What questions will be in the economic dictation. Sample dictation. A drop of heaven on earth

“A strong economy means a prosperous Russia!”

Results of the All-Russian Economic Dictation

The all-Russian educational campaign “All-Russian Economic Dictation” was held for the first time on October 12, 2017 at 638 sites in 80 regions Russian Federation, gathering more than 59 thousand participants.

The following regions took the most active part (by number of participants) in the Dictation: Belgorod region, Vladimir region, Voronezh region, Kirov region, Kursk region, Lipetsk region, Moscow, Moscow region, Novosibirsk region, Omsk region, Republic of Sakha, Republic of Tatarstan, Rostov region, Tambov region, Ulyanovsk region, Chelyabinsk region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Enter the form number:

The Free Economic Society of Russia and the Organizing Committee of the all-Russian educational event “All-Russian Economic Dictation” thank the participants of the action and the organizers of regional platforms for holding the Dictation at a high organizational level.

The Organizing Committee of the Dictation reports that according to the action plan for the event Certificates of participants in the All-Russian Economic Dictation can be obtained, by contacting the organizers of regional sites, from November 14 to December 29, 2017. Organizers of regional venues will be provided with an electronic version of the certificate, which can be printed and filled out locally.

The Dictation Organizing Committee also asks the Dictation participants to pupils and students who scored more than 80 points according to its results, send by email to the Organizing Committee, a scanned copy of a personal tear-off sheet with the participant’s last and first name, as well as provide your contact information (telephone, place of residence, email address) until October 31, 2017.

In addition, the Organizing Committee informs that the results of the All-Russian Economic Dictation will be presented at the All-Russian Economic Meeting in the State Kremlin Palace on November 11, 2017, an analytical report on the results of the Dictation will be published on the website of the Free Economic Society of Russia, in “ Rossiyskaya newspaper", as well as on the resources of leading media.

We also inform you that letters of gratitude from the Organizing Committee will be sent to the organizers of regional sites for the All-Russian Economic Dictation from November 15 to December 15, 2017.

Purpose of Dictation

Determining and increasing the level of economic literacy of the population as a whole and its individual age and professional groups, developing the intellectual potential of youth, assessing the economic activity and economic literacy of the population of various constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Who will take part?

Anyone interested:

You can take part in the Dictation completely free of charge.

When will the Dictation take place?

Where will the Dictation take place?

The dictation is held on the same day in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Central sites:

Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 49 (Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)

Moscow, Stremyanny lane, 36 (REU named after G.V. Plekhanov)

Moscow, Volokolamskoe highway, 4, A-80, GSP-3 (Moscow Aviation Institute)

Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 4 (NUST MISIS)

Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 17 (Moskovsky international university)

Complete list with addresses and contacts of regional Dictation sites

What is economic dictation?

Dictation form - test task.

Why write an economic dictation?

  • Test your knowledge
  • Assess your economic literacy
  • Find out if you can make economically sound decisions
  • Improve your economic knowledge
  • Compare your results with friends, colleagues, famous figures

How to write a Dictation?

Option 1: Come to any Dictation site.

Test tasks for full-time writing are compiled in two versions (for schoolchildren, students and other persons).

Option 2: Take the on-line version of the Dictation on the promotion website (on-line mode starts on October 12, 2017 from 12:00 to 24:00 Moscow time).

Please note that the on-line version is the same for all age categories of participants and, unlike the first option, is a simplified version of the test.

Dictation in social studies on the topic: “Economics”

Part 1

  1. A form of appropriation of economic resources is...

  2. Everything that is used in the production of goods and services is called...

  3. The science of the fundamentals of the economic life of society.

  4. The process of transferring private property to the state.

  5. Comparing the cost of manufactured products with the cost of all resources used is called...

  6. Analysis of product output by specific firms.

  7. An independent economic entity such as a factory, plant, store, farm, mine...

  8. Analysis of the production of all types of products in the country and in the world.

  9. A group of companies producing the same products, using similar technology and the same raw materials.

  10. The process of transferring state property into private hands is called...

  11. An organization consisting of several enterprises.

  12. The set of social relations in the sphere of production, exchange, distribution and consumption of material goods.

  13. List the factors of production.

  14. Obtaining the maximum possible benefits from available resources is called...

  15. List five characteristics of ownership.

  16. Long-term investments in any sector of the economy, both domestically and abroad.

  17. List types of property.

  18. Economic policy state aimed at protecting domestic producers from foreign competition through customs duties.

  19. Which of the following methods of teaching property are:

1. Primary

2. Derivatives

A) Receiving as a gift

B) Nakhodka

B) Collecting gifts of nature

D) Produced by ourselves

D) Purchase

E) Acquisitive prescription

G) Receiving an inheritance

20. The totality of all economic processes occurring in society on the basis of the property relations and economic mechanism that have developed in it.

Select from the following features those that characterize this type of economic system:

Option 1

Option 2


2. Modern market

A) State property

B) Personal freedom of all participants in economic activity

C) Predominance of the agricultural sector of the economy

D) Diversity of forms of ownership

D) Mercantilism

E) Globalization of the economy

G) Lack of competition

H) Free competition

I) The predominance of the military-industrial complex

K) Private property

K) Strengthening the influence of the state on market relations

M) Protectionism

H) High level of technology

O) Availability of information economy

P) Predominance of manual labor

P) Strong centralization of economic management

Answers to a dictation in social studies

on the topic: "Economics"

Part 1

  1. Own

  2. Resources or factors of production

  3. Economy

  4. Nationalization

  5. Profitability

  6. Microeconomics

  7. Enterprise

  8. Macroeconomics

  9. Industry

  10. Privatization

  11. Firm

  12. Economy

  13. Natural, capital (or financial), labor, information (or knowledge)

  14. Economic efficiency

  15. Appropriation, alienation, possession, use and disposal

  16. Investments

  17. Private, individual, corporate, collective, state, municipal, cooperative, etc.

  18. Protectionism

  19. 1. Primary

    2. Derivatives

    B, D, V, E

    A, D, F

  20. Economic system
Part 2

Option 1

Option 2

1. Traditional economic system

1. Command-administrative economic system

V, D, K, M, P

A, F, I, R

2. Free competition market

2. Modern market

B, Z, K,

G, E, K, L, N, O

10th grade
Diagnostic dictation

Pushkin House

Pushkin's house in Mikhailovsky may be a museum, but it is alive. It is filled with warmth, welcoming and bright. His rooms are always permeated with smells good wood and fresh soil. When the pine trees bloom in the groves, fragrant pollen hangs like a cloud over the house.

