Shuvalovsky construction progress, building 19. Shuvalovsky residential complex from LSR on Parachute Street. For every taste, request and budget

Does proximity to water bodies indicate good ecology, and does the presence of gardens and schools mean there are no problems with enrolling children in educational institutions? Is such housing suitable for everyone, because, as you know, there are no comrades according to taste and color... Let's try to understand.

The Shuvalovsky residential complex is one of the projects of the LSR company, which will soon be completed. It is being implemented in the Primorsky district. The quarter is large-scale: it consists of 24 houses and infrastructure facilities.

But is everything so good? Is the location of the new building really convenient? Does proximity to water bodies indicate good ecology, and does the presence of gardens and schools mean there are no problems with enrolling children in educational institutions? Is such housing suitable for everyone, because, as you know, there are no comrades according to taste and color... Let's try to understand.

What do the Grigoriev and Partners bureau and a radio receiver have in common?

The architecture of the complex was developed by representatives of the Grigoriev and Partners bureau. I must say that this company has proven itself quite well. Her portfolio includes the creation of the “Gallery”, “Ice Palace” and other notable objects in St. Petersburg. In our opinion deeply subjective opinion, “Shuvalovsky” cannot be included in the list of works that the organization can be endlessly proud of. The appearance of the new building is quite ordinary.

The buildings received a height of 17-25 floors. They are distinguished by clear geometric shapes and bright color accents: azure, green, orange and yellow. The look is not too “poisonous” or “acidic”, but probably not everyone will like it. The highlight of the buildings is expanded upper part and a curved silhouette. I came across a comparison of houses with a radio on the Internet. We took a closer look – it really does look like it!

The complex belongs to the “comfort” class, but is built using panel technology. Well, this is a “trick” of the LSR company, and there is no escape from it. Fortunately, the approach to the work was chosen to be modern. The houses consist of reinforced concrete wall panels of 120-160 mm, to which mineral wool insulation boards are glued. Next, thin-walled plaster of several layers and painting are applied to them.

This technology is seamless, and therefore, when imagining “Shuvalovsky”, you should not recall the panel construction that was so popular in the 1980s. The buildings are more or less provided with sound and heat insulation.

The usable area of ​​the complex is over 420 thousand square meters. Can you imagine the scale? We would like to note right away that such a serious size has one important drawback - the quarter cannot be fenced off, i.e. the territory of Shuvalovsky is open to outsiders. But it will include:

  • sports grounds;
  • play areas;
  • walking paths;
  • lawns and green areas;
  • bike paths;
  • parking;
  • picnic areas;
  • two kindergartens;
  • school with a swimming pool.

But even in the case of our own infrastructure, not everything is as smooth as we would like. The second kindergarten has not yet been built. When the school will open its doors is an open question. There are few parking spaces, about one for 4-5 apartments. Among the advantages are the presence of a concierge service and video surveillance systems.

Set of contradictions in bright colors

The location of the complex is just a bunch of “buts”. At first glance, it is excellent: the infrastructure is developed, there are ponds and a forest belt nearby, a metro is expected and interchanges are nearby. Only everywhere there is a howling nuance that can spoil the impression. But first things first.

Life hack: how to increase adrenaline in the blood

The Shuvalovsky residential complex is being built in a new actively developing microdistrict, which is distinguished by the presence of all the necessary infrastructure. About 25 kindergartens and 20 schools are open in the areas adjacent to the complex.

Everything is fine with shopping facilities too: the distance to the Montpensier shopping center with a cinema is 2.5 km, and at the intersection of Komendantsky Prospekt and Dolgoozernaya Street there is the 5 Lakes shopping center. Opposite the buildings are the supermarkets “Okay”, “K-Ruoka” and “K-Rauta”.

And now about the promised nuances. Schools and kindergartens in the area are overcrowded. Healthcare facilities are 2-4 km away from the new building, i.e. getting to them on foot with a child is not entirely convenient. It's also a bit far from gyms and bank branches.

But the most important thing is that most of the infrastructure is located on the other side of Parachute Street. To get there, you will have to cross 4 lanes of active traffic on an unregulated pedestrian crossing at your own risk. A real attraction for those who like to feel the adrenaline in the blood!

Where does the wind blow from

A few steps from the new building there is a green area, beyond which the Shuvalovsky quarry stretches. Martynovsky Square is 1 km away. Nearby are the Yuntolovskaya dacha and the Novoorlovsky forest park, but it’s a bit far to walk to them, and the road is not convenient.

Sounds good! But even in this barrel of honey there was tar, and in the amount of several spoons.

    To the right of the complex is the local thermal power plant. It is located at a reasonable distance, but it is definitely not a pleasant neighbor.

