What is commissioning? Commissioning work in engineering systems Commissioning project


An integral part of the production and technological process are highly focused special activities known as commissioning. In the process of carrying out these activities, the equipment is checked for failure-free operation and safety, the possibility of putting it into operation and bringing it to its design parameters. First of all, the documentation of the project to be verified is reviewed. Equipment is checked and tested for possible failures and emergency situations. In addition, this also includes many additional work carried out in the process of preparing and conducting individual tests of the entire complex of equipment.

The procedure for carrying out commissioning work

Execution commissioning works carried out after installation of the equipment is completed. The main objective of these activities is to comprehensively test the installations being tested. During the inspection, the degree of their safety and reliability and compliance with the declared design characteristics are determined. Based on the results of the work, all identified deficiencies that impede the normal operation of the equipment are eliminated.

Installation and commissioning work is carried out by specialized organizations with which the enterprise enters into a business agreement. If the enterprise has trained engineering and technical personnel and the necessary instrumentation, then this work can be performed in-house. These workers belong to the category of operational personnel. They must complete a training course. After passing the exam, a protocol is drawn up and a certificate is issued for the right to perform commissioning work. For workers, repeated knowledge testing is carried out annually, and for engineering and technical workers - once every 3 years.

Commissioning work ends with the preparation of a technical report, reflecting all the stages completed, with conclusions and recommendations for further improvement of the operation of equipment and installations. Thus, this report is the main document characterizing the volume and effectiveness of the work performed. Practical experience shows that the cost of commissioning and commissioning activities pays off already in the first months of operation. For example, the results of calculations and comparative tests show that due to proper start-up and adjustment, fuel savings can be 3-5%.

To carry out commissioning work, a team of specialists is involved, who must be supervised by a qualified engineer. The number of workers is determined in accordance with the volume of work to be done, usually no more than 5 people. The main activities are carried out by engineering and technical workers, and enterprise personnel are used for auxiliary work.

For each type of equipment, a commissioning program is drawn up, agreed with the management of the enterprise. During its development, the main attention is paid to practical experiments, during which individual components are tested, design flaws are identified, and the quality of installation is determined. Great importance is attached to experiments to test the reliability of operation of all types of equipment and its ability to maintain specified parameters. The maximum value of the unit’s performance and the stability of its operation at low loads are determined.

Such checks are carried out in sufficient quantities to draw up an approximate regime map, which takes into account the entire range of operational loads. To determine some parameters, instrumentation of the equipment itself is used.

At the end, the most important activity is carried out to comprehensively test the equipment and put it into operation. This operation is carried out only with the permission of the adjuster group leader. No one should interfere with his orders, except in cases where there is a threat to the safe operation of the equipment and operating personnel.

Electrical commissioning works

Commissioning work is carried out at the final stage of electrical installation work. During this period, electrical equipment is tested and checked for compliance with the design, current PUE, technical specifications and documentation of the manufacturer. All units must comply with the declared technological indicators. After all settings, testing and testing have been carried out, conclusions are issued on the performance of the entire installation and each of its components.

Our organization will quickly and with high quality perform a wide range of such work, including commissioning of electrical equipment systems. The company’s specialists will carry out activities in several stages:

  • Receipt from the customer and careful study technical characteristics installations, technical documentation and electrical part of the project, its relationship with technological processes.
  • Preparation work program and the project for commissioning work, including measures related to safety, their coordination with the customer.
  • Analyzing finished documentation, identifying shortcomings and other comments.
  • Preparation of instructions, technological maps And methodological instructions for setup issues. Particular importance is attached to protocols and other forms of reporting documentation, preparation necessary tools, instruments and accessories.

After the preparatory period, commissioning activities are carried out jointly with. A timing circuit is used to supply voltage to the equipment. When combining work special attention calls for compliance with safety regulations. By this time, all construction work, heating, lighting and ventilation in the rooms with electrical equipment have been completed. The electrical equipment itself is already installed and grounded. Wells, openings and cable channels were closed.

