Yana Koshkina personal life. Has Yana Koshkina had plastic surgery: before and after photos. How Yana Koshkina loses weight: menu recipes

Yana Koshkina is a Russian actress and model, known for her performance in the TV series “CHOP” and, of course, for her curvaceous figure.

The famous TV presenter and actress Yana Koshkina delighted her many fans with a sexy photo in which she was captured completely naked in a foam bath with a glass of champagne in her hands. A provocative photo appeared on the star’s Instagram account.
In a candid photo, busty Yana Koshkina is basking in a bubble bath, covering her charms with her hand. In her other hand, the actress holds a glass of champagne, and her gaze is directed somewhere into the distance.

Under the post, the actress, hinting at her impeccable manicure, wrote the famous phrase that everything is in our hands, which means that they should always be in perfect order. Fans of the TV personality were delighted with such an erotic photo and literally bombarded the star presenter with admiring comments.

Followers called Yana Koshkina “the real Cleopatra” and “crazy beauty,” and the photo itself was so exciting that “it gives me goosebumps.” The male subscribers began to confess their eternal love to the TV personality.

What is Yana Koshkina's breast size?

Actress Yana Koshkina became famous for her role in the television series “Molodezhka. Adult life”, and now works as a presenter on Channel One on the music show “Kings of Plywood”. The producers of the television project are exploiting Koshkina’s image with all their might and, for example, are trying to emphasize her size 5 breasts and her bright beauty with revealing evening dresses, always with the deepest possible neckline.

Biography of Yana Koshkina

Yana Viktorovna Koshkina. Born on April 22, 1990 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian theater and film actress, TV presenter.

As a child and teenager, I was professionally involved in rhythmic gymnastics, devoting all my time to this sport - 2 training sessions a day for 4-5 hours plus choreography.

However, by the time she was in high school, she decided to become an actress - this decision was largely influenced by the fact that even in school years she was invited to star in the series about schoolchildren “OBZH”, in which she played a cameo, i.e. acted as herself.

And after school she entered the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts, from which she graduated in 2011, workshop of A.M. Zealand.

Has experience as a fashion model.

Among her theatrical works: “Summer Residents” - Yulia Filippovna; “Italian Holidays” Margherita; “White Cloud of Genghis Khan” - Merkitka.

Since 2012 he has lived and worked in Moscow. She worked in the projects “Forester”, “Traffic Light”, “Khmurov”, “Studio 17”, “Teachers”, etc.

It became widely known in 2015, when TNT began airing the popular sitcom “CHOP” - a comedy series about the life of the “Nightingale” business center, where employees of the private security company “Kedr” work. She played one of the main characters - Snezhana, a kind of narrow-minded beauty.

Yana Koshkina biography

Name— Yana Koshkina

Hometown- Saint Petersburg

Height — 174

Weight— 52 kg

Activity— Actress, model


Yana Koshkina biography

Yana Koshkina is a Russian actress and model, known for her performance in the TV series “CHOP” and, of course, for her curvaceous figure.

Before it became famous

Yana Koshkina did not spend her childhood in acting clubs, but was actively involved in sports, namely rhythmic gymnastics, where she reached the level of master of sports. Based on this, one can understand that an impeccable figure was not given to her by nature, but as a result of hard training.

Yana made her debut as an actress while she was still at school, it was a youth series about the life of schoolchildren called “OBZH”.

Yana Koshkina in the TV series OBZh (left)

Yana liked the profession of an actress, and after graduating from school she firmly decided to enter the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts, under the leadership of Arvid Mikhailovich Zeland, after which she moved to Moscow to build a career as an actress.

Yana Koshkina actress

Upon arrival in Moscow, Yana begins to attend all kinds of castings and auditions. Some of the tests were successful and she was taken on episodic roles in such series as “Highway Patrol”, “Word to a Woman”, “Let’s Wake Up Together” as well as in one of the video episodes of the famous series “Streets of Broken Lanterns”. Of course, these roles did not bring her fame, but they helped her experience all the delights and hardships of the craft, as well as create a portfolio.

