Achieving bionics in human life. Nanotechnology has breathed new life into bionics. The connection of bionics with other areas of human knowledge

Last year, when completing my project on the topic: “My school No. 2 of the future,” I was faced with how much in modern world houses, buildings, structures that harmoniously merge with nature. And I started searching the Internet for such projects, and to my surprise I discovered that there is a science that allows you to combine living nature with technology, it’s called bionics.Bionics (from the Greek BION - living) is a science that has helped man apply the laws of nature in technological progress. There are many examples of this, I am convinced of this. Now, walking around the city, I know exactly where in which structure knowledge about nature was applied, for example, the pipes of a boiler room (see appendix) by analogy coincide with the stems of plants, which do not break when there is gusts of wind.In addition, I learned that bionics are divided into types:

Biological bionics, in which a person studies nature, how everything is arranged in it, why and for what purpose it is arranged this way;

Theoretical bionics, which, using mathematical examples, can calculate the structure of nature;

Technical bionics, which uses theoretical bionics to build some kind of blueprint, for example, a robot.

In general, as I understand it, bionics combined several sciences - biology, drawing, physics, chemistry, mathematics, electronics, etc. To build an airplane, a person had to watch birds for a long time, study the structure of their wings, then draw and design such an apparatus that could fly. By the way, Leonardo da Vinci was able to build the first flying machine with flapping wings. The drawings have survived to this day, and he lived in the 15th century.This science is not new at all; as we see from examples, man in any of his creations draws inspiration from living nature. I will also try to create my own project using knowledge of biology.I consider the topic I have chosen to be relevant, because, in my opinion, people should live in harmony and protect nature for the future generation.

Research methodology

From the stories of Aigul Minirasimovna in the lessons of the World around us, I concluded that people have recently treated the environment barbarously and have not used them correctly. natural resources, cut down forests. But when I started working on the topic “Bionics”, I saw and became convinced that people can live without harming nature and animals. I'll tell you how I understood this.

Architectural bionics

So, a little bit of history: Antonio Gaudi was the first to use natural forms in construction at the beginning of the 19th century. Only in 1960, at the Council of Scientists in Daytona, bionics was recognized as a separate science. It has its own symbol (see appendix) - a scalpel and a soldering iron, connected by an integral sign. A scalpel is a symbol of biology, a soldering iron is a symbol of technology, and an integral is a sign of infinity.As I said above, there are many applications of bionics in construction, but I will show you, in my opinion, the most interesting:The architect Gaudi conceived it in 1883, construction should be completed in 2026, a hundred years after his death.As we can see, the columns are like trees with branches that firmly hold the roof of the building.Its roof is designed in the form of wings that open and close, protecting the building from bright sunlight. The author was inspired to create this project by the nearby Lake Michigan with its numerous boats and sails.The basis of the structure is an exoskeleton structure, thanks to which air passes through the entire building.Built in 2004. In my opinion, this is the most harmonious fusion with nature. The building in the form of a pipe smoothly bends around the unevenness of the landscape.Looks like a shellfish washed up on the shore. The shell of the building resembles the skin of an animal that shimmers in the sun.andI think this is the building of the future. Algae inside transparent glasses,

provided nutrients and carbon dioxide. They produce biogas with which the building is supplied with energy and heat.It is a symbol of Australia, surrounded on three sides by water. It resembles a huge ship flying with full sails to meet the wind.As we can see from above listed examples, the buildings truly either symbolize wildlife or blend into the local landscape. This fact confirms that bionics exists in architecture and construction; moreover, it makes the world around us harmonious and beautiful to our eyes.

Bionics in design

There are many applications of bionics in design. In the modern world, designers strive to make the space around us more natural to humans, so that it is comfortable to live, relax, work... I found several options for how designers apply knowledge about bionics in practice, here are some of them, more or less simple:

A chair in the shape of a frozen oak leaf, I think it is very comfortable and beautiful.

Lampshade in the shape of a pumpkin, homey and cozy.

The interior is decorated in the form of a picturesque forest.

