The lamp lights up in a glass of water. The latest LED lamps powered by salt and water. Everything you need to know. Energy-saving lamp The lamp lights up when lowered into water

Remember what the great scientist Nikola Tesla told us 100 years ago?
And how the tycoon Morgan disliked him for this, who did not benefit from this state of affairs - after all, he then controlled the copper wire market. Who would need his copper if electricity was transmitted without wires?
But this was a preface - and the word will come ahead...

Why is the light on?

First, a preface about how this article appeared in the first place.

About five years ago, I registered on some student forum and published an article there about what mistakes our academic science makes in the interpretation of many basic principles, how alternative science corrects these mistakes, and how academic science is at war with alternative science, labeling it " pseudoscience" and accusing him of all mortal sins. My article hung in the public domain for about 10 minutes, after which it was thrown into the sump. I was immediately sent to an indefinite ban and forbidden to appear with them. A few days later, I decided to register on other student sites to repeat my attempt with the publication of this article. But it turned out that I was already blacklisted on all these sites and they refused to register me. As far as I understand, information about undesirable persons is exchanged between student forums, and being blacklisted on one site means automatic relegation from all others.

Then I decided to go to the Kvant magazine, which specializes in popular science articles for schoolchildren and university students. But since in practice this magazine is more oriented towards a school audience, the article had to be significantly simplified. I threw out everything about pseudoscience and left only a description of one physical phenomenon and gave it a new interpretation. That is, the article turned from a technical journalistic into a purely technical one. But I did not receive any response from the editors to my request. Previously, I always received an answer from the editorial offices of magazines, even if the editors rejected my article. From this I concluded that I was also blacklisted by the editorial office. So my article never saw the light of day.

Five years have passed. I decided to contact the editors of Kvant again. But even after five years there was no response to my request. This means that I am still on their black list. Therefore, I decided not to fight at windmills anymore, but am publishing an article here on the website. Of course, it’s a pity that the vast majority of schoolchildren will not see it. But here I can’t do anything. So, here is the article itself....

There is probably no settlement on our planet where there are no electric light bulbs. Large and small, luminescent and halogen, for flashlights and powerful military searchlights - they have become so firmly established in our lives that they have become as familiar to us as the air we breathe. The operating principles of light bulbs seem so clear and obvious to us that almost no one thinks about the mechanics of their operation. Nevertheless, this phenomenon conceals a huge mystery that has not yet been fully resolved. Let's try to figure it out ourselves.

Let us have a pool with two pipes, through one of which water flows into the pool, through the other it flows out of it. Let us assume that 10 kilograms of water enter the pool every second, and in the pool itself 2 kilograms of these ten are somehow magically processed into electromagnetic radiation and is thrown out. Question: How much water will leave the pool through the other pipe? Probably even a first grader will answer that 8 kilograms of water will be lost per second.

Let's change the example a little. Let there be electric wires instead of pipes, and an electric light bulb instead of a swimming pool. Let's look at the situation again. One wire carries, say, 1 million electrons per second into a light bulb. If we believe that part of this million is converted into light radiation and thrown out of the lamp into the surrounding space, then a smaller number of electrons will leave the lamp along the other wire. What will the measurements show? They will show that the electric current in the circuit does not change. Current is the flow of electrons. And if the electric current is the same in both wires, that means that the number of electrons leaving the lamp is equal to the number of electrons entering the lamp. And light radiation is a type of matter that cannot appear from a complete void, but can only appear from another variety. And if in this case light radiation cannot come from electrons, then where does matter come from in the form of light radiation?

This phenomenon of the glow of an electric light bulb also conflicts with one very important law of elementary particle physics - the law of conservation of the so-called lepton charge. According to this law, an electron can disappear with the emission of a gamma quantum only in an annihilation reaction with its antiparticle, a positron. But there cannot be any positrons as carriers of antimatter in a light bulb. And then we get a literally catastrophic situation: all the electrons entering the light bulb along one wire, without any annihilation reactions, leave the light bulb along the other wire, but at the same time, new matter appears in the light bulb itself in the form of light radiation.

And here’s another interesting effect associated with wires and lamps. Many years ago famous physicist Nikola Tesla performed a mysterious experiment of transmitting energy through a single wire, which in our time was repeated by the Russian physicist Avramenko. The essence of the experiment was as follows. We take the most ordinary transformer and connect it with the primary winding to an electric generator or network. One end of the secondary winding wire is simply dangling in the air, the other end is pulled into the next room and there we connect it to a bridge of four diodes with a light bulb in the middle. We apply voltage to the transformer and the light comes on. But there is only one wire going to it, and for work electrical circuit you need two wires. At the same time, according to scientists studying this phenomenon, the wire going to the light bulb does not heat up at all. It does not heat up so much that instead of copper or aluminum, you can use any metal with a very high resistivity, and it will still remain cold. Moreover, you can reduce the thickness of the wire to the thickness of a human hair, and the installation will still work without problems and without generating heat in the wire. Until now, no one has been able to explain this phenomenon of energy transfer through one wire without any losses. And now I will try to give my explanation of this phenomenon.

