Summer school for teachers at Moscow State University. Summer schools for teachers at Moscow State University. Projects and research completed by our students

A teacher must always learn, otherwise the students' interest in him will dry up very quickly. Where and how can teachers study? Of course, these are various advanced training courses at regional educational institutes. These courses are currently available on budget and extra-budgetary. Despite the fact that many teachers still choose budgetary advanced training, paid training options also exist and are in demand.

Of the so-called budget ones, in the opinion of those who have visited them at least once, Summer schools for teachers at the Moscow State University are especially popular. State University. This best option advanced training.

Summer schools are organized by the Department of Educational and Methodological Activities and additional education Moscow State University. They begin in mid-June and, alternating in different directions, are held until the end of August.

For teachers from the Russian hinterland, Summer schools are like a sip of fresh spring water.

  • Firstly, this is a wonderful opportunity to visit Moscow without thinking about where to stay. Participants in the Summer Schools are provided with a place in the dormitory at Moscow State University for the duration of the courses; the cost of living there is very meager.
  • Secondly, teachers who come to Summer Schools eat in the student canteens of Moscow State University or the Institute of Russian Language and Culture, where prices are quite affordable even for provincials.
  • Thirdly, teachers' classes last until 15 - 15.30, the rest of the time they can visit the sights of the capital - museums, parks, galleries, ancient estates, theaters and just walk around the most beautiful places in Moscow.

What are the advantages of studying at Summer Schools?

  • Teachers who came from the provinces are glad to hear such teachers as Professor I.G. Miloslavsky, who talks so enthusiastically about teaching types of speech activities that teachers again manage to feel like students.
  • A wonderful lecturer who talks about modern Russian literature and writers who have won literary prizes is the writer A. Varlamov. He introduces summer school participants to his works.
  • This master class is given to teachers by a teacher with a capital letter S.V. Volkov. He talks in an unusually interesting way and tries to teach listeners how to interest students in the lessons. His techniques are unusual, but extremely interesting. He has a special approach to those students who do not want and do not like to read; this will be of interest to every teacher.
  • Elistratov V.S., professor at Moscow State University, introduced listeners to the “moral code” of the modern Russian language.

A course of lectures on various problems of teaching Russian language and literature in Russian and foreign schools for 5 years was useful to teachers who came to these schools not only from different parts of Russia, but also from abroad. These are teachers who teach Russian language and literature in Cyprus, London, China, Thailand, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Serbia, Germany, etc. Russian teachers were also interested in meeting with these teachers and discussing pressing problems of language teaching in schools.

« Summer school» - an annual event of interdisciplinary socio-educational focus, which has been held since 2004 in the format of a field educational camp for Russian schoolchildren, students and everyone else.

The tradition of holding such schools has existed since the late 80s, when the Summer School was formed on the basis of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University. environmental school(LASH). In 2003, the “Researcher” Summer School separated from it.


Summer school includes. Among the profiles: ecology, IT, design, philosophy, medicine, geography, natural sciences for schoolchildren, social sciences for schoolchildren, psychology, documentary films, scientific, social, reporting, travel and photo journalism.

In 2014, during the school, about ~1200 people visited it, about 1000 seminars, lectures, master classes, round tables, practical projects and research were held.

The event takes place over 4-5 weeks in July-August. It consists of a tent camp and permanent, well-equipped premises for educational and project work. The main part of the day at the Summer School is devoted to lectures, seminars, field work and work on projects. Round tables and excursions to scientific institutes, teleconferences (for example, with CERN) are also held. In addition to workshop lectures, there are “golden lectures” for the entire school without differentiation into workshops.

Besides curriculum There is also a cultural one: the School hosts holidays, concerts, photo exhibitions, film screenings and open presentations of workshop work.


The Scientific Council includes many scientists, including two corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, an academician of the Russian Academy of Education, professors and teachers of leading Russian universities and scientific institutions (JINR, FIAN, MSU, HSE, NSU, REU, MSGU, MSUPU, etc.) .

Lecturers at the Summer School are famous researchers, scientists, journalists, designers, and teachers from leading universities in Russia.

