Tourism - Tourism, oral topic in English with translation. Topic. International tourism Topics in English about the tourism industry

Topic: Domestic tourism of England

Topic: Domestic tourism in England

England is a part of the United Kingdom and it is considered to be the political and cultural center. Speaking of the UK, . . The country is washed by three seas (the Irish sea, the North sea and the Celtic sea).

England is part of Great Britain and is considered its political and cultural center. When talking about Great Britain, many people mean England. Neighboring England are Scotland and Wales. The country is washed by three seas (Irish, Northern and Celtic).

Residents of Albion had to live through many wars and changes of royal power. Today England can offer a lot to its tourists.

The inhabitants of Foggy Albion had to endure many wars and changes in royal power. Today England has a lot to offer its tourists.

Domestic tourism in England is widely developed. For example, those interested in history can visit ancient castles, of which there are more than a dozen in the country. Their appearance, as well as the interior decoration are still able to satisfy the needs of the most demanding tourist.

Already by end of the 19th century centuries, the British began to travel more and more within their country. History says that the first person to establish a tourist office in 1840 was Preacher Cook.

The percentage of urban population is about 87%. Almost three-quarters of the population prefer to travel within their country. Many tourists tend to spend a holiday on the beach in the south-east of the country, namely Brighton, Magritte and Seaford.

The percentage of England's population that is urban is around 87%. Almost three-quarters of the population prefers to travel within their own country. Many tourists seek to spend their holidays on the seashore in the south-east of the country, namely in the resorts of Worthing, Brighton, Magritte and Seaford.

Due to the geographical structure of England, it has created ideal conditions for the development of tourism. The point farthest from the seashore is within 120 km, which means that you can get there by car in just 1.5-2 hours.

In view of the fact that England can offer its tourists the rest, The country has both mountainous and hilly areas; there are many rivers and lakes. According to statistics, there are more than 400,000 river vessels and more than 100,000 marine vessels in England.

Due to the fact that England can offer its tourists a holiday in any area, domestic tourism predominates here. The country has both mountainous and hilly regions, and there are many rivers and lakes. According to statistics, more than 400 thousand river and more than 100 thousand sea pleasure boats are registered in England.

As for the country's capital - London, where local tourists arrive, its main resource is the river Thames, which is crossed over by a large number of bridges. Each of them offers of the city with its palaces and cathedrals, parks and squares , the most famous of which are Trafalgar and Piccadilly Squares. In close proximity to the old houses boutiques and shopping centers. In the area of ​​the City there are banks of the country (all in all there are more than 200 of them) and the famous. Stock Exchange.

As for the capital of the country - London, where most local tourists come, its main resource is the Thames River, which is crossed by a large number of bridges. Each of them offers a unique view of the city with its palaces and cathedrals, parks and squares, the most famous of which are Trafalgar and Piccadilly Circus. In close proximity to ancient houses there are modern boutiques and shopping centers. In the City area there are the country's main banks (more than 200 in total) and the famous Stock Exchange.

There are also such historic as the Cathedral of St. Paul, and dozens of churches, which age dates back. . On the outskirts of the parks one can relax and enjoy the nature.

There are also such historical sights in England as St. Paul's Cathedral and dozens of churches that date back to the 17th century. There are many parks in England, the most famous of which are Hyde Park and St. James's Park. There are many public gardens and small parks located near churches. On the outskirts of the parks you can relax and enjoy nature.

What a tour without a trip around the city by bus? Excursions by the famous double Decker allow to get acquainted with the history of the city and see with one’s own eyes the monuments of architecture, which are worth stopping at in detail.

Westminster Abbey is the main church of England, . Here are the tombs of people who have left their mark on the development of the country. These are the writer Charles Dickens, the naturalist Charles Darwin, the physicist and mathematician Isaac Newton and others.

Westminster Abbey is the main church in England, where national significant celebrations, funeral ceremonies, and ruling monks are crowned to this day. Here are also the tombs of people who left their mark on the development of the country. These are the writer Charles Dickens, naturalist Charles Darwin, physicist, mathematician, scientist Isaac Newton and many others.

