Sounding company names list. How to create a logo for a law firm? LLC for the construction of oil and gas wells

How many bad business names have you come across in your life? Even if you don’t take all kinds of long abbreviations that were popular before, such as “TransStroyKomBizTrendTech” and the like. Are you afraid that the name of your future company will become a real problem? After all, he always wants to stand out not only in quality and quantity, but also in his approach and details. So that whoever sees the sign will forever remember that there is such a cool company...

Especially for those who are wondering in advance about the name of the company, and for everyone else who just wants to get a little more enlightened on the issues of organizing a business, we analyze the features of company naming. And the main thing here will not be the creative component, but the rules that you must not forget about when you are brainstorming in search of the perfect name.

Note: if you don’t know the rules of names, you can run into a banal refusal to register a company. So let’s arm ourselves with knowledge and move forward.

Features of names and English version

  • First thing you need to know - when registering an LLC, you will need to indicate the full name on Russian, in which will naturally be included in “society with limited liability."
  • Second - english words allowed to use. But! They must be written in Russian letters. That Yes, if anything happens, please contact transcription rules and let's continue to create.
  • Third - cannot be crossed and stir in one name and Russians and English words. That there is either one or- second.
  • Fourth - it is prohibited to insert foreign characters, and Also foreign words, which, according to are essentially terms with designation of any type of property.

Additionally: the Charter of your company will also reflect the abbreviated name (if it can exist at all). The rules are the same.

A primitive example: full name: Limited Liability Company "Land Trolley". Short name in the Charter: LLC "ZV".

After all, everyone knows that the “paper” clerical language of documents that you will encounter almost every day is very dry and does not strive for brevity. For example, in official documents you will write the full name of your “corporation”. No matter how much you want to cut it.

And internal correspondence can also be contained using a short name.

Note: if your Napoleonic plans for business development include going international, immediately make sure that both versions of the name are in a foreign language. And here you will need to use translation, which is used in practice much more often than transcription:

Limited liability company "earthen trolley"

Note: here we have given an example with a literal translation. But, for example, the translation of the form of ownership (“LLC”) can be designated in a different way.

What not to do during the company naming process

  1. Enter symbols like “@”, “+” and so on.
  2. It is forbidden to assign to the name is the word “VIP”, the abbreviation “Ltd”. By the way, Ltd- and is “LLC” in its own sense.
  3. Cannot be inserted into name words such as “Russia”, “Moscow”, “Russian Federation” (and respectively "RF"). Note: There are some exceptions to this prohibition, but at a minimum, they will require approval from government administration and state duty only for use will not less than 10 thousand rubles.
  4. Not that so it's forbidden, but extremely not welcome without approval the necessary department to insert the names of cities or other subjects of our country. If there is no consistency will be in You can expect a summons at any time court from the mayor's office.
  5. Names that go against social norms. This and about ethics, and about the moral side, and about humanity...
  6. Mat is prohibited. Just like slang and jargon.
  7. Not it will be possible to use the names of international organizations and any public associations.
  8. Naturally, if the brand, or trademark patented, then you have no chance of taking it Name. Otherwise - again a summons court.

Almost everything else is possible, so the field for creativity and creativity is in front of you. In fact, many companies are moving away from the stingy dullness in names and, without violating anything, very cheerfully use rights in naming.

Example: Big Good Anaconda LLC, which runs its own bar in Kazan (a bar under a different name). Or here’s another bar that has grown into a huge network (you can find the name yourself), which is managed by Otgnagai i Zhgi LLC. These are real examples. And, as you can see, if you are doing business, you don’t have to do it with a sour face.

How to come up with your own name. Small tips.

