The history of the formation of a bag for second shoes. The history of a bag!! Bags with an original design

The bag, like the suit and shoes with which it appeared at about the same time, has its own interesting and varied history, rooted in ancient times.

Since man appeared, there was a need to carry various objects with him, so that his hands were free. And the first ancient man who came up with the idea of ​​tying to a stick animal skin bag to carry food and flint in it, obviously did not suspect that he was becoming the founder of such an ingenious and necessary invention

Many hundreds of years appearance bags were not very different from their ancestor, and to this day simple forms and designs of bags made of different materials exist as part of the folk, national style.

With the development of society and the emergence of commodity-money relations and money, which is better to always have with you, appeared coin bags. Men wore them on their belts, and women under their skirts. Probably, such bags later became the prototype of modern wallets. Here is one of these bags - an Egyptian belt pouch

Another “branch” of bag development is the so-called "saddle bags", references to which are found in ancient Russian epics. Apparently, their purpose corresponded to the purpose of modern shopping bags and suitcases. Every nation has a history of such a bag, and their design has developed from the most primitive to the complex, skillfully finished and decorated.

And yet, some researchers believe that the prototype of the modern bag was pocket, which first appeared in Ancient Rome . He hid in the folds of the toga and was called sine. The Romans put money and other small items there. Unfortunately, the pocket was forgotten for several centuries and only reappeared in Europe in the 17th century.

IN Ancient Greece women used small bags resembling pouches, which later, in the 19th century, during the era of the craze for antique costume, served as the prototype for a woman's handbag. In general, bags in the form of pouches have been popular for a very long time.

People are starting to use bags in Europe from the 11th century. They were small purses, attached to the belt, into which noble ladies and gentlemen put small change coins for distributing alms. These bags are called laumoniere (coin maker) .

Only in the 13th century bags appeared that looked a little like modern ones. Basically, these were flat, rectangular cases for prayer books, embroidered with gold and silver threads and decorated with tassels. And the belt purse became an attribute mainly of merchants and money changers.

Approximately in the 14th-15th century the bag is gaining popularity not only as a functional item, but also becoming a costume decoration, and there is also a division into women's and men's bags. Their types are becoming more diverse: soft purses embroidered with silk of different shapes and sizes, suspended on a long cord or chain from a belt, sewn from velvet, trimmed with other valuable stones. For courtiers, a money bag was an indispensable accessory to the toilet, as were keys attached to the belt, small folding knives and bottles of perfume.

The finish of the handbag was an indicator social status ladies - the richer the woman was, the more skillfully her handbag was decorated.

16th century marked the beginning of a new era in the development of bags. Appeared frame lock, the design of which has survived to this day. But fanny packs still exist

In the 17th century reappears in Europe pocket, and men no longer need to attach bags to their belts. It is believed that the first pocket appeared on pants Louis XIV , and he was the first to replace the bag with a pocket. And women also did not stand aside and “took revenge” on men with an even greater variety and sophistication of their handbags. In those days, the ability to embroider was considered one of the keys to a successful marriage, so young girls competed in decorating techniques not only for clothes, but also for bags.

Coming 18th century- the heyday of neoclassical fashion. Refusal of corsets, lightness of clothing, antique forms of dresses - all this did not include the wearing of belt bags. This is when the reticule appears (from the French reticule - handbag or mesh). It was a small, richly decorated soft bag in the form of a bag tied with a cord, which was carried in the hand on a chain or silk cord. Its invention is credited Marquise de Pompadour . The year of birth of the bag, which must be carried in the hand, is considered to be 1790. This accessory became a must-have companion for any self-respecting fashionista of that time. The ladies kept a lot of things in their reticules: powder, blush, perfume, smelling salts, and of course love notes. Everything is like modern women.

By the 19th century Corsets come back into fashion again, and then crinoline appears. It would seem, why not return to belt bags. But pouches on the belt did not become popular - the ladies loved the reticule so much that they did not give it up. Now the reticule has increased in size and has taken on the most various forms: an envelope, a pouch with a long cord, a small elegant travel bag, etc.

They also differed functional features reticule. So, there were special bags for visits; they were miniature and could only fit business cards. Slightly larger handbags were complemented by a pocket for perfume and a mirror, a coin purse, and a compartment for a powder compact. With such a handbag you could safely go for a walk. Ladies took a luxurious evening bag, containing a fan and ball books, for going out. And theater bags had a special compartment for binoculars or lorgnette. The materials from which such accessories were made were also varied: satin, tapestry, brocade. And they were decorated with beads, ribbons and tassels.