Below are some of them:

Vladimir Surdin is an astronomer and popularizer of science, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, senior researcher at the State Astronomical Institute named after. P.K. Sternberg Moscow State University, specialist in stellar dynamics.

Vitaly Leibin

- journalist, editor-in-chief of the Russian Reporter magazine.

Yuri Kozyrev

- Russian photojournalist, six-time winner of the World Press Photo award, winner of the Overseas Press Club Oliver Rebbot award, ICP Infinity award, Frontline Club award, Visa d’or News award, Trophee award and Public Prize as part of the Prix Bayeux-Calvado. He has been a member of the World Press Photo jury three times. Over the past 25 years, Yuri Kozyrev has covered all major military conflicts in the former Soviet Union, as well as in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, etc. Contract photographer for Time magazine.

Sergey Maximishin

- photojournalist, multiple winner of the Russian Press Photo and World Press Photo competitions. Collaborates with publications “Izvestia”, “ Russian newspaper", "Time", "Geo", "The Washington Post", "The Times", "The Wall Street Journal", "Newsweek".

Alexander Barulin

- specialist in the field of the theory of linguistics, semiotics and their branches - the theory of glotogenesis, the theory of morphology. Founder and first dean of the Faculty of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics of the Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU - 1991-2000), co-author of the state educational standard in the specialty "Theoretical and Applied Linguistics".

Anton Krotov

- traveler, writer, founder and president of the Academy of Free Travel.

Hasan Mirzoev

- public figure, president of the Guild of Russian Lawyers.

Mikhail Gelfand

- bioinformatician, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (biophysics), Professor of the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics of Moscow State University, Member of the European Academy, Deputy Director of the Institute of Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper “Troitsky Variant - Science”.

There is no formal division between students and teachers at the School. School participants can act in different roles, performing different tasks. When selecting participants, there are no restrictions on age or level of education. Recruitment is carried out on the basis of a questionnaire and a selection task from the workshop. Enrollment criteria vary for each academic area.

Project Features

Volunteering- the school is held every year by volunteers; the organizers and teachers do not receive salaries or fees.

Coverage- representatives of almost all regions of Russia and the near abroad participate in the work of the Summer School.

Interdisciplinary nature- The school unites more than two dozen areas. Interdisciplinarity is achieved by involving participants from different workshops in common projects, a varied lecture program, round tables etc.

Academicism- The school is focused on academic science. Teachers represent such universities as: Moscow State University, Higher School of Economics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Novosibirsk State University, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, St. Petersburg State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, MISiS, MMA, RUDN University, Russian State University for the Humanities, Southern Federal University, MEPhI, Siberian Federal University, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Institute of Problems of Applied Mathematics RAS, FIAN, IKI RAS, etc. From the press “Russian Reporter”, “Science and Life”, “Trinity Option”, “Science in Focus”, “Science and Technology in Russia”, “Theater Magazine”, etc. are presented.

Self-government- the school is created by the hands of its participants, sometimes they gather in groups. The oldest groups - and the organizing committee of the School. We are always looking for new people to join both groups.


The Summer School is a finalist of the II All-Russian Prize of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “For Fidelity to Science.”

According to the results of the “Innovation through the eyes of journalists” competition, which is held by the Russian Venture Company, first place was awarded to “Russian Reporter” for the NANO24 project. Almost two hundred young journalists broadcast news related to the life of modern technologies throughout the day. A significant part of the project participants are students who completed training at the Summer School, as well as at the Media Polygon and City-24 projects.

A joint project of the scientific journalism workshop and the UrFU student television studio “TViST”. Young scientists and future scientists tell why science is interesting and what is unique about it, became the winner of the “Art of Science” festival.

This year, the Moscow State University Summer School of Psychology will be dedicated to one of the most relevant and vibrant topics of our time - artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data and their role in psychology.

Lectures, projects and master classes within the School will be discussed in the following thematic blocks:

Artificial Intelligence and...

  1. Big Data
  2. Longitudinal psychological studies
  3. Cognitive Research
  4. New educational technology
  5. Modern medicine and rehabilitation
  6. Psychophysiology
  7. Economic and consumer behavior
  8. Organizational psychology
  9. New media
  10. Digital morality and ethics.

