How to protect yourself from the negativity of others. How to protect yourself from negativity at work prayer. Energy protection “Rotation of the aura”

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you in this material how to protect yourself from the evil eye and negativity, which is much stronger and more destructive than the evil eye. The evil eye can be cast by anyone, anywhere. Just like magical damage can be received unexpectedly. But in order not to suffer from the actions of a sorcerer, not to become someone’s guinea pig, you need strong protection from witchcraft evil and the evil eye. There are different types of protection against the effects of magic - simple, multi-level, universal, ritual, verbal. Let's start with verbal defenses.

How to protect yourself from the evil eye and bad wishes

What do you do when they insult you and openly wish you harm? How do you respond to bad wishes or curses? There are words that shut the mouth of enemies, which work perfectly both in the sense of magic and at the psychological level. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will note that if you have protection, not necessarily witchcraft, but just good amulets, then you don’t need to answer anything at all. The protection itself will react and send everything to everyone.

And if there are no protections or amulets, they should be installed. And reliable magical shields from attacks by sorcerers, and protection from curses evil man . In general, protection against the actions of magic and witchcraft must be multi-level. If you cast a spell, you must be covered on all sides.

People are different in their energy, there are people like black holes, where everything good disappears, and only negativity is thrown out. At the moment of irritation, hostility, aggression, a colossal amount of energy is poured out. Therefore, if there is no protection at all from energy vampirism (with the exception of natural natural protection, which, by the way, not everyone has in a normal state), I don’t think that simple verbal shields will be able to protect against strong curses. And yet, you can answer something to protect yourself from a person’s negativity.

  • During the enemy’s angry verbal outpourings, you can say to yourself, or you can say out loud:

    “What he barked was returned, what he croaked was returned. I close, yes, I shut your filthy mouth.”

  • You can use such a conspiracy. During a quarrel, while inhaling, mentally say:

    “Three times back!”

    Then exhale towards the enemy, who is hurling curses.

  • Say the words out loud or silently energyprotection from negativity for all occasions:

    “Take everything that’s yours!”

  • Here is another option, out loud or mentally, in the face or in the back: .
  • If your opponent loses his temper, insults you, wishes harm, in such cases say in a low voice:

    “Your speeches are on your shoulders!”

  • ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

    “And to you at the same end in the same place”

    I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will not say that this is a powerful protection against other people’s negativity (most likely not, like other methods for quickly returning negativity). Truly powerful shields from the energy vampire and the evil eye are installed in other ways. Nevertheless, the method works.

  • Such words work psychologically wonderfully. energetic protection from the negativity of others. If you are being cursed, say to the offender, looking into his eyes:

    “Your speeches are on your shoulders, carry them to your home, to your grandchildren and great-grandchildren.”

    Alas, blood relatives cannot be answered this way. There are such bloodlines that there is no need for enemies.

  • Another way to quickly energetically protect yourself from the evil eye:

    “Your speeches are on your shoulders, your thoughts are on your bags. What I thought, what I guessed, I took everything for my family.”

  • When insults and curses are thrown at you, say three times:

    "I am a mirror"

  • You can also say this:

    “Take your word and deed into your body, my share is a hundred times greater”

  • “Your speeches are on your shoulders, your plot is in your yard, which he put in my hands, sent to me, wished for me, took it for himself, devoured it himself.”

    This independentway to protect yourself from the evil eye can be applied in another situation, so to speak, when destroying the lining.

  • When faced with people’s hostility, whisper inaudibly, with just your lips:

    “Everything came, turned around and went back”

    Self-conspiracy energy protection from the evil eye can be said in response to damage and curses over the phone.

  • And if you are working with the Powers of the Christian egregor, take note of a homemade method of strong protection against the evil eye:

    “Christ walked into the middle, Mother of God in front, she carried the keys to shut the mouths of gossip. Amen".

How to protect yourself from negativity and evil people

From the topic of simple energy protections in response to bad wishes and curses, let's move on to the topic of powerful magical protections, whose purpose is to protect its wearer from any negativity, from witchcraft attacks, damage and curses. Here is a good ritual, called the Human Shield.

This strong protection is also suitable from the negativity of loved ones.

They do it at noon. The moon can be in any phase, i.e. This ritual of protection against the manifestation of the powers of magic and witchcraft is not tied to the moon. The person for whom you will challenge this defense must be your namesake and have the same age; It would be nice if your date of birth was close to yours.

