What to give to a newborn baby. Treatment of colds in a newborn baby. months - transition to more solid foods

In your piggy bank.

Should I give water to children under 1 year of age?

Modern moms infants This is what they do with children before introducing complementary foods. Such children receive a sufficient amount of fluid from breast milk and do not suffer from dehydration. And more frequent breastfeeding stimulates lactation. If mother and baby feel well, You may not give your child extra water .

If bottle-fed baby , then the amount of mixture for him is limited in accordance with his age. If the baby is restless between feedings, he should be offered water, he may be thirsty. This WHO recommendation does not apply to children already bottle-fed. In addition to the mixture, the artificial plant usually requires water.

If everything is fine with the baby, he is breastfed, there is enough milk, you just have different views - it is quite possible to give your newborn baby water in between feedings: 50-100 ml per day.

But even in infants there are times when water is urgently needed.

Jaundice of the newborn.

Newborns often have jaundice: a temporary condition when the level of bilirubin in the blood increases and the skin and sclera become yellow. Up to 3 weeks of life, newborn jaundice is considered physiological and does not require treatment. If jaundice persists after 3 weeks of life, the child’s body cannot cope with this problem on its own, and the child is prescribed drug treatment. But all newborns who have jaundice, starting from birth. At home, additional drinks are prescribed - boiled water or /pharmacy/21502-smecta: up to 10 days of life - 50 ml per day, then - 100 ml per day - to accelerate the removal of bilirubin metabolic products from the body.

Colic and flatulence.

For colic or flatulence, children are always recommended: dill water, baby tea “/pharmacy/6723-plantex”, smecta, or chamomile decoction up to 1 month 50 ml per day, from 1 month 100 ml per day.

Increased body temperature.

If a child’s temperature rises, he is also prescribed additional fluids, and additional feedings in this case are not useful, besides, during illness, children’s appetite worsens, and fluid loss at elevated temperatures, on the contrary, increases. Chamomile infusion and rosehip infusion are usually used here.

Intestinal infections.

At intestinal infections To replenish fluid losses, additional drinks are always used: saline solutions.

Hot weather.

In hot weather, a child loses a lot of moisture through sweat, much more than an adult, so in between feedings it is quite possible to offer him a teaspoon of water.

When you start introducing complementary foods, water is a must.

Complementary feeding is the food of another chemical composition. When complementary foods are introduced, the load on the child's kidneys increases. Therefore, simultaneously with the introduction of complementary foods, it is recommended to start giving the child water: the first month 50 ml, then 100 ml per day.

What to drink.


Boiled water not popular now. She is called "dead" and "harmful." Meanwhile, everyone continues to use it in the form of tea, compote, soup, and for artificial children the mixture is prepared in boiled water.

Therefore, you can still use boiled water for your baby to drink.

For those who do not want to give their child boiled water, there is special children's room drinking water in bottles: “Agusha”, “Frutto-nanny”, “Babby”, “Vinnie”, etc. Such water is specially purified by ultraviolet irradiation and ozonation, it must have a certain mineral composition, useful for the child. This water does not require boiling (this is indicated on the bottle) if consumed within 24 hours after opening the bottle.

Children's teas and decoctions.

There are children's teas, which by the way are brewed with boiled water. The age at which they can be given to a child, the recommended amount and brewing method are indicated on the packaging.

The most popular decoctions.

Chamomile decoction used from birth as an anti-inflammatory agent for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, acute respiratory infections and simply as a drink.

The chamomile decoction is prepared as follows: brew 1 teaspoon of flowers with 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 1-3 minutes, leave for 1 hour, then strain, cool until slightly warm and give the child something to drink.

Rose hip decoction used from birth as a vitamin drink for acute respiratory infections and as a drink.

Method of preparation: brew 1 teaspoon of crushed fruits with 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 1-3 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain, cool, drink.

Dill water. Previously, “dill water” was very popular. Pharmacy dill water was prepared not from dill at all, but from fennel. Now it is no longer sold in pharmacies, because instant teas for children with fennel have appeared (they can be stored for a long time and dissolve easily). They are much more convenient to use. The most popular of them, Plantex tea, is used from 2 weeks.

Dill water you can also cook it yourself – here is the base – dill seeds: brew 1 teaspoon of dill seeds with 1 glass of boiling water, boil for 1-3 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain, cool, drink. Can be used from birth.

Compotes and juices.