But then the time comes, and linden trees bloom on the estate. Then the house is saturated with the smells of wax and honey. Linden trees stand next to the house, and wild bees live in their hollows.

There is a lot of good Pskov linen in the house - tablecloths, towels, curtains. Flax has its own aroma - cool, strong. When the linen items in the house become old, they are replaced with fresh ones, re-woven by rural weavers on ancient mills.

Things made from linen have an amazing property - wherever they are, it always smells fresh. Scientists say that flax protects human health. Anyone who sleeps on a rough linen sheet, wears a linen shirt on his body, and wipes himself with a linen towel almost never suffers from a cold.

Pushkin's peasants, like all Pskovites, have loved to grow flax since ancient times, and it was famous throughout Russia and beyond. Two hundred years ago there was even an English trading office in Pskov that bought flax and linen products and sent them to England.

The flax, flowers, and apples in Pushkin's rooms always smell of sunshine and cleanliness, although on some days thousands of people pass through the museum. (According to S. Geichenko.)


And behind the oaks is Dikanka with its magnificent palace, surrounded by a park merging with oak forests, in which there were even herds of wild goats.

I spent the whole day in this forest, a sunny October day.

The silence is amazing. Neither leaf nor twig moves. If you just look at the sun, a transparent, shiny web shimmers in the air between thin shoots, and if you listen, you can hear the rustling of an oak leaf falling from a tree for a moment. The ground was covered with yellow leaves, tightly beaten by the rain the day before, above which there were still green leaves of young shoots that had not had time to turn yellow and fall off. No sound, no movement.

Only the palmate maple leaf, transparent yellow in the sun, stands sideways to the stem and stubbornly swings to the sides with a regular movement, like a pendulum: now to the right, now to the left. He swayed for a long time and calmed down only when he broke away, flew down in zigzags and merged with the yellow carpet. Moreover, the silence was broken by two beauties - wild goats, who quickly rushed past me and disappeared into a forest beam... And there is no end to this forest. And in the middle of it are clearings where herds graze...

Here is Volchiy Yar, from where an immense horizon opens far, far away, cut by the blue ribbon of Vorskla, now with a smooth steppe, now with a wooded steep bank... (According to V. A. Gilyarovsky.)

Dikanka, Vorskly, Volchiy Yar - write the words on the board.

Noble estates

Reader, are you familiar with those small noble estates with which our Ukraine abounded twenty-five, thirty years ago? Now they are rare, and in ten years the last of them will probably disappear without a trace.

A flowing pond overgrown with willows and reeds, a haven for busy ducks, which are occasionally joined by a wary teal. Behind the pond is a garden with alleys of lindens, this beauty and honor of our black earth plains, with dead ridges of strawberries, with a continuous thicket of gooseberries, currants, raspberries, in the middle of which, in the languid hour of the motionless midday heat, the colorful scarf of a yard girl will certainly flash and her shrill voice will ring. There is also a barn on chicken legs, a greenhouse, a poor vegetable garden, with a flock of sparrows on the stamens and a cat snoozing near a failed well. And then - curly apple trees above tall grass that is green below and gray at the top, thin cherries, pears that never bear fruit. Then flower beds with poppies, peonies, pansies, bushes of honeysuckle, wild jasmine, lilac and acacia, with the constant buzz of bees and bumblebees in the thick, odorous, sticky branches.

Finally, the manor house, one-story, on a brick foundation, with greenish glass in narrow frames, with a sloping, once painted roof, with a balcony from which jug-shaped railings fell out, with a crooked mezzanine, with a voiceless old dog in a hole under the porch... ( According to I. S. Turgenev.)

(191 words.)


The performance with the learned bear was the only folk theater at that time. Although it served as entertainment for the people, like many other things at that time, this performance was extremely rude, harmful and even dangerous. The enraged beast often reared up, bared its terrible teeth and let out a stunning roar. Horror then gripped the domestic animals, and a terrible commotion arose in the barnyard: the horses neighed, and often broke loose from their leash, the cows mooed, the sheep bleated more and more pitifully.

In spring and summer, a gypsy camp also appeared and was located near one or another landowner's estate. As dusk fell, the gypsies lit fires and prepared dinner for themselves, after which the sounds of music and singing were heard. People flocked from all villages to watch them, and aside from their fun and dancing, gypsies predicted the future of women, girls and young ladies.

I was especially attracted to Masha - a beautiful dark, red-cheeked gypsy with black eyes that burned with fire, with wavy pitch-black hair, curls and curls of which completely covered her forehead, with black thick arched eyebrows. From all her travels, Masha always brought me gifts: sometimes some especially large hazelnuts, sometimes sunflowers, sometimes black pods, sometimes a clay cockerel, sometimes some tiny clay pot.

(According to E.N. Vodovozova.)

Early morning

Heavy, thick hands on a huge dial, white at an angle from the watchmaker's sign, showed thirty-six minutes to six. In the light blue of the sky, which had not yet warmed up after the night, one thin cloud turned pink, and there was something unearthly graceful in its elongated outline. The footsteps of infrequent passers-by sounded especially clear in the deserted air, and in the distance the bodily ebb trembled on the tram rails. A cart, loaded with huge bunches of violets, half covered with striped coarse cloth, quietly rolled along the panel; the merchant helped drag it to a large red dog, who, sticking out his tongue, leaned forward and strained all his dry, devoted muscles.

Sparrows flew up from the black branches of slightly green trees with an airy rustle and sat on a narrow ledge of a high brick wall.