If you have no friendship with fantasy at all, then here are some tips for you on what areas of your life you can get ideas for a name from:

  • Names of loved ones. What's wrong with store "Tanya", which is called by an adult uncle entrepreneur in honor of your daughter. If you want to boost your self-esteem a little, you can call V honor yourself. Although, if you later decide to sell the company, then you'll have to find someone who won't care, but then no everyone can like this choice.
  • Direction of activity. Are you selling dried bear meat? So name the company - “Dry bear.” Do you want to do renovations? "Repair" - an excellent name for an LLC, you can also add something to highlight it. Type "Trolley Repair", "Life and Repair" ... But not overdo it. Still, working with imposes certain restrictions on people. It’s better to let the potential buyer immediately guess that he at may acquire you, than looks at him suspiciously Name.
  • If you can't cope with creative naming task, try asking those who surround you. Most likely, everyone will offer some interesting options. IN finally, start going through everything you see around. Let it take no one hour, but you with live by this name and work.

The most better name - something that simultaneously possesses the qualities of capacity, brevity and a little creative spirit. And, if it is assumed that direct clients will directly encounter this name, then it is better to add to it an indication of the activity and a pinch of unusualness, so that the person can remember it immediately and forever, but does not shy away in confusion.

Therefore, first you need to understand who your target audience will be. If these are exclusively people of the old school, then there is no point in humoring them. The humor in the title can also play a very cruel joke. If the taxi company is called “Accident”, or “Brakes”... well, it’s funny once, and then you won’t get many customers.

Examples of names by field of activity

You need to understand that each niche has its own client expectations, just like the audience itself.

  • So, for example, if we are talking about construction of houses, then people are used to seeing more seriousness and respectability that many people associate with reliability. AND if you call the company “SekundaStroy”, or somehow “Shalyai-Valiai”, then your competitors will only rejoice. Therefore, most often in In the construction industry there are more and more “megacities”, “stroybyty”, “uytstroy” and so on.
  • Tourism business involves attracting clients already dating stage. Therefore, names that promise him rest and pleasure, they will already be working on you. "Beach", "Sea Lagoon", "Palm Trees and The sun" - what not names? Sounds much more attractive than "Titanic" or "Berezhka on river."
  • If you if you plan to engage in transport or transportation, please indicate this in company name what will be said about advantages of the company - speed, convenience, reliability, access everywhere. So, for example, the hackneyed name “Fast and Furious” and That better than "Racing" carts", although the second one breaks records in terms of originality.
  • The furniture business sector is also rich in available naming options, but very many don't bother themselves a lot. Therefore on Every corner you can find a “World of something” (doors, sofas, windows, walls and etc.). Of course I want to show the vastness of choice in your company, but use roads less traveled. The context of creating a cozy atmosphere is perfect here, because we are talking about home.
  • Law firms The name is required to provide confidence to the consumer. To them and this is how clients come with personal problems. Therefore, there will be no humor here anymore quite appropriate. "Legal assistance", " Good advice» - give the client hope that he will get the desired result if contact you.
  • That the same applies to private medical institutions. Not make flashy names, here it is important for a person to feel calm. Therefore, actually names such as “Family Health” are used. But Not be deceived. Clinic “Your Health!” will arouse suspicion, because the name is more reminiscent of toast drunk.

General advice - don't focus only on yourself when coming up with a name for a company that will sell a product or service to another person. It is important that the emotional response is from the audience, and not just from you.

Bottom line

We figured out what rules exist in the naming of companies, what cannot be used as part of names, and thought about what you can pay attention to if the task is to name a company in a specific field. The last piece of advice that can be given in this largely creative endeavor is that if you find it difficult to do it yourself, contact another person. Fortunately, there are now enough creative agencies and creative freelancers. But in general, such a procedure is not so complicated that you have to pay for it. It's another matter if you need to create a whole style or brand.

How to come up with a company name: selection requirements + 5 ways to search for a name + 5 steps to choosing + 7 naming techniques + online services for creating a name.

Every businessman is aware that the name chosen for a company, store or shopping center can influence the future fate of the business.

Often, novice entrepreneurs, due to their inexperience, choose long and overly complicated names that have nothing to do with the direction of the business.

Because the question is how to come up with a company name and remain in the ear of buyers, does not lose its relevance.

Basic requirements for a company name

At first glance, it may seem that you can come up with a name for a company in 1-2 hours.

But in fact, this process is quite long and labor-intensive.

