How to attach isomalt to cream. Confectionery isomalt is a beautiful decor for cakes. Molding isomalt glass

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This article covers the following topics: what is isomalt, how isomalt is made, the properties of isomalt, the benefits and harms of isomalt, isomalt in molecular cuisine, a recipe for making a glass ball.

One of the desserts of molecular gastronomy. Isomalt sphere

Isomalt or palatinite are sweet-tasting crystals that are colorless and soluble in water. Isomalt is actively used in molecular gastronomy and in the creation of products for diabetics. The substance acts as a sweetener. In terms of taste characteristics, isomalt is close to sucrose.

The location of the ingredient in nature is:
sugar cane;
sugar beet;

Isomalt has a classification E 953 as a food additive in industry.

The component was discovered in the 50s of the twentieth century. The ingredient was obtained through the synthesis of dextrans. With its help you can combat clumping and caking of the product. Isomalt is an excellent glazing agent.

One of the advantages of the substance is its low moisture capacity.

Properties of isomalt

The source for extracting the component is completely natural raw materials.

The main properties of isomalt:

Relative low in calories;
low glycemic index(effect on blood sugar levels);
the substance is a probiotic;
increased salivation (salivation);
stimulating active bowel function.

Use of isomalt

Isomalt is quite often used in the production of chocolate, caramel, dragees, ice cream, chewing gum, etc. Confectionery products that contain the component cannot be softened and do not stick together, which is very convenient when packaging them. The food additive is great for creating baked goods. The advantage of the substance is the fact that it is scientifically proven to be harmless to teeth; isomalt does not cause caries.

The component is used in the production of syrups and medicines prescribed for metabolic disorders.

Isomalt benefits and harms

Due to its harmlessness, the component is approved in almost all countries of the world. There are no restrictions regarding the daily dose of the substance. However, it is recommended to consume pure isomalt in quantities not exceeding 0.050 kg for adults and 0.025 for children. In this way, the occurrence of allergic reactions can be avoided.
By consuming this element, it is easy to avoid unwanted changes in blood sugar levels. Isomalt evenly nourishes the human body and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Give preference food additive Worth it for people who want to reduce their weight. The slow breakdown of the component in the body makes it possible for diabetics to use it. Taking the ingredient into food promotes a feeling of satiety. People who choose a healthy diet include isomalt in their diet.

Isomalt in molecular gastronomy

Pump for isomalt (purchase),

It is advisable to have thermal gloves.

1. Heat the isomalt in a saucepan until completely liquefied.

2. Add food coloring, 1 - 2 drops, if necessary to add color.

3. Stir the mixture with a spatula.

4. Let it cool to the consistency of a soft mass, like plasticine.

5. Using thermal gloves, knead the mass and make a ball out of it.

6. Insert the isomalt pump tube into the ball and inflate the ball to a sphere. This process must be carried out under a stream of warm air from a hair dryer or heat gun. It is necessary that all parts of the ball have the same temperature.

7. Blow the ball

8. To remove the pump from the ball, you need to heat the joint (for example, with a torch) and cut the pump with scissors.

Where to buy Isomalt

You can buy excellent quality isomalt on our website in the section. Where to buy isomalt in Moscow? Right there on our website.

Multi-colored isomalt sticks appeared on the market especially for confectionery art “ Get Sassy", sold in sets of 10 pieces.
This is convenient because you can already choose ready color product, melt it and sculpt decorations. Or use an electric gun ( Sassie SHOT) to melt these sticks, similar in principle to a glue gun, it allows you to make real jewelry.

I offer the simplest option, without sticks and guns. Sprinkle a layer of isomalt onto a silicone mat. Smooth it out a little. Place on a baking sheet and place in the oven, preheated to 175-180 degrees by about 10 minutes. Remove from oven. While the isomalt has not hardened, you can do something with it. The thinner the layer, the faster it cools, which means it hardens. While it is soft, you can add inclusions to it or give it some kind of shape. To prevent long threads from stretching, isomalt is better cut with scissors. You can pour it into ready-made molds. In general, your imagination opens up here.

