How to make apple marshmallow in an electric oven. Sweet rolls with cottage cheese and apple marshmallow. Marshmallow at home - general principles of preparation

It is not known for certain who invented marshmallow. This Russian delicacy has been prepared in Kolomna since the 14th century. The starting materials were apples, lingonberries, raspberries, currants, rowan, and honey. Later, the Russian merchant Prokhorov optimized the product. He thought of adding marshmallows, which is why the dessert acquired a beautiful color, matte white, as if porcelain. In the 19th century, Kolomna dessert was so popular that it was even exported in industrial quantities to Europe. But simple Russian housewives also knew how to make marshmallows from apples and other fruits. Recipes were passed down from mother to daughter.

Unfortunately, now in stores in boxes labeled “Pastila” they often sell synthetic marmalade with a creamy thickener, which has nothing in common with the traditional delicacy. If you don’t want to spoil your teeth and consume extra calories, let’s remember the old recipe for making apple marshmallow. This exclusive sweet takes a lot of time, but not effort. Since drying takes the lion's share of its preparation. Previously, sugar was brought “from overseas”, and it was expensive, beyond the means of ordinary people. The old method uses only apples.

How to make without sugar

Wash the fruits, remove the core and seeds. If there are damaged areas, they must also be cut out. Pour one centimeter of water into a pan (not enamel!). Pour apples on top - as many as will fit into the container. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat, covered, until the apples soften. The time depends on the variety, maturity, and size of the fruit. We express and drink the juice: it is very tasty and healthy. We rub the pulp through a fine sieve or in a blender. Before preparing apple marshmallow, cover it with paper or cling film. Apply a layer of puree about 3-4 centimeters thick. We take the board out into the sun. If there is no particular heat, then we take it indoors at night so that the marshmallow does not get damp. In principle, two to three days are enough. Then we cut the sweetness into pieces and put it in a box.

How to make apple pastille with sugar

We take sour varieties. Antonovka is ideal for this method of preparing dessert: it contains a lot of pectin. Place two kilograms of apples on a baking sheet, add half a glass of water and bake in the oven for 40 minutes at 170 degrees. Cool slightly and puree (or puree in a blender). Transfer the apple mass to a saucepan and simmer over very low heat, stirring occasionally, to 2/3 volume. The puree will become thick and slightly golden in color. It should be cooled. If juice appears, strain it: we don’t need excess liquid. Transfer to a mixer and beat. When the mass turns light, add a glass of sugar. Continue whisking until the crystals are completely dissolved. Dry as in the previous recipe.

I suggest you prepare apple marshmallows at home for the winter - the recipes are so simple that they are loved by many housewives. So much so that many have long acquired the status of “family”. Sometimes it mistakenly seems that beautifully packaged store-bought sweets that are in abundance are made according to very complex recipes that are inaccessible to us. This is wrong!

What we buy now under the same name is a pitiful imitation of the dessert that Dostoevsky and Chekhov loved and Lazhechnikov described in his novel “The Ice House.” And in the famous cookbook of S. A. Tolstoy, number 151 there is a recipe for “Tolstoy Pastila”.

Did you know that pastila is our invention, a national Russian dessert, and in the good old days it was called “canned food”. We owe the uniqueness of Russian apple marshmallow to the fact that in ancient times it was prepared from sour varieties of apples, in particular Antonovsky, sour “wild” apples, which did not grow in Europe.

It is known that there are three centers for the production of apple marshmallows in Russia. The oldest is Kolomna, where, according to monastic documents, it was there, in the 14th century, that they first began making the tasty delicacy. And in 1735 the first pastille factory was opened.

In 1903, Emperor Nicholas II arrived in the city of Kolomna on a visit. The owner of the Kolomna pastila factory, Chuprikov, was given the great honor of meeting him at the railway station! According to the tradition that has been going on since the time of the great Catherine II, at the ceremonial meeting the emperor was served the famous Kolomna marshmallow.

Another center, the ancient city of Rzhev, became famous for the fact that marshmallows were produced there “of a more aristocratic nature,” as Prince Meshchersky wrote in the middle of the 19th century.

