How to beautifully decorate a flower bed near the house. Do-it-yourself flower beds for a summer residence - types, practical tips for creating, unique photo ideas. Flower beds without fencing

The best decoration for a dacha or garden are flower beds that bloom all summer and are fragrant. Properly placed and beautifully decorated flower arrangements will decorate and ennoble your dacha.

We will tell you how to make a flowerbed with your own hands later in this article.

Preparation for work and rules for designing a flower bed

First, choose a place suitable for decorating a flower bed. Decide what flowers you would like to see and what shape to give to the flower garden.

In order for the flowerbed to fit organically into the landscape of your site, take into account such factors as: the size and shape of the land, the location of buildings, and the illumination of the future flowerbed. The shape of the flower bed can be different, it all depends on your preferences.

It is better to make flower beds along paths and fences long.

Single-tier flower beds continuous flowering Place it near the garden house.

Multi-tiered flower beds with climbing plants are ideally placed along fences, walls and around a summerhouse; the vines will create shade and coolness, ideal for relaxation.

If you have a pond on your property, be sure to decorate it with flower arrangements. Open free areas can be decorated with closed, fantasy flower beds with flowers of the same variety.

When creating flower beds and flower beds with your own hands, make plans for future plantings. By transferring your ideas to paper and carefully thinking through color and stylistic solutions, it will be easier for you to bring your ideas to life.

IN multi-tiered flower beds plants are combined in height and planted as follows: ground-growing (purslane, saxifrage), low-growing (nasturtium, petunia), medium-growing (geranium, chamomile), tall (ferns, ornamental trees).

Consider the flowering time - the best option is a constantly blooming flower bed.

Original flowerbed design

When decorating flower beds at your dacha with your own hands, think about fencing for flower plantings. Fences will add additional decor and complement the flower arrangement.

The fencing can be various objects, such as stones, tiles, bricks and other available materials.

Stone fencing

If there are bricks left on your site after building a house, use them to decorate your flower garden. When making a flowerbed from bricks or stone, you will need cement mortar and bricklaying skills.

It will be enough to lay two rows of fencing and a beautiful flower bed is ready. The design with wild stone will be very original, such as slate, granite, cobblestones of various shapes.

Compositions from tires and bottles

Creating flower beds from unusual things such as old tires and plastic bottles has become extremely popular. Using a creative approach, you can make luxurious compositions from these items.

In the photo of the flower bed you can see the use of bottles. Fill the bottles with soil before burying them to avoid deformation.

Pay attention!

Flower beds made from tires will serve you for many years. You can create multi-tiered compositions from old wheels of different diameters. If desired, tires can be painted with bright colors.

The wheels can also be hung as flowerpots; plants with flowing stems would be ideal for such a flower bed.

Furniture and appliances in the design of a flower object

The use of interior items in garden decor is becoming increasingly fashionable. Chairs, sideboards, dressing tables, iron beds, baths, washbasins and even toilets are used.

For example, the outer surface of the bathtub can be painted or tiled, filled with earth and placed near a pond. Plant petunias or violets in chests of drawers with open drawers.

For more durable use, it is better to coat wooden objects with moisture-resistant products.

Pay attention!

An old bicycle or even a small car can become a flower garden. You will need paint and a little imagination to transform your dacha or garden into something extraordinary. Photos of flowerbed design will help you with this.

Choice of colors

When selecting flowers for future compositions, consider not only the color, but also the duration of flowering, the height of the bush, the possibility of proximity, watering and sunlight requirements.

By carefully choosing plants and putting your soul into the design of your summer cottage, you will be able to turn your wildest ideas into reality.

DIY photo of flower beds

Pay attention!

In the endless sea of ​​garden greenery, the eye looks for bright spots of color. An elegant flowerbed lifts the mood, pacifies, and sets the style and atmosphere of the country house ensemble. You just need to find the optimal type of flower bed for a particular area and figure out how to arrange it correctly.

Types of flower beds

Landscape designers have been working on a variety of flower beds and flower beds for centuries. The following types are most often used to place flowering plants:

  • geometric - with a regular contour and a clear pattern of flowers;
  • natural - free, sometimes deliberately careless, as if taken directly from the forest or from a mountain slope;
  • raised - with high decorative fencing;
  • monoflowers - occupied by only one type of plant;
  • multi-tiered - placed in containers that are stacked one on top of the other;
  • vertical - located on the wall or in a pipe with holes placed at the end.

On large flat areas, create carpet flower beds from ground covers of the same height. And around a tree trunk you can break it.

