Vegetables and fruits for human health. Are vegetables and fruits really healthy? Experts explain. Vegetables and fruits are natural medicine

Hello dear readers! I once promised to write in more detail about the special benefits of fruits and vegetables. Let's take a look at why it is important to include them in your diet regularly.

  • Fruits and vegetables are helpers in cleansing the body. They contain a lot of fiber, which is so necessary for the proper functioning of the intestines, and also help remove toxins and harmful substances from the body.
  • Fruits contain natural fluids that are beneficial to our cells.
  • Fruits and vegetables are a storehouse of valuable vitamins and microelements necessary for the smooth functioning of internal organs.
  • They contain substances that can prevent the onset of many serious diseases.
  • They contain a maximum of nutrients and at the same time a minimum of calories, this is best way get enough and don't gain weight

Separately, green leafy vegetables can be distinguished, such as parsley, celery, dill and many others. You can learn about the benefits of greens and drinking green smoothies in the article “Add greens to your diet!”

Various studies confirm:

  1. Vegetables and fruits protect against all types of cancer if consumed in large and sufficient quantities. This is confirmed by hundreds of scientific studies.
  2. Raw vegetables have the most powerful anti-cancer properties among foods.

Eating more fruits, green vegetables and beans will be very beneficial for the body. This is the key to both losing weight and improving your health.

Studies have found that those who eat more fruits and vegetables have stronger bones.
Green leafy vegetables are also very effective in reducing the number of hip fractures,
They contain a lot of not only calcium, but also other useful substances, such as
like vitamin K, it is what makes bones stronger.

Separately, I would like to say about fruits

Fruits are vital for our health. They provide the strongest protection against oncological diseases, especially cancer of the digestive system.

Research shows that fruits contain special substances that act as a preventative against brain aging processes.

Our body needs sweets, but instead of sugar and other sweets, we should consume more fresh fruits and other useful plants, from which we get not only a source of energy, but also many other elements that help prevent many health problems.

“I recommend eating large portions of salad and at least 4 fresh fruits per day.
When you add more fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet, your weight and blood pressure will naturally drop without difficulty.”

Joel Fuhrman - Dr. med. Sciences, international
recognized nutrition expert.

“Live” salads are a storehouse of nutrients!

I highly recommend adding so-called “live” salads to your daily diet. Due to such super healthy ingredients in them as sprouted mung bean, milk thistle or amaranth flour, these salads are several times healthier than regular ones.

Where can I get the necessary ingredients for “miracle salads”? I usually order them online from a specialty health food store. There is a wide selection of “useful things” there.

Beetroot with garlic and mayonnaise

Grate the raw beets thinly into strips. (You can use a Korean carrot grater).
Season with cashew mayonnaise:
Pre-soak the nuts in water for 0.5-1 hour, puree them in a blender with a small amount of water, add chopped garlic.

Salad with sprouted mung bean

Sprouted mung bean – 1 tbsp
Beets or 2-3 carrots
green onion or garlic
linseed oil – 1 tsp

sesame – 1 tsp

Grind the beets in a blender or on a grater, finely grate the garlic or in a crush, mix with the rest.

How to germinate mung beans? This is done very easily. Just rinse and soak in clean water for several hours. When it is thoroughly soaked, you can drain the water and lay it out on a flat surface. Make sure to stay moist. But it can also germinate in water. It is better to store it in the refrigerator once it germinates.

Salad with green buckwheat

Fresh or pickled cabbage
green onion
linseed oil – 1 tsp
milk thistle or amaranth flour – 1 tsp
sesame – 1 tsp
dry seaweed– 1 tsp

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Nutritionists believe that you should eat at least five servings of vegetables and fruits per day. A serving is considered to be one medium apple or orange, a glass of small berries such as grapes or raspberries, a glass of fruit juice or two full spoons of vegetable salad.

By eating this amount of fruits and vegetables daily, you will provide your body with the necessary vitamins and microelements. Of course, you don’t have to limit yourself to these five servings; you can easily eat as many vegetables and fruits as you want - there will be no harm from it.

Vegetables and fruits– the main suppliers of fiber, which plays an important role in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalization of fat metabolism, and removal of cholesterol from the body. Eating vegetables and fruits improves the body's immune properties and allows it to resist diseases. Many vegetables and fruits have a medicinal effect and are successfully used in therapeutic diets.

Their biological value for the body is undeniable. Vegetables and fruits do not have much energy value, but are suppliers of essential nutrients on which human health directly depends. In addition, vegetables and fruits have excellent taste and aroma; no other food brings more pleasure and benefit. This is a real gift from nature, allowing you to provide the body with vital nutrients. Vitamins, minerals, easily digestible carbohydrates, dietary fiber, organic acids, pectin substances - this is not a complete list of useful substances that these gifts of nature are rich in. The daily diet must contain sufficient quantities of vegetables and fruits. The smell and taste of vegetables and fruits stimulate the secretory function of the stomach and pancreas. Pectin substances bind heavy metal salts and other toxins. Vegetables and fruits contain a full range of vitamins, mineral salts, micro and macroelements, and other essential food components.

Berries- This is another representative of the fruits that people have been constantly eating for thousands of years. They are rich in vitamins, fiber, minerals and more. For example, everyone’s favorite strawberry is so rich in vitamin C that it is not even inferior in amount to the orange itself. All berries contain little sugar and a lot of fiber. Blueberries improve memory, raspberries and strawberries are powerful antioxidants that have anti-cancer properties.