After a relatively short period of time, she is already beginning to star in popular TV series in Russia, although not in leading roles. Her filmography included the comedy series “Interns”, the top-rated series “Kitchen”, as well as a series dedicated to the work and life of the Russian-Caucasian family “Friendship of Peoples” and several others.

Yana Koshkina received her first leading role in the TV series “Second Chance”, where she played the role of Alla. The series did not bring much popularity, but attracted the attention of directors to the actress. And she received an offer to audition for a role in the new series on TNT “CHOP”.

Yana Koshkina series “CHOP”

Yana successfully passed the casting for the role in the series “CHOP”, where she plays “Snezhanna Koshkina”, who works in a spa and is madly in love with one of the main characters, played by Arthur Galchenko, better known as Sam Nickel. The audience liked the series for its humor and, of course, the love story of Snezhanna and Andrey. This role brought Yana fame and great popularity, both among the male audience of the series, thanks to the actress’s impeccable figure and her stunning forms, and among the female half of the audience.

2016 was marked by the actress’s participation in such films as the film “The Source”, the comedy with elements of melodrama “Love with Limits”, the comedy series “Mommies”, where she played the role of Yuri’s girlfriend, and of course the full-length film “Odnoklassniki”.

In 2017, Yana Koshkina appears in the TV series “Molodezhka”, where she plays Svetlana, the wife of Ivan Savchuk.

The actress’s career rapidly took off, she began to be hired for roles in major films, one of which was “Partner”, where Yana played the role of the stripper Angela, and her partner on the set was People's Artist Russian Federation— Sergey Garmash.

Yana Koshkina on the show “The Voice”

At the end of September 2017, Yana Koshkina appeared in the show “The Voice” as an ordinary participant, shocking the TV viewers and, of course, the jury with her performance, she even invited Yana to sing a duet. And this whole adventure was done to advertise a new show airing on Channel One called “Kings of Plywood,” where Yana is the host.

Yana Koshkina on “The Voice”

It's no secret that Yana Koshkina is incredible sexy girl and of course she was noticed by the most popular international men's magazine (with elements of eroticism) in Russia - “MAXIM” and offered to participate in their photo shoot. Yana agreed to a candid photo shoot and thus, in October 2017, Maxim magazine not only published hot photos of Yana Koshkina in a swimsuit and underwear in its publication, but also placed her directly on the cover.

Yana Koshkina and her boyfriend

There are many rumors surrounding Yana’s personal life, which she herself does not comment on in any way, but there are such well-known facts that she is not married and has no children, and when asked “who is she dating?” or is in a relationship - there are no answers, we can only guess. Yana also has accounts on Instagram and VK.

Yana Koshkina nude

Yana Koshkina is a media person, model, Russian actress, and now also a TV presenter on Channel One. Many saw Yana in the Russian television series “CHOP”, where she played the role of Snezhana; in addition, the girl constantly appears on television in various programs and episodic roles in TV series and films.

On the Internet you can find many photos of Yana from filming, competitions, classes in the gym and even in the circus arena. This girl is a real workaholic, she walks confidently through life and always remains optimistic.

Height, weight, age. How old is Yana Koshkina

Many say that Yana has earned her place in show business thanks to her bright appearance and big eyes. What can we hide, Yana is really very attractive and beautiful girl. Fans are actively discussing her personal life, career, and form.

Koshkina’s magnificent bust also raises many questions, which really haunts the audience. Everyone keeps saying that the actress has had her breasts enlarged, but the actress denies it. Says that big breasts she has her own, and it is her pride.

Thanks to Koshkina’s stunning appearance, she has a lot of fans, both among men and women. Viewers are very interested in how she maintains her figure, what she does, what food she prefers, as well as her height, weight, and age. How old is Yana Koshkina is also a popular query on the Internet. Today the actress is 27 years old, her height is 174 cm, and her weight is around 50 kg. Yana is full of ambitions and plans to continue to conquer television.

Biography and personal life of Yana Koshkina

Yana was born on April 22, 1990 in the city of Leningrad. According to her zodiac sign, she is Taurus, although her birth date on the verge of the sign with Aries does its job. The girl is very purposeful in life, and even if everyone around her says “no,” she will still make it “yes.” In addition, Koshkina is also incredibly self-confident, which, by the way, helped her break into the world of show business and cinema. Since childhood, the girl dreamed of becoming an athlete and was actively involved in sports, gymnastics and swimming.

