What are the problems in working with youth. Current problems of youth and ways to solve them. Unpatriotic attitude towards the Motherland

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If we consider the problems of self-realization of youth not only from the individual side as the difficulties of realizing an individual personality, but look at them in general, as problems of the entire society, then we can see that solving these problems can improve the social system, increase productivity, and also avoid many social problems. conflicts. The socio-demographic group that falls under the definition of “youth” has a higher level of perception and acceptance of the modernization of society.

It is easier for young people to adapt to modern conditions existence, it is easier to master innovations in various areas. Culture, politics, social and economic activities and much more do not stand still, guided only by the cultural heritage and experience of our ancestors. All social sectors are changing and taking on new modern shapes. It can be extremely difficult for people who have crossed the threshold of youth to accept such changes due to tightly ingrained conservative views. Over time, the reins of society are transferred to the hands of the younger generation. This is why it is so important to create favorable conditions for self-realization of youth, helping young people become harmonious, comprehensively developed individuals.

Path to the future

The period of youth is a kind of road to the future. It is on this thorny path that a person predetermines his future existence, makes a choice towards one profession or another, decides in which social sphere his potential will be fully revealed and more useful to society, which activity will bring peace of mind. The consciousness of young people, like a sponge, is capable of absorbing, filtering and processing a large flow of information. Studies of developmental psychology say that it is in the process of growing up that a person develops self-awareness and a stable system of values, and is also predetermined social status personality. The period of youth is characterized by manifestations of critical thinking; a person learns to evaluate and analyze. In parallel with this, a foundation has already been laid in the minds of young people from stereotypes of the past; the task of young people is to correctly filter the experience of past years, to highlight the main and useful information for themselves.

Fathers and sons

We adults do not understand children, since we no longer understand our own childhood. Sigmund Freud

The problems of self-realization of young people also include the eternal confrontation between the old and young generations. Basically, old people are always dissatisfied with the behavior of young people, they try to give advice from their past years, and young people, with all their youthful ambition, do not want to listen and draw conclusions. In fact, the confrontation between these two social groups can, both serve some benefit and cause considerable harm in the further realization of youth potential. Definitely, the experience of the past can be useful, so that, for example, you do not make the same mistakes or, as they say, do not reinvent the wheel. This is where the ability to filter information and give their own assessment of certain judgments comes in handy for young people.

As for the negative consequences, too persistent imposition of conservative views will hinder the desire of young people to develop in modern world, keep up with the times, adapt to rapidly developing features environment. Young people, crushed by the authority of the older generation, lose interest in learning everything new, passivity develops, sometimes bordering on infantilism, and these qualities do not in any way contribute to self-realization and success. Therefore, in the process of education it is extremely important to find that notorious “golden mean”. As K. S. Stanislavsky said: “Let old wisdom guide young vigor and strength, let young vigor and strength support old wisdom.”

Problems of youth in the modern world

The modern world is no longer as strict about observing the rules of morality as in ancient centuries; this, too, is a significant component of the essence of the problem of self-realization for young people. This is why most young people today have extremely vague moral standards. The majority are dominated by hedonistic inclinations and selfishness, which sooner or later leads to self-destruction of the individual. The problems that modern youth face hinder the individual’s self-realization or make it almost impossible. Spiritual devastation, lack of prospects for future life, split in value orientations, spreading nihilism and breakdown of moral ideals - these are the main reasons that lead modern young people to such social problems as:

  • Alcoholism
  • Addiction
  • Immorality
  • Crime
  • Suicidal tendencies
  • Substitution of life values

Finding himself in one of the above trends, an individual embarks on the path of degradation and self-destruction. And only through long and complex social, physical and psychological rehabilitation can a person be returned to normal existence, as well as motivate his personality for further self-development.