In addition to the oven, isomalt can be melted on the stove, in a metal container with a thick bottom. In the microwave - power 800 W for 10-20 seconds. The main thing is not to overburn. The melted product can be painted in any color using ordinary water-soluble food dyes. The disadvantage of this product is that it melts in the refrigerator, just like caramel.

Working with Isomalt.

Good afternoon Today's master class is dedicated to working with isomalt. We will show you how to use the mixture to prepare Crystal Decor caramel mass from Modecor.

Isomalt is a sugar substitute that has more health-promoting properties and significant technological advantages in operation. This product is obtained from 100% plant materials, without the addition of artificial sweeteners, preservatives, or flavors.

Products made from isomalt, unlike traditional caramel, do not soften, do not stick to your hands, and retain their attractive appearance much better. appearance and gloss. To create different color effects, you can use Modecor gel and dry pearlescent dyes (gel dyes will color the mass, and the pearlescent effect of powder dyes will be preserved due to the transparency of the finished caramel decor).

Making jewelry:

  • The product can be re-melted up to three times.

2.Place the isomalt in the microwave, wait until it reaches the melting point. Alternatively, you can melt dry isomalt (without other liquids) directly in a saucepan over a flame.

To obtain a smooth, homogeneous mass, once the isomalt reaches its melting point, gently stir the mixture.

  • If you want to color the product, you need to add dyes at this stage.

5.Carefully remove the decoration and attach it to the cake. To achieve an even more glossy effect, finished products can be processed using a torch.

The following products and tools were used in the master class:

Helpful Tips:

After the isomalt has melted, add a few dropsModecor Colorgel and mix thoroughly until the desired color effect is achieved.

For long-term work and creation of complex caramel compositions, you can use a professional caramel lamp from the Martellato collection (LAMP).

To get a pearl effect, add a little powder Pearly ColorDust to isomalt and mix gently.

Attention: Isomalt is a product with a melting point of 180°: use heat-resistant Modecor gloves, and we also recommend using metal utensils.

Isomalt is a low-calorie sucrose based on a sugar substitute, which is obtained from sugar beets. It is not brown like sugar and prevents cracking, which is why it is most often used to make edible decorations. You can work with isomalt crystals, but working with isomalt granules or sticks is often easier to make.


Use of isomalt crystals

  • 2 cups (500 ml) isomalt crystals

  • 1/2 cup (125 ml) distilled water

  • 5-10 drops food coloring (optional)

Using isomalt granules or isomalt sticks

Amount: 2.5 cups (625 ml) syrup

  • 2.5 cups (625 ml) isomalt granules or sticks


  1. Prepare a bowl of ice water. Fill a large bowl or shallow baking tray with 2 to 3 inches of water and a handful of ice.

    • Please note that the bowl must be wide enough to fit the bottom of the pan you will be using.
    • You can also use this water with ice in case you accidentally burn yourself during the cooking process. If you get burned by a metal pan or hot syrup, simply immerse the burned area in a bowl of ice water to stop the damage immediately.
  2. Combine isomalt and water. Place the isomalt crystals in a small saucepan. Pour water into the pan, and stir the two ingredients together with a metal spoon to combine.

    • You only need enough water to wet the isomalt. When mixing at this stage, the contents of the pan should look like wet sand.
    • If you need to change the amount of isomalt, make sure you change the amount of water, too. Typically, you need 3-4 parts isomalt for every part water.
    • Use distilled or filtered water. Tap water contains minerals that will turn the syrup yellow or brown.
    • The pan and spoon should be made of stainless steel. Avoid using a wooden spoon; previously absorbed material may seep into the syrup and give it a yellow tint.
  3. Cook over high heat. Place the pan on the stove over medium heat. The mixture should reach a constant boil; do not disturb or disturb it while it is cooking.