Yana’s hard work and efficiency helped her win various competitions, receive awards and medals, and Koshkina, thanks to sports, learned throughout her life that in order to achieve something, you need to work hard and hard. The girl was preparing to pass the standards to receive a Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics, and she succeeded. Today we can say that the model’s stunning figure is the result of her willpower, efforts and intense work on herself. Yana has kept herself in shape all her life, and thanks to her appearance, by the age of 25 she had achieved a lot.

As a teenager, Yana began to realize that she was beautiful, and in modern world this can achieve something. She entered the St. Petersburg Theater Academy, and began a modeling career, walked on catwalks, and posed for magazines, and one day she decided that she would like to become an actress, so she went to conquer Moscow.

Despite the fact that St. Petersburg is a cultural city, everything is still concentrated in the capital, and Koshkina, fully understanding this, decided to move. For another year she went to castings and tried to get on the set, until one day she got to the casting for the series “A Word to a Woman,” in which she played in an episode. After that, she starred a lot in episodic roles in various TV series: “Streets of Broken Lanterns”, “Traffic Light”, “Interns”, and others. You can see Koshkina in many TV series on TNT, such as “Kitchen” and “Friendship of Peoples”.

The actress received her first leading role when she was 24 years old. In the serial youth film “Second Chance” she performed main character Allu, however, popularity came to the girl a year later, when she began acting in the TV series “CHOP”. Having woken up famous, Koshkina decided to try herself not only in TV series, but also in full-frame, and went to a movie casting. The first full-length film, the Russian hilarious comedy “Classmates,” became a good continuation of Yana’s career, and this year she has already starred in the second part of the film.

The biography and personal life of Yana Koshkina, despite her popularity, are a complete mystery to fans today. It is not so easy to find information about her, however, there is no doubt that everything is fine in her personal life, looking at the girl’s appearance.

Family and children of Yana Koshkina

Yana was born into the most ordinary Soviet family. Her father worked as a diver all his life, and her mother was involved in sports, athletics and gymnastics for many years, and then coached the children's section. It was thanks to her mother that Yana decided that she would like to become an athlete. Her parents supported the girl in every possible way, including when she decided to become an actress and entered the theater academy.

In general, Koshkina is a dramatic actress by training, and comedic roles are completely unusual for her. However, for several years now she has been successfully making viewers laugh on screen, and she does it wonderfully. Yana herself admitted in her interview that she would like to play Nastasya Filippovna, the main character of Dostoevsky’s novel “The Idiot.” Who knows, maybe the actress will have such an opportunity again, although for now she is increasingly perceived as a sexy beauty rather than an example of virtue.

The actress is not yet thinking about marriage and having children; she believes that in order to have a family, you must first become established as a person, and in this she is completely right. Most likely, Yana Koshkina’s family and children are still present in her future, it’s just that the girl has not yet admitted to journalists.

Yana Koshkina's husband

After the actress began to appear frequently on television, and then became a TV presenter on Channel One, fans became worried about why the heart of the young beauty was so cold.

The girl loves social life very much, often appears at events, attends fashion shows of Russian clothing designers, but almost everywhere she appears alone.

The absence of a companion when Koshkina went out gave rise to a lot of gossip that the model was dating a married man and simply did not want to show him to the public. However, Yana herself calls her pet, the cat Taras, the man of her dreams. The model does not seek to expose her personal life, and in every possible way protects it from prying eyes. Fans only hope that future husband Yana Koshkina will soon appear in sight.

Photo by Yana Koshkina for Maxim magazine

Recently, the model and actress posed for a famous men's magazine. Photos of Yana Koshkina for Maxim magazine became the subject of discussion among fans, because in them the main sex symbol of Channel One appeared completely naked.

The actress herself admitted that she was very pleased with the shooting, and even her father said that her daughter’s candid photos did not look vulgar, but artistic. Before this, the model had already starred a lot for various publishing houses and glossy magazines in nude photo shoots and in a swimsuit. However, the new photos of the star pleasantly surprised fans and earned many positive opinions.

