Is conflict between a person and society inevitable? The conflict between the “little man” and society. Stages of development of the conflict

A conflict is a clash of two contradictory opinions, positions, worldviews, beliefs with a categorical rejection of the opponent’s point of view. This confrontation is like a growing avalanche, emotionally feeding the warring parties, and is an integral, sometimes simply necessary part of life. From the spiritual side, this phenomenon is unhealthy, since the normal state of a person is peace, love, tranquility - a picture that existed in paradise before the Fall.

Conflict: what is it?

The essence of the conflict consists of various points individuals’ views on the same situation, as well as personal and socio-psychological reasons. The latter include losses and distortions of information, differences in methods of assessing each other's activities, tense interpersonal relationships, unbalanced interaction between two individuals, the desire for power and psychological incompatibility. A society without interpersonal conflicts today would be something mythical, incapable of existence, since it would not express the individuality and freedom of each citizen and the ability to defend their own interests.

Generation Conflict

Each generation at all historical stages is accompanied by the confrontation between “fathers and sons.” The reason why generational conflict occurs is the great intolerance on the part of parents, manifested in the educational process. Young people are spinning in their own world, which is uneasily perceived by adults. This helps bring two worlds closer together: teenagers and parents. This category accounts for 80% of all family conflicts. The reasons for this may vary. Children, trying by all known methods to attract the attention of their parents to their problems, sometimes duplicate their negative behavior patterns, which they show by their own example. Nevertheless, the main reason for the confrontation is the unwillingness to take into account the interests, values, needs and demands of the growing child. A generational conflict arises not in adolescence, but at the moment when parents hear the phrase “I myself!” from the lips of a child.

Every day a little person feels more acutely like a full-fledged individual, more actively strives for the presence of his own living space, self-affirmation and freedom, which increases the reasons for quarrels by an order of magnitude. Parents often have a negative attitude towards such statements, trying to protect their beloved child from possible troubles, citing their own life experience as an example.

Growing up, children start families and know firsthand what conflict is, as they directly face the confrontation between son-in-law and mother-in-law or daughter-in-law and mother-in-law. The external manifestation in this case is different. The following types of “second mothers” are distinguished:

  • A creepy owner, confident that new person in the house - not a match for her child. Therefore, the second mother sees her task as the speedy deliverance of her beloved child from what she considers an unsuccessful marriage.
  • A caring housewife who tries as much as possible to take an active part in the life of the newly formed family, including financial and intimate aspects. This is motivated by a sincere desire to help, since he has considerable life experience behind him.
  • A secret enemy, dissatisfied with the choice of his child, the quality of household chores, or his salary, but at the same time does not enter into an open conflict, preferring to act on the sly.
  • The Iron Lady: an accomplished woman, busy with her own career and indifferent to her young family, but at the same time not forgetting to demonstrate social inequality.
  • An imperious, unquestioning nature that loves to give orders and expects their unquestioning execution.

There is also the most desirable type of “second mother” - the ideal one, distinguished by sincerity, care, and necessary unobtrusive advice.

A conflict, for which there are several ways to resolve it, can cause pain and inflict deep emotional wounds that make themselves felt long time, instantly creating a gap between people and destroying relationships.

The strongest families run the risk of falling into the net of this social phenomenon and not being able to withstand the test sent to them. Resentment and the inability to forgive and understand what conflict is and how terrible a phenomenon it is prevent people from making contact and getting closer in order to continue to live and communicate in peace. You just need to take the first step to turn the situation around 360 degrees.

Armed conflict

From a global point of view, a conflict in which states use weapons without going to the stage of war is very dangerous. It represents one of the forms of resolving political, religious, territorial, national-ethnic and other contradictions. In this confrontation, as a rule, private military-political goals are pursued.

An armed conflict may result from the escalation of a dangerous incident or cross-border confrontation. Clashes using weapons can occur within the territorial boundaries of one state, being internal in nature. The participation of one or more states creates international conflicts, often involving political form And various types. The most common division is into symmetrical and asymmetrical.

Symmetrical international conflicts are characterized by approximately equal potential of the parties involved, while asymmetrical ones are characterized by a sharp difference in the strength and power of the state.

Positive and negative sides of the conflict

Everyone understands what conflict is and what kind of negative energy it carries, mentally and financially unsettling a person. Posing a threat to both sides, the conflict:

  • undermines the trust of the warring parties to each other;
  • tends to deepen and widen;
  • changes priorities, jeopardizing other interests;
  • deprives of support;
  • threatens the social system that ensures stability and equality;
  • Instead of carefully thinking about the situation, it requires quick action.