I chose this example for a reason, it seems to me that this is an ideal option, because a person comes home to rest, and it turns out that in the middle of a clearing in the forest, even this small table resembles a tree with branches, green and white colors relax, make the air transparent. Living greenery around makes the atmosphere more comfortable.Thanks to the discovery of the science of bionics, people began to draw inspiration from nature. A tree standing next to the house can lead to the creation of a table, chair, cabinet, etc. Thus, a mood, comfort, and colors come to our home that delight our eyes. We involuntarily reproduce around us a piece of nature, a dear corner in the concrete jungle, we live in harmony with the environment without disturbing the balance.

Miracle technology. Complex in simple

I told earlier how people, even in ancient times, spied on living organisms and tried to make something similar, for example, wings, birdsong, tools shaped like tusks, etc.So, nothing has changed since then; man to this day studies and spies on the structure of living beings, repeats everything that is useful for people. On a clear summer day in 1948, inventor Georges de Mestral was walking with his dog. After a walk, he noticed thorns on his trousers and on his pet, then he decided to look at them under a microscope and saw many hooks that had caught on threads of clothing and wool. Afterwards, de Mestral decided to make a clasp, the design of which would work according to this principle. He consulted with textile experts, but many did not understand him. Finally, one weaver found himself and wove two strips by hand (one with hooks, the other with loops). This is how the familiar Velcro fastener appeared, which we fasten and unfasten every day on a jacket, hat, and shoes.


Having familiarized myself with this topic, I began to create my own object. There are a lot of them around apartment buildings. They are necessary because people have to live somewhere and they don’t take up much space. Therefore, I have to come up with something, like such a house, borrowing something from nature. And a thought came to my mind - honeycombs of bees. Why not? Unusual and practical. What about the hexagon shape? People live in both round and triangular houses. And I started drawing. And this is what I got.It seems to me that such houses should be built where earthquakes often occur. Can be installed on the roof solar panels to meet the needs of the building and to ensure that in winter the snow does not accumulate, but melts.


In the course of my research, I came to the conclusion that the new science of bionics exists everywhere in our lives and has great benefits for people.My supervisor Aigul Minirasimovna and I studied the positive and negative aspects influence of bionics on the outside world and reflected this in the form of this table.



On appearance facades, buildings, buildings, etc.

+ + +

On environment(in terms of ecology)

+ + +

On a person's mood

+ + +

For efficiency in terms of financial costs

+ -

To be in harmony with the environment

+ + +

Variety, difference from the usual boxes - gray buildings, square tables, stools...

+ + +

On the future of the world (i.e. what the world will look like in a few years)

+ + +

The table shows that new science has the majority of positive qualities on nature, on people.

Bionic forms are distinguished by their complexity of designs and non-linear shapes.

The emergence of the term.
The concept of “bionics” (from the Greek “bios” - life) appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. In a global sense, it denotes a field of scientific knowledge based on the discovery and use of patterns of construction of natural forms to solve technical, technological and artistic problems based on the analysis of the structure, morphology and vital activity of biological organisms. The name was proposed by the American researcher J. Steele at a 1960 symposium in Daytona - “Living prototypes of artificial systems - the key to new technology” - during which the emergence of a new, unexplored field of knowledge was consolidated. From this moment on, architects, designers, constructors and engineers are faced with a number of tasks aimed at finding new means of shaping.
In the USSR, by the beginning of the 1980s, thanks to the many years of efforts of a team of specialists from the TsNIELAB laboratory, which existed until the beginning of the 1990s, architectural bionics finally emerged as a new direction in architecture. At this time, the final monograph of a large international team of authors and employees of this laboratory was published under general edition Yu. S. Lebedeva “Architectural bionics” (1990)
Thus, the period from the middle of the twentieth century. to the beginning of the 21st century. in architecture was marked by an increase in interest in complex curvilinear forms, a revival, already at a new level, of the concept of “organic architecture”, which has its roots in late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century, to the work of L. Sullivan and F. L. Wright. They believed that the architectural form, as in living nature, should be functional and develop, as it were, “from the inside out.”