What opportunities does the use of artificial intelligence give to psychologists? Which professionals will soon be replaced by robots?

Why has the machine war already begun and we don’t see it? How can a robot psychotherapist help cope with depression? Cyborg people, bionic prostheses, transfer of human consciousness to artificial media - how feasible is all of the above in medicine? Why are artificial personalities and voice assistants so in demand in modern economy, and what should psychologists do about it? Is it possible to design emotions and consciousness for an ordinary robot? What is conversational artificial intelligence, and how does it relate to modern psycholinguistics? Finally, are AI technologies a danger in the future, or just a spectacular marketing wrapper for old and well-known technologies?

What awaits School participants?

  1. Lectures, seminars and scientific discussions with the participation of leading teachers and experts from Moscow State University, partner universities (St. Petersburg State University, MIPT, etc.), as well as business partners (Yandex, Artificial Intelligence Agency, etc.). The School will present both reports, lectures and seminars on elections. Potential participants of the School will also have the opportunity to apply to conduct a lecture, seminar or project at the School, if its topic and level of qualifications correspond to the topics of the LPS.
  2. Participation in cross-cutting scientific projects, which participants can independently choose in advance before going to the School. Projects will be of both research and applied nature. They will be supervised by both teachers and experts from the world of academic science, and practitioners from the business environment.
  3. Rich extracurricular program. Every day of school after graduation school day Participants will enjoy a varied selection of intellectual, sports and entertainment activities.
  4. Receipt certificate of additional education from Moscow State University in case of successful development educational program Schools.
  5. New friends good mood and hopefully great weather.


The traditional place for the Moscow State University LPS is the Krasnovidovo boarding house of the Moscow State University (Krasnovidovo village, Mozhaisky district).

The boarding house is located on the shore of the picturesque Mozhaisk reservoir. School participants will stay in comfortable 2- and 3-bed rooms with 3 meals a day. The boarding house has infrastructure for sports (boating and catamarans, a small beach, rental of sports equipment), a library, a sauna, and a small fitness room.


How to get there?

Transport (comfortable buses) to the School venue and back will be organized for School participants.

  • There - July 6 (in the afternoon, time to be confirmed) - from the main building of the Faculty of Psychology;
  • Return - July 10 (in the morning, time to be confirmed) - from the Krasnovidovo boarding house to the main building of the Faculty of Psychology.

School Program Committee

Chairman of the Organizing Committee of LPS-2018:

  • President of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Chairman of the Russian Academy of Education Yu.P. Zinchenko

Deputy Chairmen:

  • Deputy Dean for educational work Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Associate Professor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences A.I. Kovalev
  • Deputy Dean for Scientific Work of the Faculty of Psychology, Associate Professor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences O.A. Tikhomandritskaya


  • Coordinator for extracurricular activities, associate professor, candidate of psychological sciences. A.M. Rykiel

Chairman of the student organizing committee:

  • 5th year student Anastasia Kot.

How to participate?

To participate in the MSU LPS, you must fill out an online application. To do this, you need to decide in advance on the format of participation and fill out all sections.

Please note that filling out an online application does not guarantee participation in the Moscow State University LPS. Due to the limited number of places at the School, the program committee reserves the right to refuse participation to those whose applications are not convincing enough.

You will be informed in advance about the results of consideration of your application for participation by contact email.

In what format can I participate in the School, and how much does it cost?

  1. If you intend to come to MSU LPS as Participant, then it is important for you to fill out the motivational part well, revealing your scientific interests and motivation for participation. The amount of the registration fee is 9,000 rubles (for students, graduate students and graduates of Moscow State University, the discounted price is 8,000 rubles).
  2. If you are ready to present a project at the School, then your participation format is: Project Manager/Co-Director. The project involves a presentation of your scientific work (lecture/seminar/workshop/master class) on the main topic of LPS-2018 or a plan for a pilot study that can be conducted during the School. A project must have one Manager and can have one Co-Manager - thus, one project can be managed by up to 2 people. Detailed requirements for the project are below.
  3. In order for everyone, including those who cannot plan a trip in advance, to attend LPS-2018, it is possible to participate as Guest School. These applications will be accepted after the deadline for accepting applications from Participants and will not contain a motivational part. Also, School Guests will not receive certificates of participation in the additional education program. Guests of the School can also be those whose applications in the “Participant” category were rejected. The amount of the registration fee for School Guests is 12,000 rubles.