There are also positive aspects conflict:

  • the process of self-awareness and prioritization accelerates;
  • a certain set of values ​​is justified;
  • a union of like-minded people takes place;
  • less significant conflicts are relegated to the background;
  • encourages discussion of ways out of the situation;
  • promotes the emergence of contacts with other individuals or groups, as well as stimulating the development of systems for the fair prevention of the current confrontation.

Types of conflicts

There are two types of conflict: hidden and open.

Open can be identified immediately, since the negative is obvious. This is communication in a raised voice, violent statements of claims, sudden movements, undisguised anger, breaking dishes and other noisy manifestations.

A hidden conflict, characterized by the absence of aggressive actions, is a dangerous phenomenon, since it can last for a long period, under the quiet mask of negativity. Due to the lack of influence or the inability to conduct open resistance, the opponent tends to use indirect, rather effective ways. Conflicts are difficult to avoid if there is understatement, unresolved problems due to the ambiguity of the current situation, under the fear of breaking relationships, fear of losing a job, friends and the possibility of being left alone. Trying to prevent such an outcome of the problem, a person avoids annoying and painful conversations, choosing silence (or rather, silence); in other words, he puts on a mask and hides in his own shell to avoid escalating the situation. This is not the right decision, as the situation may worsen and lead to an emotional explosion. A state of latent conflict that can continue for many years can transfer it to a frozen stage.

Types of conflicts

Depending on the number of participants, there are several types of conflicts.

Intrapersonal - represents an imbalance in a person’s inner world, in which needs, interests, feelings, and values ​​are incompatible. Having the ability to make a certain choice, a person is forced to choose between his desires and opportunities that are of an opposite nature. Examples of conflicts: a good father and faithful husband, being the head of an enterprise, due to the specifics of his activity, is forced to stay late at work instead of spending time with his family. In this case, this is a role conflict - the most common form in which conflicting demands are placed on a person’s various life roles. Or other examples of conflicts: on a day off, an opportunity arose to spend time with a loved one, but it was at this moment that a friend needed real help. That is, a person is forced to fight with himself to make the right decision. Another striking example is the desire to conform to the assessments of others, accompanied by a persistent belief that this is wrong and you need to remain who you really are. It is difficult to be in conflict with yourself, since there is no person from whom you can get a hint, argue, get angry and, in the end, blame.

Interpersonal conflict

Interpersonal conflict is the most popular type of struggle among individuals, associated with psychological incompatibility - an unsuccessful combination of temperaments of interacting persons, a contradiction in life values ​​and goals of activity, a discrepancy in worldview, as well as ideological attitudes. Also, such a negative phenomenon in society is due to personal reasons, explained by the individual psychological characteristics of the participants in the confrontation. Interpersonal conflicts are:

  1. Value-based. In these situations, the dispute is over ideas that are particularly significant, incompatible or contradictory. In work, this can be earning money for a decent living or the opportunity for self-realization, in the family - warm, trusting relationships. Also, a person’s value system includes his worldview, religious and moral beliefs. This type of conflict arises when individuals encroach on each other’s values ​​or in the influence of different beliefs on the interaction of the parties, imposing their own views, tastes, and points of view.
  2. Conflicts of interest. They represent situations in which the interests of the parties, their plans, aspirations and goals contradict each other or turn out to be completely incompatible. For example, a boss is going to send a subordinate on a business trip who is not ready to go there. Or the spouses are planning a vacation, but their interests in this case do not coincide, but you can try to combine them. There are situations when resources are affected (material assets, finances, positions) that are simultaneously claimed by the parties to the conflict. Moreover, each of them is convinced that she is right, having good reasons for this.
  3. Conflicts related to violation of norms or rules of interaction. The reasons for which interpersonal conflict occurs can be of a different nature. For example, a new person at work unwittingly violated the established rules out of ignorance, or a teenager deliberately came home later than the time set by his parents.

Personal-group. In this case, a certain informal group sets its own rules, which must be strictly observed by its participants. Deviation from accepted norms of behavior is considered a negative phenomenon and entails conflict between the individual and the group. It is also possible for a confrontation between a group against a leader - a fairly common phenomenon in modern society.

Intergroup conflict. In this case, the confrontation occurs between groups of people: administration and trade union, performers and management, employees of various departments.

These controversial situations are accompanied by manifestations of deindividuation (the perception of other people not as individuals, but as members of a hostile group, which is endowed with negative traits) and group attribution (the tendency to blame an opponent for negative behavior).

Social conflict. A complex phenomenon consisting of a number of aspects and expressed in the clash of different social communities: states, nations, classes. This type of conflict arises in the event of an extreme aggravation of contradictions of a social nature and is expressed in the confrontation of the parties when defending mutually exclusive and contradictory development trends, interests and goals.