There is such a concept in physics - physical vacuum. It should not be confused with technical vacuum. Technical vacuum is synonymous with emptiness. When we remove all air molecules from a vessel, we create a technical vacuum. Physical vacuum is completely different; it is a kind of analogue of all-pervading matter or environment. All scientists working in this field have no doubt about the existence of physical vacuum, because its reality is confirmed by many well-known facts and phenomena. They argue about the presence of energy in it. Some people talk about an extremely small amount of energy, others are inclined to think about a super-huge amount of energy. Give precise definition impossible in a physical vacuum. But you can give an approximate definition through its characteristics. For example, this: a physical vacuum is a special all-pervading medium that forms the space of the Universe, generates matter and time, participates in many processes, has enormous energy, but is not visible to us due to the lack of the necessary sense organs and therefore seems empty to us. It must be especially emphasized: physical vacuum is not emptiness, it only appears to be emptiness. And if you take this position, then many riddles can be solved quite easily. For example, the mystery of inertia.

What inertia is is still not clear. Moreover, the phenomenon of inertia even contradicts the third law of mechanics: action is equal to reaction. For this reason, sometimes they even try to declare inertial forces illusory and fictitious. But if we fall in a sharply braking bus under the influence of inertial forces and get a bump on our forehead, how illusory and fictitious will this bump be? In reality, inertia arises as a reaction of physical vacuum to our movement.

When we sit in a car and press on the gas, we begin to move unevenly (accelerated) and with this movement of the gravitational field of our body we deform the structure of the physical vacuum surrounding us, imparting some energy to it. And the vacuum reacts to this by creating inertial forces that pull us back in order to leave us at rest and thereby eliminate the deformation introduced from it. To overcome the forces of inertia, a lot of energy is required, which results in high fuel consumption for acceleration. Further uniform motion has no effect on the physical vacuum, and therefore it does not create inertial forces, so fuel consumption during uniform motion is less. And when we start to slow down, we again move unevenly (slowly) and again deform the physical vacuum with our uneven movement, and it again reacts to this by creating inertial forces that pull us forward in order to leave us in a state of uniform rectilinear motion, when there is no vacuum deformation. But now we no longer transfer energy to the vacuum, but it gives it to us, and this energy is released in the form of heat in the brake pads of the car.

Such accelerated-uniformly-decelerated movement of a car is nothing more than a single cycle of oscillatory motion of low frequency and enormous amplitude. At the acceleration stage, energy is introduced into the vacuum; at the deceleration stage, the vacuum releases energy. And the most intriguing thing is that the vacuum can give back more energy than it previously received from us, because he himself has a huge reserve of energy. In this case, no violation of the law of conservation of energy occurs: how much energy the vacuum gives us, exactly how much energy we will receive from it. But due to the fact that the physical vacuum seems to us like emptiness, it will seem to us that energy arises from nowhere. And such facts of apparent violation of the law of conservation of energy, when energy appears literally from emptiness, have long been known in physics (for example, with any resonance such enormous energy is released that the resonating object may even collapse).

Circular motion is also a type of uneven motion even at constant speed, because in this case, the position of the velocity vector in space changes. Consequently, such a movement deforms the surrounding physical vacuum, which reacts to this by creating resistance forces in the form of centrifugal forces: they are always directed so as to straighten the trajectory of movement and make it straight when there is no vacuum deformation. And in order to overcome centrifugal forces (or to maintain the vacuum deformation caused by rotation), it is necessary to spend energy, which goes into the vacuum itself.

Now we can return to the phenomenon of the light bulb glowing. For it to work, there must be an electric generator in the circuit (even if there is a battery, it was still once charged from the generator). The rotation of the electric generator rotor deforms the structure of the adjacent physical vacuum, centrifugal forces arise in the rotor, and the energy to overcome these forces goes from the primary turbine or other source of rotation into the physical vacuum. As for the movement of electrons in an electrical circuit, this movement occurs under the influence of centrifugal forces created by vacuum in a rotating rotor. When electrons enter a filament light bulb, they intensively bombard the ions of the crystal lattice, and they begin to oscillate sharply. During such oscillations, the structure of the physical vacuum is again deformed, and the vacuum reacts to this by emitting light quanta. Since vacuum itself is a type of matter, the previously noted contradiction in the appearance of matter out of nowhere is removed: one form of matter (light radiation) arises from another variety (physical vacuum). The electrons themselves do not disappear in such a process and are not transformed into something else. Therefore, as many electrons enter the light bulb through one wire, exactly the same number will exit through the other. Naturally, the energy of the quanta is also taken from the physical vacuum, and not from the electrons entering the filament. The energy itself electric current in the circuit does not change and remains constant.