What hinders the self-realization of youth

Here are some of the most basic problems of youth self-realization

Inconsistency with social requirements

It’s unlikely that anyone in childhood dreams of becoming a successful plumber or loader. Everyone wants to be astronauts and flight attendants, pilots and ballerinas. But over time, a person realizes that it is not always possible to realize dreams. Society does not need millions of dancers and actresses; preference is given to professions in the field of science, physical labor or engineering. The first problem of personal self-realization is the discrepancy between the desired and the actual. You have to make a choice between your childhood dream and a profession that is more prestigious and profitable. But often young people do not understand that they can realize themselves not only in their career. Self-realization is the totality of all areas of life, such as creativity, hobbies, family, environment and the like. It turns out that today’s youth, for the most part, prefer to choose a profession that is more profitable, but for which they have absolutely no heart. Of course, therefore, the opportunity to realize oneself in the labor field in this case is extremely small.

Lack of social requirements

The overwhelming majority of young people in the modern world are aimed at earning a good income. But mastering a profession and hard work are not part of the plans of young people. The lack of work incentive primarily arises due to the lack of prospects for future life; the individual does not see the point in making efforts. Such qualities as laziness, passivity, lack of initiative begin to predominate, and a feeling of hopelessness arises, which can lead to stress and personal conflicts of the individual.

Lack of social references

The younger generation sometimes does not have time to adapt to such a rapidly changing society. The experience of the past and the modernization of society are sometimes so different from each other, and these changes occur in a short period of time, that they introduce a certain dissonance into the fragile consciousness of the younger generation. Young people lack social guidelines, because what was important for the previous generation is rapidly losing its value within the framework of urbanization and modernization of the modern world. Therefore, the further choice of the goal and path of young people begins to be determined by the circumstances and requirements of society, and not by the abilities and desires of the individual himself. Therefore, it is extremely important to develop the ability to adapt your professional and personal goals to development trends modern society, be able to adapt without disturbing your mental balance.

Reduction of social programs

The problems of self-realization of youth directly depend on social activities. In order to fully demonstrate their potential, to determine their inclination towards a particular field of activity, young people need to be provided with a foundation, so to speak, an arena for implementation. Reduction of various youth programs, inability to find conditions for active amateur performances, difficulties in the right to direct participation in educational, political, and labor activities. The younger generation has absolutely no place to show their potential, since society is not able to provide accessible leisure areas for realization.

Social insecurity

For successful self-realization, the younger generation must feel support and support from others. This is not only about the family and the general education system. The state must fully create favorable conditions for the livelihoods of the younger generation and the formation of a harmonious personality. If young people do not feel guarantees, a certain guarantee of the success of their future, then this contributes to the emergence of a feeling of fear, uncertainty in tomorrow. Which, like any negative thoughts and emotions, creates obstacles to the self-realization of young people.

Moral and spiritual chaos

The last period of development of modern society notices a tendency towards the dehumanization of culture, the meaning of art is demoralized, the image of man becomes degraded, spiritual and moral values ​​fade into the background. Empathy and altruism are giving way to greed and consumerism. The spiritual values ​​of collectivism are replaced by selfish individual goals. All these factors, as well as the lack of a clear national idea among young people, are also part of the essence of the problem of youth self-realization. The media and social networks have a detrimental effect on the fragile young psyche. One should not underestimate the value of the Internet and all its benefits (which in the modern world occupy an important place in the self-realization of an individual), but here again it is necessary to develop in young people the ability to correctly filter information.

Solving the problem of youth self-realization

So what conditions are necessary for the self-realization of young people? First of all, we should not forget that personal self-realization primarily depends on the person himself, his aspirations and readiness for hard work. The task of those around us is to help young people form themselves by creating all the necessary favorable conditions for the development and realization of their potential.

On the part of the family and close circle, this can be the transfer of valuable experience and the formation of moral values. This can be achieved, for example, by your own personal example - a child who grows up in harmony and sees a favorable family model in front of him is already one step closer to a successful future. The education system also usually makes a significant contribution to the formation of personality. Pedagogical trends should not stand still; constant growth, development, and the search for new productive methods of upbringing and education are necessary. The state must also introduce various social programs for the development of youth, to provide the opportunity to realize their artistic and creative inclinations, to create so-called leisure and cultural platforms for the opportunity for young people to express their amateur activities. Also, do not forget about social guarantees - young people should not feel unprotected within the framework of social policy. Every person should be sure that persistent, honest and hard work is an opportunity to achieve success, and the state will assist in this, since the country’s governance mechanism should be interested in obtaining worthy personnel and raising a worthy young generation.