The shops were still asleep behind bars, the houses were only lit from above, but it was impossible to imagine that it was sunset and not early morning. Due to the fact that the shadows lay in the opposite direction, strange combinations were created, unexpected for an eye well accustomed to evening shadows...

Everything seemed out of place, fragile, upside down, like in a mirror...

He looked around and at the end of the street he saw the illuminated corner of the house where he had just lived in the past and where he would never return again. And there was a wonderful mystery in this departure of an entire house from his life. (According to V. Nabokov.)

Control dictation based on the results of the 1st half of the year


(194 words.)

Assignments to the text

B3. Write out a word from sentence 10 that corresponds to the scheme: one prefix + root + one suffix + ending.

Q4. Find in the text simple sentences complicated by isolated circumstances. Write down their numbers.

B5. Find sentences with homogeneous predicates in the text. Write down their numbers.

Sea and forest

(1) Shaggy gray clouds, like a broken flock of frightened birds, rush low over the sea. (2) A piercing, sharp wind from the ocean either knocks them into a dark solid mass, or, as if playing, tears them apart and rushes about, piling them up into bizarre shapes.

(3) The sea turned white and began to rustle with bad weather. (4) The leaden waters rise heavily and, swirling with bubbling foam, roll with a dull roar into the hazy distance. (5) The wind angrily rummages across their shaggy surface, carrying salty spray far away. (6) And along the radiating shore, white jagged piles of ice piled up on the shallows rise massively in a colossal ridge. (7) It was as if the titans, in a heavy grip, had thrown these gigantic fragments.

(8) Breaking off in steep ledges from the coastal heights, a dense forest gloomily advanced towards the sea itself. (9) The wind hums the red trunks of centuries-old pines, tilts slender spruce trees, shaking their sharp tops and showering fluffy snow from sadly drooping green branches.

(10) Gray centuries pass without a trace over the silent country, and the dense forest stands and calmly, gloomily, as if in deep thought, sways its dark peaks. (11) Not one of its mighty trunks has yet fallen under the daring ax of a greedy timber merchant: swamps and impenetrable swamps lie in its dark thicket. (12) And where the hundred-year-old pines turned into small bushes, the lifeless tundra stretched out like a dead expanse and was lost as an endless border in the cold darkness of the low-hanging fog. (According to A. Serafimovich.)

Assignments to the text

B1. Which sentence expresses the main idea of ​​the text in the most general form?

B2. What type of speech is presented in the text?

B3. Explain the lexical meaning of the words "titans", "greedy".

Q4. From sentence 12, write down the words formed in different ways.

B5. Write out the word(s) from 2 sentences that correspond to the scheme: one prefix + root + one suffix + ending.

B6. From sentence 1, write down phrases with the connection adjacency, control, coordination.

Q7. Find in the text simple sentences complicated by isolated circumstances. Write down their numbers.

B8. Find sentences with homogeneous predicates in the text. Write down their numbers.

Q9. Determine what types of complex sentences are used in the text.

B10. What linguistic means are used to make connections between sentences and between paragraphs?

Wonderful night

(1) A spring night, exciting, fragrant, full of mysterious charms and passionate fading, floats across the sky. (2) The shepherd’s pipe fell silent. (3) All sounds gradually died down. (4) The frogs became quiet, and the mosquitoes calmed down. (5) From time to time some strange rustling will pass through the bushes, or a gust of wind will carry away a howl from a distant village watchdog languishing in loneliness on this wonderful night.

(6) It’s stuffy in the large, cool room. (7) You get out of bed, open the window and press your hot cheek to the glass. (8) But the face is still burning, and the heart is sinking just as painfully.

(9) It’s quiet all around! (10) The grove seems huge. (11) The trees seem to have moved together and seem to be conspiring, as if they are revealing an important secret. (12) Suddenly, an iridescent ringing is heard: it is a postal carriage passing along the high road. (13) The jingling of bells can be heard from afar. (14) It will fall silent for a minute; the troika must have driven over the mountain.

(15) How exciting is the sound of postal bells at night! (16) You know, there’s no one to wait for. (17) And yet, when you hear this silvery ringing on the road, your heart will begin to beat and suddenly be pulled somewhere into the distance, to some unknown countries. (18) How good life is! (According to S. Kovalevskaya.)

(164 words.)


Option I

B2. From sentence 5, write out a separate common agreed upon definition.

B3. Among sentences 1−5, find complex sentences. Indicate their numbers.

Q4. From sentence 5, write down all the pronouns.

B5. From sentences 1 – 4, write down a word with an alternating unstressed vowel at the root.

B6. Among sentences 6−10, find a simple one-part definitely-personal one. Enter its number.

Q7. Indicate the way the word is formed little by little (sentence 3).

B8. Write down the phrase (sentence 11) based on management.

Q9. Write down the grammatical bases of sentence 16.

Option II

B2. From sentence 1, write down a separate common agreed upon definition.

B3. Among sentences 11−17, find non-union complex sentences. Indicate their numbers.

Q4. From sentence 11, write down all the conjunctions.

B5. From sentences 6–14, write down a word with an alternating unstressed vowel at the root.

B6. Among sentences 15−18, find such a complex one, both parts of which are one-part. Enter its number.

Q7. Indicate the way to form a word from afar (sentence 13).

B8. Write down the phrase (sentence 12) built on the basis of adjacency.

Q9. Write down the grammatical bases of sentence 17.

Literacy in Rus'

(1) Now no one considers it supernatural and inexplicable that from the beginning of Christianity until the Mongol-Tatar invasion, Kievan Rus was a country of high and beautiful written culture. (2) The introduction of Christianity and its integration into Byzantine literature established the continuity of two written cultures. (3) This greatly increased the interest of the Eastern Slavs in the book and contributed to the spread of writing at the dawn of its civilization.

(4) It is not without reason that it is assumed that literacy was adopted in our country within a very short time and developed unhindered at first. (5) Nothing blocked the people’s path to literacy, and our ancestors quickly mastered the comparative high level letters. (6) This is confirmed by surviving inscriptions on wooden objects, for example, on spinning wheels, on fancy combs for combing flax, on unpretentious pottery, and on various pieces of wood not suitable for display.

