition, and then in 2-3 months you can say goodbye to 10-20 kg of excess fat.

Buy real brown rice only from the world's best producers!

What is brown rice

Brown rice is a whole, coated grain. This cereal is the main raw material for the production of the popular white rice. The grains go through multi-stage processing, which leads to the loss of about 70 percent of the nutrients. In this regard, unprocessed brown rice, which is low in calories, is more beneficial for losing weight than white rice. Diets based on it allow you to lose excess weight and prevent nutritional deficiencies.

Benefits and harms

Brown rice has a relatively low calorie content, which is very important for those who want to lose weight - 100 g of cooked product contains about 330 kcal. The benefit of rice cereal for the body lies in the fact that it is very nutritious. This cereal contains complex carbohydrates, which, when ingested by the human body, are absorbed very slowly. For greater effect, it is recommended to make a mixture of brown and wild cereals. Other advantages are that:

  • The cereal contains a lot of fiber, which cleanses the body of waste and toxins.
  • Brown rice helps improve the functioning of the intestinal tract.
  • The product does not contain vegetable proteins, i.e. Gluten, which makes it non-allergenic.
  • Cereals contain a large amount of useful substances, vitamins and microelements.

Besides useful properties, brown rice has some disadvantages. There will be no harm in consuming it, provided that the person losing weight uses the grain within reasonable limits. It is known that even the most healthy products, when overeated, can cause problems such as poisoning of the body, disruption of intestinal function, and constipation. The same applies to brown cereal. In addition, its consumption in large quantities is strictly contraindicated during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Brown rice diet

To achieve the desired result, you will need to switch to a diet based on brown rice for some time. A good option is a 3-day diet designed to lose weight and cleanse the body. It involves eating only cereals, i.e. is a mono-diet. This is the menu for every day:

  • Prepare 1 cup of rice porridge daily without oil or salt. This amount can be eaten at a time or divided into several meals.
  • To quench strong feeling when hungry, eat 2-3 apples or drink 600 natural orange/apple juice.
  • You need to drink up to 1.5-2 liters of regular clean water/still mineral water per day.

No less effective, but a longer and easier option is a 7-day diet based on kefir with rice. With its help you can lose weight by about 4-7 kg. The daily diet is more varied compared to the 3-day mono-diet. To lose weight, cleanse your body and improve your health, eat the following foods:

  • For breakfast – 1 glass of kefir, 1 serving (100 g) of cereal.
  • For lunch – a little fish/boiled meat, 1 serving of cereal.
  • For dinner – 1/2 serving of rice cereal, vegetable salad.
  • At night – 1 glass of kefir.

How to cook brown rice for weight loss

Brown rice is an order of magnitude tougher than regular grain. It is effective in losing weight only if properly prepared. Before cooking, the cereal must be thoroughly washed. If you soak it for 5-6 hours in cold water, it will be more tasty. To prepare rice cereal, you can use two methods - in both cases you only need cereal and water.

1st method:

  1. Boil 1 liter of water.
  2. Pour 1 cup of washed cereal into a container, turn the heat to minimum - cook for 30-35 minutes.
  3. Drain the cooked rice in a colander, then rinse with warm water.
  4. Pour the porridge back into the pan, close the lid and, rolling it with a towel, let it brew for 15-20 minutes.

2nd method:

  1. Boil 2 cups of water.
  2. Pour 1 cup of cereal into boiling water and reduce heat.
  3. Wait until the grains absorb the liquid - this will take 20-30 minutes.
  4. Remove the pan from the heat.
  5. Close it with a lid, leaving it to swell for 10-15 minutes.


For weight loss, brown rice can be used to prepare not only regular porridge, but also some other dishes. Among the dishes that are perfect for a low-calorie diet are rice with eggplant. The peculiarity of this combination is that the finished dish is very satisfying and rich in a large number of elements beneficial to the body.


  • 1 glass of cereal;
  • 2 small eggplants;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Cook the cereal by adding 3 cups of water and bringing to a boil.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, salt, then reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid. Cook for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Cut the eggplants into small cubes and lightly dry them in a frying pan.
  4. Add oil and finely chopped onion. Fry the whole mass for a few minutes, then add the tomatoes.
  5. At the end, add porridge, garlic, and herbs to the vegetables.

You can make your body slim and diversify your menu with the help of brown rice risotto. The finished dish is enough for 6 servings, thanks to which, having prepared it once, you can eat it for 1-2 days. You will not experience any feeling of hunger or weakness, because... The dish is rich in vitamins and nutrients necessary for the human body.


