Books for students and schoolchildren, the concept of modern natural science. Books for students and schoolchildren, the concept of modern natural science Natural History pdf

Alexander Petelin, Tatyana Gaeva, Aron Brenner

Natural science

© Petelin A. L., Gaeva T. N., Brenner A. L., 2010

© Publishing house "FORUM", 2010

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Here is a book that the authors would not like to call a textbook, although the inscription on the title page says so. We tried to write simply and interestingly about quite complex things and processes, so that readers would have an idea of ​​the physical space in which we live, about how the Universe was formed and how it works, and about ourselves, and at the same time about the rest of life. world.

The universe has existed for several billion years, the Earth a little less. Man began to explore the Earth several million years ago. At first, people simply tried to survive, and it took a lot of work. However, judging by the available archaeological finds, even at that time people tried to somehow comprehend their relationship with the outside world. Of course, at that time this understanding was limited mainly to adaptation to the surrounding, largely hostile world, full of incomprehensible and terrible phenomena and inhabited by wild dangerous animals.

Gradually, the relationship between man and nature changed. There was a desire to try to adapt something from the world around me for my own benefit. We learned to build houses, first boats, and then ships. They began to explore the spaces of land, seas and even oceans. There was an urgent need to learn how to navigate. It turned out that the stars help a lot with this, we had to invent and create the appropriate tools, and at the same time a mathematical apparatus. We learned how to mine ore and smelt metal. In general, everything that Man has learned and can now do cannot be said in a fairy tale or described with a pen. And if earlier an encyclopedist scientist could simultaneously be a doctor, botanist, metallurgist, etc., now there is a huge number of practically unrelated specialties. A lawyer does not necessarily have to have a thorough understanding of physical chemistry, and a bibliographer does not have to have a thorough understanding of botany and molecular biology. But... there is knowledge that everyone needs in order to imagine the world in which we happen to live. We hope that the book you are holding in your hands will help you with this.

Best regards, authors.

Part I. Physical picture of the world

Chapter 1. Methods of understanding the world

Let us briefly consider the place of natural science among methods of understanding the world around us.

Question one: What methods of cognition generally exist?

It is believed that there are four main directions along which human consciousness moves when receiving any information necessary to create a common picture of the world for society as a whole and for each person individually. This is religion, mysticism, philosophy, science.

Studying each of these paths in detail is a complex, ambiguous and extremely time-consuming task. We will not do this; we will characterize only some, essential in our opinion, features of the four methods of cognition so that we can understand the differences inherent in the scientific approach, regardless of what sciences we are talking about, and natural science as part of scientific knowledge.

Religious knowledge received through direct transmission from some independent sources, in particular from the prophets, who are considered channels of communication with the supreme deity(s); this knowledge is not questioned or verified and enjoys unlimited trust; The basis of the principle is faith.

During mystical In rituals, a person does not separate himself from the object of study, in other words, he does not look at the object from the outside, but tries to bring himself to a state where both the object and the person studying it become a single entity. Such specific conditions are different from ordinary conditions everyday life, which allows you to gain access to the observation of phenomena from all sides at once.

Philosophy – this is a search general principles describing the world as a whole through logical thinking. Philosophical truths do not require experimental confirmation.

Path science other. It differs from the previous three in that it is aimed at studying specific phenomena and processes in nature (living and non-living) and in society, at establishing stable, repeating connections between phenomena, objects and their properties - laws that are objective characteristics of the reality being studied. The objectivity of scientific truths is achieved by their identity, regardless of the place and time of their establishment, from the individuality (personal qualities, nationality, political views, etc.) of the researcher, from the research methods used. The researcher is separated from the phenomenon and is outside it. The research process should not affect the ongoing processes and structure of the objects of study.

It is not easy to give a comprehensive definition of the scientific method of cognition, and even if it were possible, at the initial stage of training it would perhaps introduce additional complexity when mastering a natural science course. In the process of presenting the material, we will try to make clarifications and additions related to the concept science using some specific examples. We hope this will help to more accurately characterize the role of science in modern society.

