A reminder on the Russian language. Sunlight plays on the tops of the pines

Sections: Russian language

The development of this idea will make it easier to work in the classroom, develop spelling and punctuation literacy, systematize spelling and punctuation rules, and learn to explain and correct mistakes made in written work.

Teaching the Russian language at school should promote the development of students’ thinking, awaken in them a caring attitude and love for their native speech, arouse interest in language classes, develop their linguistic sense, promote the analysis of linguistic phenomena, and the ability to observe speech facts.

Let's turn to the age group of fifth graders (9-11 years old). The main stage of teaching spelling begins with the repetition of the material that students mastered at the initial stage (grades 1-4). Students entering the 5th grade are already familiar with the basic rules for designating sounds with letters in writing, with the rules for writing significant and function words separately, with the basic rules for using capital letters, and with the general rules of hyphenation. In a word, fifth-graders have an initial understanding of Russian spelling, on the basis of which they have developed spelling skills.

But students in this age group are characterized by unstable spelling skills. This is explained not only by the fact that the classroom team is adapting to new learning conditions, but also by some specific features. The initial stage of teaching (grades 1-4) of spelling is characterized by a practical bias. The system of exercises helps students understand the method of spelling in its most general form.

The most important skill that is developed during the transition to middle management is the ability to detect spelling patterns.

The work begins with students, by analyzing words with the same spelling, getting an idea of ​​spellings determined by pronunciation and not determined by it. For example, in the word foot writing three letters ( s, t, p) determined by pronunciation: in this word no other letters except the given ones can be written. As for the unstressed sound [o], then according to the rules of graphics it can be written as a letter A, so is the letter O. This dubious spelling is the spelling. Which of the possible letters to use correctly is dictated by the rule: in test words with the same root ( feet, feet) letter is written O; This means that according to the laws of Russian spelling, an unstressed sound is conveyed by the same letter - st O pa.

A similar reasoning is carried out when arguing for the designation of consonant sounds in writing.

Students are not able to immediately analyze the mistakes made on their own; they need to be taught, and therefore the recording is made in parallel on the board and in notebooks under the supervision of the teacher.

The teacher comments aloud on the condition for selecting the spelling in which an error was made, i.e. graphically indicates the spelling pattern and the condition under which the spelling pattern is worked out.

Students’ difficulties in analyzing written work are associated with a number of circumstances, the most important of which are the following:

  1. Lack of a clear plan for the analysis and classification of spellings.
  2. Lack of a sample graphic designation of different spellings.

By instilling the skills of scientific spelling analysis and the gradual introduction of punctuation analysis of words and syntactic units, the teacher can make the work of students easier by offering them a “Memo on the Russian Language.”

“Memo on the Russian language” includes an initial set of studied spellings. After studying new topics, it is necessary to supplement this “Memo”, showing the principle of graphic designation and verification of the alleged error.

Each orthogram is named, a procedure for working with this orthogram is proposed, and a graphic designation of the rule is prescribed. After the instructions, an example of working out an error for this spelling is given. Recently studied spellings are accompanied by a statement of the rule for this spelling in order to facilitate the search for the correct spelling and strengthen the recently learned rule.




1. Capital letter at the beginning of a sentence.

Write the sentence correctly. Come up with and write another sentence. Underline the capital letter.

It snowed. D The kids are happy.

  1. Omitting a letter.
  2. Write the word down. Underline the missing letter in it.

    Ring-ring O nok

  3. Word transfer.
  4. Divide the word into syllables for hyphenation.

    When hyphenating, one letter cannot be left on the line.

  5. A soft sign indicating gentleness.
  6. Underline the b and the consonant before it, write down two more words with this spelling.

    Ate b, ten b, pen b.

  7. Vowels after sibilants.
  8. Write the word correctly, come up with and write down two more words using this spelling.

    Baby And, pencil And

  9. Combinations CHK, CHN, LF, NSCH, SHCHN.
  10. Write the word correctly, underline the combinations, write two more words with this spelling.

    To chk a, re chk ah, mo schn th

  11. Emphasis.
  12. Write down the words. Put the emphasis on them correctly.

    Alphabet, alphabet, briefcase

  13. An unstressed vowel in the root, verified by stress.
  14. Write out the word, put the emphasis, highlight the root, underline the unstressed vowel in the root, indicate the spelling, select a test word and write it down next to it.

    WITH A y - s A d; V O lna - in O lny.

  15. Unverifiable vowels and consonants in the root of the word.
  16. Write the word down three times and remember how it is spelled, put the emphasis, underline that vowel or consonant.

    Yag O yes, yag O yes, yag O Yes.

    Ho kk hey, ho kk hey, ho kk to her.

  17. Paired voiced and voiceless consonants.
  18. Write down the word in which the mistake was made, choose a test word with the same root, where the consonant is pronounced clearly.

    Moro h– Moro PS;

    Iago d ka – iago Yes.

  19. Capital letter in a proper name.
  20. Write the word correctly, write down two more words with this spelling.

    Ilya, WITH Olovyov, ABOUT Moscow time

  21. Dividing b.
  22. Write the word correctly, write down two words with this spelling, underline the b and the vowel.

    IN b south, leaf b I, Solov b And

    b is written after the consonants before the vowels E, E, Yu, I, I at the root of the word.

  23. Spelling unpronounceable consonants in the root.

Read the word, choose a test word where this consonant is pronounced clearly.

Zvez d ny – stars Yes;

Chas T ny – ches t

14. Vowels and consonants in prefixes.

Write the word correctly, highlight the prefix. Write two more words with this prefix.

By flew, By fled By pulled.

  1. Spelling a preposition.
  2. From the sentence in which the mistake was made, write down the word along with the preposition. Prove that the preposition with the word is written separately. Indicate the spelling - space.

    To the shore, to (what?) shore, to the steep bank

    A preposition is a separate word. Don't mix a prefix with a preposition. Verbs have no prepositions.

    Boat from swam from shores

  3. Dividing b.
  4. Write the word correctly, write down two more words with this spelling, highlight the prefix, underline the vowel.

    WITH e st, about ya phenomena, about e m.

    Ъ is written only after consonant prefixes before E, Ё, Yu, Ya.

  5. b at the end of nouns after sibilants.
  6. Write the word correctly. Determine gender and declension, write down two words with this spelling.

    Lou h(m.b.), shala w(m.r.)

    But whose(f. r., 3 texts), ne whose(f.r., 3 texts)

    b is written at the end of nouns zh.r., 3 declension.

  7. Connecting vowels in compound words.
  8. Write the word correctly. Select the roots. Underline the vowel. Write one word with this spelling.

    Waters O cart, himself O years.

  9. NOT with a verb.
  10. Write down the verb with NOT. Write down two words for this rule. Underline the spelling.

    Didn’t_come, didn’t_learn.

    Not with verbs is written separately, except for those words that are not used without NOT: unwell, indignant, etc.

  11. Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns.
  12. Write down the noun. Determine declension and case. Highlight the ending.

    To the edge e(1st book, pp.), near the river And ( 1 fold, p.p.), no pe chi(3 pages, pp.)

  • Spelling unstressed endings of adjectives.
  • Write down the adjective along with the noun it refers to. Add a question to the adjective from the noun. Whatever ending is in a question is the same in an adjective.

    To the forest (as wow?) far to him, in the forest (as ohm?) dense eat, with a ball ohm(which?) sin them.

  • b at the end of 2nd person singular verbs.
  • Write the verb correctly. Highlight the ending. Write down 2 more verbs with this spelling.

    Pish eat(2nd person, singular), solving eat(2 sheets, units), reading eat(2 sheets, units)

    Verbs of the 2nd person singular are written with b at the end of the word.

  • Spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs.
  • Write the verb correctly. Put the verb in the infinitive form. Look at the vowel before - ТУ. Determine the verb conjugation and write the correct vowel. In verbs of the 1st conjugation we meet E at the end, in verbs of the 2nd conjugation - I

    Verb conjugation

    Personal verb endings

    1st conjugation

    2nd conjugation

    –UT, –YUT

    -AT, -YAT

    Pish no– write (1 conjugation); becoming it– put (2nd conjugation)

  • b in the infinitive form of the verb.
  • Write the word correctly. Write a question. Indicate the spelling. Write another word with this spelling.

    b is written in the infinitive form of verbs ending in – YES if there is a b in the question.

    b is always written in the indefinite form of verbs ending in -CH.

    Torture there are(what to do?), teaches Xia(what does it do?), take whose, stereo whose.


    1. Punctuation marks at the end of sentences (. ? !).
    2. Write the sentence correctly. Come up with your own or find a sentence with the same sign in the textbook. Underline the punctuation.

      Glory to our Motherland ! Glory to Labor !

    3. Homogeneous members of the sentence.
    4. Write the sentence correctly. Underline homogeneous members. Draw an outline of the proposal.

      Punctuation marks for homogeneous members

    Oh yeah (=and) Oh

    Oh yes (= but) Oh

    O and O and O and O

    Strong wind ripped off leaves from trees, scattered them on the way. Oh, oh

  • A generalizing word for homogeneous terms.
  • Write the sentence correctly. Highlight the generalizing word and underline homogeneous members.

    Punctuation marks for a generalizing word

    Guys, take care of your textbooks! ABOUT,

  • Complex sentence.
  • Write the sentence correctly. Emphasize grammatical basics. Draw diagrams.

    Fish are dozing underwater, and a gray-haired catfish is resting. 1 , 2 .

  • Sentences with direct speech.

    Write the sentence correctly. Make a diagram.

    “Who will you be at the carnival?” asked Mishka. “P?” - A.