Although we are accustomed to eating fruits and berries in fresh, ripe form, even when dried they do not lose all their positive properties. Nowadays, most baked goods and other sweets cannot do without dried fruits. These are delicious raisins, dried apricots, figs, dates, which are distinguished by their taste and nutritional properties. In addition, like fruits and berries, dried fruits have a positive effect on human health and are constantly ready to saturate it with vitamins A, B1, B2, C, fructose and minerals.

It should be remembered that many beneficial components of vegetables and fruits lose their activity or are destroyed during heat treatment. That is why they should be consumed mainly raw. If we boiled them, then ready meals should not be stored for a long time or subjected to repeated heat treatment. We should always be guided by the principle - cooked and ate.

Next time we will focus on certain vegetables, fruits and berries and tell you in more detail about them beneficial properties.

To saturate your body with healthy vitamins and minerals, you don’t have to buy expensive medications at the pharmacy. Natural, affordable and healthy sources of vitamins are right at our fingertips. We are talking about fruits and vegetables, the benefits of which are often underestimated; But they are saturated with components that ensure the proper functioning of the body and prevent a number of diseases.

It has been found that eating fruits and vegetables helps normalize blood pressure and weight, and reduces the risk of developing diseases of the heart, eyes and digestive system. Scientists have also found that such gifts of nature protect against malignant tumors. That is why such natural vitamins must be included in the daily diet. Let's take a closer look at what ailments vegetables and fruits can treat.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

A study involving more than 100 thousand people showed that systematic consumption of fruits and vegetables reduces the likelihood of stroke and other diseases associated with the heart and blood vessels.

Representatives of science analyzed the daily diet of volunteers for 14 years. The result of the experiment showed that people who consumed large quantities of such products every day were 30% less likely to suffer from the above diseases.

The most healthy fruits and vegetables for blood vessels and the heart are: spinach, all types of cabbage, oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits.

Pathological pressure

If the pressure deviates from the norm and provokes feeling unwell Including fruits and vegetables in your daily diet will help. Doctors have confirmed that this “treatment” works no worse than medications, especially if you add low-fat dairy products to such a diet.

Oncological diseases

Representatives of science from the USA have found that a fruit and vegetable diet allows the body to suppress the formation and development of deadly tumors. According to scientists, the most useful foods that protect against cancer are: broccoli, onions, zucchini, garlic, Chinese cabbage, and tomatoes.


Scientists conducted a study in which they not only involved 66 thousand volunteers, but also participated themselves. The purpose of the experiment was to determine which foods reduce the risk of developing diabetes. The data obtained showed that fresh fruits with sourness, such as blueberries, grapes and apples prevent the development of this type 2 disease.

Digestive system problems

Fruits and vegetables normalize the functioning of the digestive system, as they contain fiber. Its properties prevent the formation of diverticula, prevent constipation and irritation of the mucous membranes.

Eye diseases

Fruits are a useful source of substances that protect against many ophthalmic diseases, in particular cataracts. In addition, the use blueberries and carrots improves vision and relieves eye strain.

What else do you need to know about the benefits of fruits and vegetables?

It is worth noting that fruits and vegetables of the same color contain the same vitamin components. For example, products purple and blue colors contain glycosides that are effective in combating infectious diseases. Products red rich in antioxidants that prevent heart pathologies and cancer. White products contain an organic substance such as sulforaphane, which is effective in combating cancer and bacteria. Gifts of nature green contain folic acid, potassium, and Omega-3 acids. Such components are useful for improving memory and normalizing blood condition. Let's take a closer look at the “green” group of vegetables and fruits.

Beneficial properties of fruits and berries for the health of children and adults.

Every mother wants her children to be healthy, as well as all family members. And there is not always time to search and read a wealth of information about the beneficial substances in various fruits and berries, which are so necessary and extremely important. This is what we will talk about.

A huge amount of vitamins contained in berries and fruits are necessary for a person to maintain and maintain health. No one doubts their benefits. Of course, everyone’s preferences and tastes are different: some people prefer apples, others prefer tangerines. We only eat fruits with pleasure all year round, we give preference to others occasionally. What are their benefits, why do we love them so much? Of course, for the unique and varied taste. And only then do we think about the usefulness of this or that fruit or berry.

Fruits and berries belong to the most ancient food products. Initially they were not so sweet and fragrant. Most modern fruits are the result of deliberate selection, crossing and fixation best properties product. Fruits and berries are eaten mainly without additional heat treatment. This is their main charm and benefit for humans. After all, many useful substances and vitamins are destroyed under the influence of temperature. To replenish the daily requirement of vitamins, it is enough to consume 60-200 grams of fruits or berries, depending on the type and variety of the fruit. Eating fruits and berries helps us maintain physical and mental performance and increases overall vitality.

The soil and climatic conditions of Russia are favorable for the cultivation of most berry crops, the main of which are strawberries,black currant, red and white, raspberries, gooseberries, sea buckthorn, chokeberry ( chokeberry) and others. Fruits and berries are important in human nutrition. They contain from 5 to 10% sugars and a number of organic acids. Special value represent berries and fruits as a source of vitamins, which play an important role in human life, increasing his physical and mental performance and resistance to various diseases.