How to make an attractive flowerbed

In order for the flowerbed to look harmonious, several important rules must be followed when arranging it.

Combine plants by size, leaf shape, flower color. The best combinations are contrasting, for example, velvety gray ragwort and sunny tagetes.

Avoid excessive variegation. Three or four types of plants in one flowerbed are quite enough.

Provide for plant growth. In order for the pattern of the flower bed to be maintained throughout the season, you will have to periodically trim excess shoots.

Maintain tiers. Place tall plants in the center of the flowerbed or in the background, and the shortest ones at the edges.

The aerobatics of flowerbed design is the creation of a continuously blooming composition of perennials. It consists of several seasonal groups that smoothly replace each other.

Classic low flowerbed - step-by-step instructions

All flower beds are different, but in their creation there are several identical steps, on which the durability and beauty of the structure depends. First of all, choose a suitable place: well-lit, drained, ventilated.

Taking into account personal preferences and the general design of the garden, a sketch of the planned flower garden is drawn. It records the size of plants, their color and flowering time.

At the second stage, the flowerbed is marked out. Round - using a rope and two pegs. To mark a flower bed of a more complex shape, use a rubber hose, which is laid out on the ground along the contour of the future flower bed, secured with pegs.

The existing soil is removed to a depth of 20-25 cm. If there are mice, mole crickets and malicious weeds (wheatgrass, sow thistle, horsetail) on the site, geotextiles are placed at the bottom of the resulting excavation. In areas with heavy soils, sand or gravel drainage with a layer of 5-7 cm is placed on top of the geotextile.

Fertile soil is placed on the drainage. The simplest option is to mix the excavated soil with mature compost, as well as phosphorus-potassium fertilizer at the rate of 20-25 g per square meter. m.

The flowerbed looks better if its edges are raised above the ground. And so that they do not crumble, they are held in place by a fence made of stone, brick, and willow wicker. The last step is planting flowers and them.

This is a general plan for creating a flowerbed at your dacha with your own hands. Based on it, you can make a flower garden of any shape, adding relief elements, a small conifer, or a ceramic garden figure.

What can a flowerbed fencing be made from?

Raised flower beds occupy a special place: they are not trampled by children and pets, and caring for them does not require bending your back. For such flower beds, craftsmen have come up with dozens of options for beautiful fencing made from different materials:

  • wood in all forms: boards, beams, logs, picket fences, bamboo, even slabs and sleepers;
  • forged metal, ondulin and corrugated sheeting;
  • construction and decorative brick;
  • stone: limestone, slate, sandstone;
  • glass and PET bottles;
  • plastic.

Stylish fencing is made from large shells, old plates of different sizes, and gramophone records. Interesting idea– place the flower bed on the top plane of the gabion.

How to turn an old tire into a flowerbed

Worn-out tires are a free and almost eternal alternative to portable ceramic flowerpots. There are two main ways to make beautiful flower beds out of them with your own hands - such as in the photo.

The easiest way is to lay the tire on the ground and cut off the top side with a jigsaw. It turns out to be a capacious rubber container. It is painted with acrylic, allowed to dry thoroughly, then drainage and fertile soil are placed inside and flowers are planted.

From several tires of different diameters you can build a multi-tiered flower bed.

For a more sophisticated piece, you will need a whole wheel with a disc. On the side, mark a cutting line with chalk - smooth or with petals. A closed incision is made.

The most difficult thing is to turn the wheel inside out; this operation is best done together. As a result, you get a tall flowerpot on a leg. It can be effectively painted to resemble marble, giving the garden a touch of baroque.

Creating original flower beds

Tired of flower circles and star flower beds? Making a flower river. It will require a plot sown with simple cereal grass, preferably on a slight slope. In the upper part, we lay the old jug on its side and lightly dig it into the ground. Starting from the neck of the jug, we plant low flowers down in a winding line.

If the household has a hopelessly broken car or a child has grown out of a toy car, they can easily be turned into containers for flowers. Petunias and nasturtiums will look especially good in them. Items for such flower beds can be very different, from rubber boots and an umbrella to a piano and a bed.

A flowerbed in the form of a flower column will emerge from the piece. The mesh is rolled into a cylinder and secured with wire. The inside of the cylinder is lined with agrofibre, then dug into the ground in the right place. The column is filled with earth, cross-shaped cuts are made in the agrofibre at different levels, in which flower seedlings are placed. Hanging types that completely cover the mesh are desirable.