Another attraction is a Tower castle, which was built in the 19th century. Its founder was the legendary William the Conqueror. Some time ago the fortress was used as a jail, but it was used to be a royal palace too. Today in the Tower of London one can see a collection of ancient weapons.

Another attraction is the Tower fortress, which was built in the 19th century. Its founder was the legendary William the Conqueror. Some time ago the fortress was used as a prison, and it was also a royal palace. Today in the Tower Fortress you can see a collection of ancient weapons.

As a rule, when visiting London, tourists go on excursions to Oxford and Cambridge, which are home to some of the most prestigious universities in the world. At the Kingdom of Windsor there is an ancient chapel dating back to the 14th century. Lovers of theater and literature eagerly visit Shakespeare's birthplace - Stratford-upon-Avon, where performances are still given in the Shakespeare Theater to this day.

English in the field of tourism

Currently, the tourism business is particularly developed and has a lot of directions. It includes international tourism, and the main condition for working in this area is an excellent knowledge of English as a language of intercultural communication. For employees of travel agencies English is necessary for communication with clients from different places of the planet. The quality of service will largely depend on the language skills. Ability to organize a trip, meet a client, provide hospitality, lodge a client in a hotel, resolve a conflict situation, provide various services - all this is the responsibility of workers in the tourism sector and without English is indispensable. Moreover, there is always the opportunity to develop professionally in this direction. Language is necessary not only for travel agents, but also for working professionals in the hotel business and resorts, as well as guides and organizers of cultural events.

Currently, people prefer to travel independently without using the services of travel agencies. It"s interesting to choose the route and visit the sights. For such trips, it is enough the knowledge of spoken English. You can independently book a taxi, book rooms in the hotel, make purchases, contact passers-by for help. Now , many different English language training courses are offered that will teach you, how to communicate and understand people. With knowledge of English, traveling in a foreign country will be more pleasant and comfortable.


Currently, the tourism business is especially developed and has a lot of directions. This includes international tourism, and the main condition for working in this area is excellent knowledge of English as the language of intercultural communication. For travel agency workers, English is necessary to communicate with clients from different parts of the world. The quality of service will largely depend on language skills. The ability to organize a trip, meet a client, provide hospitality, accommodate a client in a hotel, resolve a conflict situation, provide various types of services - all this is the responsibility of tourism workers and one cannot do without English. Moreover, there is always the opportunity to develop professionally in this direction. The language is necessary not only for travel agency workers, but also for specialists working in the hotel business and resorts, as well as tour guides and organizers of cultural events.

Nowadays, people prefer to travel on their own without using the services of travel agencies. It’s interesting to choose your own route and visit the sights. For such trips, knowledge of spoken English is sufficient. You will be able to independently order a taxi, book hotel rooms, make purchases, and ask passers-by for help. There are now many different English language training courses available that will teach you how to communicate and understand people. With knowledge of English, traveling in a foreign country will be more pleasant and comfortable.


Twenty years ago not many people traveled overseas for their holidays. The majority of people stayed to have holidays in their country. Today the situation is different and the world seems much smaller.

It is possible to book a holiday to a seaside resort on the other side of the world. Staying at home, you can book it through the Internet or by phone. The plane takes you straight there and within some hours of leaving your country, you can be on a tropical beach, breathing a super clean air and swimming in crystal warm water of tropical sea.

We can travel by car, by train or plane, if we have got a long distance tour. Some young people prefer walking or hitch-hike traveling, when you travel, paying nearly nothing. You get new friends, lots of fun and have no idea where you will be tomorrow. It has great advantages for the tourists, who want to get the most out of exploring the world and give more back to the people and places visited. If you like mountains, you could climb any mountains around the globe and there is only one restriction. It is money. If you like traveling, you have got to have some money, because it is not a cheap hobby indeed. The economy of some countries is mainly based on tourism industry. Modern tourism has become a highly developed industry, because any human being is curious and inquisitive, we like leisure, visit other places. That is why tourism prospers.