    Vowel sounds: Vowel letters: A, 0, U, Y, I, E. A, 0, U, Y, I, E, E, Yo, Yu, Ya Consonants Paired voiced sounds: b, c, d, d, g, z voiceless: p, f, k, t, sh, s unpaired voiced : l, m, n, r deaf: x, c, ch, sch Always hard: zh, sh, c Always soft: ch, sch, y b and b - sounds do not indicate E, Yo, Yu, I - Indicate softness consonant (HONEY, TREE) or 2 sounds, after a vowel and at the beginning of a word (MY, YAMA) Hard consonant Soft consonant

    1. If after a consonant sound there are: A, O, U, Y, E CABBAGE, EXCAVATOR 2. If a consonant is at the end of a word: NOSE 3. If a consonant is after a consonant: TABLE 4. Always hard: Zh, Sh, Ts SHILO , SPOON, COMPASSES 1. If after a consonant sound there are: I, Ё, Yu, I, E FURNITURE, BALL 2. If after a consonant sound there is: b sign TREES, LEAVES 3. Always soft: CH, І, Ш CUP, PIKE , MAY

    cases 1st declension m.r., w.r. (father, uncle, CASE ENDINGS OF NOUNS 3rd declension zh.r. ь (night, daughter, steppe) ь shadow, daughter 2nd declension m.r., s.r. -o, -e (horse, window, field) -o, -e person, lake -a, -ya aunt) -a, -ya mother, uncle Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Instrumental Prepositional -y, -and mothers, uncles -e mother, uncle -y , -th mother, uncle -oh, -her mother, uncle -e about mother, about uncle -a, -i person, lake -u, -th person, lake -a, -i, -o, -e person, lake - oh, - by a man, lake about a man, about - lake - and shadows, daughters - and shadows, daughters are shadows, daughters are shadows, daughters - and shadows, about daughters

    Composition of the word 1. Ending The variable part that is at the end of the word snow snow snow 2. Base Part of the word without ending Machine a 3. Root General part of related words 4. Prefix Before the root 5. Suffix After the root Snow snowball will bloom bloom flower flower Prefixes Suffixes from is with with pre without demon about from from to under under under in vo you above on raza for ninknik nitsenkonik kik okek yokov(a) ev(a) skie shchik yshk ushk yushk istel ovat evat ochkt ti ch l sya(s) Prepositions CASES Nominative case Genitive case Dative case Accusative case Instrumental case Prepositional case Initial form INDIRECT CASES Auxiliary word is Case questions who? What? no I'll give you who? what? at, with, without, to, from, from, from under, near, near, for, near whom? what? k, who do I see? What? proud of whom? how? in, on, for, under, in front of, about, through, through with, for, above, under, in front of, between whom am I talking about? about what? about, about, on, in, at

    SOFT and HARD SIGNS softening 1. Written at the end and in the middle of the word: elk, boy. 2. Written after and before consonants: uncle 3. Shows the softness of the consonant sound in front: big, album b separating 1. Written in the middle of a word: housing, leaves 2. Written after consonants and before vowels: i, e, e, yu, I dress, trees 3. Shows that the consonant sound does not merge with a vowel: blizzard, family, stakes b – a hard sign 1. Written after prefixes before the root: entrance, drove in 2. Written after consonants and before vowels: e, e, yu , I explain, rise 3. Shows that the consonant sound does not merge with the vowel: went, announcement ZHI - SHI SKI, TIRE CHA - SCHA DACHA, SORREL CHU - PIKE CAST IRON, PIKE REMEMBER THE RULES! WRITE WITHOUT A SOFT SIGN CHK, CHN, LF, NSCH, RSH DAUGHTER BOOKING BOOK CHICKEN DRUMMER WARGUER TRANSFORM THE WORDS BY SYLLABLES: TEACHER - NICK MA SHI ON RU - WHOSE VAN - ON THE RISE - DRIVING PAL TO LEI - KA AKA - TSIYA CANNOT BE TRANSFORMED WORDS: HORSE, BRIDGE, DONKEY, PIT

    PARTS OF SPEECH VERB NAME EXISTS WHO? WHAT? b t s a c h i c h e r s o r p o v a n d A d e c t i v e l N o u r WHAT? WHICH? WHICH? WHICH? OBJECT SIGN no. f. WHAT TO DO? n. f. WHAT TO DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT DOES IT DO? ACTION definition predicate not h. derp subject, additional, circumstances. o r d J.R. cat M.R. puppy S. R. lake l s i h o singular plural e h. noe h. Zh.R. M.R. affectionate nimble S.R. round singular h. plural h. i measure in time no time no Zh.R. M.R. is sleeping barks S.R. is singular h. plural h. does?) present. time (what is playing, playing past tense (what did you do?) played, played future tense (what will he do?) (what will he do?) play will play, will be PRONOUN Singular Plural 1st person - I, WE 2nd person - YOU, YOU 3rd person - HE, THEY SHE, IT subject, addition ZH. AT THE ROOT: O, A, E, I, I If the vowel sound at the root suddenly aroused doubt, You immediately B C D G G H I I I I I I P F K T Sh S You are a doubtful consonant

    Put emphasis on it. MOUNTAIN - MOUNTAINS, GRASS - GRASSES, ROWS - ROW Check the vowel quickly. FRUIT - FRUITS, TALE - TO SAY. SPELLING OF SUFFIXES EK IK: To find out which suffix to write, you need to change the word and check the vowel. If the vowel “runs away”, you must always write EK. LOCK EK – LOCK K A NUT EK – NUT K A LIST IK LEAF IK AND KEY IK – KEY IK AND UNPROUNDABLE CONSONANT: To check the unpronounceable consonants: v, d, l, t, you need to choose a word with the same root so that these consonants are clearly pronounced. JOYFUL - JOY, STAR - STAR, SUN - SUNNY. DECLINATION OF ADJECTIVES Feminine Plural. what number? AYA YA what? YE IE forest blue forest blue which? OH what kind? YYH THEIR forest blue forest blue which one? OH HER what? YM IM forest blue forest blue which one? What kind of Yuyu forest blue? OH HER forest blue about which one? OH HER what? What kind of forest blue ones are they? What kind of forest blue ones are they? YH IH about forest about blue about forest about blue about forest about blue Case Masculine Neuter gender I.p. Which? which? YY OH OH OH EE forest blue forest blue what? WOW HIS forest blue what? What forest blue? which one? which? YY OH OH OH OH OH forest blue forest blue what? MY forest blue about what? OM EM R.p. D.p. V.p. etc. P.p.

    WORKING ON ERRORS 1. Word transfer (P.S.) - divide the word into syllables, emphasize the vowels. Write two more words. Do this: osi - na, ka - ran - yes - shi, coat then. 2. Soft sign (M.Z.) - write the word correctly. Underline the soft sign. Write two more words. Do this: walk, drive, pour. 3. Zhi - shi, cha - sha, chu schu (Zh.Sh.) - write the word correctly, underline the rule. Write two more words. Do this: kids, car, awl. 4. Unstressed vowel (B.G.) - write the word correctly. Put stress in the word, underline the unstressed vowel at the root. Choose a test word so that the stress falls on the vowel. Do this: wave - waves, went out - walks. 5.Vocabulary word (V.S.) – write the word correctly three times. Remember how to spell it. Underline the letter where the mistake was made. Do this: guys, guys, guys. 6. Paired voiced and voiceless consonants (PAR.S.) - write the word correctly. Underline the paired consonant in the root. Choose a test word so that there is a vowel after the consonant. Do this: frost - frost, berry - berries. 7. Separating soft sign (R.M.Z.) - write the word correctly. Underline the soft sign. Underline the letters that are separated by a soft sign. Write two more words for this rule. Do this: leaves, trees, blizzard. 8. Double consonants (D.S.) - write the word correctly. Underline the doubled consonant. Write two more words for this rule. Do this: group, alley, morning. 9.Unpronounceable consonants (N.S.) - write the word correctly. Underline the unpronounceable consonant. Select the root. Choose a test word so that the consonant is clearly heard. Do this: starry - star, asterisk.

    10.Composition of the word (S.S.) - write the word correctly. Break it down by composition. Do this: seaside 11. Spelling of prefixes (P.P.) - write the word correctly. Select the prefix in it. Write. two more words with the same prefix. Do this: fly, run, pull. 12. Spelling of prepositions (P.PR.) - write down the word along with the preposition. Prove that the preposition and the word are written separately: substitute another word between the preposition and the word. Underline the preposition. Write two more words with the same preposition. Do this: to the (tall) tree, to the (little) girl, to the (cargo) plane. 13. Separating hard sign (T.Z.) - write the word correctly. Underline the hard sign. Select the prefix and underline the letter (E, E, Yu, Z) that is separated by a hard sign. Write two more words for this rule. Do this: on the way, on the way, announcement. 14. Soft sign after hissing ones (M.Z.Sh.) - write the word correctly. Determine the gender of the noun. Underline the sibilant at the end of the word. Determine whether there is a soft sign after the hissing one. Write two more words for this rule. and. r. and. r. and. r. m.r. m.r m.r Do this: night, help, daughter, ray, hut, comrade. 15. Unstressed case endings (P.O) - write the word correctly. Highlight the ending. Put the word in the initial form (I.p), determine the declension, case. Make up your own word. Do this: At the edge of the edge, I skl, P.p. In the clearing there is a clearing, I school, P.p. 16. Analysis of the proposal (RP) - write out the proposal. Underline the main parts of the sentence. Do this: Gray mists float to the clouds. 17. Homogeneous members of a sentence (O. Ch.) - write out the sentence. Underline the main and homogeneous parts of the sentence. Remember about punctuation marks for homogeneous members. Do this: Students read, solved, counted.

    Main and minor members of the sentence. Part of the sentence e Subject ынвалг Predicate e Object ыннпеторотв Definition Questions What does it mean Examples of sentences who? What? Item It's raining. It will pass soon. what does it do? what did you do? what will he do? what will it do? To questions about indirect cases: whom? what? to whom? what? by whom? how? about whom? about what? Which? which? which? which? whose? whose? whose? whose? Effect of the item: Birds fly away. Pupils read and write. Subject: In the summer I lived with my grandmother. She baked raspberry pies. A path leads to the river. Sign, quality, property of an object. Young pines and spruce trees are turning green. A fox's tail flashed behind a bush. White hands love other people's work. Circumstance where? When? Where? where? Why? For what? How? how? Place, time, In the morning the children walked through the meadow. reason, method of action. The man sat motionless. The dog Zhuchka ran ahead. By intonation Types of sentences. According to the purpose of the statement According to the presence of the main members of the sentence. By the presence of secondary members. 1) Exclamation Mom has arrived! 1) Narrative We are walking. 1) Simple (one base) Thunder struck again. 1) Uncommon It started to rain. 2) Non-exclamatory Mom has arrived. 2) Interrogative Will you go on foot? 3) Incentive Walk! 2) Complex (several basics) Thunder struck again and a heavy downpour began. 2) Common In the evening, cold rain began to fall. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) , and, a, but Homogeneous members of the sentence. Swallows, ducks, and swans fly south in the fall. Birches, oaks and aspens grow in the forest. , and Pupils counted and solved in mathematics lessons. We did not pick mushrooms, but berries. Autumn has arrived, quiet but cloudy. Direct speech in a sentence. 1) Direct speech is enclosed in quotation marks “…..” and written with a capital letter. 2) Direct speech comes before the words of the author, then a dash is placed after the quotation marks. “It’s a watch,” my mother answered. “Let's go for a walk! "said the boy. “Where is Zhuchka?” asked Tyoma. 3) Direct speech comes after the words of the author, then a colon is placed before it.

