Why the battery drains quickly on a new smartphone. The battery drains quickly on Android. You need an airplane mode where the signal is low


  • a working phone or smartphone that is dead. Didn't fall, didn't get wet, didn't get stitched. The battery died and that's it;
  • working charger.

Most likely the battery in your phone has discharged below 3.2 Volts and has been blocked by the microcircuit in the phone. This is a feature of Li-Ion type batteries. To put it simply, the battery cannot operate until the voltage rises. The battery can be unlocked in service center. But there are several methods that you need to try yourself:

  • charge the battery in the universal “Frog” charger (you can use an old charger if you cut off the plug). Keep charging for a few minutes and insert the battery back into the phone. The phone will turn on and charge as usual.
  • conjure with the power buttons, simultaneously pressing the volume and power buttons, reboot. Remove and reinstall the battery. Leave the phone on charge long time. After some time (up to several hours), the phone can be turned on.

What to do if the battery cannot be removed (smartphone or phone is not collapsible). Doesn't respond to buttons and won't charge?

Place your phone on charge and heat it with a hairdryer. When heated, the battery voltage will rise slightly and the phone will begin to charge.

Power consumption of smartphones

Research has shown that popular free smartphone apps spend up to 75% of their energy tracking users' location, sending that information to advertisers, and downloading ads. “It turns out that free apps are not really that free. They contain hidden costs associated with energy consumption and reduced service life battery, said Y. Charlie Hu, a professor of electrical engineering at their Purdue University. – Energy consumption is the most important characteristic for mobile devices. The smartphone battery should be small and light.” The professor led the effort to create a tool called ePro (from “energy profiler”), which analyzes the energy consumption of a smartphone.

The findings show that between 65 and 75 percent of the energy used when running free apps is spent on advertising-related features.

“We conducted an in-depth case study identifying the six most popular smartphone apps, which included Angry Birds, Facebook and Android Browser,” said Abhinav Pathak, a doctoral student at Purdue University.

It has been shown that free version Angry Birds spends 75% of its power running “advertising modules” built into the code software, and only 25% on the game itself. Modules perform marketing functions such as sending user information and downloading advertisements.

“We believe that the app sends information about the user's geographic location, so that downloaded advertisements can be targeted to a specific area - a kind of geo-targeting,” said Professor Yu Charlie Hu.

Excessive smartphone battery drain is caused by a number of factors, including inefficient application code and software glitches. The Eprof program shows how much energy is spent and for what purpose. In this particular case, it was discovered that a piece of code embedded in a free application was unsuccessfully trying to establish an Internet connection by calling another piece of code, trying to solve the problem that way and wasting energy. Energy inefficiency is usually present in interactive programs such as games and applications that use built-in smartphone devices (GPS, camera, position sensor).

The specific cause of energy inefficiency is called the “tail” in professional circles. After the application sends information over the Internet, the “networking unit” should switch to a lower power consumption mode within a few milliseconds. However, the researchers found that after the ad modules finish using the network connection, the communication device continues to operate at full power for about seven seconds.

“Tails” are phenomena of the hardware components of smartphones (including 3G, or third generation wireless systems, GPS, Wi-Fi), and are not a drawback of the software itself. However, software developers could work around these bottlenecks by minimizing the tail effect, says Professor Y. Charlie Hu. – Every time after using 3G there is a “tail”. The ad module in Angry Birds apparently uses the 3G network to send information and load ads, while the game itself does not require a network connection. That is why we blame the advertising module for wasting the battery.

The current consumption of a smartphone battery has long been the bottleneck of this mobile device. “We have heard a lot about problems with battery energy use,” said Professor Yu Charlie Hu. “Consumers expect a smartphone to last at least a day on a single charge, but in reality, we've heard of cases where the battery only lasts a few hours. This is something users often complain about on Internet forums.”

What to do if nothing can be done with the phone?