The third center was the ancient city of Belev, in the Tula region; apple marshmallow made it famous throughout the world at the end of the 19th century. The recipe for Belyov apple marshmallow was invented by the merchant Ambrosy Pavlovich Prokhorov. In more detail, I will introduce you to the recipe for the famous marshmallow.

Previously, there were several types of marshmallows - airy, dense and crispy. The airy one, now known as Belevskaya, was whipped with sugar and egg white, honey was added to the dense one, which added air bubbles. A large amount of sugar and proteins are placed in the crispy one, thanks to which it tastes like meringue. This is exactly what Dostoevsky, the Great Sweet Tooth, was rumored to love.

With the beginning of the 20th century, nuts, cocoa, cinnamon and even hops began to be added to marshmallows. This is how apple marshmallow appeared under the self-explanatory name “Sobriety”. It also included mint and lemon zest. The creators of “Sobriety” seriously argued that with its help you can recover from drunkenness. Miracle marshmallow was awarded the Grand Gold Medal at the Paris World Exhibition in 1907.

Apple marshmallow from Russia was known abroad and loved throughout Europe. In London, Vienna, Paris and other European capitals there were Russian shops selling sweets from our country, including marshmallows.

Apple marshmallow at home

If you don’t want to consume extra calories and spoil your teeth, prepare your own at home. Of course, it will take a lot of time, but the effort is minimal, since the lion’s share of the trouble is drying the product.

Some clever tricks for making apple marshmallow at home will help you make the delicacy even tastier:

  • Take sour varieties of apples, they contain more pectin - a natural gelling substance. The airiness, color and taste of the dessert depend on the quality of the apples.
  • If you have apples of other varieties that are not sour enough, after preparing the puree from apples baked in the oven, boil them a little in a saucepan so that the puree becomes thick. You can find out about the preparation recipes by following the link.
  • Nowadays, different thickeners are sold, and if it is impossible to achieve a thick, non-spreading puree with your apple variety, add a little to the mixture during cooking, making the marshmallow airy and porous.
  • Bake the apples whole, and only then remove the core - the antonovka quickly darkens when cut, and the pastille should be light in color - the best option. I have a selection of incomparable ones, follow the link - you won’t regret it.
  • The most delicious marshmallow is the one dried in the sun. But our craftsmen have adapted ovens, special dryers, and even heating radiators. It is convenient to dry on a baking sheet or a large cutting board, but ideally, the marshmallow is dried in the sun on a wooden frame covered with fabric.
  • If the delicacy does not separate well from the parchment, then it is not completely dried.
  • Be careful when drying: if you overdry the marshmallow, it will turn out like apple chips. Do not dry it completely - viscous toffee.

Recipe for apple marshmallows without sugar

You can prepare marshmallow without an oven and the recipe is in front of you. The delicacy is perfect for anyone who is counting calories and should not consume sugar due to health problems. By the way: earlier in the villages pastille was made according to this recipe, because sugar was too expensive.

Making homemade marshmallows:

  1. Cut clean apples, removing the core and any excess.
    Pour water about a centimeter high into the bottom of the pan. And add the chopped apples, filling the pan to the very top.
  2. Slowly bring to a boil over low heat and simmer, covered, until the apples are soft. Cooking time will depend on the variety and ripeness of the fruit.
  3. Drain off the excess juice (don't pour it out, it contains a lot of vitamins - drink for your health!). Chop the apples themselves. You can use a blender or strain on a sieve.
  4. Now you can proceed to the last stage - drying. The most common method is sun drying. On a baking sheet or cutting board (I have a very large dough board that covers half the table), spread parchment paper or cling film. Lubricate with a little vegetable oil so that the marshmallow can then easily separate. And add apple puree. Do not make the layer very large, 1 cm, otherwise the delicacy will take a long time to dry.
  5. In the sun, the dessert will harden within 2 - 3 days; at night, of course, it needs to be brought home. When the top is thoroughly dry, turn the layer of marshmallow over and dry the other side.
  6. If you like, sprinkle the finished marshmallow with powdered sugar, cut it into slices, squares, strips - as you like. Dessert is stored in glass containers or cardboard boxes.