People travel from the very beginning of their civilization. Thousands of years ago all people were nomads and collectors. They roamed all their lives looking for food and better life. This way human beings populated the whole planet Earth. So, traveling and visiting other places are the part of our consciousness. That is why tourism and travel are so popular.

Nowadays tourism has become a highly developed business. There are trains, cars and air jet liners, buses, ships that provide us with comfortable and secure travel.

If we travel for pleasure, by all means one would like to enjoy picturesque places they are passing through, one would like seeing the places of interest, enjoying the sightseeing of the cities, towns and countries.

Nowadays people travel not only for pleasure but also on business. People have to go to other countries for taking part in different negotiations, for signing some very important documents, for participating in different exhibitions, in order to exhibit the goods of their own firm or company. Traveling on business helps people to get more information about achievements of other companies, which will help making their own business more successful.

There are a lot of means of travelling: traveling by ship, by plane, by car, walking. It depends on a person to decide which means of traveling one would prefer.

Text translation: Tourism - Tourism

Twenty years ago, not many people went on holiday abroad. Most people spent their holidays in their own country. Today the situation has changed and the world seems much smaller.

Today it is possible to reserve a place at a seaside resort on the other side of the world.

Without leaving your home, you can order tickets online or by phone. The plane will take you directly to where you want to go, and within a few hours of leaving your country, you can find yourself on a tropical coast, enjoying the purest air, swimming in the crystal clear, warm water of the tropical sea.

We can travel by car, train or plane if we have a long journey ahead of us. Some young people choose to travel by foot or hitchhike, spending almost nothing on their journey. You meet new friends, have fun and have no idea where you will be tomorrow. This is a big advantage for tourists - those who want to get everything possible from exploring the world, without disturbing the people around them too much. If you love mountains, you could climb any mountain around the globe. There is only one limitation. This is money. If you love to travel, you must have money because it is not really a cheap hobby.

The economy of some countries relies on tourism. Modern tourism has become a highly developed industry because every person is curious, inquisitive and loves leisure, loves to visit other places. This is why tourism is booming.

People have been traveling since the beginning of their civilization. Thousands of years ago, all people were nomads and gatherers. All their lives they wandered in search of food and a better life. Thus, people populated the entire planet Earth. So traveling and visiting other places is part of our consciousness. This is why tourism and travel are so popular.

Currently, tourism has become a highly developed business. Trains, cars and air jets, buses, ships provide us with a comfortable and safe journey.

If we travel for pleasure, everyone would like, by all means, to enjoy the picturesque places that he flies through, would like to see interesting places, enjoy the sights of cities and countries.

Nowadays, people travel not only for pleasure, but also for business. People have to travel to other countries to participate in various negotiations, to sign some very important documents, to participate in various exhibitions, to show the products of their own company or company. Business trips help people gain more information about the achievements of other companies, which will help create a more successful business.

You can travel in different ways: by ship, plane, car, on foot. It all depends on the person and his preferences.

Used literature:
1. 100 topics of English oral (Kaverina V., Boyko V., Zhidkikh N.) 2002
2. English for schoolchildren and those entering universities. Oral examination. Topics. Texts for reading. Exam questions. (Tsvetkova I.V., Klepalchenko I.A., Myltseva N.A.)
3. English, 120 Topics. English language, 120 conversation topics. (Sergeev S.P.)

Not very high (or just very well forgotten), but a long-awaited trip abroad is already looming on the horizon? It’s too late to run to courses... Well, don’t despair now! We have selected for you basic phrases in English for traveling.

So, yay! The plane has landed and the adventure has begun! And they started with “Abra-Kadabra” at the airport... And not “Abra-Kadabra” at all, if you carefully study the basic phrases for communicating at the airport.

