Online accountant courses, online distance accounting courses, online training for accountants. Online accountant courses, online distance accounting courses, online training for accountants Accounting for cash transactions and transactions with accountable persons

10 reasons to study accounting and the 1C program at the “Specialist” at the N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University:

Accountant courses at the largest training center in Russia. 1C courses at the 1C Certified Training Center.

"Specialist" is the No. 1 training center in Russia for training professionals in the field of accounting and taxation. Every year over 1 500 Beginning specialists undergo comprehensive training in the Accountant specialty at the Center. More 3 000 improve their skills in courses for professionals.

Unique comprehensive training program

The success of the training center is based on a unique comprehensive program training for accountants, recognized as the best in Moscow. The author's program combines the deepest theoretical training and the solution of a large number of real practical problems, including the use of the most modern software solutions from the 1C company.

The program was developed by teachers of the training center - this "team of stars" among whom is the holder of the most prestigious honors diploma "Certificate of the Chief Accountant", and certified 1C instructors. They provide graduates not only with invaluable knowledge and experience, but also with ongoing support through monthly consultations in Center classes and via the Internet.

you get

  • Training from brilliant practicing teachers with extensive experience in the field of accounting, auditing and taxation. Even if you have never been familiar with accounting before, you can start working immediately after completing your training!
  • Teaching aids and teaching materials for practical classes
  • Free consultations for graduates with Center teachers
  • Convenient class times: weekdays, weekends, morning, afternoon, evening. Guaranteed schedule for a year in advance.
  • You can take courses either face-to-face or remotely online.
  • Prestigious graduation documents: , 1C company certificate.
  • Graduates of the Center can enroll for free in the course “Successful Job Search and Employment.”
  • Social tax deduction for your education and the education of your children.


We offer practical seminars on accounting and tax accounting, where you will learn about the latest changes in legislation.


All this will allow you to begin real practical work immediately after completing your studies. After all, the facts speak for themselves: more than 70% Students sign up for training on the recommendations of friends, acquaintances or colleagues who have already received a prestigious certificate from the Center and have actually been able to assess the relevance of the knowledge gained.

Join thousands of professionals who have built successful careers thanks to training at our Center!

We will learn what accounting is, what its types are, who are the users of accounting information, what are the tasks of accounting and what are the functions of an accountant. Let's talk about accounting objects, i.e. about what needs to be taken into account. Let's find out what the main rule of accounting is.

08. Filling out directories in the 1C program

We will fill out the “Nomenclature” directory, which contains data on inventory items and services. We will indicate the data of our counterparties (business partners). Let's learn how to perform basic actions in list forms.

10. Entering balances in 1C. Transaction log

Let's enter the account balances at the beginning of the month. This will be relevant if you enter data into 1C of an enterprise that has been operating for several months or years. Let's get acquainted with the transaction log and the mechanism for reflecting accounting transactions.

11. Mutual settlements with counterparties. Banking operations

We will buy and sell goods wholesale, transfer and receive money according to non-cash payments. At the same time, let's analyze different options trading with counterparties: without prepayment, with prepayment, with partial prepayment. We will also consider an accounting operation related to cash settlement services of a bank.

12. Data analysis. Standard and management reports

An accountant must be able to select and sort documents in journals, as well as analyze accumulated data using standard and management reports. Knowing the basics of analysis will help you find the information you need in a summarized and analytical form.

13. Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets

Let's consider the features of accounting for two types of non-current assets: fixed assets and intangible assets. Fixed assets include tangible non-current assets (buildings, structures, transport, equipment, furniture, etc.) worth more than 40,000 rubles. (in accounting). Intangible assets include permits (licenses, patents), documents confirming ownership, some software.

14. Accounting for software and low-value tangible assets

Let's consider the methodology for accounting for non-exclusive rights to software (and there are a majority of such computer programs and they do not belong to intangible assets). We will also consider the features of accounting for inventory and household supplies. Such items do not belong to fixed assets (since their service life is no more than 12 months; or if the service life is more than 12 months, the cost is no more than 40 thousand rubles).

