Is air conditioning dangerous for newborns and how to choose it for a nursery. Air conditioning in a nursery - the right choice and use Air conditioning dries the air

As you know, children are the most precious thing in our lives, and it is not worth saving on their health. In this article we will tell you how to properly cool your child’s room. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to use the most expensive split systems - just stick to simple recommendations.

Many mothers are afraid to install a split system in their baby's room for fear of colds, bacteria accumulating in the air conditioner and dry air. All this can be easily avoided by following simple recommendations, but here are the positive aspects:

  • mucous membranes do not dry out so quickly
  • Diaper rash and prickly heat are reduced
  • less sweat means less risk of catching a cold
  • your well-being improves and you feel more energetic

Choosing a location for installing the air conditioner

Wall air conditioner

The air conditioner must be located in such a place that air flows do not directly hit the child:

As you can see in the image - the most safe place located directly under the air conditioner. The only negative is that if the air conditioner leaks, water will drip from it. But, firstly, it is not dangerous at all - it is condensation from the air without any impurities, just clean cold water. Secondly, this emergency, which doesn't happen very often. A direct flow of cold air is much more dangerous.

Classic wall-mounted air conditioners are the most common type of air conditioners, but there are other types of air conditioners, the design of which allows air flows to be distributed optimally from the point of view of the danger of colds.

Console and floor-ceiling air conditioners

After installation, such an air conditioner looks like a regular heating radiator (battery). In this case, the cooled air is directed from bottom to top, after which it settles evenly throughout the entire volume of the room.

All possible options The flow distributions are indicated in the image below.

Floor heating function

A modern split system can not only cool the air but also operate in heating mode. The figure shows an option in which the air conditioner directs warm air to the floor, heating it evenly.

This option is ideal in a nursery - there is always a warm floor, for example, in a play area. A conventional heating radiator cannot provide this, especially since the floor is cool not only in the cold season.

ArtCool series from LG

In this series of air conditioners, the designers have ensured that the exhaust air disperses evenly along the walls and downwards, rather than in a direct flow. It is most rational to place such an air conditioner opposite the child’s permanent residence.

Requirements for air conditioning in a nursery

We’ve figured out where to install the split system, now we’ll look at what the air conditioner itself should be able to do, and how to choose the most suitable option.

  • Adjusting the air flow direction

To do this, the air conditioner uses a special lamella, which allows you to direct the flow of cooled air in any direction, it is best to direct the air parallel to the ceiling, this is the best option that will help avoid colds.

The best models of split systems have up to 12 fixed positions of the lamella guide.

  • Air purification

It is necessary to clean the air not only of dust, but also of allergens, which is especially important for children.A modern air conditioner is a high-tech device and using it only for cooling and heating air is, at a minimum, not rational.

At the moment, many air conditioners are not inferior in efficiency to professional air purifiers and have the following filters:

    • Dust - for cleaning large and medium dust
    • Electrostatic filters - retain fine dust.
    • Photocatalytic filter
    • Disinfectants: catechin, wasabi
    • Carbonic
    • Plasma filter

  • Inverter control

And the point here is not about saving energy, the main thing is that the inverter, in temperature maintenance mode, does not supply icy air to the room, but slightly cooled one.

For example: at the output of a non-inverter the temperature is +6..+10 degrees, and at the inverter one +14..+16.

In the first case, the air conditioner can easily “blow out” the child, but in the second, the risk is much reduced.

  • Noise level

Good air conditioners are very quiet at low speed - below 22 dB, this is “quieter than a whisper”, they are practically inaudible. You can also not hear the operation of the external air conditioner unit even with the window open.

This parameter will be suggested by the sales manager, but it is better to check the technical data for the selected air conditioner model.

  • Locking the control panel

An optional, but useful little thing that will help parents avoid troubles from inquisitive kids - modern split systems are very sensitive and respond to the remote control even if it is not pointed directly at the air conditioner.

On the remote control the lock button is indicated Lock or a key symbol.

Older children may want to turn the air conditioner “cooler” without thinking about the consequences - in this case, blocking it will also help.

Rules for using air conditioning in children's rooms

  • Set a comfortable temperature+21..+24 gr.

Coming from the street, people very often turn on the air conditioner to minimum (+16 degrees), then turn it off and turn it on periodically, this should not be done - just set it on the control panel optimal temperature air and the air conditioner will automatically maintain it.