With the beginning of the introduction of complementary feeding, compotes appear on the child’s menu. This happens from about 6 months. In the first year, it is recommended to cook them without sugar from fresh or dried apples, pears, plums, prunes, and black currants. Children's compotes are made weak, not concentrated, the ratio of fruit to water is 1:4 (50g per 1 glass). The fruits are boiled until soft, and then the compote is rubbed through a sieve. They begin to give them gradually, in accordance with

Freshly squeezed juices appear on the child’s menu after compotes and their quantity

How to drink.

Water, herbal teas and decoctions do not affect appetite, do not contain calories - it is only a drink, so it is recommended to give them in small portions, evenly throughout the day: 1-2 teaspoons between meals or several sips from a bottle.

Compotes and juices are food - between feedings they can reduce appetite and give a feeling of fullness. Therefore, they are recommended to be given to the child during the main meal (for dessert), and not to quench thirst. You can see the recommended daily amount of compotes and juices

How much water does a child need?

If before the age of 1 year mothers have doubts about whether the child needs water or not, then after 1 year all doubts dissipate. But the question begins to worry: how much water does a child need?

The child receives water not only in the form of drinking, but also with food. Human milk contains approximately 87% water, cow's milk - 88%. About the same amount of water in juices. With other types of food, the body receives water in an amount of approximately 20% of the volume eaten. (Of course, all calculations are approximate; a lot depends on the diet, the child’s mobility, his state of health, and climatic conditions).

Approximate daily requirement the child in the water can be seen in the table. It also provides recommendations for the consumption of milk and juices at different ages. For children under 6 months, this means breast milk or an adapted formula. For children from 6 months to 1 year + kefir. Next is the total quantity. More detailed recommendations for children’s consumption of these products can be seen in the relevant articles on the website.

I advise you to pay attention to the following:

  • daily amount cow's milk and juices are limited in children's diets,
  • It is recommended to give the child water and unsweetened teas, and sweet, especially carbonated drinks are strictly not recommended. Their consumption can lead to digestive disorders, obesity, caries, impaired bone mineralization and even diabetes mellitus. In addition, sweet drinks, as well as strong tea and coffee, have a diuretic effect and help remove fluid from the body, i.e. dehydration.

Proper nutrition is the main component of a child’s life. The baby’s health and his adaptation to environmental conditions depend on how well-balanced his diet is.

What can a newborn and a child up to 6 months eat?

Newborn children whose mothers have breast milk do not have problems with feeding. To date, nothing more valuable for a newborn child than mother’s milk has been invented. The World Health Organization does not recommend giving breastfed babies under six months of age anything other than breast milk.

It has been established that an infant receives all the nutrients necessary for its development and growth from mother’s milk, which even satisfies the baby’s need for water. Therefore, breastfed children can be given water only from six months.

If for some reason the mother experiences a shortage or complete absence of breast milk, as well as if there are contraindications to breastfeeding, then the child should receive specially designed infant formula from birth. Under no circumstances should other milk (cow, goat, buffalo, etc.), much less semolina or other products, be given to a child in the first six months of life. Violation of these rules can lead to serious consequences for the health, and sometimes even for the life of a small child. The gastrointestinal tract at this age is not ripe for accepting other foods, and animal milk does not contain enough vitamins, microelements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary to meet the needs of the growing human body and antibodies that are completely alien to humans.

Infant milk formulas are highly adapted and adapted. A highly adapted milk formula is best suited for feeding a baby after birth. Its composition is as close as possible to breast milk. There are also medicinal mixtures intended for children with health problems (allergies, digestive disorders, prematurity, lactose intolerance, etc.). However, such nutrition should be prescribed exclusively by a pediatrician.

Sometimes it happens that the mother has milk, but in insufficient quantities. Then the baby must be supplemented with formula. In this case, breast milk is given first, and the baby receives the missing amount of food in the form of formula from a bottle with a nipple or a spoon. The hole in the bottle should be very small, otherwise the baby will soon stop sucking the breast, because it involves a certain amount of effort. With mixed or artificial feeding, when the child reaches three months, mixtures with the addition of buckwheat, rice, corn or oatmeal. Such mixtures are sold ready-made in stores or pharmacies.

What can a child from 6 months to 1 year eat?

Starting from four to six months, breast milk remains the main food product, but there is a need to expand the diet and introduce additional foods (complementary foods). At 6 months, mother's milk can no longer meet the baby's needs for calories and micronutrients, especially iron, to ensure normal growth. Complementary foods are food products that are introduced in addition to breast milk (milk formula, in the case of artificial feeding). In this case we mean porridge or vegetable puree.