15. Accounting for services received and sold

Let's consider the features of accounting services. First, we will reflect on the operations for obtaining services that all accountants encounter. Then we will analyze the operations for the provision (sale) of services. We will also get acquainted with the peculiarities of accounting for costs associated with the provision of services.

16. Accounting for cash transactions and transactions with accountable persons

Let's consider the features of accounting for cash transactions and transactions with accountable persons. First, let's analyze the specifics of cash transactions (receipt, expense, restrictions, documentation). Then we will analyze the method of accounting for mutual settlements with accountable persons by an accountant. Using a specific example, we will consider the mechanism for reflecting cash transactions and transactions with accountable persons in the 1C program.

An accountant is a specialist on whom the financial well-being a certain company. A person who wants to become a professional in the field of accounting needs to regularly make various calculations. Real specialists also understand the basics of economics and communication.

First of all, a person must ask himself the question of whether he is ready to connect his life with important but routine work. The profession of an accountant does not imply creativity or even a regular change of environment. And you need to be mentally prepared for all this. You can’t choose a profession based on the principle: “just so long as it takes.”

If a person is serious about becoming an accountant, then there are two options for the development of events:

  1. Homeschooling. You can “attend” webinars, take online courses, read books and articles. You definitely need to master, in particular, C1. There are now many resources and opportunities available for the self-study student.
  2. Studying at a higher educational institution. In principle, the specialty of accountant is provided in many colleges, so people with 9 years of education can also go to study. But later you will still have to get a higher education, since this is more valued among employers.

It is worth considering that a self-taught accountant will also need to pass industrial practice. Not every company needs personnel without a diploma and recommendations, so you will have to try hard to get the desired position. It is recommended to take training courses to obtain a certificate.

A true specialist constantly improves his skills, masters new programs and monitors specialized literature.

Is it possible to become a professional at home? Yes, you can. But you should understand that without the appropriate education it will be much more difficult to find a job. Therefore, it is recommended to study at colleges, universities and universities. A person with “crusts” can be firmly confident that he will not be left without work.

An accountant is a specialist who controls the losses and profits of a particular company, as well as prepares financial documentation.

There are representatives of this profession in every organization: commercial, public, government.

Accountants work in a special system (1C), which allows them to organize all the necessary information and make calculations.

The responsibilities of accountants include the following tasks:

  • calculation of production costs and profits received;
  • control of financial discipline;
  • preparation and submission of reports on the financial condition of the organization;
  • issuing wages to employees;
  • interaction with tax companies.

Not all accountants perform a large volume of tasks. It all depends on the turnover and size of the company, as well as its field of activity. Many organizations employ a whole staff of accountants. Each professional deals with specific tasks: for example, issuing wages to employees or counting total expenses per month.

Every company, even the smallest one, needs accountants. Since 2013, the need for accounting according to the simplified tax system was introduced, which made the profession even more in demand. Now even small business owners are required to have an employee responsible for financial and tax reporting.

What qualities does an accountant need? First of all, the ability to perform monotonous paperwork. Also, representatives of this profession must be sociable, intelligent and resourceful. It depends on them whether the company will stay afloat (especially if it has recently opened). Accounting professionals are highly valued and well paid.

There are many specific terms and definitions used in the accounting field. A novice accountant must master the basic terminology:

The LIFO method of estimating the cost of goods is prohibited and has not been used since 2008.

This is not all the terminology that is used in the field of accounting. The remaining definitions can be learned from books or during training. educational program. It is extremely important to know the basic terms as they help you understand the basics of accounting as well as reporting.

Accounting training for 2018

There are many options for studying accounting in 2018. You can learn a profession through webinars or get a full-fledged education at an educational institution, and then take advanced training courses.

Modern companies need professionals who keep up with the times.

You can master your specialty at a college or university. It is best to choose educational institutions located in Moscow or St. Petersburg.