At this stage, the installed electrical equipment is tested by applying voltage through test circuits to individual devices. When performing this operation, electrical installation personnel should not be in the adjustment area. If defects in electrical equipment are identified, they are eliminated by the customer, and installation errors and shortcomings are eliminated by the electrical installation organization. Based on the results of the second stage, the company’s employees draw up the following documents:

  • Protocol of tests and measurements of insulation.
  • Protocol.
  • Protocol for setting up protection and relay contactor equipment.
  • Executive diagrams of objects subject to power supply, connected to voltage.

At the next stage, individual tests of electrical equipment are carried out, during which voltage is supplied according to the normal operating circuit. First of all, for electrical installations, the operating mode is entered and personnel permits are issued in accordance with safety regulations. After this, the adjusters configure the equipment parameters, test the protection, control and alarm circuits. Before you try technological equipment, it is necessary to configure and check the operation of electrical equipment at idle.

After the company’s specialists conduct individual tests, the electrical equipment will be considered accepted for operation. Based on the test results, all necessary documents will be drawn up and handed over to the customer:

  • Protocols for testing grounding and grounding.
  • Test reports for electrical equipment at elevated voltage.
  • Basic executive diagrams, as in the previous stage.

The remaining documentation is provided to the customer within two months after the equipment is put into operation. For objects of increased technical complexity, this period increases to four months. At the end of this stage, a technical readiness report is drawn up for comprehensive testing of electrical equipment.

Comprehensive testing is carried out according to special programs agreed with the customer. This activity tests the interaction of electrical systems and electrical circuits under various operating conditions. Parameters in individual devices and functional groups are regulated and configured, their mutual connections are ensured, and specified operating modes are created. Electrical installations are tested according to a complete scheme, which makes it possible to prepare and conduct comprehensive testing of process equipment.

Commissioning of equipment

In order to put the installed technological equipment into operation, it is necessary to carry out commissioning work. The volume of these activities can be up to 20% of the entire project. These works are carried out at the final stage, before putting the equipment into operation.

In our organization, we efficiently and quickly carry out commissioning work on all major types of equipment. The company’s specialists will competently carry out the following activities:

  • Compliance will be checked project documentation actual execution.
  • They will prepare and test production lines.
  • Perform inspection, testing and calibration of various instruments and automation.
  • They will test individual components and assemblies, auxiliary systems, and run-in dynamic equipment.
  • Organize activities for comprehensive testing of the facility and its commissioning.
  • They will train personnel for subsequent operation of the equipment.

As a rule, the organization of commissioning work at any facility is carried out at the last stage of construction and installation work. Already during this period, engineers discover possible inconsistencies between the design documentation and the installed equipment. Because of this, malfunctions may occur in the future, so it is very important to eliminate all shortcomings in a timely manner. This stage is of great importance and guarantees reliable operation of the facility in the future.

Our commissioning organization offers a full range of services, from setting up individual technological elements to complex facilities in various industries.

the use of universal mechanisms and hoisting machines to mechanize labor-intensive processes; these are, in particular, drilling and crane machines, telescopic towers, hydraulic lifts;

the use of general construction tools, the development and use of various devices when performing individual installation operations; these are, in particular, various power tools, construction and assembly guns, portable presses for terminating and connecting wires and cable cores.

Meeting the deadlines for putting objects into operation significantly depends on the logistics of electrical installation work. In the structure of large installation organizations, the functions of material and technical support are assigned to special units - departments (sections) of production and technical equipment (UPTK).

These structural units, using their own forces and means, deliver to the installation area necessary equipment, materials and mechanisms. The successful operation of departments requires the mechanization of warehousing, which makes it possible to mechanize the assembly of materials and products into special containers for their subsequent delivery to the installation area.

Installation of complex and expensive equipment (powerful transformers, new circuit breakers for 110 kV and higher, electrical equipment from Siemens, ABB and others) is usually carried out with the involvement of installation supervision personnel from the equipment supplier. These personnel, in accordance with the equipment supply agreement, supervise the installation and testing of equipment.

1.7. Commissioning work

Commissioning work accompanying electrical installation work is a set of works that includes checking, adjusting and testing electrical equipment in order to ensure its design parameters and modes.

