Paul 1 dreamed of reviving knightly traditions. Paul I. Digging his own grave

Russia could have been different. Russian rulers dreamed of southern capitals and lands from China to the Mediterranean.

Svyatoslav: the Danube capital of Rus'

Svyatoslav wanted to make Pereyaslavets on the Danube the capital city of Rus', which could extend from Constantinople to the northern borders. His first campaign in Bulgaria took place during the reign of Olga - in 967. In 965, Svyatoslav began the conquest of Khazaria, and the Byzantine Emperor Nicephorus II, fearing to lose his possessions in the Crimea, tried to distract the forces of Rus' by offering her a campaign against Bulgaria. Svyatoslav conquered several cities on the Danube and settled in Pereyaslavets. The second campaign led to the capture of the capital, Preslav, and the division of Eastern Bulgaria between Russia and Byzantium. Svyatoslav's army, according to established Bulgarian tradition, came close to Constantinople, but was defeated.

Vladimir: reform of paganism

After the murder of Yaropolk in Kyiv, who favored Christianity (according to archaeological research, during this period there could have been a christian church), Vladimir in the first years of his reign (978-980) decided to “reform” paganism and make it the state religion. The main temple was built in Kyiv, and supreme god became Perun. Chronicles also mention human sacrifices during this period.

Daniil Galitsky: Russian kingdom centered in Kholm

Daniil owned Kyiv at the time of its capture by the Mongols. Trying to preserve the state, he traveled to the Horde and negotiated with the Pope, hoping for a joint campaign against the khan’s power. He received the title “King of Rus'” from his father. At the same time, Daniel did not think of breaking with the Orthodox world, finding allies among the Russian princes, blessed by the Metropolitan. While retaining his title, he ended relations with the pope and avoided union. Political weight and support allowed him to strengthen his possessions, soften the yoke and clear the Kiev region from the Tatars (although Kyiv itself was under the rule of Alexander Nevsky). By the end of his reign, he made the capital a city on the western border - Kholm (now in Poland).

Ivan the Terrible: kinship with the most influential monarchs of Europe

Ivan the Terrible was one of the most ambitious rulers of the Russian state, but failures haunted him constantly. After the death of his first wife, in 1561, the king wooed the Swedish queen, hoping to enter into a profitable dynastic marriage and strengthen his international position, but this was denied to him. The only woman with whom the tsar corresponded (11 letters) was the English Queen Elizabeth I. The reasons why the tsar devoted so much time to the royal person remain a mystery. The letters mention "secret matters of great importance" transmitted orally through ambassadors. A popular version says that the king tried to woo the Queen of England, but was disappointed or was refused, writing a letter in a rude manner and interrupting correspondence.

Ivan the Terrible: window to Europe and control over the Baltic

Gaining control over the Baltic was the main goal of Russian princes and tsars long before Ivan the Terrible. Rus' depended on Baltic trade: in the south trade was impossible due to Tatar raids, and Pomeranian affairs brought little money to the treasury. The Russians did not have their own ships in the Baltic. Ivan the Terrible founded a port near Narva, but Hansa and Livonia did not allow merchants to enter there. Failure to pay tribute for Yuryev by Livonia forced the king to start a war. As a trigger, historians mention the case of Hans Schlitte, who recruited European craftsmen and literate people for the tsar, who wanted to break with the centuries-old backwardness of Russia. Schlitte was detained by the Livonians and executed in the Hansa. The Tsar lost the Livonian War, and the project to create a navy in Vologda failed.

The first project of a Russian university

The reign of Boris Godunov promised great hopes, but hunger and discontent among the boyars and clergy put an end to many undertakings. In the years 1600-1603, the Tsar sent ambassadors to Lubeck, Prague, Italian and English cities, looking for learned people and masters willing to come to Russia, and also sent Russians to study. According to contemporaries, Boris wanted to attract people to found a university and schools in Moscow that could teach languages ​​and knowledge, but in Russian Orthodox Church they were afraid of non-religious teachers and the project never took place.

Godunov: The Great Russian Fortress Wall

The reign of Boris Godunov was accompanied by grandiose construction. Moving closer to Europe, he actively fortified his own cities and erected walls. Under him, the Belogorodskaya Wall was erected in Moscow, the Seven-Toped Tower of which became a real work of art. In Zemlyanoy Gorod it was built wooden wall with towers - “Skorodom” (on the site of one of the towers the famous Sukhareva will later be built). The king's plans included settling the Wild Field. A necklace of fortresses stretched in the south: Voronezh, Livny, Belgorod, Samara, Tsaritsyn, Tsarev-Borisov, Saratov and even Tomsk in Siberia were built. The construction of the “stone belt” experienced great difficulties and was never completed.

False Dmitry I: The Moscow Empire is the freest state in Europe.

The first “in perator” or “inparatur” of Rus' was False Dmitry I. He misspelled this word. In terms of ambitions and freedom of morals, he could compare with Peter I. He planned a campaign against Azov, a war with the Swedes and Turks, for which he trained the archers in cannon work and ordered the construction of ships on the Raven. The times of an unprecedented thaw came: the British noted that such freedom of movement had not been seen in any state, peasants were allowed to leave the landowners during famine, nobles stopped beating with sticks, freedom of Christian religion was established, the Duma began to be called the Senate, there were plans to create a new legislative vault. Buffoonery, cards, and chess were no longer persecuted.

Peter I: The Southern Capital and the Expulsion of the Turks from Europe

Peter I, like Svyatoslav, dreamed of a southern capital, but with the condition that it would be the main sea gate of the country. This title was claimed by the harbor of Taganrog (1698) on the Sea of ​​Azov, which was described by a contemporary, the German general Christopher Manstein, as the best in Europe. Taganrog became the first city built according to a general plan. Before the founding of St. Petersburg, this city had every chance of becoming the capital, but this was prevented by the war with the Ottoman Empire. Peter wanted to gain a foothold in this region, sharing the goals of the Holy League (Russia, Germany, Poland, Venice) - the liberation of most of Europe from the Turks.

Volga-Donskoy and Ivanovo Canal at the turn of the 17th - 18th centuries.

An attempt to build a canal between the Volga and Don was made by Peter I. In 1697, under the leadership of the German engineer Johann Breckel, construction of a canal between the tributaries of the Don and Volga (Ilovlya and Kamyshinka) began. Failures during the work and the impracticability of the project forced him to flee Russia. He was replaced by the Englishman Perry, but the Northern War interfered with his plans. The Ivanovo Canal was the second attempt to connect the Don and Volga across the Oka. The canal was supposed to pass through the legendary Ivan Lake, from which the Don and Shat rivers flowed (which through the Upa and Oka carries its waters to the Volga). Ships began sailing on the canal in 1707. 14 locks were built on the Upa, and 70 on the Don. After 13 years, a lack of water led to the canal being abandoned.

Catherine II: Greek project

At the height of the struggle of the European powers with the Ottoman Empire, in the correspondence of the Austrian Emperor Joseph II and Catherine II, a hypothetical project was discussed for the restoration of the Byzantine Empire with its center in Constantinople in the event of the decline of the Turkish state. In place of Romania, a buffer state of Dacia was planned. In this case, Russian monarchs would take responsibility for the independence of such a state. It was no coincidence that Catherine named her grandson Konstantin. His candidacy was considered for the role of monarch of the empire.

Paul I: Colonization of India

Forty years after the death of Paul I, a note from Leibniz to Louis XIV was published in Paris on the plan for a joint campaign of the Russian emperor and Napoleon Bonaparte against British India. The campaign was not seriously prepared, and the order to the Cossack ataman Vasily Orlov was given spontaneously. Along the way, the conquest of the Bukhara Khanate was punished, although early planned campaigns there were unsuccessful. Moreover, the emperor did not have maps of part of Central Asia and all of Southern Asia, including India. In the same year, the monarch dies and the troops are recalled.

Nicholas I: The Orthodox World from Constantinople to Jerusalem

During the era of Nicholas, Russia stopped dreaming of the revival of Byzantium, but at the same time, the emperor consistently carried out Russia's mission in the Eastern Mediterranean. This is the liberation of Orthodox peoples under oppression Ottoman Empire, creation of the Russian mission in Palestine. Nicholas's policy did not lead to the establishment Orthodox world from the Balkans to Jerusalem, but contributed to the independence of Greece, the beginning of the liberation of Serbia and other Orthodox and Christian states.