It’s impossible to turn it on, there’s no point in taking it in for repairs (the phone is outdated, the screen is broken). It is logical that you need to buy a new one. In this article I reflected the current 2018 models of the Chinese brand Xiaomi. Optimal ratio of quality and price. For $100 a new cool smartphone, for $200-250 a top-end smartphone (competitors are at least $100 more expensive). I’ve been using it myself for 3 years now and don’t regret anything, although before that I was a fan of Sony for more than 10 years. And in general, the young company Xiaomi is simply tearing up the market and is already in 5th place in smartphone sales in the world.

If the phone begins to discharge quickly, this does not mean that the battery is to blame. In 70% of cases, the user himself configured the device in such a way that it consumes a lot of battery power. Of course, the battery may also be to blame, but first you should try changing the settings and also calibrating the device’s battery.

What to do if your smartphone discharges quickly

There are many reasons why the battery is discharged in a matter of hours. Now we will look at the most basic of them and figure out how they can be eliminated.

Reason 1: Maximum brightness

Often, users do not hesitate to set the display brightness of their device to high. However, you need to take into account that the larger it is, the higher the battery consumption by the screen. An acceptable brightness level is 40-50%. In the latest versions of Android, you can adjust the brightness from the curtain.

Reason 2: Many wireless modules are activated

If your phone's battery begins to drain quickly, you may have turned on mobile internet, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and don’t turn it off. These modules are capable of draining a decent amount of battery power in a short period of time. You can disable them through the menu "Settings" your device or through a curtain that is pulled out with your finger from the top of the display.

Reason 3: Applications running in the background

Sometimes the culprits behind why an Android phone quickly begins to discharge are applications that run in the background and consume power. To find out which programs are running in the background:

    1. Open menu "Settings".

    1. Get down to the block "Device" and tap on the section "Applications".

    1. There you need to swipe your finger to the right until you find yourself in the section "Working".

  1. Under the inscription: "RAM Usage" will be all currently running programs. You need to click on unnecessary ones with your finger and press "Stop".

After this, applications will stop running in the background, and the battery will drain more slowly in standby mode.

Reason 4: Charge displayed incorrectly

Incorrect calibration is a common reason why a new phone begins to discharge quickly. You need to calibrate the battery of your device, and to do this:

  1. Drain the battery completely so that the device turns off.
  2. Next, remove the battery for 10 minutes and insert it back.
  3. Let your smartphone charge for 8 hours (this is important).
  4. After this period of time has passed, you need to remove the smartphone from charging.
  5. Then you need to remove the battery and wait 10 minutes to insert it back.
  6. You can start the device, the battery is calibrated.

Reason 5: The power controller has failed

Rarely, but still, the power controller can break down and transmit incorrect readings to the system, thereby not using all the charge and charging the battery slowly. What to do? In this case, you need to take the smartphone to a service center to have the chip repaired or replaced.

Reason 6: Update and firmware

Often, it is after updating the device that the battery begins to drain quickly. The developers are making a mistake. In this case, you should roll back if possible. Unofficial firmware can also be poorly optimized and consume a lot of battery. Therefore, it is always better to use only stock firmware.

Reason 7: Viruses

Malicious applications are one of the reasons why your battery drains, as they run in the background and constantly consume power. To check your phone for threats you need to:

    1. Go to Google Play Market.

    1. Enter in the search bar Dr.Web and install the proposed application on your device.

    1. Launch it and scan your device for threats.

  1. After scanning and elimination is completed malware you can uninstall the application.

Reason 8: Battery wear

Over time, the battery begins to deteriorate, hold a charge less and become hot. If you have been using it for about 3 years, it is worth replacing the battery with a new one.

Reason 9: Imbalance

Some Samsung devices encountered this problem when the battery capacity was not enough for the installed hardware. In this case, you should use portable batteries - Power Bank.