The human mind is designed in such a way that everything that comes into its field of vision goes through the stages of sorting and systematization. First, the most basic, the most important thing that should be paid attention to is highlighted; the rest, less significant, is either put aside until better times, or is completely excluded from consideration (forgotten). Then, what is selected for consideration is put “on the shelves” in accordance with the usual criteria (signs) - weight, size, taste, color, etc. These same principles of thinking underlie the scientific method of cognition. We use them first to describe the general properties of science itself. What is she like? Or what are they? As you know, there are quite a lot of them. How are they different, how are they similar, i.e. how can they be classified?

Let's consider the most famous division of sciences into two main groups: the humanities and the natural sciences.

The identified groups differ from each other in the subject of study. Humanities are engaged in the study of man himself, his relationships with nature, with other people. Groups of people, communities, classes, and the entire human society are studied - its formations, history, culture, its modern life and development.

Natural sciences are engaged in the study of the world external to man as an individual and external to society. This external world includes everything natural that we see around us: earth, water, air, mountains, plains, oceans, everything that exists on our planet, planet Earth itself and others famous planets, Sun, stars. It includes what we cannot see with the naked eye, but what all of the above consists of: molecules, atoms, electrons and other microparticles, photons. It also includes everything that has ever been created by man and has since been under the influence of natural substances and forces: buildings, tools, means of transport, various machines, metal structures, various household and industrial products, modern power plants and enterprises, computers , spacecraft - this list goes on and on. In addition, the outside world includes all living nature that is on the surface of the Earth, plants, animals, microorganisms. If the presence of life is ever discovered on other planets or in other planetary systems, then this extraterrestrial life will also enter the world external to man. And finally, man himself enters the outside world as an integral part of the Earth’s biosphere. Natural sciences deal with structure human body, its vital functions, its diseases (!), physical and chemical processes occurring in living human tissues and organs.

Considering such a huge volume of issues that natural science deals with, and understanding what kind of work is necessary to cover all of these areas, it arises...

Question two: What is the reason(s) for the existence of such a vast field of scientific knowledge as natural science, and is it possible to get by with less knowledge about the external world?

Indeed, the study of all the mentioned directions, of the entire Universe in all aspects, requires the concentration of mental efforts of a large number of capable people prone to scientific analysis and, undoubtedly, very significant financial costs. At the same time, natural scientific knowledge existed in all centuries and millennia of the development of civilization. And currently all states are investing in development natural sciences every year more and more funds. What's the matter? In our opinion, each person can find the answer to this question independently. Let's imagine that no money will be allocated for research. This is possible, and indeed this often happened, for example, in lean years, during times natural disasters or protracted wars, when there was barely enough money to maintain state institutions, to prevent disease and hunger. Did scientific research stop during such periods? The pace of development of natural sciences slowed down in difficult times for states, but scientific thought never stopped completely. There were people for whom the study of the movement of celestial bodies, the growth rate of plants, the processes of interaction between substances having different properties and nature was interesting in itself, regardless of the reward received. This means that people have always been concerned with the question: how does the world work?

Fragments of the textbook:

We will study nature. The science of nature is called natural science. We will study the earth, water, air; we will study plants, animals, humans.
Studying nature is necessary not only to know what is happening in nature. This is also necessary in order to understand how man, through his labor, conquers nature and uses it for his own purposes. After all, everything we use in our lives - various tools, food, clothing, housing - is made from what is obtained in nature.
Natural science is very important to us. It helps us understand nature correctly. It helps in our socialist construction. We must master the rudiments of natural science already in elementary school.