In addition to the development of the reticule, in the 19th century such a type of handbag appears as travel bag. At that time, handicrafts were very popular, and the travel bag was a repository of all sorts of things necessary for this. Today, a travel bag is just a travel bag.

Late 19th century became a turning point in the history of the reticule. People began to travel a lot and there was a need for convenient, functional and comfortable travel bags. Bags migrated from a woman's waist and wrist to her hand, and soon to her shoulder. These bags were less sophisticated, but much more practical.

In 1896 year Louis Vuitton released the first collection of travel bags and from that time on, a lady's bag becomes not only and not so much a secular accessory, but a very convenient container for a lot of things a woman needs - and not only on the road. A new designation also appears - handbag.

20th century A century of great change. And the heyday of the bag. The world has never seen such a variety of shapes, sizes, textures and varieties. Life changed, and bags changed along with it. Already in the first decade, bags for work, parties, walks, dances and even funerals appeared.

First world war gives birth to huge bags for gas masks, and in contrast to this a wide variety of theatrical handbags of the most original shapes and styles. Later, towards the end of the second decade, pouch bags, covered with braid and decorated with fringe and lush hanging tassels, were again revived.

Around this time, fashion houses began to appear that did not ignore this accessory. Designers bring their bright and original ideas, creating unique collections of bags. And if you think that the handbag-car was born at the end of the 20th century, then you are mistaken. Already in the 1920s handbags in the form of cars, airplanes and steamships appeared.

A in the 1930s Simple in shape, but voluminous and durable leather bags come into fashion, and the word “reticule” takes on an ironic connotation. Bags are playing an increasingly functional role. On the other hand, with the emergence and development of fashion houses, the name of the manufacturer, that is, the brand, begins to play a big role. Even today, branded bags are not only a guarantee of quality, but also an indicator of a certain status of its owner...

The history of the bag is mysterious and confusing, we do not know the names of the inventors and the first “designers”, we will never see some of the masterpieces of their creativity, but today we should be grateful to our ancestors for this ingenious invention, which not only creates certain conveniences for us, but also makes our image is original and unique.

The image of a modern woman consists of many attributes, and a bag is one of them. From its contents you can learn not only the girl’s lifestyle, but also draw conclusions regarding her character. But was it always like this? What did a bag mean for women in the Middle Ages, what functions did it perform in the 90s? I decided to study the history of this accessory in order to trace how bag models changed along with trends. So let's begin.

Fashion history: handbag

People began to use the bag at the dawn of civilization. The nomads set out on the road in search of acceptable places to live and they had to take everything they needed with them. The men walked lightly, carrying only weapons and some tools. And the women filled baked bags made from animal skins with simple utensils useful in the household. Using this example, you can understand why modern women cannot leave the house without a bag. This is due to genetic memory and the awareness that you need to be prepared for the most unexpected circumstances.

But let's get back to history. Over time, these bags turned into real bags - with a long strap and several compartments. Every nation had own traditions in the finishing of this accessory. Northern peoples used deer fur for decoration, Indian tribes used beads and porcupine quills. By the way, ethnic motifs in the form of fur appliqués and beaded embroidery have become a source of inspiration for many fashion designers. For example, in 2015, products decorated with natural fur became favorites on the catwalk.

But time passed, people's needs changed. People no longer needed to carry heavy trunks, since many acquired houses in which everything they needed was stored. The townspeople had enough small wallets that were attached to their belts. They tried to hide them in the folds of their coats so as not to become the prey of a thief, and in Rus' ladies hid everything they needed in wide sleeves - just like in the story about the Frog Princess.

In Europe in the 14th-16th centuries, people began to pay great attention to aesthetics and this was reflected in bags. They began to be decorated with the finest embroidery, precious stones and beads. For tailoring they used not only leather, but also silk and velvet.

During the time of Elizabeth I of England, bags decorated with gold threads became fashionable. Only aristocrats could afford them, since they were very expensive and were sewn to personal order.

As the years passed, noble women needed to carry even more beauty items. More spacious bags began to appear, capable of holding a powder compact, a mirror, a bottle of perfume and a wallet. The style of the bag invented by Madame de Pompadour created a real sensation. It was an elegant velvet model, tied with a thin cord. The French called it a "reticule" and this name remains to this day. Today, such handbags can be seen as an addition to a wedding or evening dress.

