Pisces in the year. Horoscope for Pisces women. Love, relationships and life for Pisces women

A certain cycle lasted for almost a decade, which will come to an end in the Year of the Rooster. This will be marked by an influx of special energy, making it possible to begin to implement cherished plans. Pisces will feel the change in energy themselves. They will want to shake off everything past and set out to conquer new heights.

The whole of 2017 will be successful. New useful and interesting acquaintances will appear, loved ones will not have problems that representatives of this zodiac sign would have to solve. Financial well-being will also please the Rooster in the coming year.

Those who have known Pisces for a short time will not understand such zealous changes. Some will even step aside because they are afraid that they may be involved in a large front of work.

You definitely need to devote a year to self-development. It doesn't matter in what area it will happen. The main thing is that it brings pleasure.

During the entire period of power of the fiery Rooster, the aroma of happiness and prosperity will emanate from Pisces. Coupled with an external transformation that many will want to do, this will give an amazing effect.

Just don’t forget that you need to replenish energy expenditure. Considering the natural impulsiveness and lack of restraint of the representatives of the sign, lack of recovery can quickly turn them into a “bundle of nerves.” Which will certainly affect relationships with loved ones.

2017 has already ended a long time ago, but you can read it by following this link.

Love horoscope for Pisces

Pisces are so designed that love is never enough for them. They really like being the center of attention and attracting the opposite sex everywhere. This gives confidence and strength.

Unfortunately, they do not always act in legal and ethical ways in their quest to gain the adoration of another person. Therefore, you should pull yourself together if suddenly the desire to get “someone else’s” is too great. Otherwise, problems cannot be avoided.

Besides love horoscope clearly indicates that either a new strong love will appear, or an existing relationship will flare up with renewed vigor. Representatives of the sign will feel this amorous period closer to March 2017.

Lonely Pisces must remember that with their pressure they can scare off a potential chosen one. Therefore, throughout the entire courtship, it is better to gradually reveal the degree of your activity, as well as be patient and wait for an agreement on a serious relationship or a marriage proposal. Most likely, it will arrive in October-November.

Those who are already in a relationship will want to spend more time together and also have more frequent romantic evenings. But there is no need to demand that your partner organize such communication. It’s better, without hiding your desire, to prepare a holiday with your own hands. Then the love of the other half will only intensify.

It will be difficult for family people only if there are small children. They will require a lot of attention and love. But being busy at work will not allow you to spend enough time with your children. However, in the second half of the year the situation will change, which will allow you to find time for yourself, work, and children.

The stars say that even those who broke up earlier can renew their relationship. And already at long term. It is possible that Pisces themselves will need to take the first step.

Money horoscope for 2017

For a water sign, love and family are always a good incentive to build a career. The year of the Rooster will include several important periods when those born under this star need to make a serious decision: change their job, position, or leave their lives unchanged. If there are doubts, then in vain. The new location will create additional cash flow by the end of the year, which will provide a lot of opportunities for the Pisces themselves and their family members.

For these people, money has always been a means of solving various problems, most often those of others. That is why the stars advise not to refuse financial assistance to friends if they ask. Lend only against receipt.

Your career will also be successful. They always demonstrate perseverance in their work, high level competencies that will not go unnoticed by management.

If you have your own business, then a favorable period for its expansion begins in May. The horoscope even advises considering the option of expansion in other cities.

Having received a new assignment, Pisces may not notice that they are getting in someone else's way. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at your surroundings to know where negative waves may come from. The best way conflict avoidance will be a lack of reaction to any provocative actions. Moreover, there is something to do at work.

If you want to change your field of activity, the horoscope recommends doing so without hesitation. There is a very high probability of meeting a wise mentor there, perhaps of the opposite sex.

Changing your image will be useful for building a professional path. Moreover, updates will take place in all areas of life.

Health and wellness area

You should be careful about your own health. Inspired by new ideas, projects and acquaintances, Pisces may not notice how chronic diseases have worsened. Their constant desire to work without lunch or late dinners are the main factors affecting the condition of the body. To withstand excessive stress at work and at home, you simply need to switch to small and frequent meals. Then Pisces’ health will be strong.

In May or October, a visit to a sanatorium or a course of outpatient treatment is favorable. Timely diagnosis will indicate problem areas, which will allow Pisces to correct their health status.

To cope with traditional acute respiratory infections, in spring and autumn you need to take a course of vitamins and harden yourself. If this is not done, the stars see the possibility of complications after colds. It is not recommended to engage in long-term self-medication so that the doctor can prescribe the right medications in time. Even if you are very busy, you should find time to visit him.

