How to define a complex compound. Complex sentence. Subordinating conjunctions and allied words in complex sentences

Reading time: 6 minutes. Views 821 Published 05/15/2018

Today we will look into the issue of defining complex and complex sentences in German, we will analyze the rules for their formation and examples illustrating them.

Complex sentences (prepositions) in German and Russian are connected by a number of analogies and therefore, in general, are not particularly difficult to understand.

Suggestion of this type (das Satzgefüge) are a grammatical structure that includes the main clause. (der Hauptsatz) and, as a rule, one or, less often, several subordinate clauses (der Nebensatz).

Main sentence always has an independent, independent character, while the ad. always obeys the main thing. This subordinating relationship can be expressed either by subordinating conjunctions connecting main clauses. with subordinate or allied words - relative pronouns and adverbs.

If conjunctions perform exclusively service (connective) functions, then adverbs and pronouns, in addition to providing a connection between adjectives. and the main sentences, at the same time they are also members of the given adverbs. proposals.

For example:

  • Katharina war begeistert, dass sie so schnell alles besorgt hat.– Katarina was delighted that she acquired everything so quickly. (Here the conjunction dass performs a purely connecting function).
  • Klaus wollte wissen, wer sein Boot gestohlen hat.– Klaus wanted to know who stole his boat. (Here the conjunction word wer - who acts as the subject of the subordinate clause and connects the main clause with the adverb).
  • Otto wusste genau, wann seine Verwandten ankommen.“Otto knew exactly when his relatives would arrive. (Here the relative pronoun wann - a conjunctive word - acts as a circumstance in the adverbial clause and at the same time connects both clauses into a single whole).

Prid. sentence can define or supplement one of the members of the main sentence. or the entire main sentence as a whole.

For example:

  • Es ist noch nicht endgültig entschieden, wann wir umziehen.– It has not yet been finally decided (what?) when we are moving (add. additional).
  • Aus den alten Flaschen, die üblicherweise weggeschmissen werden, hat er eine schöne Figur gebastelt.– From old bottles (which ones?), which are usually thrown away, he made a beautiful figure (adjective to the noun Flaschen).

Main proposals represent independent independent sentences. with characteristic of an ordinary simple sentence. word order - direct (with the subject in first place) or reverse (with the subject after the predicate and the object or adverbial in the first place).

In the approx. sentence word order has a number of its own distinctive features: The first place in the subordinate clause is occupied by allied words or conjunctions, and the last place remains with the predicate.

Moreover, in cases with compound predicates, the penultimate place is occupied by the nominal part or the unchangeable verb part, and the last is the auxiliary verb in personal form, for example:

  • Helga erzählte den Touristen, was sie in erster Linie besichtigen werden.– Helga told the tourists what they would visit first. (Here the first preposition is the main one with direct word order; the second is an additional adjective, attached to the main one with the help of the conjunctive word was, which in this subordinate clause occupies the first place and is an addition. The predicate in the adverb goes to the very end, and its unchangeable the part takes the penultimate place, and the variable part takes the last place).
  • Horst bestätigte, dass er diesen Abend zu Hause verbracht hat.– Horst confirmed that he spent that evening at home. (In this example, the situation is similar to the previous case considered, with the only difference being that the parts of a complex sentence are connected by the subordinating conjunction dass, which performs a purely auxiliary function and does not act as a member of the sentence).

If in the approx. sentence If there is a verb with a separable prefix, then the separation of this prefix from the verb does not occur, for example:

  • Der Projektleiter hat erklärt, dass die weiteren Sozialanlagen direkt auf der Baustelle zusammengebaut werden. - The project manager said that subsequent cabins will be assembled directly at the construction site.

Let's celebrate! From the above examples it is clear that allied words (or conjunctions) form in the adverb. sentence a special frame structure within which all other members of this proposal are located.

In cases where allied words perform the functions of the subject in a subordinate clause, the subject is followed by all other members of the subordinate clause. in the usual for coming. sentence (see above) order, forming a frame structure. If the conjunctive word is an object, then it is usually followed by a subject adjective. offers.

For example:

  • Die Tomaten, die in diesem Jahr so ​​schlecht wachsen, hat seine Mutter gepflanzt. – The tomatoes (which ones?), which are growing so poorly this year, were planted by his mother (the conjunctive word die appears as the subject in this subordinate clause).
  • Die Tomaten, die seine Mutter in diesem Jahr gepflanzt hat, wachsen sehr langsam. – The tomatoes that his mother planted this year are growing very slowly. (Die Tomaten - the subject of the main sentence, the definition of which is the adjective attribute, form the first place in the main sentence; wachsen - the simple verbal predicate of the main sentence - occupies the second place in the main sentence.

