Consequences of incorrect posture in children. Poor posture in children and adults, prevention, relationship with flat feet and scoliosis. Hydrotherapy and mud therapy

Today even children lead sedentary lifestyle life. This contributes to the occurrence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Poor posture in children preschool age also not uncommon. The reasons lie not only in congenital anomalies. Most parents do not pay attention to how their child holds his back.

Curvature of the spine leads to children becoming stooped, experiencing back pain, migraines, and developing asthenovegetative syndrome. Curvature of the spine occurs in 15-17% of preschool children. Therefore, parents should know how to prevent back deformation in a child and how to treat pathology if it has already formed.

Why does my posture deteriorate?

A change in posture in a child is a displacement of the vertebrae caused by structural and functional malfunctions in the musculoskeletal system.

The causes of such pathologies in children are divided into congenital and acquired.

Congenital causes are due to intrauterine disruptions in the development of the spine (the appearance of extra vertebrae, their wedge-shaped deformation), myotonic syndrome, systemic pathologies connective tissue. Back problems can appear during childbirth, when injuries lead to torticollis or subluxation of the cervical vertebrae.

In 90% of cases due to acquired disorders. Factors that provoke changes in posture:

Acquired curvature of the spine in preschool children can occur against the background of flat feet, rickets, poliomyelitis, hallux valgus, osteomyelitis, spinal column injuries or tuberculosis. Children who suffer from diseases of the visual system often adopt incorrect body position. hearing aid. Changes in the natural position of the body are facilitated by excess weight, deficiency nutrients, lack of routine, somatic malaise, lack of physical development.


Exercises for correct posture

How to recognize posture problems - the main symptoms

The first sign of a change in posture is appearance child. This is manifested by protrusion of some parts of the body, including the stomach, stooping, drooping of the shoulders, flattening of the buttocks, and roundness of the shoulder blades.

Characterized by body asymmetry. At the same time, the baby constantly tilts his head to the side, and his shoulders and nipples are at unequal heights. Problems with the spine are indicated by underdevelopment of the skeletal muscles and muscle weakness.

Kyphosis and lordosis are manifested by bulging of the abdomen, tilting of the shoulders and head forward, and strong extension of the legs at the knees. With a flat back, the abdominal muscles sag, the chest protrudes forward, the shoulder blades become wing-shaped, and the pelvic tilt decreases. When the spine is flat-concave, the chest narrows, and the buttocks and stomach move forward.

Poor posture in children contributes to the appearance of indirect signs caused by malfunctions of organs and systems:

Diagnosis of posture disorders

A child with degenerative-dystrophic pathologies of the back should be examined by an orthopedist or vertebrologist. A complete examination of the child’s body involves the use of instrumental and clinical techniques.

Initially, poor posture in children of preschool and school age is determined through a visual examination. The doctor examines the position of the body from the side, back, front. The following symptoms indicate curvature of the spinal column:

To verify the presence of violations, the doctor measures the distance between the main parameters: cervical vertebrae - lower angle of the shoulder blades, length of the limbs. If necessary, the doctor calculates the brachial index.

Informative diagnostic measure When postural distortion occurs in preschool children, the Adams test is considered, in which the child bends his torso forward. The study allows you to determine the presence of a rotational component, indicating scoliotic syndrome, and check the condition of the vertebral curves.

An accurate way to detect dystrophic and destructive processes in the back in children is considered instrumental diagnostics– MRI, CT or X-ray of the spine.

How to correct a child's posture?

Treatment of postural disorders in children of school and preschool age should be comprehensive. Medical measures include the use of manual therapy, exercise therapy, wearing a corrective corset, massage, and swimming.

At home, the formation of beautiful and correct posture in preschool children is carried out by parents.

They need to constantly monitor the child while sitting, walking and exercise with him daily.

Corrective corset

An effective method for correcting or correcting posture in young children is wearing a special device. A therapeutic corset is an orthopedic device that aligns the spine, used for the treatment and prevention of back diseases.

Wearing the device is prescribed at the age of 6-13 years. Using a corrector, you can eliminate visible pathological curvatures of the vertebrae and prevent relapse of the disease.

The corset is selected according to medical indications individually for each child. A correction device is indicated when:

  • kyphoscoliosis;
  • mild vertebral disorders;
  • scoliosis;
  • radiculopathy;
  • lordosis;
  • stooping.

In order for correction of posture in children with the help of a corrective corset to bring a quick therapeutic effect, wearing the device must be combined with swimming, massage, and sports.

Therapeutic exercise

Poor posture in children requires the mandatory implementation of special exercises. Therapeutic exercise strengthens the back muscles, prevents further progression of degenerative processes, and promotes the correct formation of the skeleton.

To straighten a child’s posture, therapeutic exercises should be carried out systematically. Preference is given to exercises that develop the chest, abdominal muscles, bring the shoulder blades together, and strengthen the longitudinal muscles of the back. Therefore, the positions during exercise therapy can be different: lying on your stomach, back, standing, sitting.

In case of deformation and curvature of posture in children prone to stooping and rounding of the back, intensive bending of the body with an emphasis on the chest is especially useful. If you have pterygoid scapula syndrome and your shoulders are shifted forward, you need to do circular rotations of your arms backwards every day. It is equally useful to bend the limbs towards the shoulders, move them back and press them to the back of the head.

Physical therapy and gymnastics for sagging shoulders is based on the following exercises:

When lordosis is developing, it is useful to lie on your back, alternately raise your straight legs upward, do the “bicycle” exercise, and roll on your back. To strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, you should bend your legs at the hip joint.