I. Under section: Soil and minerals
1. Collect soil samples. To do this, dig a deep hole in the field or in the garden, or in the forest. Take soil samples from different depths and wrap them in newsprint. Afterwards, air dry the soil. Place the dried soil in empty matchboxes or specially made cardboard boxes (preferably with a glass lid). Place paper labels on the boxes that say where the soil came from.
2. Collect samples of clay and sand. Collect those found in your area different varieties clays (red clay, white and others). It is interesting to collect samples of clay that is used to prepare various products (brick clay, pottery clay, porcelain clay). It is also necessary to collect different types of sand (fine sand, coarse sand). Place samples of clay and sand into boxes after air drying. Put labels on the boxes with the inscription.
3. Collect granite samples. Pieces of granite can be found in fields, along the edges of highways. Granite is easy to recognize by examining it on a fresh fracture. To do this, you need to break a piece of granite with a hammer. The most common are gray and red granites. It is interesting to collect samples of crumbling granite. Make a collection from various granite samples.
4. Collect samples of various clay and sand products, such as bricks, small pottery, samples or fragments of glass and porcelain products. Make a collection on the topic: “What is made from clay and sand.”
5. Collect limestone samples. It is advisable to collect different limestones: different densities (dense, loose), different types (gray, white, pink and others). It is interesting to find conchoidal limestone. This limestone consists of shells that are visible even to the naked eye. Get marble samples. Make a collection of limestones.
6. Collect samples of lime and cement.
Quicklime, as well as cement, can be obtained from buildings.
It must be borne in mind that lime is a caustic substance. It must be handled with care. It should be stored in tightly sealed glass jars or test tubes. It is good to add marl to this fellow pia. This is a rock consisting of clay and limestone. At cement factories, marl is used to prepare cement.
7. Collect samples of mineral fertilizers: potassium salt, phosphate and apatite flour, superphosphate and others. They can be obtained from a collective farm or state farm. Place these materials in test tubes with appropriate labels. It is good to add to this collection samples of apatites and phosphorites, from which superphosphate is produced in factories.
8. Collect samples of fossil fuels: peat (dry), brown coal, coal, anthracite, oil. Compile a collection of products obtained from oil: gasoline, kerosene, machine oil, petroleum jelly, paraffin. These products should be stored in small, well-sealed vials.
9. Collect samples of iron ores: brown, red and magnetic iron ore, make a collection from them.
10. Collect samples of cast iron, steel, iron and make a collection from them. Build a collection of small items made of cast iron, steel and iron.

II. By section: Plant life

1. Even before spring, collect branches of local shrubs and trees. Place the branches in a jar of water in the living corner of the school. Change the water every three days. Watch how the buds swell and how branches with leaves and flowers develop from the buds.
2. In early spring, collect branches of early flowering shrubs and trees. Make a herbarium from them. To do this, cut sheets of newsprint and carefully place a branch of flowers between them. Place sheets of paper with plants between two smooth wooden planks and press down with some weight, for example, stones. Damp paper must be replaced with dry paper and dried.
When the plants are dried, stick them onto the paper with paper strips. Place a label under the plant, on which you write: 1) the name of the plant, 2) where it was found, 3) when it was found and 4) by whom it was found. This will be a herbarium of early flowering native shrubs and trees.
3 Collect early flowering herbaceous plants: coltsfoot corydalis, goose onion and others. Pay attention to their underground parts where reserves are deposited nutrients. Carefully transplant the dug plants into clay pots or tin cans. Replant the plants along with the soil in which they grow. Observe the development of these plants in a living corner.
4. Collect seeds of field and garden plants cultivated in your area. Place the seeds in a test tube or vials, on which stick pieces of paper with the appropriate inscriptions. We need to learn how to appearance distinguish between seeds of various cultivated plants.
5. Compile a herbarium of plants with different roots. Among the cultivated plants you can take wheat, rye, peas, and from the wild ones you can take dandelion and plantain.
6. Collect samples of various plant stems: a section of a tree trunk (can be sawed off from a round log), sections of bush branches, various herbaceous stems. The latter must first be dried between sheets of paper. Make a collection on the topic: “Plant stems.”
7. Collect and dry a variety of plant leaves. Make a herbarium from dried leaves.
8. Collect and dry the flowering branches of later-fruiting plants ( herbaceous plants, shrubs and trees). Create a herbarium.
9. Plant potato tubers, onion bulbs, carrot roots, beets, and cabbage stalks in boxes or pots with soil. Nutrient reserves are deposited in these parts of plants. Observe the development of plants. Don't forget to water the soil.
10. Set up a corner at school indoor plants. For
culture, we can recommend our usual indoor plants: tradescantia, primrose, begonia and others. They can be obtained from your local florist. On summer holidays these plants can be given to students who love indoor plants so that they
saved them over the summer.