In the central cities of Russia the most high level education that meets all necessary requirements. You can study to become an accountant at the following universities and universities:

  • MATI;
  • University of Humanities and Economics;
  • MNEPU (non-state academy);
  • Academy of Management and Business (international);
  • Institute of Business and Law.

The list includes leading educational institutions in Moscow. The specialty that will need to be mastered is called accounting, analysis and auditing. After obtaining a diploma, a person can also become an economist.

Homeschooling is suitable mainly for those who do not want to connect their lives only with accounting activities. Mastering a profession at home will take a minimum of time if a person approaches the process responsibly.

Supporting literature (all books published in 2016):

  1. Accounting and analysis. Authors: Eremina and Rachek. The book consists of 2 sections. The first contains information about the development of accounting in different time periods, starting with ancient world. The second section includes a description of the various accounting methods.
  2. Accounting theory.
  3. All about tax audits. Authors: Sukhovskaya, Myrtynyuk, Sharonova. As mentioned earlier, accountants constantly have to deal with tax inspectorates. This book describes in detail which aspects of a company's activities are most often inspected by inspectors.

These manuals are the most informative and new. It is also recommended to read books such as: Accounting in 10 days (2012), Workshop on accounting (2010). They contain useful and relevant information, despite the fact that they were released quite a long time ago.

Exists five forms of financial statements:

  1. Balance— reporting on the financial condition of the enterprise for a specific period of time. It is calculated using a form (table) consisting of two parts: the first contains information about the company’s liabilities, the second - about assets.
  2. Loss and Profit Report— information that allows you to display the results of the financial activities of an enterprise for a specific time period. When drawing up a document, you must indicate all information about the organization’s income, even if the revenue was not received from the main activity.
  3. About budget (capital) changes. The document must be filled out based on letter of the Ministry of Finance No. 117 (dated December 23, 1997). It is important to adhere to the basic provisions in order to correctly prepare reports. All information about capital should be indicated step by step, using not only general data (about use and receipts), but also information about cash balances on the account.
  4. About the movement cash . The reporting indicates data on funds received and spent for the year. At the same time, all amounts are divided into several parts corresponding to the current, financial and investment activities of the organization. The goal of current activities is to obtain maximum profit from the sale of goods or services. Investment cash movements are associated with the purchase or sale of equipment, real estate, and assets. Financial activities called, which did not greatly affect the overall budget of the company.
  5. . The document must be filled out in accordance with the requirements set out in Letter of the Ministry of Finance No. 4n (dated January 13, 2000). The letter contains information about all forms of accounting. reporting of organizations.

All documents must be drawn up correctly, since the main activity of the enterprise depends on this. If the accountant makes a mistake in the calculations, the company may suffer large losses.

Primary documentation is papers that are needed primarily for reporting to tax companies. They are stored for 4 years.

Primary documentation includes:

  • sales receipts and invoices;
  • certificates of services performed;
  • cash receipts;
  • advance reports;
  • current account statements;
  • documents confirming payments to employees;
  • statements and limit-fence cards.

Primary documentation is drawn up in a generally accepted form or on forms developed by the organization itself.

How long does it take to study to become an accountant? People who have completed 9th grade will need 3 years and 10 months to master a profession in college. Training based on 11 classes will take 2 years and 10 months.

In some educational institutions provided accelerated program. You can study it in 2 years and 10 months (based on 9 classes) or in 1 year 10 months (based on 11 classes).

There are also special courses, the duration of which rarely exceeds 6 months. On average - 2.5-4. You need to choose your courses carefully, as some people teach with an outdated or incomplete curriculum.

The duration of home study directly depends on a person’s abilities and his desire to master a specific profession. Some people learn completely in a year, while others take 3-4 years.

How long will it take to become a chief accountant? A person with a higher education can apply for this position after 3 years of work in one company.

A lecture on accounting for beginners is presented below.