At the airport. At the airport

  • I booked my ticket on the Internet. - I booked my ticket online;
  • Do you have your booking reference? - Do you have your reservation code?
  • Yes. Here's my booking reference. - Yes, here is my reservation number;
  • Where are you flying? - Where are you flying to?
  • I'm flying to… - I'm flying to...;
  • Can I see your passport and ticket, please? - Your passport and ticket, please;
  • Did you pack your bags yourself? - Did you pack your things yourself?
  • Do you have a hand baggage?- Do you have any carry-on baggage?
  • Do I need to check this in or can I take it with me? - Do I have to turn it in or can I take it with me?
  • Can I have a window (aisle) seat, please? - Can I have a window (aisle) seat?
  • Where can I get a trolley? - Where can I get a cart?
  • What's the flight number? - What is the flight number?
  • Is it a direct flight? - Is that a direct flight?
  • What's the gate number? - What is the exit number?
  • Are you carrying any liquids? - Are you transporting any liquids?
  • Could you take off your shoes, please? - Could you please take off your shoes?
  • Could you put….into the tray, please? - Place it on the tray, please;
  • The flight is delayed. - Flight delayed;
  • The flight is cancelled. - Flight cancelled;
  • Can I see your boarding card, please? - Please show me your boarding pass.

On the plane. On the plane

  • Fasten your seatbelt and return your seat to the upright position, please. - Please fasten your seat belts and return the seat to its original position;
  • Please, turn off you mobile phones and electronic devices. -Please turn off your mobile phones and electronic devices;
  • Could you put it into the overhead locker, please? -Could you put this in the overhead luggage compartment?

Signs/placards at the airport

  • Departure- Departure
  • Arrivals- Arrival
  • Check-in- Registration
  • International flights- International flights
  • Domestic flights- Domestic flights
  • Gate- Exit to the plane
  • Baggage reclaim- Baggage claim
  • Passport control- Passport control
  • Customs- Customs

At the Hotel. Hotel

The airport, the plane - all this is behind us, rest and check-in to a hotel are ahead. The phrases below will be needed when booking a room, during check-in, and during your stay. Have a comfortable stay and easy communication!

  • What kind of room would you like? - What kind of room would you like?
  • I’d like a single/double/twin/triple room/suite.- I would like a single room/double room with one large bed/double room with two beds/triple room with three beds/suite;
  • How long are you going to stay? - How long are you going to stay here?
  • What’s the price per night? - How much does a stay cost per night?
  • Is breakfast included? - Is breakfast included?
  • I’d like a room with a shower/bath/sea view. - I would like a room with shower/bath/sea view.
  • Is there a swimming pool/gym/sauna/restaurant/fridge/TV/air conditioning…?- Is there a swimming pool/gym/sauna/restaurant/refrigerator/TV/air conditioning...?
  • I lost my key - I lost my key
  • Where is the bar/laundry - Where's the bar? Washing clothes?
  • Could you change the sheets, please? - Could you please change the sheets?
  • Do you have an extra towel/blanket? - Do you have extra towel/blanket?
  • What time do I need to check out? - What time should I leave?

English phrases in a restaurant

We've arrived, settled in, now it's time to relax! What holiday can be complete without a restaurant??? And what restaurant abroad can do without English?

  • Do you have any free tables?- Do you have any free tables?
  • Do you need smoking or non-smoking area? - Do you need a smoking or non-smoking room?
  • Can I have a menu, please? - Please bring the menu;
  • Are you ready to order? - Are you ready to order?
  • I’d like…/Can I have…, please? - I would like…
  • Anything else? - Anything else?
  • Do you have any…? - Do you have...?
  • Could I have the bill, please? - The check, please.
  • Do you accept credit card? - You accept payment by credit card.

Shopping. Purchases

I have never been on a single trip where there was no shopping....and you?))

  • Do you have a size…? - Do you have size...?
  • Can I try this on? - Can I try this on?
  • Where's the fitting room? - Where is the fitting room?
  • Do you have this in a smaller/larger size? - Do you have this in a smaller/larger size?
  • It doesn't fit. - Doesn't fit (size wise)
  • It suits you! - It suits you!
  • I'll take it. Where can I pay? - I'll take it. Where to pay?
  • Are there any discounts? - Are there any discounts here?