    The bear says: “Let’s cook some porridge.” Dad said: “The clock is ticking! “Katya asked: “Shall we go to the cinema?” PERSONAL PRONOUNS Number Singular Plural I you he, she, it (f.r.) (wed.r.) (m.r.) we you they Person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person

    Declension of singular pronouns Question CASES who? What? whom? what? to whom? what? whom? What? by whom? how? Nominative case Genitive case Dative case Accusative case Instrumental case about whom? o Prepositional what? case 1st person 2nd person I me me me you you you you you me you FACE M.R. he him him his 3rd person Sr.R. it his him his him Zh.R. she her her her her about me about you about him about him about her Verb conjugation person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person Indefinite form I conjugation SINGULAR. M.N.H. U (YU) EAT EAT EAT ET UT (YUT) All verbs ending in EAT, ATE, OT, UT Exceptions: Shave, lay. II conjugation unit. Ch. M.H. U (YU) IM ISH IT AT (YAT) All verbs in IT Exceptions: 4 verbs in AT + 7 verbs in IS drive, hold, breathe and hear, offend, see and depend, and also endure, twist, hate and watch


    1 1. Language and speech. 2. Word and syllable. 3. Text. 4. Vocabulary. 5. Sounds and letters. 6. Offer. 7. Appeal. 8. Members of the sentence. 9. Collocation. Rules-memo for the Russian language. 4th grade. 10. Homogeneous members of the sentence. 11. Parts of speech. 12. Similar words. 13. Word composition. 14. Noun. 15. Adjective. 16. Pronoun. 17. Verb. 18. Spelling. 19. Analysis of a word as a part of speech. Morphological analysis. 20. Orthoepic dictionary. 21. Spelling dictionary.

    2 1. Language and speech. Russian language state language our country, Russian Federation. Oral speech is speech that we hear or speak. The word “oral” was formed from the word “mouth”: lips were called lips in the old days. Written speech is speech that we read or write down. Speech to ourselves (inner speech) when we think, reflect, without saying thoughts out loud, when we read to ourselves. Dialogue and monologue. Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people. In the dialogue, the words of each person (replica) are written on a new line. Each line is preceded by a dash. Monologue is the speech of one person addressed to listeners or to himself. 2. Word and syllable. There are as many syllables in a word as there are vowel sounds: house 1 syllable, u-rock 2 syllables, ma-shi-na 3 syllables. Word wrapping. Words are transferred syllable by syllable, but one letter is not left on a line and is not transferred to another line. For example: the word lesson cannot be transferred. Emphasis. Stress is the emphasis on one of the syllables in a word. A syllable that is pronounced in a word with more vocal force than others is called stressed. The remaining syllables or syllable are unstressed. In Russian, the stress is free - it can be on any syllable of the word: vegetables, paper, shop; the movable can move from one syllable to another when a word changes, when new words are formed: mountain - mountains. The correct pronunciation of words and stress placement can be checked in a spelling dictionary.

    3 3. Text. A text is a statement containing two or more sentences. The sentences in the text are united by a common theme and are connected in meaning. The text has its own theme and main idea. The text can be titled. The topic of a text is who or what the text is about. Main idea This is the main thing that the author wanted to tell the reader. In parts of the text, the beginning, as it were, prepares the reader for reading, the main part talks about the main thing that the author wanted to say, and the ending completes the text. Each part of the text is written on a red line. Types of texts narrative is told, something is reported description reasoning is described appearance of a person, an animal, a picture of nature, an event is explained, something is proven, the causes of phenomena, events are spoken of, what? Where? How? when did it happen? Which? which? which? which? Why?

    4 4. Vocabulary. Word. A combination of letters is only called a word when it has a meaning. Vocabulary is the vocabulary of the language (all words of the Russian language). Lexical meaning is what a word means. unambiguous words have the same lexical meaning Birch deciduous tree with white bark and heart-shaped leaves. polysemous words have two or more lexical meanings Needle 1. sewing needle, 2. pine needle, 3. medical needle The direct meaning directly indicates the object, the sign of action is a golden ring, the fire is burning. The figurative meaning transfers the part direct meaning to another object, sign, action based on some similarity - golden hands, stars are burning. words-names of objects and phenomena signs of actions who? What? Which? whose? what to do? what to do? crow, man house, gray wall, big, fox An explanatory dictionary explains the meaning of words. fly, read, run words that are synonyms pronounced differently, but the same or similar in meaning antonyms words, opposite in meaning homonyms words that are pronounced and written the same, but have different lexical meanings obsolete words that have come out of the word of use new words words , phraseological units that have recently entered the Russian language are stable combinations of words in the figurative meaning tiny, small, miniature, small deep fine distant - close Onion garden plant. Bow is a weapon for throwing arrows. forehead, eye, mouth, finger, sail computer, joystick, skype hang up, drop in the ocean, at the top of your lungs, cut it on your nose

    5 5. Sounds and letters. We pronounce and hear sounds, they are indicated in writing by letters. Sounds are written in square brackets. We see letters, write them, read them, name them. The alphabet is all the letters of the Russian language, arranged in a certain order. A (a) B (be) V (ve) G (ge) D (de) E (e) Yo (yo) Zh (zhe) Z (ze) I (i) J (and short) K (ka) L (el) M (em) N (en) O (o) P (pe) R (er) S (es) T (te) U (u) F (ef) X (ha) Ts (tse) Ch (che ) Sh (sha) Shch (sha) b (hard sign) Y (s) b (soft sign) E (e) Yu (yu) I (ya) Vowel sounds. Vowel sounds: [a], [i], [o], [s], [u], [e] Letters denoting vowel sounds: a, e, e, i, o, u, y, e, yu, I. The letters E, E, Yu, I designate one sound after the consonants: [E, O, U, A]. Two sounds: E [YE], E [YO], Yu [YU], I [YA] 1. at the beginning of a word, 2. after vowels, 3. after b and b. And denotes one sound after soft consonants, two sounds [YI] after b. The vowel sound consists only of the voice. When pronouncing a vowel sound, air passes through the mouth freely, without obstructions. Vowels can be stressed or unstressed. Consonant sounds. A consonant sound consists of noise or voice and noise. When pronouncing a consonant sound, a stream of air in the mouth encounters an obstacle (lips, teeth, tongue). Hard and soft consonants. consonants are always hard B V D G D Z K L M N P R S T F X ZH Sh Ts soft B V D D Z K L M N P R S T F X CH Y The softness of consonants is indicated by the letters I E E Y I b . The hardness of consonants is indicated by the letters A O U Y Y E. Hard consonants soften before soft ones: news [izv est iye]. Voiced and voiceless consonants. paired unpaired voiced consonants B C D D F Z; B C D D Z (replaced with voiceless ones at the end of a word and before voiceless consonants) L M N R; L M N R Y (always voiced) deaf P F K T Sh S; P F K T S (replaced by voiced consonants before voiced consonants, except V L M N R Y) X X C CH Shch (always voiceless)

    6 The order of phonetic (sound-letter parsing). 1. Write the word, put emphasis, how many syllables, transcription. 2. We write the letter, sound in square brackets, vowel or consonant. 3. Vowel: stressed or unstressed. 4. Consonant: voiced or voiceless, paired or unpaired; hard or soft, paired or unpaired. 5. How many letters and how many sounds are there in a word? A sample of phonetic (sound-letter) analysis. frost 2 syllables, [maros] m [m] acc., sound. unpaired, hard double o [a] v., unstressed. p [p] acc., sound. unpar., hard. paired o [o] gl., stressed z [s] accord., deaf. double, hard paired 5 letters, 5 sounds trees 3 syllables, [d ir ev ya] d [d] acc., sound. steam, soft paired e [i] gl., unstressed p [r] accord., sound. unpaired, soft paired e [e] ch. percussion in [in] acc., sound. steam, soft paired [ya] [th] acc., sound. unpaired, soft unpaired [a] ch., unstressed 7 letters, 7 sounds

    7 6. Proposal. A sentence is a word or several words that express a complete thought. The words in a sentence are related in meaning. Punctuation marks at the end of sentences. A period if something is reported in a sentence, the sentence is pronounced with a calm intonation. A question mark if the sentence contains a question. An exclamation point if the sentence is pronounced with strong feeling. Sentences are: 3. According to the number of grammatical bases. simple ones have one grammatical basis A strong wind rose. complex ones have two or more grammatical stems. A strong wind rose and the trees rustled. 4. By the presence of secondary members. common have secondary members. Schoolchildren sing their favorite songs. undistributed ones consist only of the main members. Schoolchildren sing. 1. According to the purpose of the statement, narrative statements report, narrate about something. I felt the coolness of the evening. interrogatives contain the question Which way will you go? motivating encourage action Be sure to read this book. 2. By intonation. exclamatory non-exclamatory express any feelings are pronounced with a calm intonation, without expressing any feelings How beautiful the forest is in autumn! Take care of nature! The tourists quickly set up their tents. 7. Appeal. An address is a word or a combination of words that names the person (person or object) to whom the speech is addressed. Punctuation marks. Appeals are separated by commas at the beginning and end of the sentence, and separated by commas in the middle of the sentence. What, Ivanushka, is he sad? (word) Why did you hang your head? Have mercy, fish lady. (phrase)

    8 8. Members of the sentence. When words are combined into a sentence, each of them becomes one of the members of the sentence. Each member of the sentence has its own purpose. 9. Collocation A phrase consists of a main and a dependent word. The connection between words is established using questions. The question is posed from the main word to the dependent one. wheat (what kind?) thick main members of the sentence (grammatical basis of the sentence) it contains the main meaning of the sentence How to find phrases in a sentence. 1. Highlight the grammatical basis (find the subject and predicate). 2. Underline all minor members with a wavy line. the subject predicate denotes about whom or what is being said what is being said about the subject who? What? what to do? what to do? questions 3. See if you can ask a question to any of the minor members from the subject, then from the predicate, then from one minor member to the next. 4. These will be phrases. Example. Fluffy clouds floated in the blue sky. secondary members of the sentence explain the main and other members of the sentence of whom? what? to whom? what? by whom? how? about whom? about what? Which? whose? Where? Where? How? When? where? clouds (what?) fluffy floated (where?) in the sky in the sky (what?) blue. The subject and predicate are not a phrase, because both are the main members of the sentence. The plane is flying.