Naming requires a huge amount of time and effort.

Coming up with a company name is like choosing a name for your child.

Experts in the field of psychology highlight the concept of 7 seconds.

It is during this time, according to experts, that one can evaluate a new interlocutor.

The same principle applies to business names.

The target audience evaluates the brand and its name within a short period of 7 seconds from the moment of first contact.

Therefore, it is necessary to come up with a name that can win over potential clients in such a minimal time.

In parallel, it should contain three main criteria:

  1. Easy to read and easy to pronounce.
  2. Easily remembered and recreated in memory.
  3. Does not evoke negative memories and emotions. A brand should evoke only positive feelings.

These aspects are the basis for creating a name for the new company.

Regardless of whether you are opening an online store, a flower shop or a personal blog, the name you come up with for a company or production should be melodious, memorable and creative.

5 main ways to create a name in naming


    The name directly depends on the field of business.

    For example: “Your milkman”, “Cow” for a supplier of dairy products.

    Law firms select names in the style of “Letter of the Law”, “Themis” (which also creates a positive feeling of reliability and a serious approach to business).


    Basically, the creation of such names is based on a connection to a nearby landmark, local legend or centuries-old traditions.

    For example: “Petropavlovsky kvass”, “Crimean source” - for a water producer.


    It is based on the creation of phrases that were obtained by combining or modifying words (“Smeshariki”, “Zabodaikin”).


    Word formation characterizing the company's activities.

    It may also contain the names, pseudonyms or surnames of its creators (“Cafe at Gleb’s”, “Meat Shop”).


    Invented colorful, sensual company names that are associated with the company’s service or product (teen magazine “Oops”, “Summer” juices).

5 Steps to Creating a Great Company Name

In the understanding of most, a successful name for a company should simply come to mind by itself.

Sometimes a miracle really happens and the founder gets a brilliant idea for a name for his brainchild.

But this is rather an exception to the rule.

Any companies that professionally engage in naming divide the process into 5 key steps.

Step 1. Analysis

An effective name is more than just inspiration and a pretty sound.

It should be based on the tastes of the target audience and correctly characterize the products offered.

To do this, an analysis is carried out on the following points:

    To choose a name that will appeal to customers, you need to understand who exactly the target audience of the product is.

    What do they like?

    What do people expect from your products?

    It is important to evaluate the names created by competitors.

    Your company name should be different.

    And, of course, to be better and more spectacular.

  • A description of the product or service offered by the company is compiled.
  • Basic data related to the company itself is also important: competitiveness, differences and advantages over organizations in the same field.

Step 2. Strategy development

At this stage, additional frameworks should be set that will help “sift through” the invented names.

The business owner must determine his wishes on the following points:

  • What language will the title be in?
  • Long or short?
  • What style will correspond to the concept of the company (official, comic, others)?

Step 3. Putting the strategy into action

“Just after the moment of greatest difficulty lies success.”
Jared Leto

At this stage, names are selected that meet the above criteria.

It is best to come up with a company name with the help of several people.

For example, gather a couple of your best employees who have extraordinary and creative thinking.

Or arrange a family council.

Do not deprive children of attention: often their imagination works even more productively than that of adults.

Write down all the worthy options for “names”, and then “sift” them according to the points identified in step No. 2.

Step 4: Test your business name

The selected titles need to be tested in more detail. Please pay attention to the following points:

  • What associations does the name evoke among strangers?
  • How unique is it (especially important compared to competitors)?
  • Is it easy to remember and write?
  • Doesn't it sound funny or stupid when translated into other languages ​​(if you plan to expand to an international market)?

You can check the uniqueness on the following services:

  • (paid service).

But to analyze the remaining points, it is better to turn to friends, relatives, colleagues, that is, get an outside perspective.

Step 5: Compliance with the Law

Before you start registering your chosen name, make sure that it complies with legal requirements.

A complete list of current restrictions can be found in Civil Code Russian Federation, part 4, article 1473 (

Key points to know:

  • names of states and derivatives from them cannot be included;
  • the name should not violate religious or national rights, or contain obscene or inhumane statements;
  • cannot include the names of well-known associations;
  • should not be in tune with any popular brands.

