Question: if the government destroys the people of the country, then people should be in solidarity with each other in order to survive? Andrey Dmitrievich Sakharov'размышления о прогрессе, мирном сосуществовании и интеллектуальной свободе' Разобщение человечества грозит его гибели!}

“The disunity of humanity threatens its destruction. In the face of danger, any action that increases the disunity of humanity, any preaching of the incompatibility of world ideologies and nations is madness, a crime.” - wrote Sakharov. It was in this work that the deep and very important idea for Sakharov was first formulated that, in the name of the future of humanity, the socialist and capitalist systems should come closer to each other and this process should be accompanied by the democratization and demilitarization of society.

“Moving back from the brink of global catastrophe, preserving civilization and life itself on the planet is an urgent need modern stage world history. This, I am convinced, is possible only as a result of profound geopolitical, socio-economic and ideological changes in the direction of rapprochement (convergence) of the capitalist and socialist systems and the openness of society... New thinking of humanity is needed! – wrote A.D. Sakharov.

In the Soviet Union, Sakharov's work was distributed illegally as "samizdat". Abroad, it was translated into several languages, published in huge numbers and caused a flood of responses in the press of many countries. The Soviet leadership reacted very painfully to this speech by Sakharov. Although there was nothing anti-Soviet in his book, the very fact that he allowed himself to “interfere” and tell the party leadership about his mistakes in managing the economy, about miscalculations in his internal and foreign policy, caused great irritation. That same year, Sakharov was removed from secret work.

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In this article, Sakharov wants to reflect his thoughts about the most important issues, facing humanity - about war and peace, about dictatorship, about the forbidden topic of Stalin's terror and freedom of thought, about demographic problems and environmental pollution, about the role of science.

1) P The disunity of humanity threatens it with death. Civilization is threatened by: general thermonuclear war, catastrophic famine for most of humanity, stupefaction in the dope." popular culture"and in the grip of bureaucratic dogmatism, the destruction of the conditions of existence on the planet.

Millions of people around the world strive to end poverty, hate oppression, dogmatism and demagoguery (and their extreme expressions - racism, fascism, Stalinism and Maoism), believe in progress based on the use of all the positive experiences accumulated by humanity in conditions of social justice and intellectual freedom .

2) To human society intellectual freedom is necessary– freedom to receive and disseminate information, freedom of unbiased and fearless discussion, freedom from the pressure of authority and prejudice. This triple freedom of thought is the only guarantee against infection by mass myths, which in the hands of hypocrite demagogues turn into dictatorship.

main – this is overcoming disunity(so that there is no cold war, we need to move away from the abyss, we need to help developing countries, and not be at odds with each other). The chapter “On Hope” contains a comparison of the USSR and the USA, as well as some measures that need to be taken in order to overcome the threat of the death of humanity.


The threat of thermonuclear war. (For humanity to move away from the edge of the abyss (nuclear war) means to overcome disunity. Examples: Vietnam, the Middle East) at least 1 million people die under the rubble of buildings, from fire and radiation, suffocate in brick dust and smoke, die in littered shelters. In the event of a ground explosion, the fallout of radioactive dust creates the risk of fatal exposure over an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers.

Threat of famine

We are talking about an aggravation of the “average” food balance, predicted from an analysis of existing trends, in which local food crises localized in space and time merge into a continuous sea of ​​hunger, unbearable suffering and despair, grief, death and rage of hundreds of millions of people. This is a tragic threat to all humanity. A catastrophe of this magnitude cannot but have the deepest consequences throughout the world, for every person, it will cause waves of wars and anger, a general decline in the standard of living throughout the world, and will leave a tragic, cynical and anti-communist imprint on the lives of subsequent generations.

Social factors play an important role in the tragic situation and even more tragic future of the "poor" areas.

But we must clearly understand that if the threat of hunger is, along with the desire for national liberation, the main reason for the “agrarian” revolution, then the “agrarian” revolution itself does not eliminate the threat of hunger (at least in the near future). As things stand, the threat of famine cannot be eliminated quickly enough without the help of developed countries, and this will require significant changes in their foreign and domestic policies.

