The refrigerator does not cool, but the freezer works: why and what to do? The freezer in the refrigerator does not work. The refrigerator beko freezer does not freeze well

The LG brand belongs to a Korean concern, but has long since gained worldwide fame. There is also production of refrigerators in Russia. Therefore, products of excellent quality are affordable for mass demand. Stylish models work flawlessly for the first years, but later objective reasons appear, and the LG refrigerator does not freeze and requires repair.

LG refrigerators are among the most reliable household appliances. In this case, it is forbidden to troubleshoot problems yourself. Devices with electronic control, complex electrical diagram diagnosed and repaired by a specialist. The owner should make sure that the LG refrigerator is installed according to the instructions. Check that the doors close tightly and that the seal is in good working order. Listen to the operation of the compressor, when calling, tell the technician:

  • refrigerator brand;
  • which camera has complaints?
  • Compressor operating mode - works continuously, does not turn on at all, turns on briefly.

The cause of the malfunction is diagnosed by a technician. The failure is not always obvious.

LG refrigerator – freezer not freezing

If a two-chamber refrigerator has one compressor, separate temperature control is used in the plus and freezer compartments. All malfunctions that can cause an LG refrigerator to stop freezing are divided into categories:

  • mechanical damage associated with the installation of the refrigerator and during its operation;
  • violation of operating rules;
  • manufacturing defects;
  • wear of parts.

More often than not, the refrigerator compartment in the LG refrigerator does not freeze. But if the problem is not corrected, the freezer will soon fail. In a single-compressor refrigerator circuit, the refrigerant primarily maintains a deep negative temperature in the lower chamber. Freon enters the positive zone according to the residual principle. However, it is in the cold zone that the thermostat or compressor switching sensors are located. If there is not enough cold at the top, the compressor works non-stop and will soon break down. And this is the direct reason why the LG refrigerator will stop freezing.

There may be minor damage to the upper chamber that needs to be repaired:

  • malfunction of the temperature sensor or thermal relay;
  • loosely closed circuit;
  • doesn't work drip system defrost or the condensate drain is clogged.

At the same time, not only does the plus section of the LG refrigerator not freeze, but there are prerequisites for poor operation of the freezer. If a compressor that does not turn off overheats or seizes, replacing it will be very expensive.

Reasons why the freezer in an LG refrigerator does not freeze

If an LG refrigerator is equipped with two compressors, each has its own cooling circuit and its own controls. If the freezer malfunctions, you can turn it off and the LG refrigerator will freeze. The reasons why the bottom does not freeze may be a freon leak, a compressor malfunction, or a failure of the electronic unit.

In a single-compressor LG refrigerator, the freezer does not freeze well if the compressor is faulty or there is a freon leak. Sometimes it happens that the engine cannot start due to a faulty start relay. IN electronic circuit cabinet control malfunctions occur due to direct connection, without a voltage stabilizer. It is rare, but the freezer thermostat fails. In any case, you need to defrost the cabinet and call a technician for diagnostics.

LG No Frost refrigerator does not freeze

The difference between a refrigerator with a full No Frost system is that the chambers are cooled using a non-contact method, by supplying cold air. The refrigerant circuit is located behind the decorative panels of the freezer. A fan blows air through the evaporator tubes to cool the products. Condensation falls behind the wall, on the evaporator tubes. Next, it is defrosted by the heater and flows through the drainage tube into the tray. Malfunctions of the chamber air cooling system include:

  • The defrost system does not work, the evaporator is frozen and does not release cold;
  • The fan does not work, cold air is not blown into the freezer;
  • The damper does not work - cold air from the freezer does not flow into the refrigerator.

All these reasons lead to the fact that the LG No Frost refrigerator does not freeze.

If the fan was very noisy at first and then stopped, you need to stop the refrigerator, defrost it and call a technician. There are many reasons for malfunctions, from a blown fuse to replacing a fan. An LG refrigerator may not freeze well if the evaporator does not create the required temperature or the circuit is faulty.


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LG refrigerator does not freeze

Quite often there are situations when the refrigerator works, but does not freeze. In this case, you should not rush to call a repairman, because perhaps the cause of the breakdown is not as complicated as it might seem.

Today we will get acquainted with information on how to independently diagnose a refrigerator, and also consider the most common reasons why the refrigerator does not freeze, but the main compartment continues to work.