To increase therapeutic effectiveness physical culture, during classes it is recommended to use gymnastic equipment - a stick, light dumbbells, a ball. Balance exercises are equally useful.

Manual therapy and massage

Manual therapy is prescribed if there is vertebral displacement and back pain. When posture is distorted, the therapist combines a light technique with exercise therapy.

During treatment, power and striking techniques are not performed. During the session, the specialist uses no more than two vertebrae. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week.

To strengthen the muscles that support posture, after completing a course of manual treatment, electrical muscle stimulation, gymnastics and massage are recommended.

The latter effectively eliminates stoop in children.

If a specialist massages a child, then after several procedures it will be noticeable. positive result:

  • elimination of stagnation;
  • no back pain;
  • relaxation of tight muscles.


Acquired curvature of posture in a child can be eliminated if he has daily physical activity. Therapeutic set of exercises and sports are the most in effective ways posture correction.

Best views physical activity and its benefits for children are described in the table below:

Type of sport Therapeutic effect
Gymnastics Activation of blood circulation, development and strengthening of spinal structures, correction of deformed areas of the back
Swimming Relieving the spine, strengthening and toning the muscle corset, improving motor coordination, creating suitable conditions for the development of the spine
Equestrian sport Balance training, eliminating muscle spasms, strengthening all back muscles, normalizing metabolic processes in the intervertebral discs, stimulating blood circulation
Dancing Development of coordination of movements, correction of posture, formation of correct gait, support of muscles in tone
Yoga Alignment of the spine, strengthening and stretching of the skeletal muscle corset, eliminating congestion

Consequences of poor posture

Slouching in a child, which entails a curvature of posture, leads to the development of a number of complications. Diseases of the spinal column cause compression, prolapse of organs and disruption of the vital systems of the body.

A change in posture leads to a decrease in lung volume, disruption of blood circulation, and oxygen starvation. Therefore, the baby constantly feels tired, his memory deteriorates, shortness of breath appears, and frequent headaches.

The progression of pathologies of the locomotor system in preschool children leads to a stop or slowdown in physical development. Also, not treating childhood scoliosis, kyphosis or lordosis can result in disability.


In order to prevent changes in posture in preschoolers, parents should learn several important rules. Infants should not be constantly placed or placed on soft feather beds or pillows. It is better to teach a little person to sleep on a hard orthopedic mattress from an early age.

You should not stubbornly teach your baby to sit or walk if his body is not yet prepared for this. Newborn babies should be periodically placed on their stomach while awake. Also, you should not drive or hold your baby with only one hand.

Prevention of poor posture in children involves following a number of other rules:

To develop beautiful posture, preschoolers should exercise regularly.

It is especially useful to hang on a hanging ladder or wall bars.

Types of postural disorders are symptoms that can characterize a group of diseases, the manifestation of which is the curvature of the spine. When healthy, the spine has several curves that provide shock absorption when walking or jumping.

If posture is disturbed, a deviation of the bend from the established norms can be observed, while a certain position of the pelvis, lower extremities and the spine itself relative to them is noted.

Types of posture disorders in children

Curvature is classified according to the deviation of the spine in one plane or another.

In this case:

  1. Lordosis is a forward bending of posture. Cervical and lumbar lordosis is common. When severe, the problem is considered a pathology.
  2. Kyphosis is a curvature of the spine towards the back. Found in the thoracic region. A slight deviation is observed in many people.
  3. Scoliosis is a deviation of the spine to the left or right. In special cases, the problem is expressed by the formation of S-shaped scoliosis.

The above problems can develop in children. The following classification of curvature is also carried out:

  1. Slouching – strong depression thoracic kyphosis. Winged shoulder blades and a bent head are the main signs of the problem.
  2. A round back is a type of stoop that develops in children at an older age due to lack of treatment.
  3. Flat back - develops when all physiological curves are flattened. The problem is due to the fact that the body loses its natural shock absorber.
  4. Scoliotic posture is a violation of the normal position of the spine in the frontal position. A characteristic feature can be called curvature in one direction.

The above types of postural disorders can be observed in children.

What do violations lead to?

Incorrect posture causes:

  1. Uneven load distribution, which leads to the development various diseases internal organs.
  2. It is difficult to maintain balance while running, playing, or playing sports.
  3. Joint destruction occurs, as the maximum amplitude decreases significantly.
  4. It becomes the reason for the development of complexes, since people around them pay attention to a similar problem.
  5. Affects the formation of a closed character.

Every year, if you do not pay due attention to the problem, it will develop more and more.

Useful video on the topic

Watch a video about the types of postural disorders, causes and prevention of this pathology:

Preventive measures

Prevention is carried out as follows:

  1. Using a hard mattress.
  2. Careful selection of shoes and their correction if necessary. Treatment of flat feet if present.
  3. Creation correct mode day, its observance.
  4. Doing exercises in the morning, playing sports, leading an active lifestyle.
  5. Quitting habits that lead to disorder. An example would be poor posture at the table or the habit of standing on one leg.
  6. Swimming lesson.
  7. Choosing the right backpack, bag or briefcase.

The above measures can reduce the risk of developing problems associated with curvature of posture.

Correct spinal posture is one of the factors of good health and the ability for a person to perform various physical and mental activities.

It is a complex structure consisting of tissues of different structures. In order for this system to work correctly, it is necessary to adhere to special prevention rules.

Curves of the spine

Since the spine is a complex system consisting of bones, muscles, ligaments and joints, as well as nerves and blood vessels, such complex structure Various deviations can easily occur.