7 naming techniques: how to come up with a name for a company

In naming (developing a name for a company or product), 7 key techniques can be distinguished.

If the above steps for choosing a name did not give any result, try these methods.

Seven key naming techniques that will help you choose a “name” for your company:

    The name of the company can be formed by the name of the founder.

    Famous brands have used this method: "", "Gillette", "Shimano".


    It is based on the repetition of monotypic words in order to form a specific rhythm and rhyme.

    A good example is the manufacturer of the sweet drink Coca-Cola.


    Abbreviation of several words.

    For example, Dolce&Gabbana, Louis Vuitton.

    Method of analogy.

    Use of well-known terms and concepts in the company name.

    For example, "Jaguar", "Puma".

    Parts of words.

    This method of word formation is similar to the abbreviation method.

    Only the first letters, but parts of the word, are used as an idea.

    For example, the company “Integral Electronics” used this method, which resulted in the world-famous “Intel”.


    This includes words that imitate the sound made by animals or humans.

    For example, for a dog food company you can choose the name “Woof”, for a girl’s magazine - “Oops”.

    Hidden meaning.

    A good example is the global brand Nike, which contains the name of the ancient Greek goddess Nike, who was considered a symbol of victory.

A few more tips for those who are choosing a name for a company:

How to come up with a company name using an online service?

The above techniques and methods did not bring the desired result, but your imagination completely refuses to cooperate?

Perhaps the only thing left to do is turn to online name generators.

It’s worth pointing out right away: don’t seriously count on any programs being able to generate and come up with a really cool and unique name for a company.

The sites below simply provide random options.

But it's possible that you might really like one of them.

Or at least this method can stimulate the brain to create new, unique ideas.

Online services for generating new ideas

This article provided many ways to how to come up with a company name.

Don’t be upset if you’ve tried all the tricks (including visiting every name generation resource) and still haven’t chosen the “name of your dreams.”

Like any other creative endeavor, choosing a title can be time consuming.

But in the end, the right one will definitely be found.

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The name is the first impression of your company, its face and business card.

A successful name helps a company develop in the market and attracts buyers.

By looking at examples of successful and unsuccessful names, you can decide what to name your business.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account that there are a number of requirements when creating a company name.

Requirements for determining the name

  • The full name of the company must be in Russian. Foreign words can be included in the company name, but only in Russian transcription. Latin characters are not allowed. Such common abbreviations and abbreviations as LTD, VIP are written in Cyrillic, and the & sign is written as “end”.
  • The names of cities and regions of the Russian Federation can be used only after agreement with local authorities.
  • The words “Russia”, “Russian Federation”, as well as their word forms and abbreviations can be included in the company name only after receiving official permission from the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and paying the state duty. Currently, the fee is 50,000 rubles.
  • The names of intergovernmental, international institutions, as well as official authorities cannot be included in the name of an enterprise registering on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • The use of obscene words and expressions in the company name is prohibited.

Besides the legal aspects, there are certain rules for creating a new name. The process of creating this name is called naming.

What is naming?

Naming dates back to the 19th century and includes knowledge of psychology, linguistics, marketing, sociology and other sciences.

The name of the company should itself sell your product, according to experts in the field of naming.

Today, there are professional naming agencies that will help you develop a good name specifically for your company.

But using the advice of leading experts, you can come up with a successful name yourself.

The naming principles state:

  1. Uniqueness and creativity. Originality is what will set you apart from your competitors. Therefore, it is better to immediately discard hackneyed boring names as unnecessary.
  2. Euphony. Once you come up with a name, ask your friends to pronounce it. Do you like the sound of it? Will employees be proud to say their company's name?
  3. Information content. Let the name carry a semantic load, so that a potential client, having heard it, already understands what we are talking about.
  4. Brightness. Your business name should stand out from other companies in the same niche.
  5. Associativity. It is not necessary that the name directly indicates the type of your activity. Sometimes in naming the method of associations is used with the help of images of literary heroes, comic metaphors and hints.
  6. Use of "positive" letters. Experts have discovered that each letter carries an emotional connotation for a person. Thus, the letter K at the beginning of the company name promises reliability, Z is associated with something evil, but strong. The letters X, Ш, Ш – are considered “sad” and “dull”, and D and L – evoke joy and positive emotions.