The cost of the MSU LPS includes participation in the educational, scientific and entertainment program, accommodation, meals and travel to and from the School.

How to pay for participation in the School?

Payment of the cost of participation is made by bank transfer by paying receipts (payment is possible through the online banking system, for example, “ Sberbank Online"), provided by the Organizing Committee of the School, after approval of your application within the time limits specified in the corresponding letter, which will be sent to you by mail.

How will the training at the School be conducted?

Within the framework of the Moscow State University LPS, lectures, master classes, workshops and seminars are planned. Classroom work at the School is expected throughout the school day and will be interrupted for scientific work in groups and extracurricular activities.

How will scientific work take place at the School?

Distinctive feature The school provides the opportunity to conduct real scientific research and create scientific and applied programs for its participants. As a result of the work of the scientific group at the School, the results of scientific research, the creation of an impact program, training related to the theme of the School, testing specific methodology or a set of methods, etc.

Participation in a project at the School involves the following stages:

  1. A potential School participant fills out a special section in his online application in which he indicates his scientific interests, as well as his readiness for a particular format of work in a scientific group at the School.
  2. After approval of the application, Participants who have received approval from the Program Committee will be asked to choose a scientific project and format for participation in the work of the scientific group.
  3. Based on the scientific interests of the participant indicated in the application, a commission of the School’s Program Committee will form small research groups.
  4. IMPORTANT! Please note that submitting an application to a particular working group does not guarantee your participation in its work. In this regard, participants are asked to indicate several preferred working groups in their application.

What do you need to know about the work of the research groups themselves?

  1. During the School, each research group will develop the concept and program of a scientific project, as well as implement it (or a pilot part of the project) with subsequent presentation of the results at the School.
  2. Each group will have a scientific consultant and moderator - a teacher at the Summer Psychological School.
  3. Candidates for participation in the LPS can also propose their research projects/programs/lectures/master classes. More information about the requirements for scientific projects can be found in the next section.

What do you need to know if you want to manage a project?

  1. The project must contribute to the solution of a scientific problem related to the subject of the School.
  2. The project must meet the basic criteria for the quality of a research program or impact: relevance, novelty, practical and theoretical significance.
  3. The project program must be clearly stated.
  4. The implementation of a research project should require the involvement of all members of a small research group (6-10 people).
  5. The project (or its pilot part) can be implemented within 3 days while staying in the boarding house where the LPS will take place.

16.00 – 20.00. Registration of school participants (room 1-31, Faculty of Physics)

June 25, Wednesday

8.30 – 10.30. Registration of school participants (room 1-31, Faculty of Physics)
10.30 – 11.00. Opening of the Summer School. Welcoming speech by the Dean of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University, Professor N.N. Sysoeva (room CFA, Faculty of Physics)
11.00 – 12.00. Smart polymers. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.R. Khokhlov (room CFA, Faculty of Physics)
12.00 – 12.20. Coffee break. (room 1-31, Faculty of Physics)
12.20 – 13.20. Physics at the Scientific Research Center of Moscow State University - 50 years. Senior Lecturer T.P. Korneeva (room CFA, Faculty of Physics)
13.20 – 14.20. Difficult questions in a high school physics course. Associate Professor A.V. Grachev (room CFA, Faculty of Physics)
14.20 – 15.20. Lunch break
15.20 – 16.20. Acoustic waves in nature and technology. Academician of the RAS O.V. Rudenko (room CFA, Faculty of Physics)
16.20 – 17.20. Development of the experience of semantic reading in working with the educational complex “Physics 7” by the team of authors A.V. Grachev, V.A. Pogozhev, A.V. Seliverstov. M.S. Atamanskaya (room CFA, Faculty of Physics)
17.30 – 18.30. Excursion to the Museum of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University (registration upon registration)