At the end of the 19th century, satchel bags began to come into fashion. In 1986, the legendary brand Lui Vuitton released a collection of women's bags, decorated with patent leather inserts and metal elements. 1986 can be considered the date when roomy bags finally came into fashion.

In parallel with the travel bag, a bag in the style of “Mary Poppins” has become fashionable. It had a rectangular shape and two short handles, allowing it to be carried on the shoulder.

In 1960, a bag was invented that became a true fashion legend. It was developed by Hermes specifically for singer Jane Birkin. It was a classic bag in a single color, made from the skin of exotic animals. Since then, the Birkin bag has become so popular that every second Hollywood celebrity had it in their wardrobe.

Another striking manifestation of that era was the minaudiere bag, made in the form of plaster with a rich finish.

Women's handbag, how the ladies are accustomed to this constant attribute! History of a woman's handbag for every young lady it begins almost from infancy. First, the mother puts the baby's belongings there. Then it's time kindergarten, school, college, work, and between them regular trips to the market. What about birthdays, going on dates, going to the theater? The female half of humanity has for every occasion.

The first women's handbags

Initially, women used bags made of skins to store and carry food and household utensils. Then the bags changed size, becoming smaller. They now have straps and become more comfortable. Each nationality decorated the bags in accordance with their concepts of beauty.

Then, for a long time, women's bags served as bags for storing money. Men's and women's bags differed only in that men wore them attached to their belts, and women wore them on laces. Then they began to put personal items in the bags - mirrors, snuff boxes, smelling salts. Under Louis XIV, pockets appeared and men's hands were freed. The pouch remains the prerogative of women, but is modified. That is, it becomes an inseparable and distinctive part of a woman’s wardrobe.

The favorite of Louis XV, Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, known to us as Madame de Pompadour, introduced fashion reticule(translated as “funny”). It was a ball-shaped bag made of lace - a bag with a bottom, tightened at the top with a beautiful long cord, which at the same time served as a handle. Over time, the reticule has undergone changes, but remains small, only for the most necessary little things. It is usually worn for special occasions.

And in Russia, during the time of Elizabeth I, they began to produce silk bags, stitched with gold threads. Of course, they were expensive - only wealthy ladies could wear them. The handbag became a distinctive sign of the classes.

Modern bags for women are an integral part of the wardrobe

Now the money has migrated to wallets. But the essence of the bitch has not changed over the centuries. Still, handbags are a warehouse for all sorts of little things - a wallet, a cosmetic bag, paper tissues, wet wipes, a mobile phone, a comb, medicines and much more. How men joke - woman bag looks like a garage. You can find the most incredible things in it, and sometimes the lady herself gets lost in her purse, not knowing what is there.

A handbag, large or small, has become the calling card of any young lady, which reflects the individuality of the owner. A lady can be dressed “haute couture”, with an excellent hairstyle, a beautiful manicure, but, for example, a shabby handbag will negate her efforts to look her best. A handbag immediately shows financial capabilities and status in society.

From a small piece of fabric that was always hidden in the folds of a skirt, the bag was transformed into a work of art and not a single designer show is complete without it.

The story of my beach bag began in 2005. In the spring, I simply could not pass by a store filled with leisure goods. That's where we met, me and my beach bag. Comfortable, light, it just called to the sun, sea and sand. In general, the purchase happened unexpectedly. Ha, at home I realized that the purchase that happened to me was not of the first importance. I didn’t plan to go on vacation, and it seemed like I wasted my money, because the bag was strictly for the beach, with a bright floral print on one side. I was upset. I remember then my mother encouraged me, saying that the bag would come in handy. And so it happened...

In September, me, my girlfriend and my beach bag were sunbathing in Turkey.

We met some nice Turks and had a great time.
The most interesting thing is that the bag could be turned with the flower side towards you, and then the bright flowers were not so noticeable.

A year has passed. At the beginning of the summer of 2006, while going through my closet, I again found my beach handbag. What wonderful memories she had! And again the handbag called to the sun, sea and sand.

And so, in August 2006, we vacationed on the Black Sea coast.

So another year flew by. In the summer of 2007, the bag again reminded itself of itself, falling out of the closet along with summer things. Memories of sun, sea and sand came flooding back. But, I was expecting my first child and couldn’t risk traveling long distances while I was seven months pregnant.

Therefore, that summer I, with my belly and my favorite bag, rested in Bashkiria on the lakes.

The holiday was simply wonderful!

In November I became a mother. Then came the move, after which my beach darling disappeared. Of course, it was sad to lose such a companion. But the purse was never found.