Approved by the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR


In the past, we studied inanimate nature: earth, ash, air. Now we will study living nature: plants, animals, humans.
We will get acquainted with various representatives of the plant world and consider how they are adapted to the conditions in which they grow. xWe will learn here how man has bred and is bred various varieties of cultivated plants. We will learn the importance of cultivated plants in our national economy.
Next, we will get acquainted with a variety of animals and see how they are adapted to the conditions of their habitat. We will learn how important many of these animals, such as fish, birds, and animals, are for our socialist economy. We will also get acquainted with the origin of our pets.
After this we will study the structure and life of the human body. At the same time, we will learn what similarities humans have with animals and what is the difference between humans and animals. We also learn about the origins of man.
We need to study all this in order to correctly understand nature; to learn to master nature and use it in our socialist construction. We need all this knowledge to become active and conscious builders of our socialist society.


I. Plant life.
A. On the topic: How plants spread.
1. Find a dandelion ball that has not yet flown around and count how many individual seed fruits there are in it. How many plants would be produced if none of these achenes died and if each next year grew from the same dandelion? Calculate how many seeds all the offspring of this dandelion can produce in the future. Let's assume that things continue the same way - calculate what our dandelion will be like in another year, in two years.
2. Collect and examine the flying fruits, fruits and seeds of maple, linden, elm, ash, birch, dandelion, thistle. Also collect mature, but not yet opened, pine and spruce cones. Create a collection on the topic of seed dispersal by wind.
3. Collected, and examine the images of tenacious fruits and infructescences - burdock, Velcro, string, etc. Arrange the collected samples by variety in separate boxes. Compile a collection of Seed dispersal by animals.
4. Collect and examine samples of fruits with dry, cracking capsules - poppy heads, bell fruits, leguminous fruits, etc. Make a collection.

B. On the topic Why our vegetation is not the same everywhere
1. Collect and dry samples of dandelions grown in different conditions: a) dandelions from an open, dry place lying on the ground. and heavily cut leaves; b) dandelions grown in both shady and humid places, with large, wide, raised leaves. Dig up the plants with roots and dry them. Glue the best examples of dried plants onto a sheet of paper, make appropriate inscriptions and hang them on the wall in the classroom.
2. Take several turfs of caustic sedum for a living corner. Place individual plants on the windowsill without soil and see how long they will remain alive in this form.
B. Autumn assignments on the topic Cultivated plants.
1. When taking part in the autumn harvest in the garden, pay attention to the different varieties of cabbage and other garden plants.
2. Compile a collection of different varieties of cultivated cereals.
3. Obtain from state farms or collective farms samples of crops new to the area and new improved varieties of cultivated plants.

II. Animal life.

A. By topic: Fish and invertebrate animals that live in water.
1. Catch small fish for the living area - crucian carp, minnows, spined lances, bleaks, ides, etc. Prepare an aquarium or glass jars for them. Place a layer of well-washed river sand at the bottom of the aquarium, plant elodea or other aquatic plants in the sand (green plants release the oxygen necessary for fish in the light). Feed the fish with “bloodworms” (red water larvae), worms, small crustaceans (daphnia and cyclops), crumbs of white bread (do not throw in a lot so that the remaining food does not turn sour).
2. Taking a fresh fish that has fallen asleep, find its eyes, mouth, nostrils, gill covers and gills, paired (pectoral and abdominal) and unpaired fins (caudal, dorsal, undertail). Sketch a fish with fins and write the name of each fin. Try bending your tail to the right and left, and then in another direction - up and down, in which direction is the tail easier and more flexible? What does this mean for fish movement?
3. Monitor the movement of the fish in the aquarium. What fins do this? main job? Does the fish row with its paired fins when moving quickly? What fins does the roa move when it stands calmly in place?
4. Compare bleak or ide with thorn or loach. Which one floats more and which one stays on the bottom more? What color do bottom fish have and what does it mean for them?
5. Use a net to catch swimming beetles and smoothie bugs in the pond. In the summer you can catch swimming beetle larvae and dragonfly larvae there.
Place these predators in small jars; feed insects, worms, small fish and tadpoles.
Watch how all these predators grab and eat until you observe how the diving beetle and the smooth fish stock up on air, how they swim in the water, and then catch them out of the jar and put them on the table - how do they move here?