It would be a good idea to learn relaxation techniques or attend regular yoga classes. For recovery nervous system You can also resort to massage. It is useful to carry out spa treatments or visit a bathhouse.

Pisces woman horoscope

At the beginning of the year, representatives of this sign will want dramatic changes in their home. Perhaps they will even start renovations and buy new furniture. All this will be a signal that they want an update.

In the spring, this desire will already be clearly clear to them. Therefore, you should expect a change in hairstyle and clothing style.

Energetic ladies of this sign will definitely be noted by their work colleagues or management. Proposals received in March–April should be carefully considered. But at the end of the year it’s better not to change your job.

In the first half of the year, single people will meet a person who will capture all their attention. Most likely, it will happen outside of your hometown. If a business trip is not planned, then it is worth planning a vacation.

Those who have families should be prepared for minor claims from their husband and children. Indeed, in the first quarter of 2017, mother and wife will not spoil them with attention often. Starting in the spring, you should free up time from work so that everything is harmonious in the family.

In September-October, you may have to solve children's problems. The horoscope advises you to take a closer look at who your children spend time with.

The Pisces woman has amazing intuition, so she can easily understand the honesty of her partner or children. But it’s better to leave your own nervousness and lack of restraint (if any) outside the house. Then a calm atmosphere will allow you to recover from active working days.

Pisces men in 2017

Strong representatives of the sign will be slightly disorganized at the beginning of the year. The impetus for behavior change can be an invitation to new project or change of job. In April, the men will already be fully armed.

Brutal handsome men will even remember how to use their charm to obtain the necessary information. This quality is especially useful for those who are engaged in the field of consulting, development software or sales.

The horoscope recommends eliminating dangerous physical activities. First, there is a high risk of injury. Secondly, a lot of energy is spent in the process of implementing projects or solving family problems. However, to the best of my ability physical activity no need to cancel. On the contrary, it will allow you to take your mind off business and improve your health. Pisces will love everything that has to do with water. Swimming, visiting a bathhouse, hardening will unexpectedly attract their attention.

A lonely Pisces man can count on a romantic story, the beginning of which should be expected in April. It’s worth spending a summer vacation with your new lover.

It is better for married men to devote all their free time to their children and wife. Remember that they don't love you for money. They need attention and time together, so it’s better to organize hikes, barbecues or trips to the movies more often.

The beginning of 2017 will be relatively difficult. The horoscope advises Pisces women to pay more attention to family during this period. Debts that have accumulated over a long period of time will haunt you.

Accumulated problems can drag you into depression, but you shouldn’t succumb to it. Seek help from friends, they will help you both psychologically and financially. New friends will also appear, but do not forget the saying “an old friend is better than two new ones.”

The horoscope for a woman born under the sign of Pisces advises taking care of her appearance in 2017. If possible, go to a beauty salon. And you can arrange various cosmetic procedures at home using folk remedies. Moreover, the effect from them is no worse than from professional products. People around you will definitely notice your efforts and will shower you with compliments.

Don’t forget about spiritual beauty: visit exhibitions, museums, cinema, and in general various cultural events. The Year of the Rooster is a great time to get an education.

Love horoscope

In the first half of the year, everything will be fine for a married Pisces woman in her relationship with her husband. From time to time you will have a desire to diversify your sexual married life. This will simply agitate your union. You will be able to look at marriage with different eyes.

Unmarried Pisces girls will receive a long-awaited marriage proposal. But don’t rush headlong into the pool, think it over carefully.

For those who do not yet have a chosen one, it is worth looking around. It is possible that your destiny is very close, among your good friends.

In the second half of the year there is a possibility of an office romance. It’s worth thinking about what is more important to you – an affair on the side or your reputation and family.

Family horoscope

Children will need your attention more than ever. There is a possibility that your child will fall into bad company, especially if he is a teenager. To prevent this from happening, you should put aside even very important matters, have a heart-to-heart talk and find a way out of the current situation.

Perhaps the child needs help to find himself, to occupy himself with something. Working or relaxing together is an excellent means of bonding.

Your parents will ask for help, you need to go to a meeting with them.

Financial horoscope

Financially, things will not be easy for the Pisces woman in 2017. You will have to work hard to pay off your accumulated debts. The child's problems will cause some expenses. You will feel like you will never get out of this debt hole. But don't despair.

In the second half of the year, things will slowly begin to improve. By the end of the year, the financial situation will stabilize a little. Try to spend less; you will need to think about every purchase, even the most insignificant one.

If you still manage to pay off your debts in 2017, then you should think about a profitable investment or deposit.