Commissioning work is carried out in four stages.

At the first (preparatory) stage, the contractor:

develops (based on the design and operational documentation of manufacturing enterprises) a work program for commissioning work, including labor protection measures;

transmits to the customer comments on the project identified during the development of the work program;

prepares a fleet of measuring equipment, testing equipment and devices.

At this stage of work the customer:

issues to the contractor the settings for relay protection, interlocks and automation, coordinated with the power system;

supplies voltage to the workstations of commissioning personnel from temporary or permanent power supply networks;

appoints representatives for acceptance of commissioning works and agrees with the contractor on the deadlines for completing the work, taken into account in the general construction schedule.

At the second stage, adjustment work is carried out on separate control, protection and automation panels, as well as adjustment work combined with electrical installation work. The start of commissioning work is determined by the degree of readiness of construction and installation work: in electrical rooms, everything must be completed construction work, including finishing, all openings, wells and cable channels are closed, lighting, heating and ventilation are completed, installation of electrical equipment is completed and its grounding is completed.

At this stage, the general contractor provides temporary power supply and temporary communications in the work area. The customer provides:

coordination with the design organization of issues regarding comments identified during the study of the project;

electrical equipment, elimination of electrical equipment and installation defects identified during commissioning;

verification and repair of electrical measuring instruments.

At the end of the second stage of commissioning and before the start of individual tests, the contractor makes changes to the fundamental electrical diagrams power supply facilities switched on under voltage.

At the third stage During commissioning, individual testing of electrical equipment is carried out, in particular, inspection and testing of cooling systems and on-load tap-changers of transformers, protection devices, automation and equipment control, especially with new relays from Siemens and ABB. The beginning of this stage is considered to be the introduction of an operational regime at a given electrical installation, after which commissioning work must relate to work in existing electrical installations and be carried out with the issuance of a work permit and compliance with technical and organizational safety measures.

At this stage, individual equipment tests are carried out, parameters, protection settings and characteristics are configured

equipment, testing control, protection and alarm circuits, as well as testing electrical equipment at idle.

Maintenance of electrical equipment at this stage is carried out by the customer, who ensures the placement of operating personnel, assembly and disassembly of electrical circuits, and also carries out technical supervision the condition of electrical equipment.

After completion of individual tests, the electrical equipment is considered accepted for operation. At the same time, the contractor provides the customer with test reports for high-voltage electrical equipment, testing of grounding and grounding devices, as well as executive and circuit diagrams necessary for the operation of electrical equipment. All other protocols for setting up electrical equipment are transferred to the customer within four months after the facility is accepted into operation.

The completion of commissioning work at the third stage is formalized by a certificate of technical readiness of electrical equipment for comprehensive testing.

At the fourth stage commissioning works, comprehensive testing of electrical equipment is carried out according to approved programs. At this stage, commissioning work is carried out to set up the interaction of electrical equipment systems in various modes. The scope of these works includes:

ensuring mutual connections, adjusting and setting the characteristics and parameters of individual devices and functional groups of an electrical installation in order to ensure specified operating modes on it;

testing the electrical installation according to the full circuit at idle and under load in all operating modes in preparation for a comprehensive testing of process equipment.

Commissioning work at the fourth stage is considered completed after the electrical equipment has received the parameters and modes provided for by the design, ensuring a stable technological process. For power transformers this is 72 hours of operation under load, for air and cable lines power transmission – 24 hours of operation under load.

1.8. Acceptance of the facility into operation

IN During the construction of the facility (power lines, substations), technical supervision is carried out over the construction, installation and commissioning works. This supervision

is provided by future operating personnel (customer), design organization (author's supervision), state supervision bodies, in particular, Gosgortekhnadzor. The latter is a federal executive body that carries out regulatory regulation, permitting, control and supervisory functions in the field of industrial safety, use and protection of subsoil.

The task of the operating personnel at this stage is

providing assistance

installation organization in terms of timely

identifying defects, omissions and deviations from the project.