Exactly a month ago, in a telephone conversation with my mother, it suddenly turned out that all this time the bag had been lying in her closet with my old things. And soon my mother brought me my favorite. Hooray! We haven't seen each other for almost five years! The handbag has not aged at all. Her story continues. Sun and sand await us again in July!




Omarova Asem Abaevna

G" class, BOU "Lyceum No. 145"


Glushko Irina Nikolaevna

Technology teacher,

BOU "Lyceum No. 145"

· Introduction…………………………………………...3

· Goals and objectives………………………………………...4

· Practical part…………………………….….5

· Materials for manufacturing……………………….6

· Safety precautions……………………………….7

· Manufacturing stages…………………………….8-10

· History of bags……………………...11

· The history of crochet……….. 13

· Economic justification project…………..…..14

· Environmental assessment of the project………………………14

· Aesthetic assessment of the project………………….…….14

· Conclusion……………………………………………………...15

· List of references……………………………….….16


A magnificent children's knitted handbag-purse made of multi-colored threads in the shape of an owl. However, why does it have to be for children? It is also suitable for adults. True, only the essentials will fit there - a phone, fudge and keys. In this work I will tell you how to knit such a handbag.

Goals and objectives

1. Improving your capabilities in the field of project activities.

2. Accurately and accurately perform technological operations when making a handbag.

3. Assimilate the acquired knowledge.

4. Evaluate the work done.

1. Develop creative abilities: imagination of a generalization of the artistic image of your product, the ability to select material for your creative work, the ability to control hand motor skills in the process of creating your product, the ability to complement and change the shape of the product, the ability to see the final result.

2. Develop personal qualities: emotionality, hard work, concentration, aesthetics, sense of color, accuracy, perseverance in achieving goals.

3. Make a bag.

4. Draw a conclusion about the work done.

Practical part

Now you can make many different handbags: different shapes, color, size. But I chose the shape of an owl, since things and jewelry with an owl are now popular on the Internet. I also decided to knit it, since I am not very good at knitting, and this will help me develop this skill.

In a store, this handbag will be expensive and many will not be able to afford it. So I decided to show you how to make such a handbag and not spend a lot of money.

Materials for making a bag

· 50g blue yarn

· 50g brown yarn

· Leftover yellow, orange, red, white, black and lilac yarn

Knob 2.5 mm

Safety precautions

Rules for safe use of tools when crocheting and knitting:

1. Knitting needles and hooks must be handled very carefully, do not bring them to your face, and store them in boxes and pencil cases.

2. Knitting needles, needles and pins must be counted before starting work and after finishing it.

3. Knitting needles and hooks should not be very sharp, otherwise they can injure your fingers.

4. You cannot use rusty knitting needles, hooks, needles and pins - they spoil the yarn and threads.

5. Broken needles, pins and other waste should be placed in a separate box and then thrown away, wrapped in a sheet of unnecessary paper or newspaper.

6. Pins are inserted into the product in three punctures so that the point remains, if possible, between the layers of fabric.

7. Scissors should be stored in a working box. While knitting, place them in rings towards you, closing

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for knitting:

1. Workplace should be well lit, the light should fall on the work from the left side.

2. You should sit straight, touching the back of the chair with your body. The distance from the eyes to the work should be at least 35-40 cm, so that myopia does not develop and particles of the fibers that make up the yarn do not get into the eyes.

3. Before starting and after work, you should wash your hands so that the threads and knitted fabric do not get dirty, and there are no small fibers left on your hands.

4. It is better to store an unfinished product by wrapping it in cloth or putting it in a bag.

Manufacturing stages

All parts of the handbag are knitted according to the patterns given below and then sewn together. The eyes and beak are sewn to the flap of the bag. Please note that when knitting the back piece, the last row is knitted with brown thread.

The color rotation for the multi-colored front will be as follows:

Row 1 – yellow yarn,

Row 2 – orange yarn,

Row 3 – red yarn,

Row 4 – lilac yarn,

Row 5 – blue yarn,

Row 6 – red yarn,

Row 7 – orange yarn,

Row 8 – yellow yarn,

Row 9 – blue yarn,

Row 10 – brown yarn.

History of bags

The history of bags dates back about six thousand years. Which is not surprising, since at all times people needed to store and carry money and various small things in something. Scientists believe that the first bags were actually pockets, clothing with which appeared in the 17th century. They decorated camisoles, vests, and after some time, trousers.