Interesting! French cooks, in the 19th century, used the recipe for Kolomna pastila. But they improved it a little by adding whipped egg whites to the apple puree. This is how the now well-known marshmallow was born.

Apple pastille with sugar in the oven

To make homemade apple marshmallow with sugar, take sour apples (wild apples work well).

  • For 2 kilograms of apples you need one glass of sugar.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Place the apples on a baking sheet, pour half a glass of water into the bottom.
    Bake the fruit in the oven for 40 minutes at 170 degrees.
  2. Let cool slightly and rub into apple mixture.
  3. Place the resulting puree in a saucepan and begin boiling it. If you make marshmallow from Antonovka, then it is not necessary to boil it.
  4. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally. And wait until it becomes 2/3 smaller in volume. You'll know it's time to finish when the applesauce becomes thick and golden brown.
  5. Drain off excess juice.
  6. At the next stage, you need to beat the puree with a mixer or in a blender. The mass will become lighter.
  7. Add sugar to the puree and continue whisking until all sugar crystals have dissolved.

Drying homemade marshmallows in the oven:

  1. Spread the puree on parchment paper laid out on a baking sheet (don't forget to grease it with butter so it doesn't stick) and place in the oven at 40 - 50 degrees.
  2. It will take a lot of time to dry - up to 6 hours, but sometimes less. You can do this: dry for 2 hours, opening the door a little, then with the door open, let it stand for a while and dry more, if necessary. At the end of drying, turn the layer of marshmallow over and dry it on the reverse side.
    All that remains is to cut the layer into pieces and place it in storage.

Apple marshmallow – soufflé with protein


  • Applesauce, ready-made – 500 gr.
  • Sugar – 150 – 200 gr.
  • Protein – 1 pc.

Preparation of air marshmallow:

  1. Bake the apples and puree them. If it is not too thick, boil it down.
  2. Beat the finished puree well in a mixer, then add sugar in small portions and beat thoroughly until stiff peaks form.
  3. Then add the separately beaten egg whites and beat the apple mixture again.
  4. Drying the marshmallow is carried out in the same way as in the previous recipe, I will not repeat it, everything is written in detail.

Homemade apple pastille with honey

Honey marshmallow can be made in small molds, especially if there are not many apples.

  • For 2 cups of applesauce, take 1 cup of honey.

We make pastille according to this recipe:

  1. Place the apples on a baking sheet, add a little water and bake until soft (you can use halves, but place them cut side up).
  2. Make the puree and measure the amount in glasses. Mash or beat the apples, then beat the honey with a mixer (heat the candied honey a little until it becomes spreadable).
  3. Combine honey and applesauce and whisk together thoroughly.
  4. Place in molds, tin ones are perfect for muffins, layer height 2 - 3 cm.
  5. Place the molds on a baking sheet and dry at 40 - 50 degrees for several hours.
    After drying is complete, fold the layers 2 at a time, one on top of the other, brushing them with honey.

In the dessert box:

If you, friends, have an eternal question: “what to do?”, of course, with the apple harvest, prepare apple marshmallow at home. An amazing delicacy with an equally amazing history will reward you with a delicious taste for your long efforts. The video contains another step-by-step recipe. Be sure to check it out. With love... Galina Nekrasova.

Summer is a fertile time when you can make fabulous supplies of fruit for the whole winter. You can make compotes and preserves from apples, pears and other garden fruits, make jam, dry apples and, of course, make homemade marshmallows.

Pastila is a famous dessert of Russian cuisine, airy and tender. Making homemade marshmallows is easy. In addition to apples (sour varieties are preferred), pears, quinces, as well as various berries are actively used - currants, raspberries and even lingonberries collected in the swamp. In Rus', in addition to fruit, sugar and honey were used to make marshmallows, as well as egg whites for color. Then they prepared marshmallows, of course, in the oven. Modern housewives have a more convenient analogue - the oven.

How to prepare homemade marshmallow? Let's use the apple one as an example, because the apple is the most common fruit. And the apple harvests are so rich that it’s not a sin to experiment.