Stages of conflict development

Stages of conflict development:

  • origin of the conflict;
  • understanding the current situation;
  • conflict behavior of participants, expressed emotionally and promoting the realization of their own interests to the detriment of the opposite party;
  • unfolding or resolving a conflict. This outcome depends on its participants, their personal characteristics, interaction tactics, material capabilities and, naturally, the scale of the problem itself.

People, faced with such a social phenomenon, sometimes do not know what to do, how to behave, and accept the current situation as it is. However, it is worth taking a closer look at the other side of the coin. So what is conflict? This:

  • opportunity to switch to new stage relationships;
  • time to review life principles and make fundamental decisions.

The ability to change something in your life during this crisis will be the most correct solution to this situation. Success is the very recognition of conflict; The main thing is not to give up on his decision.

Ways to resolve a conflict situation

Conflict management identifies several ways out of the current situation.

Device. Changing your own point of view, reforming your behavior, mitigating contradictions, even to the detriment of your own interests. Free or forced refusal of confrontation and surrender of one’s positions. One has to agree with this strategy for various reasons:

  • the obligation to maintain good relations;
  • understanding that you are wrong;
  • strong dependence on the opponent;
  • the frivolity of the problem;
  • significant damage caused during the struggle;
  • the threat of even more negative consequences;
  • no chance of a different result;
  • pressure from a third party.

Compromise is the most popular way

Compromise is the desire of opponents to resolve differences through mutual concessions. Characterized by a rejection of previously made demands, a willingness to forgive and partially agree with the justified claims of the other party. It is based on the technology of concessions, concessions and bargaining.

This method effective in the case of mutually exclusive interests, understanding by the opponent, the threat of losing everything, satisfaction with a temporary settlement. Steps forward taken by one of the parties make it possible to reach agreement. The other side also concedes to some extent. When studying conflict situations between a manager and a subordinate, it was noticed that a third of conflicts end in compromise, two-thirds end in a concession (mostly from the subordinate), and a small part are resolved through cooperation. In conflicts between a subordinate and a manager, the latter is 60% right when making claims regarding omissions in work, negligence and dishonest performance of duties. Therefore, most managers, seeking the required behavior from an employee, use competitive tactics to resolve the conflict.

The disadvantages of the compromise are:

  • reduction of transactions;
  • creating the basis for tricks;
  • probable deterioration of relations. This may be due to pressure and threats;
  • termination of contacts;
  • complication of bargaining when there are several parties.

However, in real life compromise is a common occurrence. Conflict management very much welcomes the technique of open dialogue, which consists in offering to end the conflict, admitting mistakes, yielding to the opponent, and expressing one’s wishes regarding concessions from the opponent. It is advisable to discuss all this in a calm atmosphere, without negativity. When an agreement is reached, recognize that the conflict is over.

Cooperation is the joint development of a solution that satisfies both conflicting parties. This is the most effective strategy for behavior in conflict, which involves the desire of opponents to thoroughly discuss the problem and consider the opponent as an ally. Cooperation works best when there is strong interdependence between the rivals and a tendency on both sides to disregard differences in power, objectivity, and the value of the decision to the participants in the struggle.

Ignoring is the desire to get out of an oppressive situation without eliminating its causes, with minimal losses. The opponent resorts to this solution after unsuccessful attempts to realize his interests using active strategies. In this case, we are not talking about resolving the conflict, but about its extinction.

Rivalry is an open struggle for one's own interests and stubborn defense of one's position. Imposing a decision that is beneficial to oneself on the opponent. Justified in cases where the outcome is beneficial not for an individual, but for the entire group or organization, the importance of the result, the lack of time for an agreement, the obvious applicability of the proposed solution. This method is appropriate in critical and extreme situations, as well as if there is a shortage of time and a high probability of dangerous consequences.

The choice of strategy for exiting a confrontation depends on many factors. These are the personality of the conflict participant, the level of damage caused, the availability of opportunities, the status of the opponent, the likely consequences, the global nature of the problem being solved, and the duration of the conflict.

You will learn from this article how the conflict between man and society manifests itself.

How does the conflict between man and society manifest itself?

Scientists are inclined to believe that conflict between man and society was impossible in ancient times. After all, a person lived in a community, everything he acquired was divided in half. And to fall out of this small society meant death. After all, it was difficult to survive alone in a complex and dangerous world; a person could not protect and feed himself.

The development of industry and the emergence of capitalism led to the fact that man dared to challenge the society in which he had recently lived. A sense of importance came to him, he stopped listening to other, “former” members of society. Gradually, the opinion of the majority began to lose its significance, because the crowd can commit erroneous actions.