Fruits and berries are rich in salts of iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, as well as trace elements that are included in organic compounds and are easily absorbed by the human body. Calcium salts are involved in the construction of the skeletal system, and phosphorus salts - nerve tissue. Iron is part of blood hemoglobin.

The forests conceal a huge wealth of fruits and berries: lingonberries, blackberries, strawberries, viburnum, currants, cloudberries, raspberries... Wild orchards of pears, pomegranates, and apple trees grow in the south of Russia. Along the forest rivers of Altai, in the mountain valleys there are continuous thickets of sea buckthorn. In the vastness of the tundra there are plantations of blueberries, cranberries, lingonberries, and cloudberries. In Bashkiria and the Southern Urals, on the virgin lands of the southern steppes, it gives bountiful harvests bush and steppe cherry. More than 20% of the entire territory of Russia is occupied by wild garden and berry plantations, the harvest of which is given to us by nature. How to use the gifts of nature to improve the health of children and adults, and cure many diseases, is described in this article.

Quince. A close relative of such familiar and familiar apples and pears.A sour, aromatic fruit that has been widely used since ancient times. It has tonic, diuretic and astringent properties.Quince is considered one of the leaders in nutrient content. Needless to say, the benefits of quince for human health are simply unprecedented. Quince contains glucose, fructose, pectins, malic and citric acids, as well as potassium, iron, phosphorus, and calcium salts. Quince contains a large amount of a wide variety of vitamins - A, B, C, E, PP. The benefits of quince have long been proven in the treatment of anemia; it is an excellent antipyretic; quince can stop bleeding.

Apricots. 200 grams of aromatic fruits with a delicate taste cover daily requirement in provitamin A, which is responsible for keeping our vision sharp and our skin clean. They are also a good source of iron. The south of Russia is rich in apricots; apricots are one of the traditional summer fruits. The yellow flesh with a large seed and slightly fleecy skin will appeal to children. Very useful for children with anemia and problems of the heart and blood vessels. Apricot pulp contains up to 30% sucrose, hence sweet taste, and excellent saturation. Apricots contain a lot of fruit acids - citric, malic and tartaric, so they can greatly weaken the stool and should not be eaten on an empty stomach. Apricots contain a lot of carotene, vitamin and folic acid. When monitoring your child’s reaction, it is permissible to eat about 5-7 small apricots per day. Also, like all fruits, it is best to eat it after a meal, an hour later.

Watermelon. The benefits of watermelon are undeniable if we are talking about ripe fruits that have not been exposed to harmful chemical influences. Watermelon is wonderfully refreshing in the heat, quenches thirst, cleanses the body of waste and toxins, and normalizes digestion processes. Regular consumption of watermelons relieves swelling and is recommended for kidney diseases and even urolithiasis. Due to its high concentration of iron and folic acid, watermelon pulp helps fight anemia. Watermelon is widely used in folk medicine. Watermelon rinds and the adjacent white pulp are especially useful in this regard. Decoctions of dried peels are used for rheumatism and edema, and the pulp is used in the treatment of colitis and dysbacteriosis.Watermelons are not onlytraditional ones with red pulp, but there are varieties with yellow and even black “filling”, and the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgrowing the famous square watermelons belongs to the Japanese.

Pineapple. Contains a large amount of dietary fiber and organic acids, vitamins PP, beta-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B5 (pantothenic), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B9 (folic), vitamin C, vitamin E. The healing properties of pineapple help with indigestion, excess weight, thrombosis, swelling, calluses.

Orange. The advice may seem strange, however: always eat the white film that is located between the pulp and the skin of the sunny fruit. It contains the most important bioflavonoids. These substances slow down the processes of oxidation (and therefore destruction) of vitamins in the body, strengthen the immune system, and also improve microcirculation in the capillaries. All citrus fruits are an excellent source of ascorbic acid. Due to the low content of ascorbinase in citrus fruits, ascorbic acid is relatively well preserved. They contain iron, calcium, and small amounts of thiamine and riboflavin.

Avocado. A fruit with soft, buttery pulp that tastes like a nut. Rich in vitamins B and E, is a fatty, high-calorie fruit, high nutritional value. Avocadostrengthen nervous system, restore its functioning, help in the fight against numerous stresses that it faces modern man literally at every step, vitamins are powerful natural antioxidants and effectively fight free radicals. Thus, the beneficial properties of avocado in actively protecting cells from destruction have been proven. Regular consumption of avocados prevents premature aging, prolongs the youth of the body and fills the body with vitality.

Banana. Contains a large amount of sugars, combined with a high fiber content. Has a large supply of energy. The main trace element in it is potassium. Pros: very low in saturated fat. Bananas are cholesterol-free, low in sodium, high in fiber, and very high in vitamins B6 and C. Cons: very high sugar content. Useful for intense work.