    9 10. Homogeneous members of the sentence. Homogeneous are those members of a sentence that answer the same question and refer to the same word. Pronounced with the intonation of enumeration. members of the sentence homogeneous subjects homogeneous predicates homogeneous minor members questions who? What? what does it do? what did you do? what will it do? Which? how? How? (and other questions) Punctuation marks between homogeneous members. examples Rivers, banks and trees are flooded pink. O, O and O Tractors plow, loosen the soil. Oh, Oh Cold, heavy clouds rushed over the earth. Oh, Oh The guys drew with pencils and paints. O and O Reluctantly and timidly, the sun looks at the fields. O and O are placed with a comma if there are no conjunctions. Silver webs fell on the trees, on the bushes, on the grass. O, O, O before the conjunctions A, BUT Books do not speak, but they tell the truth. Oh, and Oh The moon shines, but does not warm. Oh, but O, a comma is not placed if there is a union And between Silver webs fell on two similar trees and bushes. O and O members 11. Parts of speech There are 10 parts of speech in the Russian language: noun, adjective, numeral, pronoun, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, particle, interjection. parts of speech and their meaning independent parts of speech part of speech what does it mean questions noun subject who? What? name adjective what is the sign of an object? whose? verb action subject what to do? what to do? pronoun (I, we, you, you, indicates an object, but does not name it who? what? he, she, it, they) name numeral number of objects or how many? adverb (unchangeable part of speech) preposition (with words written separately) particle their order when counting what? where is the sign of action? When? Where? where? How? For what? and other auxiliary parts of speech at, in, to, on, from, by, before, for, under, about, with, over, before, with, about, without, through, for, between, about, etc. not 12 . Cognate (related) words. Cognate words are words with the same root, which contains the common lexical meaning of all cognate words. garden planting garden - plant Forms of the word are the same word in different forms(case, number, gender, tense changes): garden garden garden garden.

    10 13. Composition of the word. Root The root of a word is the main significant part of the word. The root contains the general lexical meaning of all cognate words. To find the root, you need to select words with the same root and highlight the common part in them. Submariner water, water, water. Run, run, run, run. Ending An ending is a changeable significant part of a word, which forms the form of a word and serves to connect words in phrases and sentences. To find the ending in a word, you need to change the form of the word: window window. endings expressed by the sound road, green, go out zero ending bear, table, pencil without endings (unchangeable words) cafe, highway, coat, coffee, fast road - roads, green green, go out - go out bear bears, table table, pencil - pencil - Prefix A prefix is ​​a significant part of a word that comes before the root and serves to form words. To find a prefix in a word, you need to select a word with the same root without a prefix or with a different prefix. inscribe write, write down save saves, save school school, schoolboy Prefixes: do-, on-, pro-, o-/about-, from-, under-, on-, over-, for-, pre-, re-, at-, pre-, you-, in-, u-, s-, etc. Suffix A suffix is ​​a significant part of a word that comes after the root and serves to form new words. To find a suffix, you need to select words with the same root without a suffix or with other suffixes. The part of the word that comes after the root before the ending will be the suffix. Grass grass, blade of grass, grass, herbal. Suffixes: -ist, -chik, -schik, -er, -nik, -tel, -ar, -ir, -ushk, -yushk, - onk, -enk, -ochk, -echk, -onok, -yonok, -at, -yat, -its, -ikh, -ik, -ok, -yshk, -k, -ink, -nits, -yonk, -onk, -sk, -n, -liv, -chiv, -ov , -ovat, -evat, etc. A stem is a part of a word without an ending. The basis is the lexical meaning of the word. To find the base, you need to separate the ending. Room base room Watering is the basis of watering.

    11 The order of parsing a word according to its composition (morphemic parsing). 1.End. To find the ending in a word, you need to change the form of the word: window window. 2. Base. This is part of a word without ending. window 3. Root. To find the root, you need to select words with the same root and highlight the common part in them. Submariner water, water, water. Run, run, run, run. 4. Prefix. To find a prefix in a word, you need to select a word with the same root without a prefix or with a different prefix. inscribe write, write down save saves, save school school, schoolboy 5. Suffix. To find a suffix, you need to select words with the same root without a suffix or with other suffixes. The part of the word that comes after the root before the ending will be the suffix. Grass grass, blade of grass, grass, herbal.

    12 14. Noun. A noun is a part of speech that answers the question who? or what? and denotes: specific objects: table, bread, living beings: children, bear, magpie, plants: lily of the valley, pine, natural phenomena: snow, blizzard, properties, qualities: courage, kindness, events: holiday, parade, geographical names: Moscow , Volga. Initial form noun: singular, nominative case: Motherland, earth, sky. hero. Animate and inanimate nouns. Animated who? whale, boy, bullfinch. Inanimate what? planet, school, field. Proper and common nouns. Proper names: first names, patronymics, last names, names of animals, geographical and astronomical names, names of films, books, theaters, performances, holidays. Written with a capital letter: the city of Tolyatti, the planet Venus, the story “Shark”, the motor ship “Pushkin”. Common nouns are written with a small letter: street, desk, crow. Number of nouns. in one number shore nest sail apple plural. including shores nests sails apples Gender of nouns. feminine (she is mine) spring, sister, daughter, notebook masculine(he is mine) horse, oak, friend, brother have only one form. numbers sugar highway youth cottage cheese neuter (it's mine) cloud, plant have only plural form. numbers chess sleds, cream, trousers, glasses, scissors, scales, backgammon nouns of general gender (gender depends on who is being spoken about) crybaby, slob, greedy, smart girl, bully, couch potato 1. Gender is not determined for nouns that have a form only plural numbers: sled, vacation, railing, ink. 2. Unchangeable inanimate beings. belong to the neuter gender: cafe, coat, popsicle, highway, metro, taxi. 3. Unchangeable animate beings. belong to the masculine gender: kangaroos, chimpanzees, hummingbirds, grizzlies, flamingos. 4. Shampoo, tulle, masculine coffee. Soft sign at the end of nouns. written at the end of nouns. feminine daughter, night, speech, silence is not written at the end of nouns. masculine swift, reed, comrade in gendered nouns. plural case numbers: from the shoulders, from behind the clouds, many tasks

    13 Case of nouns. indirect cases case questions prepositions Nominative who? What? Genitive of whom? what? at, about, from, without, from, before, (not) for, around, with, after Dative to whom? what? by, to (give) Accusative of whom? What? through, about, on, for, under, about, in, (see) in Creative by whom? how? with, with, before, above, for, between (satisfied) Prepositional about whom? about what? at, about, about, on, in, in (I think) To determine the case, you need to: 1. find a word with which the noun is connected in meaning and pose a case question from it, 2. determine the case using the case question. A noun in the nominative case is the subject of a sentence. Animate masculine nouns in the genitive and accusative answer the same question: whom? To correctly determine the case, you need to replace this noun with animate feminine nouns or inanimate masculine nouns. R. p. (no) who? baby (girl, table) V. p. (see) who? baby, (girl, table) Declension. Declension is the change of nouns by case. declension 1st 2nd 3rd gender feminine masculine feminine masculine neuter ending -a, -i zero -o, -e zero (b) example book, uncle horse, table, key sea, sky, school mother, lie, quiet, youth Ways to check unstressed personal endings of nouns. Method 1 Method 2 1. determine the case 2. determine the declension 3. remember the ending (see table) letter (to whom?) to grandmother (grandmother D. p., grandmother 1st cl. write E) act (according to what?) according to conscience (according to conscience D. p., conscience 3rd class we write I) Case endings of nouns. replace the word with an unstressed ending with a word of the same declension with a stressed ending thought about the Motherland thought about the earth trees in frost trees in silver saw in an ice hole saw in the steppe 1st class. 2 cl. 3 cl. R. p. -I, -Y -I D. p. -E -I P. p -E -E -I

    14 15. Adjective. An adjective is a part of speech that denotes a characteristic of an object and answers the questions: what? whose? In a sentence it is related in meaning to a noun. What is the initial form? - Im. p., units h., husband r. Spelling compound adjectives. Compound adjectives that denote color and shades of colors are written with a hyphen. dark red, pale pink Gender of adjectives. Changes by gender only in the singular. Always in the same gender as the noun with which the adjective is related in meaning. good name neuter gender The plural does not change according to gender. Changing adjectives by gender. masculine gender feminine gender neuter gender what? whose? which? whose? which? whose? endings -OH /-YH /- IY -AYA /- YA good (day) distant (path) forest (beast) The number of adjectives. good (news) distant (grove) The adjective changes according to numbers. -OE / -EE good (morning) distant (field) interesting (book) unit. h.; interesting (books) pl. h. The adjective has the same number as the noun with which it is associated. Question about plural adjectives. which? Declension of adjectives (change by case). I. p. R. p. D. p. V. p. T. p. P. p. masculine gender feminine neuter plural which? which? which? which? dear, dear, dear, dear, green, blue green, blue blue blue which? Which? which one? which ones? dear, dear, dear, dear, blue blue blue blue which? Which? which one? what? dear, dear, dear, dear, blue blue blue blue what? Which? which one? which? which? which ones? native (person), native, native, native (places), blue (color) blue blue native (people) what? Which? what? what? dear, dear, dear, dear, blue blue blue blue what? Which? which one? which ones? native, blue native, blue How to determine the case of an adjective. native, blue native, blue The adjective is in the same gender, number and case as the noun to which the adjective refers. Determine the case of the noun, the same case for the adjective. about the native house about the house (about what?) etc., about the native etc.