  • On the Internet you can often find advice to use applications to calibrate the battery, for example, Battery Calibration. In fact, it is absolutely useless. Some claim that it helped, but these are isolated cases, and most likely this was not even the reason.
  • There is also a recommendation to use the Clean Master application to clean the device and optimize it. This makes no sense, since all these programs consume a lot of battery and load the device. They are suitable if you need to clear the device's memory, after which it is recommended to remove them.


That's all. Now you know why your phone battery began to drain quickly. Of course, you can find a number of other reasons, but I have highlighted the most basic ones. Use the recommendations I have given you and don’t fall for dubious advice on the Internet.

Many users are familiar with the problem that the Android battery drains quickly. Reasons vary from battery problems to phone memory usage.

Most often the problem is encountered when there is large quantity applications on the device. Some applications require a lot of energy and memory. Their list can be viewed in the battery settings.

Rapid battery consumption can also be caused by the presence of malware on the smartphone, incorrect downloading of Android OS updates, or lack of free space. To fix the problem and prevent it, you need to know the exact cause.

Before diagnosing the cause, answer a number of questions:

  1. How long have you been using the device?
  2. How much free memory is left on it?
  3. Does the use of network communication affect discharge?
  4. Is your phone running slower than usual?
  5. Does the phone get hot during use?

It is considered normal if the battery runs out quickly when using applications or games. Also, the sites you visit, such as advertising banners, can provide additional load. Some sites are also demanding to visit.

Battery wear

If you have been using the device for more than a year, the battery may be worn out. To avoid premature wear, it is necessary to maintain its condition. Careless use and ignoring recommendations can lead to battery damage. This is especially true for tablet owners - their work requires a lot of energy. Tablet batteries are also more susceptible to premature wear. For prevention, you must follow the rules of correct charging:

  • Avoid operating when the charge level is below 10%;
  • do not leave the device in direct sunlight;
  • reduce use time when charging;
  • Do not unplug your phone until the charge level reaches 80%.

Also, when charging, it is undesirable to work with the device, since over time this leads to damage charger and the connector itself. Problems with the connector can also cause battery wear.

After updating Android, the battery drains quickly

What to do if the battery runs out quickly on Android, but the device is relatively new?

To update, use only the official Google app, avoid third-party software. If the phone has been reflashed, the problem may be due to flaws in the program. Only reinstalling the operating system will help here.

The problem is often encountered among Samsung owners; on the forums there is a problem of rapid discharge after an update. There is a version that with the advent of new models Galaxy smartphones, older ones are updated with updates that specifically overload the battery. With the help of such manipulations, manufacturers push people to buy new Samsung devices. The version sounded implausible before the scandal with Apple, which was accused of similar manipulations.

How to fix this?

After installation, go to settings, find information about the device. Disable "developer options" if they were active. Also in the settings there is an option to roll back the latest update. Rapid battery consumption can be caused by flaws in the new OS, using many background processes.

Using a 4G mobile network causes your smartphone to discharge faster. While moving, the device switches from one communication tower to another, which puts a strain on the battery. The device requires a break from all types of communication - Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, mobile network. At night or when there is no need, you should put the device in “standby mode”, and when traveling, leave only 3G.


Also, the battery is consumed by the use of auto-rotate screen, animated screensavers, and screen brightness. To save battery, use static images as screensavers, adjust brightness and auto-rotate manually depending on your needs. To reduce energy consumption, enable automatic brightness adjustment - at night the phone will reduce the brightness, and at sunlight increase.

Charging runs out quickly when background programs are highly active. You can disable their operation manually in the menu settings. Why do they work even after being turned off? Some applications require processes to run at any time, even when the device is not in use. The problem is solved by installing utilities that close them forcibly.

Android also has system applications that you probably don’t use - press, presentations. You can delete them through settings - applications.

Removing unnecessary programs

The main problem with a large number of programs is the load RAM. Files that load memory include browser history, cookies, download paths. Clearing your phone's cache helps free up additional memory, which improves its performance.