Upon completion of all work, the contractor notifies the customer of

the need to accept the facility into operation.


the facility must be put into operation





Federation, project

documentation, work agreement (contract)

construction, sanitary, environmental and other standards. Assessing the facility’s compliance with the project and the requirements of regulatory documents

territorial administrations, state supervisory authorities and labor safety inspectorates.

The customer presents to the acceptance committee all the necessary design and technical documentation for the facility.

To assist the acceptance committee, a working commission is created, the members of which carry out a detailed inspection of the object and draw up reports listing the detected defects and deficiencies in individual sections of the project or in the entire object.

After the contractor has eliminated all the shortcomings and inconsistencies with the project indicated by the working commission, an acceptance certificate for the completed construction of the facility is drawn up (Form N KS-11). In practice, this act is called the “act of the working commission”. This document is the basis for final payment for all work performed by the contractor in accordance with the work agreement (contract).

Based on the act of the working commission, familiarization with technical documentation, positive results Carrying out individual and complex tests, the acceptance committee determines the readiness of the facility for commissioning.

The final document for the acceptance and commissioning of a completed construction facility is the acceptance certificate of the completed construction facility by the acceptance committee (Form N KS-14). This act is signed by all members of the acceptance committee, each of whom is responsible for the decisions made by the commission within the limits of their competence.

In production and construction, the abbreviation PNR is used to decipher “commissioning works”. Commissioning is a set of processes for checking, debugging, setting up, testing and commissioning of equipment installed at construction sites. Commissioning works are the final part of construction and installation works (CEM), which are often included in the complex of CEM - installation supervision works.

Here, installation supervision refers to work of an organizational, technical and supervisory nature, which, as a rule, is carried out together with the customer by specialists representing the equipment supplier. In their area of ​​responsibility:

  • receiving and unpacking,
  • installation,
  • compliance with warranty obligations,
  • training workers to operate equipment.

These same specialists either carry out commissioning work themselves, or, if a contract is concluded, supervise construction and installation work, commissioning, etc. At small sites, such work (for example, installation of fire and security alarms) is often carried out by one contractor. At large industrial facilities, different organizations often become contractors for commissioning and construction work.

Stages of commissioning

After completing the installation of any, but especially complex equipment, it is necessary to check it for operability and serviceability, which determines the implementation of the corresponding work. In the PNR it is customary to distinguish 4 stages:

  1. Preparatory stage. The project and program of the commissioning project are being developed here. The customer provides documentation, and the contractor carries out the work. In addition, at this stage a commission is formed that will be able to accept the equipment after the completion of the commissioning work.
  2. Electrical installation combined with commissioning work. Carried out in the case of power supply when connected according to a temporary scheme. The result of this stage is a protocol of the results of testing the functionality of the equipment in the event of high voltage supply.
  3. Individual testing. At this stage, the equipment status is defined as “put into operation.” Personnel appointed by the customer are responsible for its maintenance at this stage.
  4. Due diligence. At the last stage, it is necessary to draw up documents indicating the technical readiness of the equipment for comprehensive testing. Here, all systems are configured in accordance with their technological interaction, and the testing itself is carried out in various operating modes (with different speeds, performance).

Equipment maintenance (unless otherwise provided by the contract) is provided by the customer. The completion of the verification is considered to be the phase of achieving the design parameters. After which the contractor (more often) or the customer draws up a commissioning act, which confirms the completion of the work under the contract.

Electrical devices undergo complex commissioning and commissioning, in accordance with the provisions of SNiP 3.05.06-85, in 4 stages. At the first stage, during the development of the work program for commissioning, the customer is notified of comments on the project. By the second stage - commissioning and commissioning under conditions of temporary voltage supply - all construction work must be completed and grounding must be carried out. At the third stage, the equipment is tested with increased voltage. At the fourth stage, a comprehensive test is performed.

When carrying out commissioning and commissioning of ventilation, according to SNiP 3.05.01-85, the process takes place in two stages: first, each installation is checked separately, and then, when a report is drawn up, the entire ventilation system. If the volume of work is large, specialists from the SES and a technical inspector are involved in the process.