June 26, Thursday

9.00 – 14.00. Excursion program(Kurchatov Institute, Institute of General Physics RAS, Moscow Planetarium, laboratories of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University and its research centers) - optional (sign up for excursions upon registration)
14.00 – 15.00. Lunch break
15.00 – 15.45. Formation of universal educational actions by means of teaching materials of a team of authors A.V. Grachev, V.A. Pogozhev, P.Yu. Bokov, A.M. Saletsky. G.V. Elkin (room CFA, Faculty of Physics)
15.45 – 16.30. From the outside world to physics: errors in school textbooks. Professor A.G. Hongjua (room CFA, Faculty of Physics)
16.30 – 16.50. Coffee break (room 1-31, Faculty of Physics)
16.50 – 17.35. Research works- as a way of teaching gifted students. Associate Professor S.B. Ryzhikov (room CFA, Faculty of Physics)
17.35 – 18.30. Optics in high school. Senior Lecturer A.V. Seliverstov (room CFA, Faculty of Physics)

June 27, Friday

10.00 – 11.00. The history of the search for life in the Universe. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.M. Cherepashchuk (room CFA, Faculty of Physics)
11.00 – 12.00. Difficult questions of electrostatics. Associate Professor A.V. Pogozhev (room CFA, Faculty of Physics)
12.00 – 12.30. Photon memory at the monument to M.V. Lomonosov
12.30 – 13.30. Lunch break
13.30 – 14.30. Graphical approach to solving physical problems. Associate Professor P.Yu. Bokov (room CFA, Faculty of Physics)
14.30 – 15.00. Ceremonial closing of the Summer School (room CFA, Faculty of Physics)
15.00 – 15.30. Issuance of Certificates to school participants (rooms 1-31, Faculty of Physics)

Dear colleagues!

  • Participation in summer schools is free. All summer school participants are issued a certificate of participation.
  • To be able to register for summer schools, you must and fill out the required fields of the listener questionnaire. Please note that registering on the site and filling out the student form when registering on the site is not an application for a specific summer school!
  • We draw your attention to the need to fill out required fields (marked with a red asterisk) in your student profile (menu "Listener" - "My profile" - "Edit") before applying for summer school(except for the summer school for physics teachers). To enroll in the summer school you are interested in, after filling out the student form, you must then return to this page.
  • To register for the summer school you are interested in, you must click on the “Sign up for a school” button opposite the corresponding school, and then on the page that opens, click the “Apply for a school for teachers” button.
  • If the buttons " Sign up for school " are not displayed although you on the website registered, required again, and then return to this page.
  • If instead of the “Sign up for school” buttons the message “You must fill in the required fields of the student questionnaire” is displayed, you have not filled in the required fields of the student questionnaire. You must follow this link to your listener profile (menu “Listener” - “My profile” - “Edit”) and enter the necessary information. After this, you can return to this page and apply for the summer school that interests you.
  • Please note that filling out the student application form does not constitute an application for a specific summer school!
  • You can view submitted applications in the menu “Listener” - “My events” (except for applications for the summer school for physics teachers). The latest information about the summer school for physics teachers is published on the page:
  • Nonresident summer school participants may be provided with a place in a dormitory. Please note that filling out the registration form and confirmation of acceptance of the application does not mean automatic provision of a place to live for the duration of the school due to the limited number of places in the hostel . You can find out about the status of the issue of providing a hostel in the "Listener" menu - " My events."
  • If, when applying for a summer school, there is no question on the need for a dormitory in the registration form, this means that further registration for this school is ongoingwithout the possibility of providing a place in a hostel.
  • Detailed information about each school can be obtained on the page of the corresponding school (to go to it, you need to click on the name of the school you are interested in).
  • For all questions, you can contact the faculties of Moscow State University, on the basis of which summer schools are organized. Their contacts are listed on the school pages.
  • In addition, you can contact the “MSU - School” department of the Department of Teaching and Methodological Activities and Continuing Education of Moscow State University by mail