Why you can’t swear. Why you can’t swear: the benefits and harms of this activity. The power given to the word

Hi all! Today we are exploring the question of why a person swears, what it gives him and what it deprives him of. And, of course, we will consider methods with which you can, if not completely get rid of the use of obscene words, then at least significantly reduce their number. So, are you ready?

The advantages of "checkmate"

  • Sometimes there are situations when it is simply impossible to do without a strong word. With its help, it is easier to speak out and express the whole range of emotions experienced. But only on the condition that such situations are rare.
  • Relieving tension. No matter what beautiful epithets a person chooses to address the offender in order to humiliate his dignity and express indignation, you must admit that this will not work as well as if he had not clearly, succinctly and succinctly formulated his attitude towards him with the help of abuse. Sometimes you can even experience relief and pleasure from a well-chosen word.
  • There is a certain contingent of the population, with very limited abilities, who simply do not understand what is being said to them until they use a “special” abusive language.

British scientists have proven

An experiment was once conducted in Britain, during which it was found that swearing helps reduce painful sensations. They took seventy students and divided them, as usual, into two groups. The subjects had to lower their hands very cold water and keep there as long as they can handle it.

In the first group, young people had to swear at the most difficult moments, when it became completely unbearable. In the second, repeat some phrase completely devoid of emotional load and meaning. And what do you think the results were? That's right, the foul-mouthed ones won, since on average they stayed in the icy water 45 seconds longer than their, so to speak, opponents.

In addition, it was found that the greatest pain-relieving effect was achieved by those who practically do not use strong words in everyday life. If you remember, the right hemisphere of a person is responsible for emotions, but the left is for speech. So, at the moment of using curse words, the body releases endorphins, joy hormones, which affect various centers of the brain. They cause a feeling of euphoria, which helps reduce sensitivity, hence the pain-relieving effect.

Cons of "checkmate"

1. In psychology, it is believed that individuals who often resort to obscene language in conversation are not able to express their emotions in any other way. Emotional intelligence, that is, the ability to track and show feelings, is just as important to develop as.

2. It has been scientifically proven that a person's DNA can change depending on his speech using electromagnetic channels. But what can I say, even if thanks to thoughts a person can send certain impulses to the Universe, since they have energy, especially if they are strongly emotionally charged. You can read about this in detail in the article. This is the secret of healing for people who pray and believe in the power of prayer. And that’s why we shouldn’t use foul language, otherwise we risk acquiring illnesses and attracting failures and misfortunes.

3. In some countries, swearing is punishable by law, in particular in Russia as well. So you risk getting a fine if you use foul language in a public place, and this will negatively affect both your reputation and your financial situation.

4. Unfortunately, frequent use of swear words is a sign of mental illness. Especially if it is inappropriate, simply offensive, and completely without respecting any boundaries. For example, with young children, or with higher authoritarian leadership.

How not to swear?


You need to realize that the use of obscene language has already gone beyond the acceptable norm, and is a bad habit that you have little control over. Otherwise, how can you stop swearing if you think that everything is normal, and other people are just being picky? Changes happen when a person decides to make them himself. That is, not at someone’s request, but due to one’s own awareness that addiction causes a lot of harm.

Addiction prevents you from living a quality and full life, gradually but confidently moving forward and developing. So, if you think it’s time to stop, I hasten to congratulate you - you have practically defeated the “enemy”, only a small matter remains.


Now you need to become as attentive as possible in order to track exactly at what moments you resort to foul language. If possible, limit situations when you cannot hold on, but if this is not possible, then choose one of the relaxation techniques about breathing techniques, and use it in the most dangerous and tense moments.


Think about whether there is a place for shame in your soul? If yes, then in front of whom is it most embarrassing to show oneself not with the best side? Who is this? Mom and dad, a woman you like, a child or just a neighbor? And it doesn’t matter, even if this person is no longer physically around, or if he has died, his image is stored in our hearts as long as he is important and valuable.

Now think, could you use strong words in his presence? If not, then every time the desire to scold arises, imagine that he is somewhere nearby and looking at you. Or stop yourself thinking about what he would say if he were with you at the moment?