In the fire alarm acceptance procedure, the order of work is controlled by a commission specially created by order of the customer, guided by SNiP 3.01.04-87 and RD 78.145-93. When accepting fire alarms, the installation and commissioning organization and state fire inspection authorities must have technical documentation, technical passports, certificates, completion certificates, and preliminary test reports.

The procedure for drawing up a commissioning act

The commissioning act confirms the completion of the work provided for in the contract and the successful launch test. Such a test confirms the correctness and quality of assembly, the functionality of the equipment and must be documented and signed by the interested parties.

Both parties are interested in documentation. The customer is convinced of the operability of the equipment, but the contractor, by the presence of the document, guarantees himself the absence of claims in the future from the recipient.

The act indicating the successful completion of commissioning work is also considered the final accounting document, referring to the form of primary accounting documentation. Therefore, without signing it, it is impossible to issue a final invoice from the customer to the contractor for the transfer of funds. In addition, according to Federal Law No. 402, in mandatory details must be provided.

There is no single format for such an act. It is negotiated at the approval stage, becoming an annex to the cooperation agreement, and, if necessary, additions are made to it containing nuances that are important for a particular case. However, based on practice, we can name the general requirements for this document:

  1. Correspondence between the name of the act and the name provided for in the contract.
  2. Mandatory indication of details according to the main contract. This applies to information about all parties to the contract.
  3. Displays the current date and period of work.
  4. Indication of the scope of work and cost (including VAT as a separate value).

In addition, intermediate documents are added to the act in the form of an appendix - for example, if necessary, acts of carrying out individual stages of the work performed. The commissioning certificate is considered an annex to the main contract, and the work completion certificate is considered part of the completion certificate. In the construction industry, installation and acceptance of equipment is often formalized using the standardized inter-industry form KS-14, called “Acceptance Certificate of a Completed Construction Facility by the Acceptance Committee.” But the choice of the content of the act depends on the type of work and the configuration of a particular object.

Performing commissioning work is an important stage of construction before putting the facility into operation. During the commissioning process, routine adjustment and testing of equipment to ensure its safe operation throughout its service life.

The specialists of Neftegazinzhiniring LLC are experienced engineers in the field of setting up electrical equipment for various purposes. Thus, we carry out commissioning of the following facilities: boiler plants, heating points, thermal power plants, oil and gas processing and separation plants, gas use and gas distribution facilities, autonomous gas supply systems, ventilation and heating, reagent dosing devices, etc. You can check the full list of objects by calling 8-800-333-95-62.

Commissioning works can be carried out both as part of complex work on the design and installation of facilities, and separately on equipment not manufactured and installed by us.

Stages of commissioning work

Commissioning is a set of measures that allows you to put a facility into operation and without which it is impossible to check the coherence of all engineering systems after completion of construction and installation work.

The task of the PPR are a comprehensive check of the correctness of the installation work, detection of factory defects in electrical equipment, adjustment of equipment operation at maximum loads and changing the technical parameters of electrical equipment to design consumer values. If installation deficiencies are identified that were not carried out by the construction and installation department of Neftegazinzhiniring LLC, our specialists will select the most suitable equipment and, if necessary, correct the operating settings.

Diagnostics and adjustment of equipment guarantee the Customer reliability and uninterrupted operation of devices in the future.

Carrying out commissioning work begins with drawing up an estimate for the commissioning work and developing a commissioning program, which contains the entire scope of work required at a specific construction site.

IN typical scope of commissioning works includes the following types of work:

  • preparatory work to familiarize yourself with the equipment, drawing up an estimate for commissioning works and their list, checking the compliance of the technical parameters of the equipment design requirements and values
  • test run to check the performance and functionality of individual devices, equipment and block diagrams bringing them to operational values
  • comprehensive sampling and testing of equipment to check the operational characteristics of electrical equipment at maximum loads, testing of equipment at idle and when simulating force majeure circumstances
  • routine adjustment and adjustment of the interaction of equipment and all engineering systems of the facility with the launch of a continuous technological process, testing of various operating modes