Although long before the appearance of pockets on clothes, coins or other necessary accessories were stored in bags. Women preferred to wear them under their skirts (in our time, ladies continue to hide money in places hidden from prying eyes), and men hung them on their belts. In the Middle Ages, such bags were called “pockets for goods” or “omoniers”. In addition to them, they often also carried small leather bags for small coins. They were a decoration of the court toilet.

IN XV-XVI centuries The fashion for bags has moved further, they were already made in different sizes - from the smallest to the very spacious. When walking, the coins jingled in them, so that by the sound one could determine the wealth of their owner. When pockets appeared, the men moved all the contents of their bags into them and felt quite comfortable. For women, pockets were not enough, so they began to carry small bags with them, where they put all the necessary little things. Already in those days, such bags were made from different fabrics, differing in shape and finish. They were embroidered with beads, decorated with embroidery and glass beads. Wicker and knitted reticules appeared. Bags stopped being hidden and began to be actively displayed as decoration, an element of the toilet.

In the 18th century, lace “pompadour” handbags came into fashion, so they were named after the favorite of King Louis XV. They were bags with a round bottom, the neck of which was tightened with braid. Along with the pompadour, hidden pockets that were sewn into skirts came into fashion.

When did this accessory appear in its familiar form? The history of the emergence of modern bags begins during the French Revolution (late XVIII - early XIX century), when a new fashion arose, according to which women had to hold pocket bags in their hands, and men had their hands in their pockets. This innovation led to the fact that the fairer sex no longer needed pockets, coin holders, bags and other similar items. All this was replaced by a small handbag, which they carried in their hand.

There was no large-scale production of bags at this time. They were made by individual craftsmen, usually to order. But the situation has changed over time. So, from the middle to late XIX century, during the reign of Queen Victoria of Great Britain, factories for the production of bags were opened (for example: Hermès and Louis Vuitton). From this period they began to be produced in large quantities. At the same time, handmade bags continued to be valued higher than industrial designs, but only very wealthy people could afford them, since the cost was quite high.

In the 19th century, locks began to be made on bags, but zippers, common today, appeared only in the 20th century. At the same time, the rules of good manners required that the color of the handbag match the other accessories in the suit, so choosing it correctly was quite difficult. Strict bags of regular geometric shapes are considered classics, and they are also quite versatile.

The 20th century finally and unconditionally accepted handbags, as well as trousers in women's wardrobes, short skirts and haircuts. On October 4, the UK even celebrates a special holiday - National Bag Day.

The position of women in society has changed dramatically, and perhaps that is why, given the new needs of women, larger bags began to appear. The fashion for this item of clothing has always changed rapidly - sometimes miniature handbags with a thin strap or chain are popular, sometimes, on the contrary, large ones.

History of Crochet

Exact date The origins of crochet cannot be determined, but it is believed to have deep roots in the distant past. During excavations of the tombs of the ancient Greeks, a children's sock was found, on which thumb was knitted separately. The sock is approximately 5,000 years old. A knitted baby shoe was discovered in an Egyptian tomb and is believed to be approximately 4,000 years old.

The Arabs were recognized as the best knitters, and the most complex patterns were invented before our era. In the 12th century, crocheting became widespread in Italy, France, Scotland, Spain and England.

In Russia, the emergence of crocheting is also not determined by the time period. Since ancient times, peasant women have knitted mittens, socks, and stockings from sheep's wool. In the 19th-20th, knitting boots became widespread. On holidays, knitted items were decorated with colorful ornaments.

In Europe, the history of crochet began with the Egyptian Coptic Christians. On missionary trips, they took knitted items with them, which attracted the attention of others. Thus, in the 13th century, all of Europe was absorbed in knitting. Later, knitting even became homework. Crochet has become quite a lucrative industrial niche. Hats, gloves, stockings, and umbrellas were knitted. Initially, only men were engaged in knitting, and Parisian hosiery workers refused to hire women. Male craftsmen competed with women for superiority in knitting skills.

Subsequently, industrial enterprises forced knitters out of the market. However, the more knitted items were mass-produced in production, the more valued items knitted at home were.

In Italy, St. Peter's Basilica preserves crocheted items from the 16th century. It was in the 16th century that crochet became widespread in Europe. Crochet has become widespread in Ireland. Brussels lace was very expensive and beyond the means of poor people.

Crochet patterns were first published in the Dutch magazine Penelope in 1824. At the end of the 19th century, symbols for the crochet technique were unified, which were divided into two notation systems: American and British.

Thus, throughout history, crocheted items have been very popular, in fashion, an indicator of wealth and very highly valued.