What do you need to take for this ritual in order to independently make protection from the evil eye?

  1. a thing impregnated with any secretions of the object
  2. aspen sliver
  3. cup

The thing needs to be burned, and on the ashes, read a plot of powerful protection against the evil eye and curses 40 times in a row:

“In the middle of the Okiyan Sea, on the island of Gotlani there is a stone house. In that stone house there are stacks of weapons, visible and invisible: damask swords, and chain mail, armor and other armor, and axes, and spears, large and small. I (name) will not take a sword, or chain mail, or armor, or a spear, but I will take an oak shield. That oak shield cannot be broken in battle, nor pierced with an axe, nor cut with a sword, nor drowned in a river. Not to rot into dust forever and ever, but to protect all of me, (name), from evil damage. Neither the young nor the old, nor the blind, nor the sighted, nor the crooked, nor the askew, nor the white, nor the black, nor the dashing cursed one can spoil me. I wish I could bury myself behind a shield. All my words have a key and a lock, and whoever breaks the shield will have a stake in his side, bile under his tongue. I conjure the slave of the same name with me (name) to carry out faithful service until his death. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In the evening, as soon as it gets dark, taking with you the charmed ashes from the burnt object, go to any body of water to perform the second part of the ritual there. strong protection from evil and the evil eye. On the way you need to be silent. You need to mix the ashes with water in a bowl, and use an aspen sliver to draw crosses on your body, dipping it into a cup of water and ashes. Crosses should be drawn in this order:

  1. on the forehead
  2. on the left cheek
  3. on the right cheek
  4. on the chin
  5. on the back of the neck
  6. on the heart
  7. on the solar plexus
  8. on the navel
  9. on the pubis
  10. on the left knee
  11. on the right knee
  12. on the left heel
  13. on the right heel

Pour the remaining water and ashes immediately at your feet. Using a sliver, draw a circle around yourself in a clockwise direction. Sit silently until dawn, without leaving the circle. In the morning, as soon as the sun rises, you can leave the circle and return home. It may happen that it will be best protection from the evil eye and witchcraft that you will do for yourself. This shield will protect you from the most severe damage.

Do you have to be a magician to make your own protection against the evil eye?

In general, cleansing and magical protection from negative energy is one of the most discussed topics among practicing magicians. And naturally, this topic is interesting to beginners. In the old days, there were more and more witchcraft dynasties, who rarely came into magic from outside of their own free will. Today, the picture of the world is different, and adherents are coming to black magic more and more out of despair.

There are a lot of damned people and even entire families. So, tired of walking in circles and not wanting to put up with the state of affairs that someone imposed on them by their will and witchcraft conspiracy, people come to magic. In an attempt to change life, various rituals are performed and create protection from the evil eye and damage with your own hands. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, know that many adepts leave, leave this path, without truly understanding anything, they scatter. But some people really achieve success in magic and become masters of witchcraft.

Read the spell 13 times, let the water cool, and then wash your face with this water, right there, without leaving the forest thicket. After washing, you need to say:

“I washed myself with water and covered myself with a shield of chain mail. Amen"


Leave according to the rules, leave everything there - a pot with all its contents. Farming at a forest crossroads. If there are no special instructions on farming, then use the standard farming, or what you are used to giving in your practice.

This is a strong protection against negativity for all occasions.

Demons can save a person from any misfortune. For how long this best protection against the evil eye and witchcraft is applied, and when it needs to be repeated, see the diagnostics. Here, as in any witchcraft ritual, everything is individual. In general, as far as shields are concerned, it’s not worth doing at random. Consult the cards, and then there will be fewer mistakes.

Interacting with large numbers of people on a daily basis always involves risk. Our actions and deeds often lead to a negative reaction from the environment. This is why it is important to protect your biofield from negative influences.

Each of us has been in a situation where a casually thrown word spoiled our mood and affected our performance. Ill will and malice give rise to envy and the desire to harm a more fortunate person. There are several ways to protect yourself and your energy. First, you need to understand what impact is on your biofield, and based on this, choose a strategy to combat the negative.

The simplest thing you can do to protect yourself is to stop communicating with negative people or keep such interactions to a minimum. Special amulets and amulets also help protect yourself from energy attacks. They neutralize the impact and protect the biofield from unwanted intrusion.

