Do guys pay attention to. What do girls pay attention to when they see a guy? What attracts men

The answer may surprise you, but most men, it turns out, still see the condition of your nails. It is worth taking this fact into account and not forgetting about some points that can spoil your reputation. We tried to find out what exactly they like, what they categorically deny, and what they don’t notice at all.

If you don’t want to embarrass a man with the condition of your hands, take care of your manicure regularly. The manicure procedure itself requires systematicity, especially when it comes to nail polishes that tend to peel off. If you don’t take care, you can end up with a peeling and cracked manicure, a kind of nod to the grunge style that looks, to put it mildly, untidy. Oddly enough, men notice such moments.

Sharp long nails also do not create a favorable impression. Not only is it extremely inconvenient to live with them, but men are also very wary of such nails. Perhaps they fear for their health and think that you will simply cripple them with such long sharp claws. In any case, the time of such nails passed almost two decades ago, so you shouldn’t instill fear in your chosen one and flaunt archaic things from the 90s on your nails.

However, phenomena from the last century on nails do not always frighten men. Another greeting from the 90s is French manicure. An ageless classic, which is very welcomed by the strong half of humanity on our nails, thanks to its naturalness. Men, in general, in matters of women's manicure adhere to everything natural and natural. They like moderate nail lengths, subtle colors and discreet designs.

Men associate dark polishes with dirt, and bright nail art seems too aggressive and does not in any way fit with the refined and fragile female nature.

Most men, for sure, do not notice the various designs on their nails, especially if they are of a dull color. Therefore, when giving preference to nail art, you should immediately understand that beauty will not be noticed unless you specifically show it.

Photographer: Open Internet sources

Public opinion treats such couples with caution and misunderstanding. Some people think that the girl is dating for the sake of money, others sympathize with her - he won’t even be able to satisfy her. Therefore, it is worth considering whether you are able not to notice the condemnation and ridicule of others.

Relationship problems

But the real problems start when your parents or friends are negative about your choices. Many may feel uneasy. Friends don't know what to talk about with a man who is old enough to be a father. And parents cannot perceive their peer as a child. It may turn out that they will never be able to communicate well, and the girl will have to be torn between them.

In the wake of falling in love, you can not pay attention to differences in views and disputes over trifles. But if you want to start a family, think seriously and determine your compatibility. It is necessary to discuss all issues that will be important in the future. Does he want a child, how many children, when? best time for the birth of a baby, who will do the housework, whether the wife will work and other questions.

The couple is from different generations, and interests can vary greatly. Young people are full of energy and curious. I want to see the world, play active sports and just spend time outside the home. But the older a person is, the faster he gets tired. It is possible that your couple will want to spend time at home or walk in a nearby park throughout their lives. And you will feel caged, unable to achieve your dreams.

Do not forget about the sad fact - men live fewer women. And if you have an age difference of 15 years, it may turn out that you will become a widow early. It is very painful to outlive a loved one with whom you have lived half your life, especially if you have minor children.

Pros of relationships

But if the age difference is less than 10 years, it won't affect your relationship as much. Especially if your views on life coincide, you know how to negotiate and resolve conflicts peacefully. You will get a wise, experienced partner, who most likely has already achieved something in life and is ready for family life.

Who has a better chance of increased female attention - a sloppy fellow with long greasy hair or a mannered gentleman dressed to the nines? I think the answer is obvious. This manifests itself especially clearly during acquaintance, because manners and appearance are the first things a girl evaluates. Then there are gestures and speech. However, let's talk about everything in order. Just first I would like to note that as many people, so many preferences. Some people associate their lives with Chukhas, but if you follow these 9 commandments, your chances of being liked increase a hundredfold.

Face, head and everything on it

The face is, so to speak, your showcase. Everything here is extremely simple: if your face is normal and neat, it means you are taking care of yourself.

Don't try to jump over your head - don't mow down Hugh Jackman. Not everyone is lucky enough to be born with a perfect face. If women only fell for handsome “handsome men,” then the world would be full of lonely men. So don’t have a complex if you don’t make a face. After all, Steve Tyler, codenamed "Toad Mouth" on this planet, despite this, had several marriages and beautiful, well-groomed hair. By the way, you should also focus on the neatness and grooming of everything above the neck. Watch the hair on the crown and face. Choose an appropriate hairstyle that suits your image, and not the fear of God from the 80s. Of course, your hair should always be clean. If you have a beard, cut it, shave it. If you shave clean, make sure there is no irritation, inflammation or cuts. To do this, you need to choose a razor and balms.