    Nearby there is an industrial zone in which there are enterprises producing concrete, confectionery, furniture, medical equipment, polymer pipes, asphalt, etc.

    But the most “pleasant neighbors” are a landfill and wastewater treatment plants behind the Ring Road. Winds often bring indescribable aromas to Parachute Street.

    Another amber in the summer is created by a farm located in the Kamenka region. According to local residents, its workers work diligently and actively fertilize the plantings with animal waste products.

About prospects

The transport situation can hardly be called a strong point of the complex. Today you have to use public transport to get to the metro from the block. The journey takes about 15 minutes. In the future, the Shuvalovsky Prospekt station will open not far from the houses, but its construction has been postponed with enviable consistency. The project also includes the Parachute station, which will appear two steps away from the residential complex.

The distance to the Ring Road is 7 km, approximately the same distance to the WHSD. It is neither far nor close, but interchanges and exits are regularly jammed with traffic jams during rush hour. Public transport works well. The new building can be reached by routes No. 180, 194, 171, 367, 135.

Who went to the construction site

Construction, as has been said more than once, is being carried out by LSR Group. It has been operating since 1993, has a good reputation, has managed to build over 500 houses and has become one of the market leaders. The developer carries out a full cycle of work - from the extraction of materials and the production of panels to the construction of complexes and the sale of housing.

But you shouldn’t idealize the company. She often missed construction deadlines. For example, the delivery of the “House near Commandant Square” took place 18 months later than originally planned. The same fate befell Novaya Okhta. In the case of Shuvalovsky, concerns are minimal, since most of the buildings have been completed.

Others are much more important " dark spots"in the biography of LSR. The company is dabbling in replacing the declared finishing materials with more budget-friendly ones. The construction of social facilities is taking a long time. Schools and kindergartens, as a rule, are designed for a minimum number of pupils and pupils, while developer complexes resemble anthills.

In general, the company is large, it does not work perfectly, but it is quite high quality, and there are no defrauded shareholders on its account.

For every taste, request and budget

The apartment layout of “Shuvalovsky” is diverse. Buyers are offered fully furnished apartments with a number of rooms from one to four. There are no studios. But this does not mean that there will be few apartments in the complex that will be rented out, because there are about 60% of one-room apartments here. “Threshek” and “four” – about 9% of the total number. Footage – from 35 to 115 “squares”.

There are from 9 to 12 apartments on the floor. At the same time, 4 elevators from the Shcherbinsky plant operate. Considering the height of the buildings, it will not be enough. By the way, let us remind you that we are talking about a “comfort” class complex. They do not fit into the declared level of the kitchen with an area of ​​about 8-10 square meters. m, ceilings are 2.64 m. The abundance of extra partitions will have to be taken for granted - after all, the houses are built using panel technology.

The housing has the correct shape, which simplifies the task of arranging furniture. However, it is not without shortcomings that may turn out to be fundamental. Firstly, many options provide too large corridors. In a number of one-room apartments they are comparable in size to the kitchen area. Secondly, balconies are often designed in the smallest room, which residents usually use as a nursery.

The finishing included in the price is more than modest. The frankly cheap wallpaper, too simple plumbing fixtures and tiles, pipes running from floor to ceiling are disappointing. As already mentioned, there are many complaints about quality, but the comments are promptly eliminated.

What the LSR company really took care of inside and out is the purchasing methods.

  • For a one-time payment, the maximum discount is provided.
  • Even with a down payment of only 5%, interest-free installments are possible.
  • About 20 leading banks in the country have accredited Shuvalovsky. Mortgages are provided at a minimum interest rate of 9.5%.
  • There is a promotion for regular customers - a discount of 1000 rubles per square meter.
  • There is a special offer for out-of-town clients. The developer will bear the transportation costs.
  • You can make a purchase using funds maternity capital and other subsidies.
  • No less interesting is the “Apartment Offset” program, which provides for purchases under the trade-in scheme.

Two scales

“Shuvalovsky” is a completely worthy project, which has obvious advantages and no less tangible disadvantages. Shall we weigh it?


  • availability of own infrastructure;
  • reliable developer;
  • proximity to water bodies and green areas;
  • proximity to the Ring Road and WHSD;
  • construction of a metro station is expected next to the residential complex;
  • affordable prices;
  • convenient ways of purchasing.


    polluted air;

    no metro within walking distance;

    lack of social facilities;

    ambiguous layouts;

    there are complaints about the quality of finishing;

    does not correspond to the declared class;

    small parking lot.

Overall, the cons are balanced by the pros. Whether to buy an apartment in Shuvalovsky or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves. There are many competitors for new buildings in this location. The only question is what you need.