Covering Shield

A popular protective practice among many psychics is the creation of an energy cocoon that prevents the outflow of your energy and protects you from outside influences. For the ritual, you need to stock up on a thin candle and a white cloth, which serves as a symbol of the cocoon. In the dark, light a candle and peer into its flame. Remember the negative moments that weakened you. Don’t hold back your emotions and throw out the accumulated resentment and fatigue. You can say out loud what is bothering you, scream and even cry. The candle flame will cleanse energy channels and burn out resentment and pain.

After you have accepted the situation and the resentment has subsided, throw the cloth over yourself. Wrap your head in it and say the following words:

“I protect myself, I protect myself from evil words and glances. I cover the dirt with white, as if I were covering the ground with snow. My enemies and ill-wishers will not see me. My word is strong, my faith is firm. No one will hurt me again."

Blow out the candle and sit in darkness and silence for a few minutes. After the ceremony, take the fabric to fresh air and shake three times. Then soak it in a basin with added salt and rinse it in running water - it will wash away all the negativity. Leave the candle at home and light it every time you feel low in energy.

Evil on lock

The ritual consists of two stages and is aimed at neutralizing the negative impact. During the period, buy a pin and a piece of black fabric. Light a candle and place the cloth on a hard surface. Say out loud everything that worries you, looking at the candle, extinguish it and wrap it in a piece of paper. Secure the edges with a pin, squeeze in your hands and say:

“I lock up hatred and anger, pain and disappointment with a strong lock. A strong gate will not let strangers into the yard. Evil thoughts cannot reach me, the evil eye and damage cannot reach me. No one sees me and won’t hurt me with a bad word.”

Leave the amulet at home in a secluded place so that it continues to operate, periodically ask it for help and protection. Use this spell for the second stage of the ritual. The clothes you fasten on yourself, zippers, laces and studs also provide protection. It is enough to say the words of the conspiracy when you dress and button up. The negative impact will encounter a wall of protection and will not be able to harm you.

Amulet for protection

The power of thought

Not only prayers and rituals protect from outside influence. The desire to protect oneself generates a strong surge of energy flows, which is expressed in thought form. Programming yourself for success with the power of thought and faith in well-being will help strengthen your biofield and steadfastly endure all the blows of fate. Every time you encounter negativity, say the following words to yourself: “Whoever comes to me with bad thoughts will take them for himself.”

Every word of defense you utter must be backed by faith in what you are doing. Everyone can protect themselves from bad influences. Remember that your well-being depends on yourself. Tune in to perceive the world around you in bright colors and look at everything from a positive point of view. A cheerful attitude and fortitude will help you avoid all adversity. We wish you well-being and prosperity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

It's hard to live a positive life surrounded by negative people

Dealing with negativity can be tantamount to the concept of “making your life difficult.” At my last job, I had a coworker with constant negative energy, and she took it all out on me on a daily basis. In our conversations, she constantly complained about everything - about the work process, about friends, about her health, or about anything else that she could think about at the time of the conversation. She was constantly cynical about other people, doubting their intentions and judging them very harshly. The conversations were unpleasant and exhausting.

So, protection from negative energy, 7 effective steps:

How to cleanse yourself of negativity? Set communication boundaries

It is difficult to deal with negative people who are mired in their problems and cannot focus on solving them. They want to involve people from outside in their 24/7 self-pity party, it increases their self-esteem, because someone empathizes with them. You understand that you are simply forced to listen to their complaints, but you cannot do anything about it, because... You don’t want to seem callous or rude. But you must keep a clear line between being a "vest" and being drawn into their emotional drama.

You can avoid this drama by setting limits and pulling away when necessary. Imagine if a person smoked cigarettes one after another, would you sit next to him all day and inhale second-hand smoke? Of course not, you would move away. The situation is similar with complaints, when you realize that you have already listened to them enough, step away for a while to restore your energy level.

If moving away isn't something you can do soon, another great way to set boundaries is to ask the negative person how they plan to solve the problem they're complaining about.

Usually after this question, negative people calm down or move the conversation in a more harmonious direction, at least temporarily.

How to get rid of negative energy? Don't react - respond consciously

In most cases, we overreact to something during a period of emotional overstrain. Usually the reaction is controlled by our ego, this is our human nature.

There is a split second to choose to react or respond consciously. When you feel angry or agitated, it means you have reacted to a provocation rather than responding consciously. By responding mindfully, you gain a sense of balance and consider your words.

To sum it up, when you encounter someone's negative attitude, don't respond with insults, keep them to yourself. Don't forget your dignity and don't stoop to his/her level. As they say, you have to be brave enough to walk away from stupidity with your head held high.