At the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, the modern Chinese metropolis of Harbin looked like an ordinary Siberian Russian city, except that half of its population was Chinese. One of the ambitious but unrealized projects of Nicholas II was the annexation of the northern part of China by the Qing dynasty. The first steps were the establishment of control over the ports of the Liaodong Peninsula and the construction of the Chinese Eastern railway, Transsib branch to Port Arthur. There were attempts to establish control over North Korean territories, which were being developed by Russian industrialists. After the defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, it became clear that Zheltorossiya would remain a project.

Lenin: Socialist United States of the World

Shortly before October Revolution Lenin criticized European communists for their cherished idea of ​​the United States of Europe, saying that this name could only be used as a slogan. In fact, the ideal model of social order would be the United States of the world. At the same time, of course, socialism must be built in every country. Lenin is also known for promising to build the material and technical base of communism (“communism”) by 30-40 years. Whether this was just a slogan or a statement he himself believed in remains a mystery.

Stalin: Tunnel to Sakhalin

Since the 19th century, the question of connecting the Trans-Siberian Railway with the island of Sakhalin was raised, but serious progress began to occur after Stalin’s personal initiative. In 1950, the Council of Ministers decided to begin construction of the tunnel and start traffic in 1955. After Stalin's death, the project was closed, although according to the recollections of the builders, despite the amnesty, many people did not leave and were waiting for an order to resume work. Since the time great construction today there are mine shafts, remains of dams and a man-made island.

Kerch Bridge

The last Russian emperor, who dreamed of capturing Constantinople, planned to settle in a southwestern direction, building a bridge between Crimea and Kuban. The implementation of the project was prevented by the First world war. The project of the 1930s was interrupted by the Second World War. During the war, Hitler built a pontoon bridge and planned to build a permanent one, but a turning point had already occurred in the war. With the liberation of Crimea in 1944, Stalin built a railway bridge across the Kerch Strait in 7 months, but a year later the ice destroyed the bridge’s supports. The bridge was dismantled.

Stalin: Turkmen Channel

Transforming the desert into a thriving oasis was just one of the many tasks of Stalin's plan for the transformation of nature. Life and civilization were supposed to come to the sands of the Turkmen desert - it was planned to dig a canal from the Amu Darya along the dry bed of the Uzboy to the Caspian Sea. Ships could sail through the desert. And most of the work was indeed completed; the Karakum Canal is still a vital necessity for the Turkmens, taking a significant part of the waters flowing to the Aral Sea. But the connection with the Caspian Sea in the Krasnovodsk region is still very far away: with the death of Stalin, the project was abandoned.

Stalin: Transpolar Highway

To connect the vast northern expanses of the country from Arkhangelsk to Chukotka with a railway line along the Arctic Circle - now it is unlikely that anyone will seriously discuss such a project. But after the end of the Great Patriotic War, there was a surge of enthusiasm: in 1947, construction began on a railway line from Pechora to the Yenisei. The features of the relief and the many rivers forced the prisoner builders to postpone the construction of bridges, without which regular traffic was impossible. After Stalin's death, an amnesty was declared for prisoners - there was no one to build. The rails near the Yenisei were dismantled for the needs of the Norilsk plant, and within decades the West Siberian section fell into complete disrepair under the influence of the elements.

Building communism, apartments and the last pop by 1980

The fact that Khrushchev never skimped on promises is a fairly well-known fact. It was not possible to catch up and surpass America in the production of milk, butter and meat, or to develop virgin lands in the shortest possible time (within three years). Consumption and wealth levels by 1960 were still inferior to those in America. No less loud were the statements about building communism (material and technical base) by 1980. By 1980, every Soviet citizen was promised an apartment, and the last priest was promised to be shown on television. None of these statements came true.

Turn of Siberian rivers

The turn of Siberian rivers into Central Asia was planned back in Russian Empire. Paradoxically, the main “tamer of nature” Stalin did not pay attention to this idea. Since the 60s, projects for transferring rivers to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan began to be developed. In 1974, the first stage was built - the Irtysh-Karaganda canal. In 1985, at the height of perestroika, the project was declared untenable.

Paul I Petrovich Romanov

Years of life: 1754–1801
Reign: 1796-1801

Holstein-Gottorp branch (after Peter III). From the Romanov dynasty.

Biography of Paul 1

Born September 20 (October 1), 1754 in St. Petersburg. By his mother, Empress Catherine II, he was hated like a child by unloved husband- Peter III.

Immediately after birth, the boy was removed from his mother and taken into care by Empress Elizabeth. The parents rarely saw their son. When his son was 8 years old, his mother, Catherine, relying on the guard, carried out a coup, during which Paul's father, Emperor Peter III, was killed.

Paul's upbringing was led by Nikita Ivanovich Panin, who had a decisive influence on the formation of the character and views of the future emperor. Since childhood, he was distinguished by poor health, grew up impressionable, hot-tempered and suspicious.

Catherine II removed Paul 1 Petrovich from interfering in any state affairs, and he, in turn, condemned her entire way of life and did not accept her policy of government. He believed that this policy was based on love of fame and pretense; he dreamed of establishing strictly legal governance in Russia under the auspices of the autocracy, limiting the rights of the nobility, and introducing the strictest, precisely on the Prussian model, discipline in the army.

In the 1780s. became interested in Freemasonry. Relations with his mother worsened; he suspected her of complicity in the murder of his father, Peter III. Catherine decided to “evict” him from the capital by giving him the Gatchina estate in 1783. Here the son created the “Gatchina army”: several battalions placed under his command were subjected to brutal drill.

In 1794, Empress Catherine decided to remove her son from the throne and hand him over to her eldest grandson Alexander Pavlovich, but she met resistance from senior state dignitaries. The death of Catherine II on November 6, 1796 opened the way for him to the throne.


Emperor Paul 1

Your reign Pavel the First began by changing all the orders of Catherine's reign. He canceled Peter's decree on the appointment of his successor to the throne by the emperor himself and established his own system of succession to the throne: he could only be inherited through the male line, after the death of the emperor he passed to the eldest son or younger brother if there were no children, and a woman could only take the throne when cutting off the male line.

The emperor ruled despotically, imposed centralization in the state apparatus, carried out radical reforms in the army, eased the situation of the serfs (reduced the corvee to 3 days a week) and tried to limit the power of the nobility. Attempts have been made to stabilize financial situation countries (including the famous action of melting down palace services into coins).

He significantly narrowed the rights of the noble class, and the strictest discipline and unpredictability of the emperor’s behavior led to massive dismissals of nobles from the army, especially the officers of the guard.

Reign of Paul 1

External Paul 1's policy was inconsistent. In 1798 Russia entered into an anti-French coalition with Turkey, Great Britain, Austria, and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. The disgraced A.V. Suvorov was appointed commander-in-chief of the Russian troops at the insistence of the allies. Under the leadership of Suvorov, Northern Italy was freed from French domination. In September 1799, the Russian army made Suvorov's famous crossing of the Alps. But already in October of the same year, Russia broke the alliance with Austria, and Russian troops were recalled from Europe.

Two years later, Pavel participated in the formation of the Northern Maritime League (Russia, Sweden, Denmark), which adhered to a policy of armed neutrality and was directed against Great Britain. Paul was preparing a military-strategic alliance with Napoleon Bonaparte.

Fearing the spread of the ideas of the French Revolution in Russia, Pavel I Petrvoich banned young people from traveling abroad to study, the import of books was completely prohibited, and private printing houses were closed. The words “fatherland”, “citizen”, etc. were removed from the Russian language.

During the reign of Paul I Petrovich, the Arakcheevs, Obolyaninovs, and Kutaisovs, personally devoted to the emperor, rose to prominence.

On December 16, 1798, Paul 1 was elected Grand Master of the Order of Malta and, therefore, the words “... and Grand Master of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem” were added to his imperial title. The Order of St. John of Jerusalem was also established in Russia. On Russian coat of arms an image of the Maltese cross appeared.