Where to start, you ask? And this depends on the child’s body weight. If the child is plump or prone to constipation, then the first complementary foods should be given in the form of vegetables, otherwise it is better to start with porridge. In any case, the introduction of a new product should be gradual. You should start with a teaspoon, and increase the amount of complementary feeding to 150 - 200 grams over two weeks, with the final replacement of one breastfeeding with complementary foods.

The consistency of the food should be in the form of liquid puree. After two weeks, when the child is accustomed to one complementary food, they begin to give a second one, and the child is also gradually accustomed to it. At 6 months the following vegetables are allowed: zucchini, pumpkin, potatoes, cabbage, squash, peas, beans, carrots. You can also give buckwheat, rice, corn, and later oatmeal. Semolina does not contain any substances that are beneficial for a child, so it is simply useless to introduce it into the diet until at least ten months. Barley, pearl barley, and millet porridge can be offered to a child no earlier than one year of age. To improve taste and healthfulness, add vegetable oil (olive, sunflower or corn) to porridge or vegetable puree, starting with three to five drops and adding up to a teaspoon.

Thus, by seven months the child should eat complementary foods 2 times a day: porridge and vegetable puree. The rest of the feedings continue to be breastfeeding. Between main meals at 6 months, it is recommended to give fruit in the form of juices or purees, offering the child from 1 teaspoon per day, increasing their amount to 100 grams by the year. Children tolerate apples best. To avoid allergies, buy green or yellow varieties. A baked apple is very beneficial for a child. It’s good if the child likes pear juice or puree, which is allowed for children from the age of six months. But children should eat bananas, peaches, apricots, and nectarines no earlier than seven months, plums and cherry plums - from nine months. All exotic fruits(kiwi, pineapple... the child should try it only at 1.5 years old. Give the child a little at first, observe whether an allergic reaction appears, if not, you can give a larger piece. It would not be amiss to remind that all dishes intended for infants children, should be in ground form or in liquid form.

Starting from 7 months, a child can eat chicken egg yolk, cottage cheese, and butter. The yolk is added to the vegetable puree in the amount of ¼ of the part and by the year it is brought to the whole. The child must receive rabbit, turkey or calf meat. At first it should be puree, at 9 months it should be a soufflé, and at 10 months you can cook steamed cutlets or meatballs. It is not recommended to give children waterfowl meat, pork and lamb. Chicken fillet It is advisable for a child to eat from one year onwards. It is necessary that the baby receives beef liver and white bread. Homemade baked goods and offer kefir when he turns 10 months old. Drinks include unsaturated compotes made from dried fruits, fresh soft berries, and still water. Currently, there are quite a lot of tea drinks for children in stores. They are intended for children from 2 months, but children’s tea from this age can only be given to artificial children. Those who receive breast milk can drink tea only from six months.

Sugar and salt in small quantities can be added to dishes from 10 months. If possible, use fructose instead of sugar - fruit sugar, which does not require insulin for absorption, so it is harmless to the child. Will be useful green onions, dill and parsley.

Here is the entire set of products that can and should be fed to children up to one year old. When introducing your child to complementary foods, keep in mind that they are given before breastfeeding, while the baby is hungry, otherwise, after eating his mother’s milk or formula, it will be difficult to persuade him to eat something else.

All of the above applies to the nutrition of healthy children. The presence of a particular pathology or disease in a child requires a review of the timing of administration and diet.

Taking into account the timing of the introduction of fruits and other products, the mother should always remember the individual characteristics of the child’s body. When offering a new type of food to a child, you need to monitor the reaction of his gastrointestinal tract and skin, and if any pronounced changes appear, cancel this type of product, postponing its introduction for several weeks.

Nowadays there is a large variety of different products available for sale. baby food, which can be fed to a child. However, it is worth using it only from time to time, because the food that a caring mother has prepared herself is much healthier for the baby.

What can a child over one year eat?

In the second year of life, children's nutrition changes significantly, although the same dishes predominate as before one year. The consistency of food and its quantity changes. However, it is too early to seat the baby at the common table. What new things can be given to a child at this age?

Instead of meat, give him fish without small bones 3 times a week. This can be either sea fish (cod, hake, pike perch) or lake fish. Use it to cook steamed cutlets, meatballs, or simply simmer in own juice with carrots and onions. Occasionally, after two years, soaked herring (herring) with a side dish may be given as an appetizer.