    15 Case endings of adjectives. To check the unstressed case ending of an adjective, you need to: 1. select an adjective in the same case, but with a stressed ending in the cloudless sky in the blue sky; 2. check the ending using a question (except for masculine singular adjectives in the nominative case, what? -oh, -his tasty, blue what? -oh, - him tasty, blue what? -oh, -im tasty, blue about what? -oh delicious, blue what? blue which ones, -their tasty ones, blue ones? Full form: interesting, difficult, funny. Short form: (what?) - interesting (what?) - difficult (what?) - fun 16. Pronoun. A pronoun is a part of speech that points to objects but does not name them. Initial form: nominative case. Personal pronouns. number 1st person 2nd person 3rd person singular I you he, she, it plural we you they Declension of personal pronouns. Genus. personal pronouns I. p. I we you you he she it they R. p. me us you you his her his them D. p. me us you you him her him them V. p. me us you you his her his them Etc. me us you you them her them them P. p. about me about us about you about you about him By gender, only 3rd person singular pronouns change: he, she, it. about her about him about them Prepositions with personal pronouns are written separately: to us, from me, with them. After prepositions, the pronoun is written with the letter N: from them, with us. After the prepositions in spite of, thanks to, towards, the letter N is not written: in spite of him, thanks to her, towards them.

    16 17. Verb. A verb is a part of speech that denotes the action of an object and answers the questions what to do? what to do? Infinitive. This is the initial form of the verb. Verbs in the indefinite form answer the questions what to do? what to do? The initial form does not indicate tense, number or gender of verbs. They end in t, -ti, -ch (suffixes). Verb suffixes: -e, -i, -a, -ya, -yva, -iva, -ova, -eva, -va, -nu, etc. Number of verbs. Verbs in the singular denote the action of one object and answer the questions what does it do? what will he do? what did you do? what will it do? Plural verbs denote the actions of two or more objects and answer the questions what are they doing? what will they do? what did you do? what will they do? Verb tenses. Present tense. They denote actions that occur in the present tense, at the moment of speech. They answer the questions what does it do? what are they doing? Past tense. Denote actions that have already occurred or occurred in the past tense. They answer the questions: what did you do? what did you do? what did you do? what did you do? Future tense. Indicate actions that will occur. They answer the questions what will it do? what will they do? what will it do? what will they do? Changing verbs by tense. indefinite form of the verb present tense past tense future tense what to do? what does it do? what did you do? what will it do? what to do? - what did you do? what will he do? Gender of verbs in the past tense. The singular past tense verbs change: the husband was shining. r., female luminary r., luminary medium. r. Plural past tense verbs do not change. Depends on the gender of the noun with which the verb is connected in meaning: the sun (what did it do?) shined in the neuter gender. Most verbs in the past tense have the suffix L. The suffix L forms the past tense form and is not included in the stem of the word. Spelling is NOT with verbs. The particle NOT with verbs is written separately. The particle NOT with a verb gives the statement a negative Number of verbs. Verbs in the singular denote the action of one object and answer the questions what does it do? what will he do? what did you do? what will it do? Plural verbs denote the actions of two or more objects and answer the questions what are they doing? what will they do? what did you do? what will they do? The endings EAT, -EAT, -ISH are written with a soft sign.

    17 Soft sign in verbs. Verbs have 2 persons singular. Numbers in the endings EAT, EAT, EAT are written b. you go, read, put the face of the verbs. Present and future tense verbs have a face shape. 1st person: I write, we write 2nd person: you write, you write 3rd person: he writes, they write To determine the person, you need to substitute a personal pronoun for the verb: you read you read (you are the pronoun 2nd person singular, which means verb you read 2 persons). Verb conjugation. Conjugation is the change of verbs by persons and numbers in the form of the present and future tense. singular plural 1st person (I) am silent (we) are silent 2nd person (you) are silent (you) are silent 3rd person (he) is silent (they) are silent According to personal endings, verbs are divided into verbs 1 and 2 conjugations. How to determine conjugation. According to the indefinite form of the verb. except: shave, lay, for verbs with an unstressed personal ending 2 conjugation all verbs in - IT 7 verbs in EAT: endure, twirl, offend, depend, hate, see, watch (and derivatives from them: unscrew) 4 verbs in AT: breathe, hold, drive, hear (drive away, hear) 1 conjugation all other verbs with endings at, -et, -ot, -ut for example: fight, sow, sway, soar, be late, blush, fall asleep. For example, the verb glue ends in IT, this is a verb of 2 conjugations. Note: there is no ending OT in verbs, it is written ЁТ: guards, protects. Reflexive verbs. These are verbs with the suffix SY: laugh, rejoice. 1 conjugation in the endings E, - UT, -YUT 2 conjugation in the endings I, - AT, - YAT we fight, we fight, we fight, we fight, we see, we see, we see, we see, we see TSY and TSY. TEST if the verb answers the questions what to do? what to do? (there is a b in the question): hurry up (what to do?), apologize (what to do?). TSY if there is no soft sign in the question: laughs (what does he do?), apologizes (what does he do?)

    18 18. Spelling. A spelling is a letter whose spelling needs to be checked or remembered. 1. Unstressed vowels at the root of the word. a) Verifiable. To check which letter represents an unstressed vowel sound, you need to change the word or choose a word with the same root so that the unstressed vowel sound becomes stressed. tree trees, green - greenery The word being checked is a word in which you need to check the spelling of the letter. A test word is a word in which the letter being tested is stressed. b) Unverifiable. Untestable unstressed vowels are those for which a test word cannot be found. The spelling of unchecked unstressed vowels must be memorized or checked in a dictionary. drawing, painting, dog The spelling dictionary indicates how to spell a word correctly. 2. Voiceless and voiced consonants at the root of the word and at the end of the word. To find a test word, you need to change the word or select a single-root word so that the paired consonant stands before the vowel or the sounds [l] [m] [n] [r] [v]. shore shore, carrot carrot 3. Unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word. When three or four consonants occur in a word at once, one of them may not be pronounced. To correctly denote an unpronounceable consonant with a letter, you need to choose a word with the same root in which this consonant is pronounced clearly. terrain place, late be late Remember: feeling, stairs 4. Double consonants. The spelling of words with double consonants must be checked in the dictionary. antenna, collection, appetite 5. Suffixes IR/-EK In the suffix IR, when the form of a word changes, the vowel letter is retained. kalachik kalachik, pencil - pencil In the suffix EK, when the form of the word changes, the vowel letter disappears. pebble pebble, pea pea 6. Suffix OK, - ONOK After the hissing words (zh, sh, h, sch) under the stress in the suffix OK the letter O is written: hook, pie, fluff, borscht, mouse. Without emphasis E: pebble, lamb, puppy. 7. O and E after sibilants and C at the endings of nouns In the instrumental case under the stress O, without stress E: doctor, task, chick, bird. 8. Prefixes and prepositions. A prefix is ​​a significant part of a word and is written together. ran, suburban, write A preposition is an independent part of speech, written separately with other words. You can insert another word or question between the preposition and the word. along the path along the forest path along what? Prepositions are not used with verbs. 9. Compound adjectives. Compound adjectives denoting color are written with a hyphen: bright red, dark green.

    19 10. b and b signs soft separating sign after consonants in the root or after the root before the letters E, E, Yu, I softening shows the softness of the preceding consonant indicator of the form of feminine nouns in verbs 2nd person singular. numbers in the endings EAT, - EAT, - ISH are a solid separating sign after prefixes that end in a consonant before the letters E, E, Yu, I am a gun, a blizzard is life, an orange rye, a daughter, be quiet, go, read, put it up, ad 11. Letter combinations CHK, CHN, CHT, NShch, ShchN. In these letter combinations the soft sign is not written. girl, night, accurate, reading, powerful, racer. 12. The hissing consonants ZH, SH, CH, SHCH. ZHI and SHI write with the letter I. CHA and SHCHA write with the letter A. CHU and SHCHU write with the letter U. life, machine, thicket, miracle, pike 13. Capital letter. The names of cities, streets, rivers, lakes, seas, first names, patronymics, last names, animal names are written with a capital letter. Tolyatti city, Gorky street, Volga river, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, dog Zhuchka

    20 19. The order of parsing a word as a part of speech. (Morphological analysis.) 1. Noun. 1. Name the noun in the form in which it is used in the sentence. 2. What does a noun mean and what question does it answer? 3. Name the initial form of the noun (nominative case, singular). 4. Determine the characteristics of a noun: animate or inanimate, proper or common noun, gender, case, number, role in a sentence. Sample written analysis. The master's work is afraid. Case noun. (What?). N. f. case. Inanimate, vernacular, cf. r., in I. p., in units. h., subject. Masters no. (whom?). N. f. master. Odush., narit., m.r., in R. p., in units. Part 2 member. 2. Adjective. 1. Name the adjective in the form in which it is used in the sentence. 2. What does the adjective mean and what question does it answer? Which noun does it refer to? 3. Name the initial form of the adjective (nominative case, masculine, singular - which one?) 4. Determine the characteristics of the adjective: gender (singular), number, case, role in the sentence. Sample written analysis. Coniferous trees stood in the silvery frost. Coniferous adj. (which?). N. f. coniferous. In plural h., in I. p.. Deut. member. Silver adj. (which one?). N. f. silver. In husband r., in units Part., in P. p. Deut. member. 3. Verb. 1. Name the verb in the form in which it is used in the sentence. What does the verb mean and what question does it answer? 2. Name the initial (indefinite) form of the verb (what to do? what to do?). 3. Determine the characteristics of a verb: conjugation, tense, person and number (for verbs in the present or future tense, gender (for verbs in the past tense, singular), role in a sentence. Sample of written analysis. The sensitive reed is dozing. Ch. is dozing . (what does?). N. doze. In present tense. Predicate 1. Part of speech, which indicates. . Person, number, case. 4. example of written analysis. The leader was with us (C) personal pronoun we, 1st person, plural. ., second member.