Young people should not be looked down upon. It is very possible that, having matured, they will become outstanding men. Only those who have achieved nothing, having lived to be forty or fifty years old, do not deserve respect. Confucius

Problems of self-realization of youth are not only individual and personal difficulties of young people. This global problem the whole society as a whole. It is quite possible that the cute baby you see in the sandbox will later become the head of state and the arbiter of the fate of the entire society. Therefore, one of the most important goals of the modern world is to solve the problem of self-realization of youth and create high-quality conditions for the self-realization of young people.

The problems of youth have worried society at all times. The problem of youth is one of the main ones, because they are the future. But “the present century” and the “past century” are always in contradiction. The time of global reforms that swept Russia “broke” the system of the previous “morality”, significantly upending all moral values. The older generation, who still have fresh memories of “the days of yore,” find it difficult to adapt to current conditions while maintaining the same value system; It is even more difficult for the younger generation in this regard, because... he doesn’t have his own value system yet, and if he does, it’s conditional...

But why does it seem to us that the older generation is always wrong, that they look for the origins of problems when they are on the surface or look for them in the wrong places? Probably because the sense of responsibility is not so strongly developed in today's youth, or it has not yet been deeply rooted in young souls. When you are eighteen years old, it seems that your whole life is ahead of you, and even if you make any mistakes, there is so much time ahead to correct them.

Young people do not have time to adapt to the rapidly changing economic, political, spiritual and social aspects of life. Social progress affects its needs, interests, and value orientations.

Youth is the path to the future that a person chooses. Choosing the future and planning it is a characteristic feature of young age. In developmental psychology, youth is characterized as a period of formation of a stable system of values, the formation of self-awareness and the formation of the social status of an individual. The consciousness of a young person has a special sensitivity, the ability to process and assimilate a huge flow of information. During this period, critical thinking develops, the desire to give one’s own assessment of various phenomena, the search for arguments and original thinking. At the same time, at this age some attitudes and stereotypes characteristic of the previous generation still remain.

The formation of social maturity of young people occurs under the influence of many factors: family, school, work collective, media, youth organizations. Youth is the time when everyone must determine their own destiny, find the only true life path leading to success, which will allow them to realize their abilities and talents to the maximum. Life confronts a young person with the need to make critical decisions with a lack of life experience.

Deterioration in the health of children and adolescents. The growing generation is less healthy physically and mentally than the previous one. On average in Russia, only 10% of school graduates can consider themselves absolutely healthy. The number of young people leading an immoral lifestyle is increasing. There is a criminalization of youth.

Reducing opportunities for youth participation in economic development. The share of young people among the unemployed remains high.

Falling value of labor. “Big salary” - this motive turned out to be decisive when choosing a place of work.

Modern youth have a trait that shows that most of them want to have good income, while having no profession and no desire to work. This happens due to the fact that young people lack incentives to work.

The problem of criminal influence on young people recently cannot but worry the Russian public. Among criminal offenses, every fourth is committed by young people and teenagers. Among the offenses, mercenary crimes attract attention - theft, extortion of money, fraud. The volume of acquisitive crimes is currently growing rapidly. This depends on the fact that for the majority of young people, their parents cannot give them what they would like, taking into account their needs. But they themselves cannot get this due to the fact that they do not have a specialty or work skills. Young people do not want to get an education just because they have no prospects after receiving an education. Currently, more and more young people are using drugs. Maybe this comes from the hopelessness of realizing their potential or from the fact that, due to a lack of understanding of the seriousness, they were involved in this by people interested in selling drugs.

Those working with children and adolescents - teachers, school psychologists, etc., also need a completely new approach to their charges. In order to teach them new forms of behavior, to form a stress-resistant personality capable of independently and responsibly building their lives. To do this, it is necessary to have the necessary qualities yourself and demonstrate them in the process of working with teenagers, as well as to have knowledge, skills and learning skills, the ability to adequately overcome life’s problems, and develop a type of healthy behavior.