Cowberry . A very healthy and tasty berry, it contains manganese, which is involved in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. It has anti-stress properties due to ursolic acid.Lingonberries contain large quantities of organic acids such as malic, citric, and oxalic. In addition to the mentioned acids, lingonberries contain a significant amount of vitamins C, A and E, as well as pectin substances. For example, in terms of vitamin A content, lingonberries are significantly superior to lemons and black currants. The benefits of lingonberries lie in their high copper content. Copper has a beneficial effect on the body, weakened diabetes mellitus. In the treatment of this disease, lingonberries are an indispensable product.In folk medicine, lingonberries are also actively used to treat gastritis, accompanied by low acidity. No less, and, according to many people, even more, lingonberry leaves are useful. Decoctions and infusions from the leaves of this berry have an excellent diuretic effect, so lingonberries are used in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, gall bladder and bladder. The astringent effect of lingonberries has a beneficial effect on stomach diseases.Lingonberry juice improves appetite and promotes rapid recovery of the body after illnesses. The benefit of lingonberries is that they have a bactericidal, antiseptic and mild laxative effect. Effective fight against harmful bacteria is possible due to the large amount of benzoic acid contained in lingonberries. Lingonberry is effective for rheumatism, osteochondrosis, fever, gout, colds and many other ailments.

Grape. Sweet or sour-sweet berries, different in color and shape, are very rich in glucose. The fruits of grapes have an unusually rich composition. Pectic substances, enzymes, sugar, fiber, ascorbic and other acids, vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, PP and microelements make it extremely healthy. Sugars consist of glucose, fructose, lactose, maltose, etc., which are easily digestiblethe human body and provide a lot of energy. Grapes improve metabolism in the body, have a diuretic, mild laxative and diaphoretic effect. It increases the secretion of mucus in the respiratory tract and facilitates expectoration. Therefore, eating grapes is very useful for laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, and pleurisy. Recommended for exhaustion of the body and loss of strength, anemia, pulmonary tuberculosis, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (especially with increased acidity gastric juice and constipation), hemorrhoids. Thanks to its diuretic properties, grapes are useful for kidney diseases (cystitis, pyelitis, urolithiasis) and liver diseases, and gout.

Cherry. Besides the wonderful taste qualities, the beneficial properties of cherries have long been known. They are due to its rich and varied composition. Cherries contain a significant amount of vitamins B, C, A, EE, PP, as well as a lot of mineral salts of various metals: copper, manganese, iron, chromium, zinc, large amounts of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium. It is impossible not to note the presence of pectins, sugars and a wide variety of organic acids in cherries. This truly impressive composition contains the unprecedented benefits of cherries for human health. Cherry is useful for preventing heart attacks; it prevents the formation of blood clots on the walls of blood vessels. It increases the strength of blood vessels and prevents bleeding associated with their thinning. Cherry also has a remarkable wound-healing effect and is actively used externally as a lotion. In addition, cherries have a pronounced expectorant effect and relieve cough symptoms. Therefore, it is recommended to use cherries for bronchitis. Along with this, cherries have an antipyretic effect and significantly help recovery during colds. Another obvious benefit of cherries is their antibacterial properties. Cherry helps destroy bacteria in the body and successfully fights various types infections.

Pomegranate. Pomegranate is undoubtedly a divine fruit, the beneficial substances of which are contained not only in the pulp; pomegranate seeds, as well as its peel, have healing properties that have been used in medicine since ancient times to this day. The benefits of pomegranate and pomegranate juice lies in its ability to improve digestion, as well as normalize the excretory functions of the skin and promote its regeneration. It is also noted that with regular consumption of freshly squeezed juice, hair growth is stimulated and its fat content is reduced. For indigestion and dyspepsia, it is recommended to brew the peels and seeds, as well as transparent partitions. This decoction has astringent, antiseptic properties, which promote rapid absorption and elimination of toxins and waste from the body, and also restore intestinal motility. For toothache, it is recommended to chew the bones, which contain painkillers. In addition, fiber and cellulose, which remove toxins from the body, and amino acids prevent oxidation processes and prevent the occurrence of tumors. Pomegranate contains such vitamins as: PP, E, C, B9, B6, B3, B2, B1, A, Beta-carotene, trace elements phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron.

Pear. The pear contains a huge number of useful and simply irreplaceable components for human health. They are organic acids, pectins, vitamins, macro- and microelements, and in such variety that other fruits can only envy. The substances that make up the pear help strengthen immune system Therefore, pear is an excellent prophylactic for the prevention of many infectious and viral diseases. In addition, eating pears helps remove toxins, waste and other substances from the body. harmful substances. The large amount of iron found in pears has an extremely beneficial effect on the circulatory system, in particular, it restores the process of hematopoiesis, strengthens and cleanses blood vessels. Vitamins in pears A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, E, PP, micro and macroelements such as iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, boron, vanadium, iodine, cobalt, manganese , molybdenum, nickel, fluorine, zinc, silicon.

Melon. Melon is rich in iron, contains vitamins B1, B2, PP, A, C, as well as potassium, sodium, and chlorine. Melon has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract; it contains a large number of enzymes. Reduces the effects of drugs. Helpsvitamin in the form of beta-carotene to preserve the retina of the eyes, vitamin C, which stimulates white blood cells (leukocytes), helps in the fight against infections and pathogenic bacteria. Vitamin C also helps produce collagen, the main structural protein that keeps skin youthful and fresh. Melon is rich in potassium, a mineral electrolyte stored in the cells of our body. It helps stabilize blood pressure and prevent muscle spasms; dehydration remedy; a remedy for constipation, including chronic; the alkalizing effect in urine helps stop the growth of coliform bacteria, which cause various types of urinary infections. Eating melon helps reduce the likelihood of developing heart disease. vascular diseases, strokes and cancer. Melon is rich in potassium, which normalizes the heartbeat and promotes the supply of oxygen to the brain, thereby causing the body to calm down. It also contains superoxide dismutase, which fights stress by lowering blood pressure and relaxing the nerves.Regular consumption of melon helps compensate for the loss of vitamin A as a result of smoking or inhaling tobacco smoke (passive smoking), which helps maintain lung health.