Provide lungs topics For discussions

People's negative attitudes usually stem from seemingly harmless issues. For example, one of my friends becomes very difficult to manage when it comes to work. And no matter what I say, he complains about everything related to work, and when I try to make positive comments, he reacts even more strongly to them. And our conversation becomes very difficult.

In general, if you find yourself in a similar situation, and your interlocutor gets stuck on some topic, understand that perhaps the problem lies very deep inside him, change the topic once and do not touch on it again. It's best to change the topic to talking about simple things, such as funny memories, personal successes, or other light topics. Keep the other person in a positive frame of mind.

Focus on solutions, not problems

Where you focus your attention determines your emotional state. Focusing on problems can create negative emotions and prolong stress. But if you shift your attention to actions that can improve current circumstances, a feeling arises self-esteem, efficiency and a kind of self-pride that brings with it positive emotions and reduces stress.

The same thing happens with negative people, focusing your thoughts on how difficult and stressful they are only increases the suffering, giving them power over you.

If you stop thinking about how problematic a person is, focus instead on how you can present their behavior in a positive way, choose something for yourself. It is much more profitable to put yourself in the position of managing the situation; this can significantly reduce the amount of stress. Try to find answers and solutions, put yourself in the position of a problem solver, and don’t go with the flow.

Maintain a level of emotional detachment from other people's opinions of you.

Maintaining a level of emotional detachment is vital to keeping stress at bay. Don't let negative people (or anyone else) put your problems on your shoulders, it's very important for your emotional health and happiness. Solving this problem comes down to how much you value yourself and how much you believe in yourself.

People who effectively manage their lives, as a rule, they work on the “inner self”, i.e. those people who know that success and prosperity come from within.

Negative people usually survive at the expense of others, i.e. blaming other people or external circumstances for everything that happens or doesn’t happen in their lives.

When your sense of satisfaction or well-being depends on the opinions of others, you are no longer in control of your happiness. Know this. When it's emotional strong people feel good about the things they have done, they do not allow anyone to spoil his feeling of victory over a new task.

In truth, others either underestimate or overestimate you; only you can evaluate your strengths. Remember this. It doesn't matter if you lose or win, you have invaluable experience. This is important.

Let go of the desire to change other people's negative tendencies

You can help some people by being a good example, but others may not. Remember this, and you will be able to achieve a balance between helping and retreating. If people do not accept good examples, then retreat from your idea to set the person in a positive way. It just won't work.

Don't fall for energy vampires, manipulators, and emotional blackmailers who are desperate to control other people's behavior.

With that said, if your loved one is exhibiting negative tendencies and you think they will change over time. better side, take off your rose-colored glasses, this won’t happen.

If you really want to change him for any valid reasons, be honest and lay all your cards on the table, at least this person will know how you feel and why.

For the most part, although you can't change them, you shouldn't even try to. Either you accept the person for who he is, or live without him. This may sound a little harsh, but it is true. When you try to change people, they often resist, but when you don't try to change them - you support them and give them the freedom to be themselves, they gradually change miraculously. Because the only thing that moves them is how you see them.

Dedicate enough time every day to working on yourself

You should neglect yourself just because others do. and, if you are forced to live or work with a negative person, make sure you have enough time alone to rest and recover.

Playing the role of the "focused rational adult" in the face of negativity can be very draining, and if you're not careful, the negativity can consume you.

Thoughts on negative people can fill your life even at night, when you constantly ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I doing the right thing?
  • Am I really that terrible that people talk to me like that?
  • I can't believe he did this
  • I'm in so much pain

Such thoughts can keep you agonizing for weeks, months or even years. Unfortunately, sometimes a negative person's goal is to drive you crazy and will stoop to their level so they won't be alone. And because you can't control what they do, it's important to take care of yourself so you can stay in the center of the negativity, feeling healthy and energized when you need it.

A little more...

Even if it is difficult for you to admit the fact that you are a negative person, you need to do it. Sometimes it is your own negativity that hurts you more than anything else.

If your inner critic is eating at you, try to get rid of all the thoughts and thoughts that hurt you, or at least some of them, and you will feel better.

Remember, you don't need negative thoughts.

Get started and watch how this little tip changes your life.

And finally, a little cartoon...

IN modern world Few people are left alone. We are constantly surrounded by people, and not all of them are positive. Often after communication we feel unwell, headaches and apathy. Energy and psychological attacks have this effect on our body.