(7) It is not for nothing that science attaches great importance to the study of ancient objects. (8) Without exaggeration, we can say that archaeological finds have exceeded all the expectations of scientists, revealing pictures of living antiquity. (9) In the well-known excavations near Novgorod, which were carried out for ten years, extremely interesting letters on birch bark were found. (10) This is an unprecedented discovery in archeology: they capture the original prehistory of the Russian book.

(According to I. Golub.)

Option I

B1. State in one or two sentences main idea text.

B2. Among sentences 5−6, find a sentence with introductory words. Enter its number.

B3. Among sentences 4-6, find a complex sentence. Enter its number.

Q4. From sentence 4, write down all the prepositions.

B5. From sentences 1–3, write down a word with an alternating unstressed vowel at the root.

B6. From sentences 4−6, write out a separate definition.

Q7. Indicate the way the word is formed for a reason (sentence 7).

B8. Write down the phrase (sentence 7) built on the basis of adjacency.

Option II

B1. How else could the text be titled? Write down 2 of your headings for the text.

B2. Among sentences 1−4, find a sentence with an introductory construction. Enter its number.

B3. Among sentences 7−10, find a non-union complex sentence. Enter its number.

Q4. From sentence 9, write down all the prepositions.

B5. From sentences 4–6, write down a word with an alternating unstressed vowel at the root.

B6. From sentences 7−10, write down a separate circumstance.

Q7. Indicate the method of forming a written word (sentence 3).

B8. Write down the phrase (sentence 4) built on the basis of adjacency.

From above

(1) A metal fence separated those seeing off from those departing. (2) On the plane, we stuck to the windows, and a wonderful picture appeared before us. (3) The mountains met us with bad weather, giant streams of water rushed down. (4) A river rumbled nearby, carrying whitish water, as if whitened with milk, but not at all dirty, down a steep slope. (5) Immediately beyond the river rose rocky mountains, outlined by a broken line. (6) In a clearing bordered on three sides by low bushes and on one side by a mountain river with ice-cold water, novice climbers were doing exercises.

(7) Even when we were walking here, having risen from the gorge and emerging into the mountainous expanse, we could hear the whistles of marmots on the right and left. (8) The speed with which they dive into their holes is amazing. (9) Even a mortally wounded marmot still manages to hide in a hole. (10) Having frozen, they can stand for a very long time in complete motionlessness, as if petrified, but with a sudden movement of one of us they disappear instantly.

(11) We walked along the edge of a very deep gorge, at the bottom of which water ran towards us from the glaciers, trying to merge with other rivers. (12) The sky above the peaks surrounding us cleared, and within an hour the stars lit up on it. (According to V. Soloukhin.)

Option I

B1. State the main idea of ​​the text in one or two sentences.

B2. From sentences 1-7, write down homogeneous isolated circumstances.

B3. Among sentences 1−8, find the non-union complex. Enter its number.

Q4. From sentence 11, write down all the prepositions.

B5. From sentences 1–6, write down the word with an unpronounceable consonant at the root.

B6. Among sentences 3–11, find a compound with a subordinate clause. Enter its number.

Q7. Indicate how the word whitish is formed (sentence 4).

Q9. Write down the grammatical bases of sentence 8.

Option II

B1. How else could the text be titled? Write down 2 of your headings for the text.

B2. From sentences 8−10, write down isolated circumstances.

B3. Among sentences 7−12, find complex sentences. Indicate their numbers.

Q4. From sentence 12, write down all the prepositions.

B5. From sentences 8–12, write down words with an alternating unstressed vowel at the root.

B6. Among sentences 3−11, find complex ones with attributive clauses. Enter its number.

Q7. Indicate how the word bad weather is formed (sentence 3).

B8. Write down the phrase (sentence 12) built on the basis of agreement.

Q9. Write down the grammatical bases of sentence 10.

Fun game

(1) Everything in the house has changed, everything has become a match for the new inhabitants. (2) Beardless yard boys, merry fellows and jokers, replaced the former sedate old men. (3) The stables were filled with lean pacers, root-cutters and zealous trailers.

(4) That evening in question, the inhabitants of the house were engaged in a little complicated, but, judging by the friendly laughter, a very amusing game for them: they ran around the living rooms and halls and caught each other. (5) The dogs ran and barked, and the canaries hanging in the cages, fluttering incessantly, vied with each other and tore their throats.

(6) In the midst of too much deafening fun, incomprehensible to the understanding of the servants, a dirty carriage drove up to the gate, and a man of about forty slowly climbed out of it and stopped in amazement. (7) He stood for a while, as if dumbfounded, looked around the house with an attentive gaze, entered through the slightly open gate into the plank front garden and slowly climbed onto the porch cut from pine with railings. (8) No one met him in the hall, but the door of the hall quickly opened, and Shurochka jumped out of it, all flushed. (9) Immediately after her, the whole young company ran out with a ringing cry. (10) Surprised by the appearance of an unexpected and uninvited visitor, Shurochka suddenly became quiet, but her bright eyes, fixed on him, looked just as affectionately.

(11) The guest, and it was none other than Lavretsky, introduced himself, and the confusion was visible on his face. (According to I. Turgenev.)

(193 words.)

Option I

B1. State the main idea of ​​the text in one or two sentences.

B2. From sentences 1-5, write down isolated circumstances.

B5. From sentences 6–7, write down the word with the prefix -z, -s.

B6. What part of speech is the word chopped (sentence 7)? What other part of speech could it be in another context?

Q7. Indicate the method of forming the word unsyllabic (sentence 4).

B8. Write down the phrase (sentence 1) built on the basis of agreement.

Q9. Write down the grammatical bases of sentence 11.

Option II

B1. How else could the text be titled? Write down 2 of your headings for the text.

B2. From sentences 6−10, write down a separate circumstance.

B3. Among sentences 6−10, find a simple complicated sentence. Enter its number.

Q4. From sentence 8, write down all the pronouns.

B5. From sentences 8–10, write down words with the prefix ending with -з, -с.