Thus, for the lamp to glow, it is not the electrons themselves that are needed, but sharp vibrations of the ions of the metal crystal lattice. Electrons play only the role of an instrument that makes the ions vibrate. But the tool can be replaced. And in the experiment with one wire, this is exactly what happens. In Nikola Tesla's famous experiment on transmitting energy through one wire, such an instrument was the internal alternating electric field of the wire, which constantly changed its intensity and thereby caused the ions to oscillate. Therefore, the expression “transfer of energy over one wire” in this case is not successful, even erroneous. No energy was transmitted through the wire; energy was released in the light bulb itself from the surrounding physical vacuum. This is the reason why the wire itself did not heat up: it is impossible to heat an object if energy is not supplied to it.

As a result, a rather tempting prospect emerges of a sharp reduction in the cost of constructing power lines. Firstly, you can get by with one wire instead of two, which immediately reduces capital costs. Secondly, instead of relatively expensive copper, you can use any cheapest metal, even rusty iron. Thirdly, you can reduce the wire itself to the thickness of a human hair, and leave the strength of the wire unchanged or even increase it by enclosing it in a sheath of durable and cheap plastic (by the way, this will also protect the wire from precipitation). Fourthly, due to the reduction in the total mass of the wire, it is possible to increase the distance between the supports and thereby reduce the number of supports for the entire line. Is this really possible? Of course it's real. If only there was the political will of the leadership of our country, the scientists would not let us down.

With the switch off? This is a question that interests many users of modern LED lighting. Is it dangerous or not? What are the reasons for this phenomenon? What are the best lamps to use at home? We will try to answer these and other questions in the article.

What is this

It is a regular lamp, which consists of many semiconductor crystals and an optical system. This is a semiconductor device that converts electrical voltage into lighting. The spectrum of emitted light depends on chemical composition semiconductor. The first such device appeared in 1968 and was very expensive, and mass production of lamps was launched only in the 21st century. Their design resembles a mini-computer and includes a case, LED, diffuser, radiator, driver, and base. If the LED lamp glows when the switch is off, do not panic. There are several logical explanations for this phenomenon.


With the switch off? It should be noted that the LED bulb is economical. It reduces electricity costs by almost six times. Long service life is one of the features of the device: the lamp retains its ability to illuminate for fifty thousand hours. It turns on immediately, without delay, like regular incandescent lamps. The LED does not contain hazardous elements, such as mercury and other heavy metals, which would have a negative impact on human health. In addition, the device practically does not heat up during operation, since it does not emit heat. White light does not irritate the human eye, even so bright.


What should I do if the LED lamp glows when the switch is off? Isn't this dangerous? The mysterious afterglow does not pose a danger to humans. LED devices have many advantages:

  • Compared to conventional lighting, they consume a small amount of energy (10 volts) to evenly illuminate even a large room;
  • do not emit ultraviolet light and do not damage human eye tissue;
  • do not heat the air;
  • long term service allows you to save significantly (if the light bulb shines for five hours every day, it will last for ten years);
  • environmentally friendly compared to energy-saving devices;
  • their body is durable, protected from strong impacts and damage;
  • weigh little;
  • warms up in one second.

One of the reasons why an LED lamp glows when the switch is off is because there is such a function in the switch.


If the LED light glows when the light switch is off, there may be a problem with the wiring. Despite the innovation, functionality and technical specifications, such lamps still have disadvantages:

  • the main disadvantage is the high price of the device compared to energy-saving and incandescent lamps;
  • many users are annoyed by the light spectrum of LEDs; they are not used for reading books or hard work;
  • Due to the massive use of LED lighting, electricity prices may rise.

These small disadvantages do not cover the significant advantages, which include energy savings, quality and safety.


What should I do if the LED lamp glows when the switch is off? "RadioKot" - a forum dedicated to electronics, contains a lot of useful information on this topic. According to forum members, there may be several reasons for the weak light after switching off.

  1. Incorrect electrical wiring connection.
  2. The switch has neon lighting.
  3. The LED lamp turned out to be of poor quality.
  4. The LED lamp has additional options (slowly extinguishing lamp).

LED lamps are designed in such a way that their main work is constant voltage. There is a rectifier inside the device, which receives current. Sometimes it happens that after turning off the lamp burns dimly or flickers. Problems with wiring and poor quality of LEDs used are the main reasons for this phenomenon. If the device uses a resistor, it keeps the diodes glowing. Electricity accumulates in them, so even after turning off the lamps emit a weak light.

This happens when the backlit switch is open. In this case, the current to the lamp comes from the switch itself. It does not affect the network load. The current performs the function of charging the capacitor. When charging reaches a certain level, it flashes and turns off. Thus, the process proceeds in a circle, and short blinks occur in the lamp or LED strips.

If you don't want to experience flickering lights during or after a shutdown, choose the right lamp. Conscientious manufacturers always indicate instructions on the packaging, which indicate the operating principle of LED lighting devices and recommendations for correct operation. It is not advisable to use led lamps together with backlit key switches, photocells, brightness controls, timers. All this interferes with the operation of the product and causes periodic blinking.