Note! Word order in the highlighted sentence. attributive - a characteristic frame construction with the conjunctive word die as an object in the first place, followed by a subject, an adverbial tense and a simple verbal predicate at the end of the frame).

Another feature of complex sentences. is the frequent presence of the so-called correlate in the main clause, which correlates with the conjunction of the dependent clause. Correlates are a definite indicator of what comes next. sentence, and strengthen its connection with the main thing.

For example:

  • Sein Arzt fragte ihn danach, ob er irgendwelche Schmerzen im Rücken hatte. – His doctor asked him if he had any back pain.
  • Dein Bruder kann erst dann angestellt werden, wenn er mit seiner wissenschaftlichen Arbeit fertig ist. – Your brother can be accepted into the staff only when he completes his scientific work.

The purpose of this article was not to examine all the many types of German complex sentences

Here it was important to consider general information about prev. of this type and their main features: the non-independent nature of subordinate clauses, the presence of characteristic frame constructions with their inherent peculiar word order, as well as the functions and role in the clause. sentence conjunctions and allied words.

Difficult to subordinate called offer, parts of which are grammatically unequal and are connected by subordinating conjunctions or allied words.

Part complex sentence, subordinating the subordinate clause is called main sentence . A part of a complex sentence that is syntactically dependent on another is called subordinate clause . The main and subordinate clauses are interconnected: they are united by meaning and construction.

Complex sentences include a main clause and one or more subordinate clauses. Subordinate clauses are subordinate to the main clause and answer the questions of the members of the sentence.

The subordinate clause can appear after the main clause, in the middle of it, or before it.

For example: You should only read those books who teach to understand the meaning of life, the desires of people and the motives of their actions. (M. Gorky.) The branches of the trees seemed shaggy and, when the breeze came, made a slight noise with the first green noise. (G. Skrebnitsky.) If the language weren't more poetic n, there would be no art of words - poetry. (S. Marshak.)

The place of the subordinate clause in relation to the main clause can be depicted graphically:

[=], (which =).

[-= and, (when --), =].

(If - =), [=]

Subordinate clauses are separated from the main clause by commas. If the subordinate clause is in the middle of the main clause, it is separated by commas on both sides.

If there are several subordinate clauses in a complex sentence, then they can explain not only the main clause, but also each other.

For example: 1) When I have a new book in my hands, I feel, that something living, speaking, wonderful had entered my life.(M. Gorky.) 2) Painting is also important because that the artist often notices what we do not see at all.(K. Paustovsky.)

In the first complex sentence, the main clause is explained by two subordinate clauses. In the second complex sentence, the main clause is Painting is also important because; first clause - what the artist often notices is - explains the main thing, and itself is explained by the second subordinate clause - what we don't see at all .

Subordinating conjunctions and allied words in complex sentences

Subordinate clauses are attached to the main clause (or to another subordinate clause) by subordinating conjunctions (simple and compound) or allied words (relative pronouns), which are presented in the table:

Subordinating conjunctions are not members of the subordinate clause, but serve only to attach subordinate clauses to the main or other subordinate clause.

For example: It’s bitter to think that life will pass without grief and without happiness, in the bustle of daily worries.(I. Bunin.)

Conjunctive words not only attach subordinate clauses to the main clause (or other subordinate clause), but are also members of subordinate clauses.

For example: In autumn, birds fly to places where it is always warm. I don't know why he did it.

In these sentences the connecting words Where And For what are circumstances.

The conjunction word requires special comment which. It can act as different members of a sentence: subject, predicate, inconsistent definition, adverbial and complement. To determine the syntactic function of a conjunctive word which, you need to find out which word of the main sentence it replaces, substitute it in place of the allied word and determine which member of the subordinate clause it is.

For example: Village, which located on the river bank, very beautiful. In this sentence there is a conjunctive word that refers to the noun village. If you substitute the word village in subordinate clause, then it will turn out: Village located on the shore. In this sentence the word village performs the function of the subject, therefore, in the subordinate part of the original sentence there is a conjunctive word which is also subject.

Compare: The lake we approached turned out to be clean and deep. “I met a man whom I had not seen for a long time.

Some of the allied words turn out to be homonymous to unions, that is, in some cases they act as unions, and in others - as allied words.

To distinguish a conjunction from an allied word, you must remember:

1) in some cases the conjunction can be omitted, but the conjunction word cannot:

For example: Tanya says that the grass grows at night. (V. Belov.) - Tanya says: “The grass grows at night”;

2) a union can only be replaced by another union.