First of all, you need to peel the apples (choose ripe ones) and cut out the core. Then add water and cook for a quarter of an hour until softened. Then rub the apples through a sieve, add sugar and cook until the color changes. Place baking paper or a baking bag on a baking sheet and pour the resulting mass. Dry the marshmallow either in the oven at a low temperature (about 100 degrees), or simply by exposing it to the air. The marshmallow takes half a day to dry.

Apples for marshmallow can be either boiled or baked in the oven. After the fruits are baked, they are freed from the burnt skin, cooled and rubbed through a sieve (preferably twice). For fluffiness, the mass can be whipped and then placed on a baking sheet and dried.

To determine whether the marshmallow is ready, you need to pierce it with a match - the match must be clean.
The pastille is taken out, cooled and sprinkled with powdered sugar. Then cut into pieces. You can put the marshmallow into jars (clean and dry), and then seal it hermetically.
Pastille is stored at a temperature not exceeding +8.

Useful tips

*Be careful when drying marshmallows outdoors. If the temperature is below +25 degrees, midges may appear in the treat.
* The thinner the layer of marshmallow, the faster it will be ready.
* It is convenient to place the finished marshmallow not only in jars, but also in containers.
*In summer, the best place to store marshmallows is the refrigerator. It is recommended to give preference to the top shelf.
*The pastila can be eaten just like that, or put on a slice of bread.

Apple marshmallow at home will become a real dessert rich in nutrients and vitamins. Therefore, you should not buy store-bought marmalade, but rather prepare a natural product that will appeal to both kids and adults.

Pprepare marshmallow very simple. It can be custard or classic. Below are some delicious and simple recipes.

Apple marshmallow at home in the oven

To prepare you need:

  • 1.1 kg apples;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 50 ml water;
  • vegetable oil to grease parchment sheets.

To prepare marshmallows in the oven you need apples. It is better if they are green varieties, because they have a higher pectin content. A good option would be the Semerenko variety, add a little sugar and water. If you use sweeter varieties, you can omit sugar altogether.

Making apple pastille step by step:

  1. The apples are washed, cored and cut into slices.
  2. Place them in a saucepan or saucepan, add water, and cover with a lid.
  3. Simmer over low heat for 20-30 minutes until they become soft.
  4. When the fruits look like those shown on photo, remove the container from the heat, allow the apples to cool slightly and carefully drain the resulting juice. It can be eaten, it is tasty, similar to jelly.
  5. Now you need to remove the peel from the apple slices. To do this, grind the entire mass through a sieve or remove the skin from each slice using a spoon.
  6. Sugar is added to the resulting puree, everything is mixed and put on low heat for another 15 minutes.
  7. After the time has passed, use a blender to blend the puree into a homogeneous apple mass.
  8. Lay sheets of parchment on a baking sheet and grease with vegetable oil to make it easier to remove the marshmallow later. Spread apple puree in an even layer.
  9. It is necessary to place the baking sheet in the oven and dry the marshmallow at a temperature of 130 degrees. This happens within 60-90 minutes. The oven door should not be closed completely, but leave a gap for ventilation.
  10. Hot marshmallow is a little soft, it will harden when it cools. To make it easier to remove from the parchment sheets, they can be separated with scissors along with the marshmallow.
  11. Then prying the marshmallow from one side and removing it from the parchment, you need to roll it into a roll.

Watch the video! Apple marshmallow

Recipe for sour apples in the oven

For cooking Belevsky marshmallow necessary:

  • 1.3 kg of sour apples;
  • 80 g sugar;
  • egg white.