But not every person can take the opposite side, go against society. Only a strong-willed person can decide to do this kind of act. It’s hard for him to be an outcast in society. But when the conflict between society and man can no longer be avoided and tension increases, an outbreak of fierce struggle occurs. Its reason, at first glance, is simple: the individual becomes disillusioned with the social system he has created, and he wants to separate, building his own society.

It is noteworthy that such examples of conflict can be found in Russian classical literature. The authors, using the example of their heroes, tried to show what it means to be subordinate to society and to be against it. For example, Turgenev’s work “Mumu”, the comedy “Woe from Wit”, Bazarov’s “Fathers and Sons”.

But no matter what happens, you need to remember that a person is an integral part of society. And no matter how much he wants to separate, nothing will happen other than escalating the situation, causing a conflict to escalate. The heroes of classical works show that a person who challenges society dies either morally or physically. Of course, society needs qualitative changes, but they should not be initiated by one individual. Otherwise, nothing good will happen as a result.

To answer this question, use a comparison, perhaps not entirely correct, but figurative. Why does the fire flare up? Firstly, it is absolutely necessary that there be fuel, that is, combustible material. Secondly, high temperature to “start” the initial oxidation reaction, and then it will go on its own. Finally, thirdly, it is necessary to ensure that no water gets on the flaring flame, otherwise it will go out.

In your situation (preconditions, emergence and development of the conflict), the “combustible material” will be a clash or simply a discrepancy in the interests, views, habits of the conflicting parties. Human nature is such that it is his views and habits that he considers correct and most natural. Therefore, when faced with a different point of view on a particular issue or problem, he often instinctively views this as a challenge directed personally against him. It goes without saying that your opponent can behave in exactly the same way. In this case, the “fire danger” increases sharply.

Well, the role of that very outbreak that gives a high temperature is played by the so-called “conflictogen”, that is, a careless or harsh word, a dismissive gesture, a grin or demonstrative silence. Of course, it is not at all necessary that one of the listed factors (or even a whole series) will certainly provoke the beginning of a conflict, like that flash or a finger pressing the trigger. In some cases, conflict can be avoided. But sooner or later it will flare up.

Now, as for the conditions conducive to the intensification and expansion of the conflict that has arisen. If the party against whom a rude word, a contemptuous look or gesture, a grin, etc. was directed, shows patience, generosity, refrains from making a retaliatory attack in the same spirit, or, moreover, tries to turn the beginning conflict into a joke, then she will brilliantly play the role of water that extinguishes the flaring flame. Unfortunately, this happens very rarely. Human nature is such that anyone who considers himself offended (much less insulted) in 99% of cases will want to repay the offender “in the same coin.” And even more “weighty”. At the same time, he often acts according to the rule: “ Best protection- attack." Word after word, and now the hot fire of a full-scale conflict is blazing. With mutual insults and getting personal. It's good if it doesn't come down to assault! But a spoiled mood is guaranteed in any case.

Therefore, no matter how difficult it may be, you still need to stop on time. Remember that any fire is easier to prevent than to extinguish.

(356 words) We all know that the confrontation between the individual and the collective is inevitable, because it is difficult for society to accept an individual who does not want to adapt to it. But how does this struggle manifest itself? It is often difficult for the uninitiated to notice it, since none of the participants advertises their antipathy. Conflict occurs in the shadow of everyday restraint, when tension is only felt and not spoken about.

In Bulgakov's story “The Heart of a Dog,” the conflict between the individual and society is obvious only to the reader, since both sides pretend that nothing special is happening. In Soviet society everyone is equal, but class hatred makes itself felt in the relations between proletarians and intellectuals. Philip Philipovich works from home, so he occupies a large room. His neighbors are envious, and they are trying with all their might to deprive him of this privilege. Preobrazhensky, in response to these tricks, resorts to the help of high-ranking patients. Outwardly, their bickering with Shvonder looks like an ordinary everyday conflict, but in fact it is a struggle between a team and an individual, where the confrontation is ideological in nature. With all his achievements, the professor refutes the principles of equality hammered into the heads of the workers through propaganda: they are not initially equal to him, at least in terms of intelligence. Therefore, new people eradicate the bourgeois way of life of the old world in revenge for the fact that they will never have its luxury. This process manifests itself in the form of local clashes based on housing conditions.