Finally, the skin itself. Some people mistakenly believe that eels should be fat, bright like splashes of spilled oil on the feathers of an albatross, that they should rise above the skin like Chomolungma above Tibet. We don’t want to ruin your inner world, but they shouldn’t be on your face at all. The only thing that can attract such a person is the desire to squeeze them out as quickly as possible.

As for acne and all sorts of red spots, then, of course, not everything is so simple. To reduce them, sometimes you need serious and long-term treatment, because the problem may not be entirely in the skin. But if the problem can be solved cosmetically by scrubbing, squeezing and washing, using folk and not so popular remedies, then why haven’t you done this yet?


There is a mouth on the face. There are teeth in the mouth. The pearl palisade is hidden by two musculocutaneous folds of a pinkish hue. It's what you talk and eat. If you stretch your facial muscles to the sides by force of will, your lips will stretch and your grin will be exposed. If you match your grin with a confident pose and add visual contact, you can charm lady milady or at least be remembered by her.

True, a smile can be a hindrance if the teeth are yellow as parchment, and between them there is a barely noticeable pattern of parsley and other food debris. Alas, we all drink, smoke, drink coffee (and do one thing or another), but this does not make our teeth any more beautiful. The enamel layer wears away, revealing the natural dentin layer. You can whiten at home, or you can, if you have money, go to the dentist. And here we run out of moral rights to force you to spend money on such non-eternal parts of the body. But you have to deal with bad breath. This is no good, sprays have already been invented for this purpose.

Your silhouette

It's about the contour of your body and how clothes fit on you. Women pay much more attention to proportions and silhouette than we do. Developed breasts and a slender torso are what attracts people, not flabby, loose flesh. Choose clothes that hide imperfections. This is a complex science, but we have already said what needs to be done in such cases.


As you know, people greet you by their clothes, and women are no exception. There is a stereotype that they pay much more attention to their wardrobe than to other details. We have already talked about the fact that clothes should fit. Is it worth mentioning that clothes should not be washed, wrinkled, worn out or faded? A good, fitted shirt in an adequate color, glasses that suit your face shape, clean, unworn shoes, or fashionable sneakers and accessories (just not too many, this is alarming) will add +60 to your charm, +70 to your charm and +80 to success. Because women love with their ears, but choose with their eyes.

Someone will note that clothes do not mean anything, because some women prefer to dress a man to their liking, creating an irresistible beauty out of a stuffed animal. But to do this you need to build trust and start a relationship. And a well-dressed gentleman has a much better chance of this.

Therefore, do not forget to critically examine your wardrobe and yourself in the mirror. Get rid of old rags and buy new ones men's clothing on , for example.

Manners and greeting

The first thing he hears from you stranger, is a greeting. It sets the tone for further communication. Let’s say you decide to show off your caustic wit and say something like: “I haven’t yet figured out whether I’m glad to meet you or not.” So what's the result? It turned out not witty, but stupid - the person treats you with caution and hostility. If you greet a woman incorrectly, then consider yourself digging a hole. Therefore, if you want to continue your courtship, be as polite and courteous as possible. Good manners are a win-win, but you need to add a few touches like eye contact, a handshake if possible, and, of course, a smile.

Hands, no matter how you hide them or hide them, receive their own portion of attention. Therefore, cut your nails on time, and not when overgrown claws cause pain when scratching. Even if your working, hard-working, calloused hands are thoroughly soaked with fuel oil and dirt, this does not mean that you need to forget about them. Even working hands can be disgusting, so cut off cuticles and anything that sticks out. No one is forcing you to do a manicure, just follow the basic rules.

For God's sake, don't clench your hands into fists. Especially in front of a girl. This way you give your image maximum unfriendliness and aggressiveness. She will simply consider you a sick bastard and prefer to stop communicating.

Any of the above points lose their effect if you stink. Moreover, a woman can be embarrassed not only by the smell of sweat or stale socks, but also by the abundance of crappy 200-ruble turbidity, which is called “cologne.”