Asking for directions. How to ask for directions in English?

Walk like that! A step to the right - a step to the left - it's not interesting! We need to see everything! Lost? Well, not a problem at all!

  • Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to… - Sorry, can you tell me how to get there...
  • Excuse me, do you know where (the nearest metro/bus/train station) is? - Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest metro/bus/train stop is?
  • I’m looking for… this place/address - I'm looking for this place/address.
  • Is it far? - Is it far?
  • Go straight ahead - Go ahead.
  • Turn right/left - Turn right/left.
  • Cross the road - Cross the road.
  • the traffic lights - Turn at the traffic light.
  • It's opposite... - It's the opposite...
  • It's next to... - It's next to…
  • You’ll pass the movie theater on the left… - You will pass the cinema on the left...
  • Keep going this direction - Keep going in this direction.


Hello, dear friend!

So, are you interested in spoken English for tourists - phrases and expressions, and maybe even whole sentences? Then I’m almost sure that everything is fine with you now and your mood “ suitcase" Why? Yes, because only tourists look for useful expressions for tourists)).

A few years ago, my friend went on vacation to Europe, she thought that she would see all the beauty there, visit the most famous museums... It didn’t work out - after all, before the trip she didn’t even bother to stock up elementary phrases in English, not to mention picking up a textbook or phrasebook. I thought that they would understand her on the fingers and relied on our Russian maybe.

As a result, she spent 2 weeks in the hotel, going out a couple of times only to the neighboring street for shopping, although according to her, it didn’t really work out. She admitted that she had never felt so stupid and insecure. Yes, it’s not a very pleasant feeling, I’ll tell you!

To avoid it, it won’t hurt you (it really won’t hurt you!) to read this article. It will be divided into 2 parts. In the first part , that is, on this page, you get acquainted with main English expressions and questions , which will definitely come in handy on any foreign trip. All of them will have translation and pronunciation (audio for each phrase) - you can practice them online and without leaving the cash register.

- I will give you examples, how you can and should react to phrases spoken to you, I'll give you advice how not to get confused and don't fall face first into the dirt)), when you heard the fluent, unintelligible speech of a foreigner who also looks at you angrily! In general, let's practice to the fullest!

So let's start with

Basic rules

  • Use words of gratitude. It's better that you say them twice than not say them at all. (These are the words Thank you and a little more casual thanks )
  • Politeness and once again politeness, to express which use the phrases:
    Please (when asking for something) – Tell me, please, where I can find a hairdresser’s
    You are welcome (when responding to gratitude)
    Excuse me (when you want to ask or ask for something) – Excuse me, could you help me with the bus?
    (I'm) Sorry (when expressing regret)
  • If you wish ask permission or ask about the possibility (probability) of something, use the construction Can I.../May I... ?
    Can I open the window? (ask for permission)
    Can I change my ticket? (asking about the possibility)
  • If you ask someone for something, use the construction Could you… ?
    Could you give me a new towel?

I would also like to remind you what tourism vocabulary you need to know first of all before traveling to an English-speaking country. Here is a list of words:

You can find all these words with the correct pronunciation by following the appropriate links.

Taking this opportunity, I hasten to recommend you an excellent online course developed by the well-known English language learning service Lingualeo. « English for tourists» - this is what you need if you are going on a trip and want to remember and revive your English). Go to the site, try it for free first and if you like it, purchase it and enjoy new discoveries and your successes every day!

Attention! Suitable for those who already speak basic English but want to brush up on their speaking skills!

If you want to improve your knowledge 100%, I recommend taking Online intensive . It has a number of advantages over the regular course - it motivates and gives you an incentive every day for a month, and also offers 3 cool bonuses - read about this on the offer page.

Let's finally get to the phrases themselves! And let's start with the important thing - emergency or unforeseen situations. Of course, they most likely will not happen to you, but knowing the necessary expressions in such cases will at least make you a little more confident.