It must be borne in mind that if any problems are not solved at one or another stage, this can hinder the process of personal development. Understanding such a situation can force a person to set new goals and change the ways of achieving them. Overall it's not scary. It is much worse if unresolved or unsolvable problems are not recognized by the individual, and he does not begin to look for any further solutions.

Much depends on the person, on his ability to manage his own activities. But this process takes place when the environment stimulates the need for new interests and creates incentives for the individual to act.

The constant imposition of lack of spirituality on our youth has led to a crisis of moral ideals and the meaning of goals, the cultivation of momentary pleasures of behavior.

There may also be a negative impact from the family in which the young man lives and is raised.

The most dangerous thing in the current state of Russian society is the growing feeling of spiritual emptiness, meaninglessness, futility, and temporaryness of everything that is happening, which visibly embraces more and more layers of Russians. The breakdown of value orientations is reflected in the mood of young people. The most important and fundamental thing here is the growing disappointment in prospects, the spread of nihilism, and the decline of moral standards. The younger generation found itself in the most difficult situation, when it is called upon to continue development based on the basis of inherited material and spiritual values, it is forced, being in the formative stage, to participate in the development of these values ​​independently, often contrary to the older generation’s attempts to restore the past. As a result, the contradictions between “fathers and sons” in our society have become a source of conflict against the backdrop of processes of alienation of young people in society, a decline in their social status, a reduction in social youth programs, opportunities for education, work, and political participation.

The younger generation, for the most part, found itself without reliable social guidelines. The choice of life path began to be determined not by the abilities and interests of the young man, but by specific circumstances.

It is obvious that the younger generation of Russia is experiencing a crisis socio-psychological situation. Previous stereotypes of behavior, normative and value orientations have been destroyed. Young people lose their sense of the meaning of what is happening and do not have certain life skills that would allow them to preserve their individuality and create a healthy life style.

The current situation has inevitably led the younger generation to the need to take responsibility for their future, make independent choices and control their behavior. At the same time, it is quite obvious that teenagers, being under the influence of continuously increasing stressful situations, are not ready to overcome them and suffer from their consequences. The lack of knowledge and behavioral skills among the adult part of the population - parents, teachers - does not allow them to provide the necessary educational influence, psychological and social support. Teenagers found themselves alone and psychologically helpless due to lost connections with the older generation.

The desire to escape from real problems into an illusory world contributes to the massive spread of alcoholism and drug addiction among young people. Adults today cannot provide the younger generation with required quantity alternative ways of existence, goals and values, norms for the sake of which it would be worth studying hard, working, and observing certain standards of behavior.

We have all forgotten the wisdom of our ancestors and, in pursuit of the most modern televisions, stereo systems, or simply fighting for survival in our imperfect world, we have forgotten about the main thing, about tomorrow, about our own children...

Therefore, it is necessary not to build prisons, camps and colonies, but to restore pioneer camps, sports clubs, playgrounds, and recreation parks. Raise the level of professional training of teachers, practical psychologists, and simply promote a healthy lifestyle, work, etc. And parents need to understand that they need to feed, clothe, put on shoes, this is all good, but we must not forget about the moral side of upbringing. Therefore, there is no need to think that your son will never start using drugs or stealing, and if (God forbid) this has already happened, then you should not turn away from him, but simply help him get out of it. Understand that your children want to be understood, needed and simply want to be taken into account. They want to be adults - so help them...

The modern world is changing extremely actively and rapidly. Changes are also taking place in people, especially young people. The current problems of young people reflect the imperfections and vices of the entire society. Therefore, solving these difficulties will have an impact on the well-being of the entire society.

Youth unemployment as a social problem

Problems of this nature stem from the economic instability of the state, which is unable to provide the required number of jobs, and the reluctance of employers to hire low-skilled and inexperienced employees. The problem of youth employment also lies in the financial aspirations of young professionals, which are not shared by employers. Thus, young people are looking for work, but cannot find a job, which is why they have no means of livelihood. This pushes people to seek illegal earnings, which often leads to crime, drug addiction, leads to poverty, and contributes to the development of housing problems for young people. Government programs to provide for young families own home are practically not implemented. And the mortgage becomes an unbearable yoke.