Shame actually inhibits a person in his manifestations, preventing him from achieving what he wants, stopping the impulse, energy message. It can sometimes be used to your advantage if used carefully, only in cases where the setting turns out to be resourceful and not limiting.


Many people want to look worthy in the eyes of others, whom they want to emulate and be like. And this is especially wanted by those who strive for self-development. Tell me, would you be reading this article right now if you didn’t want to become a better person? I doubt. So, remember some of your close and distant acquaintances, are there those among them who abuse obscenities? If so, how did you feel when you were there? Did you have a feeling of respect for them? And the desire to communicate more often?

It's time to change your thinking

Anyone who constantly uses obscene language basically looks at the world pessimistically. Everything annoys him, it turns out not to be what he wants, those around him disappoint him, and in general, he doesn’t understand or know how to do something. Such a person simply loses the ability to notice the good, focusing only on the negative.

So take action and start taking active steps to improve your quality of life.


Affirmations will also help you stop swearing, that is, positive attitudes that can be used instead of swear words. It won't be easy at first, but over time you will get used to it. You will find out what it is and how to use it.


Come up with a small punishment, for example, for each swear word you do push-ups. Of course, you won’t be able to start implementing it right away; the situation is not always conducive to acting as you want. But you can count every time you give in, and in the evening, when you get home, atone for your sins, so to speak.

By the way, this way you will get your figure in order, you will be in good shape and much happier. After all, during physical activity the body produces endorphins.


Read at every opportunity, find time, even if your schedule is overly busy. Your vocabulary will increase, and then there will be no need to resort to curses to express your feelings. You will be able to do this in a more acceptable and pleasant language. It is recommended to focus on classical literature, then move on to what you like. About what other benefits books bring, you.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! If you don’t immediately manage to speak in beautiful literary language, don’t despair. Foul speech, like other bad habits, is not formed in one day, which means you will have to put in a lot of effort and patience to overcome it. But you will feel how your life, thoughts and even relationships with others are changing, and this is definitely worth the struggle. So believe in yourself, and everything will work out for you!

The material was prepared by Alina Zhuravina.


Still, we must make a reservation that this article makes quite bold claims. Following the rules for publishing materials here, I think you should put this sign: 18+

At the heart of all the most ancient religions, starting with the religion of the White Light People - the Rus, which was called (possibly) Pravo-Slovie, lay a cult, which today is called by the scientific term - phallic. After a violent shift secular power RUSSIAN RELIGION to the international CREED, the words associated with this vital cult were declared forbidden and sinful by the ruling doctrine (although they still live among the people and will outlive all the prohibitors).
I would like to offer for initial acquaintance and as food for thought an article by Konstantin Lipskikh, in which he tries to understand the topic of the so-called. Russian obscenities not from the position of the dominant officialdom, but based on their ideas about the Worldview of the Ancient Rus and the facts of the language.

Put in a word for Russian swearing

The idea to write this article came to me when I asked myself a few questions.
1. What is Russian mate?
2. When did Russian swearing appear?
3. Who is bothered by Russian swearing? Why is it considered obscene?
4. What to do with Russian obscenities?

First of all, you need to determine the meaning of the concept of MAT.

In everyday life it is a wicker mat, a bedding (that which protects the floor from abrasion).
In jewelry production, this is a reduction in the shine of the product (protection from the need to maintain the shine of the surface).
In glass production, this is a reduction in the transparency of glass (protection from the possibility of peeking through the glass).
In chess, this is a hopeless position of the main piece (such a defense of one’s pieces when none of them can be “taken”).
In general, this is an extremely disastrous situation.
Screaming with good obscenities means calling with all your might for help, asking for protection.

In addition, the word MAT has a common root with the following words:

Matas is a buffoon (priest of the goddess Mary).
Matasitsya - to dangle, swing, break, jump in different ways (similar to magic, or rituals among shamans).
Matter is everything weighty, everything that occupies space, substance.
Seasoned - huge, dense, healthy, portly.
Mother - to have, to have; woman who gave birth to a child, parent.
Checkmate - put in a hopeless position, limit the opponent’s capabilities.