The problem of harmonious symbiosis of the architectural and natural environment.
The technocratic development of recent decades has long subjugated the human way of life. Step by step, humanity has emerged from its ecological niche on the planet. In fact, we have become inhabitants of an artificial “nature” created from glass, concrete and plastic, the compatibility of which with the life of the natural ecosystem is steadily approaching zero. And the more artificial nature takes over living nature, the more obvious the human need for natural harmony becomes. The most likely way to return humanity “to the bosom of nature” and restore balance between the two worlds is the development of modern bionics.

Cypress skyscraper in Shanghai. Architects: Maria Rosa Cervera & Javier Pioz.

Sydney Opera House. Architect: Jørn Utzon.

Rolex Training Center. Architects: Japanese architectural bureau SANAA.

Architectural bionics is an innovative style that takes the best from nature: reliefs, contours, principles of shape formation and interaction with the outside world. Ideas of bionic architecture have been successfully implemented all over the world famous architects: the cypress skyscraper in Shanghai, the Sydney Opera House in Australia, the board building of NMB Bank - the Netherlands, the Rolex training center and the fruit museum - in Japan.

Fruit Museum. Architect: Itsuko Hasegawa.

Interior of the fruit museum.

At all times, there has been a continuity of natural forms in architecture created by man. But, in contrast to the formalist approach of past years, when the architect simply copied natural forms, modern bionics is based on the functional and fundamental features of living organisms - the ability for self-regulation, photosynthesis, the principle of harmonious coexistence, etc. Bionic architecture involves the creation of houses that are a natural extension nature that does not come into conflict with it. Further development bionics involves the development and creation of eco-houses - energy-efficient and comfortable buildings with independent life support systems. The design of such a building includes a complex of engineering equipment. Eco-friendly materials are used during construction and building structures. Ideally, the house of the future is an autonomous, self-sustaining system that fits seamlessly into the natural landscape and exists in harmony with nature. Modern architectural bionics has practically merged with the concept of “eco-architecture” and is directly related to ecology.

Shape formation passing from living nature into architecture.
Every living creature on the planet is a perfect working system adapted to its environment. The viability of such systems is the result of evolution over many millions of years. By revealing the secrets of the structure of living organisms, one can gain new opportunities in the architecture of buildings.
Shape formation in living nature is characterized by plasticity and combinatoriality, a variety of both regular geometric shapes and figures - circles, ovals, rhombuses, cubes, triangles, squares, various kinds of polygons, and an endless variety of extremely complex and amazingly beautiful, lightweight, durable and economical structures created by combining these elements. Such structures reflect the complexity and multi-stage evolution of the development of living organisms.
The main positions for studying nature from the perspective of architectural bionics are biomaterials science and biotectonics.
The object of study in biomaterials science is various amazing properties of natural structures and their “derivatives” - tissues of animal organisms, stems and leaves of plants, spider web threads, pumpkin antennae, butterfly wings, etc.
With biotectonics everything is more complicated. In this area of ​​knowledge, researchers are interested not so much in the properties natural materials as much as the very principles of the existence of living organisms. The main problems of biotectonics are the creation of new structures based on the principles and methods of action of biostructures in living nature, the implementation of adaptation and growth of flexible tectonic systems based on the adaptation and growth of living organisms.
In architectural and construction bionics, much attention is paid to new construction technologies. So in the field of development of efficient and waste-free construction technologies A promising direction is the creation of layered structures. The idea is borrowed from deep-sea mollusks. Their durable shells consist of alternating hard and soft plates. When a hard plate cracks, the deformation is absorbed by the soft layer and the crack does not go further.

