Festive salad with red caviar and crab sticks. Crab salad with caviar Cooking crab salad with caviar

We present to you an original holiday salad prepared in portioned bowls. This option is more than convenient. After all, guests won’t have to reach for a common salad bowl. They will have the appetizer at their fingertips, and it will also be deliciously decorated with red caviar. Salad with crab sticks and red caviar will be an excellent aperitif before the main celebration or part of it. The products are the most affordable, except for caviar. But very little is required for cooking. And all the preparation will take about half an hour.

If you want, you can prepare red caviar at home. You will find the recipe on our website.

So let's get started with the recipe.


  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise - for dressing;
  • Fresh cucumber – 1-2 pcs.;
  • Crab sticks – 160 g;
  • Parsley - a bunch;
  • Hard cheese – 90 g;
  • Red caviar – 1-2 tbsp. l.


You can take chicken or quail eggs. Count on almost a whole large egg per serving - this is about 40 g. Boil them in advance, cool and peel them. Then cut into cubes and place in a bowl as the first layer.

Season the first layer with mayonnaise. You don’t need a lot of sauce, and you can dilute it with sour cream to taste.

Lubricate the layer with mayonnaise again. There is no salt at all in our recipe, because the sauce used is already salty. If you use sour cream to season the dish, salt it to taste.

Thaw the crab sticks in advance and now just peel and cut into cubes. Place in the bowls in the next layer.

Season with sauce. If you want to pipe the sauce in a thin stream, use a disposable piping bag. Cut off its tip by 1-2 mm and use it for its intended purpose.

Rinse the parsley thoroughly to remove sand and dirt, and dry it on a paper or cloth towel. Cut into strips and place in bowls. Take any fresh leaves you have on hand - dill, spinach, sorrel or something else.

Grate the cheese and place on a layer of herbs greased with sauce.

Grease with mayonnaise again. But now smooth it out with a spoon.

Top the salad in each bowl with red caviar. You don’t need a lot of it, just to revive the taste and give it a rich look.

“Clock” salad of caviar with crab sticks

Another interesting salad to add to your home cookbook is crab salad with red caviar in the shape of a clock. This dish has a perfect place on the holiday table. New Year! It looks so amazing! But just like that, without any special reason, try making this original appetizer for your loved ones for dinner. And if you have children, they will be delighted to put curly clock hands and improvised time markers or numbers made of cheese on the dial.


  • Crab sticks – 160 g (packaging);
  • Potatoes – 200 g;
  • Hard cheese – 90 g;
  • Cucumber (fresh) – 1 pc.;
  • Carrots – 1 pc.;
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Red caviar – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Parsley - a bunch;
  • Mayonnaise - for dressing;


To get started, spend preparatory work according to the recipe. Boil potatoes, carrots and eggs. Boil the vegetables with their skins on and then peel them. This is where a pressure cooker can save time. Boil the eggs hard and also peel them. The first layer of the appetizer salad will be potatoes. Grate it, preferably on a coarse one, and directly into the salad bowl.

Lubricate with mayonnaise and slightly even out the layer so that the food is evenly soaked in the sauce.

Wash and cut fresh cucumber with straws. Place a second layer in a salad bowl.

Spread the sauce again and smooth it out. This is convenient to do with a spoon or spatula.

Cut the soft crab sticks to your liking. Cube or straw. Spread over sauce.

And fill it again.

Grate more potatoes and place in an even layer. Brush with sauce.

This is followed by a layer of boiled carrots. Grind it also on a coarse grater. But you can cut it into thin strips, it will also be tender and tasty. And again the sauce.

Grate the eggs too. The whites are mixed with the yolks; they should not be separated. Spread with mayonnaise.

Also grate the cheese and sprinkle on the salad. Leave a small piece for garnish at the end of cooking. Lubricate this layer with sauce.

Now place a circle of red caviar right in the center of the salad. This will be the beginning of the formation of the dial. You need one even layer - egg to egg.

If you haven't rinsed the parsley leaves beforehand, now is the time to do so. Then dry them and finely chop them with a knife. Place around the caviar layer.

Cut out small rectangles from the remaining hard cheese, two arrows, one shorter than the other. And a circle. Arrange all this on the salad in the form of clock hands and number marks. Serve the salad immediately for your holiday table.

Cooking tips

  • If it is too expensive for you to purchase natural red caviar for salads, take alginic caviar. It is made from very useful seaweed- delicious in taste and affordable.
  • Another cooking option. As the main component of salads, choose not crab sticks, but fish. Fresh fried or boiled (separated from the bones), pieces of lightly salted or smoked fish are suitable.
  • It is convenient to lay out the products for both types of salad using round shapes without a bottom. But then you take flat small or large plates, and not salad bowls or bowls.

The dial on the clock-shaped salad is made not only from cheese. Acceptable use canned peas or corn, slices of boiled carrots or eggs, sausage or even black olives.

Salad with crab sticks and red caviar- a great salad option for festive table. As you understand, the main components of the salad are crab sticks and red caviar, however, you can prepare a salad not only with red, but also with black caviar.

In addition to these products, the salad may contain eggs, canned corn, cheese, crab sticks, tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, squid, tuna, seaweed, shrimp, sweet bell pepper. As a result of the diversity of products, large number various salads with caviar and crab sticks. The most delicious of them is royal, with caviar and squid. As for caviar, you can use both natural and protein caviar for preparing salads.

Today I want to show you a simple recipe for salad with crab sticks and red caviar step by step with photos.