For example: When (if) work is pleasure, life is good.(M. Gorky.)

3) A conjunctive word can only be replaced by a conjunctive word or those words from the main sentence to which the subordinate clause relates,

For example: Remember the songs that the nightingale sang.(I. Bunin.)

Word What is a conjunctive word, since it cannot be omitted, but can be replaced with a conjunctive word which ( Remember the songs that the nightingale sang) and the words of the song ( Remember the songs: the nightingale sang these songs).

The ability to distinguish between conjunctions and allied words is necessary for the correct intonation of a sentence, since often allied words are the semantic center, they are highlighted by logical stress.

What, how And When can be both conjunctions and allied words

To distinguish these allied words and conjunctions, you should remember that:

1) for allied words What And How logical stress usually falls;

2) you can ask a semantic question about them and determine which member of the sentence they are;

3) they cannot be removed from the sentence without violating the meaning, but they can be replaced with synonymous allied words.

Compare: I knew our house needed renovation. - I knew: our house needed repairs.

House, What standing opposite, in need of renovation. - The house opposite is in need of renovation.

When distinguishing between a union word and a conjunction When you should rely on the meaning of the subordinate parts. In subordinate clauses and often in subordinate clauses When is a conjunctive word, in all other cases When- union:

For example: I remember well the day we met. Nobody knew when he appeared in our city. When the snowstorm ends, you can go for a walk.

The role of demonstrative words in the subordination of sentences

Indicative words can sometimes be used in the main part of a complex sentence that, such, all, everyone, no one, there, then etc.

The role of demonstrative words in the organization of complex sentences is not the same.

Firstly , they may be constructively necessary (a sentence with a given subordinate clause cannot be constructed without them).

For example: I'm the one no one loves. The inclusion of correlative words necessary for the structure of the sentence is mandatory for block diagram such SPP:

Secondly , correlative words can be optional, their role in the sentence in this case is intensifying and emphatic (correlative words can be omitted without loss of meaning):

He remembered that man which I was visiting Petrov.

Demonstrative words are members of the main sentence.

Features of joining subordinate clauses to the main one

The subordinate clause is attached by conjunctions and allied words to the entire main sentence, but the meaning of the subordinate clause explains:

- one word (one member of the main sentence);

For example: The village where Evgeniy was bored was a charming place. (A. Pushkin.) I guessed a long time ago that we are kindred at heart. (A. Fet.) Having loaded the rifle, Andrei again rose above the pile of stones, wondering where to shoot. (M. Bubennov.);

- phrase;

For example: She was standing there fabulous silence, which comes with frost. (P. Pavlenko.) And for a long time I'll be so kind as to I am the people that I awakened good feelings with my lyre... (A. Pushkin.) These snows glowed with a ruddy shine so fun, so bright, that, it seems, he would have stayed here forever. (M. Lermontov.);

- all the main proposal: The house stood on a slope, so the windows to the garden were very low to the ground. (S. Aksakov.) The darker the night became, the brighter the sky became brighter. (K. Paustovsky.)

Read the sentences:

1) At night the wind gets angry and knocks on the window.(A. Fet.)

2) The day is buried in bright gold, and the streams in the ravines are noisy.(I. Nikitin)

(What?) wind is the subject.

The wind (what is it doing?) is angry and knocking - these are homogeneous predicates connected by the conjunction And.

(What?) day is the subject.

The day (what does it do?) is drowning - this is a predicate.

(What?) streams is the subject.

The streams (what are they doing?) are making noise - this is a predicate.

How are these offers different?

The first one is simple. The second is complex (union And combines two simple sentences into one).

Complexoffers- these are two (or more) sentences combined into one.

Simple sentences, which are part of a complex compound, can be connected by conjunctions a, but, and, what, when, where, because, to etc. or intonation.

Parts of a complex sentence are separated by a comma.

Complex sentences are divided into allied And non-union. Conjunctive sentences, in turn, are divided into compound and complex sentences. Thus, there are three main types of complex sentences: compound, complex And non-union.

Let's highlight the basics of sentences and determine their type.

1. The fluffy red tail completely covered his back, and his eyes glared at the terrible beast.

(What?) tail is the subject.

He covered his tail (what did he do?) - this is a predicate.

The eyes (what did they do?) glared - this is a predicate.

Before us are two grammatical bases - the tail is covered, the eyes are fixed - which means this is a complex sentence. Its parts are united into one by a union A, and are separated by a comma.

2. He saw that the lynx's eyes were tightly closed.

(Who?) he is the subject.