Name examples

When planning to occupy a certain niche in the market, you need to consider your target audience.

When choosing a name, speak to the buyer in his language.

Respectable ladies are unlikely to want to visit a Japanese restaurant called “Sushi-Mushi”, and young people will not be attracted to the “Quiet Evening” cafe.

Therefore, when choosing a name for a restaurant, studio or construction company, first of all, decide who exactly you will work with.

Construction The company, depending on its field of activity, may be called:

  • My fortress
  • Elite – Build
  • Marvelous House
  • Guarantee
  • EcoStroy
  • Reconstruction
  • Master OK
  • Monolith Stroy

Legal The following names are suitable for the company:

  • Advisor
  • Themis
  • Lawyer
  • Expert
  • Partner
  • Consultant

Tourist the company will attract potential clients through names:

  • Around the World
  • Cote d'Azur
  • Paradise
  • Wind rose
  • Pilgrim
  • Oasis
  • Globus Tour
  • Vacation

Tea shop will stand out among competitors with the name:

  • Welding
  • Real tea
  • Tealeaf
  • Plantation
  • Samovar
  • Tea house

Real estate agency can be called:

  • Good choice
  • Square meter
  • Favorite City
  • Cozy home
  • House Domych

Children's cafe suitable names:

  • Sweet tooth
  • Far Far Away Kingdom
  • Fairy tale
  • Planet of Childhood
  • Little toddler
  • Chocolateland
  • Yummy

Of course, the name itself will not bring profit and fame to your company.

But still, the name is a very important link between you and potential clients.

A correctly chosen name is the key to a successful start and subsequent development of the enterprise.

Every entrepreneur has a moment when it is necessary to choose the name of his own company. This business requires significant creativity and forethought. At the same time, there are quite a lot of different nuances that need to be taken into account. Otherwise, the entrepreneur may be denied registration.

Why is a good name important for an organization?

The name of the company being created must take into account certain standards established by this legislation. For example, the use of certain words and symbols is prohibited, and phrases that offend human dignity cannot be used. In addition, the invented name must be ethical and moral. And only after taking into account the factors described above should it be as memorable and telling as possible.

The LLC business registration form is one of the most common in the Russian Federation. This is largely due to the fact that an LLC can engage in almost any type of activity, while becoming its founder is quite simple. And in order for the enterprise to generate income, you only need to collect large number clients. It is in this factor that the company name plays a significant role.

If it is original and memorable, it will attract more clients and supporters; otherwise, the company will incur losses.

Types of organization names

When registering a company, an entrepreneur must write down its full Russian name, first noting “limited liability company.” It is legally permitted to use foreign words, but they must not be mentioned in Russian transcription.

Therefore, it turns out that the name can be either Russian or in a foreign language. Only in this case it is necessary to carry out the correct transliteration in accordance with the rules of the Russian language. However, the registration rules state that you cannot use foreign words that are terms that denote a form of ownership.

After writing down the full name, when filling out the charter of the organization, you must indicate it only in a short form using the abbreviation “LLC”. It must also comply with all the norms and rules of the Russian language.

The full name of the organization will be required to fill out official documents, while a short name is necessary for business and internal correspondence. If the company cooperates with foreign partners, it needs to create similar names in a foreign language.

At the same time, they are also compiled taking into account all the norms and rules of that language. If there is a ready-made name in Russian, then in this case it is translated.

What is unacceptable or undesirable to use in a company name

An entrepreneur registering his company must take into account legal provisions prohibiting the use of the following cases:

The main directions for the flight of thought

There are companies that develop creative names for other companies. Many of their secrets are of course hidden, but general recommendations for an entrepreneur when creating a name have become known.