Problems of moral education of youth

Without life prospects, forced to fight for survival, many young boys and girls become part of the criminal world. The social insecurity of families and the need to search for income affect the culture and education of young people: they move away from school and spiritual ideals

Poor living conditions, disadvantage, and lack of opportunity for self-fulfillment push young people to try alcohol and drugs. The problem of alcoholism among young people is of monstrous proportions. Needless to say: already every second high school student drinks alcohol twice a week. The problem of drug addiction among young people is also relevant. By the way, such addiction occurs not only among children from low-income families: many drug addicts are children of wealthy parents.

The problem of smoking among young people is considerable. Every third high school student smokes constantly. After all, among young people there is a false prestige of smoking, which, in their opinion, looks “fashionable” and liberates.

Problems of culture of modern youth

The decline in the living standards of young people also affected their cultural life. Western ideas of a consumer attitude to life are popular, which is reflected in the cult of money and fashion, the desire for material well-being, and pleasure.

In addition, there are problems with leisure time for young people. In many cities and villages, conditions have not been created for cultural leisure time: there are no free swimming pools, sports sections or hobby groups. So boys and girls sit in front of the TV or computer, in the company of peers with a cigarette and a bottle in their hands.

Spiritual impoverishment is also reflected in the problem of speech culture of modern youth. A low level of education, communication on the Internet, and the creation of youth subcultures contributed to the development of slang, which is far from the rules of the literary Russian language. Following fashion, the younger generation uses swear words and slang expressions in their speech, and violates language norms.

Psychological problems of youth

Psychological problems of youth are associated mainly with the lack of a clear life direction. Boys and girls are introduced to the laws of life not only by their parents, school and books, but also by the street and food popular culture, media, own experience. The indifference of authorities and lack of rights, youthful maximalism provokes the development of indifference or aggression in young people, pushing them to join informal youth groups. In addition, adolescence is a time when a person has to solve many important problems: choosing a profession, a significant other, friends, determining a life path, forming one’s own worldview.

The ways to solve youth problems lie in a targeted, systematic policy of the state, not only on papers and speeches. The authorities must truly understand that young boys and girls are the future of the country.

The current state of Russian society reveals the social problems of the younger generation. As an element of society, young people are subject to many social influences, experiencing the same difficulties as the adult population in self-determination, vocational guidance, employment, education and housing, social guarantees, medical care and insurance.

Contradictions between open possibilities and negative consequences processes leads to social conflicts and various deviations in the behavior of young people. The high intensity of conflicts is usually due to the fact that the opportunities that open up for young people are located somewhere in the distant future, which has a negative impact today. Results latest research argue that the socialization of the younger generation is characterized by the exacerbation of youth problems, which is confirmed by the following:

  • - loss of ideals, optimism in life, increased anxiety among young people, which is associated with a decline in the level and quality of their life in society;
  • - uneven opportunities for education, increasing the number of young people in the total number of unemployed; significant financial dependence on parents;
  • - turning point phenomena in marriage and family relationships, that is high level divorces, intra-family conflicts, limited conditions in order to improve housing and living conditions);
  • - low degree of general culture of the younger generation; their unsatisfactory state of health;
  • - increase in social deviations, namely crimes, vagrancy, alcoholism and drug addiction, prostitution and AIDS), including among minors.

Alcoholization and drug addiction among young people is one of the most pressing problems of modern society. The main reason here is the lack of opportunity to satisfy the need for contacts with other people and self-realization in significant areas of society.

So, according to statistics, 40% of teenagers have already tried alcohol, as a rule it was beer. Almost every 2 high school students drink alcohol twice a week. More and more young people are starting to take drugs. It has been established that the social consequences of drug addiction are very severe, since drug addicts drop out of public life (work, political, and family) due to physical and/or social degradation of the individual. The severity of such social consequences increases when we consider that drug addiction is mainly a youth problem.

If we do not carry out social work with such youth, we may encounter another not unimportant and widespread problem - crime among young people, which makes up 50-60% of the total share of crime statistics.