Under the wall of the house, on a fairly rough table, you can place pots with different flowers and birdhouses with gable roofs. If you paint with imagination, you will get a flower garden-town. Its special charm is that replacing or rearranging elements instantly changes appearance of this doll town.

For a florist, creating a flower bed is akin to writing poetry. Expressing his vision of the beautiful and harmonious in flower beds, he shows the world masterpieces of gardening art. And often this requires not so much material investments as imagination, common sense and ingenuity.

Photos of ideas for garden flower beds made from scrap materials

Question and answer

I do not have the opportunity to make a border for a flower bed from metal or stone. Only concrete. But it's boring and ugly. What can you recommend?

Yes, concrete itself is boring. But it can be inlaid with improvised materials. Fill the curb with concrete and, before it hardens, press beautiful pebbles, shells, and fragments of colorful bottles into it. You can also take dense textured leaves: maple, oak, fern - and press them in between to make imprints.

I want to make a flower bed from old tire. I found a drawing - a big round fish. I heard there are difficulties with processing tires. Tell me which one is better to take so as not to bother for a long time?

If you have a choice, then choose a winter one, imported and, moreover, the most worn one. The winter one is easier to turn out - you will bend the fins and tail of the fish. Imported ones are easier to cut. Also look at the cord material. If the word “Steel” is present in the tire marking, the cord is metal, it will be difficult to cut.

I tried cutting a tire for a flower bed with a grinder. The stench, the fumes, my wife told me to keep it all out of sight. I took a jigsaw and it got stuck. Are there other ways to deal with rubber?

Of course there is. Add grease to the jigsaw file, and if there is none, dilute a strong solution laundry soap. The jigsaw will go like clockwork! You can cut with a shoe knife - it will take longer, but there will be no rubber dust.

Ask your question

For every gardener, a flower bed or flower garden takes first place. Having a summer cottage, plant flowering plants, they will not only decorate the area, but also bring a lot of aromatic pleasure.

In our article, everyone will find new ideas on how to make beautiful flower bed.

Flower bed design options

The beauty of a flower bed depends on the types of plants planted, but do not forget about ideas. Choose a site organization design to suit your tastes and wishes.

Multiflowers are flower beds in which flowers of the same type are planted.

Vertical flower beds are created in the form of a column or screen.

The irregular type is a conventionally shaped dug-up plot of land into which frost-resistant, perennials.

A multi-level flowerbed has tiers, and on them grow different types flowers.

The border-edge is a lawn, inside of which grow decorative and flowering plants that are sure to be combined.

Rabatka is an elongated flower bed. In most cases, it decorates one of the walls of the house.

Plants planted in it should not be close to each other; maintain a distance between flowers.

A flower garden in which constant flowering occurs is called a mixborder. It is usually decorated with perennials ornamental shrubs. The buds of plants never cease to please; if some have faded, then new varieties bloom to replace them.

This type of arabesque allows you to plant flowers with inscriptions or patterns.

A rock garden is a flower bed for which stones are used.

Basic rules for gardeners when organizing a flower bed

Thanks to expert advice, you can create a beautiful flowerbed with your own hands.

Choosing a place

The area for the flower garden is selected depending on what types of plants you will plant; some like the sun's rays, while others prefer shade.

Incorrectly planted flowers may die. Try to find suitable locations for each seedling.

Make the markings

Stretch a thick thread or cord to create the boundaries of the flower bed. If you have already dug up the ground and it is soft, draw a marking of any shape you like.

Prepare holes in the ground

It is necessary to make holes up to 30 cm deep. Place stones at the bottom of the hole for drainage.

Experienced experts cover the surface of the pit with film if they are sure that groundwater close and can damage the plant.

Border the flowerbed

The flower garden is fenced using wooden, stone or specially designed fences. You can distinguish yourself and make the borders glass or plastic bottles.

Even inexperienced gardeners can create beautiful flower beds. The main thing is to understand what kind of flower bed is needed and what should happen as a result. This will make it easier for you to select and place colors.

Select varieties of plants that do not require care.

If the plot of land has not been planted, then it is better to feed it.

A regular flower bed should have high, medium and low growing flowers. Place tall plants of several types in the center, plant low ones in front.

Do not buy a lot of seedlings, especially different varieties. Don't make the flower bed too bright. Don't forget about the flowering periods of plants.

At the edge, plant low-growing species that creep along the surface of the soil.

Create a harmonious juxtaposition of flowers in your flowerbed with the help of flowering sprouts and plants with unusual leaves without inflorescence buds.