    21 20. Spelling dictionary. address, addresses alphabet antenna [te] watermelon, watermelons dabble bows take, took, took to be, was, was to take, took, took, took the gate in front coat of arms, coats of arms give, gave, gave give, gives a jumper director, directors agreement, contracts rain [dosh] [dosht] document, documents leisure lark, larks waited, waited enviably ask, asked, asked, asked busy, busy, busy locked, locked, locked seal called, called to call, calling, calling engineer, engineers tools, tools spark, spark pockets catalog kilometer, kilometers glue, glue, glue combiner, combiner compass computer [e] of course [shn] crane, cranes beautiful, more beautiful easy [xk], easy [xk] shop, shops month, months museum [z] purposely [shn] to begin, began, began cloud, clouds to lighten, facilitate the parterre repeat, repeat, repeated call, call put, put, put assistant [shn] understood, understood, understood briefcase, briefcases bonus sheet, sheet shell belt centimeter, centimeters beets sweater [te] today [v] behind orphan, orphans birdhouse [sh] boring [sh] means, means glass, glasses statue carpenter, carpenters lowercase (letter) happiness [sch] counter [sch] cottage cheese and cottage cheese tennis [te] thermos [te] cake, cakes tractor, tractors, tractors tram shoe, shoes deepen plywood [n] foil endpaper, endpapers chaos, chaos pine needles owner, owners want, want, want cement gypsies what to [w] scarf, scarves closet, wardrobes highway [se] driver, drivers sorrel scrambled eggs [shn]

    22 21. Spelling dictionary. A car agronomist address neat alley alphabet album appetite April B luggage shore birch conversation talk library librarian ticket wealth boots quickly In the carriage suddenly everywhere bicycle fun wind together station around sparrow crow eight Sunday east ahead Tuesday yesterday D newspaper carnation hero burn horizon city peas D twenty twelve girl on duty December village director road goodbye E still F wish iron yellow animal Z factory tomorrow breakfast dawn hare here hello strawberries And excuse me from afar engineer frost interesting K calendar vacation cabbage pan pencil picture potatoes pan apartment kilogram kilometer class collective collection commander combine harvester room computer skates ship cow Red Square Kremlin bed cosmonaut fire suit L camp stairs fox shovel better frog M shop raspberry boy car furniture bear slow month metal blizzard metro milk hammer carrot frost Moscow N back, left to right people November O lunch monkey cloud defense oats vegetables sheep vegetable garden cucumber clothes eleven once dandelion about October nut aspen father P coat passenger passenger landscape pencil case sand parsley pie handkerchief victory weather please tomato Monday portrait dishes then poet government holiday chairman beautiful friendly traveler travel wheat Friday goodbye P work worker rocket plant

    23 distance guys drawing homeland daisy Russia Russian rowan C salute plane boots sugar sparkle from above sweater freedom north today now seeds September seeder lilac soon on the left bullfinch from below dog soldier straw magpie thank you on the right Wednesday glass capital Saturday T plate TV telecast phone now diesel locomotive notebook comrade ax tractor tram Dinner street harvest student student teacher teacher F surname February X farmer owner farm good H man Thursday four black feeling W sixteen walked highway driver S sorrel E excursion electricity electric locomotive power station I apple apple tree berry tongue January

    1. Language and speech. 2.Text. 3. Dialogue. 4. Word. 5. Word and syllable. 6. Word wrapping. 7. Emphasis. 8. Sounds and letters. 9. Spelling. Rules-memo for the Russian language. 1st grade. 10. Orthoepic dictionary. 11.

    1. Language and speech. 2. Text. 3. Vocabulary. 4. Word. 5. Sounds and letters. 6. Offer. 7. Members of the proposal. Rules-memo for the Russian language. 2nd grade. 8. Cognate words and word forms. 9. Parts of speech. 10.

    Hard Voiced: [b] [v] [g] [d] [g] [z] Voiceless: [p] [f] [k] [t] [w] [s] CONSONANTS PAIRED CONSONANTS Soft [b] [ in ] [g ] [d ] [z ] [p ] [f ] [k ] [t ] [s ] UNPAIRED CONSONANTS Hard Voiced:

    Speech. Text. Offer. Word. The text consists of sentences, and sentences consist of words. Text A sentence is a word or several words that express a complete thought. Sentence Each sentence is pronounced

    Memo on the Russian language 2013 List of spellings 1. Capital letter. A period at the end of a sentence. 2. Omission, replacement, distortion of letters. 3. Division into syllables. 4. Word transfer. 5. Soft sign (b) indicates softness.

    Work program in Russian By the end of grade 3, students who have mastered educational material of this program, must master the following knowledge and skills: Know: What is Language and Speech. Text. Offer.

    1. Language and speech. 2. Text. 3. Vocabulary. 4. Word and syllable. 5. Sounds and letters. 6. Offer. 7. Appeal. 8. Collocation. 9. Members of the sentence. 10. Similar words. 11. Composition of the word. 12. Noun.

    MEMO FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS Russian language. Working on mistakes 1. Capital letter at the beginning of a sentence Write the sentence correctly. Come up with and write another sentence. Underline the capital letter.

    Russian language grade 3b 169 hours December 2018 Topic 1 Introduction to the textbook “Russian language” (grade 3). Types of speech and their purpose. Speech is a reflection of human culture. What is the tongue for? Purpose of language and

    Basic spelling patterns of the Russian language Letters I, A, U after hissing words Combinations ZHI SHI are written with the letter I. Snakes, reeds, knives, babies. The combinations CHA SCHA are written with the letter A. Cup, dacha, candle, sorrel. BC combinations

    Memos Russian language grade 4 1. How to prepare for writing from memory 2. How to prepare for presentation 3. How to write a narrative text 4. How to write a descriptive text 5. How to write a reasoning text

    Calendar and thematic planning in the Russian language, grade 4 Section Topic Content element 1 Speech development Signs of the text: semantic unity of sentences, title, topic, text plan Getting to know the textbook

    “Russian language” First grader distinguish, compare: -sounds and letters; -stressed and unstressed vowel sounds; -hard and soft consonants, voiceless and voiced consonants; -sound, syllable, word; -word

    Dear teachers and parents, an important role in the formation of a socially conscious and spiritually rich personality is played by the appropriate education received by the child in elementary school. First of all, it is aimed

    Memo for working on mistakes in the Russian language 1. Period at the end of the sentence. Write the sentence correctly. Put a period at the end. Do this: The birds have flown away. 2. Syllables zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-shu. Write it out

    A reminder for working on mistakes in the Russian language in elementary school. 1. Omission, replacement of a letter. Write the word correctly 1 time, underline the letter. House. 2. Making an offer. Remember! First word in a sentence

    THEMATIC PLANNING OF THE CURRICULUM SUBJECT “RUSSIAN LANGUAGE” Educational complex “School of Russia” 3rd grade Section topic Number of hours Contents Language and speech 2 Our speech. Types of speech. Our language. Text. Offer. 14 Text. Types

    Thematic planning of Russian language lessons (5 hours per week - 170 hours) Lesson topic OUR SPEECH (3 hours) Types of speech (2 hours) 1. Introduction to the textbook. What kind of speech is there? 2. What can you learn about a person by

    Reminders on the Russian language In the Russian language there are 33 letters, 10 vowels, 6 sounds, 21 consonants, 36 sounds. They do not indicate sounds: ь, ъ aоуе ылмн йр bвг зжьяейьee p f k t s w x c h sch b Designate

    EXPLANATORY NOTE This adapted work program in the Russian language for grade 5 meets the requirements of the federal component of the State Standard for Basic general education And

    Appendix SAMPLE THEMATIC PLANNING of Russian language lessons in the th grade () 0 0. Word Introductory lesson. Introducing the textbook “Russian language (first lessons)” Repeating vowel sounds and letters Vowels

    Poteshnova N.B., primary school teacher, School 69 named after B.Sh. Okudzhava" Topic: "PARTS OF SPEECH" NOUN This is a part of speech that designates (names) objects, natural phenomena, qualities, answers

    Material for testing in the Russian language. 5-7 grades. QUESTIONS Grade 5 1. Noun (definition) 2. Adjective (definition) 3. Verb (definition) 4. How to determine the conjugation of a verb 5.

    Subsection Name of section and topics Characteristics of main activities Hours of instructional time Planned completion dates Plan Fact Note 1 Our speech and our language. Speech development. Composing the text

    Repetition (h) Our speech and our language. (h) Our speech and our language. Dialogue and monologue speech. Magic words of Russian speech: words of greeting, words of farewell, words of request, words of apology, etc. Norms

    Explanatory note The individual work program in the Russian language for grade 3 was developed and compiled in accordance with the requirements of the “Federal component of the state standard of general education,

    Calendar and thematic planning in the Russian language, grade 3. Section Topic Content element 1 Speech development Text. Text features. Title of the text. Introduction to the textbook “Russian Language”. Our speech

    Municipal educational institution"Suburban average secondary school» “APPROVED”: Director /Smirnova O.N./ Order dated 2015 Appendix to the Russian language work program for

    Calendar and thematic planning Russian language (4th grade) Authors: V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky Vocabulary, phonetics, grammar, spelling and speech development 136 hours Remember, repeat, study (32

    46 SECTION 3. CALENDAR-THEMIC PLANNING (GRADE 4) 1 Total number of hours per year 170, per week 5. Lesson number Lesson topic Number of hours SENTENCE 30 1 Main and minor members of the sentence

    Dear teachers and parents The appropriate education received by students in primary school plays an important role in the formation of a conscious and spiritually rich personality. First of all, it is aimed at

    RUSSIAN LANGUAGE (5 HOURS PER WEEK, 170 HOURS PER YEAR) Planned subject results 1. Formation of initial ideas about the unity and diversity of the linguistic and cultural space of Russia, about

    The program is compiled on the basis of the requirements for the result of mastering the educational program of the NOU MBOU "Secondary School 7". Planned results: The student will learn to: listen to texts performed by the teacher and students; consciously, correctly,

    Calendar thematic planning in the Russian language of the educational complex “School of Russia”. Kanakina V.P. 2nd grade (136 hours, 4 hours per week) Kanakina V.P., Goretsky V.G. Russian language. Textbook for general education organizations.