  • Crab sticks – 1 pack (250 gr.),
  • Red caviar – 50 gr.,
  • Hard cheese – 100 gr.,
  • Canned corn – 200 gr.,
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.,
  • Mayonnaise – 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Salt - to taste

Salad with crab sticks and red caviar - recipe

After all the ingredients are prepared, you can start preparing the salad with crab sticks and red caviar. Boil the eggs in advance so that they have time to cool before preparing the salad. Cut the crab sticks into the largest cubes.

Cut hard cheese into cubes. Hard cheese in this salad with crab sticks can be replaced with processed cheese.

Finely chop the eggs.

Place the required amount of canned corn for the salad into a bowl.

Place prepared foods - crab sticks, cheese, eggs, canned corn - into a bowl.

Season the salad with mayonnaise.

Add salt and stir.

You can serve the salad in a salad bowl, laying it out in a heap, in glass bowls, and on a flat plate in the shape of a tower, laid out using a culinary ring. Decorate salad with crab sticks and caviar fresh herbs before serving. Bon appetit. I will be glad if you liked this salad recipe and found it useful. It turns out no less tasty

Today it is difficult to establish who came up with the recipe for salad with crab sticks. This probably happened in the homeland of crab sticks - Japan. Although, the classic crab salad includes corn, which is not as popular in Japan as it is here. Crab salad, or rather a salad with crab meat, is not a very democratic dish. Crab meat salad certainly has an amazing taste, but it will cost you a pretty penny. Nevertheless, sometimes you want to please yourself or even your guests with some real delicacy, and in such a situation crab salad will come in very handy. A crab salad recipe, among other things, is usually low in calories. Of course, a lot depends on other ingredients, for example, crab salad with rice - the recipe is higher in calories. You can name dozens of answers to the question of how to cook crab salad or how to make crab salad. They will of course be a wide variety of crab salad recipes. Basically, anyone crab salad recipe Instead of crab meat, you can use crab sticks. Crab stick salad is a recipe accessible to everyone. Not surprisingly, salad recipes with crab sticks are much more popular. So be sure to make a salad with crab sticks, the recipe is not at all complicated and takes little time. Crab stick salad recipes are classified as seafood salads. However, the composition of a crab salad, for example, a salad with crab chips, a crab salad with rice, a recipe for crab salad with cabbage, will no longer resemble a classic seafood salad.

Let's move on to how to prepare crab salad. Classic crab stick salad consists of crab sticks, canned corn and peas, boiled eggs, mayonnaise and spices. How to make crab salad? Crab sticks, corn, peas, boiled eggs, mixed with mayonnaise. Salt and black pepper are added to the crab salad to taste. In addition, the recipe for crab sticks salad with rice can also be called classic. Using all these ingredients you can prepare a puff salad with crab sticks. Puff crab salad is more labor-intensive. But the recipe for crab stick salad may also contain other ingredients. There is a salad with crab sticks with mushrooms, crab salad with cabbage, sunflower salad with crab sticks, crab salad with cheese. You can also use fresh lettuce, crab sticks, and tomatoes. A delicious salad with crab sticks can be prepared using fresh cucumbers, this is the so-called. crab salad with cucumber. Well, crab salad with corn and a recipe for crab salad with corn are already classics. You can also come up with your own signature crab salad; it is better to select the ingredients depending on whether they will be combined with crab meat. Send us your crab stick salad, or salads with crab sticks, with or without photos, the main thing is that the recipe has soul.

Published: 03/06/2016
Posted by: FairyDawn
Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

If you are tired of the abundance of complex meat salads, then try preparing a very light and quite delicious salad with crab sticks and cheese, a recipe with a photo will present it today. The idea for such a snack is simply great! Judge for yourself: aromatic, tender crab meat harmonizes perfectly with spicy hard cheese, boiled chicken eggs will add even more tenderness and softness of taste to the dish, and red caviar will make it refined and tasty. A sauce like mayonnaise will work well as a dressing for this appetizer.
If you buy sauce in a store, then choose it without spicy flavoring additives and make sure that the composition contains as few chemical additives, preservatives and stabilizers as possible. That’s why I try to make the sauce myself, by the way here. There is absolutely nothing complicated about it, but I am confident in its quality and taste. On the contrary, I often add different spices and spices to the base mayonnaise to get the taste I need.
Of course, it’s very good if you buy real crab meat to prepare such a dish - it will be a restaurant-quality appetizer in both price and taste. But most often we replace this delicious seafood with a more budget-friendly one - crab sticks. It is clear that this is not entirely true, because surimi is a product of processing small fish, and the taste of crabs is achieved by adding the appropriate chemical to the fish mass. Eating such a product often is naturally undesirable for your health, but sometimes you can afford it. The main condition is to trust only well-known manufacturers; they manufacture this product according to developed and approved technology that meets international standards. Well, don’t forget to look at the expiration dates on the packaging.
Red caviar can be either in a tin or in vacuum packaging, the main thing is that the eggs must be whole and not dry.
Place the salad with crab sticks and cheese in a small salad bowl and decorate with caviar.

The recipe is for 6 servings.
- hard cheese - 200 g,
- chicken eggs - 4 pcs.,
- crab sticks - 100 g,
- red caviar - 100 g,
- mayonnaise sauce - 100 ml.

Step by step recipe with photo:

Boil hard-boiled chicken eggs for 10 minutes. Fill them up cold water To cool faster, we peel them. Grind the eggs on a fine grater.

Remove the cellophane packaging film from the crab sticks. Then we cut them lengthwise, and then cut them crosswise into small pieces. A couple of sticks can be left for decoration, but this is not necessary.

Grind the cheese on a fine grater.

Now put grated cheese, cubes of crab sticks and chopped eggs, as well as caviar and sauce into the salad bowl.