Studies have shown and proven that women pay great attention to smell when searching for a potential partner. Therefore, it is in your own interests or at least deodorant. You need to approach your choice as responsibly as possible, having studied the recommendations and read the comments, since some fragrances can irritate people. You don’t care - if the perfume is good, you won’t smell it, but now we care about others.

It’s one thing to say hello correctly, but quite another to keep the conversation going. Your body can exude a wonderful amber, and your exploding muscles can seduce the ladies and cause the envy of your competitors, but if your speech apparatus, together with your brain, gives birth to some kind of game, then you are unlikely to get the job. So raise vocabulary, engage in self-development and watch your language. Try not to swear or use foul language in front of a woman you just met. The culture of speech, at first, together with appropriate wit, has a magical effect on ladies. And if, with all this, you learn to control your timbre, manage to make it more beautiful, work on the rhythm and accents in sentences, then your speech will become truly hypnotic. It's not that easy; it takes practice.

Movements and gestures

After all, actions speak louder than words. Nonverbal communication rises above all the above points. This is a kind of mouthpiece of your upbringing and inner state.

Therefore, avoid any gestures that might take the pretty lady by surprise. Don’t make sudden, clumsy movements, don’t point your finger, don’t fold your arms across your chest or lock them, it’s repulsive. A closed position is not conducive to communication and getting to know each other.

Incredible facts

They say you should never judge a book by its cover, and this is true.

However, it takes time to get to know someone better. Sometimes it takes months or years to find out a person's opinion, his dreams and much more.

There are things that both women and men pay attention first of all .

Everyone has their own preferences. Some men like blondes, others like brunettes, some like very feminine representatives of the fairer sex, others are a little daring.

Anyway , There are features that immediately attract a man’s attention.

Things that men pay attention to

1. Smile

A smile is one of the most beautiful features of a woman that men cannot help but notice. If your smile is friendly and sincere, which easily appears in response to his jokes, says a lot about you.

If most often he sees a sarcastic or mocking smile on your face, then this also signals something to him, namely that he is unlikely to approach you.

When a girl smiles sincerely and openly, this not only is a positive signal for him, but also helps him feel more comfortable if he wants to get to know you.

2. Eyes

It’s not for nothing that they say that the eyes are the window to the soul, because they are one of the most expressive features that help tell whether you are interested, happy or nervous.

Numerous surveys have shown that when it comes to first impressions, eyes are in 1st place on the list of what men pay attention to first of all.

If a man does not meet your eyes, but only looks at your figure, you should switch to someone else more worthy.

3. Laughter

Hand on heart, men love it when you laugh at their jokes. This makes them feel interesting and it gives them confidence.

A man will always be pleased to hear your laughter, but only if it is not faked..

There is no need to laugh at every comment and statement just because he wants to hear it, as this may irritate him.

However, he simply cannot help but notice a sincere laugh, as well as a sincere smile.

4. Figure

Ultimately, your personality matters much more. No man will stay forever with a woman whose character he cannot stand, despite her amazing figure.

However, it would be unrealistic to say that men don't notice a woman's figure when they first meet her.

Don't forget that many of them have their own type.

So, for example, some prefer thin people, others fit and athletic, and still others like curvy figures. Plus, it’s not in vain that you spent so much time choosing an outfit that flatters your curves.

What men notice in women

5. Cleanliness

This is one of those things that men are actually don't pay attention while she's present T.

If you take care of yourself, always take a shower, wear fresh clothes, he won't notice. However, if he notices unkempt hair, an unpleasant odor, or soiled or wrinkled clothes, this may turn him off.

Although many men are accused of being sloppy, they actually care about your hygiene.

6. Your style

If a man does not work in the fashion industry, then he is unlikely to pay attention to labels, brands, styles, etc. However, the man is definitely will notice your clothing style, as it cantell a lot about your personality.

There are no strict rules here, since some people like spectacular girls, while others would prefer that you show up on a date in sneakers and a simple T-shirt.

Men, first of all, pay attention to whether the clothes suit you and your figure.

7. Hair

Let's be honest, many women spend a lot of time on their hair, including cutting, coloring and styling.

Sometimes it takes a lot of effort to tame your curls. And although a man will not be able to appreciate that interesting ombre effect that you recently made, or discuss fashionable bangs with you, he will definitely pay attention to general condition your hair.