If you plant perennials between them, it is better to leave free space. They will sprout every spring in the same place, but with children, after a few seasons the plant grows. You can plant the empty space with annual flowers for the first year.

So we figured out how to beautifully decorate a flowerbed. You already understand that doing this is not difficult and interesting.

Use your imagination and take into account own desires, with their help you will get an incredibly beautiful flower garden.

Come up with new ideas and bring them to life. Only you can create beauty in your dacha with your own hands.

Photo of a beautiful flower bed

A successfully created, original, beautifully blooming flower bed is almost always the epitome of creative ideas on a certain piece of land. To get the desired result, you should realistically evaluate the available space, financial and physical abilities. Experts recommend starting with planning and taking into account your own wishes, choosing a flowerbed design, and creating a floral masterpiece with your own hands.

Beautiful pink flowers for registration

Very beautiful flower garden

Flowerbed at the dacha

The landscape design of the flower bed combines not only a variegated flower bed of flowers planted in a row, but also borders formed around it, garden paths, front gardens, mixborders with corresponding planting boundaries and the ability to organize vertical gardening.

Having free space and the desire to create a masterpiece with their own hands, many summer residents strive not just to lay out a central flowerbed on their site, but to build a rose garden or alpine slide, to create a garden of continuous flowering. Depending on the exterior of the house and the chosen style, an appropriate design of flower beds is created.

Beautiful decoration with flowers and trees

Beautiful flowers for decoration

Get inspired to create a flower garden with your own hands

It has long been noted that the best inspiration is what gives pleasure. To build a flowerbed at your dacha with your own hands, and then admire the result, you need to draw up a site plan for planting the future flower garden. Armed with a pencil and a sheet of paper, draw a schematic plan taking into account the actual dimensions of the future flower bed. It is necessary to plan a place for a flower garden with the most advantageous hit sunlight. Many plants require shade or partial shade; this should be taken into account when planting plants and flowers. If the site is located on flat terrain, then the plantings should be protected from strong winds by building a fence or planting resistant plants on the leeward side.

An exciting activity is decorating a flower garden on a site with a strong slope. There is room here for imagination, the realization of the most bold ideas, from creating a patio, a platform at different levels, to decorating a terrace.

Red flowers in cottage design

Climbing flowers in cottage design

Beautiful flowers and trees in cottage design

A classic rose garden or a decorative flower bed of perennials

  • Before you make a flowerbed with your own hands, be guided by three points: the location of the site;
  • its size and shape;
  • soil condition.

In the process of creativity, people often act spontaneously, using their own intuition, but sometimes it is not a bad idea to take into account the advice of experienced flower growers. The flowerbed should be placed in a place that will often catch the eye and create daily good mood. An option for decorating a ceremonial flower garden is effective way show off your creative creation to neighbors and passers-by.

Decorating a cottage with flowers

Flowers in pots for decoration

There are the following types of flower gardens:

  • a flower bed arranged around the perimeter of the site with a fence as the main background;
  • option in the form of a rectangular ridge;
  • a flower garden-island located in the middle of the lawn;
  • flowerbed-peninsula;
  • a flower garden located directly under the wall of the house.

Each person has his own preferences in choosing flowers for a flower bed. Some people cannot imagine a flower garden without roses, while others like lilies, peonies, tulips, irises or gladioli. Focusing on your taste and preferences, create a stylish monoflower of roses or a variegated mixborder.

Composing general layout, I would like to create a flowerbed of continuous flowering with my own hands in order to admire the flowers from early spring until the first autumn frosts. Developing your own flowerbed design, first on paper and then in reality, involves planting perennials and annuals.

Chic decoration of summer cottage with flowers

Flowerbed with beautiful flowers

Color options for garden decoration

The use of different decor by practical owners

Ideas for decorating flower beds with your own hands involve the use of improvised means. Old baskets, household utensils and even old galoshes and rubber boots are used, in which blooming petunia and other annual or bulbous flowers look organic. The harmonious design of the flower beds is complemented by paving slabs, framed with concrete curbs, as well as an inexpensive, interesting solution - decoration with old car tires and plastic bottles. In the garden, old stumps, logs, overturned wooden barrels, ceramic jugs are used as containers for the flower garden, in which climbing vines and hanging varieties of plants will grow.

Flowers for the garden

Beautiful bouquet of flowers at the dacha

You can create beauty from scrap materials; they are used to arrange a flower garden. natural stone and bricks left over from construction, broken furniture and unnecessary household items. For surroundings, hedges and green shrubs are used. All kinds of vases and figurines become an excellent addition to the created composition.