Unfortunately, lighting fixtures are often counterfeited. When purchasing, try to carefully study the packaging in which the lamp is located. The cause of burning after switching off, as well as blinking, is sometimes due to incorrect installation. If this problem bothers you, try to fix it yourself. Check whether the light bulb is screwed in securely (with the power off). Remember that the simultaneous use of switches with neon lights (they are needed to recognize their location) and LEDs is not recommended.

Environmental friendliness

Are LEDs safe or not? Many people believe that these lamps are dangerous to human health. If we compare them with energy-saving ones, which contain mercury, we can say with confidence: LED lighting is the future. They are not only economical, but also environmentally friendly. The lamps protect the environment because they do not emit heavy metals after disposal. Their design is such that the devices operate without dangerous, harmful, toxic substances in their composition. Why does the LED lamp light up when the switch is turned off on the car? The cause may be incorrect wiring connections or an incorrectly selected light bulb.

Dangerous or not

Why does the LED lamp light up when the switch is off? There are different reasons, one of which is a malfunction of the device or its poor quality. If we compare LED lamps and traditional ones (fluorescent, mercury, metal halide, sodium) - the first are completely safe. Traditional modern lighting devices contain up to 100 mg of mercury vapor. If they are damaged during transportation or after they have served their useful life, toxic substances are released into the atmosphere. Mercury is dangerous not only for the environment, but also for humans in any of its states - liquid or gaseous.


Does the LED lamp glow when the switch is off? It is recommended to replace the device with a new one if there are no problems with the electrical wiring. Try not to neglect the rules for using LED lamps, then they will work properly.

  1. Dismantling and installation of the device is carried out with the electricity turned off.
  2. Do not allow the LED lamp to come into contact with water.
  3. It is not recommended to use the lamp unless it is protected from water and dust.
  4. Lamps cannot be used in devices with a brightness control.
  5. If the LED is used in a circuit with a switch that has a neon backlight, the light will glow faintly when turned off.
  6. Connecting the lamp to a voltage different from the rated voltage leads to a reduction in service life.
  7. Temperature changes in the operation of the lamp lead to its failure.
  8. LEDs do not need to be recycled as they contain no hazardous substances.
  9. The lamps are guaranteed for three years from the date of purchase.

LED lighting can completely replace traditional lighting. Such light bulbs are used in any lighting fixtures and interiors, depending on a person’s preferences.


In the course of the article, we found out why the LED lamp glows when the switch is off. But whether to use it or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves. The objective disadvantage of LEDs is their high cost. The average price for lamps is two hundred rubles. The cost depends on the design of the device, its size and manufacturer. Over time, LEDs will become more accessible to the public.

Salt water lamp

Designer: Siyu Huang and Jiahui Song

The Clear Light Lamp uses salt water to conduct electricity and make the lamp work. Essentially, salt water replaces regular wires to reduce energy loss. The lamp is equipped with a voice switch and a metal plate on which the main control elements are located.

This is a handheld flashlight that does not require fuel.

It was developed by Raphael and Aisa Migeno - twins.

The prerequisite for the invention was problems in the Greenpeace communities where Aisa worked. There is no electricity or gas here; it is impossible to buy kerosene for lamps due to disruptions in transport. But salt water is something that is available everywhere and is inexpensive.

The lamp can work for 8 hours on a glass of water and two teaspoons of salt. Two different types of metal are immersed in salt water. They shed excess electrons, which then travel from one metal to another through a wire, producing electricity that powers the LEDs. The lamp is absolutely fireproof. It even has a USB port for charging smartphones.

The inventors propose to apply the same principle to street lamps using sea water.

In the future, there may be power plants operating on this principle.

Even though the lamp rods will need to be replaced every 2 years, this is a very economical option for residents of the Philippines.

The brother and sister dream of eventually building a large salt water generator capable of powering an entire house. In the meantime, they are preparing to launch mass production of their lamp, with the help of investors and grants from organizations such as USAID.

The issue of finding alternative energy sources is especially acute in developing countries, because they are limited in material resources and do not have a particularly developed infrastructure for supplying electricity, especially environmentally friendly ones. Another problem that arises when installing state-of-the-art solar panels and wind turbines is the lack of qualified personnel.

But as it turned out, in the case of such countries it is not at all necessary to turn inside out, but just remember simple things. For example, about a solar lamp that runs on salt water, which, in addition to lighting, gives it the opportunity to serve as a charger for small gadgets, such as mobile phones.

Apart from a special light source, we don’t need anything supernatural. It is enough to dissolve 16 salts in 350 ml of water in a special bag and pour the resulting substance into the lantern’s container. And no batteries, which is very convenient and environmentally friendly. Once inside the flashlight, the salt solution acts as an electrolyte, interacting with the magnesium wire (negative electrode) and carbon wire (positive electrode). It is indeed capable of generating small amounts of electricity. True, it is still unknown what to do if only sea water is at hand.