  • Cool the room without the baby

For example, turn on the air conditioner at full power for 10-15 minutes - maximum fan speed (the temperature does not need to be reduced to a minimum, since the air conditioner will do this automatically), then set a comfortable temperature and minimum air flow speed - with minimal noise and the risk of catching a cold.

After which you can come to the nursery with your baby.

By the way, many manufacturers have provided such a mode in their models; it is called differently - “Fast cooling”, “Turbo mode”, Turbo, Hi Power

  • Ventilate the room periodically

Many people mistakenly believe that since a split system has an external unit and tubes go from it to the internal unit, air from the street enters the room.

This is not true; the air conditioning system has a closed, sealed circuit through which refrigerant circulates.

And if so, then periodic ventilation is required to change the air in the room, for example 5 - 10 minutes every hour. The air will be saturated with oxygen and excess carbon dioxide exhaled during human activity will be removed.

There are special air conditioners with oxygen generators and an influx of fresh air from the street, but they are not very common and their effectiveness remains in doubt, so we will not consider them.

  • Install a humidifier in your room

During operation, the air conditioner passes room air through itself - while cooling it and drying it, droplets of moisture continuously accumulate on the heat exchanger of the indoor unit and flow down through the drainage.

At the same time, the air in the room remains the same - the air conditioner simply circulates in a circle. Therefore, to maintain optimal humidity levels, use a humidifier or air purifier with this function.

  • Periodically disinfect the indoor unit(antibacterial treatment). This will help prevent the formation of fungus and remove it if it has appeared. Also, the “self-cleaning” function helps - air conditioners with this function continue to spin the fan at a very low speed for some time after turning off - this allows all the moisture to evaporate, thereby preventing the formation of fungus.

Video from Dr. Komarovsky

We told you about using air conditioning from the point of view of climate specialists. And now a video from a pediatric specialist.

Evgeniy Komarovsky will tell you in a visual form and in understandable language about all the subtleties and nuances of using home air conditioners, as well as car air conditioners when traveling.

Everyone knows about air conditioners, their purpose and benefits. We also know about the negative effects on humans. Why do they exist - maybe because the air conditioner needs to be installed correctly, in the right place? Maybe there are some other rules that protect people from “blowing” and sneezing? So - read below - here are all the answers.

The heat is no problem

The traditional attitude to the issue of thermoregulation in our country is expressed by a simple phrase: “the heat does not ache in the bones.” Remember your childhood - an indispensable component of the winter landscape was a baby who looked like a bun from countless clothes with his face tied in a scarf, from under which only his eyes peeked out. Or perhaps this baby was you yourself? They wrapped up their home in the same way - the windows were sealed tightly for the entire autumn-winter period.

If in the summer daytime ventilation was provided, then leaving the window open at night was simply unthinkable. Those who visited their grandmothers in the village in the summer know that villagers often closed their shutters all night.

And finally, the simple idea has reached our lands that heat is no less a problem than cold. And if the state helps us fight the cold by organizing central heating, then citizens have to fight the heat on their own. And the main weapon in this fight is air conditioning.

Is air conditioning scary in a nursery?

If no one (okay, almost no one) argues about the benefits of air conditioning in general, then air conditioning in a child’s room raises a number of fears. How valid are they?

The air conditioner causes a draft

Oh yes, we have a draft - this is Babayka for adults. Representatives of the generation of grandparents, and many mothers and fathers, are firmly convinced that everyone colds caused solely by drafts.

In fact, there is some truth in grandmother’s fears, but the danger is not the air flow itself, but the temperature difference. It is all the more important to cool the nursery room - then no draft is scary.

Important! Of course, the air flow from the air conditioner should under no circumstances be directed towards the crib. Ideally, the air conditioner and the child’s seat should be located in opposite parts of the room, so that the conditioned air, upon reaching the child, already has time to mix with the air in the room. If this is not possible for one reason or another, adjust the device so that it blows towards the ceiling.

Large temperature changes should also be avoided. The normal room temperature is considered to be 22-23 degrees, but if “overboard” the heat is 30 degrees or more, then the room will be quite comfortable at 24-25 Celsius.