Geohygiene problem

We live in a rapidly changing world.

A huge amount of harmful industrial and transport waste, including carcinogenic waste, is released into the air and water. Will the “safety limit” be crossed everywhere, as is already the case in a number of places? Sooner or later this will take on dangerous proportions. But we don't know when.

The problems of geohygiene are very complex and diverse, and are very closely intertwined with economic and social problems. Their complete solution on a national and especially local scale is therefore impossible. Salvation of our external environment habitat urgently requires overcoming disunity and the pressure of temporary, local interest. Otherwise, the USSR will poison the USA with its waste, and the USA will poison the USSR with its own. For now this is a hyperbole, but if the amount of waste increases by 10% annually over 100 years, the total increase will reach 20 thousand times.

With this statement, Russian scientist A.D. Sakharov raises the problem of strengthening and danger global problems humanity. The author believes that only cooperation can prevent the loss of life.

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For example, the emergence of global problems. Global problems - series serious problems threatening all of humanity. They appeared in the second half of the twentieth century. Global problems have a number of features. For example, they cannot be solved by an individual alone. They need to be resolved by the whole world. Also, one cannot help but say that all these problems are interconnected. Examples of global problems are the problem of overpopulation, the problem of wars, world terrorism, a number of environmental problems, the problem of poverty.

I completely agree with the author’s opinion and want to prove his point of view with the help of theoretical principles. Not long ago, in a history lesson, we studied Soviet discoveries of the twentieth century and looked at an example that clearly illustrates the academician’s statement. In the 20th century, Sakharov created the hydrogen bomb. The government highly appreciated his contribution to science, although the scientist himself later greatly regretted it, because he realized the consequences of its improper use. With the help of such a bomb you can destroy all of humanity. That is why treaties were subsequently adopted between countries banning the use of bombs in order to protect humanity from disaster. But without cooperation and a common understanding of the seriousness of the threat, it was impossible to protect humanity from destruction.

Not long ago, the website of the online publication Mediazona published an article about the latest terrorist attacks and how to avoid them. The article covers the events of the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg, which occurred in 2017. Also the terrorist attack that took place in Manchester. Both of these events did not remain without casualties and claimed the lives of many people. Terrorism, while a global problem, is a global problem that is difficult to prevent or predict. Terrorists are usually people from eastern countries with a low standard of living. These segments of the population are most easily attracted to terrorist activities. That is why developed countries need to gather all their strength and direct them to eliminate poverty and misery in other, less developed countries.

To summarize all of the above, we can once again say that global problems threaten not individual individuals, but the entire world, and this again suggests the importance of combining the intellectual and power resources of all countries in order to ensure a peaceful and bright life on Earth.

Updated: 2018-12-25

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“The disunity of humanity threatens it with death... In the face of danger, any action that increases the disunity of humanity, any preaching of the incompatibility of world ideologies and nations is madness, a crime” Academician Sakharov Andrei Dmitrievich.

And now, from that world?
Is he talking to you?
“Divided, you will perish!
Are the people cowards and disabled?”

Yes, the people: holy, and Russian?
Orthodox: all like that?
Why is he disunited?
Or is it sick in the head?

He is defeated: before the relics?
Is it lying in front of the icon?
Barely breathing - dying?
Himself – he: hardly a star?

What suddenly happened to you?
Yesterday you were Soviet!
And the fascist infection?
In war - you won!

But now, are you like a zombie?
Are you like a robot: lonely?
You're like a louse: on a rope?
Behind the butts: jump, huh?

“Go away - say a prayer!
Repent, strike with your brow, be silent!
Sin is words, and in condemnation!
You are prayers: just do them!”

“Everyone will answer for themselves!”
So the priest is telling you?
He wants you not to communicate!
Wants to separate you!

It’s easier to manage them!
Lead the flock with you!
The priest does not serve God - the authorities!
Not Heavenly, but earthly!