What should you do if your phone battery drains quickly and requires an Android update? If a large number of media files have accumulated on your device, this becomes an obstacle to the operation of applications. The device begins to quickly discharge and heat up. Sooner or later it becomes impossible to take a photo or download a media file. There are also problems updating applications.

To monitor the cache on your phone, periodically clear the cache in your browser; this function is available in the settings of the applications themselves. Download the CCleaner utility for Android, which will help you free up memory on your device. The utility also corrects system errors, which will also help increase performance.

Photos and videos take up a lot of space on your device. Personal media files can be transferred to Google Drive. Or simply transfer the files to your computer or external storage device.

Malware – viruses

Viruses can get onto your phone by downloading files from dubious resources. The first sign of their presence is the phone overheating even at rest and slow operation of applications. Viruses launch background applications that cannot be closed even with the help of special utilities. Some types of malware delete personal files by infecting other devices through a direct connection.

There are two ways to rid your device of viruses:

  1. Connect the device to the computer and scan it through a third-party antivirus.
  2. Download antivirus to your device.

Any paid antivirus has free trial access, be it Kaspersky or Dr. Web". To use full functionality, it makes sense to purchase the paid version.

Some Android smartphone models have built-in energy saving features. To check its presence, you need to go to settings - battery.

To extend the battery life, it is necessary to expose it to low-charge operation as little as possible. If your smartphone discharges critically quickly, none of the methods described above will help. Using the device with a faulty battery may worsen its condition; contact a service center.

In pursuit of low prices, you may encounter unqualified repairs, the consequences of which may be more expensive. The battery may be replaced with a low-quality one that will not cope with the load. When choosing a service center, you need to make sure that the replacement will use components from an official manufacturer.

When you buy a phone, you can't help but be glad that its battery does not require recharging for a long time. A year or two passes: the smartphone begins to ask to connect a charger more and more often. Why is this happening? What can be done in this case?

Why does my phone drain quickly?

Are the battery and battery draining quickly, but charging doesn’t improve the situation much? The reasons may be different:

  1. Resource-intensive system applications that run in the background. If the phone also has a battery with a small capacity, the phone will lose charge quickly.
  2. Natural wear and tear of the battery. It will begin to lose capacity after 3 years if treated with care. If you do not follow the rules (for example, bring the discharge to 0%) and if you actively use the device, wear will begin in a year and will already amount to 15 - 30%.
  3. Function activity: Internet (mobile, Wi-Fi), GPS, Bluetooth.
  4. High display brightness.

    If your phone screen is constantly bright, its battery will drain faster

  5. Viruses in the system, the active operation of which also requires energy.
  6. Hardware failure: charge controller, battery itself. The solution is to take it to a service center. Before doing this, of course, check the battery for damage and whether it is swollen. In the latter case, only replacement will help.
  7. The charge calibration is broken - the device does not see whether the battery is charged or not. Here, simply install the calibration app from Google Play Market or Apple Store and run it.
  8. Temperature too high or low environment and the battery itself.
  9. Low network signal level. The phone has to work hard to catch the network. He ends up spending more energy. At the same time it also heats up.

    If the phone does not catch the operator’s network, it will go into enhanced operation mode - energy consumption will increase

  10. Frequently turning the device on and off.
  11. Using non-original charger. The battery does not accept connection to other people's chargers well.
  12. Constantly charging the battery through the network with too much power.

What to do about it: disabling options, resetting parameters, etc.

Before you take your phone in for diagnostics, use a few simple methods to increase your phone's battery life. If they work, battery replacement can be postponed for some time. We will describe the procedures for the Android system.

Turn on airplane mode in areas with low signal strength

If you are in an area where your phone has poor reception, temporarily activate airplane mode so that the device stops picking up the network and “eating” its charge:

  1. In the settings in the first section " Wireless networks"There is an item for this mode - move the slider.

    Turn on airplane mode in the “Wireless networks” block

  2. Confirm activation.

    Agree to activate the mode

  3. Or open the quick access menu (swipe your finger across the screen from top to bottom twice) - tap on “Flight”.

    There are many icons on the quick access panel - one of them is needed to turn airplane mode on and off.