Strawberries and strawberries.In folk medicine they treat the heart and blood vessels, diseases of the digestive system - cholecystitis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis and intestinal infections, are also useful for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract; they contain many special substances that have diuretic and antimicrobial effects.
It contains many special tannins that act as a strengthening agent for blood vessels and gums; on the other hand, it contains many special substances - coumarins, which help prevent thrombosis. Red juicy berries contain vitamin C, as well as copper, iron and manganese, which cover the body’s daily requirement. Strawberries are very rich and folic acid, necessary for the proper development of nervous tissue - in terms of its content, this berry is a leader among others. Strawberries and strawberries contain many biologically active substances necessary for regulating the functioning of the body; they are rich in sugars - fructose and glucose, different varieties they range from 4 to 10%. These sugars are well absorbed by the baby's body, saturating them well. Carbohydrates in strawberries and strawberries are also represented by pectin substances, which help digestion and regulate bowel movements. Organic acids are mainly represented by citric acid, due to which the fruits have a specific taste.
Blackberry. Blackberries help normalize the gastrointestinal tract. The fruits contain sugars, ascorbic acid, vitamins A, C, and K. It has a calming effect, so it has a beneficial effect on stress.

Kiwi. Contains a large amount of vitamin C, which helps maintain immunity, a lot of potassium, fiber, magnesium, which stimulates brain function and mental activity. The original color of kiwi pulp is also due to chlorophyll. In its chemical structure, chlorophyll is close to hemoglobin, the main hematopoietic element. Include kiwi in your daily diet and you will prevent the development of anemia.

Gooseberry. A tasty and healthy berry that should be consumed for metabolic disorders, including obesity, and has an analgesic effect.The benefits of gooseberries, first of all, can be indicated by the high content of pectins. These substances are capable of reducing the harmful effects of radiation on the human body, removing heavy metal salts, toxins and waste. Gooseberries, according to experts, are a wonderful preventative against cancerous tumors, the beneficial properties of gooseberries are also manifested in a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, gooseberry fruits have a mild diuretic and choleretic effect, therefore they can be recommended to people suffering from kidney and gall bladder diseases . It is useful to eat gooseberries for hypertension, because this berry can normalize blood pressure and maintain its normal level. Gooseberries contain potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, vitamins PP, E, C, B1, B2, B6, B9, A, Beta-carotene.

Lemon. Wild lemon unknown Its homeland is Southeast Asia, where citrus fruits were cultivated and formed many varieties and varieties. From Asia, the culture advanced to Southern Europe, America and other areas with a subtropical climate. Medical use and medicinal properties lemon are due to the presence of a large amount of vitamins, mainly C and P. Of all the citrus fruits, lemons have the greatest therapeutic effect for hypo- and vitamin deficiencies. The presence of citric acid in the fruits allows them to be used to prepare sour drinks that help feverish patients. Lemon juice has long been used against scurvy, as well as to lubricate diphtheritic plaques in the throat. Juice diluted with water is used for febrile and inflammatory diseases, and liver diseases. Lemon syrup acts as an anthelmintic, reduces stomach acidity, acts as an antiseptic and antioxidant, has a tonic effect and stimulates digestion. Lemon contains potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, chlorine, vitamins PP, A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C.

Mango. In addition to its amazing taste, mango contains a large amount of useful substances. In particular, mango contains various vitamins such as C, A, B, E, mineral salts of phosphorus, iron, and calcium. In addition, mango contains essential amino acids that the human body cannot produce on its own, so a person must obtain them from food. It is believed, and quite rightly so, that mangoes are great for helping to combat stress, relieve nervous and mental tension, and improve mood and well-being. Ripe fruits contain a lot of vitamin A, which explains the benefits of mangoes for vision. Eating this fruit eliminates the symptoms of night blindness and allows the eyes to quickly adapt in the dark. Traditional medicine has long appreciated the beneficial properties of mangoes. A unique property of mango is its ability to prevent cancer. various organs. In addition, mango is extremely beneficial for the genitourinary and reproductive systems. Among other things, mango fruits have a mild laxative and diuretic, so the benefits of mangoes for almost all the most important systems of the body cannot be overestimated.