B. By topic: Amphibians and Reptiles.
1. Take various frogs and toads for keeping in a living area, preparing an appropriate room for them - a terrarium. It is necessary that there is a saucer with water in the terrarium, where the frogs can dive (change the water and keep it clean). Feed japmeeks and toads with insects (flies, cockroaches, larvae and worms) Observe how frogs and toads breathe, how they grab and swallow food. Do they take dead, immobile insects?
2. Catch newts in the pond for a live corner. Place them in an aquarium (jar); Lubricate the top edge of the jar from the inside with lard or oil so that the newts cannot crawl away. Feed with “bloodworms”, small packs of earthworms. Observe how newts swim and how they move along the bottom - what organs serve them for movement in both cases? How can it be seen that newts breathe with their lungs?
3. Take a weight of frog eggs, place them in a jar and observe the development of the tadpoles.
4. Take a lizard for a living corner. Feed insects (Grussian cockroaches, flies), give water to drink. Observe how the lizard moves, how it probes oncoming objects with its tongue, how it grabs and eats prey, how it drinks water.

Q. On the topic Birds.
1. Catch or buy several birds for a living corner: granivorous (bullfinch, crossbill, siskin, goldfinch) and insectivorous (titmouse). Give them appropriate food: feed granivores with seeds and bread crumbs (in the fall, stock up for them seeds of rapeseed, burdock, birch, etc.); feed insectivores with soft food - “ant eggs” steamed in hot water (i.e., ant pupae) with an admixture of soaked crushed crackers, dried and then steamed elderberries. Feed tits with pieces of meat and lard, larvae, worms. Compare the beaks of granivores and insectivores birds. Compare the behavior of insectivorous and granivorous birds - which of them are more mobile, and what does this mean for their life?
2. Visit a poultry state farm, get acquainted with the incubation of eggs and how chickens are kept and raised there.
3. In the summer, monitor the development of the chickens - how their feathers grow, how the spurs of the cockerels develop, when the difference between the chickens and the cockerels is discovered, when the hen abandons the chickens.

D. On the topic Mammals.
1. Live on a livestock-breeding state farm or collective farm. Familiarize yourself with the conditions of keeping and feeding livestock, with the methods of growing milkweed.
2. Visit a breeding rabbitry where different breeds of rabbits are bred. Find out how one breed differs from another, how the eyes of different breeds are colored.
3. Set up a rabbitry at the school. Organize care for rabbits. Learn how to create feeding allotments for adult rabbits, for queens nursing their young, and for baby rabbits when they are weaned from their mother (find feeding standards in special books on rabbit breeding).

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The encyclopedia contains more than 7,000 terms, definitions and concepts used in modern natural sciences - mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, as well as in various branches of technology, transport, energy, automation, cybernetics, computer and military technology, etc. In the encyclopedia VK ...

This product is not an electronic form of the textbook (developed in accordance with the requirements of Order No. 1559 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 8, 2014). This is an exact copy of the printed textbook in PDF format. Does not contain multimedia or interactive objects. The textbook complies with the Federal...

This is the fifth book in the series “Teachings of Djwhal Khul - Esoteric Natural Science.” It contains articles on biology, as well as on issues of prana nutrition. Here we rethink the fundamentals of information officially recognized as science and taught to schoolchildren and students. And as always, we don’t agree on many things...

The books of the famous French writer Arthur Hood, who worked under the pseudonym Tom Titus, are well known and loved by young readers all over the world. The book you see contains fascinating experiments. After reading the book, you will be able to look at physics as an interesting and exciting game, because...

The book contains a hundred simple, funny and effective experiments that allow you to explain to children how the world around us works. The author clearly and entertainingly talks about many common things that surround us and behave according to the laws of physics. The author personally carried out all the experiments himself, most of the photographs were taken...


There is so much mystery and enigma in the world. Not all natural and historical phenomena have been explained, despite the fact that science has currently achieved fairly good results. After reading this book, you will learn a lot of things that you didn’t even know about. You will make sure that you are not standing...


Studying the course “Concepts of modern natural science” contributes to the formation of a scientific worldview in students, the basis for understanding a significant part of the content of technical, economic and humanitarian disciplines. Studying the course helps develop the ability to analyze and apply...


The collection presents work programs for the propaedeutic course “Introduction to natural science subjects. Natural Science." Textbooks for this course by A. E. Gurevich, D. A. Isaev, L. S. Pontak, as well as A. A. Pleshakov, N. I. Sonin and V. M. Pakulova, N. V. Ivanova are approved by RAO and RAS and VK...