It’s not enough to just plant plants chaotically; you need to monitor the appearance of weeds and weed them in time, and also prevent annual plants grow strongly, occupying the space between perennials.

Flower arch

Flowers in pots for garden decoration

Path with flowers

A variety of colors or a monochrome flower garden

The site does not necessarily have to be a riot of color; plants planted in one color scheme will become a beautiful oasis. By combining colors and styles, experienced gardeners create a mixborder of constant flowering. It is recommended to use more than two dozen varieties of plants, grouping them by plant height and timing of future flowering.

Having compiled a list and determined the location of perennials, they select flowers with similar needs for moisture, light and frequency of watering.

Roses on the fence

Conifers in landscape design dachas

List of perennial flowering seasonality:

  • in spring, muscari, daisies, anemones, saffron, crocuses, snowdrops, hyacinths, tulips and daffodils bloom;
  • in summer, lilies, daisies, daylilies, gladioli, hosts, peonies, irises, and echinacea delight;
  • autumn gives chrysanthemums, dahlias, coreopsis.

Having dealt with the perennials and planting them in the ground in a permanent place, seedlings of unpretentious annuals are sown or planted in the resulting voids.

Tall and short marigolds, asters of various varieties, nasturtiums, surfinias, petunias, balsam, and other flowers with long term flowering. All-season plants, such as conifers or shrubs with beautiful foliage, look attractive. Boxwood is often used in the design of flower beds, forming evenly trimmed borders of bushes and green foliage of ferns.

Ornamental grasses (reed grass, grass grass, miscanthus, millet, foxtail pennisetum) perfectly complement flower arrangements.

Option for decorating a summer cottage with flowers

Flowers for the garden

Large beautiful white flowers

Installation and other extraordinary methods in flower garden design

To create interesting thematic installations, they use several containers with planted flowers, ceramic figurines of animals, birds, fairy-tale characters, add a solar lantern, a scattering of large and small stones of different colors and other stylish decorative elements that complement the composition. A small artificial pond made from a container filled with water and a pair of green “frogs” surrounded by creeping flowers and sedges looks stylish. An improvised stream is obtained from a jug lying horizontally, from which flower water flows.

Using the natural landscape as much as possible, they create original alpine slides. Having correctly placed all the elements, they begin to plant the plants from top to bottom, choosing the central element. An artificial pond is often installed to decorate a flower bed.

Option of flowers for the garden

Beautiful flowers in a flowerbed

A hit in landscape design is considered to be a do-it-yourself rockery, which combines succulents, stone and other plants. The original flower beds have non-standard forms from a triangle to an ellipse, a polygon to a star, a moth flower, a clock dial. When creating a flower garden with your own hands, you create flower beds, streams, and compositions in the form of butterflies.

An aesthetically completed version of the flowerbed design and decoration of the entire country space combines a tastefully decorated flower bed with garden furniture and other decorative elements: lanterns, lamps, forged elements, figurines.

A vertical flower garden, created with your own hands, combines one or more climbing and hanging plants on a support. All varieties of clematis and morning glory are excellent for vertical gardening. Don’t be afraid to use your imagination and arrange plants to create the perfect flower garden composition. Go for it and you will succeed!

Video: Garden flowers. Overview of the summer cottage. Flowers blooming in the country. DIY cottage and garden

50 photo examples of cottage design with flowers:

In order to issue beautiful flower garden, you need to carefully consider the time of flowering of plants, as well as where exactly you plan to place your pets at the dacha; for example, you can use. Fertilizers are applied to the selected location in advance.

As a rule, personal plot contains several flower arrangements. Here it is important to adhere to the optimal placement proportions of 3:5:8. In this case, there will be no feeling of piling up.

It is customary to distinguish several varieties of flower islands:

  • border design;
  • mixborder;
  • consisting of beautiful flowers of the same type, monoflower;
  • various flowerpots, the use of non-standard items;
  • multi-level layout of the flower garden, suggesting plants of different sizes, as well as stepped planting;
  • vertical lawns located on a plane;
  • group plantings of perennial plants, supplemented by annuals.


A rectangular flower garden that can be located near a building or path. Often such a flowerbed is divided into several paths. At the same time, you can sow them with flowers of different flowering times, in which case your garden will smell fragrant throughout the summer.