Pavel 1 - murder

He was killed (strangled) by a group of conspirators from the guards officers on the night of 11 to 12 (23–24) March 1801. Agramakov, N.P. Panin, vice-chancellor, L.L. Benningsen, commander of the Izyuminsky light horse regiment, took part in the conspiracy regiment P. A. Zubov (Catherine’s favorite), Palen, Governor General of St. Petersburg, commanders of the guards regiments.

He was buried in the Peter and Paul Cathedral.

Paul the First was married twice:

1st wife: (from October 10, 1773, St. Petersburg) Natalya Alekseevna (1755-1776), nee Princess Augusta Wilhelmina Louise of Hesse-Darmstadt, daughter of Ludwig IX, Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt. Died during childbirth with a baby.

2nd wife: (from October 7, 1776, St. Petersburg) Maria Feodorovna (1759-1828), nee Princess Sophia Dorothea of ​​Württemberg, daughter of Frederick II Eugene, Duke of Württemberg. Had ten children:

  • Alexander I (1777-1825), Russian Emperor
  • Konstantin Pavlovich (1779-1831), Grand Duke.
  • Alexandra Pavlovna (1783-1801)
  • Elena Pavlovna (1784-1803)
  • Maria Pavlovna (1786-1859)
  • Ekaterina Pavlovna (1788-1819)
  • Olga Pavlovna (1792-1795)
  • Anna Pavlovna (1795-1865)
  • Nicholas I (1796-1855), Russian Emperor
  • Mikhail Pavlovich (1798-1849), Grand Duke.

Pavel 1 had the military rank of Colonel of the Life Cuirassier Regiment (July 4, 1762) (Russian Imperial Guard) and Admiral General (December 20, 1762) (Imperial Russian Navy).

A masterpiece of Russian literature, reflecting the era of his reign, is the story of Yu.N. Tynyanov “Second Lieutenant Kizhe”.

11. Financial transformations.

In the 18th century, the financial system introduced by Emperor Peter I “in general terms is preserved. Over time, the importance of indirect taxes increases more and more due to the inability to further increase the per capita tax. However, there were also serious innovations: Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, under pressure from the nobles, abolished internal customs duties, Peter III established the issue of banknotes.

As of 1762, indirect taxes already account for 61.6% of income, and direct taxes - 38.4% (under Peter I the ratio was the opposite - 24.9% and 55.5%). 73% of all expenses are military, 14% are household expenses, and only 12% are for the rest of government.

Catherine II makes a number of attempts to restore order in public finances, but these attempts are negated by a series of costly wars, the growth of the state apparatus and household expenses. Many taxes increase, the issuance of banknotes increases, and noticeable external and internal borrowing begins.

Empress Catherine II willingly resorted to issuing paper money. At the end of the reign of Catherine II, the exchange rate of the paper ruble was 68 and a half kopecks from the metal (silver) one.”

“In addition, a major problem of Catherine’s reign was chronic shortages. To cover them, for the first time they began to resort to systematic loans, both internal and external. As a result, a fairly substantial debt appeared, amounting to about 215 million rubles, almost equal to three annual budgets.”

During the reign of the Empress, however, as before, there were attempts at budgeting on a state scale, but a coherent system for accounting for income and expenses on a state scale was never created. Not all budgets of individual government agencies were brought together; unfortunately, there were a lot of abuses. Large military expenditures and expenses associated with the development of new lands increased the budget deficit.

Understanding perfectly the financial problems facing the state, in his Resolution he ascended the throne Paul I writes: “It is known that several years before the death of the late empress, the exchange rate for our money was extremely degraded and fell, so that foreigners accepted our ruble for no more than 60 kopecks or even less; and silver within the state became so expensive that the cost of silver rubles, rising from hour to hour, had already reached 45 kopecks [...]. And all the wealth of the entire state turned only into paper and consisted only of banknotes [...]. The price of all things has risen, and everything has become more expensive.”

To eliminate such an impressive debt and reduce inflation, Emperor Paul I resorted to drastic measures.

In order to decisively reduce inflation, it was “ordered to publicly burn paper money worth 5 million 316 thousand 665 rubles on Palace Square in front of the palace.” (Klochkov, pp. 100-101)" The issue of paper money was suspended, on the contrary, the issue of silver coins was increased. The Emperor ordered that the coinage of silver, established in 1763, when a pound of 72nd standard silver corresponded to 17 rubles. 6 2/3 kopecks, was brought to 14 rubles. from a pound with an increase in purity to 83 1/3. Many silver sets and other silver items of court use were melted down for coinage. The Emperor orders the collection of silver sets “according to the governorships and the great boyars and to cast rubles from them in large quantities.” Thus, the value of the monetary unit during exchange rose and was brought to 5.5 francs.

In general terms, we can say that in the financial sphere, Emperor Pavel Petrovich, who ascended the throne, resorted to measures that had the same

the direction that all its transformations are. The main task for the emperor was the centralization of power, strict control over income and expenses, and, if possible, reducing them.

The most important step towards centralization was the establishment on December 4, 1796 of the position of State Treasurer (Vasiliev was appointed Treasurer by personal decree) and the State Treasury. Emperor Paul subordinated the treasury expeditions of the Senate, separated from the jurisdiction of the Attorney General of the Senate, to the Chief Treasurer

The duties of the treasury included drawing up estimates of government expenditures and revenues. Subsequently, these responsibilities were supplemented by the functions of the abolished Debt Committee and the Treasury Chamber. Thus, the main threads of financial management began to concentrate in one place, which predetermined the unification of this industry in the future.

The procedure for collecting duties on imported goods was changed: “Duties on goods imported from abroad will be collected in foreign gold and silver coins (according to established by the Council His Imperial Majesty's exchange rate of the ruble to foreign money.")" (From Paul's decree).

Changes were made to the procedure for collecting taxes. One of the first was the Decree

“On the restoration of the activities of the Petrine Collegium in the field of financial management of the Empire” 1796,

In 1796, by Decree of Emperor Paul of December 10, the poll tax, in the form of grain taxes, was replaced with cash payments of “15 kopecks for each quadruple.” On December 18, 1797, an increase to the per capita tax followed, determined at 1 ruble. 26 kopecks from the heart.

At the same time, to improve finances, Paul I imposed a special tax on the nobility, the total amount of which per year extended to 1,640,000 rubles.

In the field of financial policy, Paul was of the opinion that state revenues belong to the state, and not to the sovereign personally.

In an effort to achieve significant savings, the emperor personally drew up a Budget for 1797 based on expenses of 31.5 million rubles. However, this figure needed clarification, since expenditures on defense and the reformed army and navy were significant and could not be reduced. By agreement with government agencies, the budget was clarified: about 80 million rubles. - including expenditure on defense of 34 million rubles. and a deficit of 8 million rubles.” (Shumigorsky, 1907, p. 115). Valishevsky gives the figure for the true budget for 1797 - about 64.7 million rubles.

“1798 - 76.5 million rubles;

1799 - 77.9 million rubles;

1800 - 78.0 million rubles;

1801 - 81.1 million rubles.

The order of allocations for various items of government spending is given by Walishevsky without more detailed references to sources and year, but more reliable figures without special research work difficult to find:

Army and Navy........................................................ ....... 25,000,000 rub.

Civil States................................................... 6,000. 000 rub.

Foreign department................................... 1,000,000 rub.

Clergy................................................. ......... 1,000,000 rub.

Schools and charitable institutions........ RUB 1,221,762.

Repayment of debts........................................ 12,000 .000 rub.

Office (personal expenses of the emperor) ............ 3,650,000 rubles.

Yard................................................ .................... 3,600,000 rub.

Imperial family................................... 3,000,000 rubles.

In income items large sums were also delivered by taxes on peasants:

Per capita from state and landowner peasants...... 14,390,055 rubles.

Quit payments from state-owned peasants........................ .....14,707,921 rubles.

Drinking fees......................................................... .... .....RUB 18,089,393

Customs duties................................................... .......5,978,289 rub.

In addition, since 1798, an additional tax of 6,482,801 rubles was added to the duties of state-owned peasants.”