  • Comfort class
  • m. "Komendantsky Prospekt" in 10 min. ride
  • Near the Novoorlovsky forest park and a reservoir - Shuvalovsky quarry
  • Near the ring road and the WHSD (convenient access to the Kurortny district)
  • Two kindergartens and a school with a swimming pool
  • Sports and children's playgrounds, recreation areas
  • Walking alleys
  • Quarter from the arch. workshop "Grigoriev and partners"
  • A small number of apartments per floor
  • Developed infrastructure of the Primorsky district

The Shuvalovsky residential complex is located a few steps from the Shuvalovsky quarry, a little further away the Yuntolovskaya dacha and the Novoorlovsky forest park. Along with this country charm, the complex has all the advantages of the popular Primorsky district: nearby are a number of chain supermarkets, hardware stores, large shopping malls, schools, kindergartens, clinics, and the nearest metro station “Komendantsky Prospekt” is only 10 minutes away by transport. Thanks to the proximity of the Ring Road and the WHSD, as well as its location in the northern part of the city, residents of Shuvalovsky will be able to quickly reach the Kurortny district with an abundance of restaurants along the coast of the Gulf of Finland.

The ecological environment predetermined the internal content of the complex. There will be walking alleys, picnic areas, sports and playgrounds. Own social infrastructure includes two kindergartens and a school with a swimming pool. The colorful design of the facades belongs to the famous design bureau “Grigoriev and Partners”. Distinctive feature- functional layouts, the bulk of which are practical Euro-kopeck apartments and Euro-three-room apartments, there are apartments with views of the picturesque landscapes.


New buildings on Parashutnaya Street and Shuvalovsky Prospekt are very popular among buyers, primarily due to their developed infrastructure. So, when developing a project residential complex Several kindergartens and a school were provided.

Owners of apartments in new buildings will be able to take advantage of existing infrastructure facilities in the Primorsky district, which are within walking distance.

The Shuvalovsky houses under construction are located in close proximity to the Novoorlovsky forest park. Residents of the complex will be able to enjoy the wonderful nature and go for walks not only in the forest park, but also in the Yuntolovskaya forest dacha. The location of the residential complex attracts residents of a large metropolis who want to take a break from the bustle of the city.

The green interior of the open courtyard spaces is very popular with young parents with small children. The residential complex includes prestigious apartments with views that give a picturesque view from the window. All ready-made apartments will be rented out with a fine finish, which allows you to move in and live immediately.

Specialists from the famous workshop “Grigoriev and Partners” worked on the development of this project, thanks to which it was possible to achieve the implementation of original architectural solutions. The Shuvalovsky residential complex was able to acquire an attractive and unique appearance by expanding the upper part of the buildings, complemented by the curved silhouette of unique plate houses. The facades of new buildings will look not only impressive, but also very bright. After all, when decorating houses, bright colors are used, such as yellow and orange, azure and green.

Apartment finishing

Apartments in the Shuvalovsky residential complex will be delivered with a new “comfort” finishing package.

Finished apartments are right choice. You will save your budget and the most valuable thing - your time. We will take care of choosing beautiful, high-quality materials and carefully monitor the work. An integrated approach to finishing apartments throughout the building can simultaneously significantly reduce the cost of purchasing materials and organize internal technical acceptance. All you have to do is choose furniture and accessories, and invite friends to your housewarming party.


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Discount up to 3% for partner employees

A 1% discount is provided for a studio and one-room apartment, 2% for a two-room apartment, 3% for a three-room or more apartment.

To receive a discount, you must provide a certificate from your place of employment stating that you are an employee of one of the key partners of LSR Group. The company's partners include: Gazprom, Norilsk Nickel, Surgutneftegaz, Rosenergoatom, Sberbank, Otkritie and others. So, a three-room apartment of 70 sq. m in the Civilization residential complex, taking into account the discount, will cost 6,959 thousand rubles. A savings of 3% will amount to 215 thousand rubles.

Discount of 50,000 rubles for non-residents

This offer can be taken advantage of by citizens who have permanent registration outside of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

Buyers from the regions can purchase an apartment in any of the LSR residential complexes with a discount of 50,000 rubles. The discount does not apply to the purchase of a parking space in the parking lots of residential complexes. So, a one-room apartment of 32.5 sq. m in the residential complex “Ruchi”, taking into account the discount, will cost 2,920 thousand rubles.

Discounts up to 3% on apartments using the “Client Card”

The “Client Card” is issued to the company’s clients when purchasing comfort and business class apartments for an amount exceeding 20 million rubles.

When summing up the cost of transactions to obtain this card, contracts concluded for relatives may also be taken into account. LSR Group provides 1-2-3% discounts on the purchase of an apartment depending on the number of rooms: a 1% discount is given on the purchase of studios and one-room apartments, 2% on two-room apartments, 3% on apartments with three or more rooms. Thus, in the Tsvetnoy Gorod residential complex the cost of a three-room apartment with an area of ​​60.4 sq. m taking into account the 3% discount will be 4,481 thousand rubles. Savings - 138,618 rubles.