Technologies of architectural bionics.
Let us give an example of several of the most common modern trends in the development of bionic buildings.
1. Energy Efficient House - a building with low energy consumption or zero energy consumption from standard sources (Energy Efficient Building).
2. Passive House (Passive Building) - a structure with passive thermoregulation (cooling and heating by using environmental energy). Such houses provide for the use of energy-saving building materials and structures and there is practically no traditional heating system.
3. Bioclimatic Architecture. One of the trends in hi-tech style. Main principle bioclimatic architecture - harmony with nature: "... so that a bird, flying into the office, does not notice that it is inside it." Basically, numerous bioclimatic skyscrapers are known, in which, along with barrier systems, multilayer glazing (double skin technology) is actively used to provide sound insulation and microclimate support, coupled with ventilation.
4. Smart House (Intellectual Building) - a building in which, using computer technology and automation optimized the flow of light and heat in rooms and enclosing structures.
5. Healthy Building - a building in which, along with the use energy saving technologies And alternative sources energy, priority is given to natural building materials (mixtures of earth and clay, wood, stone, sand, etc.) Technologies for a “healthy” home include air purification systems from harmful fumes, gases, radioactive substances, etc.

History of the use of architectural forms in architectural practice.
Architectural bionics did not arise by chance. It was the result of previous experience of using in one form or another (most often associative and imitative) certain properties or characteristics of forms of living nature in architecture - for example, in the hypostyle halls of Egyptian temples in Luxor and Karnak, capitals and columns of ancient orders, Gothic interiors cathedrals, etc.

Columns of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Edfu.

Bionic architecture often includes buildings and architectural complexes that organically fit into the natural landscape, being, as it were, a continuation of it. For example, these can be called the buildings of the modern Swiss architect Peter Zumthor. Along with natural building materials, it works with already existing natural elements - mountains, hills, lawns, trees, practically without modifying them. His buildings seem to grow from the ground, and, at times, merge so much with surrounding nature that they are not immediately detectable. For example, the thermal baths in Switzerland from the outside seem like just a green area.

Baths in Vals. Architect: Peter Zumthor.

From the point of view of one of the concepts of bionics - the image of an eco-house - even village houses familiar to us can be classified as bionic architecture. They are created from natural materials, and the structures of rural villages have always been harmoniously integrated into the surrounding landscape (the highest point of the village is the church, the lowland is residential buildings, etc.)

Dome of the Florence Cathedral. Architect: Filippo Brunelleschi.

The emergence of this area in the history of architecture is always associated with some kind of technical innovation: for example, the Italian Renaissance architect F. Brunelleschi took an egg shell as a prototype for constructing the dome of the Florence Cathedral, and Leonardo da Vinci copied the forms of living nature when depicting and designing construction and military buildings. and even aircraft. It is generally accepted that the first who began to study the mechanics of flight of living models “from a bionic position” was Leonardo da Vinci, who tried to develop an aircraft with a flapping wing (ornithopter).

Gallery in Park Güell. Architect: Antonio Gaudi.

Portal of the Passion of Christ of the Cathedral of the Holy Family (Sagrada Familia).

Advances in construction technology in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. gave rise to new technical possibilities for interpreting the architecture of living nature. This is reflected in the works of many architects, among whom, of course, Antoni Gaudi stands out - the pioneer of the widespread use of bioforms in the architecture of the twentieth century. The residential buildings designed and built by A. Gaudi, the Güell Monastery, the famous “Sagrada Familia” (Cathedral of the Holy Family, height 170 m) in Barcelona still remain unsurpassed architectural masterpieces and, at the same time, the most talented and characteristic example of the assimilation of architectural natural forms -- their application and development.

Casa Mila attic floor. Architect: Antonio Gaudi.

Arched vault of the gallery in Casa Batlló. Architect: Antonio Gaudi.

A. Gaudi believed that in architecture, as in nature, there is no place for copying. As a result, his structures are striking in their complexity - you will not find two identical parts in his buildings. Its columns depict palm trunks with bark and leaves, staircase handrails imitate curling plant stems, and vaulted ceilings reproduce tree crowns. In his creations, Gaudi used parabolic arches, hyper-spirals, inclined columns, etc., creating an architecture whose geometry surpassed the architectural fantasies of both architects and engineers. A. Gaudí was one of the first to use the bio-morphological design properties of a spatially curved form, which he embodied in the form of a hyperbolic paraboloid of a small flight of brick stairs. At the same time, Gaudi did not simply copy natural objects, but creatively interpreted natural forms, modifying proportions and large-scale rhythmic characteristics.
Despite the fact that the semantic range of protobionic buildings looks quite impressive and justified, some experts consider architectural bionics only those buildings that do not simply repeat natural forms or are created from natural materials, but contain in their designs the structures and principles of living nature.