Cooking process

  1. Cut the washed apples into halves or quarters, remove the stem and core. Line a baking sheet with foil and place apples on top.
  2. Bake in the oven for 45-60 minutes at 150 degrees.
  3. Cool the apples and puree them with a blender. The finished puree will be approximately 950 g. You can prepare it without sugar, but it is better to add a little granulated sugar to sour apples.
  4. Half a portion of sugar is added to the puree, and the rest is added to the protein, which must be beaten to the consistency of meringue.
  5. Carefully combine the puree and whipped egg whites and place on a baking sheet, which should first be covered with foil.
  6. Place in the oven on low heat or in a fruit dehydrator.
  7. Depending on the power of the oven, adjust the temperature and time. You need to put it in for about 120 minutes, then take it out and let it cool completely, put it back in the oven for 60 minutes.
  8. The last time the marshmallow is cooled completely and put in the oven for 30 minutes.
  9. Dry until ready, so that the marshmallow is dry and easily releases from the foil. You will get approximately 220 g of finished product.

Watch the video! Apple pastille in the oven

Making apple pastille with cinnamon and honey

This recipe is simple, made from apples with the addition of spices.

Required Products:

  • 1 kg sour apples;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • a little cinnamon and vanilla.

Cooking steps

  1. Wash the apples, remove the peel and core, cut into small slices.
  2. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 160-170 degrees, adding 100 ml of water.
  3. Make a puree from the baked wedges and simmer it over low heat.
  4. Beat the puree with a mixer until it becomes light in color (about 3 minutes). Thanks to this, the puree will be saturated with air bubbles to make the pastille more elastic.
  5. Add honey and spices to the puree, beat everything. Instead of honey, you can add sugar, then you need to beat it thoroughly so that it melts completely, otherwise the sugar can break through the marshmallow when drying.
  6. Spread the sweet puree onto greased parchment paper.

Important! The thicker the layer, the longer the marshmallow will dry.

  1. Place in the oven to dry at 100 degrees for 2-3 hours, depending on the thickness of the layer, without closing the door completely, so that steam escapes and the pastille does not burn.
  2. The finished marshmallow should not stick to your hands (but with honey it will still stick a little), become thinner and be easily removed from the paper.
  3. Cut the finished marshmallow and roll it into rolls.

Watch the video! Apple marshmallow with honey

These simple recipes will help housewives prepare a tasty and healthy treat for the whole family.

Healthy treats have won consumer recognition for a long time, so they don’t need any introduction. Today we are looking at apple marshmallow, it can easily be made at home. We are presenting a simple recipe and several more delicious variations for everyone to see!

Apple marshmallow without sugar in the oven - a simple recipe

  • apples of the Antonovka variety – 1.5-2 kg.

1. Apple pastille is prepared quickly in the oven. The first thing you need is to free the fruit from the cores and peel, and then chop it into slices.

2. Prepare a thick-bottomed cooking pot and place the apples there. It is better not to take enamel dishes. A heat-resistant pan made of aluminum or cast iron is suitable.

3. Pour in water until it rises about 3-5 cm from the bottom of the dish. Cover the contents with a lid. Turn the burner to medium and cook the apples for 30 minutes.

4. Try not to stir the contents so as not to turn into porridge. After the allotted time, pierce the slices with a fork and evaluate how much they have steamed.

5. Turn off the burner. Cover the dish with a lid and drain off excess liquid. Arm yourself with a blender, immerse it in a saucepan to make the mixture puree and airy.

6. It's time to bake apple marshmallows. At home, a baking sheet lined with parchment is used for this purpose. A simple recipe: scoop the mixture with a fork and roll it out onto paper. The layer should be no more than 4 mm.

7. Place the baking sheet inside the oven. Set the temperature to 60 degrees. Open the door slightly to prevent moisture from accumulating. Time it for 10 hours, all this time the marshmallow will languish.

8. Readiness is determined by the surface. Touch the rolled out layer. If the skin is not sticky, then the treat is ready. Pry up its edge, remove it from the parchment, roll it into rolls. Cut into pieces and store in containers.

Apple marshmallow in the dryer

  • apples (sweet and sour or sour) - 1 kg.

Apple marshmallows can be prepared in a fruit dehydrator. The treat retains all valuable elements, since there is no heat treatment.

1. Prepare the fruits: wash them, remove the cores, chop them into slices.

2. Pass through a food processor/meat grinder/blender to obtain a puree. Cover the bowl with a lid and drain the juice.

3. Prepare the electric dryer tray. Spread the apple porridge in an even layer of 4-5 mm.

4. Place the tray in the cavity of the device and turn on the dryer. Cook the treat until it stops sticking to the skin (touch the center of the marshmallow).