The air from the air conditioner is "bad"

We often hear complaints that the air conditioner “spoils” the air. They say that the room with the device running is stuffy, musty and smells stale. In fact, mustiness and staleness indicate that the air conditioner is not receiving proper maintenance.

This type of equipment has become widespread in our country relatively recently and, unfortunately, not everyone still knows how to properly maintain an air conditioner. First of all, you need to take care of timely cleaning of the filters. After all, an air conditioner, like a big vacuum cleaner, pulls air from the street. And along with it - all the street dust and dirt. To prevent all this “joy” from flying around your room, the cooled air is filtered. However, sooner or later (as practice shows, quite early) the filters become dirty and can no longer cope with the tasks assigned to them.

You can check the condition of the filters yourself - just open the cover of the indoor unit housing, if necessary, remove the filters and clean them.

At least once a year (usually before the start of the season), a complete cleaning of the air conditioner should be carried out, during which the following is cleaned:

  • drainage system
  • heat exchanger
  • fan blades
  • air intake grille
  • cavity of the external unit housing.

This work is usually performed by professionals as part of annual maintenance.

We found out about the smell, but can it be stuffy in a room with air conditioning? Yes, it can. Unfortunately, not everyone understands the difference between the concepts of “hot” and “stuffy”. “Hot” is a characteristic of air temperature, and “stuffy” is its quality. The air conditioner successfully copes with the heat, but not with carbon dioxide, staleness, and unpleasant odors, which lead to stuffiness.

Important! Air conditioning does not eliminate the need to periodically (at least twice a day) ventilate the room. Ventilation can be done in the morning and evening when it is not hot. It is best to leave the windows open at night.

If you ignore this simple rule, the room will definitely be stuffy. Moreover, regardless of the presence of air conditioning.

Air conditioner dries the air

But this is really true. Why is this happening? Let's figure it out. The surface of our planet is three-quarters covered with water, so the entire atmosphere is saturated with suspended moisture, which continuously evaporates from the surface of the World Ocean.

In this context, one can imagine that the air (in this case in the room) is saturated with moisture, like a sponge. The air conditioner starts to cool the air - what happens? Figuratively speaking, the air and the moisture contained in it become denser, “compressed”. The moisture is like coming out of a sponge and flows out in the form of condensation dripping down the drain pipe from under the operating air conditioner.

The air enters the room and begins to heat up - it expands and is again ready to absorb moisture. But there is nothing to absorb: the water flowed through the drainage. Relative air humidity has decreased.

Dry air - serious problem, which threatens many troubles associated with drying out the mucous membranes and respiratory diseases. If you constantly use an air conditioner, you should purchase a special device - an air humidifier. And we will definitely tell you how to choose a humidifier next time!

We hope we were able to dispel your fears. Heat is a real disaster for adults, but the heat is even more harmful and dangerous for children. Do not deprive your baby of the achievements of civilization; air conditioning is not harmful to children if used wisely.

A growing young body is more vulnerable to the action of various bacteria and pathogens. Therefore, the quality of air preparation and purification in the children’s room is given special attention. For such premises a special air conditioner for children's room, which is a multifunctional climatic device for preparing, conditioning and cleaning air. Such a device for creating a comfortable microclimate is a self-cleaning air conditioner, which, in order to maintain optimal operating parameters, thoroughly cleans all working elements of the device with minimal human intervention. An original air conditioner of this design automatically ensures that work surfaces are treated with an antiseptic and are dried internally. To maintain a comfortable, healthy atmosphere in the room, the climate control device must completely remove excess moisture automatically. A child's sensitive sleep reacts quickly to sudden fluctuations in temperature, humidity and increased level noise. Air conditioner for children, which has a sleep mode function, fully complies with such requirements and is capable of maintaining the specified parameters in automatic mode. A room equipped with an original climate control device will reliably protect the child’s body from various diseases, harmful bacteria and microorganisms.

Is air conditioning needed in a children's room? Parents and doctors, teachers and psychologists argue about this. The main argument against installing this device in a nursery is the risk of colds in the child. This publication will discuss whether it is worth introducing a child to air conditioning or not.

Baby and air conditioner

A comfortable microclimate is very important for a person, and especially for a small and growing organism. The mechanisms of thermoregulation in a small child are imperfect, so overheating of the child’s body is the main cause of many serious diseases. Most pediatricians unanimously repeat: “If parents feel that the apartment is hot and they need to turn on the air conditioning, then the child is very hot and simply needs to lower the air temperature.”