Construction of the Eiffel Tower. Engineer: Gustave Eiffel.

Bridge project. Architect: Paolo Soleri.

These scientists would rather call protobionics such buildings as the 300-meter Eiffel Tower by bridge engineer A. G. Eiffel, which exactly replicates the structure of the human tibia, and the bridge project by architect P. Soleri, reminiscent of a rolled-up leaf of cereal and developed on the principle of load redistribution in plant stems, etc.

Cycling track in Krylatskoye. Architects: N. I. Voronina and A. G. Ospennikov.

In Russia, the laws of living nature were also borrowed to create some architectural objects of the “pre-perestroika” period. Examples include the Ostankino radio and television tower in Moscow, Olympic facilities - a cycling track in Krylatskoye, membrane coverings of an indoor stadium on Mira Avenue and a universal sports and entertainment hall in Leningrad, a restaurant in the Primorsky Park of Baku and its connection in the city of Frunze - the Bermet restaurant and etc.
Among the names of modern architects working in the direction of architectural bionics, Norman Foster (, Santiago Calatrava ( stand out %20works/Architecture?mode=english), Nicholas Grimshaw (, Ken Young (, Vincent Calebo ( l), etc.

If any aspect of bionics interests you, write to us and we will tell you about it in more detail!
Architectural bureau "Inttera".

Bionics(from Greek bion- element of life, literally - living), a science that borders between biology and technology, solving engineering problems based on modeling the structure and vital functions of organisms.

More recently, the science of bionics was born (in 1960), the goal of which is to help humans learn the “secrets” of living nature. Nature has created unusually perfect living mechanisms. Scientists are attracted by the speed and principle of movement of dolphins, whales, squids, spiders, moles, kangaroos, the art of flight of birds and insects, the features of the visual organs of flies, frogs, the hearing organs of jellyfish, the “secrets” of echolocators of bats, thermolocators of rattlesnakes, etc. etc.

Bionics has found application in such fields as aircraft and shipbuilding, astronautics, mechanical engineering, architecture, navigation instrument making, mining, etc.

Bionics in construction and industry

Let's consider some specific achievements of bionics that have already been implemented for practical purposes.

Penguins move by sliding through the snow, pushing off with their flippers. The snowmobile was developed on the same principle at the Gorky Polytechnic Institute. Lying on the snow with a wide bottom, it does not form a rut, does not slip or get stuck.

Shipbuilders around the world have long paid attention to the pear-shaped shape of the whale's head, which is more adapted to moving in water than the knife-shaped bows of modern ships. Compared to conventional ships, the cetacean steamer turned out to be more economical.

Cone-shaped forms are found in the structures of crowns and trunks of trees, mushrooms. This is exactly the shape that coal mining combines have. This is the optimal shape to resist wind loads and gravity. Architects often use cone-shaped structures (Ostankino TV tower.)

The structures created by nature are much more perfect than what humans can do so far.

The world of animals living underground is rich and diverse. Earthworms, moles have amazing adaptations with which they make underground passages.

They are of great interest when creating underground digging units. For example, an original model has been developed that, moving underground like a mole, breaks through a tunnel with smooth, dense walls.

Bionics took the principle of the structure of the hind limb from amphibians. By embodying this in such an item as flippers.

These are just a few examples of how humans apply biological models. But animals also have many other properties that are used, or can be used by humans: ultrasonic vision of bats, echolocation of dolphins (at a distance of 20–30 m, a dolphin accurately indicates the place where a pellet with a diameter of 4 mm fell).

Creating a model in bionics- that's half the battle. To solve a specific practical problem, it is necessary not only to check the presence of the model properties that are of interest to practice, but also to develop methods for calculating predetermined technical characteristics of the device, and to develop synthesis methods that ensure the achievement of the indicators required in the problem.