Raspberry. Raspberries contain many vitamins and microelements that characterizebeneficial properties of raspberries, but of these, I especially want to highlight the presence of organic acids in the berry - salicylic, malic, formic and tartaric. It is the first of them that has such a beneficial effect on our body during numerous colds. Salicylic acid is known as a powerful antipyretic, that is, it reduces high fever well, so raspberry jam or berry decoctions have long been used as a diaphoretic and antipyretic. This property is also great for people suffering from hypertension, because with sweat our body removes excess salt, which directly affects the decrease in blood pressure. Since raspberries contain a sufficient amount of copper, many experts recommend eating these berries for people whose lives are filled with nervous tension and constant stress. After all, copper, acting on certain centers in the brain, significantly improves mood, promoting mental relaxation. Raspberries, the benefits of which are obvious, in addition to the diaphoretic and antipyretic effect, have an antitoxic and hemostatic effect. And all because of the presence of acetoin and phytosterol in it, which are powerful antioxidants and also participate in the production of blood clotting factors. The beneficial properties of raspberries include the fact that this berry is very rich in phytoncides, which are a natural antibiotic. They have a detrimental effect on the coccal flora (Staphylococcus aureus), as well as many fungal diseases. The tannins and pectin substances present in raspberries cope well with diarrhea and remove waste products from the large intestine. And B vitamins, vitamin E and A, also called natural antioxidants, will quickly cope with free radicals. Malina They are also used to relieve or alleviate symptoms of joint pain. This berry is used for atherosclerosis, normalizing the metabolism of fatty acids, and for diabetes.

Mandarin. Like all members of the citrus family, tangerines contain large amounts of vitamin C.Tangerines have an unusually beneficial effect on the body’s most important immune system, helping to resist viral and infectious diseases, which is especially important during the period of debilitating spring vitamin deficiency, when the immune system is weakened and the body requires replenishment with vitamins. Eating tangerines helps maintain the elasticity of connective tissues and strengthens joints and bones. Another benefit of tangerine is that it can effectively slow down the aging process and also helps the normal functioning of the heart muscle. Absolutely everything in tangerine is useful. The peel of this fruit contains a large amount of beta-carotene. It is well known that this substance helps prevent and treat many cardiovascular diseases. Essential oils, which are part of mandarin, have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. For neuroses, depression, and sleep disorders, it is recommended to brew tangerine peel with tea. In addition, infusions of tangerine peel improve appetite and have an effective expectorant effect. Tangerines help lower blood sugar levels and also significantly speed up the process of losing weight. This is another invaluable benefit of tangerines. Mandarin oranges contain vitamins PP, E, C, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, A, Beta-carotene, minerals potassium, manganese, zinc, iron, selenium, copper.

Sea ​​buckthorn. First of all, the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn are indicated by the presence of a large number of different vitamins. Vitamins C, A, B, E, PP, K were found in sea buckthorn, as well as many essential microelements - manganese, sodium, magnesium, iron, aluminum, titanium, silicon and others. Sea buckthorn is a source of unique oil, beta-carotene, various organic acids, alkaloids, serotonin and other useful components with unpronounceable names. Amazingly, only 100 grams is enough. sea ​​buckthorn to get the daily requirement of almost all substances necessary for the human body. The benefits of sea buckthorn are not disputed by either traditional or official medicine. Sea buckthorn is recommended for use for vitamin deficiencies, disorders of the immune system, for the treatment of wounds, burns, bedsores, as well as peptic ulcers and radiation sickness. Sea buckthorn can resist many cardiovascular ailments and liver diseases. It is impossible not to mention the benefits of sea buckthorn as a source of sea buckthorn oil. The oil obtained from sea buckthorn has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect on the skin and mucous membranes of internal organs. Sea buckthorn oil helps strengthen cell membranes. In addition, it reduces lipids and bad cholesterol in the blood. Sea buckthorn oil has a wonderful effect on hair. It can strengthen their structure and accelerate growth.

Rowan chokeberry.Chokeberry juice lowers blood pressure; there is also information that it lowers cholesterol in the blood, increases the speed of blood flow, normalizes excitation processes in the brain, strengthens capillaries, and removes cobalt and strontium salts and various toxic substances from the body. Chokeberry stimulates the appetite. It is used to treat gastritis with low acidity, as well as increased vascular permeability, hypo- and avitaminosis, and atherosclerosis. It is recommended as a means of improving thyroid function, scientific Studies have shown that chokeberry improves immunity.
Chokeberry (chokeberry) is rich in many useful substances - vitamins C, P, B1, B2, E, K, B6, beta-carotene, macro- and microelements (iron, copper, boron, manganese, molybdenum, fluorine), sugar ( glucose, sucrose, fructose), as well as tannins and pectin.

Plum. Today, a huge number of varieties of plums are known. It is remarkable that these numerous varieties take root well in a wide variety of climatic conditions, so now the plum is a full-fledged resident of many garden plots. People learned about the benefits of plums at the same time they began to grow them. Plum contains a huge amount of dietary fiber, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, including vitamin B, C, PP, E, as well as mineral salts of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iodine and others. The presence of vitamin P in the composition makes plums beneficial for the circulatory system. It helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and normalize blood pressure. Plum and all products obtained during its processing have a mild laxative effect, which is especially valuable if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, plums are capable of removing harmful cholesterol from the body, which clearly indicates the beneficial properties of plums. Experts recommend consuming plums for hypertension, as well as for kidney diseases. Plum helps normalize water metabolism in the body and has a diuretic effect. Not only the fruits, but also the leaves of the plum have healing effect. Compresses made from fresh or dry plum leaves have an effective wound healing effect. Children should be careful when consuming plums, as they can cause stomach pain and intestinal disorders.