Emperor Paul I also saw colonist settlers, who were accepted during the reign of Empress Catherine II, as an important source of state income. Some researchers reproach Pavel Petrovich for excessive attention to the German colonists. In fact, by the beginning of the reign of Pavel Petrovich, most of the tax and other benefits granted to the colonists by Catherine II had expired, and the desire of Paul I to “rely” on neat, law-oriented and truly hardworking German and other settlers is understandable and legitimate .

Unfortunately, Pavel Petrovich’s initial desire to completely abandon banknotes and reduce foreign and domestic loans to zero turned out to be impossible in such a short time, however, it can be stated that in general, the four years of his reign were years of some stabilization of inflation and a reduction in budget deficits. And his activities regarding the entire centralization of the financial structure were continued during the reign of his sons.

Emperor Alexander I when approving the system of ministries, he confirmed the status of the State Treasury created by Paul I as another, along with eight ministries, central institution of public administration. According to this decree, the State Revenue Expedition was subordinate to the person performing the position of State Treasurer.

In terms of fighting inflation, the reign of Alexander I was not particularly successful. Due to the growing costs of maintaining the army, and, in subsequent years, of the war with the army of Napoleon Bonaparte, Alexander Pavlovich had to return to internal and external loans, and actively issue new banknotes. If in 1802 the exchange rate of the paper ruble increased to 80 kopecks, then “the huge emission of paper money that began in 1805 devalued the paper ruble to 20 kopecks” of the metal ruble after the Patriotic War. “Such a depreciation made a huge impression on the state; a policy of cutting expenses began, and from 1817 even the destruction of part of the banknotes began, the number of which by 1823 decreased from 826 to 596 million.”

II Foreign policy.

“With the accession of Catherine II, a new territorial growth of Russia begins. After the first Turkish war, Russia acquired in 1774 important points at the mouths of the Dnieper, Don and in the Kerch Strait (Kinburn, Azov, Kerch, Yenikale). Then, in 1783, Balta, Crimea and the Kuban region are annexed. The Second Turkish War ends with the acquisition of the coastal strip between the Bug and the Dniester (1791). Thanks to all these acquisitions, Russia is becoming a firm foot on the Black Sea. At the same time, the Polish partitions give Western Rus' to Russia. According to the first of them, in 1773 Russia received part of Belarus (the provinces of Vitebsk and Mogilev); according to the second partition of Poland (1793), Russia received the regions: Minsk, Volyn and Podolsk; according to the third (1795-1797) - Lithuanian provinces (Vilna, Kovno and Grodno), Black Rus', the upper reaches of Pripyat and the western part of Volyn. Simultaneously with the third partition, the Duchy of Courland was annexed to Russia.” It should be noted that the third partition of Poland was completed through the efforts of Paul I.

The Kalmyk steppes, the Altai Mountains, Alaska, the Kuril and Aleutian Islands, discovered by Russian pioneers, complemented the territorial expansion of the empire. All these acquisitions greatly expanded the country's economic base.

Having come to power, Paul I considered it his duty to abandon the offensive policy in order to reorganize the army and develop the territories already acquired. In foreign policy, Paul I strove to establish an equal position for Russia with European countries, mutual assistance and honest fulfillment of mutual obligations. Despite the fact that Paul was an opponent of offensive wars, when Europe and Turkey, losing in the war with Napoleon, asked for help in 1799, the Russian emperor (an opponent of French revolutionary ideas) agreed to help. Türkiye asked for the Russian fleet to help, and, combining it with the Turkish one, under the command of Admiral F.F. Ushakov, to liberate the islands of the Ionian archipelago captured by the French. King Ferdinand IV of Naples asked for the help of the Russian-Turkish fleet in liberating the Kingdom of Naples and the Papal States from the French. The Austrian monarch asked to send united Russian-Austrian troops, under the leadership of A.V. Suvorov, to liberate the Austrian possessions of Northern Italy. England asked to send a detachment of 45 thousand people to the Netherlands. According to the plan, Russian-English troops were supposed to achieve Dutch independence. Also, even before the creation of the Second Anti-French Coalition, the Order of Malta, expelled by the French, came to Paul I for help, handing him a master’s chain. Due to his character and his vision of international relations, Paul I could not refuse, and subsequently considered it his duty to return the taken lands to the Order.

Many fugitives from Malta, and the Order itself (which was located in St. Petersburg) found temporary shelter in Russia. Under the leadership of Ushakov, “the allied Russian-Turkish fleet liberated the Ionian Islands (Tserigo, Zante, Kafellonia, St. Maurus) from the French, and on February 20, 1799 captured the fortress of Corfu, the main stronghold of France on the Adriatic. On his initiative, the Free State of Seven Islands was created in the Ionian Islands under the temporary protectorate of Russia and Turkey. In the summer of 1799, he led the Russian-Turkish fleet to the shores of Southern Italy, where he united with the Baltic squadron of Rear Admiral P.K. Kartsov. Contributed to the expulsion of the French from the Papal States and the Kingdom of Naples." Allied forces under the leadership of Suvorov completely returned the northern Italian possessions of Austria. Only the operation in Holland was not successful, the reason for which was the poor organization of the British troops and the desire of the British commanders to achieve victory only with Russian troops. Russian troops returned to their homeland.

Thus, in 1798-1799. Russia fulfilled its obligations to the states of the anti-French coalition. It should be emphasized that it was the bold, unconventional actions of the Russian troops that allowed the combined forces of the coalition to complete their assigned tasks.

Having joined the anti-French coalition, England (“queen of the seas”) also sent its fleet under the leadership of Nelson to the Mediterranean Sea. Nelson, having liberated Malta from the French, refused to allow Paul I to return the Order of Malta to his homeland. Moreover, Nelson lined up his flotilla as an enemy against the Russian fleet when Ushakov stood up to protect the Italians and French prisoners from the Jesuit Order. To all this it should be added that as soon as the French army was hit, both Vienna and London “forgot” about the Russians: the supply of weapons and provisions stopped. Russian troops emerged from the deadlock with victory, relying only on internal forces and the spiritual impulse of the warriors. Just look at the withdrawal of Russian troops from the Alps.

Is this forgetfulness accidental? Most likely not. Some sources indicate that Nelson received a direct order from British Prime Minister William Pitt Jr. not to allow Russia to expand its influence in either Greece or Italy. This explains the defiant behavior of Nelson, who demanded that Ushakov submit to English occupation rules. Thus, England's superiority and reluctance to see Russia as an equal partner were openly demonstrated. Such a disdainful and even treacherous attitude of the allies towards Russia forced Paul I to withdraw from the anti-French coalition and recall the troops of Suvorov and Ushakov to their homeland.

Most historians consider the severance of relations with England a mistake. Paul was faced with the question of establishing military-political and trade relations with France.

“The economic struggle between Russia and England, which began at the end of 1800, intensified every month, and Paul himself led this struggle most actively.”

“On October 23, 1800, the Prosecutor General and the Commerce Board were ordered to “impose sequestration on all English goods and ships located in Russian ports,” which was carried out at the same time. In connection with the confiscation of goods, the complex issue of settlements and credit transactions between English and Russian merchants arose.

On November 22, 1800, the highest decree of the commercial board was issued: “The debts of the British owed to Russian merchants will be retained until settlement, and the English goods available in shops and stores will be prohibited for sale.”

On November 30, at the request of Russian merchants, English goods were allowed to be sold to pay off debts, and liquidation offices were established in St. Petersburg, Riga and Arkhangelsk for mutual debt settlements.”

If the general order banning the import of English goods was carried out, then it was much more difficult to counteract the export of Russian raw materials to England. On December 15, the Highest command was announced, “that it should be observed with all severity, so that no Russian products were not exported to the British in any way or under any pretext.” However, it soon became clear that, despite the bans, Russian materials were coming to England through Prussia. Then came the ban on the export of Russian goods to Prussia. The most extreme measure in the Russian government’s fight against foreign trade was the general order of the Commerce Board on March 11, 1801 (on the last day of Paul’s life) that “no Russian goods should be released from Russian ports and border land customs and outposts anywhere without special Highest command." Naturally, this order could no longer be carried out. However, for the whole day the entire country became a closed economic zone, even if only on paper. It is obvious that these decrees caused considerable damage to Russian trade."