The world around us is a large living system! But how does it work? How long ago did life begin on Earth? What came first: humans, animals, plants or microorganisms? Why aren't spiders insects? What is natural selection? And finally, why don't children look like their parents? All this and...

The world around us is full of secrets and mysteries. Surely, you have ever encountered phenomena that, it would seem, cannot be explained by any law of nature, but you really want to know how this is possible. This book will help you understand this difficult issue. ...

Richard Dawkins is a prominent British biologist, author of the theory of memes. His brilliant books played a huge role in the revival of interest in popular science literature. Clarity of presentation, humor and iron logic make even Dawkins’s strictly scientific works accessible to a wide range of readers. “Advanced phenotypic...


The book is devoted to the development of the fundamental foundations of the modern scientific worldview and humanistic faith based on knowledge. The evolutionary content of modern natural and human sciences - physics, chemistry, ... is presented in a simple and accessible (but not simplified or vulgarly popular) form.

The manual is intended for teachers working according to the textbook by O. S. Gabrielyan and others “Natural Science. Basic level. 10th grade." It contains detailed lesson notes, instructions for conducting laboratory and demonstration experiments, tips for conducting seminar lessons and conference lessons. More under…


The book talks about the origin and development of living organisms, their structure, functions, and relationships with each other. Terms, phenomena, and scientific achievements are explained in an accessible and interesting way. Drawings, photographs, diagrams will make reading more fun. The alphabetical index will help you quickly find the information you need...

If you are a tireless researcher of everything mysterious and unknown, then this book is for you. On its pages you will get acquainted with the laws of the universe that govern our Universe. This information is conveyed to you by the Himalayan Mahatmas, or, in other words, the Ascended Teachers. The first part of the Doctrine was the recording...

The book is dedicated to insects - the most numerous creatures in terms of species diversity not only in Russia, but also on our entire planet. They account for more than 70% of the organisms inhabiting the Earth! Insects can be found almost everywhere - in the concrete “jungle” of a metropolis, in a backyard...

All books can be downloaded for free and without registration.

NEW. Bochkarev A.I., Bochkareva T.S., Saksonov S.V. Concepts of modern natural science. Textbook. 2008 386 pages doc in 1.0 MB archive.
The textbook examines the basic concepts of modern natural science from the standpoint of the synergetic paradigm of fundamentality, implemented by the authors when organizing a synergetic educational environment in the disciplines of the department of “Modern Natural Science” of TSUS. The evolution of modern natural science from antiquity to the present day, the concepts of self-organization in physics, chemistry, biology, psychology, the principles of the integrity of natural science, the mechanisms of language, the principles of synergetics, the formation of evolutionary natural science, the creation of a synergetic environment in systems of different nature are considered.
The textbook is adapted to the Prometheus distance learning technology and is the main (system-forming) part of the educational and methodological complex in this discipline (a textbook for self-study, a laboratory workshop with virtual work, a database of questions (more than 3000 questions), lectures, presentations and video lectures).
The textbook can be useful not only to university students, but also to graduate students, masters and teachers, as well as those interested in the achievements and problems of modern natural science.

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NEW. V.P. Bondarev. Concepts of modern natural science. Uch. allowance. 2003 253 pages doc in 9.6 MB archive.
This book is the winner of the competition of the Russian Ministry of Education (2000-2001) for the creation of textbooks in the discipline “Concepts of modern natural science” for humanitarian specialties and areas of training. It is an overview of the development and current state of the natural scientific picture of the world. Introduces the history, methodology of natural science and such characteristic features, as systematic and model-based. Reveals the problems of space and time as basic concepts of natural science. Introduces the reader to the concepts of various branches of natural science. Considers general questions related to attempts to create a theory of global evolution. Contains a name index, security questions and bibliographies to each chapter.
For students of humanitarian specialties at universities.