  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 glass of cereal;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 small zucchini;
  • 250-300 g champignons;
  • soy sauce, vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the rice cereal in salted water - it is important that it remains slightly firm.
  2. While cooking the cereal, finely chop/grate the vegetables.
  3. Fry the onion for 5 minutes.
  4. Add the rest of the vegetables and fry the whole mass for another 10 minutes.
  5. Add cooked brown rice, mix all ingredients and fry them.
  6. Add soy sauce to taste and mix everything again.
  7. Fry the champignons in a separate pan, which must be finely chopped.
  8. At the end, add prepared mushrooms to the rice with vegetables.


This is not difficult, every teenager can do it, and even more so an experienced housewife. You need to wash one glass of rice in the evening and soak it in cold water.

In the morning, bring water to a boil, add cereal to boiling water and cook for 10-15 minutes. You should not keep it on the stove for a long time, otherwise the rice will lose its taste.

Be sure to check the expiration dates; it is the presence of natural oils that shortens the “life” of the cereal to 6 months. People often ask whether rice can be replaced with other cereals when losing weight.

It is difficult to answer unequivocally, each of the cereals has its own beneficial properties, but it will be difficult to find another with the same high nutritional value, low calorie content and a huge amount of useful microelements.

The composition of this representative of cereals, like other cereals, is primarily famous for complex (or slow) carbohydrates, the share of which is almost 80%. They help the body feel full quickly and for a long time, so losing weight on rice is not the most hungry method, although it cannot be compared with protein foods in terms of nutritional value.

An additional advantage of this type of carbohydrates is that it does not provoke sugar spikes, because glycemic index of rice ranges from 55 to 65 units (determined by the variety), which is valued not only for weight loss, but also in the diet of diabetics.

The positive aspects of including rice in the diet of a person losing weight are:

  • The ability of this cereal to remove water, which ensures rapid loss of excess weight, although this has nothing to do with fat burning.
  • Gluten free (strong allergen).
  • The gentle effect on the digestive tract, coupled with the property of soothing and enveloping the mucous membrane, leads to a minimal number of side effects from losing weight using rice dishes.

The rice diet is a balanced complex of valuable components that ensures stable and safe weight loss. The benefits of rice are in its composition, and it includes:

  • Starch, which envelops the mucous walls of the stomach and is therefore useful for high acidity of gastric juice, ulcers, gastritis;
  • Rice porridge is useful for nursing mothers for lactation;
  • Babies are fed rice porridge from the age of six months;
  • Rice is good for the functioning of the nervous system;
  • Potassium from its composition normalizes heart function;
  • Calcium strengthens bone tissue;
  • Iron provides cells with oxygen for respiration;
  • Iodine is necessary for the functioning of the endocrine system;

How to eat rice to lose weight

Even without drawing up a complex strict diet schedule, you can lose weight if you choose the right type of cereal, because... Not all of them have the same effect, choose the right combinations and recipes.

Additionally, you will have to remember that when losing weight, rice should not be eaten in the evening, but adding fatty foods to it (butter, cream sauce etc.) increases the “weight” of food, while simultaneously reducing its value in terms of weight loss and eliminating all the beneficial qualities of rice.

What kind of rice can you eat on a diet?

If you are planning to lose weight, and the chosen system is not designed for a daily loss of a couple of kilograms, but for a longer period, it is better to refuse white rice. Due to active grinding, it loses most of the vitamins and brings almost no benefit to the body.

Such grains are also digested faster, so you will feel the return of hunger earlier. The only advantage of the white variety is that it is not the highest calorie content: brown (brown) rice is the leader in this parameter - ideal for weight loss, because:

  • a rough shell expels waste better;
  • the glycemic index of the brown variety is lower;
  • antioxidant properties are higher than other types of rice.

Rice is a complex carbohydrate that gives you a long-lasting feeling of fullness. For this reason, it is better to eat rice for breakfast, which will help you avoid overeating in the afternoon.

Rice cereals for weight loss should be consumed with fresh or boiled vegetables, seafood or lean meat. If rice is chosen as a side dish for dinner, the use of sauces and other fatty additives is not recommended.

Conclusion: rice cereal is suitable for fasting days; it can often be seen as part of weight loss diets. A considerable list of beneficial properties of the product and recommendations from nutritionists prove that rice does not make you fat. Therefore, you can safely cook your own dietary rice (unpolished, without oil and salt), enjoy its natural taste and lose weight to your health!