So, no matter what happens, remember that everyone can protect themselves from harmful effects. To do this you need:

  • rest in a timely manner;
  • do not start an incipient cold or other illness;
  • use positive attitudes - an optimistic person rarely becomes a victim of an energy vampire;
  • strengthen immunity and general condition body;
  • use meditation and other spiritual practices to restore the energy field.

Thanks to these simple tips you can strengthen your biofield, reducing the risk of harmful effects. However, what to do if it does happen?

Method number 1: protection from energy attack

The simplest thing you can do when meeting a person who is encroaching on your energetic health and psychological comfort is to avoid communicating with him. Very often, vampires can be identified by certain signs. These are aggressive people. They are constantly on edge and literally run into scandals and quarrels. This behavior is one of the simplest ways to piss off a victim, upsetting her internal balance. To avoid becoming a victim, use these recommendations:

  • do not enter into conflict with a person;
  • avoid looking him in the eye;
  • try to get away from the unpleasant person;
  • smile and laugh more often;
  • agree with everything said;
  • Don't lose your temper.

It is known that it is not so easy to obtain a person’s energy, so the interlocutor will definitely provoke you to emotions. If you fail to stop the conversation and leave, control yourself. Agree with everything said and show imaginary humility. Use the most important weapon - good mood. Even if you feel like you are starting to boil, force yourself to laugh in your opponent’s face, imagine something positive. These techniques will help you fight back. However, when you return home, start restoring your protection. The mantra for cleansing from negativity will help you with this.

Method number 2: amulets against energy attack

Use various amulets and charms to protect yourself and your loved ones from negative influences. One of the most effective means of protection are amulets, known since ancient times. Our ancestors used them to prevent energy attacks.

Aspen. This tree is known for its unique properties, which are designed to protect humans. You can purchase a cross made of this material at a temple or church. You can also use a small part of a branch. Using a knife, make a small stick, pointed at one end. This amulet should be worn close to the body without taking it off. If you are attacked, the tree will change color. It will darken, taking the blow upon itself.

Holy water. This is perhaps the most famous remedy for protection. Holy water should be washed in the morning and evening, and also used as a talisman. Pour it into a small flask and carry it with you. It also helps with headaches - a few drops on your temples and prayer will relieve you of unpleasant symptoms.

In order to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage, use powerful amulets. This type of attack, unfortunately, often occurs to this day. These may be unintentional actions, but with a strong impulse - harsh words on a wave of negativity, wishes for illness and many other bad words. If the damage is done intentionally, you need not only to protect yourself, but also to neutralize the consequences of the negative impact. The most in a simple way is prayer. To do this, you need to say out loud what happened to you in front of the icon and ask for protection from Higher powers. Remember that you need to let go of the situation and not hold a grudge against the person who used their powers to harm you. The highest court is always fair, and punishment will find the guilty.

Method number 3: protecting your home from negative influences

It has long been known that home is not only the place in which we live, but also powerful source positive energy, which can protect the owners. In order for your home to help you, give you additional strength and protect you from negativity, keep an eye on it:

  • use amulets to protect your home;
  • Clean more often - trash and broken things create stagnation of energy;
  • call the brownie for help - this entity, with the right attitude, is able to resist negativity from the outside;
  • get rid of questionable items - these could be pins, needles, bags with various fillings. The so-called pads are most often located at the threshold, gate or in doorways.

If your home is visited by a person with heavy energy, use rituals that are designed to cleanse the space of its negative influence. Light a candle and walk throughout the house, looking into every corner. Sprinkle the corners with holy water and sprinkle salt in front of the threshold. In order for unwanted people to forget the way to you, use a spell that will block their path to you.

Method number 4: protection from psychological attack

Psychological attacks are a way to provoke the victim into emotions. Psychologists and astrologers advise using simple, but effective methods to protect against such influence. By constantly practicing, you not only strengthen your resistance, but also strengthen your biofield:

  • lead healthy image life;
  • do what you love;
  • eat brightly colored fruits and vegetables;
  • meet with friends more often and spend time not only in cafes and restaurants, but also in nature;
  • tune in to spiritual growth - meditate, pray, use all kinds of techniques to develop intuition;
  • exclude unwanted people from your social circle;
  • use defense techniques with the power of thought - imagine yourself surrounded by a strong cocoon that extinguishes negative influences.