Vocabulary analysis

From the meaning of the above words with the root being studied, we can conclude that MAT is:

1) protection, amulet,

2) a call for help (from one’s gods or guardian spirits),

3) an integral part of a priestly or shamanic rite,

4) affirmation of life and procreation.

MATA components:
Male genital organ.
Female genital organ.
The process of merging male and female principles in the act of reproduction (creation of new life).

In the work of V.A. Chudinov “The Oldest Slavic Text on the Territory of Eurasia” describes a figurine found at the Brekhat-Ram site, dating back to the Paleolithic era, on which a text was found describing a ritual called PERUN’S GAME.
In this text there is a recommendation for a man in relation to a woman - FUCK AT HOLY TIMES, and the male genital organ is called HUY.

Considering that this text describes a Christmas ritual, we can assume that the words given above had a sacred meaning for the Slavs.
In Shilov's book "Ancestors", with reference to very ancient images in the Stone Tomb (Zaporozhye region), God the Father - AN, Goddess Mother - KI and God the Creator - En-Lil (wind of swaying) are mentioned. God the Creator united Mother and Father, as a result of which he transformed into the embryo of the Universe - KiAn - God the Son / Daughter /.
Here it may be of interest to analyze the name of God the Creator, taking into account the fact that in Russian the same phenomenon can have several names. En-Lil (He Lel) is the Creator God (God of Love), which means “wind of swaying.” However, the concept of “oscillation” has another definition - “oscillation” (note that this is a completely literary word).

It is not good to swear - this truth has been known to many since childhood, and in some cases it is also reinforced by physical sensations that are forever imprinted in the memory of those from whom their parents heard swear words. However, there is hardly a single adult who would never utter a single swear word in his life. Swearing is unacceptable, ugly, not elegant, etc. And yet, it exists and is extremely popular among all segments of the population. In addition, psychologists partially justify people who swear.

7 reasons used to justify those who swear

Swearing is unacceptable, ugly, not elegant, etc. And yet, it exists and is extremely popular among all segments of the population. In addition, psychologists partially justify people who swear, identifying at least seven reasons for the popularity (or even advantages) of swearing.

Reason 1: Pain relief

Mat activates the body's "fight or flight" response, which is a release of adrenaline followed by a pain-relieving effect. This theory was proven experimentally: people who swore were able to keep their hands in ice water twice as long as those who did not use obscenities during the experiment. Moreover, this effect obtained from swearing is typical only for people who use it in exceptional cases, and do not use it almost always during communication. People who swear constantly are less sensitive to the effects of swear words, and therefore their body does not react to them with a surge of adrenaline.

Reason 2: Power and control

Checkmate gives a person the opportunity to feel greater power and control over a bad situation. Even if a person demonstrates this very power to himself, this is very important, because he no longer feels like a passive victim, but is ready to react and fight the current circumstances. This, in turn, can instantly boost self-esteem and self-confidence in a particular situation, as well as provide an incentive to take corrective action. Mark Twain also said: “If you're angry, count to four; if you’re very angry, swear.”

Reason 3: Nonviolent Retribution

Swear words are a weapon that a person uses to take revenge on bad people without resorting to violence. Instead of hitting someone, we vent our anger by swearing. Psychologists also draw a parallel: swearing is the same for a person as growling is for an animal. Thus, he warns the interlocutor that he should be careful, otherwise the consequences could be dire.

Reason 4: Humor

Swearing among friends is sometimes fun. In such circumstances, swearing serves as a way of liberation from normal social restrictions in the same way as a playful fight with a friend. (Debatable)

Reason 5: Social connections

Believe it or not, like any weapon, swearing can be used for good: if used correctly and appropriately, swearing can show others that you belong to a certain group or feel quite comfortable with members of such a group. Swearing can also demonstrate that you are open, honest and sociable.