Before you begin self-diagnosis of the refrigeration unit, you should make sure that it is connected to the network, stands securely and the doors are tightly closed. If all these conditions are met, then you can begin diagnosing the equipment, which involves performing the following actions:

Thus, with self-diagnosis, you can identify and eliminate common minor problems why the refrigerator is working, but at the same time freezer does not complete assigned tasks. However, if after these steps the refrigerator still does not freeze, the reasons may be more serious.

Possible refrigerator malfunctions

Along with small possible reasons, you can independently identify more complex equipment malfunctions.

If the engine has been running properly for some time and you can hear engine sounds, but then it turns off and there is no cold, then most likely the motor compressor cannot start. Additionally, you can hear clicking sounds after approximately 10 seconds. humming of the motor compressor - this is how the thermal protection located in the thermal relay is activated. Moreover, the motor tries to restart after 3 minutes.

There may be several reasons for this behavior, namely:

  • relay failure;
  • the starting capacitor was broken;
  • the motor burned out.

What actions should be taken in such cases? The relay is fixed on the motor compressor, so you need to inspect the relay and if periodic clicks are detected, you can conclude that it is working properly. And if this part is “silent”, you will have to replace it.

The motor starting capacitor can be checked using a tester. To do this, you must first discharge it through a resistance. If the capacitor is working properly, the needle of the tester set to measure resistance in mOhm should first drop sharply and then return to its initial position.

If the condenser turns out to be working, but the refrigerator still does not freeze, then most likely you will have to contact a workshop to replace the burnt out motor.

Quite often the cause of freezer failure is from the system. This is confirmed by long-term operation of the engine and the presence of cold condensate on it. Freon may evaporate due to the formation of a microcrack in the evaporator. This often happens after a frozen product is torn off from the wall along with ice, as well as after strong vibration during prolonged operation of the unit. Another cause of freon leakage can be broken tubes that go to the evaporator from the compressor, for example as a result of moving equipment. It is difficult to independently determine the location of a freon leak, as well as to do soldering and gas injection afterward.

Very often people contact the service with one question: Why is the freezer in the refrigerator not working?, because it itself functions normally? The question, let’s say, is urgent and requires a quick fix, especially if it’s hot outside and there’s simply nowhere to put the food. But you won’t be able to fix everything in a couple of minutes: first you need to determine the cause of the thaw in your freezer, and only then try to fix something.

The reasons for the breakdown may be the following:

  1. Inattention when using. Modern refrigerators have a special regulator that allows you to set the required temperature in the freezer or refrigerator. Take a look at them - maybe you or someone in your household inadvertently turned the toggle switch to the lowest possible position, which is why the freezer simply stopped coping with freezing.
  2. Ice freezing. Ice in the freezer is normal, but only until the moment when there is so much of it that the door simply won’t close. Because of this, outside air enters the freezer, which warms the existing ice during a break in the refrigerator’s operation (it does not always work, but at a certain interval).
  3. Using the refrigerator for too long without any repair or permanent job at maximum capabilities (for example, setting the coldest mode in the summer heat). Because of this, the refrigeration chamber motor fails - it just runs for a couple of seconds, and then it can’t handle it and turns off again.
  4. Excessive use may damage the temperature sensor. Because of this, the freezer will work, but with very long breaks. This problem is relevant only for electronically controlled refrigerators. In the case of electromechanical refrigerators, the thermostat fails.
  5. If you have a refrigerator that has a no-frost system and a crying evaporator, a special switch may fail. You will notice this as follows: the freezer will freeze, but not as much as you would like it to.
  6. If you defrosted the freezer, and after that it did not work, remember whether you “helped” by chipping off the ice or placing dishes with hot water. If yes, then, most likely, you “killed” your device with your own hands - only old refrigerators were resistant to such manipulations, while new ones require more careful handling.

How to fix it?

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons for breakdowns. What to do with them? You can handle some of them yourself, but some jobs can only be done by a professional:

  1. Just turn the dial to the desired position and wait. If the freezer works, then your problem is solved.
  2. Defrost the freezer (without using any “folk” remedies, such as chipping ice) and thoroughly wipe all seals.
  3. In this case, only replacing the compressor will help. The minimum cost of work is 3500.
  4. Replacing a broken sensor. The minimum cost of work is 2000.
  5. Replacing a unit that has failed. The minimum cost of work is 2500.
  6. It is necessary to find the place where the damage is located, reseal it and refill the freezer with refrigerant. The minimum cost of work is from 3000.