Sausage and ham are excluded from the menu for children of the second year of life. In the third year, occasionally, instead of meat, it is allowed to eat milk sausages, sausages, low-fat boiled sausage (Doctorskaya, Molochnaya, Ostankinskaya, etc.), lean ham. But such food should not become the rule.

The range of vegetables is also expanding. In summer, a child can have radishes, salad, eggplants, sweet pepper, tomatoes, fresh cucumbers, turnip. In winter it may be sauerkraut. It is useful to give vegetables to your child in the form of salads, grating them and dressing them vegetable oil or sour cream.

Instead of cereals, periodically cook pasta for your child, combining it with cheese, cottage cheese, meat or vegetables. After two years, you can eat dishes made from flour (pancakes, pancakes). But don't feed your baby sweet pies, shortbread cookies. Let him eat dry cookies, bagels or white bread crackers. For dessert, after the main meal, the child can eat a small amount of marshmallows, jam, and candies. Chocolate in any form is unacceptable until the age of three.

First courses may be cooked in unsaturated, low-fat broths without adding any seasonings ( bay leaf, fried onions, hot peppers).

Until two years of age, the milk that a child drinks should have 3.2% fat content, and after two years of age, you can give him milk with a reduced fat content. Prepare cocoa with milk for your child, it’s very useful product, which can be drunk by children of the third year of life.

What can a child from 3 to 7 years eat?

Between the ages of three and seven years, children's activity reaches its peak, so carbohydrates in food should be 4 times more than proteins and fats.

Children of this age can periodically cook fried foods, but it is still better to give preference to oven-baked, boiled and stewed dishes. Avoid adding ketchup to them, soy sauce, hot pepper, horseradish, vinegar, mustard, adjika, mayonnaise.

As a seasoning, you can give children homemade mayonnaise prepared with lemon juice and olive oil. Avoid fatty meats until at least high school age.

Use onions, garlic, as well as parsley and dill in moderation. Good to use to improve the taste of food fresh fruit, berries and vegetables, use cranberry sauce, lemon juice.

If you go out into nature with your whole family, you usually take the opportunity to cook barbecue over a fire. In this case, the child will certainly ask you for a piece. Therefore, make sure that the meat for kebab is not fatty and of high quality. Be sure to fry it well and give your child the piece that does not have a crispy crust on it. It’s very good if the baby eats it with vegetables, drinks it with juice or compote.

From the age of 3, a child can eat sandwiches with hard or soft cheese. Include sour cream and cream, as well as yoghurts and cottage cheese in your diet. At this age, offer your child kvass, just be careful - the kvass must be natural, without preservatives or dyes. There are many recipes homemade kvass, which is beneficial for the whole family.

In addition to kvass, in the fourth year of life children can be given regular black or green tea. However, you should not get carried away with them; it is especially not recommended to drink meat food with tea. Tea contains tannin, which slows down the absorption of iron from meat in the intestines. Natural coffee Children under 18 years of age should not use.

A product such as mushrooms can only be consumed by children at school age. Mushrooms are healthy, but difficult to digest, so it is not recommended for preschoolers to eat them.

After 7 years, the usual recommendations should be followed healthy eating, similar to those for adults.

You can end this article with these words: “everything is good in moderation.” Let the child eat everything, but little by little. Of course, provided that he is healthy. If there are chronic diseases, the child’s diet will be significantly changed by the doctor.

Pediatrician S.V. Sytnik

The appearance of constipation in a baby often worries parents, so they are interested in the question of how to help a baby with constipation.

There are many methods for this, but initially you should always consult a doctor so as not to harm the child.

There is also no need to worry, since the phenomenon is normal and you can get rid of it.

The main causes of constipation in infants

There are a number of reasons that cause stool retention in an infant. Before helping a newborn with constipation, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of defecation delays and only then begin treatment.