Is accounting complicated? A lot of unknowns? Then for you - Self-instruction manual “Accounting from scratch”. Only 60 lessons - and you will understand that accounting is simple and interesting.

The self-instruction book contains 60 lessons, 60 problems with answers, an example of accounting in numbers and transactions. All changes for 2018 have been taken into account!

Accounting Basics for Beginners:

Lesson 1 Basic terms and definitions, theory, without which it is impossible to move on
Lesson 2 Everything related to the authorized capital of the enterprise (its accounting, increase, decrease) and settlements with the founders (dividends)
Lesson 3 Cash and non-cash funds, foreign currency, checks, letters of credit, etc.
Lesson 4 Receipt and disposal, depreciation, repair, modernization, revaluation, rental of fixed assets
Receipt and disposal of intangible assets, depreciation, revaluation
Lesson 6 Receipt of release from the warehouse, inventory of materials and write-off of fuels and lubricants
Lesson 7 Cost of production, output finished products, marriage
Lesson 8 Settlements with suppliers, buyers and other counterparties
Lesson 9 Features of the receipt and disposal of goods, as well as their movement within the organization
Lesson 10 Wages, vacation pay, sick leave, benefits related to pregnancy, childbirth and child care
Lesson 11 Accounting and tax accounting of expenses in an enterprise
Lesson 12 Summing up the results of annual activities, calculating profits and losses

Taxation for Beginners

The lessons presented will allow you to quickly master the basics of accounting and learn how to calculate taxes. The material is aimed at beginners, the information is provided free of charge.

The knowledge that can be obtained by studying the information in this tutorial will be useful to accountants for competent accounting at an enterprise, entrepreneurs and heads of organizations to understand the process and control of their accountant, and ordinary citizens in ordinary life situations to make the right decisions in matters related to finance.

A self-instruction book on accounting for beginners, “Accounting from Scratch,” will help you master all the necessary knowledge for the competent organization of accounting and tax accounting in an enterprise.

Due to the fact that all the information is presented in a simple and accessible form, anyone who wants to master accounting and reporting knowledge from scratch can understand it.

The self-instruction articles are provided with examples that will facilitate understanding of rather complex material and allow you to consolidate the acquired knowledge in practice.

The material is presented sequentially and divided into lessons. If you want to start learning accounting from the very beginning (from scratch), then you need to start with the section on accounting (that is, from the first lesson), then deal with tax accounting and taxation and finish with accounting and tax reporting.

Above you can go to any section or lesson that interests you.


Weekdays Weekend Basic
Discount price Price for legal entities Individual.
Sign up
for the course
10 00 -14 05
14 10 -18 15
18 30 -21 35
10 00 -14 05
14 10 -18 15
18 30 -21 35
07.08-27 .08*
*RUB 13,900
21 682 15 850 17 435 58 000

This course can be taken in 3 formats:
1. – training on schedule in ours.
2. – training on schedule from any place where there is Internet.
3. – training at any time and from any place where there is Internet.
This course can be taken in other formats:
Course scope- 104 academic hours,
of which: classroom – 80 academic hours, to complete independent practical work- 24 academic hours

Individual lessons are provided. Check with managers for details.


  • Theory and practice in 1C - AT THE SAME TIME
  • Practice in program 8.3 using a real company as an example from the first lesson
  • In-depth practice with company documents from 0 to balance sheet
  • Ready-made lecture notes - more time for practice

The course program has been monitored by the Moscow Department of Education and meets professional standards.

For admission you need:- Diploma ( Higher education or secondary special)
*Attention!If you have a diploma in foreign language, in accordance with 273 Federal Law “On Education” Art. 107, translation of the diploma into Russian is required
- Passport

Upon completion of the course you will receive:- Certificate of advanced training


1. Fundamentals of accounting + work in the 1C 8.3 program

  • Regulatory regulation of accounting
  • Structure of the enterprise's balance sheet. Introduction to the form of the enterprise balance sheet
  • Accounting system and double entry
  • Structure of active and passive accounts. The concept of subaccount. Examples and problem solving.
  • Reflection of operations to form the authorized capital according to the constituent documents

The procedure for registering a company, familiarization with the constituent and registration documents. Familiarization with the 1C program interface. Its capabilities. Entering information about the organization into the 1C program 8. Entering the operation manually: Formation of the authorized capital.