The manufacturing company claims that such lamps are capable of generating electricity for eight hours and have a power of 55 lumens. In this mode, they can work up to 120 hours, after which the magnesium electrode will have to be replaced. The lamps have a special USB port for connecting devices when charging.

Lamp operation:

The operation of the lamp is based on the principle of operation of a galvanic cell. Lamp uses salt water, like the electrolyte in a galvanic battery. Two electrodes are placed in an electrolyte solution, energy is generated and this in turn lights the lamp.

The lamp is designed to cause as little harm to the environment as possible, using renewable energy sources. It has the ability to stay on for about eight hours a day and work for six months.

Aisa Mieno works at SALt (Sustainable Alternative Lighting). She founded this company with the goal of supplying 600 lamps to the local population of the Philippines.

Mieno's future plans are to increase production in 2016 and bring these products to the mass market. The planned improvement will allow the LED lamp to work longer and recharge mobile phones

LED bulbs in India are 76% counterfeit
A study conducted in four major Indian cities (New Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad and Hyderabad) found that three-quarters of LED bulbs sold in the Indian lighting market are counterfeit as they do not meet consumer safety standards, the research firm said Nielsen in a research report. It was found that about 76% of LED lamp brands and 71% of LED fixtures sold in more than two hundred retail outlets did not meet safety standards. These are not quality products will ultimately affect the entire energy efficiency in the country.

According to a study conducted by Nielsen for ELCOMA (Electrical Lamps and Components Manufacturers Association), these brands violate norms prescribed by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and the Ministry of Electronics and Electronics. information technology(Government of India) for lighting products. According to Sunil Sikka, former president Association ELCOMA and Havells India, the market share of counterfeit and illegal LED products is growing steadily.
In August 2017, the BIS Bureau ordered LED lighting manufacturers to register their products with BIS for safety checks as the market was flooded with cheap and low-quality Chinese products.
The study found that these byproducts pose a serious safety risk to consumers. This also results in a significant loss of tax revenue for the government as these products are produced and sold illegally. But strangely enough, the city of Hyderabad is not very agreeable about complying with BIS norms.
The study also found that 48% of LED lamp brands do not indicate the manufacturer's address and 31% of the brands do not have the manufacturer's name, which clearly indicates that these brands violate Indian legal standardization rules and are manufactured illegally.
According to ELCOMA Association, the total LED market in India is worth Rs 100,000 crore and LED lamps and luminaires account for 50% of the total LED market.
“The large number of illegal LED lighting manufacturers threaten fair competition in the LED lighting market, especially for those companies that meet all mandatory consumer safety standards,” said Rakesh Zutshi, president of ELCOMA and managing director of Halonix Technologies, in a statement. .
Source: website

I know that it is especially harmful to children’s eyes and can be an unpleasant irritant; if LED lighting has a high pulsation coefficient, how can you determine it in a store before purchasing?

The stage of renovation in the house is coming to an end, now preparations for the installation of electrical wiring and lighting are in full swing, all that remains is to fork out for LED light bulbs, tell me which reliable and economical ones to buy? Required with the ability to adjust the brightness and temperature of the glow from 2700 to 5500K.

This delightful kitchen provides the perfect space for preparing and eating food. The room is conventionally divided into two brightly lit zones. Above the work area there are strict spotlights, and above the dining table there is a chic, and at the same time very modern chandelier. The chandelier does not have many glass decorations; its main asset is LED lamps in the form of candles.

The right light changes everything!
Philips Lighting knows that light is more than just a light bulb on the ceiling. It is able to maintain our biorhythms and helps us wake up refreshed in the morning and fall asleep faster at night. It also optimizes the family budget: LED solutions reduce lighting costs by up to 90%. With the right light you can create a unique atmosphere in any room. To unlock the full potential of lighting, Philips Lighting experts daily develop innovative lighting solutions that are designed to make people's lives brighter and more comfortable.

Flaw sunlight can cause poor health, drowsiness, insomnia, and lead to seasonal disorder, which often occurs in the autumn-winter period. According to the All-Russian Center for Public Opinion Research, only 34% of Russians have never encountered signs of seasonal blues.
Philips Lighting understands the power of light to influence human physiology and emotional well-being. Therefore, in 2015, the company took part in equipping the first light room in Russia for the treatment of seasonal disorders at the Research Institute of Physiology and Fundamental Medicine in Novosibirsk. The room is equipped with Philips LED Tubes, enriched in a certain part of the spectrum. The first results of the light room showed a significant improvement in the patients' condition.

“It has been scientifically proven that our mental and physical health largely depends on getting enough light during the day. Unfortunately, the population of our country cannot afford all year round enjoy the bright sun,” comments Konstantin Danilenko, Deputy Director for Scientific and Medical Work at NIIFFM.