Instagram and Wikipedia Yana Koshkina

Despite her popularity, the actress is a very sociable person; she loves to chat with fans, happily talks about new projects, gives interviews and shares her vacation photos on her Instagram account. Both Yana Koshkina’s Wikipedia and her Twitter do not exist today, but there is no doubt that a page in the universal encyclopedia about the star will appear soon.

Yana Koshkina is a girl with a memorable appearance. The artist is active as an actress and model. Yana zealously promotes healthy image life, plays a lot of sports and does not eat meat. Koshkina won interest in her person not only thanks to her acting skills, a huge share of attention went to the bright appearance beauties. But, looking at the girl’s early photos, we can conclude that Yana did not always have such parameters. In order to achieve ideal forms she had to resort to the services plastic surgeons.

Yana Koshkina before plastic surgery, before and after photos: surgery

New publications, photos and interviews continually stir up the viewer’s interest. The model's revealing outfits will shock even the most sophisticated audience. Many people wonder if the girl always looked so amazing and what she had to change about herself.

Paying attention to Koshkina’s early photos, we can conclude that years younger than Yana, she had size three breasts. But, the actress decided to increase her parameters to the fifth, resorting to the services of plastic surgeons. The girl herself categorically refuses to acknowledge the help of doctors. If previously the model had a toned, teardrop-shaped bust, now Koshkina’s breasts are weighty, tightly covered with skin and somewhat disproportionate to her figure.

Yana has always had plump lips with a cute and interesting curve. To emphasize the image of the fatal beauty, Koshkina decided to work on this area. Lip lipofilling came to the rescue of her desire. The girl pumped her own fat into the lip area, this significantly increased their volume.

Looking at the photo before and after the transformation, one cannot help but notice the change in the shape of the nose. Rhinoplasty made the nose smaller and more neat. Yana denies the services of plastic surgeons, claiming that her beauty is the merit of Mother Nature, not doctors. But the facts say the opposite; photos from two years ago show changes in this zone.

Yana Koshkina before plastic surgery, before and after photos: experiments with appearance

Yana's expressive cheekbones add special sophistication. Presumably the girl, in order to emphasize the relief of her face, the model called for the help of police officers, the site reports. Koshkina denies correction of her cheekbones, attributing everything to the art of makeup. It is worth noting that even without makeup this area stands out clearly.

You can see that over time, the girl’s eyebrows have also undergone adjustments. Now Yana wears wide and thick ones, but years ago she preferred a thin form.

Nature awarded Koshkina with light brown hair, but the actress wants to match the image of a fatal brunette. To achieve this, the model constantly dyes her hair a deep dark shade.

To make her smile perfect, Yana inserted expensive veneers, which allowed her to change the shape of her teeth. Now the woman’s smile is simply gorgeous and flawless.

“The new sex symbol of Channel One” is how journalists dubbed the host of the popular TV show “Kings of Plywood” Yana Koshkina. Indeed, the girl’s striking appearance does not leave anyone indifferent - tall, slender, and, as people say, “curvy.” True, there are rumors that Koshkina’s stately appearance is the merit not so much of her parents as of plastic surgeons. The girl herself does not comment on questions about plastic surgery, but only a blind person would not be able to not notice the difference between her photos before and after the alleged operations. For example, you can clearly track changes in Yana Koshkina’s nude photographs for hot photo shoots in Maxim, Playboy and her earlier Svetlina magazines. The presenter also pleases her followers on Instagram, of which she already has more than 200 thousand, with candid photos in a swimsuit, sometimes even topless. Of course, the willingness to pose naked for a photographer is not Yana’s main talent. In addition to working as a model and presenter, the girl proved herself to be a good actress. We’ll talk more about the biography and latest news from the personal life (husband, children) of Yana Koshkina further.

Who is Yana Koshkina: biography, personal life, husband and children

Let's start with who Yana Koshkina is, highlighting some facts from her biography and personal life, including regarding the presence of a husband and children. The new sex bomb of Channel One is 27 years old - she was born on April 22, 1990 in St. Petersburg. From an early age, the girl showed good athletic abilities, so her parents sent Yana to the rhythmic gymnastics section at the age of 4. Later, the talented athlete Koshkina even became a master of sports. At the same time, the future star of the show “Kings of Plywood” was engaged in synchronized swimming. Who knows, perhaps today we would know Koshkina as an outstanding athlete if cinema had not entered her life. In high school, Yana tried herself as an actress, making her debut in the TV series “OBZH”. She liked this experience so much that after school Koshkina went to enter the Academy of Theater Arts. At the same time, the spectacular student worked part-time as a fashion model and participated in various castings.