“Having broken the trade alliance with England, Russia resumed trade with France. However, a number of trade agreements could not significantly affect trade turnover due to the fact that the main trade routes in the North and West were in the hands of the British. However, in the field of foreign trade relations, the creation of the first Russian-American company in 1798 can be highlighted.

Much more significant were attempts to conquer the Asian market. To this end, a number of measures were taken to increase trade with Persia, Khiva, Bukhara, India and China. In 1798, it was allowed to export iron, copper, tin, bread, foreign gold and silver coins to Asia. The ban remained only on the export of military ammunition. Orders were issued to protect merchants trading in Central Asian countries. Before the break with England, there was no need for this trade, but already in September 1800, the prosecutor general, by order of the emperor, turned to the merchants with a proposal to expand trade with Khiva, for which he promised government support. On December 29, 1800, the Supreme Order was issued: “To make a provision to the Commerce Board on the expansion of trade with India, Bukhara and Khiva, from Astrakhan along the Caspian Sea and from Orenburg, and to draw up a plan for a new customs order for that region, a tariff and a charter for the proposed company; to evenly enter into the consideration of means for the establishment and expansion of trade along the Black Sea.” Interest in Asian trade waned after Paul's death, when relations with England were restored.

The government and merchants, having almost broken trade relations with the West, not only began to strengthen and expand their internal trade, but also turned their projects to the East and South, intending to increase trade relations with Asian countries. However, there have been much more disappointments in this industry than successes.”

However, beyond a simple trade boycott, the ultimate goal of France and Russia was the division of the British and Ottoman Empires. For this purpose, Paul I issued an order to march on India. An expeditionary force of 22,500 Cossacks set out on the campaign under the command of the chieftain, cavalry general Count Fyodor Petrovich Orlov-Denisov, and the Cossack chieftain Platov.


Within the framework of a small work, it is almost impossible to comprehensively consider and fully evaluate the activities of such an outstanding Emperor, who, despite his short reign, was Paul I.

During the short time spent on the throne Russian state, Pavel Petrovich did not have time to implement everything planned. All the more important and valuable for historians and for descendants is what he managed to accomplish.

Emperor Paul practically built a clear vertical structure the power of an autocratic monarch. And in the judicial power, and in the financial system, and in the general state structure, we can see a harmonious hierarchical system based on the idea of ​​serving the Fatherland of all classes, starting from the Sovereign himself and ending with the peasants.

Despite the difficult personal fate and contradictions with his mother, Paul nevertheless continued many of the endeavors of Catherine II, a former strong autocratic ruler who placed concern for the good of the Fatherland at the basis of her rule.

Both Alexander I and Nicholas I, despite the fact that the politics of the times of their reigns are often opposed by historians, were still siblings and children of their father. And if Alexander I, especially at the beginning of his reign, was forced (one can only guess for what reasons) to stop many of his father’s undertakings and take a step to the side or back, then Nicholas I, who ascended the throne under dramatic circumstances, in order to preserve Russia consciously took tough measures from destruction, which in many ways continued and consolidated what had been started by his father.

Carefully studying the legislative heritage of Emperor Pavel Petrovich, one cannot help but see that the principles he laid down as the basis state system, universal and in some sense ideal. The ideals of high service to the Fatherland in any field, the ideals of Christian morality as the basis of the state structure, honesty and zeal in the performance of one’s official duty, mercy and support addressed to the weakest members of society, exactingness towards those in power and education.

I really hope that historians in the field of state and law will turn their attention to the lawmaking of Emperor Paul.

Now, more than ever, our country needs what Emperor Paul I dreamed of - to bring “all parts of the state in order to the balance in which they should be so that it can stand indestructibly and unharmed.”

I express my gratitude to Vladimir Martov and Anna Boyko-Velikaya for their help in
preparing a number of materials for this study.

Peskov A.M. “Paul I” M., “Young Guard”, 2005. P. 32.

Right there. pp. 31-32.

Right there. P. 32.

Valishevsky K.F. Son of Catherine the Great. Pavel I.

Ushakov F.F. Encyclopedia Around the World.

Economic policy of Paul I.

Quote by: Peskov A.M. “Paul I” M., “Young Guard”, 2005. P. 327.

List of used literature.

1. History of the judicial system in Russia (Edited by N.A. Kolokolov). Moscow, Law and Law. 2011

2. Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire. St. Petersburg, 1830 - vol. 24-31

List of laws of the Russian Empire involved in this work: numbers of laws

17567; 17588; 17589; 17590; 17609; 17634; 17735; 17739; 17833;

3. Encyclopedic dictionary. Brockhaus and Efron. T. IXA (St. Petersburg, 1893), XXA, (St. Petersburg, 1897), XXV (St. Petersburg, 1898).

4. Snegirev V. Administrative division and institutions pre-revolutionary Russia by periods // Encyclopedic Dictionary “Pomegranate”. 1938. T. 36, part 6 Appendix 1. P. 1-7.

5. Klyuchevsky V.O. About Russian history M. Enlightenment, 1993.

6. Valishevsky K. Collected works in five volumes, volume 5: “Son of the Great

Catherine Emperor Paul 1 (His life, reign and death). M.:

"CENTURY", 1996.

7. Vlasov Yu.N. Paul I - crowned tyrant or enlightened reformer? History of philosophy. Vol. 4. M.: IF RAS, 1999.

8. Obolensky G.L. Emperor Paul I. Smolensk, 1996

9. Schilder N. Emperor Paul the First. M.: Algorithm, 1996, reprint 1901.

10. Shumigorsky E.S. Emperor Paul I. St. Petersburg, 1907

11. History of Russia from ancient times to 1861. Textbook for universities. Ed. N.I. Pavlenko

12. Klochkov M.V. Essays on government activities during the time of Paul I. Petrograd, 1916.

13. Karaseva E.I. God's Tsar Pavel Petrovich Romanov. St. Petersburg, Tsarskoe Delo, 2010

14. Eidelman N.Ya. Edge of centuries St. Petersburg, 1992.



17. Peskov A.M. “Paul I” M., “Young Guard”, 2005.

18. Klyuchevsky V.O.. Course of Russian history. Part V. M., “Thought”, 1989.

Paul the First went down in history as a cruel reformer. Liberal views and European tastes were persecuted, censorship was established, and a ban on the import of foreign literature into the country was established. The Emperor, having received the throne, largely limited the rights of the nobility. Maybe that's why his reign was so short.


Peter the Third, Paul's father, was on the Russian throne for only 186 days, although he planned that many years of rule lay ahead of him. After the palace coup, the emperor signed an abdication of the throne, which passed to his wife (Princess Anhalt-Zerbst).

Catherine built her reign on expanding the rights and privileges of the noble class, as well as enslaving the peasants. During her reign borders of the Russian Empire were moved to the south and west.

The first son of Peter and Catherine, named Pavel, was born on September 20, 1754. During this period, there was a political struggle in the palace, so the boy was deprived of the love and care of his parents. At the age of eight he lost his father. Paul's mother hired a staff of the best nannies and teachers, after which she withdrew from raising the future heir to the throne.

Boy's teacher became Fedor Bekhteev- a diplomat distinguished by incredible discipline and rigor. He published a newspaper where the slightest misdeeds of the pupil were described. The second mentor was Nikita Panin, thanks to whom the boy began to study a wide range of subjects - natural history, the Law of God, music, dance.

The immediate environment also had an influence on the formation of the personality of the heir to the throne, but communication with peers was kept to a minimum - only children of noble families were allowed to interact with him.

Ekaterina bought it for her son the huge library of academician Korf. The boy studied a lot foreign languages, arithmetic, astronomy, history, geography, learned to draw, dance and fencing, studied the Law of God. The boy was not taught military discipline; Catherine did not want her son to get involved in this.

The heir had an impatient character and was a restless child, but could boast of a rich imagination and love of reading. His education was as high quality as possible at that time.

Personal life of the future emperor

The first wife of the future ruler died during childbirth, and the second chosen one was Sophia Dorothea of ​​Württemberg (Maria Fedorovna).

Children of Paul I– firstborn Alexander (1777), Konstantin (1779), Alexandra (1783), Elena (1784), Maria (1786), Catherine (1788), Olga (1792, died in infancy), Anna (1795), Nikolai (1796) ), Mikhail (1798).