B6. What part of speech is the word front (sentence 8)? What other part of speech could it be in another context?

Q7. Indicate the method of forming the word incessantly (sentence 5).

B8. Write down a phrase (sentence 2) based on management.

Q9. Write down the grammatical bases of sentence 5.

The beauty of autumn

(1) On the canvas there was a bright farewell day at the end of October. (2) The white sun stood low, shining through between the trunks of distant birches, which on the slope against the sun seemed black. (3) The wind blew and exposed the abandoned monastery garden. (4) The blue, completely summer sky with summer clouds shone above the waving treetops, above the destroyed stone wall, illuminated from the side. (5) A lonely apple that had fallen into the grass lay near the wall, barely visible through the leaves clinging to it.

(6) Yes, he was completely alone in the vicinity of that monastery, and then it was a sunny, dry, spacious day. (7) The old maples made a loud noise, shimmering with gold from the remaining leaves, and a crimson snowstorm swept along the overgrown paths of the garden. (8) Everything was transparent, fresh, farewell. (9) Why farewell? (10) Why, after fifty years, especially on the bright, dry, ringing days of autumn, he could not escape the feeling that what happened to millions of people, just like him, walking along the paths nearby would soon happen to him? other walls? (11) Maybe beauty is realized only at the fatal and timid moment of its origin and before its inevitable disappearance, fading, on the verge of the end and the beginning, on the edge of the abyss?

(12) There is nothing more short-lived than beauty, but how unbearably terrible it is that in every birth of beauty there is its end, its death. (13) Day dies in evening, youth dies in old age, love dies in coldness and indifference.

(According to Yu. Bondarev.)

Option I

B1. State the main idea of ​​the text in one or two sentences.

B2. What part of speech is the word beautiful (sentence 12)? What other part of speech could it be in another context?

B3. Among sentences 6−11, find a complex sentence. Enter its number.

Q4. From sentence 12, write down all the pronouns.

B5. From sentences 6–11, write down a word with an alternating unstressed vowel at the root.

B6. From sentences 1−4, write out a separate definition.

Q7. Indicate the method of forming the word kosogore (sentence 2).

B8. Write down the phrase (sentence 2) built on the basis of adjacency.

Q9. Write down the grammatical bases of sentence 2.

Option II

B1. How else could the text be titled? Write down 2 of your headings for the text.

B2. What part of speech is the word against (2nd sentence)? What other part of speech could it be in another context?

B3. Among sentences 6−11, find a non-union complex sentence. Enter its number.

Q4. From sentence 10, write down all the pronouns.

B5. From sentences 12–13, write down a word with an alternating unstressed vowel at the root.

B6. Write out a separate definition from sentences 5−10.

Q7. Indicate how the word is formed on the side (sentence 4).

B8. Write down a phrase (sentence 3) based on management.

Q9. Write down the grammatical bases of sentence 13.

Control dictation based on the results of the 2nd half of the year


1 In fact, when is a person happy? 2 When he achieves what he wants. 3 The strength of the experience depends on the strength of the desire. And if a person passionately desires to achieve some goal, if this desire does not give him peace, if he does not sleep at night because of this passion, then the satisfaction of the desire brings him such happiness that the whole world seems to him to shine, the earth sings under him .

(According to S. Chekmarev.)

B1. How else could the text be titled? Write down 2 of your headings for the text.

B2. Indicate the method of forming the word experience (sentence 3).

B3. Among sentences 1−5, find a non-union complex sentence. Enter its number.

Q4. From sentence 4, write down all the pronouns.

B5. Write down the grammatical bases of sentence 5

Christmas tree in a trench

It was in the winter of one thousand nine hundred and forty-one in besieged Leningrad. There had been no electricity for many days and nights, the water was frozen in the pipes, and for the last three days of December no one in the entire city received bread.

During these most difficult days for Leningrad, the Nazis intensified their bombardment of the city. We boys often spent the night in trenches dug in front of our house. They were warmer, there was almost always a candle or a lantern burning, and most importantly, they were always crowded. Not far from us there was a battery of anti-aircraft guns guarding one of the Neva bridges. Sometimes artillerymen looked into our trench. How we rejoiced every time they came! They arranged it for us Christmas tree.

Don't think it was a big, lush tree. Its height was no more than a meter; several branches were covered with tiny light green needles. But she was all covered in toys. There were also several rifle casings hanging on the tree, and on the very top of the head was a brightly polished Red Army badge with a five-pointed star.

Where the artillerymen got the Christmas tree remains a mystery to us. We all knew that there were no Christmas trees anywhere nearby. We sat spellbound, staring at a few crackling candle stubs, probably left over from the previous year. There was no dancing or cheerful laughter around our Christmas tree. And instead of gifts, the anti-aircraft gunners gave each of us a piece of sugar.

(According to F. Bezdudny.)

Magic street

When a person dreams too much, severe disappointments await him. That's what happened to me.

Immersed in a pink cloud of memories of wonderful fairy tales, I, I don’t know how, wandered onto an unfamiliar street. Suddenly I stopped, amazed by sounds that I had never heard before.

I looked around: the street was paved and cleanly swept. It became absolutely clear to me that nothing interesting would be found here.

On both sides of this clean street, beautiful wooden houses were lined up, hidden in the greenery of the gardens, like bird’s nests.

It was getting dark. In the depths of the street, behind the trees of a large park, the sun was setting. A bright crimson sky shone through the branches. The short, hot rays of the sunset glowed in the glass windows, even the pavement stones turned bright red.

Streams of light poured from all sides, and it seemed that the entire street was engulfed in a play of magical flame; branches, shrouded in golden transparent dust, dozed in the pink fragrant air; everything was reminiscent of fairy-tale cities of heroes, sorceresses and other wonderful creatures.

From behind a hedge of acacia and lilac a house with green shutters peeked out, and from its open windows came sounds like sun rays kissing the surface of a calm lake.

I immediately realized that I had entered the boundaries of a magical kingdom, and, of course, I decided to go exploring the mysterious country in order to touch and enjoy its countless wonders with my own hands.