In Gorky's story "Chelkash" the hero deliberately leaves society, being on the other side of the law. He sees the yoke of a slave in the sedentary and measured life of the common people, therefore he seeks freedom in vagrancy and loneliness. If there is no aggression on his part towards the team, then on the other hand he is pursued by obvious condemnation. A typical representative of society pushes him away, depriving the tramp of his human status. According to Gavrila, the thief is so insignificant that he can be killed by a twinge of conscience, because no one cares about him. The renegade turns out to be more virtuous than the peasant, but the majority always sees only the outer side, and the Chelkashi are doomed to misunderstanding. The conflict here manifests itself in open hostility, which, however, was expressed only in private.

The conflict between an individual and a group is often expressed in minor everyday disputes, which nevertheless reveal the essence of the worldview of each side. However, it can acquire other dimensions, turning into an active confrontation with aggressive attacks and fatal consequences. We must try to avoid extremes and strive to understand each other.

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A person is a part of society. He exists among his own kind, connected with them by thousands of invisible threads: personal and social. Therefore, you cannot live and not depend on those who live next to you. From birth we become part of the world around us. As we grow up, we think about our place in it. A person can have different relationships with society: harmoniously combine with it, oppose it, or be a person who influences the course of social development. Issues of the relationship between the individual and society have always been of interest to writers and poets, and therefore are reflected in fiction.

Let's look at some examples.

Let us remember the comedy by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". Main character The work of Alexander Andreevich Chatsky is contrasted with the Famus society, which he finds himself in after a three-year journey. They have different life principles and ideals. Chatsky is ready to serve for the good of the Motherland, but does not want to be served (“I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to be served.”), look for a warm place, care only about his career and income. And for people like Famusov, Skalozub and the like, service is an opportunity for a career, increased income, close ties with the right people. In his monologue “Who are the judges?” Chatsky speaks sharply about serfdom and serf owners who do not consider the common people to be people and sell, buy and exchange their slaves. Members of the Famus society are precisely such serf owners. Also, the hero of the play is irreconcilably opposed to the worship of everything foreign, which was so widespread at that time in Russia, to the “French from Bordeaux”, to the hobby French to the detriment of the Russian. Chatsky is a defender of education, because he believes that books and teaching only bring benefits. And people from Famusov’s society are ready to “collect all the books and burn them.” Griboedov's hero leaves Moscow, here he received only “woe from his mind.” Chatsky is lonely and is not yet able to resist the world of the Famusovs and Skalozubs.

In the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov’s “Hero of Our Time” also talks about the individual and society. In the story “Princess Mary” the author talks about Pechorin and the “water society”. Why do people around him dislike Pechorin so much? He is smart, educated, understands people very well, sees their strengths and weaknesses and knows how to play on this. Pechorin is the “black sheep” among others. People do not like those who are in many ways better than them, more complex, more incomprehensible. Pechorin’s conflict with the “water society” ends with our hero’s duel with Grushnitsky and the latter’s death. What is poor Grushnitsky’s fault? Only because he followed the lead of his friends did he agree to meanness. And what about Pechorin? Neither the love of the princess nor the victory over the members of the “water society” made him happier. He cannot find his place in life, he has no goal for which to live, so he will always be a stranger in the world around him.

In the play by A.N. Ostrovsky's "The Thunderstorm" also talks about the relationship between a person and the society in which he is located. Main character works Katerina finds herself after marriage in the “dark kingdom”, where people like Kabanikha and Dikoy rule. They are the ones who set their own laws here. Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, the power of force and money - that’s what they worship. There is nothing living in their world. And Katerina, whom Dobrolyubov calls “a ray of light in a dark kingdom,” is cramped and difficult here. She's like a bird in a cage. Her free and pure soul is eager to be released. The heroine tries to fight the dark world: she seeks support from her husband, tries to find salvation in her love for Boris, but all in vain. Talking about the death of Katerina, the writer emphasizes that she could not resist the surrounding society, but, as Dobrolyubov wrote, she illuminated the world for a moment “ dark kingdom", awakened a protest against him even in people like Tikhon, and shook his foundations. And this is the merit of such a person as Katerina.

In M. Gorky's story “Old Woman Izergil” there is a legend about Larra. Larra is the son of a woman and an eagle. Proud, strong and brave. When he came to the “mighty tribe of people”, where his mother was from, he behaved like an equal even among the elders of the tribe, saying that he would do as he wanted. And people saw that he considered himself the first on earth and came up with the most terrible execution for him. “His punishment is in himself,” they said, they gave him freedom, that is, they freed him (fenced him off) from everyone. It turned out that this is the worst thing for a person - to be outside of people. “This is how a man was struck for his pride,” says the old woman Izergil. The author wants to say that you need to take into account the society in which you live and respect its laws.

In conclusion, I would like to note that this topic made me think about my place in our society, about the people with whom I live.