And that's why many bionic models, before they receive technical implementation, begin their life on a computer. A mathematical description of the model is constructed. A computer program is compiled from it - bionic model. Using such a computer model, various parameters can be processed in a short time and design flaws can be eliminated.

That's right, based on software modeling, as a rule, analyze the dynamics of the functioning of the model; As for the special technical construction of the model, such work is undoubtedly important, but their target load is different. The main thing in them is to find the best basis on which the necessary properties of the model can be recreated more efficiently and accurately. Accumulated in bionics practical experience modeling extremely complex systems has general scientific significance. A huge number of its heuristic methods, absolutely necessary in works of this kind, have already become widespread for solving important problems of experimental and technical physics, economic problems, problems of designing multi-stage branched communication systems, etc.

Today bionics has several directions.

Architectural and construction bionics studies the laws of formation and structure formation of living tissues, analyzes the structural systems of living organisms on the principle of saving material, energy and ensuring reliability. Neurobionics studies the functioning of the brain and explores the mechanisms of memory. The sensory organs of animals and the internal mechanisms of reaction to the environment in both animals and plants are being intensively studied.

A striking example of architectural and construction bionics is a complete analogy of the structure of cereal stems and modern high-rise buildings. Stems cereal plants able to withstand heavy loads without breaking under the weight of the inflorescence. If the wind bends them to the ground, they quickly restore their vertical position. What's the secret? It turns out that their structure is similar to the design of modern high-rise factory pipes - one of the latest achievements of engineering. Both structures are hollow. The sclerenchyma strands of the plant stem act as longitudinal reinforcement. The internodes of the stems are rings of stiffness. There are oval vertical voids along the walls of the stem. The pipe walls have the same design solution. The role of a spiral reinforcement placed at the outside of the pipe in the stem of cereal plants is played by a thin skin. However, the engineers came to their constructive solution on their own, without “looking” into nature. The identity of the structure was revealed later.

In recent years, bionics has confirmed that most human inventions have already been “patented” by nature. The invention of the 20th century, such as zippers and Velcro, was made based on the structure of a bird's feather. Feather beards of various orders, equipped with hooks, provide reliable grip.

Famous Spanish architects M. R. Cervera and J. Ploz, active adherents of bionics, began researching “dynamic structures” in 1985, and in 1991 they organized the “Society for Supporting Innovation in Architecture.” A group under their leadership, which included architects, engineers, designers, biologists and psychologists, developed the “Vertical Bionic Tower City” project. In 15 years, a tower city should appear in Shanghai (according to scientists, in 20 years the population of Shanghai could reach 30 million people). The tower city is designed for 100 thousand people, the project is based on the “principle of wood construction”.

The city tower will have the shape of a cypress tree with a height of 1128 m with a girth at the base of 133 by 100 m, and at the widest point 166 by 133 m. The tower will have 300 floors, and they will be located in 12 vertical blocks of 80 floors. Between the blocks there are screed floors, which act as a supporting structure for each block level. Inside the blocks there are houses of different heights with vertical gardens. This elaborate design is similar to the structure of the branches and entire crown of the cypress tree. The tower will stand on a pile foundation according to the accordion principle, which is not buried, but develops in all directions as it gains height - similar to how the root system of a tree develops. Wind fluctuations on the upper floors are minimized: air easily passes through the tower structure. To cover the tower, a special plastic material will be used that imitates the porous surface of leather. If construction is successful, it is planned to build several more such building-cities.

In architectural and construction bionics, much attention is paid to new construction technologies. For example, in the field of development of efficient and waste-free construction technologies, a promising direction is the creation of layered structures. The idea is borrowed from deep-sea mollusks. Their durable shells, such as those of the widespread abalone, consist of alternating hard and soft plates. When a hard plate cracks, the deformation is absorbed by the soft layer and the crack does not go further. This technology can also be used to cover cars.

The main areas of neurobionics are the study of the nervous system of humans and animals and the modeling of nerve cells-neurons and neural networks. This makes it possible to improve and develop electronic and computer technology.

The nervous system of living organisms has a number of advantages over the most modern analogues invented by man:

    Flexible perception of external information, regardless of the form in which it comes (handwriting, font, color, timbre, etc.).