Most often, we spend most of the day indoors with insufficient lighting levels - this has a detrimental effect on our health and in some cases leads to depression. Professionally equipped light rooms allow you to tone your body, adjust disrupted circadian rhythms and feel better again.”
At home, we are also capable of providing the required amount of artificial light. The new Philips Scene Switch LED lamp, which changes the light temperature in the room with one press of the switch, can help in the fight against the autumn-winter blues. The user can select the desired lighting mode: warm (temperature 2700K) or cold (temperature 6500K). It has been proven that the temperature of light affects the production of hormones. Cool lighting promotes the production of cortisol, or the stress hormone, and is therefore suitable for concentrated work and morning exercise. Warm light produces melatonin, or the sleep hormone, which helps us relax, so it's good for yoga or reading. With an innovative solution you can choose the light mode for any activity!

Buy from Philips Scene Switch store
LED lamps are not only a functional means of lighting, but also incredibly effective decorative element. The Philips DECO Classic line of filament lamps have a classic shape, so the solutions can fit into any interior and decorate an open lamp. Instead of an incandescent filament, these lamps contain LEDs, and the variety of shapes allows you to choose a solution for any lamp. The warm light of filament lamps resembles the burning of an incandescent filament and creates a homely atmosphere, and the design that is familiar to the eye makes them attractive not only when burning, but also when the light is off.

All Philips Lighting LED lamps consume 10 times less energy than incandescent lamps while delivering excellent light quality. The service life of such solutions is 15 thousand hours, which is 15 times longer than that of traditional lamps. At the same time, standard bases allow them to be used in any lamps with standard switches.
Buy from Philips store
For more information, contact Philips Lighting

LED Smart lamps
A full range of energy-efficient LED Bluetooth lamps that can be controlled directly from your smartphone or tablet without any additional auxiliary devices. Smart LED light bulbs allow you to control when they turn on and off, the level of brightness, and what color they will shine.
Dimming/dimming function Alarm mode Color change (including Disco mode) Flexible color temperature adjustment Easy to use, ready to go out of the box 16 million colors
BUY FOR 1,795 RUBLES from free shipping By mail (25-41 days)

Verbatim announces AR111 LED lamps to provide anti-glare replacement for halogen lamps
Verbatim will demonstrate new linear LED solutions with anti-flicker-free technology.
Moscow, Russia – November 15, 2016: Verbatim announces a new generation of anti-glare modified AR111 LED lamps. The new series of linear LED products will replace existing halogen lamps.
LED lamps AR111 (product numbers: 52340-52346)

To avoid the unpleasant glare that often characterizes competitors' LED products, Verbatim's 10W dimmable lamps feature a unique architecture that allows them to simulate the lighting effect of a traditional halogen bulb by passing the light through a reflector.
AR111 LED lamps are ideal for general lighting of premises such as reception areas in hotels, restaurants or shops, as well as other areas where bright, but comfortable light is needed for an extended period of time. AR111 lamps save up to 89% energy compared to similar halogen lamps. AR111 lamps are lightweight, bright, efficient and long lasting, helping to reduce operating costs.
The new generation of dimmable lamps AR111 provides a luminous flux of up to 750 lumens and a luminous flux density of up to 5700 cd. With a light output of up to 75 lm/W (up to 25% more than competitors), they are lightweight at just 90g (half the weight of most competing products) and last up to 40,000 hours. AR111 lamps do not require a separate heatsink because, thanks to technology from Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, they can use a reflector as a heat sink. Available in color temperatures of 2700K, 3000K and 4000K and beam angles of 12, 25 and 40 degrees, AR111 LED lamps are ideal for a wide range of residential, retail, office and entertainment applications.

The EEI (Energy Efficiency Index) of AR111 LED lamps is rated up to 0.20, confirming compliance with the new environmental design requirements for energy products that came into force in September 2016. In addition to the fact that the product comes with a 5-year warranty, it offers intuitive installation thanks to the ideal dimensions and compatibility of the AR111 shape with most devices on the market.

Linear LED lighting(item numbers: 52278–52283)

Verbatim will also introduce a new range of linear LED modules for general lighting in commercial, retail and hospitality environments. They are also suitable for 220VDC emergency lighting. With an impressive luminous efficiency of up to 104 lm/W (up to 20% higher than some competing products), the modules are available in 600, 1200 and 1500 mm lengths and color temperatures of 3000K and 4000K.

The set of components allows for hidden installation and customization of pendants when mounted on ceilings and walls. If necessary, the modules can be easily installed and connected in parallel.

Complete with a non-dimmable driver with anti-flicker technology, the modules provide high energy efficiency, long service life (up to 50,000 hours) and low McAdam error ellipses. These modules are an ideal replacement for linear lighting systems with conventional fluorescent lamps.