In autumn, when it gets colder, the river is light to the bottom, and the forest edges are visible through, and cobwebs sparkle on the dew-wet grass, and flocks of young ducks fly in the clear, transparent air. Suddenly, out of all the copses, elegant rowan trees hung with clusters come to the fore: here we are, don’t miss them, they say, don’t neglect our berries, we are generous! The breeze strokes them, ruffles them from top to bottom, and the birds on each branch fatten, flying, as if from guest to guest, from one golden peak to another, and they stand, swaying slightly, and admire themselves.

The rain will pour and the entire river bank will sparkle. Water flows from rowan berries, drop by drop, the berries are red, and the drops are red. Where one berry hung, now there are two, and both are alive. The more rain, the more berries in the forest.

Everything, of course, can become familiar, you get used to everything over time, but it’s hard not to notice. You will raise your head and unexpectedly, as if after a long absence, you will see all this beauty in a surprisingly pure, bewitching radiance. You will see everything again, as if for the first time, and you will be happy for yourself that you saw it. You can never forget this, either in reality or in a dream. This is what it is, our mountain ash!

(According to A. Yashin.)

Blizzard night

It was night and a blizzard was beginning. My hearing caught some strange sounds, as if a quiet whisper or someone’s sighs from the street passed through the walls into my small room, two-thirds buried in shadow. It must have been snow, blown up by the wind, rustling against the walls of the house and the glass of the windows. Something light and white flashed past the window in the air, flashed past and disappeared, blowing cold air into the soul.

I went to the window and looked out onto the street, leaning my head, heated by the work of my imagination, against the cold frame. The street was deserted. A flashlight was burning opposite my window. Its light trembled, fighting the wind, a trembling strip of light stretched out in the air like a wide sword, and snow fell from the roofs of houses, flying into this strip, and, having flown in, flashed in it for a moment with multi-colored sparks. I felt sad and cold looking at this play of the wind. I quickly undressed, turned off the lamp and went to bed.

When the fire went out and darkness filled my room, the sounds seemed to become more audible, and the window looked straight at me as a large dull white spot. The clock hastily counted the seconds, sometimes the rustle of snow drowned out their dispassionate work, but then again I heard the sound of seconds falling into eternity. At times they sounded with such distinct clarity that it was as if a clock were inside my head.

(194 words.)

Autograph in the elevator

A duel between fans of wall autographs, on the one hand, and housing office workers, on the other, lasted for a week in our elevator. The elevator, heavily painted and scratched by keys and nails, was covered with new panels. Attached in a prominent place was a sheet of Whatman paper with the message: “Dear wits! If any of you are looking forward to practicing your wit, this piece of paper is at your service.” A few days later I saw the first writing on the wall. It was like a signal. The intelligent attempt of the housing office workers failed.

How, in fact, can we get through to these “draftsmen”? To say that behind the polished panels there is the work of lumberjacks, carpenters, and polishers? That for people with other ideas about order and cleanliness, their inscriptions and drawings are offensive and incomprehensible? Perhaps this will not work on everyone. The disrespect for others started earlier. They failed to instill the habit of taking into account the well-being of others and appreciating other people’s work.

To compare any of your actions or impulses with how it will affect other people - this, in my opinion, lies the origins of the education of kindness and humanity.

(According to A. Vasinsky.)


In fact, when is a person happy? When he achieves what he wants. The strength of the experience depends on the strength of the desire. And if a person passionately desires to achieve some goal, if this desire does not give him peace, if he does not sleep at night because of this passion, then the satisfaction of the desire brings him such happiness that the whole world seems to him to shine, the earth sings under him .

And even if the goal has not yet been achieved, it is important that the person passionately desires to achieve it. Then a person reveals his abilities, passionately fights against all obstacles, every step forward showers him with a wave of happiness, every failure hits him like a scourge, a person suffers and rejoices, cries and laughs - a person lives. But if there are no such passionate desires, then there is no life. A person devoid of desires is a pitiful person. He has nowhere to draw life from; he is deprived of the sources of life.

Pisarev was absolutely right when he said that the greatest happiness of a person is to fall in love with an idea to which one can devote oneself undividedly without hesitation.

In addition, it is pleasant to devote oneself to a cause that ultimately enriches the lives of all humanity. A person has no right to rejoice and contribute to causes that cause children to waste away and the eyes of adults to grow dull.

(According to S. Chekmarev.)

Love for the sea

The night was dark, thick layers of shaggy clouds moved across the sky, the sea was calm, black and thick, like oil. It breathed a damp, salty aroma and sounded tenderly, splashing against the sides of the ships, on the shore, slightly rocking Chelkash’s boat. The dark skeletons of ships rose from the sea to a distant space from the shore, piercing sharp masts with multi-colored lanterns on the tops into the sky. The sea reflected the lights of the lanterns and was dotted with a mass of yellow spots. They fluttered beautifully on his velvet. The sea slept in the healthy, sound sleep of a worker who was very tired during the day.

The clouds crawled slowly, now merging, now overtaking each other, mixing their colors and shapes, absorbing themselves and re-emerging in new shapes, majestic and gloomy...

He, a thief, loved the sea. His ebullient, nervous nature, greedy for impressions, was never satiated by the contemplation of this dark breadth, boundless, free and powerful. Sitting at the stern, he cut the water with the rudder and looked ahead calmly, full of desire to ride long and far along this velvet surface.

At sea, a broad, warm feeling always rose in him, covering his entire soul, it cleansed it a little from everyday filth. At night, the soft sound of his sleepy breath floats smoothly over the sea, this immense sound infuses calm into a person’s soul and, gently taming its evil impulses, gives birth to powerful dreams in it... (According to M. Gorky.)

(192 words.)

Mikhailovskoe and Trigorskoe

The cart drove into a centuries-old pine forest. There was something white in the grass on the side of the road.

I jumped off the cart, bent down and saw a plank overgrown with bindweed. There was an inscription on it in black paint. I pulled away the wet stems of bindweed and read almost forgotten words: "IN different years I appeared under your canopy, Mikhailovsky Groves.”