Among the main ones are:

  1. Anatomical features. The child may have a defect of the colon - a rare pathology. This disease leads to organic constipation, and it appears in the newborn from the first days.
  2. Incorrect maternal diet. If the mother eats the wrong foods, the baby gets substances in the milk that cause constipation. You can get rid of the problem if you adjust your diet and remove rice, strong tea, meat, baked goods and other products from your diet.
  3. Infant not drinking enough. This reason often appears if the newborn is kept on artificial feeding. Children should be given more water to drink between feedings to prevent constipation.
  4. Introduction of complementary foods. It may be early or the introduction is carried out incorrectly. In this case, constipation occurs. In infants, the body is weak and may react to one or another product by delaying bowel movements. Doctors recommend introducing complementary foods only from the age of six months, and before that feeding exclusively with milk.
  5. Transferring children to formula milk. With a sudden transfer from mother's milk to formula, constipation appears; the smaller the child, the more likely it is that this is the reason.
  6. Lack of fiber. When complementary foods are given to a child, he may refuse to puree vegetables or fruits; as a result, the body does not receive plant fiber, which is important for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Taking medications. If a newborn is given antibiotics and other medications to treat illnesses, then constipation appears due to the use of medications.
  8. Psychological factors. The cause of constipation can be the separation of the child from the mother, for example, due to illness. Babies experience such a gap, and defecation retention begins. Psychological factors include moving, changing surroundings, and parental quarrels.
  9. Lack of milk. In this situation, the child does not have enough useful and nutrients, and constipation appears, because there is simply no feces in the body.

The described causes in infants are functional, and they are the ones that occur most often. The basis of this condition is low intestinal activity, as well as its spasms.

Basic rules

Treatment for infants begins with facilitating bowel movements. For this, doctors recommend using microenemas, laxatives that are suitable for a newborn and can soften the stool.

Regardless of the method of feeding a child with constipation, you will need to visit a doctor to evaluate the condition and determine the true cause of constipation.

To remove constipation, you must take into account the main rule - do not harm the child. When choosing treatment, you need to follow the basic rules:

  1. Before using medications, you need to know for sure that the baby has constipation, and not certain features that affect the stool.
  2. It is forbidden to give infant laxatives constantly, as well as medications in the form of tablets and drops.
  3. Not recommended for use folk remedies, because many recipes have contraindications and most of them are suitable for adults.
  4. If the baby does not have a bowel movement for 1-2 days and does not pass gas, then you need to quickly consult a doctor for help, since intestinal obstruction is possible.

In addition to the basic rules, it is necessary to include a diet for mother and child, increase the volume of water consumed, and also change complementary foods, if used.

Such a diet not only does not get rid of constipation, but can provoke allergies.

Relief from constipation

An infant can be helped with constipation using different methods:

  1. Enema or laxative medications are used in extreme cases. This treatment kills beneficial bacteria in the intestines and can flush out potassium, protein, vitamins and other elements. With frequent use, the baby's reflex to natural bowel movements disappears. To begin with, for constipation, softer and more gentle methods are used.
  2. Massage. For constipation, it is often recommended to massage the abdomen; this not only breaks up the stool, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but also relieves pain. To help your baby, you will need to stroke the belly clockwise, pressing it a little with each circle. Heat can help by placing a hand on your stomach, a warm towel, or pressing infant to yourself.
  3. Intestinal stimulation. In this case, you will need to apply cream to a cotton swab and stick it a little into the anus, twist it slightly to cause irritation. As a rule, bowel movements begin within 5-10 minutes. It is not recommended to use the method very often, so as not to damage the mucous membrane. A similar procedure is carried out with a gas exhaust tube.
  4. Glycerin suppositories. They are sold at pharmacies and can be used for newborns. This remedy will quickly soften the stool, which will relieve constipation. The candle is not used as a whole, but only ½ or 1/4. If there is no result after an hour, you will need to call a doctor.
  5. Laxatives. The use of such drugs is allowed when nothing else helps with constipation. It is recommended to give the child Duphalac syrup in a dosage of 5 ml or similar products containing lactulose.

If the child is breastfed, the mother can use the syrup. Children from six months old can be given Forlax for constipation; this remedy can be used for 3 months.

All that can be used from folk remedies for constipation in a baby is dill water, which does not have a negative effect on the child.

This remedy can gently help and normalize stool. You will need to give water about 3-4 times a day in a small dosage, up to 50 ml.


It is best not to engage in treatment, but to prevent constipation in a newborn baby. Moreover, up to one year, the health and development of the baby requires special attention.