Black and red currants.Currants are famous for being a valuable source of easily digestible sugars: fructose, glucose, citric, malic and other organic acids. In addition, its fruits contain a rare fatty acid– Omega 6. You can get it only from a small amount of food. Ripe fruits contain sodium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese. In terms of potassium content, currants are four times higher than bananas. It also contains B vitamins (B6, B5, B3, B2, B1), which help with insomnia, eliminate depression, improve appearance skin, fight fatigue. Vitamins E and D, which are also contained in these berries, are excellent preventive agents against skin aging and support the immune system. Currant juice (mostly from red berries) is a prophylactic against thrombosis and heart attacks. It is also useful for food poisoning, is considered an excellent antipyretic that has diaphoretic properties. The juice helps people with low acidity of gastric juice. Vitamin complexes of currants can eliminate rotting processes in the intestines, increase stomach acidity, relieve the liver, improve stomach function, stimulate the secretion of bile, normalize metabolism, and improve immunity. All these properties are in demand among those people who want to lose weight.

Persimmon. Persimmon fruits have a large nutritional value mainly due to the content of glucose and sucrose in them. The composition also includes vitamin C, provitamin A, malic and citric acid, a lot of iron, calcium, copper, manganese and potassium. Persimmon has tonic properties and increases performance. It improves appetite, increases performance, and calms the nervous system. In the fight against atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases, persimmons are ahead of apples. Persimmons contain significantly more antioxidants.

Cherries. The combination of substances beneficial to the body in cherry fruits is very favorable. Children intuitively feel that cherries are their berries. They have a general strengthening effect and can increase appetite. Very useful for anemia, helping people with weak intestinal motility. But cherry fruits are contraindicated for patients with diabetes. Cherries contain pectins, acids with a predominance of malic acid. The fruits are rich in coloring substances from the group of anthocyanins and carotenoids. This is especially true for cherries with dark-colored fruits. These fruits are useful for atherosclerosis and hypertension. Very diverse mineral composition fruits They contain the most potassium (240 mg%), phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, and trace elements - iodine, fluorine, chromium, silicon, nickel, cobalt, zinc, copper, manganese. There are vitamins: C, PP, carotene, and in smaller quantities B1, B6.

Blueberry. The benefits of blueberries for human health are explained by the fact that they contain a significant amount of flavonoids, tannins and ascorbic acid. Due to this, blueberries are extremely widespread for treating conjunctivitis, improving vision and adapting the eyes in the dark. Blueberries are simply irreplaceable for vision. With its help, they get rid of many eye diseases, for example, retinal detachment.Pectin substances contained in blueberries help remove heavy metal salts, toxins and waste from the body. Blueberries effectively relieve symptoms of cholelithiasis and urolithiasis. Traditional medicine extremely widely and variedly uses various blueberry-based drugs in the treatment of rheumatism, sore throats, and inflammation of the oral cavity.Blueberries are recommended for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Blueberries are also great for treating peptic ulcers, and when used externally, they alleviate the symptoms of eczema and burns. For the same reasons, blueberries should also be used for cosmetic purposes. Blueberry masks perfectly relieve acne and relieve skin inflammation. Tea made from blueberry leaves, according to traditional healers, helps reduce and normalize blood pressure. Contains potassium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, magnesium, vitamins E, C, PP, B1, B2.

Apple. The composition of the apple is indescribably rich and varied. In particular, the apple contains vitamins B, C, E, PP, as well as potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, iodine; apples contain fiber, starch, tannins and pectin. All this makes the apple beneficial for all body systems. For example, the positive effect of apples on the cardiovascular system is expressed in their ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase their elasticity and permeability. Apples have a mild laxative and diuretic effect. This explains the benefits of apples for the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system. The substances contained in apples have the ability to bind harmful and toxic substances and remove them from the body. Apple is considered a natural antioxidant, so regular consumption of apples helps prevent many viral and infectious diseases. The general availability of apples makes them practically indispensable for the prevention of spring vitamin deficiencies.

Target: form ideas about proper nutrition as an integral part of maintaining and promoting health; introduce the beneficial properties of vegetables and fruits.


  • form ideas about healthy eating;
  • expand knowledge about the beneficial properties of vegetables and fruits;
  • promote awareness of the need for vitamins in food;
  • develop healthy eating habits; develop cognitive interest;
  • enrich your vocabulary.


  • presentation (see Appendix);
  • masks for staging;
  • basket with healthy products;
  • basket with harmful products.

A person needs to eat
To stand up and to sit down,
To jump, tumble,
Sing songs, make friends, laugh.
To grow and develop
And at the same time not to get sick,
You need to eat right
From early youth be able to.

If the ABC of nutrition
Will get your attention
You will be cheerful and healthy,
You can live without doctors.

Teacher: Every person wants to be healthy. Health is a wealth that cannot be bought with money or received as a gift. People strengthen or destroy what is given by nature. Proper nutrition plays an important role in maintaining and promoting health. And for proper nutrition you need... healthy foods. They contain nutrients: fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Unfortunately, many people prefer completely different products to be healthy. Let's listen to a conversation between two students.

Dramatization of “The Donut and the Big Guy.”


Marmalade, cake, great ice cream!
Buns, cheesecakes, sweet donuts,
“Mars”, chips and “Picnic” develop appetite.

Big guy:

Vegetables and fruits –
Delicious products.


Yellow Fanta is a drink for a dandy.
Know, ladies, gentlemen. –
Snickers is the best food!

Big guy:

Do you like to eat sweet Snickers?
Your teeth will be out of order.


Helped me become healthy
Hot dog with red ketchup...