A distinctive feature of the rabatka is its geometric rigor. These can be stripes or diamonds, circles or squares, the main thing is to follow two rules:

  1. You should not collect many varieties of plants in one flower bed. Three to five types of colors look much more harmonious.
  2. Be sure to keep in mind that this is a long flowerbed, so some areas may be in the shade, while others are always under the scorching sun. Therefore, it is very important to think about which plants you want to plant and where.


The most popular flower beds allow you to combine flowering shrubs and perennial flowers to create a very complex composition that continues to bloom all summer. If you add coniferous and deciduous dwarf plants to these composition islands, it will delight you all year round.

However, it should be remembered that such a flower garden is created for several years; annual flowers only complement and refresh the composition, filling the free space.

Stone garden

A very interesting decorative solution for is a rock garden. In essence, this is a flat area on which large stones are located in a chaotic manner. This is an apparent coincidence. There are several immutable rules:

  • Groups of stones are arranged in threes side by side; it is this quantitative combination that brings peace.
  • Around the triads there are circular grooves symbolizing waves. They can be made using small pebbles or a thin layer of small flowers.
  • The base of a rock garden is usually sand or small pebbles, since a classic rock garden symbolizes the ocean, and the stones represent the islands in it. However, it could very well be a grass lawn or something else, it all depends on your imagination.
  • The main principle is to observe the same number of stones from any vantage point.


Living borders are very popular for decorating a dacha. The material from which they will be made is determined only by you. Whether it will be only plants, or you will combine them with stone, and perhaps wood, your imagination will tell you.

The main requirements of the border are the following parameters:

  • 40 cm – height;
  • 50 cm - width.

It is believed that the ideal plant for the border will be low-growing shrubs.

Flower garden on stumps

Many gardeners have adapted to using cut stumps and logs for their flower beds. Such an original flower bed can act as an independent element or fit into the overall composition of a large flower garden:

  • As you can easily guess, only healthy stumps and logs can be used as the basis for a flower bed. Remains of trees affected by any diseases will not only not give the expected result, but also pose a potential threat to other plants.
  • To disinfect an improvised flowerbed, treat it with a disinfectant composition. Perfect oil paint.
  • Dried plants, from which the core can be easily removed, are better suited for creating a flower bed.

Fence ideas for flower beds

Using flower bed schemes, you can create many flower islands in your dacha. Separately, it should be said about fences. This is not just a decorative detail.

Such a “fence” will prevent your flower garden from spreading, perfectly divide your garden plot into zones and protect children and animals from accidentally playing in the flowerbed area. It is customary to subdivide the following types of material for creating fences:

  • tree;
  • stone;
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • fencing made from scrap materials.

The height of the fence is determined depending on which plants will grow in the flowerbed. Be sure to take into account the functional load of the fence:

If you decide to use a fence for a simple separation, such as marking a lawn area and a flower bed, a small fence about 5-7 centimeters high is perfect.

If the fence is also a fence, you will need a more stable and powerful fence, the height of which should be at least 10 centimeters.

Brick or stone fences are most often used for flower beds raised above the ground, since in this case it is necessary to retain the soil. It is also important to maintain a stable shape of the flower bed. Therefore, the fence must be stable and durable

To prevent the flower bed from growing and block long roots, a fence sunk into the ground to a sufficiently great depth is required. For these purposes, plastic tape or stone is usually used. A tree in such conditions is a bad helper, since it will quickly collapse

When fencing flower beds from children and pets, it is necessary to install a fence of at least 40 centimeters. The most commonly used are “transparent” options: picket fences made of wood, metal or plastic. This allows you to visually not clutter up the space with a high fence.

Having carefully planned and planted the flower arrangement, you should take care of it throughout the entire time. The main care activities are:

Any plant needs weeding. Floral arrangements are no exception. Timely removal of weeds will avoid soil clogging. Cultivated plants need sufficient moisture to sun rays And nutrients. Otherwise, they quickly fade.

IN mandatory, the flower garden needs. This is especially true in the first few weeks after planting. Rooted plants should be watered only in stable dry weather, monitoring the potential risk of soil drying out.

Depending on the season, annual and perennial plants require appropriate measures.

Apply fertilizer according to the planting schedule, and also ensure that the soil does not contain excess roots. This can lead to abundant formation of the vegetative component of the plant. The flower part will be very scarce.

Do not forget to protect the flower garden from harmful insects and all kinds of diseases.

To summarize, it should be recalled that creating a bright flower bed is a creative process. This is why no two flower beds are alike. To successfully complete the work, you will need to make an effort, but the result will more than reward you for your efforts.