5. As soon as this happens, turn off the device. While the treat is still warm, use a sheet to remove it from the surface of the tray. Roll into a roll, chop into portions and seal tightly.

This is how easy it is to make apple pastille at home. Agree, a simple recipe!

Apple marshmallow in a slow cooker

  • water - 50-60 ml.
  • sweet and sour apple - 1 kg.
  • honey - 30 gr.

Above we looked at how apple marshmallow is made in an electric dryer. Now we suggest studying the recipe using a multicooker.

1. By analogy with previous methods, prepare the raw materials. Remove the cores and skins from the fruit. Chop into orange slices.

2. Place in the multicooker bowl, add water in the amount according to the recipe. Set the “Bake” function for 40 minutes. Stir the contents from time to time.

3. When the fruit is baked, drain the resulting liquid. Cool the mass, then use a blender and grind it. Add honey. This completes the work of the multicooker; next you will have to work with the oven.

4. Spread the paste on the lined baking sheet so that the thickness of the layer does not exceed 4-5 mm. Leave the treat to bake in the oven at 60 degrees for 10 hours.

Apple marshmallow is aged in an airtight container at home. This is not the easiest recipe, but if you have a slow cooker, you make cooking partly easier.

Apple marshmallow according to an old recipe

  • sour apples - 4 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 0.2 kg.

Apple marshmallow has been prepared at home using this technology since ancient times. The old recipe is passed down from generation to generation, but is now publicly available.

1. So, after peeling and washing, the fruit must be chopped into slices and placed in a cast iron pan or cauldron. The dishes are placed on the burner, the contents are simmered under the lid for a third of an hour at medium power.

2. After 8-10 minutes have passed since the start of simmering, add granulated sugar. No need to stir. Wait for the boiling to complete; do not discard the released juice.

4. Now it’s time to spread the composition on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Remember that the layer should not exceed the thickness mark of 5 mm.

5. Drying is carried out in the open sun, not in the shade, for 2.5-3 days. Do not leave the mixture in the room, otherwise it will become moldy.

6. Readiness is easy to detect: apple pastille does not stick to the skin and is easily separated from the paper. At home, all you have to do is roll the treat into a roll and place it in a container. This is such a simple recipe!

Apple marshmallow without sugar according to a quick recipe

  • apple variety "Antonovka" - 1 kg.

Apple marshmallow according to this recipe is considered dietary. It is prepared at home by people who care about their figure.

1. Leave only the pulp of the fruit, cutting off the peel and removing the centers. Chop the finished halves into pieces of equal size.

2. Set the burner power to a level between medium and minimum. Place the fruits in the pan and cook them.

3. When the slices are steamed and soft, drain the liquid. Use a blender to turn the fruit pieces into porridge until the mass becomes voluminous.

4. Heat the oven to 100 degrees. Spread the mixture onto parchment paper placed on a baking sheet. Plate thickness – 4 mm.

5. Place the future treat in the oven, do not close the door tightly, leave a gap. Time it for 6 hours – that’s how long it takes for quick drying.

Apple marshmallow with honey

  • honey - 20 gr.
  • apple - 6 pcs.
  • lemon juice - 40 ml.

Apple marshmallow is a favorite delicacy. It can be prepared at home with the addition of honey. This is a very simple recipe.

1. Take a cup, fill it with cool water and stir in lemon juice. Peel the apples and chop into slices. Place in a bowl with the solution to prevent the fruit from darkening.

2. Pour 150 ml into a suitable size pan. water and place the fruit in it. Set the average power of the stove. Simmer the apples with the lid closed for about a third of an hour. Don't forget to stir.

3. The fruit should soften and become translucent. Turn off the burner and wait until it cools down. Puree the apples using a blender.

4. Add honey to the mixture and mix again. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the apple butter in an even layer. Bake the marshmallow for about 1 hour at 60 degrees.

5. It is recommended to open the oven door slightly during cooking. The finished treat will not stick to the skin and will easily come off the parchment. Roll the pastille and cut it.