2. Accounting for cash transactions + work in the 1C 8.3 program

  • Procedure for handling cash. Cash discipline
  • Accounting for cash transactions. Account operations 50 Preparation of cash documents (receipts, expenditure cash orders, cash book)
  • Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the procedure for conducting cash transactions
Working with documents and Practice in 1C:
Formation of incoming and outgoing cash orders, cash book for company operations related to cash.

3. Accounting for transactions on a current account + work in the 1C 8.3 program

  • Accounting of transactions on the current account, account 51
  • Debiting funds from a current account
  • The procedure for receiving cash at the bank, the procedure for depositing cash at the bank.
Working with documents and Practice in 1C:
  • Working with bank statements, processing bank statements
  • Filling out the "banks" directory
  • Entering a payment order into the program based on a rental invoice
  • Processing bank statements, filing payment orders and bank statements.
  • Registers for recording movements of funds on a current account. Analysis of registers, balance sheet.
4. Accounting for settlements with accountable persons + work in the 1C 8.3 program
  • The procedure for accounting for settlements with accountable persons, section 71
  • Accounting for travel expenses on the territory of the Russian Federation. Documentation.
  • Daily allowance rates when calculating income tax, VAT, personal income tax
Working with documents and Practice in 1C:
  • Issuance of funds for reporting based on an employee’s application
  • Generation of an advance report based on primary documents in 1C.
  • The procedure for filing advance reports in the folder,
  • Analysis of account 71 and SALT in the program
5. Payroll accounting. Personal income tax + work in the 1C 8.3 program
  • Personnel accounting. The procedure for hiring employees.
  • Forms of remuneration. Account structure 70.
  • Types of deductions from wages. Deposit.
  • Time sheet. Payroll and payment.
  • Personal income tax. Standard tax deductions. Chapter 23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation
  • Procedure and deadlines for paying personal income tax.
  • The concept of tax agents. Generating a personal income tax report.
  • Dismissal of an employee. Calculation of compensation for unused vacation.
  • Calculation of average earnings for vacation pay, compensation for unused vacation.
Working with documents and Practice in 1C:
  • Formation of personnel documents (orders, statements, personal cards, employment contracts, staffing schedule, memo-calculation...)
  • Calculation of wages and personal income tax for the 1st quarter, formation of payroll statements, payment of advances and wages in the 1C program.
  • Hiring a new employee in the 2nd quarter. Filling out the employee handbook according to the 2-NDFL certificate.
  • Payroll and personal income tax withholding in the 2nd quarter. Working with the tax code of the Russian Federation.
6. Accounting for insurance premiums + work in the 1C 8.3 program
  • Chapter 34 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation on insurance premiums
  • Synthetic score 69.
  • Composition of insurance premiums. The procedure for calculating and paying insurance premiums.
  • The procedure for calculating and paying insurance premiums.
  • Types of insurance premiums
  • Payers of insurance premiums
  • Object of taxation of insurance premiums
  • Base for calculating insurance premiums
  • Contribution rates for compulsory pension insurance
  • The amounts for which insurance premiums are not credited
  • Types of reporting on insurance premiums. Procedure for filling out and deadlines for submission.
Working with documents and Practice in 1C:
  • Calculation of insurance premiums.
  • Calculation of insurance premiums. Filling out contribution guides in the 1C program.
  • Formation of payment orders for payment of contributions to the budget, bank statements.
  • Detailed analysis registers, balance sheet.
  • Filling out reports on insurance premiums.
7. Settlements with suppliers and contractors + work in the 1C 8.3 program
  • Accounting for settlements with suppliers. Synthetic score 60.1
  • Accounting for settlements on advances issued. Synthetic score 60.2
  • Reflection of “input” VAT. Invoice 19. Concept of invoice received.
  • Features of accounting for VAT on advances issued. Invoice for advance payment issued.
  • Synthetic account 76 VA. Settlement of advance payment.
  • Formation of a reconciliation report with suppliers.
Working with documents and Practice in 1C:
  • Entering directories "Counterparties",
  • Entering invoices and invoices from suppliers for goods, materials, services.
  • The procedure for filing invoices, entering data into the 1C program,
  • Reconciliation of mutual settlements with suppliers, analysis of registers of settlements with suppliers in the program,
  • Features of offsetting advances with suppliers, analysis of invoices 60.1, 60.2