At work in 2017 everything will be smooth and calm. Throughout the year, minor tasks will appear that you can easily cope with. There will be attempts to burden you with work that is not part of your responsibilities.
You need to immediately make it clear to your colleagues that you are receiving wages for your work, and not someone else’s. If you expect a blockage at work, then you should not immediately panic and become despondent.

You should calm down. Make a plan of tasks and begin to carry them out with a calm soul. You will soon realize that you shouldn’t have been so afraid. Your perseverance and calmness when performing work tasks will definitely be appreciated by management.

Health horoscope

Throughout the year, the Pisces woman will be subject to depression. It is worth remembering that this causes many diseases and should be suppressed at the stage of blues, and under no circumstances should it be started. There is a possibility of cardiovascular diseases.

At the first signs of illness, going to the doctor should not be put on hold. To prevent many diseases, do not forget about walks and healthy way life.

Horoscope by month

So, to summarize, the year for the Pisces woman will not be the most successful, according to astrologers. But don’t despair, you need to remember that a lot depends only on you.

In January the old debt will remind itself.

February will delight you with new acquaintances.

March will bring family troubles.

In April a surprise awaits you. Whether it will be pleasant or not depends only on you.

May dedicate to updating your wardrobe.

June And July favorable time for rest.

In August there will be minor health problems for you or your loved ones.

September will please you with a small cash bonus.

In October expect guests.

In November A short business trip awaits you.

December will be very troublesome.

2017 will endow Pisces with activity and determination, which will sharply distinguish them from their passive environment. Throughout the year, Pisces will demonstrate confidence, communication skills, energy, and organizational skills. These qualities will have an impact on all areas of activity of this zodiac sign and will help to achieve support and achieve their plans.

The only thing that can prevent Pisces from achieving their goals in the first half of the year stems from the huge variety of their hobbies.

Activity and curiosity will boil continuously, pushing them to the very epicenter of current events in order to learn something new. Thanks to this, in 2017 Pisces will make many profitable acquaintances, however, their attention to important matters may be diverted.

The second half of the year for this zodiac sign foreshadows the possibility of the other extreme - Pisces can get bogged down in everyday and economic issues during this period, devoting all their attention to solving everyday matters.

In 2017, Pisces will have many great opportunities to use their powerful potential. The stars recommend that Pisces show at least a little perseverance and determination to implement their plans, concentrating on important issues, and not waste your energy on trifles.

Love horoscope for 2017 Pisces

the site predicts unconditional success for Pisces in 2017 with the opposite sex due to their absolute confidence that they are simply irresistible. And such confidence, combined with sociability and feeling self-esteem will be able to reliably defeat anyone on the spot.

It goes without saying that in this situation, in the first half of the year, Pisces will not suffer from a lack of fans. In addition, the active lifestyle that representatives of this zodiac sign will lead at this time - various travels, public events, communication with people - will provide Pisces who have not yet met their soul mate with many chances for promising acquaintances. Well, those Pisces who have already found a life partner will be able to demonstrate it to everyone around them.

At the beginning of the Year of the Rooster, there is a high probability that lonely Pisces will go through possible options, taking other people’s feelings lightly, and their personal relationships will be very frivolous.

However, the second half of 2017 will be marked by Pisces’ serious attitude towards organizing their personal life. This time will be distinguished by the opportunity to start a long-term, perhaps lifelong, relationship.

Career 2017 Pisces

2017 will be the most favorable year for Pisces in matters of career advancement and improvement financial situation. Only one point should be taken into account: in the first and second half of the year you will have to act in completely different ways to achieve success.

In the first half of the year, the main weapons of this zodiac sign will be communication skills, organizational abilities and confidence in their actions. These qualities will help Pisces attract the attention of important people, acquire the necessary contacts and improve their position in their career.

The second half of 2017 in the career horoscope is characterized by concentration, which will make it much easier to solve problems that require attentiveness and scrupulousness. Calculations, systematization, and training will be easy and simple for Pisces.

Actually, throughout 2017, this zodiac sign will have many opportunities to move forward and get ahead of rivals. If Pisces does not waste their enormous potential on trifles, they will achieve a lot.

Finances in the year of the Rooster Pisces

The financial sector of Pisces will be under the influence of Mars, which means that things will not be very favorable with money. There is a possibility of a banal loss large sum money, or Pisces may run into a scammer who will fraudulently take over part of their funds.

Personalities of this zodiac sign need to carefully read the terms of the contract being concluded and do not skimp on a lawyer who will help conclude a serious financial deal without the risk of losing funds. It is best to postpone the main expenses in 2017 to the end of the year.