Then I came across such tablets in the most unexpected places: in the unmown meadows above Sorotya, on the sandy slopes on the road from Mikhailovskoye to Trigorskoye - everywhere simple Pushkin stanzas sounded from the grass, from the heather, from the dry strawberries.

I traveled almost the entire country, saw many places, amazing and heart-tugging, but none of them possessed such sudden lyrical power as Mikhailovskoe.

It was difficult to imagine that along these simple roads with traces of bast shoes, over anthills and gnarled roots, Pushkin’s riding horse walked and easily carried its silent rider.

I remember forests, lakes, parks and the sky. This is almost the only thing that has survived here from Pushkin’s times. The local nature is untouched by anyone. She is very well taken care of. When it was necessary to supply electricity to the reserve, they decided to run the wires underground so as not to install poles. The pillars would immediately destroy the Pushkin-like charm of these deserted places. (According to K. Paustovsky.)

10th grade
Control dictation based on the results academic year

A drop of heaven on earth

In a forest tired of the burden of winter, when the awakened buds have not yet blossomed, when the sad stumps of winter felling have not yet sprouted, but are already crying, when dead brown leaves lie in a layer, when bare branches do not rustle yet, but only slowly touch each other, unexpectedly I could smell the snowdrop!

Barely noticeable, but it is the smell of awakening life, and therefore it is trembling and joyful, although almost imperceptible. I look around and it turns out he’s nearby. There is a flower standing on the ground, a tiny drop of heaven, such a simple and frank harbinger of joy and happiness, to whom it is due and available. But for everyone, both happy and unhappy, he is now an adornment of life.

This is how it is among us: there are modest people with a pure heart, with a huge soul. They decorate life, containing all the best that exists in humanity: kindness, simplicity, trust. So a snowdrop seems like a drop of heaven on earth.

If I were a writer, I would definitely address this: “O restless man! If you want to rest your soul, go to the snowdrops in the forest in early spring, and you will see a beautiful dream of reality. Go quickly: in a few days there may be no snowdrops, and you will not be able to remember the magic of the vision given by nature. Snowdrops – fortunately, people say.”

(According to G. Troepolsky.)

Grandfather's house

Now, no matter where I live, I have no trace of that hot, joyful craving for the city that I had in my youth. On the contrary, more and more often I feel that I miss my grandfather’s house.

Maybe because grandfather’s house no longer exists - the old ones died, and the young ones moved to the city or closer to it. And when he was there, I still didn’t have enough time to be there more often, I kept it in reserve. And now there is no one there, and it seems to me that I have been robbed, that some of my main roots have been cut off.

Even if I was there rarely, with his very life, with his hearth smoke, with the kind shadow of his trees, he helped me from afar, made me bolder and more self-confident. When a person feels his beginning and his continuation, he manages his life more generously and correctly and it is more difficult to rob him, because he does not keep all his wealth to himself.

I miss my grandfather's house with its big green yard, with the old apple tree, with the green tent. walnut. How many unripe apples we picked from our old apple tree, how many unripe nuts, covered with a thick green peel with a still tender shell, with a kernel not yet thickened inside!

(According to F. Iskander.)

Memories of the Motherland

One day, starlings flew to my watch during an October, autumn, stormy day. We raced in the night from the shores of Iceland to Norway on a ship illuminated by powerful lights. And in this foggy world tired constellations arose...

When I raised the binoculars to my eyes, the white superstructures of the ship, rescue whaleboats and birds swayed in the glass - wet lumps fluffed up by the wind. They rushed between the antennas and tried to hide from the wind behind the pipe.

These small, fearless birds chose the deck of our ship as a temporary shelter on their long journey to the south. Of course, I remembered Savrasov: rooks, spring, there is still snow, and the trees have woken up. And in general I remembered everything that happens around us and what happens inside our souls when the Russian spring comes and the rooks and starlings arrive. It takes you back to childhood.

And let them criticize our Russian artists for their old-fashioned and literary subjects. The names of Savrasov, Levitan, Serov, Korovin, Kustodiev hide not only the eternal joy of life in art. It is Russian joy that is hidden, with all its tenderness, modesty and depth. And just as simple a Russian song is, so simple is painting.

Art is art when it evokes in a person a feeling of happiness, albeit fleeting. And we are designed in such a way that the most piercing happiness arises in us when we feel love for Russia. (According to V. Konetsky.)

    Features of the emergence and development of economic thought in Ancient Rus'.

    Economic views in Russia in the 18th century.

    The revolutionary direction of economic thought in Russia in the first half of the 19th century.

    Academic and university economics in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

    Domestic economic science in the USSR.

    Domestic economic thought during the transition to market relations.

Topics of reports:

    The origin of economic science in Russia (I.T. Pososhkov).

    Contribution of A.N. Radishchev in the development of economic science.

    The essence of the theory of “peasant socialism” N.G. Chernyshevsky.

    Specifics of the doctrine of wages M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky.

    Economic views of N.D. Kondratieva.

    The theory of peasant farming A.V. Chayanov.

    Monetary reform S.Yu. Witte.

    Causes of the crisis state of domestic economic science in the 90s.

Economic dictation:

    A set of legal norms and economic concepts; a document prescribing rules of behavior established by law and custom, revealing the picture of socio-economic, economic relations, economic ideas and ideas of the ancient Russian people.

    A new set of laws adopted under Ivan the Terrible introduced changes corresponding to the strengthening of centralized power in taxation, the right to collect trade duties was transferred to the state, and the ratio of forms of land ownership changed in favor of the nobility - oprichnina.

    Initiator of the creation of the first organization of economists in Russia - the Free Economic Society.

    The period of the creation of the first courses in political economy, the publication of the first textbooks, the dissemination of economic knowledge, and the organizational formation of Russian economic thought.

    Founder of the Constitution in Russia, thanks to this statesman it was abolished serfdom in Russia.

    Founder of the introduction of central planning.

    Economist and statistician, one of the first Russian representatives of the mathematical school.

    Russian economist, mathematician and statistician, is considered one of the creators of the ordinal approach to assessing the utility of goods, the author of the income and substitution effect.