If you look at it, a modern split system in a children's room can be an excellent help for the prevention of acute respiratory infections and allergic manifestations. The air in any room contains dust, viruses and microorganisms, tiny fiber particles, pollen and fungal spores. Modern air conditioners are equipped with multi-stage air mixture purification systems, so they do an excellent job of removing up to 99% of contaminants from the air. Under conditions of proper operation of a modern split system, an active child does not overheat and is not exposed to temperature changes, which is why many doctors recommend installing air conditioners in kindergartens and other preschool institutions.

Now that the benefits of climate control technology in a children's room are clear and understandable, we can make an unambiguous conclusion that a child needs to get acquainted with a good air conditioner, and the sooner this happens, the better for his health.

Rules for operating climate control equipment in rooms with children

Children's colds from climate control equipment are a fairly common occurrence, but not from the presence of the device in the room, but from its improper use. In fact, there are only two things that cannot be done:

  1. Do not direct the air stream from the device at sleeping place your child. A sharp change in temperature can lead to vasospasm and hypothermia.
  2. Do not leave the device without maintenance. Accumulated dust and bacteria in the filter elements can harm a fragile child's body.

Modern climate control systems can cool a nursery very quickly by creating a strong air flow. The operating mode of the split system in the nursery should be gentle, aimed at maintaining the optimal temperature for the child. The temperature in the room should be reduced gradually, by no more than 2°C per hour.

If the air temperature in the apartment is approaching 30°C, and you decide that the optimal temperature for your child will be 22°C, then do not immediately set the desired temperature. You need to understand that in order to quickly reduce the air temperature in the room to the desired level, the climate control device will create an air flow with a temperature of 18°C, which can have a detrimental effect on the baby’s health.

A few words about air humidity. Everyone knows that air conditioning dries out the air. If the humidity level of the air mixture is below 40%, it will become dangerous to the child’s health. To create a comfortable microclimate in the children's room, you need to purchase an air conditioner with humidification and air purification. If such a device is beyond your budget, then in conjunction with the split system you need to use air washers that will effectively clean and humidify the air in the children's room.

In addition to temperature and humidity characteristics, for any person (especially for small ones), an important factor in proper development is proper air exchange. But how can it be ensured if the air conditioner is only effective in enclosed spaces? Today, almost all developers of climate control technology have created a line of air conditioners with mixed air. In other words, this is a device that works not only in recirculation mode. Through the air duct, the device can supply fresh, purified outside air at the required temperature to the baby’s room.

If the model you choose is not equipped with this function, do not forget to ventilate the room by periodically opening a window or window in the children's room.

Basic selection rules

When choosing climate control equipment for a children's room, you should use the principle - everything is best for children. There are several types of air conditioners: window, floor and split system. Structurally, the first two types of devices are monoblocks, which are very dependent on their location. A split is a device that consists of an indoor and outdoor unit. The location of the indoor module in the room is limited by the length of the freon line and drainage pipeline, so this type of air conditioner would be preferable for a children's room.

Now, a few words about technical features device and required functionality.

  • First of all, it is necessary that the air conditioner can work not only for cooling, but also for heating.
  • The climate control device must clearly maintain the set temperature in automatic operating mode, preventing temperature changes.
  • The device must be equipped with a high-quality multi-stage air purification system. If necessary, pay attention to models with a dehumidifier or humidifier.
  • The split system must be equipped with a function for adjusting the direction of the air flow.
  • Night mode will allow you to smoothly increase (in the case of cooling operation) or lower (when heating operation) the air temperature by 2°C within an hour.

Don't forget about the noise level. Modern inverter air conditioners from Mitsubishi Electric create a noise level from 18 to 26 dB, which is excellent performance, ideal for children's rooms.

Rules for installing split systems in children's rooms

Before installing climate control equipment in a room with a child, you need to carefully consider and plan everything.

  1. The indoor unit of the split system should not be located above or opposite the crib.
  2. The air flow should not fall directly on the baby's sleeping place, his play area or desk.
  3. The location of the internal unit of the device should be inaccessible to the child, but at the same time easily accessible for carrying out preventive measures.