Despite having many children and almost constant pregnancies, Maria Fedorovna took care of the house and regularly participated in social events. However, she was not of particular importance at court due to her husband’s discord with his mother.

Maria Feodorovna was a submissive princess, who followed the postulates that she had learned in her youth, but due to circumstances beyond her control, her personal life with her husband came to discord after 20 years. After the birth of her last son, the obstetrician forbade her to become pregnant, as it could cost the woman her life.

The emperor was disappointed by this circumstance and started a relationship with another woman, his favorite Anna Lopukhina. Maria Fedorovna herself became involved in charity work and began managing orphanages, streamlining the work of institutions for homeless and abandoned children. She also actively addressed issues of women's education and founded a number of educational institutions for them.

Coming to power

When Paul I reigned? He ascended the throne at the age of 42 on November 6, 1796, when Catherine the Second, his mother, died. Such late date explained by the complex relationship between the future emperor and his mother. They almost completely moved away from each other, realizing that they were people with opposing views. At first, the boy was raised as a future heir to the throne, but the older he became, the further they tried to keep him from matters of national importance.

Important! Many people had high hopes for Pavel Petrovich. His name was often on the lips of rebels, for example, . During the reign of Catherine II, many were dissatisfied with her decrees and laws.


Numerous reforms characterize the reign of Paul 1: domestic and foreign policy underwent a number of changes.

What important steps have been taken:

  • amendments were introduced to the procedure of succession to the throne, which was developed. The rights to the throne began to be enjoyed exclusively by the sons or brothers of the ruling dynasty in a descending line, or by seniority;
  • the emperor's associates received the titles of senior officials or senators;
  • comrades of Catherine II were removed from their posts;
  • the activities of the highest government bodies have undergone changes for the better;
  • a petition box was placed next to the palace, and reception days were also established for peasants who could openly leave complaints against their owners;
  • corporal punishment has been abolished for older people over 70 years of age;
  • Instead of the grain duty, which was burdensome for peasants, a financial tax was introduced. Debts of 7 million rubles were written off;
  • it was forbidden to force peasants to work on holidays and weekends;
  • corvee was limited - now it lasted 3 days a week;
  • the sale of landless peasants and household servants was banned. If the owner treated the serfs inhumanely, the governors were obliged to carry out secret arrests and send the offenders to the monastery.
  • over 4 years, 6,000 thousand state peasants were transferred to the nobles, since the emperor believed that their life was worse than that of the serfs;
  • the cost of salt and food products in stores was reduced - the shortfall was compensated for by money from the treasury.

When Paul came to power, one of the the most important areas His activities turned out to be an infringement of the privileges and rights of the nobles.

He ordered all noble children who were enrolled in them to return to the regiments, and prohibited the unauthorized transfer to civilian service from the army without the permission of the Senate, approved by him personally.

The nobles had to pay new taxes, the money from which was sent to support the local administration.

The right according to which a nobleman addressed him with complaints and requests was abolished: now this was allowed to be done only with the permission of the governor. Punishment of noble people with sticks was reintroduced.

Immediately after ascending the throne, the emperor declared an amnesty, but multiple punishments soon followed. Decrees of Paul the First, limiting the power of the nobility, aroused anger and enmity on the part of the privileged class. Over time, the first conspiracies began to appear in the highest guards circles to overthrow the autocrat.

Features of foreign policy

Initially, it was announced at court that neutrality would be observed towards France. He always dreamed that wars would be fought solely for the purpose of defense. However, he was an opponent of the revolutionary sentiments of this country. Friendly relations were concluded with countries such as Sweden, Denmark and Prussia, which was the result of the creation of an anti-French coalition consisting of:

  • Russia,
  • Kingdom of Naples,
  • Austria,
  • England.

In Italy, commander A.V. Suvorov headed the domestic expeditionary force. In just six months, he won a victory in Italy over French troops, after which he entered Sweden, where he joined the corps of General A.M. Rimsky-Korsakov.

During the same period, the squadron F.F. Ushakova achieved several naval victories, as a result of which the Ionian Islands became free. However, the Russian-English corps located in Holland was unable to achieve its plans, as a result of which it returned. At the same time, only Russia's allies reaped the fruits of victories over Napoleon, which caused the severance of allied ties with Austria and England. The Emperor, outraged by England's position, decided to move closer to France.

Cause of the Emperor's death

A conspiracy was formed against the ruling emperor. It was headed by the Zubov brothers, the military governor of St. Petersburg P.A.

Palen and a number of others. Reason for the conspiracy - domestic politics autocrat, because he eased the situation of the peasants and at the same time limited the rights and privileges of the noble class.

Among the conspirators was Alexander Pavlovich, who was promised that his father would be left alive.

Led by Count Palen on the night of March 12, 1801 The conspirators broke into the Mikhailovsky Castle, reached the imperial chambers and put forward a demand to leave the throne. Having heard Paul's refusal to abdicate the throne, the conspirators killed the autocrat.

There were several conspiracies during the life and reign of the emperor. Thus, three cases of unrest among the troops were recorded. After the coronation of the new emperor, the Canal Workshop was formed - a secret organization whose members sought to kill the ruler. After the discovery of this conspiracy, all those who took part in it were sent to hard labor or exiled. All materials related to the investigation into the conspiracy were destroyed.

It was officially announced that Emperor Paul 1 had died from apoplexy.

Paul 1st - reign of the Tsar, reforms

The reign of Tsar Paul 1st - domestic and foreign policy, results

Results of the board

How long did Paul 1 reign?? His reign lasted several years, years of reign: from April 5, 1797. to March 12, 1801. In such a short period of time, no significant changes occurred in Russian society, although the emperor tried to introduce as many new measures as possible. At the beginning of the reign, they created favorable conditions for the development of industry and trade, however, by the end of the reign, internal trade was in chaos and ruin, and external trade was almost completely destroyed.

Attention! The state was in a sad state when Paul I was killed.

Who ruled after Paul 1? His first-born Alexander 1 became the heir to the throne. His reign turned out to be more successful: the first step was taken towards, created State Council, and also won a victory over Napoleon in 1812, the Russian army distinguished itself in other foreign campaigns. was more successful.

Childhood, education and upbringing

Pavel was born on September 20 (October 1), 1754 in St. Petersburg, in the Summer Palace of Elizabeth Petrovna. Subsequently, this palace was demolished, and in its place the Mikhailovsky Castle was built, in which Pavel was killed on March 11 (March 23), 1801.

On September 20, 1754, in the ninth year of marriage, Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Ekaterina Alekseevna finally had her first child. Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, Grand Duke Peter and the Shuvalov brothers were present at the birth. Elizaveta Petrovna immediately picked up the newborn baby, washed and sprinkled with holy water, and carried him into the hall to show the future heir to the courtiers. The Empress baptized the baby and ordered him to be named Paul. Catherine, like Peter III, were completely removed from raising their son.

Essentially deprived of his parents, due to the vicissitudes of a merciless political struggle, Pavel was deprived of the love of people close to him. Of course, this affected the child’s psyche and his perception of the world. But, we should pay tribute to Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, she ordered to surround him with the best, in her opinion, teachers.

The first educator was the diplomat F.D. Bekhteev, who was obsessed with the spirit of all kinds of regulations, clear orders, and military discipline comparable to drill. This created in the impressionable boy’s mind that this is how everything happens in everyday life. And he didn’t think about anything except soldiers’ marches and battles between battalions. Bekhteev came up with a special alphabet for the little prince, the letters of which were cast from lead in the form of soldiers. He began to print a small newspaper in which he talked about all, even the most insignificant, actions of Paul.

The birth of Paul was reflected in many odes written by poets of that time.

In 1760, Elizaveta Petrovna appointed a new teacher for her grandson. He became, by her choice, Count Nikita Ivanovich Panin. He was a forty-two-year-old man who occupied a very prominent place at court. Possessing extensive knowledge, he had previously spent several years on a diplomatic career in Denmark and Sweden, where his worldview was formed. Having very close contacts with the Freemasons, he picked up Enlightenment ideas from them, and even became a supporter of a constitutional monarchy. His brother Pyotr Ivanovich was a great local master of the Masonic order in Russia.