If an emergency takes you by surprise

I've lost all my documents I lost all my documents
Help me, please Help me please
Give me some water, please Give me some water please
I'm not well I don't feel good
I'm sick I'm feeling sick
I'm late for the train (plane) I missed the train/plane
I've lost my room key I lost my room keys
I've lost my way I'm lost
I'm hungry I'm hungry
I'm thirsty I'm very thirsty
Call a doctor, please Call a doctor please
I'm dizzy I feel dizzy
Take me to the hospital Take me to a hospital
I have a temperature I have a temperature
I've got a toothache I have a toothache
Is it dangerous? Is it dangerous?
Don't do it! Don't do this!
I'll call the police! I'll call the police

Well, now let's go in order of your journey...

Airport. Passport control

Where is luggage check? Where is the baggage control?
Where is passport control? Where is passport control?
Where is the information-office? Where is the help desk?
Where can I check (pick up) my luggage? Where can I check in (receive) luggage?
Where is the waiting room? Where is the waiting room?
Where is the duty-free shop? Where is the duty free shop?
Where is the cloak-room? Where is the storage room?
Where is the exit to the city? Where is the exit to the city?
How much shall I pay for the over-weight? How much should I pay for being overweight?
Where (when) is the check-in? Where (when) is registration?
May I take this bag into the cabin? Can I take this bag with me? (on board)
When is the next flight, please? When is the next flight to...?
Where do I get a luggage cart? Where can I get a luggage trolley?

Railway (bus) station

Is there a direct train to…? Is there a direct train to...?
Give me a return ticket to London, please. Please give me a ticket to London, there and back.
Give me a single ticket to London, please. Please give me a ticket to London.
When does the train to Warsaw leave? When does the train to Vorsou leave?
From which platform? From what platform?
How can I get to platform number…? How can I get to platform number...?
Is this train number...? Is this train number...?
Is this carriage number…? Is this carriage number...?
Show me my place, please. Please show me my place.
Where is the toilet? Where is the toilet?

From what stand does my bus go? Where does my bus depart from?
What time does the last bus depart? What time does the last bus leave?
What is the fare to Glasgow? How much does it cost to travel to Glasgow?
I would like a round-trip ticket, please. Round trip ticket please.
Sorry, does this bus go to..? Does this bus go to...?
I want to cancel this ticket I want to cancel this ticket


Good morning! Good morning
Good evening! Good evening
Good night! Good night
Hi! Hello
Hello! Hello
Do you speak Russian? Do you speak Russian?
I don't speak German, French, I don't speak German, French...
I don't understand you I don't understand you
Pardon? What did you say?
I didn't quite hear what you said I didn't quite hear what you said
I didn't quite understand (get) I didn't quite understand
Could you repeat, please? Would you please repeat that?
Could you speak more slowly? Would you speak slower, please?
What is your name? What's your name?
May I introduce you Let me introduce you...
Pleased to meet you Glad to meet you
I am here for the first time This is my first time here
I'm from Moscow I'm from Moscow
It's time for me to go It's time for me to go
Thank you for everything Thanks for everything
Goodbye! Goodbye
All the best! Best wishes
Good luck! Good luck


Are you free? Are you free?
I need to go to I need to (on)…
Please take me to this address Please take me to this address
Please, take me to the (hotel, bus station, railway station, airport) Please take me to... (hotel, bus station, railway station, airport)...
Could you wait for me here two minutes? Could you wait here for me for a couple of minutes?
I'm in a hurry I'm in a hurry
How much? What is the price?
Keep the change Keep the change
I need a check I need a check
Do you mind if I close (open) the window? Do you mind if I close (open) the window?