8. Settlements with buyers and customers + work in the 1C 8.3 program
  • Accounting for settlements with customers. Synthetic score 62.1
  • Accounting for settlements on advances received. Synthetic score 62.2
  • Sales of goods and services. Formation accounting entries. Reflection of VAT on sales. Account 68.02
  • The concept of an invoice issued for sales and an invoice for an advance received.
  • Synthetic score 76 AB. Settlement of advance payment.
  • Formation of a reconciliation report with customers.
Working with documents and Practice in 1C:
  • Features of the purchase and sale agreement, shipment of goods,
  • Entering invoices for the shipment of goods into the 1C program, generating invoices for shipment,
  • Filing in a folder of invoices for shipment, analysis of registers of settlements with customers in the 1C program,
  • Reconciliation of mutual settlements, features of offset of advances from buyers, analysis of accounts 62.1, 62.2
9. Accounting for inventories, goods + work in the 1C 8.3 program
  • The concept of inventories. Valuation in accounting and tax accounting.
  • Methods for assessing inventories when writing off.
  • Materials accounting. Synthetic account 10. Receipt and issue of materials. Features of goods accounting. Synthetic account 41. Receipt of goods, sale of goods. Accounting on off-balance sheet accounts.
Working with documents and Practice in 1C:
  • Receipt (receipt) of stationery, movement (transfer to production) of materials,
  • Analysis of registers for materials accounting.
  • Entering a product range, receipt of goods, shipment of goods, commodity accounting, analysis of registers for accounting of goods
10. Accounting for fixed assets. Property tax + work in 1C 8.3 program
  • The concept of fixed assets, intangible assets, valuation of fixed assets, formation of initial cost.
  • Receipt of fixed assets. Documentation
  • Depreciation of fixed assets. Depreciation methods
  • Disposal of fixed assets and their write-off.
Working with documents and Practice in 1C:
  • Receipt of fixed assets, commissioning, generation of acceptance certificate OS-1.
  • Calculation of depreciation by regulatory documents in the 1C program, disposal of fixed assets.
  • Analysis of synthetic account 01 and account 02.
11. VAT accounting. Chapter 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation + work in the 1C 8.3 program
  • Review of Chapter 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Taxpayers. Exemption from VAT taxpayer obligations.
  • Objects of taxation. Transactions not recognized as objects of VAT taxation.
  • Determining the place of sale of goods, works, services. Tax base, synthetic accounting (account 68)
  • Tax deductions, synthetic accounting (account 19)
  • Tax period, Tax rates.
  • Calculation of the amount of VAT payable to the budget.
  • The procedure for maintaining a purchase book and a sales book. Features of VAT accounting for advances received and advances issued. Application of accounts 76 AB, 76 VA.
  • Procedure and deadlines for paying taxes to the budget
Working with documents and Practice in 1C:
  • Registration of received invoices - invoices, issued invoices, invoices for advances received and advances issued in the book - purchases, book - sales with regulatory documents in the 1C program.
  • Calculation of the tax base for VAT
  • Filling out a tax return, generating a payment order to pay VAT to the budget.
12. Income tax. Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation + work in the 1C 8.3 program
  • Review of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Taxpayers. Object of taxation.
  • Income. Classification of income. Methods of revenue recognition. Income not taken into account for income tax purposes.
  • Expenses. Classification of expenses. Standardized expenses. Expenses not taken into account when taxing profits.
  • Tax base. The procedure for calculating the tax base.
  • Tax rates. Tax and settlement periods. Profit declaration. Deadlines for payment to the budget and reporting.
Working with documents and Practice in 1C:
  • Analysis of registers for expense accounts (distribution costs account 44.1), closing the month with regulatory documents in the 1C program. Tax accounting, tax accounting registers.
  • Calculation of the tax base for the 1st quarter. Formation of a tax return for income tax for the 1st quarter.
13. Compilation balance sheet+ work in the 1C 8.3 program
  • Financial results of the organization. Algorithm for calculating financial results.
  • Calculation of net profit. Dividend distribution. Taxation. Synthetic score 84.
  • Balance reform.
  • Drawing up a balance sheet (form No. 1), a report on financial results.
  • Deadlines for submitting financial statements
Working with documents and Practice in 1C:
  • Closing the month for all accounts for the 1st quarter and half of the year, including financial result accounts (accounts 90, 91, 99), formation of a balance sheet and financial performance report. Completion tax period balance reformation. Identification of net profit.