To understand the causes and types of postural disorders, you need to know the normal parameters of the body. Even normally, the spine is not completely straight. The shock-absorbing function of the spinal column is ensured by its bends.

The following types of spinal curvature are possible:

  1. – bending of the spinal column forward. Lordosis can be physiological (in the cervical and lumbar spine) or pathological.
  2. – bend of the back, facing backwards. Just like lordosis, it can be normal and pathological. Normal lordosis is observed in the thoracic and sacral areas of the back.
  3. – always a pathological deviation of the spine to the side from the vertical axis.

These variations in the curvature of the spinal column make up normal and pathological human posture.

Normal posture

Doctors use the term “posture” to describe the habitual vertical position of the body and spine. It is completely individual. Posture is affected by:

  • Condition of the vertebrae.
  • Back muscle tone and strength.
  • Health of the ligaments and joints of the spine.
  • Features of skeletal muscles.
  • A motor stereotype is a system of reflexes responsible for the characteristics of movement.
  • Fatigue.
  • General health level.

There is a classic Staffel classification, which distinguishes the following types of posture:

  1. Basic type. Physiological kyphosis and lordosis, uniform, smooth curves are pronounced. No scoliosis.
  2. A flat back is common in children. The bends were not fully formed. Thoracic kyphosis is flattened, the abdomen is retracted.
  3. Round back – increased thoracic kyphosis and lordosis of the spine. Associated with high elasticity of the spine and the possibility of instability.
  4. Slouched back – thoracic kyphosis is pronounced, other curves are smoothed out. Often accompanied by scoliosis. It is a pathological type of curvature.

In modern medicine, this classification is rarely used; a specific postural disorder with its type and location is separately indicated in the diagnosis.

Posture disorders

It is quite rare. Most modern people Due to the peculiarities of the rhythm of life, one or another violation of posture is observed. Many deviations from the norm are not associated with the risk of complications and do not even appear clinically.

Severe postural disorders can lead to severe disruptions in the functioning of internal organs and change a person’s quality of life for the worse.

All postural disorders in children and adults occur under the influence of certain risk factors. Curvature is a multifactorial pathology and can only manifest itself with simultaneous or sequential effects on the spine unfavorable factors.

It is impossible to understand the methods of treating and preventing postural disorders in humans if you do not learn about the causes of their occurrence.


The factors that determine the likelihood of postural disorders are quite numerous and varied. Some cause a certain type of curvature, while others can influence the development of any deviation.

The main cause of poor posture is congenital or acquired muscle weakness. It is muscle tone and strength that largely determine correct posture in adults and children. The muscles of the human spine hold the vertebrae and other structures in the correct anatomical relationship. Knowing this, you can influence postural disorders using physical therapy.

What are the other factors causing curvature? It is believed that poor posture may be due to the following reasons:

  • Congenital anomalies of the development of the spine - in this case, curvatures are observed in children, but continue into adulthood.
  • Weakness of the back muscles due to congenital defects of muscle tissue or its inflammatory diseases.
  • Lack of vitamins, proteins, and microelements in the body leads to the development of degenerative processes.
  • Back injuries, .
  • Osteoporosis – decreased mineral density bone tissue vertebrae contributes to damage to the vertebrae.
  • Insufficient physical activity, incorrect posture in children, incorrectly formed motor stereotype.
  • Curvature of the back is caused by collagenosis and systemic connective tissue diseases.
  • Osteochondrosis also leads to incorrect posture.

Whatever the cause of incorrect posture, the complex of therapy will affect both the symptoms and the mechanisms of the disease.


Violations of human posture can occur under the influence of one or more of the listed reasons. The type of damaging effect, the peculiarities of human anatomy and a number of other factors determine what type of curvature will occur in a particular patient.

The types of postural disorders are quite diverse, but for simplicity, doctors divide all curvatures according to the prevailing change in physiological curves. The following types of human posture disorders are distinguished:

  1. Scoliosis is a curvature of the back in the lateral plane. Always pathological.
  2. Pathological kyphosis is a deviation of one of the areas of the back with a convexity back beyond the normal value.
  3. Pathological lordosis is an excessive forward deviation of the spine.

Any violation of posture requires timely and complete treatment, however, in order to prescribe the correct rehabilitation complex, you need to know the type of pathological process.


Postural disorders occur quite often to one degree or another, but which type is dominant? Of course, this is scoliosis. Incorrect posture of a person during work and everyday activities leads to the development of lateral bending in the spine.

Most often, the appearance of such a curvature is facilitated by incorrect posture in children while studying at school. This type of curvature most often occurs in childhood and, if left untreated, develops into adult pathology.

In children, scoliosis can go unnoticed for a long time, since the child retains motor activity, grows and can even independently compensate for curvature in the lateral plane.

However, with severe curvature, scoliosis can cause severe complications even in children. It leads to a decrease in the volume of the chest, compression of the cervical vessels, improper formation of joints, and pathology of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

The severity of the disease in a person depends on the degree of scoliosis. We should talk about this in more detail.


Why does scoliosis go away without a trace in some children, while in others it causes severe symptoms and complications? The answer lies in the severity of the curvature and the body’s ability to compensate for it.

There are the following degrees of scoliosis in children and adults:

  • 1st degree – the curvature is minimal and not clinically expressed. There are no symptoms, and the angle of curvature according to the results of radiography of the spine does not exceed 10 degrees. It can be self-compensated and requires prevention, but not enhanced treatment measures.
  • 2 degree of curvature indicates a deviation to the right or left from 10 to 25 degrees. At this stage of the disease, characteristic visual changes often occur. However, complications are not typical for it, and all deviations are reversible.
  • 3 degree of curvature – the angle reaches 50 degrees. Scoliosis is detected visually and often causes severe symptoms. Internal organs may be involved. Conservative treatment is difficult.
  • 4th degree – deviation of the spinal axis to the side by more than 50 degrees. Irreversible changes. Surgical correction of posture is required.