    High reliability: technical systems fail when one or more parts break down, and the brain remains operational even if even several hundred thousand cells die.

    Miniature. For example, a transistor device with the same number of elements as the human brain would occupy a volume of about 1000 m3, while our brain occupies a volume of 1.5 dm3.

    Energy efficiency - the difference is simply obvious.

    A high degree of self-organization - quick adaptation to new situations and changes in activity programs.

Eiffel Tower and tibia

For the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution, a world exhibition was organized in Paris. On the territory of this exhibition it was planned to erect a tower that would symbolize both the greatness of the French Revolution and the latest technological achievements. More than 700 projects were submitted to the competition; the best was recognized as the project of bridge engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel. At the end of the 19th century, the tower, named after its creator, amazed the whole world with its openwork and beauty. The 300-meter tower has become a kind of symbol of Paris. There were rumors that the tower was built according to the drawings of an unknown Arab scientist. And only more than half a century later, biologists and engineers made an unexpected discovery: the design of the Eiffel Tower exactly replicates the structure of the tibia, which can easily withstand the weight of the human body. Even the angles between the load-bearing surfaces coincide. This is another good example bionics in action.

Bionics is a science that studies living nature with the aim of using the acquired knowledge in practical human activities. Problems of bionics: studying the patterns of structure and function individual parts living organisms ( nervous system, analyzers, wings, skin) with the aim of creating on this basis a new type of computer, locator, aircraft, swimming apparatus, etc.; studying bioenergetics to create fuel-efficient muscle-like engines; study of the processes of biosynthesis of substances with the aim of developing relevant branches of chemistry. Bionics is closely related to technical (electronics, communications, maritime affairs, etc.) and natural science (medicine) disciplines, as well as cybernetics (see).

Bionics (English bionics, from bion - living creature, organism; Greek Bioo - live) is a science that studies living nature with the aim of using the acquired knowledge in practical human activities.

The term bionics first appeared in 1960, when specialists from various fields gathered at a symposium in Daytona (USA) put forward the slogan: “Living prototypes are the key to new technology.” Bionics was a kind of bridge that connected biology with mathematics, physics, chemistry and technology. One of the most important goals of bionics is to establish analogies between the physicochemical and information processes found in technology and the corresponding processes in living nature. A bionics specialist is attracted by the variety of “technical ideas” developed by living nature over many millions of years of evolution. A special place among the tasks of bionics is occupied by the development and construction of control and communication systems based on the use of knowledge from biology. This is bionics in the narrow sense of the word. Bionics is important for cybernetics, radio electronics, aeronautics, biology, medicine, chemistry, materials science, construction and architecture, etc. The tasks of bionics also include the development biological methods mining, technologies for the production of complex substances organic chemistry, building materials and coatings used wildlife. Bionics teaches the art of rational copying of living nature, research technical specifications expedient use of biological objects, processes and phenomena.

One of the possible ways here is functional (mathematical or software) modeling, which consists in studying block diagram process, object functions, numerical characteristics of these functions, their purpose and changes over time. This approach makes it possible to study the process of interest using mathematical means, and to carry out the technical implementation of the model when its effectiveness has been established in principle and it remains to check the economic, energy and other possibilities of constructing this kind of model using the available technical means. There is another way - physical and chemical modeling, when a specialist in the field of bionics studies biochemical and biophysical processes in order to study the principles of transformation (including decomposition and synthesis) of substances occurring in a living organism. This path is most closely related to chemical-technological issues and opens up new opportunities in the development of energy and polymer chemistry. The third approach developed by bionics is the direct use of living systems and biological mechanisms in technical systems. This approach is usually called the inverse modeling method, since in this case a bionic specialist seeks the possibilities and conditions for adapting living systems to solve purely engineering problems, in other words, he tries to model on a biological object technical device or process. Emerging in response to requests from practice, bionics served as the beginning of research based on the application of biological knowledge in all areas of technology. Its main result is to establish the first paths for the ever-increasing technical mastery of biology.