The first and simplest advice at the same time is to use the surname of both yourself and the surrounding inner circle of people. This is a fairly simple option to quickly find your company name. Especially if an entrepreneur has big plans for the development of the company, then using his last name in the name will further stimulate him. However, with this option the following difficulties arise: when the company is sold, the new owner is unlikely to be happy with it. In addition, if the surname goes against the activities of the company, then it is also worth abandoning this idea.

The second tip talks about using words that reflect future activities the company itself. The trick to this method is to use words that imply your activity. As a result, it will be intuitive and simple for the client, and this is the most important requirement for him.

The third tip is to use an acronym. This method will help the entrepreneur make the company name as short and memorable as possible. But, in no case should you use a large number of words with a narrow focus. Because of this, the client will have problems deciphering the name, as well as with its pronunciation. This arrangement often scares away potential clients and is an unnecessary irritant. Therefore, it is worth noting once again about using the most concise name possible.

If the entrepreneur, when registering a company, has not yet decided on its further type of activity, then in this case a name consisting of one word is best suited. The best option it will be of foreign origin. To do this, you and your circle of trusted people should take a foreign dictionary and together select the most remarkable word.

Customer preferences and healthy humor

An entrepreneur must understand that the company name serves primarily for customers. Therefore, he must understand and research his possible target audience.

Understand its age category, since for young people the attractive name will be completely different than for the older generation. In addition, it is necessary to take into account social status your target audience. For example, the rich class will like an elegant name, especially if it emphasizes luxury and status, and middle class He will most likely avoid a company with such a name, as it is unpleasant and incomprehensible to him.

In order to attract the attention of customers, you can dilute the name with humor. However, this should be done very carefully, as the entrepreneur may no longer be taken seriously. And this threatens the loss of possible clients. Therefore, a careful approach is required here.
Another good option is to use a catchy and unclear name. The bet will be on intriguing customers with an interesting phrase, as a result they will contact the company at least once, and their further retention will be in the hands of high service.

LLC name examples list

The most successful names from different business sectors:

  • In the construction industry, reliability, speed and stability are important factors. However, you should not focus on speed, as this is not an indicator of quality. Successful titles: “Your Home”, “We Build Turnkey”;
  • In the transport field, it is necessary to pay attention to the concepts of speed, in addition, you can use the automotive theme. This way, taxi customers will more often contact the Porsche or Mustang company than some ordinary and simple name;
  • In the tourism industry, names that speak about the final destination of the trip and make the client anticipate are best suited. The names “Côte d'Azur”, “Pearl of the Mediterranean”, “Marco Polo” are perfect here.

Choosing a good company name is not an easy or idle question. Moreover, this is not a secondary issue. It is necessary to choose a name that will “work” for the business for many years, will embody all the values ​​of the business, and characterize the company from the best side.

Of course, it is best to entrust such work to specialists, professionals, but, as a rule, such services are expensive and not all beginning entrepreneurs can afford them.

The first and simple thing you can do at the start on your own and at no cost is to create your own small focus group consisting of relatives, friends and just acquaintances.

You can give this focus group “to be torn apart” by those options for the company name that you have already come up with. Ask them to express their attitude towards a particular name, ask why they like or dislike the name.

Enter the results into a makeshift table, mark each name with a minus/plus. It is ideal if all opinions about a particular name of your amateur focus group are reasoned.

Surely, with such a squeak, you will identify several winning names for yourself. From the pool of such improvised winners, you choose the name that will work for your business.

Interesting company names are a way to stand out

There are entire lists of beautiful company names on the Internet that anyone can use.

Yes, to stand out from other competitive titles. It's not easy, but that's the main thing. Many may say: “You need to stand out with a service or product. Quality of service provision, etc.” There is no doubt - this is true.

But imagine yourself in the shoes of your consumer. That consumer who has not yet started studying your offer, but is only choosing a company from a dozen or even hundreds of offers.

Your task is to offer him a name that will immediately interest him, highlight your business, and perhaps even put him in first place in the search. Even before he decides to study the price or description of the products. Being the first at the very first step of the consumer is very important, this is the key to success.