Unfortunately, most patients notice the manifestations of the disease quite late. Conservative treatment of the problem and prevention are fully available only for stages 1 and 2 of lateral curvature of the back.

Pathological kyphosis

Popularly called stooped or hunchbacked. Usually the thoracic curve of the back increases and becomes pathological. In turn, kyphosis is also divided into several types according to the reason and mechanism of their development:

  • Congenital – caused by an abnormal structure of the vertebral bodies.
  • Genotypic – associated with an autosomal pathology, inherited in the family.
  • Compression – caused by fractures of the vertebral bodies due to osteoporosis.
  • Mobile – associated with weakness of the spinal muscles.
  • Rickets - develops in children with a disease such as rickets.
  • Senile – caused by degenerative processes and simultaneous muscle weakness.
  • Tuberculosis - when the vertebral bodies are infected with tuberculosis with their subsequent destruction.

Very often, kyphoscoliotic curvature of the back is observed, when a bend in the lateral plane is added to the stoop. At the same time, scoliosis has a rather high degree of curvature.

The condition is difficult to treat conservatively and in some cases can be eliminated with surgery.

Pathological lordosis

Quite rarely, such a type of back curvature as pathological lordosis is observed. With this pathology, there is an excessive convexity of the spine forward in the cervical or lumbar regions.

Sometimes this condition is associated with paralysis of the back muscles and their inability to compensate for the curvature of the spine in the lumbar region. Cerebral palsy may be accompanied by the development of cervical pathological lordosis.

Other reasons for the development of pathological lordosis:

  • Instability of spinal segments.
  • Congenital anomalies of vertebral development.
  • Tumors and metastases in the spine.
  • Contracture of the iliopsoas muscle.
  • Torsion spasm of the spinal muscles.
  • Ankylosis of the hip joint.
  • Pathological dislocation of the hip.
  • Overweight, abdominal obesity.

In addition to the fact that lordosis itself changes the structure of the spine, it can cause secondary changes in musculoskeletal system. With this disease the following occurs:

  1. The chest flattens.
  2. The shoulder joints move forward.
  3. The legs are moved apart at the knees.
  4. The head is pushed forward, movements in the neck are difficult.
  5. Pain occurs due to tension in the back muscles.
  6. The work of internal organs becomes difficult.

From the above we can conclude that any type of back curvature can cause serious complications for the human body.


Answer to the question: “What are the dangers of curvature of the back?” - these are various complications of pathological curves of the spine. Let's try to figure out which organs and systems may be involved in the pathological process.

The most typical complications of pathological bends are the following conditions:

  1. Deformation of the chest and restrictions on its mobility with the development of respiratory failure.
  2. Compression of the pericardium and cardiac muscle in kyphoscoliosis with the development of chronic heart failure.
  3. Back pain, chronic muscle spasm, pathological fatigue.
  4. Secondary deforming arthrosis of joints, spondyloarthrosis, spondylosis.
  5. Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Development of radicular syndrome with pain and impaired skin sensitivity on the extremities.
  7. Pathology of the pelvic organs with curvature in the lumbar back.

These and other complications can accompany scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis of the back. It is necessary to begin disease prevention in time to prevent the described conditions.


When it is possible to perform primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. Each method is used in the following cases:

  • Primary prevention is aimed at preventing the occurrence of the disease. It is recommended for all people without exception, since back curvature can occur at any age.
  • Secondary prevention– performed among those who have the first manifestations of the disease. Allows you to get rid of most symptoms and stop progression.
  • Tertiary prevention is the prevention of complications of curvature. It is used for stages 3 and 4 of the disease and includes the most active and intensive measures of influence.

Preventive measures in the usual sense are applied before the disease makes itself felt. However, basic preventive methods are recommended even in the presence of symptoms of the disease.

Lifestyle change

Of course, any type of spinal curvature is associated with the patient’s lifestyle. Posture is an individual characteristic of each person, which is influenced by eating, motor, professional and everyday behavior.

To prevent the pathological process in the spine from progressing and even developing, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Pay attention to the nature of the work, keep your back straight when performing any daily activity.
  2. At the first symptoms of the disease, excessive physical stress on the back is excluded.
  3. Keep your back muscles toned through regular exercise, walks in the fresh air, and preventive massage.
  4. Get rid of excess weight, creating additional stress on the spine.
  5. Eliminate preservatives, carcinogens and fatty foods. Consume more dairy products and fresh vegetables.
  6. Check for osteoporosis and osteomalacia using densitometry and replenish vitamin D and calcium deficiency in the body.
  7. Use multivitamin complexes to compensate for the deficiency of important metabolites.
  8. Spend enough time outdoors, exposed to sunlight.

Any person can introduce these simple rules into their life, and yet they are the best prevention of back curvature.


Physical therapy, exercises, and even simple morning exercises help to significantly reduce the risk of developing spinal pathology.

Remember that the main cause of pathological bends is weakness of the spinal muscles. It is this link in the mechanism of disease development that we try to influence first of all.