If indoor unit Split systems are structurally unable to create a horizontal air flow, then use a protective screen.

Don’t skimp on installing climate control equipment in your children’s room: turn to professionals. Only if the device is chosen correctly and installed correctly will the split system work without breakdowns or failures, which is extremely important in a nursery environment.

If there is a baby in the house, the choice of air conditioner should be taken with special responsibility. A child’s body has a weaker immune system than an adult’s, and therefore the baby’s risk of catching a cold from air conditioning is higher. It is also important to look at the quality of air purification, noise level and, of course, safety. Let's take a closer look at what functions and characteristics are important when choosing an air conditioner for a family with children.

Power comes first

Regardless of for what purposes and under what conditions you are going to purchase an air conditioner, first of all, it is important to determine its power. Our calculator will help with this. The calculation is made in kilowatts and BTU. In terms of calculation, 1 BTU is equal to approximately 0.2931 W

Model range

*BTU (BTU) - British Thermal Unit. 1000 BTU/hour = 293 Watts.

On the floor or on the wall?

Both floor-mounted air conditioners and wall-mounted split systems have their advantages and disadvantages for children. First of all, a wall-mounted air conditioner for an apartment is safe to place in the room of a baby who can already walk - which cannot be said about a floor-standing air conditioner. An inquisitive child may be interested in the type of air conditioner and the buttons located on it, inadvertently damaging it or causing harm to himself. The wall system gives more peace of mind in this regard. But the floor-standing one has another advantage - it catches dust better. Due to the fact that the mobile phone is placed on the floor, it catches more dust at a distance of up to 1.5 meters from the floor - this is especially important for children - after all, they breathe air located not high from the floor.

We harden ourselves, but we don’t catch a cold

It is known that hardening a child has a positive effect on his health, helps to develop good immunity. It is very important to maintain a balance here - not to overcool the baby, while at the same time not keeping him in an atmosphere of intense heat. Ideal in this regard would be (,).

In an inverter air conditioner, the power is adjusted smoothly - such an air conditioner does not lead to drafts and sudden temperature changes. Turn it on to the optimal temperature - and rest assured about your little one’s health! In addition, inverter air conditioners consume 30% less electricity than conventional models.

And branded air conditioners BORK (,) use the Coanda effect to prevent drafts: cooled air seems to “stick to the ceiling,” gently spreading throughout the room.

If you are going to use the air conditioner not only for cooling, but also for heating, look at (,).

When you turn on the heating in a conventional air conditioner, a stream of cold air initially enters the air and only then, after the heat exchanger has warmed up, warm air. Such a temperature difference is perceived as normal for an adult, but can be dangerous for a child. In air conditioners with a warm start function, the air is preheated and only then enters the room.

Protect from bacteria!

To protect your baby from exposure to bacteria, viruses and allergens, of course, it is best to install a professional air purifier. However, many modern air conditioners are able to take on the functions of an air purifier, and sometimes even replace it. First of all, any air conditioner has coarse filters - they remove dust and large contaminants from the air. And for finer cleaning, choose an apartment air conditioner with fine filters.

As already mentioned, floor-standing air conditioners with filters protect better from dust located at low altitudes than wall-mounted split systems. A wall-mounted air conditioner for an apartment with filters has other advantages - it better captures the smallest allergens and produces a more “fine” air purification.

An apartment air conditioner may have filters different types. Mainly, ( ) and deodorizing filters () are used. The first, as the name implies, destroys bacteria, simultaneously preventing their spread and development, while the second eliminates odors.

Air conditioners with antibacterial plasma filters (,) are widely popular. After just 10 minutes of operation, an apartment air conditioner with a plasma filter eliminates most of the smallest contaminants, bacteria and viruses, and after half an hour it completely cleans the room. Moreover, the cleaning efficiency of the plasma filter reaches 95%. The cleaning efficiency of air conditioners with filters with nanoparticles is even higher - they eliminate 99% of bacteria, viruses, mold spores - both in the air and on various surfaces.

() - a profitable solution for those who do not want extra hassle, but want clean air.

Unlike others, such filters do not accumulate pollution, but decompose them into harmless elements. Moreover, the fight is carried out against pollution of various types: bacteria, viruses, harmful chemical compounds and others.

Air conditioners with a multi-stage filtration system (