Reason 6: Self-expression

Swear words can also indicate that the subject of our conversation is of great importance to us. Undoubtedly, a statement supported by obscenities acquires the maximum possible emotional overtones. Thus, a swear word (again, said to the point) helps to emphasize the importance of the word or phrase.

Reason 7: Physical and mental health

Some of the health benefits of matting include: increased blood circulation, increased endorphin levels, and general condition peace of mind, a sense of control and well-being. The main precondition for such benefits is the following: you need to swear extremely rarely and try not to get angry.

Estet-portal does not encourage you to swear everywhere and every day. However, as practice shows, sometimes swearing can serve as an excellent tool both for improving one’s well-being and for eliminating unpleasant or difficult situation. Therefore, use swear words, but only wisely.

Foul language has become an integral part modern life. It hurts the ears of some, because cultured people should not express themselves. Others don't pay attention to the swearing. Many even believe that by swearing they can earn authority in the company. But that's not true.

Why do people swear? Why can't you swear?

Someone thinks that the use of profanity gives weight to speech and helps to win a verbal duel over an opponent. At the same time, it is completely forgotten that swearing sounds unethical and impolite in relation to the people around.

Regular use of swear words in speech is a bad habit that is difficult to get rid of, just like smoking and alcoholism.

Often, obscene language is used to compensate for insufficient vocabulary. The use of swear words indicates the presence of complexes in a person who, feeling his ignorance, tries to hide behind obscenities. Some people bring their mastery of mating to perfection throughout their lives.

In addition to the fact that obscene language is unpleasant, it is also dangerous if the person swearing is surrounded by small children, as this can negatively affect their psyche. After all, as you know, they perfectly remember everything they hear, but it’s harder to get rid of bad things.

Who taught Russian people to swear?

  • According to one common version, the Mongols did this. But in reality they have nothing to do with the appearance of profanity. Swear words of Slavic origin. Obscene expressions known to almost every Russian person are found in the languages ​​of countries such as Macedonia and Slovenia.
  • Probably, swearing was an integral element of pagan cults. In Serbian literature there is a description of one custom: a peasant throws an ax in the air and says swear words. This technique was believed to help bring rain.

A person who uses obscene language in his speech attracts attention, but does not arouse admiration. Hardly anyone would want to meet him. An educated girl will walk past a swearing man. And a smart guy will avoid a girl who uses swear words. Mat does not add status and is not an indicator of a developed mind, rather the opposite.

Genetics quite simply describe the effect of obscene language. Human DNA reacts to external influences, leading to changes in genes. People consist of more than 70% water, which, in turn, is an information structure and remembers everything.

The spoken words change the structure of water, creating complex chains of its molecules, changing their features, and, therefore, the genetic code. With constant negative influence, genes that affect a person and his children begin to change. The aging of internal organs also accelerates, there is a tendency to various diseases and the likelihood of a shortened life span.

It follows from this that swearing is fraught with incredible destructive power. Perhaps if a person could see what a strong negative effect swearing carries, he would stop swearing.

There is one study related to obscene language. Residents of those countries whose native languages ​​do not contain profanity are less likely to produce children with Down syndrome and cerebral palsy, and, for example, in Russia and other Slavic countries this is far from uncommon.

To summarize, it can be noted that behind swear words a person tries to hide his lack of education, thereby causing damage to himself and others. Living without swearing makes a person healthier, calmer and more balanced.

It is necessary not only to ensure that there are no swear words in your speech, but also to constantly enrich your vocabulary. Eloquence skills are an indicator of high social status. I think your question has been answered, why can’t you swear?

There is an opinion in the world community that it is impossible to imagine a Russian person without swearing. People from almost all social strata use foul language in our country. You can often hear it from TV screens, on the radio and even in kindergarten from a very young child. Most of us treat profanity quite normally, considering it just a means of expressing our emotions. However, in fact, foul language carries a serious destructive force, which, according to scientists, can lead to the degeneration of an entire nation. Moreover, this process is quite difficult to stop, because it proceeds unnoticed, covering an ever-increasing circle of the Russian-speaking population of the planet. Today we will try to explain to readers why you should not swear under any life circumstances.