Big guy:

Will you eat hot dogs often?
In a year you will stretch your legs.


In gratitude to Pepsi Cola
I'm the best student at school!
I'm very proud of myself:
I bought a cake today!

Big guy:

A hundred sweets,
And health is one thing!
Fruits and vegetables are healthier:
Protect from diseases!

Teacher: What foods does Donut like? How many of you eat such foods?

Why do you love such products?

What products was Big Guy talking about? What did he say about them? (Children's answers.)

Today we will talk about vegetables and fruits and their benefits for humans.

Why are vegetables and fruits good for humans? (They contain a lot of useful substances.)

Thousands of years ago, people began to eat vegetables. And the benefits of vegetables were noticed already then. There are many proverbs and sayings about vegetables. Here are some of them:

Onion - from seven ailments.
Onions and cabbage will not be tolerated.
Lunch without vegetables is a holiday without music.
Greens on the table mean health for a hundred years.
Vegetables are a pantry of health.

What vegetables do you know? (Children's answers.)

What's that noise in the hall? So these are the vegetables that have come to us!

Teacher: Indeed, all vegetables are healthy. They contain substances necessary for the growth and development of children.

In ancient times, an ordinary garden bed successfully replaced a pharmacy. Ancient Greek doctors prescribed radishes and cucumbers to their patients to improve digestion and vision. In those days they made medicine from onions and parsley, used healing properties carrots. Cabbage was considered a cure for many ailments. And now in folk medicine the healing properties of vegetables are used: grated potato pulp is used to treat burns and wounds, cabbage leaves are used for bruises and inflammation of the joints.

And onions and garlic are the first home remedies for most of us when we get colds and flu. Inhaling the vapors of onion and garlic helps with coughs and sore throats. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Onions cause seven diseases.”

But is it only vegetables that contain nutrients? The game “Say the Word” will help you find out where else they are.

Like a month under the star
The fruit is magically golden.
Lollipop for monkeys.
In a yellow jacket... (banana).

Ripening on a high branch,
Like a light bulb turns yellow
And it shines like after a shower.
Well, of course it's... (pear).

Yellow citrus fruit
It grows in sunny countries.
But it tastes sour,
And his name is... (lemon).

The branches bend to the ground.
What did we find on them?
Leaves are like hats
And underneath them... (apples).

Large bunch of large berries
Treats you with sweet juice.
Gave us a summer garden
Fragrant... (grape).

He looks like a red ball
Only he doesn’t rush at a gallop.
In it healthy vitamin
This is ripe... (orange).

Teacher: What do all vegetables and fruits have in common? (Vitamins.)

The word “vitamin” was coined by the American scientist Casimir Funk. He discovered a new substance (amine) – vital for man. By combining the word “vita” - life and the word “amine” - we get “vitamin” - a substance necessary to maintain the health of our body. But the body does not create reserves of valuable vitamins. And therefore they need to be constantly replenished.

Vitamins enter our body only with food. This is why vegetables and fruits should be included in the diet regularly. Children 7-8 years old need to eat 500 grams of vegetables and fruits per day.

Brothers vitamins, heroic strength.

Come out quickly and tell us about yourself.

Vitamin A:

Remember me, friends.
You need me to grow.
For bones, teeth and vision,
There is no doubt about this, brothers.
And I'm good for the skin,
Hair needs me too.

I am in carrots, tomatoes, oranges, cabbage.

Vitamin B:

If you have a deficit of me -
This means there is no appetite.
To be cheerful and strong
Don't be sad and don't mope
I advise you, friends,
There are products that contain me!

I am in beets, peas, corn, radishes, bananas.

Vitamin C:

I am necessary and brave,
And very, very important.
For colds and illnesses
I am, of course, more useful than everyone else.

I live in lemon, orange, currants, onions, garlic, cucumbers.

Vitamins are simply a miracle!
How much joy they bring.
All diseases and colds
They will step aside in front of them.
That's why it's always
For our health
Complete food -
The most important condition!
You can't live without vitamins!
They are reliable friends!

“Useful” ditties are performed(see Appendix 1).

Teacher: Guys, you found out why people should definitely eat juices, berries, fruits and vegetables. What happens to the body if it does not receive enough vitamins? Listen to what a specialist has to say about this.

Speech by a school nurse.

Speech by the school canteen cook.

(The cook tells what dishes can be prepared from vegetables and demonstrates ready-made salads.)

Teacher: Of course, guys, we can’t talk about all the vegetables and fruits today. But I would like you to always remember that our health depends on what we eat.

Useful tips.

Everyone in the world loves vegetables and fruits.
Grandmothers and children know these tips.

Grapes and cherries heal all blood vessels.
Apricot is for the heart, pear is for colds.

Oranges help with colds and sore throats,
Well, it’s better to eat lemon, even though it is very sour.

Remember the simple truth - only those who see better
Who chews raw carrots or drinks carrot juice?

No healthier productsdelicious vegetables and fruits.
Both Seryozha and Irina benefit from vitamins!

There is nothing better in the world
Replace candy with apple.

Change the chips to orange,
Replace chups with tangerine.

Prefer carrots to dry meat.
Vegetables and fruits are more useful.

If you want to be healthy,
Forget about doctors
Eat vegetables and fruits.
These are the best products!


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  2. Cool watch. 2nd class / comp. G.N. Popova. -Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.
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