    WORK PROGRAM at 208-209 academic year in Russian (specify subject) Level of education (grade) _ primary general general 2a, 2b, 2k, 2l, 2m, 2u, 2e, 2yu, 2ya (primary general, basic general, secondary

    2.2.2. The main content of academic subjects of primary general education Russian language Types of speech activity Listening. Awareness of the purpose and situation of oral communication. Adequate perception of sound

    O.V. Uzorova, E.A. Nefedova 80 BASIC RULES OF SPELLING AND PUNCTUATION OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 1 4th grade AST Astrel Moscow UDC 373:811.161.1 U34 U34 Uzorova, Olga Vasilievna. Fedova Moscow: AST: Astrel,

    O.V. Uzorova, E.A. Nefedova RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Exercises and tests for each lesson 4 CLASS AST Moscow UDC 373:811.161.1 BBK 81.2Rus-922 U34 U34 Uzorova, Olga Vasilievna. Russian language. Exercises and tests for

    Department of Social Policy of the Administration of the City of Kurgan municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Kurgan “Secondary school 35” Considered at a meeting of the methodological

    Calendar thematic planning of Russian language lessons in 5th grade. Name of section and topics. Hours of teaching time. Language is the most important means of communication. Language and Man.09 Prep. date 2. Oral communication

    Thematic planning in Russian language 3rd grade. Section Topic Content element 1 Speech development Text. Text features. Title of the text. Sequence of sentences in the text. Introduction to the textbook

    P,p Topic lesson Number of hours in Repetition of phonetics and graphics. Test cheating on the topic “Repetition” 2 What is graphics. Phonetic analysis of the word Repetition of phonetics. Syllable and stress 3 Repetition of what has been learned

    Calendar-thematic planning in the Russian language 2nd grade 170 hours Lesson date (school week number) Name of sections and topics of lessons, forms and topics of control OUR SPEECH (3 Hrs) Types of speech () 1 Introduction

    Thematic planning Number of hours Date Teaching aids Characteristics of the main types of activities of students. Sections of the program and topics of lessons on fact cal Our speech and our language part. Distinguish between languages

    Calendar thematic planning in the Russian language 2nd grade (170 hours per academic year, 34 academic weeks, 5 hours per week) Textbook author: V.G. Goretsky Topic Number of hours Date according to plan Our speech (3 hours)

    Calendar and thematic planning in the Russian language, grade 2. p/n Program section Topic Content elements 1 Speech development Understanding the text read when reading aloud independently and when listening to it

    Municipal budgetary educational institution "Buretskaya secondary school", Bokhansky district, Irkutsk region Considered at a meeting of the NMS Minutes _23_ From "_28" 08 2016 Agreed

    Program for Russian language class and speech development class (6-7 years old) Phonetics. Graphics. Grammar Spelling. Restoring and improving writing skills acquired in preparatory group Job

    Abstract of the program “Russian language grades 1-4” Types of speech activity Listening. Awareness of the purpose and situation of oral communication. Adequate perception of spoken speech. Listening comprehension of information contained

    CONTENTS ABOUT LANGUAGE AND SPEECH.................................................... .... 3 1. Why does a person need language................................ 3 2. What are we we know about the Russian language...................................

    Lesson Section 1: Repetition (16 h) - 16 h Lesson topic 1. Our speech and our language. 1 2. Our speech and our language 1 3. Text (repetition and deepening of ideas) 1 4. Sentence (repetition and deepening of ideas

    Developed by teacher-speech therapist Alexander Aleksandrovich Lementuev 2014 0 Errors in the depiction of word patterns. Write down the word. Draw the correct sound diagram of the word, coloring all parts. Errors in the selection of synonyms.

    Lesson Topic of the lesson Our speech (4 hours) Number of hours Introduction to the textbook. What kind of speech is there? What can you learn about a person from his speech? 3 How to distinguish a dialogue from a monologue? 4 Knowledge test Text (5h) 5 What is

    50 SECTION 3. CALENDAR AND THEMATIC PLANNING (GRADE 3) Total number of hours per year 70, per week 5. Lesson number Topic Number of hours Note (methodological support of the topic) REPEATMENT 8 Sentence.

    PLANNED RESULTS OF MASTERING THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE PROGRAM OS “Primary School of the XXI Century” Personal results studying the Russian language in primary school are: - awareness of the language as the main means

    Explanatory note Work program of the academic subject "Russian language" for 3rd grade students with delay mental development for the 2016-2017 academic year is compiled based on the requirements of the Federal

    According to plan Factual Note Calendar-thematic planning in the Russian language According to plan p/n In topic Topic of the lesson Number of hours Date Repetition (hours) Acquaintance with the textbook “Russian language”. Our speech and our

    Municipal state educational institution “Kopylovskaya basic secondary school” p. Kopylovka, Kolpashevsky district, Tomsk region Considered at a meeting of the pedagogical council

    Municipal government educational institution "Secondary school of the village of Verkh-koyon" of the Iskitimsky district of the Novosibirsk region Adopted by decision methodological unification teachers protocol

    RUSSIAN LANGUAGE EXPLANATORY NOTE The “School of Russia” set was chosen as the basis for thematic planning - one of the most common and popular educational sets recommended by the Ministry

    Demo version work on the Russian language for entrance tests to grade 5. Task 1. Write down the text from dictation. Sailboat. There was a large painting hanging in the dining room. She looked like a wide window

    Lesson Section: OUR SPEECH (3 hours) - 3 hours Lesson topic. Introduction to the textbook. Language and speech, their significance in people's lives. 2. Native language, its significance in people's lives. Speech requirements. 3. Dialogue and monologue. Speech

    Calendar and thematic planning Grade 4 Subject of the lesson Main content on the topic Notes 1st quarter (45 hours) Repeat, learn new things (22 hours) 1 Speech communication. Speech is oral and written. Concept

    Abstract to the work program "Russian language" for the level of primary general education from grades 1-4. The work program for the Russian language is based on the following regulatory documents: - Federal


    1. Vowels after sibilants ZHI - SHI, CHA - SHCHA, CHU - SHCHU. Write it out
    word, underline the vowel after the sibilants, add 4 more words to this rule.

    Do So: mung beanAnd on, skiAnd , lily of the valleyAnd , hedgehogAnd

    2 . Unstressed vowels at the root of the word. Write down the word, select words with the same root, and underline the test word among them.

    Do this: mO rya - mO rskoy, mO ryak,sea

    3 . Unstressed vowels, unverified by stress. Write down the word
    match it with the same root, emphasize the unstressed vowels,
    come up with and write a sentence with this word.

    Do this: ABOUT gherkin -O buckwheat -O gurchik.

    We have collected a good harvest of cucumbers.

    4 . Spelling of the prefix. Write down the word, highlight the prefix.
    Form 4 words with this prefix. Remember the spelling of prefixes.

    Do this: under went,under carried,under nyal,under fed.

    5 . Voiced and voiceless consonants. Write out the word, underline it
    dubious consonant, match it with the same root, underline
    among them is verification.

    Do this: dub ki, doob , d bastard , oak.

    6 . Double consonants. Write the word down. Determine why the double consonant is written:

    - at the junction of root and suffix:

    autumn - autumnNN th

    - at the junction of prefix and root:

    rass hell, bydd hold onss kaz

    - at the root:

    subb ota, mass a, nepp He

    Parse the word according to its composition, add 1-2 words using the same rule.

    Do this: rass hellbb wait, ohtt epel, maNN oh, withNN oh,

    lengthNN oh, class , vaNN ah, kass a

    7 . Spelling unpronounceable consonants. Write the word down. Choose a few related words for it, highlight the root, underline the test.

    Do this: starsd ny,star, star

    8 . Spelling of prefixes.

    REMEMBER! A prefix is ​​a part of a word. It is written with the word.

    Write the word down. Select the prefix, form from this word words of the same root with different prefixes.

    Do this: for was drivingat was drivingat was drivingfrom went

    9 . Spelling a preposition.

    REMEMBER! A preposition is a part of speech. It is written separately.

    From the sentence in which there is a mistake, write down the word with a preposition. Put a question between the word and the preposition. Prove that this is an excuse.

    Do this: Storm clouds are floating across the sky.

    across_the sky (which one?)

    across the dark sky.

    Along the forest pathabout the hedgehog was running.
    Don't mix a prefix with a preposition.
    For example: Boatfrom swam from the shore.

    10 . "b" is an indicator of the softness of consonants.

    Write out the word, underline the soft sign “b” with the consonant. Write 4 words for this rule.

    Do this: cono ki, neno ki, kono , leno , oseno

    11 . Word transfer.

    Write down the word, divide it into syllables, divide it for transfer.

    Do this: u/che/nick, student,

    kol/lek/qi/ya, collection,

    12 . Composition of the word.

    Write the word down. Find the ending in the word by changing the word.
    Do this: tripA , tripAnd , tripOuch

    The part of the word that changes is the ending. Choose words with the same root.

    Do this: Byrides ki,rides OK,rides it,rides A.

    The root is the common part of the word.

    Select the root. There is a prefix before the root and a suffix after the root.

    Parse the whole word according to its composition.

    13 . Omission errorsletters, distortion of words, replacement of letters.
    Write down the word, divide it correctly into syllables, determine the number of vowels and consonants.

    Do this: so/ba/ka - 3 chapters, 3 pp.

    14. The separating "b" is a soft sign, write at the root of the word after
    consonant before the vowels i, e, e, i, yu.

    Write down the word, underline the syllable with the separating “b”, highlight the root, add 4 words to this rule.

    Do this: petitwhose , whethersya , view ha, foxtya , plathie .

    15. The separator "Ъ" is a hard sign written after the prefixes on
    consonant before the root vowels e, ё, ya, yu.

    Do this: , entrance, shrank, ad, ate.

    16. A soft sign at the end of nouns after sibilants.
    Write the word correctly. Determine gender. Write 4 more words for this rule.

