Old boards in the interior of a dacha. Furniture from old boards

Old boards in the interior are not only a tribute to modern fashion, but a great opportunity to make your home unique, with a unique character and distinct individuality. Cracks, knots, passages eaten away by insects, peeling paint, worn texture, traces of salt or grapes, warehouse stamps - all this has its past. What were these boards before: someone's or the wall of a barn; on board a fishing boat or used for transporting goods across the ocean; Or maybe they were used to make a stage on which a famous rock band performed half a century ago?

Decorate the walls in the kitchen and hallway with a wide “old” board

Agree, it is pleasant and fascinating, sitting in your room, to reflect on the history of a time-worn tree, which in modern times continues to give home comfort and shapes the character of the entire home. And there’s no need to even talk about the possibility of realizing the most daring design ideas. Old boards will come in handy in the most different interiors: sophisticated, romantic, daring and many others, where individuality and non-standard design solutions are valued.

Trend or tradition?

Using old boards for... restaurants or showrooms are considered by many to be a tribute to modern fashion, another trend that couldn’t come at a better time at a time when everything exclusive, unusual, and non-standard is valued. But this opinion is only partly true.

Each person at all times tried to make his home individual, not like everyone else, experimented with styles, furnishings and decor. And of course, from time immemorial, people have used wood to decorate their houses, which added warmth, coziness, and created an atmosphere of comfort and harmony with the outside world. The new houses smelled of wood and fresh resin, but they lacked the atmosphere of life, family traditions and touching memories.

Only over the years did the boards absorb the spirit of the family, the change of generations, smells, memorable cracks and marks appeared on them, layers of paint changed, forming the so-called patina of time. New generations, returning to the house of their ancestors, recalled their childhood with nostalgia, looked at photographs of grandparents, young parents, immersed in an atmosphere of domestic serenity, accompanied by the slight creaking of old floorboards. And it became so sad when old house was being demolished, the fence on which things were dried was dismantled, and the boards were burned in, not a trace remained of the barn, and the leaky boat was used for firewood. In a rapidly changing world, there was no place for old things, and the glossy shine of plastic, the cold shimmer of metal and glass, the severity of concrete and granite, which replaced natural wood from the interiors of progressive city dwellers, deprived many of the chance to express individuality. History has faded into history, and it has been replaced by luxurious but empty glamor and practical but detached glamor.

But everything is cyclical, so residents of megacities soon began to miss what the post-industrial era could not offer: home warmth, traditions, harmony. By the end of the 20th century, everything natural began to return to fashion; eco-style and vintage, and acquired its own army of followers. The new interiors acquired what they had previously lost: soul, the application of the ideas of harmonious coexistence of man and nature, history and character.

Modern owners of new apartments and newly built houses make a lot of efforts to give their home a character with history, to create a kind of family nest. Old boards in the interior cope with this task perfectly, playing a completely different role in their renewed life than in the past.

New life for old boards

Oh, how attractive, charming and romantic old boards look in the interior, the photos are simply amazing, making everyone more people join the circle of fans of this design. Dried by the sun and wind, absorbed sea ​​salt, cracked by frost or heat, eaten away by bark beetles - these boards have lost their original appearance, but over the years they have only become nobler, more expressive, “wiser”. Now they are carefully stored in warehouses, trying not to damage them, awaiting new owners who will value and love them even more than in their previous life.

Advice ! That, Whatearlierthrew awayorburned, TodayappreciatedVeryhigh: barnorfencesboards , freight, , partsfurniture, boats, carts - Fortotalthere will beyoursplace.

IN modern interior There are many uses for old boards:

  • Decorating walls or highlighting only one part to create an emphasis on a functional or decorative area. Such a solution can replace the use of traditional materials (wallpaper, paint, plaster) or can be successfully combined with them if you choose the right texture and shade.

  • Laying a floor or highlighting a part of it, for example.
  • Use as furniture elements, window sills, doors, bar counters, partitions. The boards can be used as a whole or by cutting parts out of them, with careful adjustment to each other and subsequent decoration.
  • Creation of accessories - shelves, decorative panels, or photographs, etc.

Advice ! Originallookelementsinterior, Forcreationwhichwere usedoldboardsdifferentshadesAndsizes.

Creating a harmonious interior

You want to touch old boards, feel their rough texture, the warmth of the wood, and feel the course of history. That is why interiors decorated with such material attract on a subconscious level, and not just with their aesthetic appearance, because people are always drawn to nature and their roots. And in the accelerated rhythm of modern megacities, when you come home, you really want to plunge into a completely different world, far from the industrial cycle with its abundance of cold glass and metal, soulless gray concrete.

Advice! NoteacholdboardworthyplacesVmoderninterior . NotenoughJustdisassemblefenceAnd. Boards, to whom yesyesnewlife, unique, havespecialfeaturesVformknots, marks, cracks, paintsAndpr.