Therapeutic gymnastics is compiled individually for each patient by a physical therapy doctor. Basic principles of classes:

  1. The load increases gradually. Initially, the exercises are performed no longer than half an hour a day.
  2. The difficulty of the classes increases progressively.
  3. Regular training is required to achieve significant results.
  4. Dynamic and isometric loads on the back muscles are combined.
  5. If there is a curvature or other pathological process, intensive training is prohibited; the difficulty of the training is determined by a specialist.
  6. Swimming is the best activity for the spine. It is recommended to visit the pool for 1 hour 2 times a week.
  7. During active training, you can support the spine with orthopedic corsets.

These basic provisions will make training more effective; specific points should be clarified with a specialist.

Additional Methods

Other means of influencing spinal tissue are also used as preventive and therapeutic measures. Additional methods include:

  1. Medications – muscle relaxants, painkillers. They have a symptomatic and, in some cases, a pathogenetic effect.
  2. Physiotherapy - electrophoresis, UHF, magnetic therapy, electromyostimulation, acupuncture improves the functional state of the spine.
  3. Massage allows you to relieve muscle fibers, relieve spasms, and improve blood supply to the spinal tissues.
  4. Sanatorium stay – used in preventive and medicinal purposes. Combines climatotherapy, physiotherapy, regular training, supervised by specialists.
  5. . It is not indicated for all forms of pathological bending and has a number of contraindications.
  6. Surgical treatment is a method used to prevent complications in severe stages of the disease.

Each type of back curvature requires an individual approach to treatment and prevention.

Stages of development posture

Constant muscle activity is a powerful stimulus for their growth and proper formation. posture. In a newborn, the spine has the appearance of an arch, convexly facing backward; this relief remains in the first time after birth. When the child begins to hold his head up (on average by the end of the first month of life), the first curve appears in the neck area, convexly facing forward ( cervical lordosis). Then, when sitting, from about 6 months, a curve in the thoracic region gradually forms spine, convexly facing backward (thoracic kyphosis). Children at 10 months of age are characterized by an upright posture and begin to stand and walk. But the vertical posture is imperfect: the child’s abdominal muscles are very weak, so in a vertical position, the stomach protrudes under the influence of gravity and a slight bend appears in the lumbar region with a convexity forward (lumbar lordosis). Gradually, in preschool age, the protrusion of the abdomen decreases, but does not disappear, and the lumbar curve becomes more noticeable. Rib cage flattens, and the shoulders are rounded, but located somewhat back. The knees are straight in a vertical position, but remain slightly bent when walking. Forming bends spine ends at 6-7 years. At primary school age posture The child mainly retains the features of preschool age. Pronounced lumbar lordosis and moderate abdominal convexity in a child are normal. Bends spine necessary for a person to maintain balance in an upright position. They increase the elasticity of the spinal column, soften shocks and shocks during movements.

Poor posture in children: causes

Development problems Usually a violation posture occurs during periods of rapid growth: at 5-8, and especially at 11-12 years. This is the time when bones and muscles increase in length, and the mechanisms for maintaining posture have not yet adapted to the changes that have occurred. Deviations are observed in the majority of children aged 7-8 years (56-82% of primary schoolchildren). There are many factors that cause curvature spine.

For example, poor nutrition and diseases often disrupt the proper growth and development of muscle, bone and cartilage tissue, which negatively affects the formation posture. An important factor is congenital pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. For example, with bilateral congenital dislocation hip joints There may be an increase in lumbar curve. An important role in the formation of deviations is played by the uneven development of certain muscle groups, especially against the background of general muscle weakness. For example, hunched shoulders are the result of predominant strength of the pectoral muscles and insufficient strength of the muscles that bring the shoulder blades together, and “dropping shoulders” are the result of insufficient work of the trapezius muscle backs. An important role is played by overload of certain muscles with unilateral work, for example, incorrect position of the torso during games or activities. All these reasons lead to an increase or decrease in existing physiological curves spine. As a result, the position of the shoulders and shoulder blades changes, resulting in an asymmetrical position of the body. Incorrect posture gradually becomes habitual and can take hold.

Incorrect posture

Sitting position. You should definitely pay attention to how the child sits at the table during classes: whether he puts one leg under him. Perhaps he is slouching or “leaning” to one side, leaning on the elbow of his bent arm. Incorrect body position when sitting includes a position in which the torso is turned, tilted to the side or strongly bent forward. The reason for this situation may be that the chair is far away from the table or the table itself is too low. Or maybe the book the baby is looking at lies too far from him. An asymmetrical position of the shoulder girdle can be formed as a result of the habit of sitting with the shoulder raised high. right shoulder. Take a closer look: perhaps the table at which the child is studying is too high for him, and left hand hangs down instead of resting on the tabletop (the same thing can happen if the table is round).

Standing position. The habit of standing with your leg set to the side and half-bent, like a crooked landing, develops an asymmetrical body position. This may worsen the lateral curvature spine caused by other reasons (for example, underdevelopment of the lumbosacral region spine).

Physical inactivity... in children

Another important factor in the occurrence of violations posture children should be considered a notorious way of life. As sad as it may be, modern children have begun to move less. Starting from the age of 3, many children join the ranks of early development groups (primarily mental), then the process of acquiring knowledge increases, and during classes the child is forced to sit for a long time. In addition, children get used to watching TV and video products early; they can sit for hours watching computer games, and on the street, having met with friends, instead of outdoor games, they enthusiastically discuss the features of the passage and codes of this or that electronic “shooter”. What can you do, if you want to be modern, follow the modern trends of life. However, a person must develop harmoniously, physical development should not lag behind. The weakness of the muscular corset in our children is primarily due to the lack of adequate physical activity, while with rapid growth the strength of the abdominal muscles and backs simply necessary.