The course is taught by practicing specialists,
professionals in their field:

Accounting courses for beginners. What will you be able to do upon completion?

In most cases, even with a specialized education, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to figure out accounting on their own, so in our accounting courses you will be offered the most basic areas of accounting that are immediately applicable in practice:

  • accounting with cash and accountable persons;
  • current account transactions;
  • accounting of wages, personal income tax, insurance premiums;
  • accounting with suppliers and customers;
  • accounting of current and non-current assets;
  • tax accounting and reporting;
  • work in the 1C 8.2 program

Thus, the accounting courses for beginners that we offer will help you gain skills in all areas of accounting. “Accounting from scratch” courses will help you independently prepare reports, analyze the financial condition of the enterprise, participate in financial issues together with the head of the enterprise and control financial flows.

As for the training program, it is simplified as much as possible. The entire learning process is interesting and exciting, and the knowledge gained from us will certainly help everyone find a well-paid position.
After completing the courses, many of our graduates become accountants and work in their specialty, of course, while completing the entire training program and the recommendations of the teacher, as evidenced by positive reviews.

3 reasons why they choose our 1C courses.

Today, there are a huge number of similar accounting courses, but most of them are standard and are not aimed at applying the acquired knowledge in practice. The accounting we offer for beginners is taught by highly qualified practitioners, each of whom has received prior training in our teaching methods. So, for what reasons do they choose ours? educational center Fleece:

1 reason. Combining theory and practice.

A small block of theory is immediately consolidated in practice with the accounting documents of the operating company. Each person has a file of documents for a real operating enterprise, from which students learn to keep accounting records from 0 to balance sheet. That is, at the same time you can learn accounting paperwork by taking our accounting courses for beginners.

Reason 2. Working in the 1C program from the first lesson.

As a rule, in accounting courses, theory is taught by one teacher, and the 1C program by another, usually a programmer who is not familiar with accounting practice. We have one practical teacher, who immediately reinforces each block of theory with practice with documents and work in the 1 C program, that is, like in real accounting. Therefore, each of our students works as an accountant from the very first lesson.

Reason 3. Nobody writes lectures - everyone “works”.

A lot of time is usually spent writing lectures under dictation from a teacher. We record only the necessary abstracts, since the lectures are already prepared and every listener has access to them. Draw your own conclusions about how much time is saved on practice, which is so important for real work.

In our center they do not teach for the “crust”; accounting courses for beginners produce truly highly qualified specialists.

And one more advantage of studying in our Runo center.

Our students can purchase the same course online with a 70% discount. Distance course- This is an exact repetition of face-to-face classes. It will help to consolidate the acquired knowledge in face-to-face courses, since access to it is much greater, and it can also be used in work as a “cheat sheet”, for example, video recordings of work in the 1C program.