In order for old boards in the interior to look harmonious, it is important to follow a number of recommendations:

  1. from old boards should not attract undue attention to themselves, but only emphasize the design, creating the impression that this is exactly how it was intended. Therefore, when finishing, you should carefully select boards according to size and thickness, shade, pattern, and be sure to include some special elements.
  2. You should not use the material too actively, trying to decorate the entire room with it. 1-2 main elements and a couple of accents are enough, for example, aged floor boards combined with the same wall panels, headboard, frame of a large mirror, table or . Otherwise, you may feel that the room needs urgent repairs.
  3. To make the interior look fresh and modern, it is better to balance old boards with splashes of bright or contrasting color accents, use modern finishing materials, etc.
  4. A great way to emphasize the character of a room and tell about its history is to combine old boards on the floor or furniture with brick walls.

Interior style

Old boards will come in handy when interior design in loft style, where everything unique is valued, elements contrasting with urban design, collected from all over the world, with their own history. In addition, brick, metal and an abundance of light will very effectively coexist with old wood, filling the house with coziness and warmth, which are so lacking in spacious rooms.

It's easy to add exclusivity and character using old boards rooms decorated in shabby chic styles or , Scandinavian or marine, eco or ethnic, where wood is a full participant in the interior.

Old boards in the interior of a modern house

The use of old boards in a modern house is appropriate when decorating any room:

  • - aged boards can decorate the wall of this room, cracked paint will effectively combine with modern furniture and echo individual decorative elements. A floor made of old boards, decorated with Persian carpet, whose curvy design will contrast favorably with the worn floorboards. The living room wall can always be decorated with a large mirror in an untreated frame made from old boards.

  • Bedroom - old boards can be an excellent basis for a headboard, a dressing table, or decorative ceiling beams. The latter can be equipped with lighting, which will effectively highlight all the cracks in the wood. Such elements in combination with a wooden floor will give the bedroom the charm of a secluded mountain house with its peace and harmony.

  • Kitchen - cabinet fronts can be made from old boards, creating an impressive contrast with modern glass and polished metal appliances. Such a kitchen will become much more comfortable, it will be pleasant to spend family evenings or receive guests.

  • - the charm of old boards will help you get into a working mood and immerse yourself in an atmosphere of reflection. Floors, walls, bookshelves made of old wood are perfect for leather furniture and the soft light of a table lamp.

Advice ! Uniqueness old boards V volume, What They How prints fingers - two identical Not exists. Drawing on wood, color planks, degree wear and tear, terrain origin And peculiarities operation - All This so individually, What easily create exclusive interior, Not thinking O repetitions.

Old boards are no less relevant in the interior of a dacha, where wood was traditionally used as one of the main materials. If the walls are covered with old clapboard, then you should not rush to completely remove it and replace it with gypsum board. You can breathe into the dilapidated lining new life, changing its color, sanding individual areas if desired. This decoration will be complemented by modern furniture in

Shabby wooden floors will highlight the style of the living room

Where can I get old boards?

Almost any boards, which are often stored in many people’s dachas, left over from a dismantled barn, etc., will be suitable as raw materials. If suitable materials are difficult to find, then you can buy old boards for the interior in specialized stores. Of course, their cost is high, since most of the products are unique, come from Europe and the USA, and are decades old. But such boards have that very desired imprint of time: original preserved fittings (locks, signs), old customs stamps, etc. In addition, each item has already passed the preparation stage and has become absolutely safe for the consumer.

High-quality work on creating a barn board with your own hands

You can always search suitable material on online platforms, auctions, where there is always interesting options from those who want to get rid of old or unnecessary things. In this case, there is a greater chance of purchasing the product at a relatively low price.

Another option is to use not old boards when decorating the interior, but their imitation in the form of wallpaper, tiles, etc. Modern manufacturers offer such realistic products that only by touch can one determine that it is a “fake”.

Artificial aging

If you have suitable planks lying around at your dacha, but their shade is not suitable for implementing the intended design, then you can always paint them in the desired colors. It could be pastel, faded or bright shades, one or several at once on different boards - it all depends on the chosen style. But the most important thing is that the paint must preserve the texture of the material, so it is better to use water-based compounds, tinting them to your taste.

Advice ! Color board Can solid layer or leaving careless strokes, through which appears original color wood.

Many wooden manufacturers finishing materials and even offer to purchase artificially aged boards, which are practically no different from the original ones, while fully complying with safety requirements and standards. Such boards can be used to decorate walls and floors without thinking that they do not have sufficient strength. Of course, visually an interior with such a design will look very impressive, but it will remain quite formulaic, so it’s worth filling it at least partially with really old wooden elements.

If you follow interior fashion, then it will not be news to you that eco-style is extremely relevant today. In addition, many designers, caring about the environment, try to reuse materials. And not to process them, but to use them in the form in which they are found. This technology is called recycling. So old and shabby wooden boards with traces of paint today have become a fashionable decorative element. They are placed on the floor, covering walls, making furniture and decorative items.

However, do not rush to dismantle the old shed and attach the boards to the wall. To create a recycling effect, the boards must be unique either in shape or color, or better yet, both.