This means that the names of successful companies play a big role in the success of the entire business.

Of course, there are many factors to consider when choosing a name. For example, a bright, catchy and even trendy name is not suitable for companies that offer financial or consulting services. Here you will have to sacrifice brightness and originality.

Simply because it is undignified. Who would come up with the idea to name a consulting business: “Orange Elephant” or “Jolly Hippopotamus”? We're exaggerating, of course, but you really need to be careful here.

Large companies with large advertising budgets can afford to choose a name less carefully, since any name can be easily promoted for money. Beginning entrepreneurs with limited advertising budgets should think a hundred times and only then “cut off”.

How to choose a company name? Small but useful instructions: use language tricks

  • Choose a name that lends itself to puns. A great example of such a play on words is “Little Potato”. Simply wonderful! With humor, warmth and homeliness. We are confident that many who read this name will, from the first minute, treat such a business with warmth and great hope for tasty and high-quality food. A great example of a smart marketing move. Five points!;
  • A strong name should be simple. Choose a name for your business that is easy to remember and write. A simple example: you are driving your own car to work and an interesting advertisement comes into your field of vision, say, on a roadside billboard. Which one will you quickly remember: International Communications Liberty or Incomly? Even better is “Incol”;
  • Choose a name that won't be asked again. We have bitter experience when, in pursuit of originality, we chose the company name: “Audit Profit Engineering.” Countless times we have been asked how to spell the name correctly. We used to repeat the name several times until people got the hang of it. We are sure (peculiarities of psychology) people don’t like this, which means that many people, even at the first acquaintance with the business, experienced a slight discomfort, and therefore negativity associated with the name of the company;
  • Avoid puns in the title. Punning your company name is a risky move. Even if such a name is easy to remember, you still shouldn’t risk the company’s authority and immediately set the consumer up for slight disrespect;
  • Never imitate the famous. You can easily get caught up in serious litigation and lose a lot: money for lawyers, court costs, changing the company name, fines, etc. The most important thing is a good name, which will be difficult to restore even for a lot of money.

Original company names and domain name

Interesting company names in examples.

Beautiful names for companies must be chosen because your future consumer associates the company name with the quality of your business.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs miss when choosing a name for their new business. the most important moment– domain name. Today, any business must have a presence on the Internet.

Especially those businesses that plan to enter not only local markets, but also regional markets, and possibly international ones. (“The bad soldier is the one who doesn’t dream of becoming a general”).

In both the first and second cases, a business will need a website and its own domain name.

What will the domain name sound like? English? (We do not recommend using the domain zone – RF for many reasons).

How to spell it? How is it read? And most importantly, is such a domain name free at the moment?

Also, how will they react? search engines to the name of your domain name? Believe me, we are not new to promoting an online business and understand how important it becomes when a business grows and the business website grows with it.

"How more people will find you and your company on the Internet, the more buyers, consumers and people simply loyal to your business you will have.”

Company name in examples.

  • Short domain - no best choice. If you are going to choose a domain with less than six letters, this is not the best choice. An abbreviation like: can be afforded by “monsters” of business, but not by beginners. We need to look further;
  • Play with a combination. For example, the domain name of your business may consist of a set of abbreviated words: “”. The fictitious domain name might belong to a fictitious company: "Industrial Windmills";
  • Use translation. Often business owners, when choosing a domain name, use translation from the national language and vice versa. Example: the word “Thank you” in Hawaiian sounds like “Ubunchu”, this sound was taken as the basis for the domain name written in English - Ubuntu;
  • Be careful with the CEO. Many companies, hoping to promote their business in search results, resort to a trick - they use keywords in the name of the domain name. Firstly, Google no longer pays attention to this and does not give such a domain name preferences, and secondly, you may end up subject to sanctions in the future. Changing a domain name is neither easy nor expensive;
  • Are you in Russia? So – RU! If your business is located in Russia, it will be better in all respects if your domain name is located in the “RU” zone. Believe me, you will not regret this decision in the future.