Rice diet for 3 days

A week of eating this way and you will lose 5 kg - these are the promises made by the creators of this weight loss system. It's complicated because... The diet is hungry, but it gives a good impetus to cleansing the body: there is a large amount of vegetables on the menu. According to the principles of this rice diet for weight loss, you need to eat 200 g of boiled cereal every morning, to which you can optionally add:

  • a spoonful of 10% sour cream;
  • lemon juice;
  • apple;
  • pear;
  • spoon of raisins.

For lunch and dinner you take the main product, only 150 g for each meal. The supplement must again be selected from the list:

The 3-day rice diet is a very short-term diet and is used if you need to lose weight in a very short time.

There are 2 known options for this diet:

  • Fish. Meals are provided 6 times a day. The menu includes only 2 dishes: baked fish and boiled rice. At one time you can eat 100 g of cereal and 50 g of fish. After 19.00 you cannot eat. At this time it is necessary stick to fractional meals. Rice can be eaten at meals 1, 3 and 5, and fish at meals 2, 4 and 6 respectively. Oil is not added to dishes.
  • The vegetable option differs from the first in that fish dishes on the menu are replaced by vegetable ones, but the vegetable portion is 100 g. The second option is more economical and positive reviews about it are more often found on the endless expanses of the Internet.

A rice diet for 3 days allows you to lose up to five kilograms. The diet does not affect the condition of hair, skin and nails. This diet provides the body with everything necessary for its normal functioning.

The 7-day rice diet is distinguished by a varied diet and a balanced composition, which will allow you to reduce weight. The table below suggests a rice diet menu for a week.

Rice diet 5 volumes

The key rule of this weight loss system is to eat raw rice, not boiled, which must be prepared before bed. This way the cleansing of the body will be as pronounced as possible. You will eat rice cereal in the morning, and then you can prepare soups (the broth is light, you can chicken breast), vegetable salads, steamed fish, so that weight loss is active. The duration of the nutrition program is 2 weeks.

The principle of preparing the main dish:

  1. Place 5 glass containers (jars up to half a liter in volume), pour 2 tbsp into each. l. washed rice cereal.
  2. Pour a glass of cold water into the first one and cover with a lid.
  3. The next day, rinse the cereal from it, refill it and do the same for the 2nd container.
  4. On the day when the rice grains are soaked in the 5th container, you need to eat them from the 1st.

Japanese rice diet

According to this scheme, a person can get rid of 10 kg, if he loses excess weight, in almost 2 weeks. However, the system is difficult, since in the morning you will have to eat raw rice, previously soaked for several days.

) and for 4 days every morning they are washed and soaked again.

Nutrition program Japanese diet on rice is designed for 13 days:

  • In the morning, eat the entire portion of soaked cereal, without drinking tea/coffee with it or adding third-party products.
  • After 3 hours, have a snack with fruit (excluding banana).
  • For dinner and lunch, cook according to healthy recipes.

Raw rice for weight loss and cleansing

If you properly process the grain, you can get rid of toxins and waste that impede metabolic processes and digestion itself.

Rice cereal will help remove from the body all harmful substances that accumulate over the years and poison the body. The detox effect of rice helps you lose weight and improve your appearance. For cleansing, you can choose any rice (red, white, brown). The product should be prepared in advance.

Take rice at the rate of 1 tablespoon for the full number of years (if you are 32 years old, then there should be 32 tablespoons of cereal). Fill the rice with purified water; after a day, this water should be drained and filled with new water. This procedure should be repeated 4 times - exactly the same number of days is needed to fully prepare rice cereal with a detox effect.

Important! Throughout the diet, it is necessary to exclude bakery and confectionery products, fried and excessively salty foods from the diet. It's better to eat natural products.

Rice should be consumed on an empty stomach, 1 tablespoon at a time. After this, you can eat only after 4 hours; you are allowed to drink plain water, which does not contain gas. The duration of the course is 32 days (according to age).

Such “washed” rice loses starch and mucus, and acquires a porous structure. Once in the body, the cereal begins to act like a cleaning sponge, absorbing all harmful substances.

Apple-rice diet

This weight loss option looks relatively balanced, although the nutrition is meager. This rice diet for weight loss can only be followed for 3 days, during which there is a chance of losing 3 kg. It is allowed to repeat it in a month. She looks like this:

  1. In the morning, prepare porridge (use 4 glasses of water for 250 g of dry product). For breakfast, take 1/3 of the prepared dish and wash it down with freshly squeezed green apple juice (200 ml).
  2. Snack on a baked apple, which can be sprinkled with cinnamon.
  3. For lunch, take half of the remaining porridge and wash it down with the same amount of juice again.
  4. After 2 hours have a snack fresh apple.
  5. Dinner is similar to lunch.