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Arutsev A.A., Ermolaev B.V., Kutateladze I.O., Slutsky M.S. Concepts of modern natural science. Uch. allowance. 174 pp. doc in archive 184 KB.
The course "Concepts of modern natural science" accumulates the history of science, theoretical, general and philosophical aspects of the progress of natural sciences, an explanation and assessment of their role in solving modern technical and, to a certain extent, social problems. Let us note, for example, that serious social changes and the possibility of forming socially oriented (fair) societies are largely (more precisely, to a decisive) extent determined by the level of modern production, the realization of the possibilities of scientific and technological progress, generated, among other things, by the successes of the natural sciences.

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V.V. Gorbachev. Concepts of modern natural science. Uch. allowance. 2003 359pp. djvu. 4.6 MB.
The textbook outlines physical principles that make it possible to explain the world of living and inanimate nature around us from the standpoint of modern, including post-nonclassical, physics. The general fundamental physical problems of the movement of material objects in terms of classical, quantum and relativistic mechanics, the relationship of space and time, models of the origin, evolution and organization of the Universe are considered. The physical foundations of ecology and the role of the biosphere and noosphere in human life and synergetic models in the economy are outlined. The manual contains interesting facts and hypotheses from various fields of physics and technology, biology, chemistry, sociology and other sciences. The book includes self-test questions, an extensive list of references, abstract topics, and a dictionary of terms used in modern natural science.
Intended for undergraduates, graduate students and university teachers. Useful for a wide range of readers interested in the problems of modern natural science.

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Guseikhanov M.K., Radjabov O.R.. Concepts of modern natural science. Textbook. 6th ed. reworked additional 2007 640 pages doc in 3.3 MB archive.
The textbook examines the most important concepts of modern natural science: stages of development of the natural scientific picture of the world, modern ideas about the structure and development of the nature of micro-, macro- and megaworlds; evolution of ideas about space, time and matter; principles of relativity and complementarity; uncertainty ratio; laws of conservation in the micro- and macrocosm; the nature of elementary particles, energy and matter; concepts of the origin of the evolution of living nature and humans; biosphere and ecology; specifics of modern natural science; synergetics; self-organization in various systems, problems of modern natural science; worldview and scientific and technological revolution.
The textbook has been prepared in accordance with the State Standard of Higher Professional Education and is intended for university students studying the concepts of modern natural science, teachers, graduate students and students interested in worldview and theoretical-cognitive problems of natural science and philosophy.

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T.Ya. DUBNISHCHEV. Concepts of modern natural science. Uch. allowance. 6th revision add. ed. 2006 607 pages doc in 2.9 MB archive.
The manual, through scientific pictures of the world and programs, harmoniously coordinates issues of the history of science and culture with issues of the development of natural sciences. When presenting the material, a systematic approach, ideas of synergetics and global evolutionism are used, which contributes to the formation of a holistic worldview. Basic concepts, concepts and laws are given in development, the independence of the cognition process is shown, which gives the skills of independent judgment and contributes to the development of associative thinking and the formation creative personality.

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S.H. KARPENKOV. Concepts of modern natural science. Textbook. 6th add. rev.ed. 2003 488 pages doc in archive 15.6 MB.
The textbook is written in accordance with State Educational Standards (State Educational Standards 2000). It outlines the issues of natural scientific knowledge of the surrounding world, fundamental concepts, principles and laws of nature, considers current problems modern natural sciences related to the study natural processes and properties of matter at the molecular level, reflects the natural scientific aspects of energy, ecology and highlights the most important achievements of natural science that underlie modern high-tech technologies.
Designed for students of higher educational institutions. May be interesting and useful to a wide range of readers.

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V.N. Lavrinenko, V.P. Ratnikov editors. Concepts of modern natural science. Textbook. 3rd revision add. ed. 2003 317 pp. doc in archive 434 Kb.
Previous editions (1st ed. - UNITY, 1997, 2nd ed. - UNITY, 1999) confirmed the relevance of this training course and the possibility of achieving the main goal - to help university students (economics and humanities) master the modern natural science picture of the world, to synthesize the humanitarian and natural science cultures into a single whole, to form in future specialists a natural-scientific way of thinking and a holistic worldview. The textbook is designed to facilitate more effective learning of the course and students' awareness of the fundamental principles and patterns of development of nature - from the microcosm to the Universe.