Health in the year of the Rooster Pisces

People born under the sign of Pisces in 2017 will be more cheerful and energetic than ever, and all because of their high potential and strengthened immunity, which allows them to rarely think about illnesses. Meanwhile, these individuals may quite unexpectedly develop diseases of the genitourinary system associated with venereal disease. These people need to be more selective with sexual partners. In addition, this year Pisces should think about losing weight, for which it is important not only to choose proper diet, but also start doing physical exercise.

Horoscope 2017 Pisces man

From the beginning of the year, many difficulties will stand in the way of men of the sign of Pisces. These individuals will have to resolve issues in court, deal with senior management and survive scandals and quarrels in their own family. This is why you should stick to your true friends, who will help and support Pisces in any situation. At the end of the year, the authority in the family of these men will significantly strengthen and these Pisces will become the sovereign heads of their families. By the way, 2017 will be a very wasteful year in terms of finances, and therefore you should not waste money in vain.

Horoscope 2017 Pisces woman

From the beginning of the year, women born under the sign of Pisces will have many fans, both singles and those with families. These girls and women will be inclined to be seduced by courtship and gifts, but it is worth remaining faithful if Pisces has a beloved man. The year 2017 is very good for strengthening family relationships and to conceive a child, but in a career it is unlikely to bring satisfaction to such women, since no special development prospects are foreseen.

Horoscope for 2017 for zodiac-eastern signs:


Lonely individuals of the Pisces sign will often be depressed and depressed this year, since they will not have a strong shoulder nearby. Perhaps it makes sense to loosen up and stop feeling sorry for yourself, then people will be drawn to these individuals.

Pisces Ox

2017 will be a rich year for adventures for Pisces born in the year of the Ox. They will often be unfaithful to their partners and will spend a lot of time traveling without experiencing an iota of discomfort. Perhaps these people will really like this life.


The Year of the Rooster is very good for unleashing your creative potential. Perhaps Pisces will be able to declare themselves as a promising aspiring screenwriter, musician or director. The main thing is not to sit idly by, but to promote your talent.


Pisces, who were born in the year of the Rabbit, also have enormous development potential. The person with whom fate will bring these people together in the spring of 2017 will help unlock such potential. It is important not to miss this chance and make significant progress in development.


In order to live in peace and harmony, Pisces need to let go of grievances against loved ones, forgive them everything and start living in the future, not the past. If Pisces continues to be offended, they risk being left alone without their loved ones.


Personalities of the Pisces sign this year should not make decisions without advice from experienced and knowledgeable people, since self-esteem can play a cruel joke with such people. This will especially apply cash and handling of securities.


In order to dispel boredom in a relationship with a loved one, Pisces needs to become more active and bring variety to the sphere of relationships. It is quite possible that the couple will benefit from a holiday together at the seaside or a common activity, for example, renovating an apartment.


If these individuals dream of making significant progress in their careers and taking the place of a company manager, Pisces will have to sacrifice their own relationships with a loved one, or even their own health, since nervous tension will go off scale and this person will often end up in the hospital.


Representatives of this zodiac sign will enjoy solitude and complete freedom this year. They will even change a job that becomes a burden for Pisces to another one that involves frequent changes of scenery and travel.


The year is ideal for those Pisces who dream of overcoming their bad habits, losing weight, quitting smoking or drinking alcohol. But if you don’t take care of your health, Pisces will serious problems with the body.


In 2017, these Pisces will experience incredible development in professional activities. Moreover, if these people want to become the best in their profession, they should not waste time and money on their development and advanced training.


Only optimism and self-confidence will save Pisces born in the year of the Pig this year. The fact is that a huge responsibility will fall on them, and besides, life will often confront these people with the choice of work or family. It is important to make choices with your heart so as not to blame yourself in the future.

Despite the fact that I was completely confident in the excellent state of my own health, I became scared. And here Natasha came to the rescue. At the stall with the inscription The Best Food. A couple of meters from us, two thin-necked sergeants were indeed peacefully eating cakes with meat. I started the engine and rushed to the address indicated by Kiryushka. My soul was restless. I turned my head and saw two policemen. Standing a little further away from. Who Alice was remained a mystery, but I wasn’t going to solve it.