Poor posture in a child: how to recognize it in time?

Main signs. In order to notice the deviation in time, parents need to more often pay attention to the position of the shoulders and backs baby. His shoulders and shoulder blades should be at the same level. Correct position is also important spine- whether it is curved to the right or left, whether the subgluteal folds are located at the same level. These signs of lateral curvature can be seen by examining the child from backs when he is standing. When viewed from the front, it should be noted whether the collarbones and nipples are at the same level. By looking at the side, you can identify disorders such as stooping or sluggish posture. This can be done by eye or using a special test. The child stands with his back to the wall so that the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks, and legs are in contact with the wall, and then takes a step forward, trying to maintain the correct body position. (The same test can be used as an exercise to develop good posture.)

If a curvature is detected, it is necessary to examine the baby’s back, placing him on a flat, hard surface face down, arms along the body. If the curvature of the spinal column in the supine position does not persist, then we are only talking about a violation posture which can be corrected. Muscle test . There are several simple tests to determine the state of the child’s muscular system. To do this, assess the baby’s ability to long-term stress muscles backs . The child is placed face down on the couch so that the part of the body above the hips is suspended outside the couch, hands on the belt (the child’s legs are held by an adult). Normally, children 5-6 years old can maintain a horizontal position of the body for 30-60 seconds, children 7-10 years old - 1-1.5 minutes, 12-16 years old - from 1.5 to 2.5 minutes. Development abdominal muscles, is determined by the number of continuous repetitions of the transition from a lying position to a sitting position and back (while fixing the legs) at a slow pace, no more than 16 times per minute. The norm for preschoolers is 10-15 times, for children 7-11 years old - from 15 to 20 times, for children 16-18 years old - from 20-30 times. If violations are detected posture and (or) weakness of the muscular system, the child should be consulted with an orthopedic surgeon, traumatologist or physical therapist. The doctor examines the child; if necessary, additional research methods are performed: radiography, electromyography, etc. Recently, new method research - topographic photometry, - allowing not only to diagnose disorders of the musculoskeletal system, but also to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment. The method is based on photography posture patient after the doctor has applied the main landmark points on the child’s back with a marker.

Prevention of postural disorders in children

Since one of the main conditions for correct posture- proper development of the body, you need to try to create the most favorable conditions for growth. In particular, it is very important to observe a general hygienic regime: regularity in eating, sufficient exposure to air, the right combination of activities and rest, and the use of hardening agents. Strengthening the muscle corset should be done from infancy, but one should not rush the child’s physical development and force him to sit when he is not yet sitting independently, or force the baby to walk at 9 months, or even earlier. Early axial (vertical) load can cause the development of orthopedic diseases in the baby. Let your baby move more while lying down or crawling until he sits up or stands up on his own. Of no less preventive importance is a group of measures that influence the overall physical development and functional state of the muscular system, since active retention of the body, upper and lower extremities in the correct position is possible only with the active participation of muscles. Special exercises are used for this. Lack of physical activity prevents the development of the muscular corset, while with rapid growth, the strength of the abdominal muscles and backs necessary. Properly selected physical activity prevents disorders posture, and also help to overcome them. Exercises are selected depending on the type of curvature spine: for children with a tendency to stoop, extensions are recommended backs with effort to the maximum straightened position, children with shoulder joints brought forward benefit from circular movements with both arms back at the same time, moving them back, bending the arms to the shoulders, to the back of the head. With “dangling” shoulder joints, it is useful to abduct the arms upward from the sides, raise the shoulders, stretch the arms upward with counteraction (the adult places his hands on the child’s shoulders). Developing the right posture Balance exercises also help. For example, walking on a bench or log with your arms out to the sides. In addition, the age of the child must be taken into account. For kids It is recommended to select exercises of a gaming nature. For example, children will be happy to perform the straightening-extension exercise. spine, if you ask them to draw a column of mercury in a thermometer under the rays of the sun. When doing the “Lumberjack” exercise, children “chop wood” by rotating their upper body. The frog jump exercise helps correct lumbar lordosis. Preschoolers (from 4-5 years old) are able to understand and cope with more complex gymnastic tasks. Inset

An approximate set of special exercises to strengthen muscles backs and press (can be performed from 4-5 years old until adolescence): 1. Initial position- standing, hands on your belt. Spread your elbows, squeezing your shoulder blades together - inhale; return to IP - exhale. 2. I.p.- standing, legs apart, hands to shoulders. Lean your body forward with your back straight - exhale; return to IP - inhale. 3. I.p.- standing with a gymnastic stick in his hands. Raise the stick forward up - exhale; return to IP - inhale.. 4. I.p.- standing, stick in lowered hands. Sit down with your arms stretched forward; return to IP The back is straight. 5. I.p.- standing, stick on shoulder blades. Lean forward with your arms stretched up (take out the stick); return to IP 6. I.p.- lying on your back, on an inclined plane, holding the bar of the gymnastic wall with your hands. Bend your legs, pull them to your stomach - exhale; straighten - inhale. 7. I.p.- lying on your back, arms along your body. Bicycle leg movements. 8. I.p.. - lying on your back, arms to the sides. Stretch your arms forward, lift your left leg and touch your arm, then your right leg. Accept i.p. 9. I.p. - lying on your stomach, arms to your sides. Raise the body, bending the thoracic region spine(reach for the ceiling); return to IP 10. I.p. - lying on your stomach, hands on your belt. Raise your body up and raise your right leg - inhale; return to IP - exhale. Repeat the exercise, raising your left leg straight. 11. I.p.- lying on your stomach, arms bent at the elbow joints, holding a gymnastic stick on your shoulder blades. Raise your body by bending it through a gymnastic stick; return to IP Breathing is voluntary. A set of exercises is performed daily in the morning or evening, depending on the child’s peak activity, but not earlier than an hour after a meal or 30-60 minutes before it. The pace is slow, you should start with 5 repetitions, increase to 10, the whole complex takes 30-40 minutes. In order for the exercises to have a sufficiently accurate effect, they must be performed intensively, that is, above the usual level of children’s ability. First, easier exercises are given with a gradual transition to more difficult ones. Throughout the lesson there are repeated breaks to rest. It is recommended to rest in a lying position:
  • lying on your back, legs slightly pulled up to your stomach, hands behind your head;
  • lying on your stomach, your chin resting on your hands.