Of course, not every summer resident has spectacular boards, and even if they do, then assemble them into a fashionable one. decorative element Not every craftsman can do it. Furniture with a recycling effect can today be found in the collections of many furniture factories. For example, the All From Boats company makes its fashionable tables and chairs from old boats, which they buy from Indonesian fishermen, while preserving the color and texture of the wood. In addition to the fact that these items look impressive, they have a spirit of maritime romance.

Dutch designer Piet Hein Eek has released a collection of Waste Waste furniture made from scraps from scraps (a tautology is indispensable), that is, from the waste that resulted from the production of his famous collection from recycled materials. Furniture elements are assembled from small squares (40x40 mm) of different types of wood and coated with various varnishes and paints.

Of course, furniture, even from recycled materials, but made from natural wood is expensive. That's why Piet Hein released a collection of wallpapers that imitate aged boards.

When using the recycling technique, the main thing is not to overdo it, as you may get the feeling that it’s time to do some repairs. It is better if aged boards are found in fragments in the interior.

Old wood in the interior.

Old, peeling paint or graying barn boards - fashion trend Now. To become a modern decorative element in the hands of a designer, boards have lived a long and very productive life. Some of them helped the Thais set nets and fish, others stood for a hundred years, or maybe more, as stables, barns, sheds, warehouses, boxes or fences. They are covered with the passages of the grinder beetle, marks from staples and nails, marks from an ax and a hammer, markings, those that were boats, are covered with such a variety of colors that not every designer would think of combining colors in such a way.

All these “pieces of wood” absorbed all the violence of nature, they were washed by the ocean, dried by the sun and wind. Frost, heat, and rain made the wood of the “planks” more and more noble. Now they are carefully and carefully stored, and, trying not to damage them, they are given a second life, where they will be worth a lot, and they will be proud of and admired. So to speak, the reincarnation of the board in action.

Perhaps people’s love and passion for wood, especially wood with history, is in our blood. Having seen such objects, you definitely want to touch them, take them in your hands, feel the warmth and roughness of the old wood.

Life in big cities is very fast and nervous, we are surrounded by metal, glass and concrete. At home, you want to find yourself in a completely different environment, and feeling this, designers are increasingly using non-urban materials in their interiors.

The walls of the living rooms are decorated with shabby pieces of wood with traces of paint.

The furniture is assembled from skillfully cut planks from a former boat.

Old boards give the bedroom the charm of a Scandinavian chalet.

A kitchen equipped with modern appliances becomes unusually warm and cozy from the use of a table or cabinets made from old boards in its interior.

Moreover, since all these “antiquities” are quite expensive (the material is expensive and the items are obtained in one copy), quite decent imitation of them has appeared in the form of wallpaper, flooring, etc.

Production technologies are so high that they allow you to doubt what you see until your hands make sure that yes, these are not boards, these are wallpapers.

Everything in the world is cyclical, man invented a house, it has a ceiling, floor, walls. And for many centuries he was engaged in improving and decorating his house. And now, having “eaten up” of everything, I suddenly began to understand that brick, stone and wood are better.

Do you want to refresh the interior of your home or apartment with fresh ideas? Well, then in this article you can find one of them. Recently, public interest in interior design has also begun to actively develop. It looks quite original and tasteful. Some companies that produce furniture specifically subject it to an aging procedure to make it look rare. It is not necessary to immediately rush to a furniture store for similar interior items, you can do something much more cunning and create such a style with my own hands, using old boards. It often happens that we keep old wooden shelves, chairs, doors in the pantry or garage that have served us well, but it’s still a pity to throw them away. You can give such things a second life by making furniture from old boards with your own hands.

DIY furniture made from boards

Boards for making furniture can be obtained by dismantling old cabinets, chairs, shelves, drawers, and bedside tables. Old boxes make excellent shelves for books or shoes, stands for flower pots.

Speaking of which, from the old doors kitchen furniture, the boards of which have a vintage look, you can make an excellent flower stand that can be installed at the entrance to the house.

You can make an effort and assemble a new bedside table or chest of drawers with your own hands from boards obtained after dismantling old furniture or wall coverings.

You don’t have to be a master furniture maker to make furniture from old boards with your own hands. You can, for example, put an old door on four wooden blocks or stacks of old and unnecessary books glued together and you will get an amazing and original table.

A very comfortable and original table can be made from an old crib. You can use glass or the same door as a tabletop, provided that it does not weigh much. From the removable side of the crib you can make a shelf under the tabletop.

From the board of an old door you can make an independent piece of furniture, something like a pendant for a mirror with shelves, which will be conveniently placed in the hallway.

And an old piano, without disassembling it into boards, can be used in an absolutely amazing way; from it you can make a piece of furniture such as a bookcase.

Master class on improving the design of a table made from old boards with your own hands

Let's take a closer look at one of the ways to transform old furniture, namely the top of an old table.

Congratulations, you have just managed to give a second life to a table made from old boards.