Before you try to understand why you can’t swear in principle, you need to find out what falls under the “swearing” category. If you carefully read the definition of this word in different dictionaries, it becomes clear that swearing is one of the coarsest and most ancient forms of profanity in Rus' and in related languages.

Based on this definition, we can conclude that swear words were actively used by our ancestors. Most likely, you are now thinking that since your great-grandfathers and great-great-grandfathers sometimes allowed themselves to swear with strong words, then there is nothing wrong with it. But don't rush to conclusions. Perhaps in ancient times everything was not so simple with profanity.

The history of the mat

Many people are so accustomed to profanity in their everyday speech that they don’t even think about why they can’t swear and where they came from in our culture. However, scientists have been interested in profanity for a very long time, and they have been studying this issue for decades.

Initially, there was a widespread belief that mating came to the Slavs from the Mongols and Turkic tribes. But a more thorough analysis of these languages ​​showed that there was nothing like swearing in them. Therefore, it is worth looking for the roots of foul language in more ancient times.

Ethnopsychologists were very surprised by the similarity of Russian swearing to the spells of the ancient Sumerians. Many words were almost identical, which led scientists to think about the sacred meaning of profanity. And, as it turned out, they were on the right track. After much research, it was revealed that swearing is nothing more than an appeal to pagan spirits, demons and demons. It was widely used in pagan cults and rituals, but even then only special people who used their power to achieve certain goals could use foul language. Still don't understand why you can't swear? Then you should read the article to the end.

Many words that we use today several hundred times a day are the names of ancient demons, while others are a terrible curse sent in ancient times only on the heads of enemies. That is, using swear words every day, we consciously turn to the dark forces and call on them for help. And they are always happy to provide it, and then present an invoice for payment, which may be unaffordable for many.

It is noteworthy that even our ancestors were clearly aware of the harm of swear words. They didn't need to explain why they shouldn't swear in An ordinary person could use profanity no more than ten times a year and only in the most exceptional cases. At the same time, everyone understood that retribution for this weakness would be inevitable.

Of course, to many our explanation will seem like a fairy tale. After all modern man believes only in facts and figures. But well, we are ready to consider this issue from a scientific point of view.

Scientific experiments with profanity

Back in Soviet times, scientists became interested in how words affect living organisms. Since childhood, we have known a lot of folk proverbs and sayings on this matter. For example, " kind word and it’s nice for the cat” or “the word is not lost, but people die from it.” This should teach us to be careful about what comes out of our mouths. However, most people take their speech extremely frivolously. And, according to scientists, it is in vain.

Research institutes in our country have been testing the hypothesis for several years about how strongly a word can affect the psychophysical state of a living organism. The experiments were carried out on seeds intended for planting. Three experimental groups were created. The first was exposed to the most selective swearing for several hours a day, the second “listened” to the usual swearing, and the third was only slandered words of gratitude and prayers. To the surprise of scientists, the seeds on which the mat fell showed a germination rate of only forty-nine percent. In the second group, the numbers were higher - fifty-three percent. But the seeds from the third group sprouted by ninety-six percent!

It is not for nothing that our ancestors knew that in no case should one approach cooking food and planting crops with foul language. In this case, you should not even expect a good result. But how exactly does swearing work? This process was revealed to the fullest by the Russian geneticist Pyotr Goryaev.

The impact of profanity on the human body

We think many of us have read the Bible and remember that “in the beginning was the Word.” But most people didn’t even think about what exactly was contained in this important line. But Pyotr Goryaev managed to reveal this secret.

After many years of research that he conducted in Russian and foreign scientific institutes, it was proven that our DNA chain can be represented as a meaningful text consisting of words grouped with a special meaning. The scientist himself called this phenomenon “the speech of the Creator.” Thus, Goryaev confirmed that with our speech we can both heal ourselves and destroy ourselves. He claims that thought forms, and especially spoken words, are perceived by the genetic apparatus through special electromagnetic channels. Therefore, they can heal and support us, and in other cases literally explode DNA, causing certain disorders and mutations. And mate is the most destructive force of all that exist. Petr Goryaev believes that a frivolous attitude towards profanity leads not only to cultural, but also to physical degeneration of the nation.