If the child is significantly weakened, it is advisable to combine daily exercise with physical therapy classes to strengthen muscles backs and abdominal pain in the clinic with a physical therapy doctor. At the beginning and end of each lesson, children should practice correct posture. A test exercise that is performed against a wall is suitable for this. You should get them interested in the problem. posture, make you think about it during the day, check it not only during gymnastics, but also during classes at the table, on a walk. For a child visiting kindergarten, you can suggest watching not only yourself, but also the posture of your comrades. Usually this turns into a kind of competition between children: who will catch whom in the wrong position more often? posture. Such competition forces children to be alert and always maintain a normal position. backs- eventually it will become a habit. The set of exercises we have presented can be considered rather preventative. It is primarily useful for practically healthy children, and not just for those who have been diagnosed with a disorder. posture(for such young patients, depending on the defect, the doctor will select an individual set of special exercises). Treatment of pathology of the musculoskeletal system is always lengthy, complex, requiring significant effort not only from specialists, but also from the patient himself. Sometimes problems with posture and therapeutic measures make certain aspects of the child’s “social” life inaccessible to the child. Therefore, it is important to prevent the occurrence of violations posture, i.e. systematically engage in adequate physical activity and regularly (annually) visit an orthopedic doctor with your child for preventive examinations. In addition, the overall development of the child can be improved with the help of sports sections, which can be attended from 4-5 years old. Better development posture promotes swimming (preferably breaststroke, backstroke). In addition, volleyball, basketball, and cross-country skiing are useful. Try to maintain your child's interest in sports activities, and this will allow him to avoid many problems associated with posture.

Poor posture in children is noticeable to the naked eye not only to a qualified orthopedic traumatologist, but also to parents. Hunched back, asymmetrical shoulder girdle, protruding abdomen - classic manifestations pathology. In approximately 30% of cases, displacement of the vertical axis of the body is due to the presence of scoliosis (lateral deviation of the spinal column).

Posture in children is formed before the age of 24 due to the constant growth of the body. Against this background, any impact can provoke curvature of the spinal column in the horizontal and frontal planes, so it is important to annually check for curvature of the vertical axis.

Signs of correct posture:

  • Verticality of the body;
  • Expanded chest;
  • Abducted shoulders;
  • Close location of the shoulder blades;
  • Tight belly.

Any deviation from the above signs indicates the presence of pathology.

Types of postural disorders in the sagittal plane:

  • Stooping – flattening of the lordosis of the lower back and increased kyphosis of the chest;
  • Flat back – smoothing out all the curves of the spinal column;
  • Plano-concave back – flattening of thoracic kyphosis with normal lumbar lordosis;
  • Round back – increased thoracic kyphosis throughout the thoracic region;
  • Round-concave back – increased lordosis in the lower back and kyphosis in the chest.

A scoliotic arch appears in the frontal plane. It is not a disease, unlike scoliosis (lateral curvature of the spinal axis), but only a consequence of increased tone of the skeletal muscles in one half of the body.

There are 3 degrees of spinal curvature in children:

1st degree – the child can, if desired, take a normal position, but in a free position, a curvature of the vertebral axis can be seen;

2nd degree - the deformation is eliminated by hanging on a horizontal bar or wall bars and straightening the body;

3rd degree - the curvature remains when the child straightens and hangs on a gymnastic barbell.

Posture in children when the spinal axis is shifted to the lateral plane is called a scoliotic arch. Without performing x-rays of the spinal column in frontal and lateral projections, it is difficult to distinguish it from true scoliosis. However, curvature of the spine in the frontal plane in degrees 3 and 4 leads to disability in children.

Types of scoliosis and postural disorders in children

Scoliosis degrees:

  1. At the initial stage of external curvature of the back to the side, it is difficult to differentiate between scoliosis and a scoliotic curve. The only sign on the x-ray that allows this to be done is the rotation of the vertebrae around their axis (torsion) in true scoliosis. The amount of curvature does not exceed 30%.
  2. A curvature of 31-60% is clearly visible during a visual examination of the child’s back and appears at stage 2 of scoliosis;
  3. Deformation of the spinal column up to 90% is characterized by a change in the shape of the vertebrae (they become wedge-shaped) and indicates stage 3 of pathology;
  4. When there is a curvature of more than 90% of the spinal column (grade 4), a pronounced curvature of the vertical axis of the body appears in the lateral plane with a disproportionate displacement of anatomical structures and internal organs.

Scoliosis is more common in girls aged 12-14 years with rapid growth and puberty. In this case, the changes are due to the fact that the muscular-ligamentous apparatus does not have time to adapt to the rapid growth of the bone structure.