    • Once the contents have reached a boil, use a nylon pastry brush to scrape the excess down the sides of the pan back into the main mixture. Do not use a natural brush for this.
    • After cleaning the sides of the pan, attach a candy thermometer to the side. Make sure the bulb of the thermometer touches the hot syrup and not the bottom of the pan.
  4. Add food coloring at 82°C. If you want to add food coloring to isomalt syrup, this is the ideal temperature to do so. Add the number of drops needed to achieve the desired color intensity, then stir the food coloring into the simmering syrup using a metal mixing spoon or skewer.

    • Don't worry if the mixture becomes sticky at 107°C, it won't last long. At this temperature, excess water boils away. The temperature will not rise higher until this water boils away.
    • Expect the mixture to bubble quickly when adding food coloring.
  5. Cook until the syrup reaches 171°C. In order to create "glass" isomalt or similar isomalt decorations, the liquefied syrup needs to reach this temperature. If this is not the case, the structure of the isomalt will not change enough for the jewelry to cure properly.

    • You should remove the pan from the heat when the thermometer reads 167°C. The temperature will continue to rise after this, even if you try to quickly stop the melting process.
  6. Dip the bottom of the pan into ice water. Once the isomalt has reached the desired temperature, quickly transfer the pan to a prepared dish of ice water. Place the bottom of the pan in water for 5-10 seconds or so to stop the temperature from rising.

    • Do not allow ice water to get inside the pan.
    • Remove the pan from the water as soon as the sizzling stops.
  7. Keep the isomalt in a warm oven. Isomalt pours best at 149°C, so you should keep it warm in the oven until you're ready to use it to prevent the syrup from cooling too much.

    • The oven should be set to 135°C.
    • Storing isomalt syrup in the oven for 15 minutes will usually help it reach its ideal pouring temperature. During this time, the bubbles will disappear from the syrup.
    • You can keep isomalt in the oven for up to three hours. If you store it longer, the mixture may begin to turn yellow.

    1. Place the granules in a microwave safe dish. Make sure they are evenly distributed to encourage even melting.

      • When using isomalt sticks instead of granules, break the sticks into halves or thirds before placing them in the dish.
      • Isomalt granules and sticks come in clear and pre-colored varieties. If you want to make a colored creation, use pre-colored pellets.
      • Since melted isomalt can be very hot, using a dish with a handle will make handling the melted syrup easier and safer. You can also use silicone molds for baking or bowls, since silicone is quite heat-resistant. However, if you are using handleless utensils, consider placing the dish on a microwave-safe plate to limit the amount of contact with the dish.
    2. Cook in microwave oven on high power at intervals of 15-20 seconds. You will need to stir the isomalt granules after each interval to ensure they heat evenly, thoroughly. Continue microwaving them in this manner until the entire batch is melted.

      • Please note that air bubbles form naturally when isomalt melts.
      • Use oven mitts to protect your hands when handling hot isomalt.
      • Stir the melted isomalt with a metal skewer or similar tool. Avoid wooden utensils.
      • It will take one minute to melt five pellets. However, this time may vary depending on the microwave power and the size of the pellets.
    3. Mix well. Stir the melted isomalt one last time to remove as many air bubbles as possible.

      • You must ensure that there are no bubbles in the melted isomalt before attempting to use it. If there are bubbles in the syrup, there will be bubbles in the finished product.
    4. Reheat as needed. If the isomalt hardens before you've used it, you can simply reheat it in the microwave by placing a dish and reheating in 15-20 second intervals.

      • You should let the melted isomalt sit for 5-10 minutes before it begins to cool.
      • If additional bubbles begin to form, stir the isomalt to help release them.

    Isomalt glass molding

    1. Grease the molds with cooking spray. Spray an even layer of cooking spray into each pan so that each is thoroughly, evenly coated.

      • Use a dry paper towel to wipe off excess spray from the top of the pan.
      • Make sure the molds you use are labeled for isomalt or candy sugar. The high temperatures you will be working with will melt molds that are not strong enough.
    2. Pour the syrup into a piping bag, if desired. Add only about 1/2 cup (125 ml) melted isomalt to the piping bag.