Over time, antisocial behavior among young people becomes habitual. Cults of cruelty and strength, sexual promiscuity and drugs, an imaginary cult of permissiveness and impunity become the norm, giving rise to envy and a willingness to use any means of access to a beautiful life, the opportunity not to deny oneself any desires, even if this causes damage to others, moral or physical harm.

The second most important social problem for young people is difficulties in finding employment. It is much more problematic for young people to find work, especially if it is their first workplace; and it is also difficult to find a job with sufficiently necessary wages and a degree of prestige; young people are fired from work first, etc. Moreover, even receiving higher education is not a guarantee against unemployment in the future, since due to the lack of work experience, young people are in little demand in the labor market. The state does not guarantee or provide a job that is worthy for young people, even for those who graduated with honors from a prestigious university.

Lack of work in the profession entails, as a consequence, low qualifications of young specialists. According to Rosstat, youth unemployment in our country reaches 30%, and 73% of unemployed youth are looking for work on their own, without resorting to the help of employment services. The lack of state guarantees for a first job today is perhaps the most acute social problem of modern youth. As emphasized in foreign studies, the connection between youth unemployment and social exclusion can be seen quite clearly, since the inability to find any kind of work, not to mention a well-paid one, gives rise to a feeling of uselessness, which in turn encourages illegal actions, and means also antisocial acts.

A very alarming factor is the sharp deterioration in the health of young people. The following threats are noted here, such as infection with AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism, a high level of injuries, problems of reproductive ability in young people, an increase in mental disorders, suicidal manifestations, significantly low physical culture and rather superficial knowledge about healthy way life.

In the last 6-7 years, over 17,000 people in the 15-19 age group have died for various reasons. The level of not only acquired, but also hereditary diseases and diseases associated with the environmental situation in the country is growing. Over the past 10 years, among people aged 15-19 years, the incidence of malignant neoplasms has increased 1.5 times, and the incidence of active forms of tuberculosis has increased 3 times. Perhaps the most dangerous trend today is the increase in the number of sexually transmitted diseases, especially among young people aged 15 to 19 years. These indicators are orders of magnitude higher than those of developed countries.

Factors for the sharp deterioration of the situation in youth environment may be the following: firstly, this is a long period of accumulation and saving of negative life circumstances in the country as a whole; secondly, for a long time, the state has not paid attention to the issues of preventing diseases of all population groups, which in turn is dangerous for the younger generation; thirdly, the rapid popularization of harmful substances among young people. habits.

Another problem for young people is legal nihilism. All socio-political passivity lies in the presence of more significant problems, for example, being busy looking for income, a feeling of worthlessness and uselessness of a civic position, etc. Recently, with the help active measures The activity of young people has increased, but difficulties, however, remain in this area.

No less important in terms of problems among young people is the problem of self-determination, when in the era of computerization and the increasing role of the media, the spread of mass culture and the cult of consumerism, it is difficult to find any guidelines other than material ones.

Thus, in the context of a prolonged systemic crisis, danger penetrates the lives of more and more young people every day. The problems of young people, with all their specificity, cannot be resolved in isolation from the organization of family assistance, education, healthcare, public order, physical education and sports, etc. As practice shows, young people often face problems that they cannot solve themselves. Therefore, they simply need support.

However, one should not think that modern young people do not want to think about the future. This is wrong. A large number of people of the younger generation want to be needed by their country, they want to do what they love, they want to receive pay worthy for their work, they dream of getting married without fear, without fear of having children, without thinking that tomorrow they could be fired in another financial crisis .

But at the same time, the younger generation cannot cope with all the problems on their own. And, in fact, youth problems are not exclusively “youth”, but concern the entire society as a whole, since they are inextricably linked, reflecting the difficulties, one way or another, of all citizens of the state. And only targeted, regular participation of the state in the life of the younger generation can solve problems social adaptation younger generation in society. .

Probably, there is no such age when nothing excites us, and we do not care about anything, do not worry. Even as children, we still found some little things that caused joy or sorrow. And with age, problems only increase, and the older you get, the more of them there are.