From a biological point of view, thick and shiny hair signals good health women, so it is not surprising that men are attracted to beautiful and healthy hair.

8. Sense of humor

A man may feel awkward being with a very serious woman who never jokes. Although you may not be very outgoing or throw out jokes left and right, even a dry and sarcastic sense of humor will attract his attention.

Men love it when you laugh at their jokes, but they also love it when you make them laugh. Maybe it will help him choose a comedy that you can watch on a date.

9. Your friends

Even if you think that you are completely different from your friends, the fact that you maintain a relationship with them suggests that you have a lot in common, even if it's something abstract.

And men know this. A quiet homebody is unlikely to be friends with a party girl.

So, if a man notices you among his friends, even if he is only interested in you, he will most likely pay attention to your company.

What attracts men

10. Smell

Men are partial to the smell of women. Although they also wear deodorants and perfumes, men's worlds do not have the same variety of scents as women's.

Many women have a distinctive scent that lingers in a man's mind, whether it's the scent of the powder you wash your clothes with, the shampoo you wash your hair with, or the perfume you wear when you leave the house.

11. Confidence

It is easy to assume that among the numerous representatives of the fair sex, a man will quickly notice a bright and sociable girl, but this is not the case.

Although such a girl will certainly attract attention, what a man really notices is a woman's confidences. Confidence can vary widely, and even a relatively shy woman can exude confidence.

Whether your values ​​match or you're his type, if he feels a woman's confidence, it's sexy.

12. Makeup

Of course, a man doesn’t pay attention to what kind of cosmetics you use, but he definitely notices do you wear makeup.

Makeup is a great way to express yourself, and even if you go natural one day and highlight your eyes or lips the next, that's what he's likely to notice.

Although the words you say are important to a man in the long run, your voice is what he will pay attention to first of all.

Whatever it is, he will notice it as soon as you say the first word.

14. Height

With height, as with other characteristics, each man has his own preferences.

Some men like ittall stately women, while others prefer graceful and petite women.

Regardless of a man's preferences, he will definitely notice your height. Women also pay attention to the height of men, because this physical feature is difficult not to notice.

15. Your attitude

Although it is very difficult to immediately understand any personality characteristics when compared to physical features such as eyes or height, there is one thing that men notice almost immediately - your attitude in general.

It takes us a while to get to know someone, and your attitude creeps into almost everything and can be both a warning sign for him and a sign that he has found the perfect girl.

For example, the way you talk to the waitress or complain about your dish at a restaurant, your ability to laugh when something goes wrong, or your general friendly attitude towards people. All this is your attitude and it visible in youractions and words almost immediately.

Men are quite strange creatures. They may not notice how you're dressed, but they will notice the color of your nail polish or the contents of your handbag. It is generally accepted that a man evaluates a girl as a whole, but this is not so - he examines you completely, notices various little things, although not always. When he first saw the girl, he already had a picture of your future relationship - whether you are suitable for him or not. What do men pay attention to first of all? How to make him yours from the first meeting?

1.Hair– this is one of the important elements of a girl. They must be well-groomed and, importantly, clean. It’s not always possible to make yourself a neat and beautiful hairstyle, but that's okay. Let your head be a little messy (not like Baba Yaga). You can simply let your hair down or casually make a ponytail, or simply braid a spikelet. Your hair should also smell good. And one more thing - do not forget to cut and tint your hair in a timely manner, otherwise overgrown roots and a sloppy haircut are unlikely to attract attention, unless, of course, he is a hairdresser who just wants to take on your head;

2.Lips- they always attract men, and if they are beautiful and well-groomed, then success is guaranteed to you. Your lips should always be ready for a kiss at any moment. So don't forget to take care of your lips by nourishing and moisturizing them. Make lip masks, exfoliate dead skin with scrubs. Afterwards, you can apply balm, lipstick or lip gloss. But don’t overdo it with the color of lipstick and gloss.