The first wariness towards the new teacher was soon erased, and Pavel quickly became attached to him. Panin opened Russian and Western European literature to young Pavel. The young man was very willing to read, and in the next year he read quite a lot of books. He was well acquainted with Sumarokov, Lomonosov, Derzhavin, Racine, Corneille, Moliere, Werther, Cervantes, Voltaire and Rousseau. He was fluent in Latin, French and German, and loved mathematics.

His mental development proceeded without any deviations. One of Pavel’s younger mentors, Poroshin, kept a diary in which he noted all of little Pavel’s actions day after day. It does not indicate any deviations in mental development the personality of the future emperor, about whom numerous haters of Pavel Petrovich subsequently loved to talk.

On February 23, 1765, Poroshin wrote: “I read to His Highness Vertotov a story about the Order of the Knights of Malta. He then deigned to amuse himself and, tying the admiral’s flag to his cavalry, pretend to be a Cavalier of Malta.”

Already in early years Paul began to be fascinated by the idea of ​​chivalry, the idea of ​​honor and glory. And in the military doctrine presented to his mother at the age of 20, who by that time was already the Empress of All Russia, he refused to wage an offensive war, explained his idea by the need to observe the principle of reasonable sufficiency, while all the efforts of the Empire should be aimed at creating internal order .

The Tsarevich's confessor and mentor was one of the best Russian preachers and theologians, Archimandrite, and later Metropolitan of Moscow Platon (Levshin). Thanks to his pastoral work and instructions in the Law of God, Pavel Petrovich for the rest of his life short life became a deeply religious, true Orthodox person. In Gatchina, until the revolution of 1917, they preserved a rug worn by Pavel Petrovich’s knees during his long night prayers.

Thus, we can notice that in his childhood, adolescence and youth, Paul received an excellent education, had a broad outlook, and even then came to knightly ideals and firmly believed in God. All this is reflected in his future policies, in his ideas and actions.

Relations with Catherine II

Immediately after birth, Pavel was removed from his mother by Empress Elizabeth. Catherine could see him very rarely and only with the permission of the Empress. When Paul was eight years old, his mother, Catherine, relying on the guard, carried out a coup, during which Paul's father, Emperor Peter III, was killed. Paul was to ascend the throne.

Catherine II removed Paul from interfering in any state affairs; he, in turn, condemned her entire way of life and did not accept the policies that she pursued.

Pavel believed that this policy was based on love of fame and pretense; he dreamed of introducing strictly legal governance in Russia under the auspices of the autocracy, limiting the rights of the nobility, and introducing the strictest, Prussian-style, discipline in the army. In the 1780s he became interested in Freemasonry.

The ever-increasing relationship between Paul and his mother, whom he suspected of complicity in the murder of his father, Peter III, led to the fact that Catherine II gave her son the Gatchina estate (that is, she “removed” him from the capital). Here Pavel introduced customs that were sharply different from those in St. Petersburg. But in the absence of any other concerns, he concentrated all his efforts on creating the “Gatchina army”: several battalions placed under his command. Officers in full form, wigs, tight uniforms, impeccable order, punishment by spitzrutens for the slightest omissions and a ban on civilian habits.

He significantly narrowed the rights of the noble class compared to those granted by Catherine II, and the rules established in Gatchina were transferred to the entire Russian army. The most severe discipline and unpredictability of the emperor’s behavior led to massive dismissals of nobles from the army, especially the officers of the guard (of the 182 officers who served in the Horse Guards Regiment in 1801, only two had not resigned). All officers on the staff who did not appear by order at the military board to confirm their service were also dismissed.

It should be noted, however, that Paul I started the military, as well as other reforms, not only out of his own whim. The Russian army was not at its peak, discipline in the regiments suffered, titles were not given out deservedly - so, from birth, noble children were assigned to some rank, to this or that regiment. Many, having a rank and receiving a salary, did not serve at all (apparently, mostly these officers were dismissed from the staff). For negligence and laxity, gross mistreatment of soldiers, he personally tore off the epaulettes from officers and even generals and sent them to Siberia. Paul I especially persecuted the theft of generals and embezzlement in the army. As a reformer, Paul I decided to follow his favorite example - Peter the Great - like his famous ancestor, he decided to take as a basis the model of the modern European army, in particular the Prussian one, and what else than the German can serve as an example of pedantry, discipline and perfection. In general, military reform did not stop after Paul’s death.

During the reign of Paul I, the Arakcheevs, Kutaisovs, and Obolyaninovs, who were personally devoted to the emperor, rose to prominence.

Fearing the spread of the ideas of the French Revolution in Russia, Paul I banned young people from traveling abroad to study, the import of books was completely prohibited, even sheet music, and private printing houses were closed. The regulation of life went so far as to set a time when the fires in houses were supposed to be turned off. By special decrees, some words of the Russian language were removed from official use and replaced with others. Thus, among those seized were the words “citizen” and “fatherland” that had a political connotation (replaced with “everyman” and “state”, respectively), but a number of Paul’s linguistic decrees were not so transparent - for example, the word “detachment” was changed to “detachment” or “command”, “execute” to “execute”, and “doctor” to “doctor”.

Foreign policy

Paul's foreign policy was inconsistent. In 1798, Russia entered into an anti-French coalition with Great Britain, Austria, Turkey, and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. At the insistence of the allies, the disgraced A.V. Suvorov was appointed commander-in-chief of the Russian troops. Austrian troops were also transferred to his jurisdiction. Under the leadership of Suvorov, Northern Italy was liberated from French domination. In September 1799, the Russian army made Suvorov's famous crossing of the Alps. However, already in October of the same year, Russia broke the alliance with Austria due to the Austrians’ failure to fulfill allied obligations, and Russian troops were recalled from Europe.

Shortly before his murder, Paul sent the Don army of 22,507 people on a campaign against India. The campaign was canceled immediately after the death of Paul by decree of Emperor Alexander I.

Conspiracy and death

Mikhailovsky Castle - the place of the emperor's death

All-Russian Emperors,
Holstein-Gottorp branch (after Peter III)

Paul I
Maria Fedorovna
Nicholas I
Alexandra Fedorovna
Alexander II
Maria Alexandrovna

Paul I was strangled in his own bedroom on March 11, 1801 at Mikhailovsky Castle. The conspiracy involved Agramakov, N.P. Panin, vice-chancellor, L.L. Benningsen, commander of the Izyuminsky light horse regiment P.A. Zubov (Catherine’s favorite), Palen, governor general of St. Petersburg, commanders of the guards regiments: Semenovsky - N. I. Depreradovich, Kavalergardsky - F.P. Uvarov, Preobrazhensky - P.A. Talyzin.), and according to some sources - the emperor's aide-de-camp, Count Pyotr Vasilyevich Golenishchev-Kutuzov, immediately after the coup was appointed commander of the Cavalry Regiment.

Initially, the overthrow of Paul and the accession of an English regent were planned. Perhaps the denunciation to the tsar was written by V.P. Meshchersky, the former chief of the St. Petersburg regiment stationed in Smolensk, perhaps by Prosecutor General P.Kh. Obolyaninov. In any case, the conspiracy was discovered, Lindener and Arakcheev were summoned, but this only accelerated the execution of the conspiracy. According to one version, Pavel was killed by Nikolai Zubov (Suvorov’s son-in-law, Platon Zubov’s older brother), who hit him with a massive golden snuffbox (a joke later circulated at court: “The Emperor died of an apoplectic blow to the temple with a snuffbox”). According to another version, Paul was strangled with a scarf or crushed by a group of conspirators who, leaning on the emperor and each other, did not know exactly what was happening. Mistaking one of the killers for the son of Constantine, he shouted: “Your Highness, are you here too? Have mercy! Air, Air!.. What have I done wrong to you?” These were his last words.