Activating energy savings

You also need to enable it through the settings:

  1. Open Power Manager or Battery section.

    Go to Power Management

  2. Go to the first block.

    In the manager menu, go to the section to enable and disable battery saving mode

  3. Tap the switch.

    Activate Economy Mode

  4. Return to the nutrition section and open the second item. Select the utilities that will close when you enter sleep mode.

    Check the programs that should be disabled in sleep mode

  5. In energy consumption, immediately look at which utilities “eat up” the most charge.

    Determine which utilities are consuming the most energy

  6. If it is a third-party application, expand its menu and click on “Stop”. If possible, try to close the software you are not currently using.

    Stop the program if you don't need it right now

  7. Also go to Hardware and see which hardware parts of your phone are consuming a lot of power. Most likely it will be a screen.

    Find out which equipment is draining your battery power

  8. If you have this feature, enable screen and GPU saving.

    Also enable display and processor savings

You can disable background programs and processes in the special “Applications” menu in the settings:

  1. Go to the “Working” tab.

    The list of processes and utilities that are currently open on the device is available in the “Running” tab

  2. View a list of programs that are currently using RAM.

    Check out the list of programs and find third-party ones you're not currently using

  3. Stop processes that the OS does not depend on - third-party applications and some built-in programs. In the latter case, you need to be very careful. First, find out whether it is possible to deactivate this or that standard software, and then disable it. For example, you can turn off the weather service.

    You can disable some standard system applications

Removing ads in applications

Most programs (especially free ones) have advertising - it additionally loads the processor and other modules. As a result, more energy is wasted. To remove ads from all applications, use a blocking utility such as AdBlocker for DataTools. You can download it from the Play Market.

Install all programs only in official mobile operating system stores

In the settings, select the applications in which you want to remove banners.

In the program menu you can independently specify in which applications to disable advertising

Video: how to remove ads on Android

Reduce screen brightness, remove live wallpapers and unnecessary widgets from desktops

This is easy to do:

  1. Select a widget from one of your home screens. Press and hold your finger on it and the phone will vibrate.

    Select the widget to delete and press it

  2. Drag it to the trash can at the top.

    Add widget to cart

  3. In the settings, expand the block with screen parameters.

    Open the "Screen" section

  4. Open the item to change brightness.

    Go to the "Brightness" section

  5. Move the slider to the left as far as possible. Save your changes. Or set automatic brightness detection - the screen will automatically select the value depending on the lighting.

    Reduce brightness in dialog box

  6. Go to the "Sleep Mode" section. Set the minimum value to 15 or 30 seconds. After this time, the phone will go into battery mode on its own.

    Determine how long after the phone goes into sleep mode

  7. In the gallery, select a regular picture.

    Set a regular picture as wallpaper

  8. Set it as wallpaper instead of an animated picture.

    Click on "Wallpaper" in the dialog box

Turn off data and GPS when not using these features

Let's go back to the settings:

  1. In the wireless connection block, open the “Traffic Control” section.

    Go to the "Traffic Control" section

  2. If you have two SIM cards, choose the one on which you have activated mobile Internet. Tap the switch to the right of the function.

    Disable the Internet in “Traffic Control”

  3. Or, in the quick access menu, make the icon with two opposite arrows “Mobile” inactive (gray). Internet".

    In the quick access menu you can disable data transfer and geolocation

  4. In the same menu, you can immediately deactivate geolocation. Or go to settings and find the “My location” block there. Make the toggle switch on the right inactive.