Verbatim linear lighting systems produce uniform light thanks to a fire-retardant polycarbonate diffuser that passes stringent IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) safety standards, including wire heating tests up to 850°C. The high-quality diffuser is resistant to fire and has self-extinguishing properties, which avoids the risk of fire. Frame white made of extruded aluminum.
Vx-filter technology
In addition to AR111 lamps and linear LED modules, the company will also present its new “Vx-filter” technology. Verbatim lighting solutions are equipped with innovative Vx filters that significantly increase the color rendering index (CRI) and at the same time the brightness of colors. Thanks to this, colors and small details will be perceived in the same way as in natural daylight.
About Verbatim
Verbatim is a leading manufacturer of storage solutions and LED lighting products with a wide range of products for both businesses and consumers. Since its founding in 1969, Verbatim has made significant contributions to the development of storage technology and is now the world's leading supplier of optical media (CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs). The company also supplies the market with flash memory cards, external hard drives for data storage, as well as a large selection of various computer accessories.

In addition, the company is actively developing the direction of light-emitting diode (LED) and organic light-emitting diode (OLED) lamps, developing high-quality products that reduce energy consumption and have a long service life. Verbatim is also a supplier of water purification systems. One of these systems, under the Cleansui brand, is recognized as the most popular in the water purification filter segment in Japan. In addition, the company recently launched the production of consumable polymer materials for 3D printers.

Verbatim is a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Kagaku Media, which in turn is part of Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, one of the largest chemical organizations in Japan, which invests heavily in research and development in various fields. The main goal of the company is to provide a healthy, comfortable and environmentally friendly life for people. Verbatim has representative offices in America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and the Middle East, and the company has offices in most countries of the world. The company's European headquarters are based in the UK.

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We present to your attention a small drying chamber for polish applied to nails (a special gel polish is used, which then lasts a very long time). First, the case is made on a 3D printer, then an ultraviolet LED is installed, and the case is decorated to your taste. Then the power is connected (via the NSI50350AST3G Constant Current LED Driver) with a small switch, and that's it, your lamp is ready for use.

The assembly uses an ultraviolet LED EDEV - 1LA1 with a power of 1 Watt and a supply voltage of 3.7V, with a light dispersion angle of 140 degrees.
Link to files with 3D models:
Data on UV LED:
Driver information:

Energy saving lamp is in every home. Is there any harm, why do energy-saving lamps burn out or smell, what to do if the light bulb blinks, crackles or breaks in this article.

In this article we will consider the following questions:

Energy-saving lamps include lamps that operate on glow effects due to the luminescence of the phosphor and the emissivity of LEDs. They have a traditional design: a glass bulb mounted in a base (cartridge).

The action of the lamps is based on the launch of a gas-discharge process, causing the glow of the phosphor concentrated on the walls of the glass bulb of the lamp. The gas discharge process is called high voltage, acting on a gas environment consisting of inert gas and mercury vapor. This process is called avalanche emission of electrons from the cathode towards another electrode.

Modern energy-saving lamps do not require separate power sources, use the type of socket familiar to incandescent lamps, are technologically advanced and meet electrical safety requirements.

Why is an energy-saving light bulb harmful?

Due to the fact that the gaseous environment of a fluorescent lamp contains a certain amount of mercury vapor, as a result of which there is a danger of poisoning. Long-term human contact with mercury vapor and its chemical compounds ends in death, but it should also be understood that even short-term contact can cause poisoning and even a neurological disease - mercurialism.

It comes out through the glass bulb of the fluorescent lamp, which can pose a danger to people with sensitive skin. Its danger lies in its effect on the eyes, damaging the retina and cornea.

The harm from energy-saving light bulbs lies in the danger of poisoning with mercury vapor and exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the cornea and retina.

Energy-saving light bulbs on the market are positioned not only as economical, but they are also more reliable than incandescent lamps. Various devices are coming into fashion to make life easier for people in the metropolis. These are backlit switches. If the illumination is provided by a neon light bulb, then the lamp is constantly under voltage, which leads to its premature consumption and rapid failure.

Another reason that energy-saving lamps burn out quickly may be a closed lampshade or other enclosed space where ventilation is difficult. Answer the question: " Why do energy-saving light bulbs burn out? " Analysis of its switching circuit and voltage surges will also allow. As they say, nothing lasts forever.

Why do energy-saving lamps smell or stink?

A foreign odor from an energy-saving lamp may be due to the heating of its plastic elements. The semiconductor elements of the power supply, located in the base of the lamp, operate in key mode. This is the most energy-heavy mode of operation of switching elements - transistors. The transistors on the board are located without heatsinks, heat dissipation is minimal, through a plastic case. Therefore, the odor may come from the plastic elements used in the electric lamp.

If an odor is detected, the source should be thoroughly examined. Because the smell can be caused not only by the lamp, but also by the socket in which it is inserted, and the insulation of the supply wires. The element that produces the odor must be replaced with a new, serviceable one. It is important to know that the socket into which the light bulb is inserted also has a limitation on the power of the inserted load. This load should never be exceeded.