The question of whether Alexander Pavlovich knew and gave sanction for the palace coup and the murder of his father remained unclear for a long time. According to the memoirs of Prince A. Czartoryski, the idea of ​​a conspiracy arose almost in the first days of Paul’s reign, but the coup became possible only after it became known about the consent of Alexander, who signed the corresponding secret manifesto, in which he recognized the need for a coup and pledged not to persecute conspirators after accession to the throne. One of the organizers of the conspiracy, Count Palen, wrote in his memoirs: “ Grand Duke Alexander did not agree to anything without first demanding an oath from me that no attempt would be made on his father’s life; I gave him my word: I was not so devoid of sense as to internally undertake an obligation to fulfill an impossible thing, but it was necessary to calm the scrupulosity of my future sovereign, and I encouraged his intentions, although I was convinced that they would not be fulfilled.” Most likely, Alexander himself, like Count Palen, understood perfectly well that without murder, a palace coup would be impossible, since Paul I would not voluntarily abdicate the throne.

The conspirators got up from dinner after midnight. According to the developed plan, the signal for the invasion of the inner apartments of the palace and the emperor’s office itself was to be given by Argamakov, the adjutant of the grenadier battalion of the Preobrazhensky regiment, whose duty was to report to the emperor about the fires occurring in the city. Agramakov ran into the front of the sovereign's office and shouted: "fire"!

At this time, the conspirators, numbering up to 180 people, rushed through door a (see figure). Then Marin, who commanded the internal infantry guard, removed the loyal Grenadians of the Preobrazhensky life battalion, placing them as sentries, and placed those of them who had previously served in the life grenadier regiment in the front of the sovereign’s office, thus retaining this important post in the hands conspirators.

Two chamber hussars standing at the door bravely defended their post; one of them was stabbed to death and the other was wounded*. Having found the first door leading to the bedroom unlocked, the conspirators at first thought that the emperor had disappeared into the inner staircase (and this could have easily been done), as Kuitasov did. But when they approached the second door, they found it locked from the inside, which proved that the emperor was undoubtedly in the bedroom.

Having broken open the door, the conspirators rushed into the room, but the emperor was not in it. A search began, but to no avail, despite the fact that the door leading to the Empress’s bedchamber was also locked from the inside. The search continued for several minutes, when Generalo Bennigsen entered, he went up to the fireplace, leaned against it and at that time saw the emperor hiding behind the screen.

Pointing his finger at him, Bennigsen said in French “le voila,” after which Pavel was immediately pulled out of his cover.

Prince Platon Zubov**, who acted as a speaker and the main leader of the conspiracy, addressed the emperor with a speech. Pavel, usually distinguished by great nervousness, this time, however, did not seem particularly excited, and, maintaining full dignity, asked what they all needed?

Platon Zubov replied that his despotism had become so difficult for the nation that they came to demand his abdication from the throne.

The emperor, filled with a sincere desire to bring happiness to his people, to preserve the laws and regulations of the empire inviolably and to establish justice everywhere, entered into an argument with Zubov, which lasted about half an hour, and which, in the end, took on a stormy character. At this time, those of the conspirators who had drunk too much champagne began to express impatience, while the emperor spoke louder and louder and began to gesticulate strongly. At this time, the master of the horse, Count Nikolai Zubov***, a man of enormous stature and extraordinary strength, being completely drunk, hit Pavel on the hand and said: “Why are you shouting like that!”


  • This was the chamberlain hussar Kirilov, who later served as a valet under the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna.
    • Zubov, Prince Platon Alexandrovich.1767 - 1822. General-from. inf., chief 1 cadet corps. Subsequently, member of the state. advice.
      • Zubov, Count Nikolai Alexandrovich. Chief of the Horse. 1763 - 1805 Was married to only daughter Field Marshal Suvorov, Prince Natalia Alexandrovna, known as "Suvorochki".

At this insult, the emperor indignantly pushed away left hand Zubova, to which the latter, clutching a massive golden snuffbox in his fist, struck with all his might right hand a blow to the emperor's left temple, as a result of which he fell unconscious to the floor. At that same moment, Zubov’s French valet jumped up with his feet on the emperor’s stomach, and Skaryatin, an officer of the Izmailovsky regiment, taking in the emperor’s own scarf hanging over the bed, strangled him with it. This is how he was killed.

Based on another version, Zubov, being very drunk, allegedly put his fingers into the snuff box that Pavel was holding in his hands. Then the emperor was the first to hit Zubov, and thus started the quarrel himself. Zubov allegedly snatched the snuffbox from the emperor’s hands and knocked him off his feet with a strong blow. But this is hardly plausible, considering that Pavel jumped straight out of bed and wanted to hide. Be that as it may, there is no doubt that the snuff box played a certain role in this event.

So, the words spoken by Palen at dinner: “qu”il faut commencer par casser les ocufs” were not forgotten, and, alas, were carried out.*

The names of some persons were named, who on this occasion expressed a lot of cruelty, even atrocity, wanting to take out the insults received from the emperor on his lifeless body so that it was not easy for doctors and make-up artists to bring the body into such a form that it could be exposed for worship, according to existing customs. I saw the late emperor lying in a coffin.** On his face, despite diligent make-up, black and blue spots were visible. His triangular hat was pulled down on his head so as to, if possible, hide his left eye and temple, which was bruised.

Thus died on March 12, 1801, one of the sovereigns, whom history speaks of as a monarch filled with many virtues, distinguished by tireless activity, who loved order and justice.


  • This needs to be done now so as not to break later.
    • They say (from a reliable source) that when the diplomatic corps was admitted to the body, the French ambassador, passing, bent over the coffin and, touching the emperor’s tie with his hand, discovered a red mark around the neck made by the scarf.

Versions of the origin of Paul I

Due to the fact that Paul was born almost ten years after the wedding of Peter and Catherine, when many were already convinced of the futility of this marriage (and also under the influence of the free personal life of the empress in the future), there were persistent rumors that the real father Paul I was not Peter III, but his first favorite Grand Duchess Ekaterina Alekseevna, Count Sergei Vasilievich Saltykov.

Historical anecdote

The Romanovs themselves related to this legend
(about the fact that Paul I was not the son of Peter III)
with great humor. There is a memoir about
how Alexander III, having learned about her,
crossed himself: “Thank God, we are Russian!”
And having heard a refutation from historians, again
crossed himself: “Thank God we are legit!”

The memoirs of Catherine II contain an indirect indication of this. In the same memoirs one can find a hidden indication of how the desperate Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, so that the dynasty would not fade away, ordered the wife of her heir to give birth to a child, no matter who his genetic father would be. In this regard, after this instruction, the courtiers assigned to Catherine began to encourage her adultery. However, Catherine is quite crafty in her memoirs - there she explains that the long-term marriage did not produce offspring, since Peter had “a certain obstacle”, which, after the ultimatum given to her by Elizabeth, was eliminated by her friends, who committed violence against Peter surgery, and therefore he was still able to conceive a child. The paternity of Catherine's other children born during her husband's life is also doubtful: Grand Duchess Anna Petrovna (b.) was most likely the daughter of Poniatovsky, and Alexei Bobrinsky (b.) was the son of G. Orlov and was born in secret. More folklore and in line with traditional ideas about the “switched baby” is the story that Ekaterina Alekseevna allegedly gave birth to a stillborn child and he was replaced by a certain “Chukhon” baby.


Gerard von Kügelgen. Portrait of Paul I with his family. 1800. State Museum-Reserve "Pavlovsk"

Married twice:

  • 1st wife: (since October 10, St. Petersburg) Natalya Alekseevna(1755-1776), born. Princess Augusta Wilhelmina Louise of Hesse-Darmstadt, daughter of Ludwig IX, Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt. Died during childbirth with a baby.
  • 2nd wife: (since October 7, St. Petersburg) Maria Fedorovna(1759-1828), born. Princess Sophia Dorothea of ​​Württemberg, daughter of Frederick II Eugene, Duke of Württemberg. Had 10 children:
    • Alexander I(1777-1825), Russian Emperor
    • Konstantin Pavlovich(1779-1831), Grand Duke.
    • Alexandra Pavlovna (1783-1801)
    • Elena Pavlovna (1784-1803)
    • Maria Pavlovna (1786-1859)
    • Ekaterina Pavlovna (1788-1819)
    • Olga Pavlovna (1792-1795)
    • Anna Pavlovna (1795-1865)
    • Nicholas I(1796-1855), Russian Emperor
    • Mikhail Pavlovich(1798-1849), Grand Duke.

Military ranks and titles

Colonel of the Life Cuirassier Regiment (July 4) (Russian Imperial Guard) Admiral General (December 20) (Imperial Russian Navy)