Choice, check-in

I'd like to book a room I would like to book a room at your hotel
I've got a reservation in your hotel I have booked a room at your hotel
How much is a single room? How much does a single room cost?
How much is a double room? How much does a double room cost?
What floor is it on? What floor is the room on?
How much is it per night? How much is the room per night?
Does the price include...? Is the room price included...?
What does the price include? What is included in the room rate?
We need one double room with an extra bed We need one double room with an extra bed
Can I have a look at the room? Can I have a look at the room?
Is there a bathroom (conditioner, refrigerator, TV, telephone, balcony, WI-FI internet) in the room?
Does the room have a bathroom (air conditioning, refrigerator, TV, telephone, balcony, internet)?
Sorry, it doesn't suit me Sorry, this number is not suitable for me
It suits me This number suits me
Do you have cheaper rooms? Do you have cheaper rooms?
When is the checkout time? When is the checkout time?
When is breakfast served? When is breakfast?
Do I pay in advance? Paying in advance?

Communication with staff

Could you send the luggage to my room? Please send luggage to my room
Please make up my room Please clean my room
Could you send these clothes to the laundry? Please send these clothes for washing
Can I have breakfast in my room? Can I have breakfast in my room?
Number 56, please Keys to room 56 please
Please, have these things ironed (cleaned) Please iron (clean) these things
I need to leave one day earlier I need to leave a day early
I’d like to extend my stay for a few days I would like to extend my stay at the hotel for a few days


I'd like to change my room I would like to change my number
There is no soap (toilet paper, towel, water,) in my room There is no soap in my room ( toilet paper, towels, water)
The TV (conditioner, ventilator, dryer) is out of order TV does not work (air conditioner, fan, hair dryer)


I'm checking out I'd like to check out
Can I have my luggage back? Can I pick up my luggage?
May I pay by credit card? Can I pay with a credit card?
I pay in cash I have cash
I forgot my key in the room I forgot my key in the room

In the city


Where is the railway station? Where is the train station?
Where is the department store? Where is the department store?
Where can I buy…? Where can I buy...?
What is the name of this street? What street is this?
Which way is to..? Which way to go to...?
How can I get to...? How can I get to...?

City transport

Does this bus go to…? Does this bus go to...?
Where can I buy a metro ticket? Where can I buy a metro ticket?
What is the fare? How much does it cost to travel?
Where do I get off? Where should I get off?
What is the next stop? What's the next stop?


First, I would like to have a look I want to look first
I want a pair of shoes, size.. I need a pair of shoes, size...
May I try it on? You can try it on
Where can I try it on? Where can I try this on?
Which size is that? What size is this?
Have you got a larger (smaller) size? Do you have a larger (smaller) size?
Will you show me...? Will you show me...?
Give me Give me...
That's just what I wanted This is exactly what I was looking for
It doesn't fit me Doesn't fit true to size
Have you got any discounts? Do you have any discounts?
Have you got such a sweater (skirt…) of a different color? Do you have the same sweater (skirt...) in a different color?
How much is it? What is the price?


I would like coffee, tea.. I would like coffee, tea...
We'd like to sit by the window We'd like to sit by the window
The menu, please Menu, please
We haven't chosen yet We haven't chosen yet
I'd like to have a drink I would like to have something to drink
What can you recommend? What do you recommend?
That was very good It was delicious
I like your cuisine I like your kitchen
I didn't order that I didn't order this
The bill, please The check, please

For those who want to stay up to date...

What's up? How are you?
What's the trouble? What's happened?
What's the matter? What's the matter?
H ow do you say… in English? How to say... in English
How do you spell that? How do you spell it?
Is it far? Is it far?
Is it expensive? Is it expensive?

That, in fact, is all I wanted to dwell on. Of course, the list of useful things I have proposed from the field of tourist English - base, does not include many details, but it will help you navigate standard situations. If you want to learn other phrases, suggest them in the comments - we will be happy to supplement this article with your help!

If you want to know English more thoroughly, understand the essence of the language, appreciate its beauty, learn to express your thoughts in it, understand the thoughts of other people, and also plunge into the culture of the countries in which it is official, then I will be glad to see you among the readers , guests or subscribers.

Here you can always find a lot of free materials, lessons, practical and theoretical posts, which I am happy to create for you!

And now I want to invite you and wish you success!

By the way, quite recently I wrote 2 very useful articles for my readers and all people striving for new heights.