There are also cases where the source of the odor was the varnish that was used to cover the circuit board of the lamp power supply. This is evidence of dishonesty of the lamp manufacturer, who decided to use an inappropriate element in the product. To avoid this, it is necessary to monitor the standards on the lamp packaging that the lamps must comply with. The more standards a lamp meets, the better. A lamp that emits an unpleasant odor should be replaced.

The smell from energy-saving light bulbs should prompt a search for a possible source of fire. Serviceable elements operate with virtually no odor.

Why do energy-saving lamps that are turned off blink?

The blinking of electric lamps is clearly visible at night or in a dark room. These are noticeable flashes of light with a frequency of approximately once per second. Here the problem may also be hidden in the backlit switch. The problem does not exist on switches that do not have such backlighting.

The reason is this. Every energy saving lamp has a capacitor that runs the lamp. When the switch is turned off, its LED backlight is on. This means that a small electric current passes through it (from the mains and through our energy-saving lamp).

It is this small flowing current that charges the capacitor, which at a certain point in time starts the energy-saving lamp. Then a small flash occurs and the capacitor discharges again and the process repeats. This is why energy-saving light bulbs flicker.

Why does an energy-saving light bulb crack?

An extraneous sound effect occurs due to a malfunction of the power supply elements of the lamp itself. Let us remind you that it operates in pulse mode; if the power supply elements are faulty, an unpleasant chirping noise may occur.

The sound can also be of contact origin due to poor contact in the cartridge. If the effect is of contact origin, it can be easily eliminated by restoring good contact. First of all, you need to tighten the lamp in the socket.

When a positive result is not achieved in this way, it is necessary, with the switch turned off and the lamp unscrewed, try to pull out the lamp tongue on which it sits in the socket. The last experiment is to replace the lamp with a new one or test it in a different socket.

When an energy-saving light bulb cracks, you need to check the lamp itself and the socket in which it is included.

What to do if the light bulb breaks

When an energy-saving lamp breaks, it is necessary to carefully collect the remains of the lamp, observing safety precautions. This is to ventilate the room so that the remaining mercury vapor evaporates. Carry out wet cleaning of the room using a soapy water solution.

When cleaning, you should use rubber gloves; after cleaning, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, removing all possible remnants of the lamp from the room.

How to recycle energy-saving light bulbs?

It must be remembered that fluorescent lamps are not thrown away like ordinary garbage, where they break and all breathe mercury vapor, but recycling energy-saving light bulbs occurs by handing them over to the appropriate collection points.

Bottom line

There are a lot of problems with energy-saving fluorescent lamps. The most common are flashing, sound effects and may cause unpleasant odors. In order to prevent these phenomena, it is necessary to choose lamps from time-tested manufacturers that satisfy a large number international standards (from five), use energy-saving LED lamps.

An innovative product was presented in Dubai energy saving light bulb, which lights up if you put its base in a glass of water or even put it in your mouth. Well, it is going to hit the shelves of UAE stores at the end of this month.

According to its creator, 31-year-old Dr. Noble Inasu, the high-efficiency Flamber lamp (power consumption 9 W), made from 18 LEDs with a luminous flux of 900 Lumens, will be sold for $16 each in all supermarkets countries starting June 21st.

According to the manufacturer, a notable feature of this universal lamp is also the ability battery life up to 25 hours without power. This is provided by a built-in 2000 mA lithium-ion battery.

An additional advantage is the innovative solution that allows the LED lamp to ignite by contact with moisture, which could change the way homes are lit in Africa, rural India and other regions without centralized networks, as well as improve relief work in disaster zones.

Autonomous light source

“In situations such as those recently experienced in Nepal, this can be surprisingly beneficial for those working in extreme conditions, often without electricity,” added Dr Inasu, a one-time London-trained internal medicine specialist who currently heads the research and development department at Britelite, makers of the ultra-efficient LED light bulb.

“We think we are the first to come up with this type of emergency lighting on this scale. The best thing about this approach is that the bulb can also serve as a camping light, act as an inverter, and of course be a standard LED light bulb for homes,” says Dr. Inasu from Kerala, India, who was born and raised in UAE.

“If you look at the installation costs, they are just over $1 per year. In turn, energy costs are even lower - they are reduced to almost a tenth of what is associated with conventional lighting. For the same price, the cost indicator and 1 W of energy consumption are much less than most competitors on the market,” notes the creator of the product.

Flamber, which apparently gets its name from a combination of the words flame and amber, is the most cost-effective in the long term, he says.

“Amber burns for a really long time, which is symbolic, since our light bulbs are guaranteed to last up to 12 years,” adds Inasu. - Our LED bulb charges fully in three hours, after which it can provide three to four nights of continuous light. In India and other countries where power outages are common, this could just be a big blessing.”

The company has already applied for an international patent for the design and manufacturing technology of an LED lamp with a built-in battery. We can only wait for Flamber to “change our understanding” of lighting.