In my opinion, young people have a lot of reasons to worry and worry, maybe even more than any other age categories. Youth is the younger generation, young people. These include people from sixteen to approximately twenty-five years of age. It is during this age period that people decide on their future life and search for themselves.

A survey was conducted in our class, the topic of which was: “What worries modern youth?” According to the results of this survey, young people are concerned about the following:

2) admission to a higher educational institution,

3) further studies,

4) future life, work, family,

5) relationships with parents, friends,

6) financial situation.

We are also concerned about such problems as smoking, addiction to alcohol, drugs and the Internet.

Based on these results, we see that young people are concerned not only with what concerns them personally, but also with global problems.

The most important problem for graduating students is, of course, the Unified State Exam. It is based on its results that graduates will enter universities, that is, further education depends on this exam. So it is not surprising that the Unified State Exam is of great concern to young people.

I think that an important problem is the dependence of young people on the Internet and social networks. Thanks to computerization, the Internet has taken a strong place in the lives of young people. Of course, the Internet helps us in our studies. It has simplified the search for the necessary information, makes it possible to communicate over long distances, but it is also a substitute for some real things.

Probably, those who use the Internet for study cannot be considered addicted, but this is only a small part, and the majority of young people are addicted: they disappear in social networks, is looking for new acquaintances on the Internet, and some cannot live without games.

The opportunity to communicate at any time on any topic, to express emotions, to get an answer to any question forces young people to spend more and more time on the Internet. Some describe their every action, others wander around websites without a goal. Each of them, without noticing it, is already replacing real life virtual, spending free time online - from a phone or tablet on the road, from a computer at home. The Internet provides an invaluable service as a source useful information, but at the same time causes harm by providing the opportunity to live in a virtual world rather than in the real one.

It seems to me that the fact that young children are already addicted to the Internet and games should also cause concern. And the reason for this is the dependence of the parents themselves, who belong to the younger generation, for whom it is easier to put a child at a computer or give him a tablet than to study and play with him. And if young people cannot always control themselves in this addiction, how will a child do it? This should really be a concern, because children will grow up and replace us.

Young people are concerned about many problems, but it seems to me that this particular problem covers the majority of modern youth.

A survey was conducted among high school students at our school and the following questions were asked:

1) What Internet resources do you use?

2) Do you have virtual friends?

3) How much time do you spend on the Internet?

4) Positive and negative aspects Internet

About a hundred people took part in the survey.

To the first question, the majority answered that they use such Internet resources as: Google, Yandex, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, YouTube, Skype, email.

60% prefer to communicate with friends in the real world, the remaining 40% of high school students have virtual friends who live in other cities and countries.

About 70% of respondents spend three to five hours a day on the Internet, 15% - more than five hours, 5% - all their free time.

Everyone considers the positive side of the Internet to be easy to find the information you need, and especially help with homework.

At the same time, all respondents recognize the negative impact of the Internet on health, psyche, relationships with parents, and admit that the convenience of searching and the availability of information lead young people to dependence on the Internet and, consequently, to degradation. Also, some note that when using the Internet for communication and entertainment, time passes very quickly, and then it becomes a pity that it was wasted.

Everyone admits that reading books is a must. Reading books helps develop memory, speech, replenishes vocabulary and improves literacy. However, as we see, they will soon cease to be interested in “living” books; everyone is switching to electronics, believing that this is more convenient.

Based on the results of this survey, we can say that, for all its importance, the Internet has many disadvantages. Young people are highly dependent on the Internet.

Sometimes I think: what will we all do if this worldwide network suddenly disappears, for some reason we lose access to it? I can’t even imagine how helpless those who replaced real world virtual.

As I have already noted, young people are addicted to the Internet, which greatly worries parents - representatives of another generation. Conflicts between parents and children often occur on this basis.

Unfortunately, now there is such a trend: young people prefer to communicate with friends on social networks or spend time on the computer than just talk with their parents. Most young people think that their peers will understand them better than their parents, that you can trust a friend, not a family member.

I touched only on some, in my opinion, the main problems of modern youth. Many people are aware of the problem of Internet addiction, but no one can give up the Internet.