      • Adding more may cause the bag to weaken or melt. Addition large quantity may also cause burns.
      • Using a piping bag may make working with the melted isomalt easier for you, but many people find this step unnecessary.
      • Do not cut off the tip of the piping bag before adding the isomalt. Leave the tip untouched for now.
      • Make sure you still wear oven mitts when handling the piping bag. The heat from the melted isomalt can still burn you through the bag.
    3. Pour or squeeze syrup into molds. Pour enough melted isomalt into each mold to fill them.

      • When you are ready to fill the pans, cut off the tip of the piping bag. The isomalt will spill out quickly, so you need to be careful.
      • No matter how much melted isomalt you pour, you should let it flow in a thin stream. This will minimize the number of bubbles that form.
      • Lightly tap the bottom of the pan on a countertop, table, or other hard surface to release bubbles from the syrup once the pan is filled.
    4. Let the syrup harden. Depending on the size of your mold, the isomalt should harden into a solid decoration within 5-15 minutes.

      • After the isomalt has cooled, it should naturally come away from the walls of the mold. You just have to tilt the mold on its side and watch the pieces fall.
      • Keep isomalt away from moisture. Uncooked isomalt should be stored in an airtight container or bag. Cooked isomalt should be stored in an airtight container, but you should add silica gel packets to the container to further protect the isomalt from moisture.
      • Never store isomalt in the refrigerator or freezer. The humidity is too high and can destroy both the syrup and the finished pieces.

      What you will need

      Preparation of isomalt syrup from crystals

      • Large bowl or baking sheet
      • Ice water
      • Medium pan
      • Stainless steel skewer or mixing spoon
      • Candy thermometer
      • Oven
      • Potholders

      Preparation of isomalt syrup from granules or sticks

      • Microwave safe dish
      • Stainless steel skewer
      • Potholders
      • Microwave oven

      Formation of isomalt glass

      • Sprinkler
      • Forms for isomalt
      • Potholders
      • Pastry bag (optional)

The decor, reminiscent of magic lace, is thin and fragile, like a piece of ice. It fascinates, you want to look at it, look for patterns, like on frozen window glass in childhood. All ideal things are simple, this mesmerizing decor in the photo below is created from isomalt. However, the use of isomalt is so widespread in decoration that it is limited only by our imagination.

What is isomalt?

Place the isomalt in the oven on a medium level for 7-12 minutes, depending on the condition of the isomalt. The powder crystals should completely melt and form a clear liquid.

You can check the isomalt by opening the oven and lifting the edge of the mat. As soon as the granules have all melted, take out and remove the isomalt from the hot baking sheet and cool.

You can also create a decoration by pouring isomalt in the shape of the desired figure and limiting it, for example, with wooden skewers.

While isomalt is hot, it is plastic, it can be rolled into any shape, cut with blanks, etc.

Here's what we got:

Option 2.

We will need:

  • stewpan
  • silicone mat or parchment
  • alcohol/vodka
  • pastry bag or cornet

Pour isomalt into a saucepan. Place on low heat.

We are waiting for the granules to completely dissolve. We introduce the dye, I used Americolor gel dye.

We crumple the baking paper and pour vodka on top so that there are nice, large drops.

Pour the isomalt onto the parchment.

You can leave it like this, or you can take the parchment in your hands and, tilting it in different directions, form beautiful smudges or a pattern.

Here's what happened:

Option 3.

We will need:

  • alcohol/vodka (for degreasing)
  • pastry bag or cornet
  • cookie molds, die-cuts, silicone molds or molds for lollipops and chocolate
  • spatula

After the isomalt has melted, let it calm down a little and pour it into a cornet or pastry bag. Be careful, the temperature is very high!

We carefully twist the cornet on top so that our caramel does not spill onto our hands, put on a heat-resistant mitten and hold the cornet with this mitten!

Place drops of isomalt on a grease-free silicone mat.

You can draw a spiral, some kind of pattern, write a name, in general, your imagination will help you :)

If you want to give isomalt a certain shape, then we place the isomalt on a silicone mold, a plastic mold, a cookie mold, etc. This is how you can make your favorite lenses or precious stones.

In the photo below, I ruined the shape: I was in a hurry and didn’t let the caramel cool a little.