There is no need to wait until a problem arises and constipation appears; it is better to immediately resort to preventive measures that will help avoid constipation:

  1. It is recommended to use a simple but effective method during feeding: before feeding, place the baby on his stomach, and after feeding, carry the baby in a column for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Constantly carry out gymnastic exercises. The child should be placed on his back, then gently bend his legs and press them to his stomach. This procedure is repeated about 5-10 times and is carried out smoothly, without sudden movements. You can do a “bicycle” for your baby, which will also activate the intestines.
  3. The baby should be given enough fluids. It is best to use water that does not undergo heat treatment for this. Good water sold in pharmacies or stores, it is made especially for children. During the period of introducing complementary foods, juices are diluted with water and not given in pure form.
  4. When the baby is more than 4 months old, prunes and their juice will help with constipation. For prevention, you can give 2 tsp. prune juice every day. At six months of age, you can introduce puree made from prunes. From one year onwards you can use fresh plums and plum juice. Uzvar made from prunes is an excellent remedy for constipation.
  5. There is no need to wrap the child up, since overheating provokes stool retention, as well as dehydration. When a cold appears with an increase in temperature, the child must be given more fluid, otherwise constipation will certainly appear after a cold.
  6. Raisin infusion helps well in the fight against constipation. To prepare such water, add 1 tsp to a glass of boiling water. raisins It is better to prepare the drink in a thermos.
  7. It is better to use vegetables that have a laxative effect, as well as a large amount of fiber. These include carrots, beets, and pumpkin. Give preference to fruits green apples, peaches and apricots. Such foods should be eaten by a mother who is breastfeeding her baby.
  8. Fermented milk products are very healthy for children’s intestines, as well as yoghurts made from natural raw materials. They should be given not only to children, but also to mothers.
  9. Babies need to be breastfed longer, especially during the first 6 months. If this cannot be done, then it is better to use fermented milk formulas for newborns.
  10. If the child is treated with antibiotics, then to prevent constipation it is necessary to use an anti-dysbacteriosis remedy.

There is no need to panic if your baby is unable to defecate. The main thing is to remove the cause that causes stool retention, and it is better to initially consult with doctors rather than treat the newborn yourself.

Water is the main structural material for any organism. Fluid deficiency can cause serious illness, so water balance must always be maintained at the proper level. This is especially true for young children.

There are many different opinions about whether to give water to a newborn baby. Books, the Internet and other resources are literally filled with conflicting information, from which it is quite difficult to draw a definite conclusion. Experienced doctors say that it is possible to give water to babies, but this must be done with extreme caution.

Can a newborn have water?

A woman’s body is designed in such a way that it is quite capable of providing the baby with most of the beneficial substances and elements through breast milk. Excess fluid significantly reduces the amount of milk a baby receives, which is the main foundation for its development. Experienced pediatricians say that a high-quality formula for feeding is the best alternative to plain water.

However, a number of doctors with many years of experience often advise the mother to give the child additional water to prevent dehydration. To resolve the issue individually, it is better to seek advice from several specialists. They will tell you when to give water to a newborn so as not to harm him.

There are a number of common symptoms of dehydration that you should know about: expectant mother can monitor the baby's condition. Your child needs more fluids if:

  • The number of daytime urinations sharply decreases, ideally there should be at least six;
  • The baby becomes motionless, lethargic and reacts poorly to the world around him;
  • Urine has a rich yellow color and a strong unpleasant odor.

To improve the baby’s condition, it is necessary to increase the number of breastfeedings. During the day, the mother should feed the baby at least once an hour. At night, three feedings are enough. Extreme heat can also negatively affect your water balance. In warm weather, you should remove excess clothing to prevent your baby's body from overheating.

How much water to give a newborn

Many mothers doubt whether to give water to their newborn, because they do not know how much liquid the baby needs for full development. In this matter, everything directly depends on how the baby eats, how much he weighs, and in what climate he lives.

Pediatricians believe that the amount of fluid in a child’s body is necessary in the ratio of 100 ml per 1 kg of weight. By liquid we mean not only water, but the total volume of drinks consumed throughout the day.

Water should be given only 10 minutes after a full feeding, during which it is important that the child drinks the maximum amount of milk.

What can a newborn drink?

Almost immediately after the baby is born, most mothers think about what kind of water to give their newborn. It is best to create a diet for your baby together with a good pediatrician. Having made conclusions about the child’s condition, he will be able to give parents a lot of valuable advice.

The best drink option is considered to be special baby water, which can be found in any supermarket. It is as safe as possible for health and contains a lot useful vitamins and minerals. You should not boil it, as immediately after heat treatment it will lose its beneficial qualities. It is customary to store baby water in the refrigerator, but no more than a day from the moment the package is opened.