Surprisingly, Goryaev’s hypothesis is partially confirmed by doctors. They have long noticed that stroke patients or patients after severe traumatic brain injuries who lose the ability to speak can quite freely pronounce long sentences entirely consisting of swear words. This means that at this moment in the body, signals pass through completely different nerve chains and endings.

The opinion of the clergy

Why can't you swear? Orthodoxy has always had a unanimous opinion on this matter. Any churchgoer can explain that profanity, first of all, is a sin that is displeasing to God. With abusive words we console the evil one and call on demons for help. And they never miss an opportunity to put a person in an even more difficult and difficult situation. Thus, we move further and further away from the Lord and cannot fully open our hearts to him.

In addition, many swear words are a real and terrible insult to Mother of God and the entire feminine gender in general. This is why girls should never swear. As future mothers, they should carry only a bright program within themselves, and not be “stained” with curses and blasphemous words. And this includes all swearing and any abusive speech.

Priests always try to convey that the word is God’s special gift to man. With it, he connects himself with the space surrounding him with invisible threads, and it depends only on the personality itself what exactly will happen to it. Often, even believers allow foul language, and then are surprised that troubles, misfortunes, poverty and illness come to their home. The Church sees a direct connection in this and advises carefully controlling your speech even in moments of intense anger.

The influence of swearing on expectant mothers

Scientists claim that foul language has the ability to spoil a person’s health and condition not only in a momentary situation, but also completely change his genetic program laid down by nature. Swearing seems to knock out certain links from the DNA or completely change them. Any spoken word represents a certain wave genetic program, which in most cases does not have retroactive effect. Therefore, pregnant women must especially carefully monitor not only their own speech, but also the society in which they find themselves. After all, the influence of swearing extends not only to those who use foul language themselves, but also to that category that can be called “passive listeners.” Even one person in a group using profanity can cause great harm to everyone present.

If you still don’t understand why pregnant women shouldn’t swear, then you should contact latest research scientists. They became interested in the data that in some countries cerebral palsy and Down syndrome are extremely rare, while in others they are regularly included in the statistics of newborn diseases. It turned out that in countries where there is no such thing as “swearing”, there are much fewer congenital childhood diseases than in countries where foul language is natural everyday speech almost every person.

Children and swearing

Many adults do not consider it necessary to think about why it is forbidden to swear in front of children. They believe that kids don’t remember or understand anything yet, which means they won’t perceive profanity as something harmful. But this position is fundamentally wrong.

Mat is very dangerous for children of any age. First of all, he is a conductor of violence in the life of a child. Foul language most often becomes a companion to fights and any kind of aggression. Therefore, children very quickly become saturated with this energy and begin to actively broadcast it into the world around us, surprising with their behavior sometimes quite prosperous parents.

Secondly, dependence on swear words almost instantly develops. Psychologists quite often draw a parallel between it and alcohol or nicotine addiction. A child who uses profanity from a very early age will have great difficulty breaking this habit. The process will require incredible effort from him.

Thirdly, foul language reduces your child’s chances of finding happiness in the future and becoming a happy parent of a healthy baby. Therefore, try to convey to your children as clearly as possible why you should not swear.

Interesting fact about profanity

Many people wonder why you can’t swear in prison. There are several explanations for this rule. The first includes the fact that many swear words contain understandable insults. And they are interpreted literally. Therefore, a couple of such words can be perceived as a mortal insult, and one could well pay for it with one’s life.

In addition, places of detention have their own language - Fenya. It carries quite a lot of negative energy and psychologists consider its effect on the body to be much more powerful than swearing.

Instead of a conclusion

We hope that you found our article at least a little useful. And now you will carefully select your words in your everyday life. After all, if every person begins to monitor their speech and exclude foul language from it, then society as a whole will turn away from swearing. And at the same time - from the evil that she carries within herself.