It’s a lie—the priest’s mouth speaks!
Jesus was not silent!
He said: both day and night!
And united the people!

The separator is only the devil!
He sows in people: enmity!
Don't love each other!
Let's live one by one!

But then – where is the Church of God?
What if it’s “every man for himself”?
Where is the fruit of faith - virtue?
Where is the spiritual family?

Where are you, Christian brothers?
Or have you been gone for a long time?
Have you changed your color, or what?
Whoever is alive, give me the answer!

And the Jews - gone?
It is suddenly unknown - where?
Have you received the mark of the beast?
Anyway: or – not yet?

Have you received your bio-passport?
And the barcode: on your forehead?
Silence: everyone is silent in unison!
Solidarity: not good!

Are you all strangers to each other?
For each other: are you a log?
Or is it much worse?
Are you shit to each other?

Is there no good - unification?
Yes, but only in evil?
Where there is benefit, we are united!
Are you all alone - in trouble?

Has profit ruined you all?
Everyone - only for themselves?
Then you are not a people at all!
But - the country is traitors!

The authorities have clearly told you: in Russia psychophysical weapons are used against the population! Does this mean that the state is committing genocide against certain categories of citizens? Or how to understand this? Everyone is silent! This topic is not addressed in the media. Why? Yes, because the media, political scientists, and “public figures” serve the authorities. And the authorities pay them for it. There seems to be an agreement between them. Those who serve the state know that genocide of the population is taking place in the country. But the authorities are not touching the servants yet? So she is silent! “Everyone for himself: as long as I feel good!” And this is the intelligentsia? And this is the “conscience of the nation”?

But soon the authorities will want to abolish cash and chip their servants! To make you powerless and submissive slaves, and through electronic influence on the chips implanted in your bodies, to control you and cause you suffering! What will you do then? Nothing! Because it will be too late! The power from Satan will first remove all honest people from your environment, and then it will take over you too! And there will be no one to protect you! It's clear?

“When the Nazis came for the communists, I was silent, I’m not a communist.
Then they came for the Social Democrats, I was silent, I’m not a Social Democrat.
Then they came for the trade unionists, I was silent, I’m not a trade union member.
Then they came for the Jews, I was silent, I’m not a Jew.
And then they came for me, and there was no one left to protest.”

So shut up! Keep silent now, remain silent at the Last Judgment, and you will suffer in silence, gnashing your teeth and biting your tongues - in eternal hellfire!

Public story about the use of psychotronic weapons by the Russian Guard against citizens of the Russian Federation: on TV!

Question: is there Jewish, Christian, civil solidarity in the Russian Federation, or mafia solidarity in your environment?
Question: can there be “unity” among the robber, and the robbed poor man, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, and me?
An elder's tale in a dream about unity in evil: in holy Rus', or even in secular Russian F!
A legend for the Day of Unity of the People of the Russian Federation, from a member of the United Russia: “The Russian nation no longer exists in this holy country!”
A tale of “unity” in wealth and poverty: the elite with lackeys, and the rest of the population in the country!
The pre-Christmas legend of Zyuganov's hero-hero: “Russians are dying out, but Russia has sold its wealth!”

It was written in the spring of 1968 in the corresponding international situation (reforms in the Czech Republic, youth riots and labor strikes in France and the USA).

Below is a summary with long excerpts. Following Sakharov’s “scientific” style, I write in the style of “remarks on a dissertation,” that is, with abundant citation of the author.

To summarize: the text is not anti-Soviet; on the contrary, it is intended to promote the USSR and Soviet values ​​in the West. The program for creating a world socialist government put forward in the text is simply Trotskyist; demagoguery about freedom and democracy, by the way, was quite typical for both Trotsky and Lenin; he himself here quotes Lenin talking about freedom. In fact, if you squeeze out the husk, it is proposed to suppress all non-Trotskyist forces in the USSR, after which a world revolution will be carried out (both in developed and developing countries), after which supposedly maximum freedom and scientific development with “smoothing out national contradictions” (that is, they will make Muscovites out of everyone, ban all nations).