Details from her personal life - does Yana Koshkina have a husband and children?

But the real breakthrough in Koshkina’s career occurred after she moved to Moscow. The young actress persistently knocked down numerous screen tests and luck smiled at her. Yana began to be called to minor roles in TV series, including “Road Patrol” and “A Word to a Woman.” Then there were episodes in “Streets of Broken Lanterns”, “Interns”, “Kitchen”. But most of all, Koshkina was remembered by television viewers for her role as Snezhana in the comedy series “CHOP.” It was after participating in this project that Yana woke up famous and the girl received numerous offers, one of which was her debut as a presenter on Channel One. Today, the outrageous girl has no children and no husband.

What was presenter Yana Koshkina like before plastic surgery: photos before and after operations

Evil tongues claim that real fame came to presenter Yana Koshkina after several plastic surgeries (before and after photos below). And although the girl herself prefers not to comment on questions regarding her clearly changed appearance, experts say that plastic surgery took place in her life. Most likely, Yana had at least two operations - mammoplasty and rhinoplasty. Koshkin always had a good figure: even at the dawn of her film career, Yana could boast of a slender body with appetizing curves. But today Koshkina’s bust looks clearly more magnificent than before. The girl’s breasts look disproportionately large, and its shape suggests thoughts about breast correction.

A selection of photos before and after plastic surgery by presenter Yana Koshkina

In addition, the actress's nose has also changed. Early photographs clearly show a small hump and a thickened tip. Now Yana’s nose has acquired a more neat and sophisticated shape. In addition to plastic surgery, cosmetologists also clearly worked on Koshkina’s appearance. With the naked eye you can see enlarged lips and corrected cheekbones. See below for a comparative selection of photos of Yana Koshkina before and after plastic surgery.

Yana Koshkina before and after plastic surgery

Before plastic surgery

Koshkina before and after plastic surgery

Nude Yana Koshkina: hot photos for Maxim and Playboy magazines

Yana Koshkina also gained a share of popularity, especially among the male part of her fans, from hot photo shoots for Maxim and Playboy magazines, in which she poses completely naked. Of course, the pictures are erotic, not pornographic, and they can even be classified as photography. But this does not in any way negate their frankness and complete nudity, which not everyone agrees to. However, Yana Koshkina has already become famous for her assertive character, and it is unlikely that she regarded a candid photo shoot as something immodest and shameful. Moreover, the young actress simply loves to attract attention with her shocking behavior.

A selection of hot nude photos of Yana Koshkina for Playboy and Maxim magazines

Naked Yana Koshkina for Playboy

Hot photos of Yana Koshkina for Maxim magazine

Yana Koshkina: erotic photos in a swimsuit from the personal Instagram of the presenter from Channel One

Yana Koshkina, now a presenter on Channel One, pleases her fans on her personal Instagram with erotic photos in a swimsuit. Her page on the popular network is replete with bright images with half-naked breasts and revealing dresses. The girl also loves to share provocative pictures and videos from work with her followers.

A selection of erotic photos in a swimsuit from the personal Instagram of the presenter from Channel One Yana Koshkina

For example, after Yana Koshkina became the host of a show on Channel One, the girl regularly posts behind-the-scenes photos and videos that were not included on the air of “Kings of Plywood.” In many of them, she openly flirts with studio guests and even with her married partner Pavel Priluchny. In addition, the girl is happy to share latest news from my personal life. For example, after candid photo shoots for Playboy and Maxim (October 2017), the hot Koshkina herself posted several naked pictures on Instagram. In addition, on the actress’s page you can find other erotic highlights - in swimsuits and even topless. But photos before and after plastic surgery, which undoubtedly happened in Koshkina’s life, cannot be found on her Insta.

Yana Koshkina in a swimsuit, photo