We saw a staircase made of steel rods. Without thinking twice, I climbed up, deciding that the panel opened in the same way as the one through which we got into the tunnel. She rested her hands on the wall, pushed it aside, and climbed out. It was Vanya who said the little room. There was a sniffling sound, and later Ivan’s voice sounded in complete darkness. I was confused, but answered optimistically. At that same second, the closet lit up with light, and I closed my eyes. I stood in the middle of the toilet. Two toilets without seats and cisterns amused the ears. Peacefully rustling water. There was a strong smell of bleach, the doorway was covered with a mesh, and behind. Belka, Misha and two gloomy men with machine guns stood there. I stared at the guys with the gun and blurted out.

I stretched again. It was behind the mirror, but here a passerby pointed his finger in the direction of my typewriter and continued. I looked around at the offended Zhiguli, picked up the sneakers that had fallen out of the box and muttered. The man pouted, puffed for a couple of minutes and declared. So I dash into the store, clutching in my fist the pennies Raisa gave me for a bottle of beer. Zhigulevsky was in Moscow at that time. As soon as the illuminated boxes arrived in the stores, a horde of men stormed the counters, shouting. Sobbing, I told her the essence of the matter, told her about Raisa, beer, coins, the sewer grid... The woman forcibly shoved a banknote into my fist. The door to Zalygina’s apartment was open and propped up by a stool, and on the stairs, on the windowsill, sat a woman in shorts and a T-shirt smeared with paint. The girl jumped off the windowsill, put her hands on her hips and barked. I noted that her voice had changed and repeated. Nika bit lower lip, later shook her hair decisively and rushed into battle again. I've already listened quietly famous story about cheating with things. I nodded. I know this establishment.

I had to obey. Almira lived in a brand new house, in a multi-room apartment, filled with expensive furniture. I opened it. There was a mouth, but then the sharp ringing of the phone made me flinch. Almira grabbed the phone. Then she looked at. Suddenly I felt offended. But Almira is an extremely nasty person. I silently walked to the door. I quickly ran to the door. And before Almira had time to get up from the sofa, she pulled the handle, jumped into the elevator and after a few minutes found herself in the six.

The phone rang in my pocket, I hastily left Krestova to deal with the numb Zhanna. She looked at the handset screen and quickly said. A man's voice came from the mobile phone. The tenacity of Max's hire. The actor was delighted. Anyone else would have realized long ago that he had played his role poorly; he would have been seen through. It's time to stop making faces. But no, the idiot continues to talk about the chest and the chicken. Okay, at the moment I will get it... There was silence on the phone. A lady's voice rang out, chattering in English. I turned around, saw an attractive lady in a blue dress and asked. For a few moments the woman chattered at machine-gun speed, then became quiet, paused and looked at her.

As the horoscope for September 2017 predicts, Pisces can confidently move forward in the development of their ideas and plans. The month will be a successful and fruitful period, and everything will proceed quite calmly, without hassle. You manage to maintain a balance between work and family. You enjoy what you love and get pleasure from everything. Feeling [...]

As the horoscope for August 2017 recommends, Pisces must conduct a serious reassessment of values. They will have a desire to change their life, try to live differently, try something that they could not decide on before. For the first time, representatives of the sign will put their interests first. Pisces now needs to unwind, pamper themselves, which is what they will do […]

As the horoscope for July 2017 promises, Pisces will finally gain faith in themselves and their strengths. You will be full of inspiration and strength. Thanks to your responsibility and ability to finish what you start, you will be able to achieve success. Reconsider your principles, outlook on life and priorities. When planning things, ask yourself if it will bring you closer […]

As the horoscope for June 2017 predicts, Pisces will want an active life. The stars recommend not limiting yourself in your desires and listening to your intuition. If your inner voice tells you that you are ready to change your job or even your city of residence, you can listen to it and open a new page in your life. Your […]

As the horoscope for May 2017 recommends, Pisces must get down to business. The composure and determination of representatives of this sign is now more than enough to achieve the desired results. The time has come for your plans to come true, and for you to put all your efforts into this, concentrate on the desired goal, without being distracted by anything. […]

As the horoscope for April 2017 says, Pisces will reconsider their values ​​and outlook on life. Your attitude towards ordinary things will change and you will open yourself to change. Now Pisces, like revolutionaries, are ready to go against people and circumstances. They will take the initiative and stop going with the flow. But the composure and consciousness of the representatives […]

No matter how much you believe in magic and luck, in March it will haunt you at every step. There will not be a situation in which everything will work out for the best due to completely unexpected luck. At the beginning of the month, Pisces will perceive March 2017 as a test of their strength on the one hand, and as […]

If Pisces in January could start from a new starting point, take a new important step, then the horoscope for February 2017 Pisces should be read as a book on the operation of what has been started. In February, you must put all your strength into work, but we are not talking about new projects and new places of work, but about […]