Contact the professionals

Some people have misconceptions about their abilities. Unfortunately, even if you have the knowledge to identify the problem, you are unlikely to be able to fix it. If The freezer in the refrigerator is not working, it is better to leave this matter to professionals - for example, our company. Without undue modesty, we will say: we compare favorably with our competitors in terms of quality and price of services. All work will be completed on time, and after communicating with the craftsmen you will be left with only pleasant impressions.

  1. Set modes according to the weather.
  2. Periodically call a professional for a preventive inspection.
  3. Do not defrost new refrigerators with a hairdryer or hot water.
  4. Do not chip ice from new refrigerators.

It often happens that the refrigerator does not freeze, but the freezer does. You shouldn’t let the problem take its course; you need to immediately understand the causes of the breakdown. We will tell you what leads to such malfunctions. It's up to you to do the repairs yourself or call a professional.

In the refrigerator the freezer works, but the chamber does not

Let's figure out what to do if only the freezer is working in the refrigerator, and why the upper chamber does not cool, although there is not much difference between the temperatures.

It is worth paying attention to the operation of the motor-compressor: if it breaks down, it works without stopping and overheats greatly. The cause could be simple problems:

  1. Poorly closed chamber door. If the tightness of the sealing rubber is broken or the door sag, cold air from the chamber constantly comes out.
  2. Installation problems. If the room is hot or equipment is standing nearby heating devices, then cooling will occur continuously. Therefore, Indesit, Nord and other brands of refrigerators will not work, although the freezer works. Move the housing away from the battery or stove, set the regulator to a lower value.
  3. Freon leak. As a result of damage to the circuit or due to a leak in the wall, the cooling gas escapes and becomes insufficient for normal cooling. Repair and refilling of cooling gas is required.

The situation when the refrigerator starts to freeze like a freezer is also not normal. The temperature in the compartment rises, food freezes, and snow and ice accumulate on the walls. Why is this happening?

  • The door seal does not perform its function - there is no tight seal to the body. When warm air enters the chamber, the system compensates for the temperature increase with constant cooling, so the compressor does not turn off for rest.
  • Drain hole clogged. There is frost and snow on the walls, and water under the bottom drawers. During normal operation, the refrigerator starts defrosting: as a result, drops of moisture flow down the walls into the drainage hole and are then removed from the system. If the hole is clogged with crumbs and small debris, then there is nowhere for moisture to escape. It is necessary to carry out cleaning to restore the operation of the equipment.
  • The compartment temperature regulator or air sensor is faulty. The main board does not receive data about the temperature in the chamber, so it does not issue a command to turn off the engine.
  • The valve does not switch, so the top of the refrigerator may not freeze. In technology where two chambers are cooled by one motor, a switch (valve) is activated. If it sticks or breaks, then cooled air will flow into the freezer, but will not reach the refrigerator.

The refrigerator is not cooling, but the freezer is working

In refrigeration technology, only the freezer works. How to fix the situation? There are probably problems with one of the equipment components - it is advisable to carry out diagnostics and repairs. Let's look at the main problems:

  • The fan motor broke, so the refrigerator compartment stopped cooling and freezing. When you don't hear any blade sounds, check the fan. If it is frozen, defrost the compartment. After defrosting and restarting, the fan should work, and if not, then its motor needs to be replaced.
  • If the freezer is freezing, but the rest of the dual-motor refrigerator is warm, the problem is the compressor. Since the lower chamber is working, its motor is working properly - this means that the breakdown occurred with another motor. Needs repair or replacement.
  • Is the refrigerator compartment not freezing or cooling well? Probably clogged drainage system or capillary tube. The reason may be a refrigerant leak - a complete diagnosis of the system and troubleshooting is required.
  • Modern refrigeration systems are equipped with many sensors that send information to the module. The cause of the breakdown may be a malfunction of one of the sensors. For example, if a Samsung refrigerator does not freeze, you need to check and replace the sensor.

We figured out why one of the chambers is not cooling. Now you can correctly determine the cause of the problem and try to fix it or contact service center.