He (did what?) saw - this is a predicate.

(What?) eyes are the subject.

The eyes (what are they made of?) are closed - this is a predicate.

Before us are two grammatical stems, which are connected by the conjunction WHAT, and are separated by a comma.

3. There was a rustling sound from the place where the things lay.

(What?) rustling is the subject.

There was a rustle (what did it do?) - this is a predicate.

(What?) things are the subject.

Things (what were they doing?) were lying - this is the predicate.

Before us are two grammatical bases, connected into one sentence by the conjunction WHERE and separated by comma.

4. On a sunny morning, a cheerful tit tunes up its simple song, and a woodpecker lets out a ringing beat across the taiga.

(Who?) tit is the subject.

The tit (what is it doing?) is establishing itself - this is a predicate.

(Who?) woodpecker is the subject.

The woodpecker (what is he doing?) lets go - this is a predicate.

We have before us two grammatical bases of a complex sentence, separated by a comma.

Compound Sentences

A complex sentence is a complex sentence whose parts are connected by coordinating conjunctions. In complex sentences, the relationships most often expressed are connective, adversative and disjunctive. In addition, complex sentences can express comparative, connecting, explanatory relationships with various additional shades of meaning.

Connective relationships. In complex sentences expressing connecting relationships, the means of connecting parts of a single whole are conjunctions and, yes, nor (repeating), also, too (the last two with a connecting connotation of meaning). Compound sentences with the conjunction and most often express temporary relationships. To express these relationships, verb forms (temporal and aspectual), the order of parts in a complex compound, intonation, conjunction, and additional lexical means are used.

Compound sentences with adversarial conjunctions(and, but, yes, however, then, same, etc.) express relations of opposition or comparison, sometimes with various additional shades (inconsistencies, restrictions, concessions, etc.) This meaning of this type of complex sentences affects their construction: word order in the second part is due to the nature of its opposition to the first part.

Widely used in complex sentences with the indicated meanings of the conjunction a, for example:

The earth still looks sad, but the air already breathes in spring (Tutch.);

Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness (last)

Separation relationships. Complex sentences with dividing conjunctions (or, or,, then...then, etc.) indicate alternation of events, their sequential change, incompatibility, etc.

Complex sentences

A complex sentence is a sentence whose parts are connected by subordinating conjunctions or conjunctions. The subordinate relationship between the parts of a complex sentence is expressed in the syntactic dependence of one part (subordinate clause) on the other (main).

Conjunctions and allied words in a complex sentence:

Subordinating conjunctions

Conjunctive words









as if






only just

as if


due to the fact that











They are not members of the proposal.

They are members of the proposal.

Attach a subordinate clause to the main clause or another subordinate clause.

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Based on the number of grammatical stems, sentences are divided into simple And complex. Complex sentences consist of two or more parts (simple sentences) combined intonationally, in meaning and grammatically:

The hewn horns began to sing, the plains and bushes ran.

Based on the nature of the means of connection between the parts, complex sentences are divided into allied and non-unionized. In allied sentences, the parts are connected by unions or allied words, and in non-union sentences - by intonation. Union proposals are divided into compound and complex ones.

In this article we will look at compound sentences. Special attention We will focus on placing punctuation marks in compound sentences, and also learn how to find a compound sentence in a text.

Compound Sentences

Compound Sentences(SSP) are complex sentences whose parts are connected by coordinating conjunctions:

I ordered to go to the commandant, and a couple of minutes later the wagon stopped in front of small house, built on a high hill, near a wooden church.

The parts of a complex sentence are independent of each other: there is no main clause or subordinate clause, and a question cannot be asked from one part to the other.

Parts of the BSC can be connected by the following conjunctions (coordinating conjunctions):

1) connecting and, yes (=and), neither...nor, also, also : The telegraph wire hummed faintly, and here and there hawks rested on it;

2) adversarial a, but, yes (=but), however, but, the same, otherwise, not that : The game and dinner were already over, but the guests had not yet left.

3) dividing or, either, whether...either, then...that, not that...not that, either...either, or...or: Either everything in it breathes truth, then everything in it is feigned and false;

4) connecting yes, yes and, and also, yes, but, but in the connecting meaning in combination with adverbs also, because , prepositions moreover, moreover and particles here, even : The door was closed, there was no one in the house, and was it worth waiting for someone else?

5) gradational: not only.. but also, not so much.. as, not really.. but, although and... but : It wasn't that he wasn't trying to get things done, but he just found it difficult to meet the deadline.