Poor posture in children can be combined with a vertebral hump. When examining the back of a child with this pathology, a large protrusion in the thoracic region is clearly visible. Children with a vertebral hump cannot lean on the back of a chair when sitting and always complain of pain in the thoracic spine.

Correct posture in children should be developed from a very young age. How to prevent spinal curvature in infants:

  • The baby should not be placed on a soft feather bed or placed on pillows;
  • When the baby turns 3 years old, he should be placed on his stomach;
  • You should not try to teach your baby to walk prematurely;
  • You can't carry children in one arm all the time;
  • When walking with a child, it is better to lead him not by the hand, but by a wide ribbon passed through the armpit area;
  • From 2-3 years old, teach children to sit correctly on a chair;
  • Try to teach them to sleep on a hard bed from an early age.

Parents must remember that all their previous efforts to develop correct posture in children can be undone by improper sitting behind them. school desk or carrying a heavy backpack on one shoulder.

Medical principles for correcting a child’s spine

Incorrect posture in children requires mandatory registration at a dispensary. In this case, the orthopedic traumatologist will determine the optimal correction methods:

  • With progressive scoliosis of 3-4 degrees, which is detected in 0.6-0.7% of children, hospital treatment is required: traction, underwater massage, special exercises;
  • Non-progressive scoliosis is treated on an outpatient basis until the end of the child’s growth process;
  • When correcting pathology, it is carried out with corrective gymnastics in a physical therapy group;
  • 2-3 degree displacement of the spinal axis in the lateral plane requires a careful approach to treatment. Such children are prescribed physical therapy classes in a medical institution or medical physical education clinic.

With a stooped, flat and round back, it is necessary to guide children to exercise regularly (at least 3 times a week).

Before performing therapeutic exercises, it is necessary to work out the correct posture. Place your child near a wall and place a book on his head. It is necessary to hold it for as long as possible. With the help of this training, the correct posture is subconsciously reinforced.

To prevent back curvature, you should pay attention to the following features:

  • Correct selection of shoes will help prevent functional shortening of the limb. If you have congenital flat feet, you must wear special shoes;
  • To sleep, your child needs to purchase a hard mattress;
  • Strict adherence to the daily routine;
  • Refusal of some bad habits: wearing a backpack, incorrect position of the body at the school desk, crossing one leg over the other.

We draw the attention of parents to the fact that a common cause of poor posture in children is flat feet. Unfortunately, the incorrect formation of the arch of the baby’s foot does not alarm parents. However, when a child with flat feet walks, the body weight falls on the joints and spine, and the shock-absorbing function of the latter is impaired.

Since flat feet in children do not initially hurt, the problem does not cause discomfort. Pain syndrome will occur only when calcium salts are deposited in the bones, and the human body does not have enough strength to ensure the function of movement.

Over time, after flat feet, varicose veins of the lower extremities will appear due to the load on the circulatory system of the legs.

Due to the rapid development of complications, doctors try to treat postural disorders as soon as they are detected. The effectiveness of therapy directly depends on the patient’s interest in the correctness, regularity and duration of following the doctor’s recommendations.

Strengthening the muscle corset

Exercises for poor posture can strengthen the muscular corset of the back, improve the dynamic properties of skeletal muscles and prevent further displacement of the spine.

A course of therapeutic exercises must be carried out regularly and for a long time. The systematicity of performing exercises should not be less than 3 times a week.

Gymnastic exercises for straightening the back, depending on the mechanism of action, are classified into 2 types:

  • Static;
  • Dynamic.

Static exercises are designed to strengthen “slow” muscle groups. These fibers are often in a tonic state and relax very slowly. When the spinal axis is bent, the “slow” muscles on one side of the body are in spasm. To prevent it, static exercises are prescribed.

Dynamic skeletal muscle training is aimed at increasing its elasticity. In this case, the “fast” muscle fibers are strengthened. They are able to quickly contract and relax. Activated by active physical movements.

Gymnastic exercises can be divided into 3 types according to the characteristics of their impact on muscles:

  • Symmetrical;
  • Asymmetrical;
  • Mixed.

Symmetrical exercises work symmetrical muscle groups on both sides of the body. Asymmetrical – aimed at strengthening individual muscle fibers. Combined options include both of the above groups.

Gymnastic exercises

Let's give sample list exercises that are used to correct spinal deformities in children:

  • Perform straight leg raises in a standing position. At the same time, on each count, try to reach the toe of your foot with the palm of your hand;
  • If you do the “bicycle” exercise every day, you can quickly strengthen your abdominal muscles. It involves simulating riding a bicycle while sitting on a chair;
  • Raise your legs to a height of 40 cm above the floor and constantly change the height of your lower limbs. In this case, one leg should move up and the other down;
  • Stretch your legs straight and place your arms along your body. In this position, raise your legs and fix them for 30 seconds at an angle of 30 degrees;
  • If the previous exercise is easy to perform, you can use a more complicated version: raise your legs at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • Lie on your back and perform scissoring exercises about 30 times (alternately placing one leg behind the other in a raised position);
  • While lying down, raise and lower your legs behind your head 10-15 times;
  • Sitting on a chair, secure your legs under a support (it can be a chair). Place your hands behind your head. Unbend and lower yourself slowly;
  • Perform hanging from a bar. Raise your legs straight to a right angle. The number of repetitions is 10-15 within 10 seconds;
  • Pull your knees towards your stomach while lying down. The number of repetitions is based on how you feel.

Parents can also perform the above exercises for children. They are convenient because they do not require long repetitions and strengthen the back muscle corset.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that there are no medications that would make the muscles strong and the ligaments elastic. Only therapeutic exercises can lead to royal posture.