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P.A. Mikhailov. Concepts of modern natural science. Textbook. 2008 492 pages doc in 1.4 MB archive.
In the textbook written by a team of teachers from the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. Herzen, under the leadership of L.A. Mikhailov, Dean of the Faculty of Life Safety, Laureate of the President of the Russian Federation, presented the latest concepts of all natural sciences: biology, genetics, physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, biochemistry, geology, anthropology and others. The book reveals the social consequences of new scientific discoveries and provides modern teaching technologies in the field of concepts of modern natural science.

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A.F. Likhin. Gorbachev. Concepts of modern natural science. Textbook. 2006 166 pp. djvu. 12.3 MB.
The textbook examines the basic concepts of modern natural science, the educational material of which corresponds to the state educational standard for the academic discipline “Concepts of modern natural science” for students of legal specialties.

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G.I. Ruzavin. CONCEPTS OF MODERN NATURAL SCIENCE. Uch. allowance. 2006 301pp. doc in archive 336 KB.
Unlike other textbooks, it covers the most important concepts of natural science, ranging from mechanistic to quantum-relativistic and synergetic.
The book pays special attention to the connection between the concepts of natural science and modern scientific worldview and philosophy. Complex problems are presented in clear and precise language.
For students of higher educational institutions.

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This manual examines in detail the main natural historical stages of the formation and development of science, questions of the philosophy of science and natural science, fundamental concepts, principles and provisions of classical mechanistic and thermodynamic, non-classical field and quantum-field and post-non-classical evolutionary-synergetic and dissipative-structural natural sciences. The issues of connection between mathematics and the natural scientific reality of the world reflected by it are considered. At the end of each chapter and some of the more complex sections, summaries are given and questions for discussion are suggested. About 400 abstract topics and over 400 test questions are given to control the assimilation and certification of the theoretical material of the manual.
Intended for full-time and part-time students of humanitarian and socio-economic specialties at universities, as well as for students using distance learning technologies. The manual may be useful to teachers of this academic discipline and a wide range of people from other specialties and professions, including students of natural sciences and engineering and technical specialties, everyone interested in the history, formation and development of classical, non-classical and post-non-classical natural sciences, as well as problems of natural science of modern times and its role in the development of science and culture.

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Sadokhin A.P. Concepts of modern natural science. Textbook. 4th ed. reworked additional 2006 448 pages doc in 2.9 MB archive.
The textbook has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the State educational standard for higher professional education in the discipline "Concepts of modern natural science", which is included in curriculum all humanitarian specialties of universities. The work presents a wide panorama of concepts covering various processes and phenomena in living and inanimate nature, and describes modern scientific methods of understanding the world. The main attention is paid to the consideration of the concepts of modern natural science, which have important ideological and methodological significance.
For students, graduate students and teachers of humanities faculties and universities, as well as everyone interested in philosophical issues of natural science

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Samygin S.I. Concepts of modern natural science. 4th ed. reworked additional 2003 448 pp. djvu. 2.2 MB.
The textbook is written in accordance with the State Standard of the Russian Federation for the discipline “Concepts of modern natural science,” which is part of the cycle of general mathematical and natural science disciplines. Designed for students of humanitarian and economic specialties of higher educational institutions of all forms of study.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Download .

Filin S.P. Concepts of modern natural science. Cribs. 2008 117 pp. PDF. 315 KB.
In the book you will find informative answers to all questions of the course "Concepts of modern natural science" in accordance with the State educational standard.

The textbook outlines the basic modern ideas about the Universe, its formation, structure and future. The structure of our galaxy and solar system is considered. Information about the structure of the Earth is provided. Separate sections provide brief information on physics and chemistry.

The second part of the textbook is devoted to biology and ecology in the broad sense of this concept. The issues of ecosystems and the teachings of Academician Vernadsky about the biosphere are touched upon.

The book is written in a lively and very accessible language, equipped with interesting illustrative material. It is intended for teaching the course “Natural Science” in colleges of the humanities, and can also be useful to teachers of secondary educational institutions. We hope that a wide circle of inquisitive young readers will also be able to learn a lot of interesting things from it.

The work was published in 2010 by Neolit ​​publishing house. The book is part of the series Vocational education(Neolithic)". On our website you can download the book "Natural History" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 5 out of 5. Here you can also, before reading, refer to the reviews of readers who are already familiar with book, and find out their opinion. In our partner’s online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.