BSC should be distinguished from simple sentence, complicated by homogeneous members: Play sports, and you will always be healthy - this is the BSC, since the two verbs in different shapes(in different moods), cannot be homogeneous members; The TV was sent to a workshop, and there it was repaired - SSP, because. different figures are implied.

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence

, With. .

A comma is placed between parts of the BSC: Stand in his place, and you will understand the motive of his actions.

- With. .

A dash is placed instead of a comma when unexpectedly joining, sharply contrasting or emphasizing the cause-and-effect relationships between parts of the BSC: One jump - and his light silhouette can already be seen on the roof.

; With. .

Use a semicolon if the sentences are very common and there is no close connection between them:

Tatyana, on the advice of the nanny

Going to cast a spell at night,

She quietly ordered in the bathhouse

Set the table for two cutlery;

But Tatyana suddenly became scared.(A.S.P.)

A comma is not placed between the BSC only in exceptional cases, when the parts are connected by a single conjunction AND, OR, OR, YES (=AND) and parts of the BSC:

[gen. ] And .

[gen. ] And .

have a common secondary member of the sentence (object or adverbial): Heavy trucks were moving along the streets and cars were racing.

and , (gen.).

have a common subordinate clause: When spring comes, the days become longer and all living things bloom.

General [ +++, ] and .

have in common introductory word or a suggestion: Perhaps the forms have already been checked and the results are already available.

[Only] and .

[Only] and .

have a common particle ONLY, ONLY, etc.: Only the blizzard makes noise and the birch trees sway.

[Name. ] and [ nomin. ],

are nominal sentences: Golden domes and bell ringing.

And ?

are interrogative: What time is it now and how soon will we arrive?

And !

are exclamation marks: How wonderfully he speaks and how sincere his words are!

[Wed. ] and [wake ].

are motivating: Let there be peace and people be happy.

[Impersonal. ] and [ impersonal ].

are impersonal sentences with the same form of the predicate or synonyms as part of the predicate: Slush and damp.

How to find a compound sentence in a text?

We can find a compound sentence based on three criteria:

1) First, we look for a complex sentence (with two or more grammatical stems);

2) Secondly, in a specific complex sentence we determine which conjunction (coordinating or subordinating) its parts are connected with;

3) Thirdly, we find out whether it is possible to ask a question from one part to another.

For example:

The battalion commander stood in the sun, and a thousand lights shone on the gold carving of his saber.

1) This sentence has 2 grammatical bases ( battalion commander stood up - a thousand lights shone);

2) The parts are connected by a coordinating conjunction AND

3) The parts of the sentence are equal, you cannot ask a question.

Conclusion: we have a complex sentence before us.

How to quickly and easily determine whether a sentence is compound or complex? and got the best answer

Answer from Vadim[active]
By alliance:
If the conjunctions are “a, but, and, or, yes (in the meaning of and)”, etc., this is a composition.
And if the conjunctions are “Which, because”, etc. AND you can also ask questions from the dependent clause to the main clause, then this is a subordinate clause
It started to rain and a thunderstorm began - composed
It started to rain, because of which a thunderstorm started - subordinate (Why did the thunderstorm start? Because it started to rain

Reply from Natasha Prokhorova[newbie]
In a complex sentence, the parts are equal in meaning, which means that by removing the conjunction, we can make them simple sentences without distorting the meaning.

Reply from Tatyana Kazakova[guru]
In a complex sentence, the parts are equal in meaning, which means that by removing the conjunction, we can make them simple sentences without distorting the meaning. In a complex sentence, the parts depend on one another. And if one of them can be an independent proposal, then the other - never! In addition, you need to know that in complex sentences, coordinating conjunctions are used to connect parts, and in complex sentences, subordinating conjunctions are used, respectively.

Reply from Speedy88[guru]
very simple, based on conjunctions:
in compounds - and, a, but
in complex subordinates - what, when, if, which, etc.
possible on questions, in complex ones one depends on the other

Reply from Marylave[newbie]
Compound - when two parts of a sentence are not related to each other. Complex - when there is some kind of connection between them, and usually they are united by some kind of union: which, because, etc.

Reply from Arini-k[guru]
According to the conjunctions and allied words used.
Check whether you can ask a question from one simple sentence to another. If yes, then complex

Reply from Lyudmila[guru]
Look at the means of communication! In SSP there are coordinating conjunctions, and in SPP there are subordinating conjunctions and allied words.

Reply from Fucking Man[active]

Reply from Elena Khrenova[newbie]
very simple

Reply from Nurzhan Ergaliev[newbie]
To determine the SPP for successful language acquisition, it is enough to spend half an hour, which is accessible to everyone

Reply from 3 answers[guru]