3.Smile and teeth– guys always pay attention to smiling girls, so smile as often as possible, even when you don’t feel like smiling at all – they will certainly notice it. In addition, your teeth should be healthy and white. Nobody wants to look at yellow teeth. But you shouldn’t deliberately remove the enamel from your teeth to make them snow-white - a little yellowness is quite normal. Simply, visit your dentist twice a year and brush your teeth twice a day: morning and evening. After eating, rinse your mouth with warm water or special solutions. Before a date, you wouldn’t mind brushing your teeth either. Always keep chewing gum, breath freshener, or mints in your purse;

4.Posture– this is an important point that strikes the guys first. If you walk hunched and slouched, it is unlikely that anyone will pay attention to you, so you need to walk with your back straight, head raised and shoulders squared. If you can’t walk like that, sign up for dancing - they will definitely straighten your posture;

5.Gait– don’t forget about her. Move gracefully, easily, as if you are gliding. Nobody forces you to parade, like at fashion shows, but you have to walk as if fluttering. If you move well, they will certainly notice and will not lose sight of you;

6.heels– don’t forget about them. Heels are an important element of your wardrobe; you can’t live without them. Naturally, you don’t wear heels all the time, but at least a couple of times a week you need to put them on and go for a walk. High heels will give the right impulses to young people, they will understand how brave, sexy and daring you are;

7.Character– this is a very important detail of your image. There is no need to behave rudely or act like a bitch. I don’t argue that everyone has bad and unsuccessful days, but even in such situations you must control yourself and not lose your temper in public (although this is very difficult). I love it difficult situation can be played out and reviewed;

8.Leather– any man will like a well-groomed and beautiful skin. You don’t need to constantly sit in a solarium to get a dark tan - there’s no need for that. A solarium, of course, won’t hurt – it will refresh you a little and give your skin a darker complexion. Don't forget to do peelings and face masks to clear your skin of pimples. Moisturize your skin with a variety of lotions and creams. Stock up on matting wipes and powder - you should always have them in your purse. With napkins you will remove oily shine from the skin, and with powder you will tint uneven skin;

9.Shoes– well-groomed and clean. Nobody likes a girl whose shoes are dirty and dirty;

10.Aroma– you must constantly smell fragrant. Keep track of your underwear– it must always be clean and fresh. Shower daily. You should always smell delicious with perfume. Perfume can drive any man crazy. Don’t forget about deodorants - they will help you hide the smell of sweat;

11.Contents of your handbag- can tell a lot about its owner. It’s strange, but men notice this too. If you have a lot of stuff in your purse, it means that you are a very economical person. If you have a bright wallet in your purse, it means that you are a very flirtatious and bright person. If you have a book or a crossword puzzle, it means that you don’t like to just sit on the bus, but like to study;

12.Nails– they must be well-groomed and beautiful. Don't forget to get manicures and pedicures regularly. Repaint your nails in a timely manner - no one likes chipped nail polish. If you don't have time to paint your nails all the time, just paint them with clear polish. Men like long nails - this speaks of your audacity and capricious character;

13.The effect of surprise– men like unpredictable girls. Always try to react differently to situations, surprise him, not necessarily shock him, but always be bright and different;

14.Style- many men like it stylish girls, but there are also those who do not pay attention to clothes and appearance. If you have your own unique style, it will captivate any man. He will want to get to know you better, about your interests, what else you are capable of. Your style of clothing also speaks about your creative nature;

15.Invisible makeup. Naturalness is the key to success. This also applies to makeup. Too bright makeup, unless you are at a disco or a masquerade, always looks vulgar. Therefore, for everyday makeup, it is best to keep it invisible. To do this, you will need only a few things - mascara, foundation in your skin color, powder, blush and lip gloss. You can also include a pencil or eyeliner in this list. Mask the unevenness of the skin with foundation (just apply it in a thin layer so as not to create the effect of a mask), lightly powder the skin on top so that it does not shine. Apply blush lightly so that it does not stand out too brightly, and you do not look like a nesting doll, but at the same time, there is a healthy blush on your cheeks. Then, apply eyeliner (if you use it, of course) and mascara (you can’t do without it). After this, apply lip gloss or balm to your lips - whichever you prefer;

16.Cleavage– the beautiful line of your shoulders, collarbones and neck, as well as your chest, can drive any man crazy;

17.Pleasant voice– watch the intonation of your voice, do not speak quickly. You should learn to take short pauses between words (just not very long ones, otherwise he will think that you are some kind of narrow-minded). Speak slowly, not very loudly and not very quietly;

18.Eye contact- Guys like it when people look into their eyes. They think you are interested in them. It is difficult to look a person in the eyes, but for such a thing you should try.

These are, in principle, the most visible things that guys notice when they first meet.