    Turn off your location

Stop the vibration

We'll tell you how to turn off the vibration signal:

  1. Go to "Ringtones and Volume". Turn off vibration when calling.

    Turn off vibration for calls

  2. At the end of the page, open "More sounds".

    Go to "Other sounds"

  3. Deactivate vibration feedback.

    Deactivate vibration feedback using the switch

  4. Open another main section in settings - “Language and input”. Tap on "Google Keyboard".

    Open Google Keyboard

  5. Go to advanced settings.

    Open advanced settings

  6. Select Vibrate when keys are pressed.

    Go to vibration alert in advanced settings

  7. Set it to 0ms and save.

    Set the value to 0 for vibration signal

Monitor your phone's temperature and battery charge

Do not allow the phone as a whole and the battery to heat up to 45 o C. You can monitor the temperature in the AIDA64 application, available for download in the Play Store.

Install AIDA64 on your phone to monitor battery temperature

In the Battery section the indicator (Temperature) will be displayed. If it is above 45, cool the phone: at least close all programs, or better yet, turn it off and wait until it cools down.

The Battery section will contain all the information on your battery.

To ensure that the battery retains its current capacity for as long as possible, try to connect the phone to charge when the level is 20%. Charge the battery incompletely - up to 80 - 90%. Don't leave it charging overnight so it doesn't sit for several more hours plugged in with a full charge.

Do not bring discharge to 0% and charging to 100%

Once every three months, however, perform a calibration: completely discharge (to 0%) and then charge to 100%.

Always download updates

If the system and applications have not received the update, they may not work correctly, which affects the charge. Upgrade:

  1. You can quickly update utilities through the Play Store. In its interface, go to “My applications and games”.

    Open the section with your applications

  2. Tap the buttons to update individual utilities.

    Scroll to the page with a list of installed applications

  3. Or click on “Update all” to download the entire upgrade at once.

    All programs can be updated at once, rather than individually

  4. To check for updates for the OS, open the last “About phone” block in the settings. Launch the first menu there. The search will begin.

    Go to the system update section and start searching for an update

  5. If there is no upgrade, you will see a corresponding notification in the window. If so, the system will download and install it.

    If the version is up to date, you will be notified

Destroy viruses

Use the antivirus installed on your phone to check. And if you don’t have it, immediately install it through the Play Market or the App Store if you have an iPhone. Let's look at running the scan using Dr.Web as an example:

  1. Click on the item to update in the antivirus interface.

    Viruses may appear in the report - remove them

Reset settings to factory defaults

If no method solves the problem, try resetting your phone to its original settings. The operating system will return to its factory state:

  1. Go to the recovery block in the settings.
  2. Go to the last menu to reset.

    Draw your pattern

Video: how to return the original Android settings

We take the battery to a service center for diagnostics

Even if the reset turns out to be useless, take the phone to a repair service. A specialist will test the device and tell you why the battery began to discharge, and whether it makes sense to do something, for example, flash the phone (reinstall the operating system). You may be advised to purchase a new battery suitable for this device model.

Contact a specialist at the service center so that he can diagnose the battery.

Video: solving the problem with the phone quickly discharging

Are there special apps that help keep the phone charged?

Such utilities exist, and they really work. The principle of operation is simple: applications find and themselves close programs on the gadget that run in the background without any benefit to the device. Battery optimizers require Root rights to work.

Amplify Battery Extender was developed by programmer Ryan Steckler. The software is open source. It is free, but any user can voluntarily pay a fee - for this he will be able to stop every sudden awakening of programs. There are also recommended settings (may be necessary for beginners), and manual settings are also available. The interface has been translated into Russian.

Amplify Battery Extender allows you to use the recommended settings

It really works. Everything works great, but there is one thing. When I try to go into settings, it throws me out of the application. Note3 LP xposed.

Alexander Fedorov


Power consumption in standby mode has increased significantly after installing this program. Previously, the main consumer was the screen, and with this program - the standby mode.

It seems to be working. I made a special donation to take advantage of the full functionality. Enabled all harmless delays. When the phone is in sleep mode, the maximum drop is 1%, and not always. But when you use the phone, I don’t feel much difference. Telephone HTC One X+, ARHD firmware.