    A prominent Russian figure, he proclaimed the end of political economy and outlined the basic ideas of a planned economy under socialism.

    Lines on a map connecting points on a surface that have the same price for that product.

    Creator of the theory of large cycles in economics.

    Russian mathematician and economist, is the founder of the theory of linear programming, the only Russian laureate of the Nobel Prize in Economics for his contribution to the theory of optimal resource allocation.


1. List the features of Russian economic thought:

a) the strong influence of the theory of Marxism on all areas of economic thought, starting from the second half of the 19th century;

b) the special role of the peasant question;

c) creating ideals of the future without relying on the real state of affairs.

2. Name the main work of Ivan Tikhonovich Pososhkov:

a) “The Legend of Tsar Constantine”;

b) “The Book of Poverty and Wealth”;

3. What economic ideas were expressed by I.T. Pososhkov:

a) sought to justify practical measures aimed at eliminating “poverty” and increasing the people’s wealth;

b) productive work, elimination of idleness and excess, work with “profit”;

c) abolish the poll tax, strengthen finances by introducing a universal land tax;

d) all answers are correct.

4. Name the main work of Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev:

a) “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow”;

b) “Russian Truth”;

c) “On land ownership.”

a) A.N. Radishchev;

b) A.T. Bolotov;

c) H. Schletzer.

6. According to M.M. Speransky, expenses are divided into:

a) temporary;

b) necessary;

c) military;

d) useful;

d) unnecessary.

7. Representatives of the historical school in Russia were:

a) A.N. Radishchev;

b) V.V. Svyatlovsky;

c) M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky;

d) P.I. Pestel;

d) A.I. Chuprov;

f) I.I. Kaufman.

8. Which representative of Russian economic thought believed that Russia could move to socialism, bypassing capitalism:

a) A.N. Radishchev;

b) M.A. Bakunin;

c) N.G. Chernyshevsky.

9. Which of the representatives of Russian economic thought recognized the labor theory of value, considering labor “the sole owner of production values”:

a) A.N. Radishchev;

b) P.I. Pestel;

c) N.G. Chernyshevsky.

10. Name the main works of M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky:

a) “Industrial crises in modern England, their causes and impact on people’s life”;

b) “Russian factory in the past and present”;

c) “Social foundations of cooperation”;

d) “Socialism as a positive doctrine”;

d) “Russian Truth”.

11. What are the basic principles of cooperation highlighted by M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky:

a) material interest;

b) voluntariness;

c) use of labor only by members of the cooperative;

d) public property.

12. The investment interpretation of the theory of cycles was formulated:

a) Yu.G. Zhukovsky;

b) M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky;

c) S.Yu. Witte;

d) N.I. Bukharin.

13. Representatives of the Russian mathematical school were:

a) M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky;

b) Yu.G. Zhukovsky;

c) I.A. Stolyarov;

d) V.K. Dmitriev;

d) I.I. Yanzhul;

f) I.M. Kulisher.

14. Economic doctrine of V.I. Lenin was the basis:

a) the economic model of a new society - state socialism;

b) analysis of the monopoly stage of capitalism;

c) the process of forming the Russian market, involving peasant farms in the system of market relations.

15. In his work “Economy of the Transition Period” N.I. Bukharin considers socialism:

a) as a subsistence economy;

b) economic model of the new society;

c) a single labor enterprise, where everyone works according to a strictly calculated plan;

d) distribution of products based on needs and inventory accounting.

16. The concept of large cycles, developed by N.D. Kondratiev, allows us to imagine:

a) duration of cycles;

b) general patterns of socio-economic development, inherent both in individual countries and in the global process;

c) the permanent nature of the investment.

17. The linear programming method was developed by:

a) N.D. Kondratiev;

b) A.A. Bogdanov;

c) N.N. Kutler;

d) L.V. Kantorovich.

18. The transition to the market began (1992):

a) from a revision of traditional views on the development of economic processes;

b) according to the “shock therapy” model;

c) improving planning and management.

How does an increase in the influx of tourists affect the exchange rate? What is the tax revenue of the budget? No, this is not a final exam for bankers, but the second event “All-Russian Economic Dictation”, which took place yesterday. “VM” correspondent checked her financial literacy

There are 20 questions on the standard exam form. There are at least several hundred Muscovites in the audience. By the way, this year the economic dictation is being written not only in the regions of Russia, but also in Tajikistan, Mongolia and the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic. However, despite all the assurances of the organizers that the questions are aimed at the average citizen without a specialized education, stupor sets in within the first minutes. So: “With what precious metal or other valuables is the relationship of the Russian ruble established?”

It seems easy, but even a schoolchild knows that the exchange rate of the domestic currency has not depended on gold or anything else for a long time. But with the third one you have to remember everything latest news. “Is cryptocurrency legal tender in Russia?” It seems that no restrictions on use were introduced, crypto conferences are held almost every week, which means “yes”.

The All-Russian economic dictation was conceived as one of the stages of solving the problem of gaps in knowledge of economics among our population, says the chairman of the organizing committee of the action, Sergei Bodrunov. - Not everyone has a good understanding of where we are heading, how banks work, how the tax system functions. And our main goal is to pay attention to these critical moments. Are you dreaming of your own business? Do you know which body carries out the registration of an individual entrepreneur? But one more question will confuse even a person with a philological education: “What kind of business deal was the cat Matroskin going to make with his cow in the cartoon “Prostokvashino”: leasing, franchise, loan or rent?”

This year’s questions affect theory, banking, and the taxation system, says the rector of the Financial University under the Russian Government, Mikhail Eskindarov. - I would link this promotion to that program to improve the level financial literacy population, which is already in full swing.

The “All-Russian Economic Dictation” event was organized by the Free Economic Society of Russia with the participation of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russian Economic University named after G. V. Plekhanov, . Last year, during the event, the All-Russian Economic Dictation was written by more than 59 thousand participants at 638 sites in 80 regions of the Russian Federation. The theme of this year's dictation is “Strong economy - prosperous Russia!”