Discount 1,000 rubles per meter

The promotional offer is relevant for those buyers who are ready to re-purchase an apartment in the developer’s new buildings.

To confirm that the purchase is a repeat purchase and to receive a discount of 1,000 rubles per square meter, you must provide your passport information or, if the purchase was made by immediate relatives, document the relationship. This offer applies to all residential complexes of the company. So, when purchasing again, a two-bedroom apartment of 50 sq. m. m in the Civilization residential complex will cost 4,950 thousand rubles. The benefit will be 50,000 rubles.

Discount of 20,000 rubles on “Military Mortgage”

The discount is valid when purchasing apartments in new buildings by the developer using a military mortgage.

Military personnel who entered into the first contract on January 1, 2005 can purchase an apartment with a 20,000 ruble discount on the cost of housing in the specified residential complexes. In addition, graduates of military universities who graduated after January 1, 2005 and entered into the first contract before January 1, 2005 can also buy an apartment under the Military Mortgage program at a discount. “Military mortgage” is provided by banks: “St. Petersburg”, “Sberbank”, “Gazprombank”, “Svyazbank”, “VTB”, “Otkritie”, “Svyaz-Bank”, “Russian Capital”, Bank AB Russia, PJSC Zenit .

Company “LSR. Real estate" erected at the address Parachute Street / Shuvalovsky Prospekt (St. Petersburg) Residential complex "Shuvalovsky": 24 comfort-class panel buildings with a height of 17-25 floors. The design with an extension at the top was developed by the Grigoriev and Partners bureau. Houses are painted in 4 bright colors– green, blue, orange, yellow.

On entrance doors Intercoms are installed in the front doors. There are automatic fire alarm systems in the halls, and there are rooms for concierges. The safety of residents is ensured by a video surveillance system.

The project includes:

  • built-in and detached covered parking lots;
  • guest surface parking.

One kindergarten, built by LSR Group, is already in operation, and another kindergarten and a school with a swimming pool will appear in the block, however, these projects are being undertaken by the Construction Committee.

As part of the improvement of the local area, children's playgrounds, walking alleys, and sports areas have been organized. The first floors of residential buildings are occupied by shops and services within walking distance.

Apartment layout options

The apartment layout of the Shuvalovsky residential complex is represented by 8803 apartments ranging from 30 to 116 m², with 1, 2, 3 and 4 living rooms. There are plans:

  • with separate and combined bathrooms - one or two per apartment;
  • with loggias and balconies, access to which is provided in the kitchen or room;
  • with niches in the corridors for built-in wardrobes.

On upper floors There are view apartments with panoramas of water bodies.

The developer "LSR" offers to buy an apartment ready to move in - with full finishing:

  • laid laminate 32 class 8 mm thick;
  • glazed loggias and balconies;
  • walls covered with vinyl wallpaper for painting;
  • input and interior doors– steel and veneered;
  • ceilings treated with a white water-dispersion composition;
  • PVC windows;
  • electricity, hot and cold water meters;
  • a complete set of plumbing equipment with a sink, acrylic bathtub, toilet, faucets.

Ecology and location improvement

The new building was erected in one of the greenest areas of St. Petersburg - within a radius of 2-4 km there are:

  • Izotovsky and Martynovsky squares;
  • Novoroolovsky and Yuntolovsky nature reserves;
  • Shuvalovsky and Orlovsky quarries;
  • Orlov-Denisov Estate Park.

On the territory of the residential complex there are bicycle paths and places for picnics.

Relaxation in the fresh air can be alternated with visits to the 5 Lakes shopping and entertainment complex and the Montpensier center with a restaurant, shops and a cinema.

The Shuvalovsky residential complex is located 3 km from them.

Location of the residential complex

The Primorsky district is famous for its developed infrastructure. 1-2.5 km from the new houses there are:

  • kindergartens;
  • secondary schools;
  • clinics and medical centers;
  • supermarkets.

In the houses on the ground floors there are shops and necessary services. A kindergarten built by LSR Group has opened and is designed for 250 children. Soon another kindergarten and school will be built.

5.5 and 7.5 km from residential buildings - ZDS and Ring Road. They are convenient for getting to the center of St. Petersburg and in the countryside. It takes 20-30 minutes to get from new buildings by public transport or car to the Komendantsky Prospekt, Udelnaya, and Pionerskaya metro stations.

In the future, the Planernaya metro station will appear at the intersection of Shuvalovsky and Komendantsky Avenues. The metro lobby will be two kilometers from the residential complex.