Greenify: always works - not only in sleep mode

Greenify is a utility from the developer Oasis Feng. Its main advantage is that it works even when the user is using the phone, that is, not only in sleep mode of the device. When you unlock the screen, programs that were previously running in the background do not turn on again unless you activate them yourself. The downside is that in this case you will not receive notifications from these utilities.

In Greenify, disabled utilities will not start just like that after unlocking

The program also indicates in which cases this or that software is turned on in the background.

In my opinion, best program for smartphone/tablet to increase battery life. The application puts to sleep and stops any background activity of the programs you specify, which does not at all affect their functionality. The application is effective even on devices without Root access! Greenify will tell you which apps are recommended to be put to sleep when your phone/tablet is in standby mode. Also, during installation, the application will help you give it all the necessary permissions. As a result, you will immediately notice that the battery charge will last longer than before. I do not recommend adding messengers to sleep, as this will lead to the fact that you will receive new messages only when you take your device out of standby mode. Also, you should not put system services to sleep (everything is logical here). The only drawback: you cannot instantly switch the device to standby mode and immediately turn it on again. As soon as you click on the “Sleep” button, Greenify starts and, if within about a second. 10 you want to turn your device back on, you will have to press the button twice (which the application notifies you about).


Video: overview of Greenify functionality

DU Battery Saver: a convenient utility for beginners

The program developer is Du Apps Studio. What are its advantages:

It will take up only 27 MB on the system. The downside is that you need to install affiliate programs if you want to use it for free.

The battery may begin to quickly lose charge due to a large number of enabled functions, programs running in the background, viruses, and also due to improper operation: bringing the charge level to 0, using a non-original device, etc. If your phone is many years old and The battery is draining quickly, it may be time to replace it due to normal wear and tear.

Tablets and smartphones running Android OS often suffer from rapid battery drain. Usually, the user can solve this problem on his own by studying the operating mode of his gadget. Compliance simple tips will help correct the situation when the battery on your Android is quickly discharged.

Background of the problem

The charge consumption of Android devices depends on the battery capacity and how the battery is used. This problem often occurs with inexpensive smartphones and tablets, the manufacturer of which has inflated the description of the characteristics. The difference with the real indicator can be huge, even optimizing the system will not improve the situation much. Therefore, if you are interested in medium and low charge consumption, you should choose more well-known models.

Among the alarming “symptoms” of poor battery consumption are the following factors:

  • Overheating of the device at medium load;
  • Applications crash;
  • The screen backlight flickers;
  • Uneven percentage loss of charge;
  • Accelerated discharge in the cold, up to shutdown within 1-2 hours.

Replacing the battery can help - if so, you need to contact a specialist. If this does not work, you will have to reduce the load on the device.

Application Analysis

When buying a new smartphone, the owner is not even aware of the pre-installed software, from which the manufacturer makes money from advertising. This software “eats” food if it is not promptly removed. To do this you need to go to the settings section "Battery" and see the list of programs that consume the most battery and remove them. Most often this is Google software, which does not bring much benefit, instant messengers and games.

Advice: It is known that smartphones discharge faster in the cold, but there is no need to keep them near heat sources. It is advisable to keep the device body cool at all times.


High levels of brightness and contrast are one of the likely reasons why your phone battery drains quickly. To check the screen settings you need to go to "Settings", select item "Screen" or "Display".

You need to go through all the points sequentially:

  • Set automatic brightness adjustment;
  • Disable experimental text settings;
  • Remove animated wallpaper from the screensaver.

If the battery is very weak, it is better to manually set the brightness to minimum mode. It is also convenient to set sleep mode for a short interval so that the screen goes dark when inactive.

The controversial benefits of cleaning apps

When the problem arises that a smartphone quickly discharges, the first thing to do is download the system. Such programs are convenient for quickly putting things in order in the file system: you can delete old bulky items and rarely used applications. However, it is not recommended to run Garbage Cleaner - in addition to the cache, registry entries are deleted. The system is forced to load them again, again consuming charge - the processor switches to a higher frequency.