    Do this: mouse f.r. daughterb , ovenb , broochb , hushb

    beam m.r.borscht, key, cloak, crying

    17. "Not" with verbs is written separately.

    Write down the verb with the particle "not". Write 2 more words with this particle.
    Do this: didn’t_come, didn’t_learn, didn’t_understand

    18. The combination "CHK", "CHN" is written without a soft sign.
    For example: before chk ah, but chk ah, plum chn oh, ovo schn Ouch.

    Write the word down. Underline the combination and add 3 words to this rule.
    Do this: Bychk a, cochk ah, butchn oh, sorochk A

    19. Parsing a sentence by parts of speech.

    Write out a proposal. Determine the parts of speech; to do this, pose a question for each word.

    Who? What? - noun

    Which? which? - adjective

    what does it do? what did you do? - verb

    in, on, for, with - preposition.

    Do this: n. adj. noun Ch. adj. noun

    Sweet strawberries have ripened in the depths of the forest.

    20. Analysis of the proposal by members of the proposal.

    Write out a proposal. Underline the subject and predicate. Write down the phrases. Remember that there are only 2 words in a phrase that depend on each other. The subject and predicate are not a phrase

    Do this: Autumn day children walked in the city park.
    Who? children are the subject

    the children (what were they doing?) were walking - this is a predicate

    walked (when?) during the day

    walked (where?) in the park

    on a (what?) autumn day

    in the (what?) city park.

    21. Sound analysis of a word.

    Do this: u/che/nick - 3 words, Zg, 6b., 6 stars.

    22. Remember the suffixes:

    Enk- -ov-

    small birch

    white maple

    long parent
    autumn teacher's
    Write down the word, highlight the suffix. Write 2 words for this rule.
    Do this: blackyenk oh, niceyenk yay, dearyenk th

    23. Case endings of nouns.

    Write out the noun, underline the ending, indicate the declension and case. Write down 4 nouns of the same declension, in the same case.

    Do this: In the villagese - villageI 1 cl. P.p.

    to the hute , to basketse

    Check the spelling of unstressed endings of nouns using the table:

    1 cl. 2 cl. 3 cl.

    R. p. who? what? -s(s) -i

    D. p. to whom? what? -e -i

    Etc. by whom? how? -Ouch. -ey -om.-em -yu

    P. p. about whom? about what? - e -e -i

    24. Spelling unstressed endings of adjectives.
    Put a question from a noun to an adjective, define
    gender, case Write down 3 adjectives with nouns in the same gender and case.

    Do this: sangWow apple

    appleoka (HowWow ?) ripe - Wed, r., R.p.

    goalgod lakes, beautifulWow wood, bluehis sky. Check the spelling of unstressed endings of adjectives using the following questions: which one? which? which one? about which one? which?

    25. Spelling the endings of 2nd person singular verbs.
    REMEMBER! In the endings of verbs of the 2nd person singular. written b

    write eat, knocking look.

    Write down the verb, determine the conjugation, person, number, add 3 verbs to the same rule.

    Do this: cheatoh yeah - 1sp., 2l., unit.

    riceeat, danceeat , ghouleat

    26. Spelling unstressed endings of verbs.

    REMEMBER ! Verb endings can be determined by

    indefinite form. The second conjugation includes verbs in -it (except shave, lay). Verbs of exclusion:breathe, hold, drive, hear, watch, see, offend, hate, depend,endure, twirl. The remaining verbs are I conjugation.

    The endings of verbs of the first conjugation are -eat, -et, -eat, -e,

    II conjugation -ish, -it, -im, -ite,

    Write down the verb, determine the conjugation, person, number, write 3 verbs using the same rule

    Do this: strictlythem- build 2 spr, 2l, plural

    holdingthem, draggingthem , coupethem

      Rewrite the entire text.

      Write the word five times, remember its spelling.

      Homogeneous members of the sentence.

    Write out a proposal. Find homogeneous members. Determine which members of the sentence they are. Emphasize them.

    REMEMBER! Before the union A , But there is always a comma.

    30. Capital letter in proper name.
    Write the word correctly. Write 2 more words using this spelling.
    Do this: AND Lya,P etrov, catM Urka, riverIN Olga,

    cityTO irov.

    REMEMBER! First names, patronymics and surnames of people, names of rivers, cities, seas, names of animals are written with a capital letter.

    31 . The beginning of a sentence is written with a capital letter.
    Write out the sentence, highlight the capital letter,

    At the end, put the required sign. Write down 3 more sentences on the same topic.
    Do this: In the wilderness of a forest there is a fox hole.

    Do you love autumn? Autumn is beautiful!

    The trees have put on their autumn attire.

    32 . Designation of softness of consonants.

    The softness of consonant sounds is indicated in writing by the letters ё, е, и, ю, я and the soft sign ch, sch, y - always soft consonants. Write the word down. Identify the letters that indicate the softness of the consonant. Underline the letters that represent still soft consonants. Add 4 more words to this rule.

    Do this: sch AV el b,h Ath ka,l silt, liker b,m unitsV go.

    33. Infinitive.

    What to do? What to do?

    -ty, -th, -whose

    carry drive take care

    get carried away chase keep safe
    Write down the word, pose a question, highlight the ending, select 2-3 words based on the same rule.
    Do this: What to do? Vezyou , crawlingyou , gresyou .

    What to do? Uvlewhose , harnesswhose , stereowhose .

    34. Punctuation at the end of a sentence (. ? ! ...)
    Write the sentence correctly. Come up with it
    yours or find a sentence in the textbook with this
    sign it and write it down. Underline the sign.

    35. Connecting vowels in compound words (o, e).
    Write the word correctly. Select the roots. Underline the vowel. Write 4 more words using this spelling.

    Do this: waterO cart, himselfO years.

    36. Complex sentence.

    Write it down correctly. Emphasize grammatical basics. Draw a diagram. Underline the comma.

    Do this: Dozing fish underwater,

    rests som gray-haired

    [ = -],[=-]

    37. SpellingO Ande at the endings of nouns after sibilants and c.

    At the endings of nouns instrumental case after sibilants and ts it is written under stress O, and without accent .

    ball O m, shower e m.

    Write out the word, highlight the ending, if the ending is stressed, write the letter O, if – unstressed write - e. Add 4 more words to this rule.

    Do this: drawingO m, trumpeterO m, starlingO m.

    she-wolvese th, titse th, wheate y.

    38. Spelling -tsya and -tsya in verbs.

    what does it do? or what will he do? , then the verb is in the 3rd person and the soft sign is not written in front of it.

    what's upno ? daretsya ; what did you dono ? dissolvetsya

    If the verb answers the question what to do? what to do?, then this verb is in an indefinite form and a soft sign is written in front of it.

    what's upt ? laughyes ; what did you dot ? Pleasedyes

    In the indefinite form of the verb after the letter h a soft sign is always written.

    stereowhose , cut.

    Write down the word, pose a question, if the question has a soft sign, write it in the verb. If there is no soft sign in the question, then it is a 3rd person verb and there is no need to write a soft sign. Write down 4 more verbs using the same rule.

    Do this: the goose is nibbling..sya - goose (what's upno ?) shchipletsya;

    stop being pretty - stop (what’s upt ?) krasovathere are

    39 . Spellings AndAnd afterc.

    - Letter And after ts written in the roots of words and in words with tion.

    quote, operational, discipline.

    Letter s after ts is written:

      in endings and suffixes:

    martensyn , birdss

      in the roots of words - exceptions:

    gypsy, chicks, chick, chick, chick.

    Write down the word, determine in which part of the word the vowel is located, remember the rule, if the root is not a word - an exception, then write the vowel And. If in a suffix or ending, write a vowel s. Write 4 more words using the same rule.

    This book contains a variety of reminders for you that will help you complete any teacher’s task: write a warning or explanatory dictation, an essay on a painting or an essay in the genre of an interview, an exposition or review (review) of a book you have read.

    (Scientific style)
    Paronyms are words that are close, but not identical in sound, different in meaning, and sometimes mistakenly used in speech one instead of the other. For example: a fact is a real, non-fictional event, phenomenon and factor - a driving force, the cause of a process or phenomenon that determines its characteristic features.

    Paronyms may have different pronunciations at the beginning of the word (forum and quorum), the middle of the word (contact and contract) or the end of the word (set and complex).

    Among paronyms, as we see, nouns occupy a significant place. Paronyms expressed by other parts of speech are less common, for example: single (from the name of the numeral one) and ordinary - ordinary; grind - grind to the ground and stitch - sew with a through stitch.

    Be careful not to confuse paronyms in your speech! (From the textbook “Modern Russian Language”).

    How to prepare for a dictation using a textbook
    How to write a warning dictation
    How to write an explanatory dictation
    How to plan a text
    How to prepare for your presentation
    How to work on an essay
    How to work on a draft presentation and essay
    How to work on errors in presentation and composition
    How to work on spelling errors
    How to work on an essay based on a painting
    How to work on an interview essay
    How to write a review (review) of a book you read
    Speech styles
    Types of speech
    Tropes and stylistic figures
    Comprehensive text analysis
    Phonetic analysis
    Word-formation analysis
    Parsing a word by composition (morphemic parsing)
    Morphological analysis
    Simple sentence
    Complex sentence
    Lexical analysis
    Spelling analysis
    Punctuation analysis
    Appendix 1. Speak correctly!
    Appendix 2. Write correctly!
    Appendix 3. Glossary of synonyms
    Appendix 4. Glossary of antonyms
    Appendix 5. Brief information about the artists

    Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
    Download the book Memoirs on the Russian language, grades 5-9, Ushakova O.D., 2013 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

    • Working with text in a Russian language lesson, Teacher's Manual, grades 5-11, Aleksandrova O.M., Dobrotina I.N., Gosteva Yu.N., Vasiliev I.P., Uskova I.V., 2019
    • Methodological manual for teaching materials V.V. Babaytseva, Russian language, grades 5-9, Advanced study, Babaytseva V.V., Bednarskaya L.D., Politova I.N., 2014
    • Russian language, 120 texts for school presentations, grades 5-11, Voilova K.A., Ledeneva V.V., Tikhonova V.V., Shapovalova T.E., 2000