Apple marshmallow with walnuts

  • apple - 2 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 160 gr.
  • water - 110 ml.
  • walnuts (shelled) - 1 cup

Apple pastille “Oriental style” is prepared at home with nuts. A simple recipe will not raise any additional questions for you.

1. Peel the fruit and cut into pieces. Place in a container and pour in water. Boil them until soft, turn into puree. Continue boiling the mixture until it darkens.

2. Grind the walnuts and add to the puree along with sugar. Simmer the components for 10-12 minutes.

3. At the same time, line the baking dish with parchment and preheat the oven to 70 degrees.

4. Distribute the mixture over the entire surface of the baking sheet. Bake with the door open for about 7-8 hours.

5. The preparation of apple marshmallow is finished. A homemade delicacy can be sprinkled with powder if desired. Slice it and try it.

Apple pastille with cinnamon

  • ground cinnamon - in fact
  • granulated sugar - 250 gr.
  • water - 230 ml.
  • apples - 4 kg.

If you want to make an unusual apple marshmallow, you should use cinnamon at home. Consider a simple recipe.

1. Chop the apples and place in a fireproof container. Pour in water and add sugar. Boil the fruit for a third of an hour over medium heat with a lid. Stir constantly.

2. When the apples are soft, puree them in a blender. The finished mass needs to be simmered over low heat for another third of an hour to completely get rid of excess moisture. Stir the mixture constantly.

3. Remove the container from the burner and wait until it cools down. Line a baking dish with baking paper and sprinkle with cinnamon. Roll out the apple mixture. Bake for several hours with the door open at 80 degrees.

Belevskaya apple pastille

  • granulated sugar - 0.1 kg.
  • apples (“Antonovka”) - 2 kg.
  • powdered sugar - 10 gr.
  • egg - 1 pc.

1. Prepare fruits similarly to previous recipes. Immediately place the apples on a baking sheet and place in the oven. Bake at 100 degrees until completely softened.

2. After cooling, turn into a homogeneous paste. Pour 50 grams into the puree. sugar, beat for 8-10 minutes with a mixer. Separately, beat the egg white with the remaining sand. You should get a dense mass.

3. Mix 2 types of mixtures and beat with a mixer. Place part of the mass (100 g) in the cold. Spread the apple mixture about 15mm thick onto a baking sheet lined with parchment.

4. Now the apple marshmallow is baked at home for about 5 hours. This is not the easiest recipe, but you can definitely handle it.

5. The temperature of the heated oven should be about 70 degrees. Don't forget to open the door slightly. Remove the pieces and wait to cool.

6. Ready-made cakes should be soaked in the previously set aside mixture. As a result, you will get a sponge cake with 3-4 layers.

Kolomna apple pastille

  • egg - 1 pc.
  • granulated sugar - 180 gr.
  • sour apples - 0.8 kg.
  • powdered sugar - 12 gr.

1. Prepare the apples and bake the slices at 180 degrees. Grind the fruit into a homogeneous puree through a sieve. The output should be about 0.5 kg. masses.

2. Add sugar to the warm puree and mix thoroughly. It should dissolve. Wait for the mixture to cool to room temperature. Then add the egg white to the puree.

3. Beat the ingredients for 7-9 minutes with a mixer. Place about 130 grams in the refrigerator. finished mass. Make a crust from the rest of the dough. Spread it on a baking sheet lined with parchment.

4. Dry the marshmallow at 70 degrees for about 6 hours. After cooking, leave the crust to cool. Next, you need to cut it with a sharp knife into 3 equal parts. Keep in mind that the crust is very loose.

5. Thoroughly soak each part with the preparation that you put in the refrigerator. As a result, the cake will be greased on all sides and even on top.

6. This pie should be returned to the oven for another 50-60 minutes. The temperature remains the same. After cooking, sprinkle the marshmallow with powdered sugar on all sides. Cut into thin bars.

Now you can easily prepare apple marshmallows. Consider a simple recipe at home and several other variations. Delight your household with your favorite childhood delicacy.