It’s enough not to open dozens of applications at the same time; Android regulates the background mode well. If editors or video players are opened, it makes sense to close them in the multitasking window only if you don’t need to turn them on again soon.


Irrational settings of wireless and mobile networks, in particular, is one of the reasons why the battery on your phone quickly runs out. Smartphones are equipped with two or even three slots for SIM cards, one of which can be used to access the Internet. By default, the operating mode is selected: 3G or 4G is selected, the latter gives higher speed. However, if it is not available in the region, there is no point in turning it on - it is better to switch to 3G.

It is also necessary if it is not necessary - maps in applications do not work. This can be done on the notification shade (if there is an icon) or in the settings, section "My location".

If the signal is weak - on a train, for example, you need to activate the "On the plane": The charge will not be wasted on a useless search for a signal. You also need to turn off Wi-Fi, because some applications exchange data in the background.

Important! Turned on LTE or GPS coupled with 4G will literally “kill” the charge in a matter of hours. After using Google Maps, you need to turn off location search.

Advertising and social networks

Showing commercials and advertisements has become a routine thing that people have learned to ignore. Moreover, they can be the reason for the rapid discharge of the smartphone - you need to manually disable it for each application. This is especially true for browsers: if you don’t do this, dozens of sites will send advertisements, filling the notification curtain.

By default, social networking applications run in the background: you can receive a notification even when the application is closed. To prevent this from happening, you need to remove the "Autostart" and in the section "Permissions" uncheck the box "Run in background".

Widgets and updates

Android offers a lot of widgets, they can show the weather, playlist, news, mail, online banking and much more. At the same time, they regularly and frequently update their information, spending a charge. They can be removed from the screen by holding their icon for 1-2 seconds and deleting them.

If applications or the shell offer an update, you should not refuse. The developers are trying to improve their product, one of the areas is energy efficiency. Installation is carried out via Wi-Fi, and not via mobile traffic!

Discharge to zero

If you often discharge your smartphone to zero, you should not be surprised by its weak battery. This action is as harmful as using the device while charging. It is advisable not to drop the percentage below 30%, and if this happens, turn on the mode "Battery Saving". Reducing energy consumption will allow you to use the device longer.

Once every 3 months you can fully charge and discharge the device - this is called calibration. Also, when charging, you need to use a “native” charger, or one with suitable characteristics. A discrepancy between them will damage the battery.


Malicious programs not only harm the user's personal data, they also quickly drain the battery. To clean your smartphone from them, you need to install one of the antiviruses and conduct a full system scan. Upon completion, remove the software from the list generated by the utility. Together with an ad blocker, the antivirus will protect the device from re-infecting the gadget.

Drastic measures

If none of the factors listed above turned out to be the cause, you will have to act more seriously. If the battery on your Android runs out quickly, possible option What to do in this case - reset the settings. To do this you need to go to Settings, choose "Restore and reset", click on "Reset settings".

The names of the sections may differ slightly depending on the shell and version of Android. Before deleting information from your phone, you need to make a backup copy to your Google account!

Official shells sometimes drain the battery too quickly, so it makes sense to change the firmware. If you have no experience in this, it is better to contact a specialist.

Google offers its own battery calibration method, it looks strange, but often helps:

  1. Place the discharged device on charge for 7-9 hours.
  2. Disconnect from the power supply, turn off the smartphone, and put it back on charge.
  3. Disconnect, turn on the gadget and work for a couple of minutes.
  4. Turn off and reconnect to the power supply.

This procedure can also be carried out if the charge indicator is incorrect. Calibration will reset the statistics and display the actual battery capacity. Also, the battery may wear out, then there is nothing left to do but replace it with a new one.


Fast battery consumption – headache most owners of smartphones and tablets. To reduce power consumption, the operation of the device will have to be optimized. There are several reasons, each needs to be worked out. Reasonable use of battery resources will allow you to “squeeze” maximum operating time even from an old battery.