Psychological attacks should not be scary. This is a challenge that will help you become stronger. Constant practice strengthens willpower and health. Good method protection from psychological attacks are mental barriers. When faced with a person who is inclined to conflict, mentally create a wall, a curtain, a dome - whatever is closer to you. Develop your imagination and you will be able to create an impenetrable defense.

Method number 5: amulets against psychological attacks

It is necessary to protect yourself from people who have designated you as their victim and donor of vital energy. To do this, use the knowledge of the ancient Slavs. They have been collecting information for centuries and have invented many effective ways protection.

Firstly, Find out your strengths that were given to you by nature at birth. This will help. Our ancestors, not familiar with modern astrology, identified 16 Zodiac Signs and called them palaces. Each person had his own patron deity and talisman tree. By your date of birth you can find out which of the Slavic Gods you should seek protection from. Also use a tree that protects you. Make yourself an amulet from a small part of it or purchase it at a specialized store. Also, for greater confidence, periodically get out into nature so that you have the opportunity to come into contact with a living plant. It takes away negative energy and gives vitality.

Secondly, Don't forget about things like good luck charms. If fortune is on your side, then you are protected from all kinds of attacks. Almost any thing can be turned into a lucky talisman. There are things that are often with you in moments of joy, pleasant surprises, victories and achievements. It could be a keychain, pen, decoration. Take the object in your hands, hold it for a while and mentally turn to it with a call for help.

Thirdly, These are stones according to the Zodiac Sign. Powerful energy natural materials can provide strong protection and also bring prosperity into life. Often such amulets become an additional source of energy, a kind of battery that is activated when your vitality is running low.

Method number 6: protection from energy attacks of settlers and entities

Such impacts can cause a lot of inconvenience and suffering. It all starts with simple malaise and fatigue, and can even end with sudden death. Demons, larvae, and spirits can become unwanted guests in your biofield. You need to get rid of them at the very beginning, before such a symbiosis leads to devastating consequences. In order to protect yourself, use all the recommendations above, and also carefully monitor your health. Entities usually act secretly until they are completely attached to your energy source. If you begin to realize that something unusual is happening to you, use methods of protection and getting rid of negative influences. The most obvious signs of a settler are:

  • long-term illnesses;
  • constant fatigue;
  • apathy and reluctance to move forward, enjoy life and communicate with loved ones;
  • frequent mood swings, aggression;
  • constant failures;
  • detachment and desire to hide from the world;
  • fear, anxiety, nervous condition.

Method number 7: protection from the self-evil eye

A special type of attack is the self-evil eye. A negative person may harm himself unknowingly. Most often this happens at a time when a bad mood and failures cause you discomfort. To reduce the risk of such exposure, negative statements and thoughts addressed to you should be eliminated.

If you are reading this article, then most likely you feel some kind of energetic aggression from other people. Perhaps you are directly connected with the energy of another person (for example, you are a doctor, psychologist, teacher), or perhaps the reason is something else. And today we will figure out how to understand whether you are really falling under the influence of another person and how to protect yourself from negative energy people.

If you believe one of the assumptions, then humanity is moving from one era to another. Now the transition to a new level has come, when technology must replace reason. You yourself can trace how a person invented all new things, thereby making his life easier and giving himself the opportunity to spend energy on internal development.

The transition cannot be painless. Thus, if a large flow of energy is passed through a person for which he is not ready, the consequences can be expressed in the form of aggression, terror and other negative actions.

If you feel lacking or large number negative energy, this does not mean that it is the influence of other people. This may happen because you have stopped “communicating with yourself.” You no longer feel freedom, love, or creativity in sufficient quantities.

But what if you really are exposed to people's negative energy?

In this article we will discuss precisely protection from this kind of energy. How and why this happens will be described in more detail in articles such as energy vampirism, etc.

There are three types of protection from the negative energy of other people:

  1. This is when you, through concentration, force the energy of your body to harm the people around you. As they say, the best defense is an attack. But you must understand that in this case other people will need to defend themselves, and you will act as the aggressor. And besides, your aggression can turn against you if you repeatedly use this method of defense. Although this method relates more to psychological protection than to protection from an esoteric point of view, it works.

The best defense is self-development, love and peace of mind. After all, if you have great energy potential, then you will not think about the impact of negativity from other people. Moreover, the person who sends you anger and hatred will receive even greater damage from his actions, while you will not even notice anything. By developing yourself spiritually you will receive natural protection.