Strict rice diet

In one day you can shake up your body and digestive system, and as a bonus you can lose 1-1.5 kg if you do a classic rice fasting day. This is the most rigorous weight loss plan, because... the diet is limited to a single product. For this reason, any physical and mental activity becomes inaccessible to you, but the cleansing of the body is noticeable immediately. The scheme is simple:

  1. Drink a spoonful on an empty stomach linseed oil.
  2. After an hour, eat 100 g of boiled rice (the variety is not important).
  3. Throughout the day, eat the same portion at 3-hour intervals. The last time to eat is at 20:00.

Kefir-rice diet

The weight loss system, focused on 9 days, helps to lose belly volume well, because... There is an active effect on digestion, but is not always well accepted by the body due to its rigidity. The diet is meager, the main products are white rice cereal and low-fat kefir. The power supply is as follows:

  1. Days 1 to 3 you need to consume 100 g of boiled rice cereal per meal (there will be 5 of them). Cooking is done with a lot of water to create an almost porridge with a slimy consistency. All drinks are prohibited.
  2. Days 4 to 6 eat kefir - a liter is allocated per day. For severe dizziness, a spoonful of honey in the morning is allowed.
  3. Over the last 3 days, the diet becomes “richer”: the same 1 liter of kefir along with porridge (a glass of dry product) for every day.

This weight loss program has a double effect and helps:

  • get rid of fat reserves;
  • eliminate slagging from the body.

The diet lasts a week:

  • for the first 3 days you can only eat rice porridge without salt, oil and spices;
  • for the next 3 days you are allowed to drink one kefir;
  • On the last seventh day you can only eat baked apples.

Such a diet, if used frequently, can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases, as well as a slowdown in metabolism.

Rice with vegetables

Safe rice and vegetable diet, lasting 9 days, including fresh vegetables and rice. A rice dish cooked in water, with the addition of a small amount of salt along with a side dish of vegetables, will quickly satisfy your hunger, while simultaneously eliminating excess weight.

One day as a fasting day with a completely vegetable diet will increase the effectiveness of the diet. In 9 days you can lose up to 2 kg of weight. But these seemingly unimpressive results are actually quite useful. After all, it is known that what goes away quickly also returns quickly. It is much better when the result is stable and the method of achieving it is safe.

Rice water for body shaping

If someone wants to fit into their favorite dress, but does not want to eat rice porridge, you can try to lose weight with rice broth. To prepare it you will need:

  • 200 g rice, preferably unpolished;
  • 3 liters of water.

The cereal is cooked for an hour. All nutrients, including plant fibers, end up in water. The decoction is contraindicated for those who experience frequent constipation.

In the morning they drink only rice water. You should drink 2 liters of rice drink per day.

Nutrition should be moderate: without flour and sweets. After 19.

00 It’s better not to eat anything. You can stay on this nutrition program from a week to a month.

The result will be a cleansed gastrointestinal tract and less weight. Improvements affect the functionality of the joints, the functioning of the urinary system, and the normalization of blood pressure, as evidenced by numerous reviews from those who were on such a weight loss program.

Reviews and results

Ilona, ​​29 years oldPeriodically for fast weight loss I’m doing a three-day diet for myself: in the morning I steam rice cereal, have a light lunch chicken broth(I remove the skin from the meat, cook only a piece of breast), and in the evening only herbal tea and oranges. I am steadily losing 2 kg, plus my stomach is shrinking.

Anna, 23 years old If you urgently need to lose a couple of kilograms, I do 2 fasting days. All food is rice porridge (I cook a glass for the day) and broccoli stewed with tomatoes. Rice can be served with soy sauce, because... it has no salt and no taste. Additionally, in the morning I drink green tea with ginger (grate 2 cm of the root when brewing). I'm losing 1.5 kg.

Is rice effective for weight loss - conclusions

Diets gave only temporary results; as soon as the diet was stopped, the excess weight immediately returned.

Remember! There is NOT ONE DIET that will help you get rid of excess weight if you have a predisposition to be overweight.

Newfangled weight loss products that are replete with the entire Internet also did not produce results. As it turned out, all this is a deception of marketers who earn huge money from the fact that you fall for their advertising.

The only drug that gave significant results is Reduslim

You may ask why everything fat women didn't you suddenly become thin?

There is good news, we have contacted the manufacturers and will share with you a link to the official Reduslim website. By the way, manufacturers are not trying to profit from overweight people; the promotional price is only 149 rubles.

Rosati's rice diet is good when it is short-term - as a competent detoxification program.

The rice diet raises questions as a holistic weight loss program (long term): the quality of weight loss, the yo-yo effect, and side effects- weigh all this if you want to lose weight on your own.