Life of ants interesting facts. Ant, lesson on native nature in the senior group

Ants are insects from the order Hymenoptera. We all know that they live in colonies, they have a queen, they are very hardworking and strong. But there are also things that not everyone knows about. So let's see 15 interesting facts about ants.

1. Ants are, of course, predators. But despite this, they keep their livestock. The role of such livestock is played by aphids. Ants graze aphids, take care of them, protecting them from other insects, and even milk them. Thus, the aphids secrete a special liquid, which the ants happily use as food. And of course, aphids serve as food for them. In general, ants are the only living creatures, other than humans, that raise livestock.

Ants build their ants from needles, stones, branches, grass stems, pieces of tree bark, pieces of resin, etc. everything is organized very carefully - the ant not only keeps its shape, but also does not overdo it, maintains its temperature and has own system ventilation corridors. The anthill is built not only at height, but also below the surface. The ants work together, renovating the building, ventilating the windows, adding more ants to newborns.

When the ant is completed, all the baby ants look at their friends' ants. Tools: string ropes, ropes, small hoops, sheets, crayons, clamps. Description of activity: Movement: The teacher will mark a part of the area in the classroom - an ant, where small hoops are placed. Child ants run around the anthill, and, as a sign from the teacher, they run to hide “in the cell” - in the hoop. The teacher tells the children rinkin, the last verse of which is the ant children hiding in their chambers.

Due to the number and complexity of different organisms' interactions with ants, it is almost impossible to predict, but it is safe to say that we humans have problems with it too. Sapon: Have you ever been to political party, moving? Judge B: You work with some defense attorneys environment. associations, initiatives or the Green Party?

Sapon: What are you talking about eco-terrorism, eco-extremism? As for extremism, as in other areas, it can cause damage to itself. The search for merit - in everything, is the basis for solving something, and extreme sportsmen do not help find the way to the network. In addition, we do not distinguish between activity and access, which is supposedly the method of backward relations.

2. Ants have clear responsibilities: builders, soldiers, foragers (those who search for food). If the forager returns several times with nothing, he is executed and allowed to eat himself.

3. There are some species that are exactly like ants in a pod, except that ants have 6 legs, and spiders have 8. Such spiders, as a rule, take advantage of this similarity to protect themselves from birds and other insects, since ants are not an object of gastronomic passion for no one (except, probably, anteaters). But some such spiders, on the contrary, take advantage of this similarity to hunt the ants themselves. They close their two paws, go into the anthill, pick out and kill the ant, after which they take it out of the anthill, like a dead comrade, and eat it themselves.

Ants We have trees in the ant's needle path. The ants work hard and then rush into the chambers. The game is repeated according to the children's interest. Each child receives a worksheet labeled anthracite and chambers. There are three ants on the leaf that cannot find their way into their chamber. Children find the correct path to the cameras first with their fingers, when they find the paths correctly by marking them with a colored pencil or patch. Ants may color themselves and they may approach it.

Tools: Paintings, books Ferd-ants, toilet paper. Description of activity: Kurgan is actually a large kingdom ruled by a queen. The queen lays eggs to help her workers. Soldiers watch the queen, workers and eggs. Everyone is dependent, they help. The teacher reads a story to the children: “How baby ticks are made.” Thanks to the story, the children gained an understanding of the hierarchy of ants. For better memorization, the teacher gives each child a worksheet showing an anthill with the individual stages of ant development and the task of the individual ants.

First of all, the solution is not so good that it can be applied and said something “overnight” when the problem was “to blame” for the forest owners more than 150 years ago. Such a change in legislation would make it possible to limit humans in the sense of accelerating forest regeneration, but with the right composition. In comparable quantities. Harz-Park, on a similar issue, focused on an "open" process - a change in the use of forests around the most valuable hills.

There would probably be spirits, as in the Bavarian side of Šumava, but there is no 100% comparability of conditions there, but the culture of action will definitely find similar “neighboring” patterns found. Anika, Blatna: Were you surprised by the ants on the last day? Ants can surprise you all the time - if you don't answer a small question, many new ones will appear. It is surprising when it comes to their relationship that some of the neighboring nests of this species are indifferent to each other, and at other times they can coexist without problems with a nest of two different species.

4. Ants can not only punish, but also care. If an ant is injured, they will take care of it until it recovers, and if the ant becomes crippled, then other ants will also take care of it and bring it food as long as it is able to ask for it.

5. Most ants are the working class and all worker ants are females whose reproductive system is underdeveloped.

Children have the task of "walking" the queen's paths, laying eggs to the workers who care for them, hatching larvae, blowing large larvae, helmets, and hatching ant puppies. The children form a pair, one child wrapped in the second toilet paper, when the anthill is completely covered. As instructed by the queen teacher, all the ancestor ants try to get out of their dolls. When they come out of the cupel, they are ants.

Children will consolidate knowledge about the success of the development of ant life. In this game we warn children that when wrapping toilet paper they must leave a hole for their friend. Tools: anthill in the forest, magnifying glass Description of activity: Children and the teacher go out into the forest to an anthill. Since the ants walk along the paths in a row behind us, we try to walk like ants - the children walk a certain distance in the crowd behind the teacher, the series is closed by the second teacher or the eldest child.

Surprisingly, it works as an “intermediary lender” between the micro-level and the terrain level, where their micro-terrain activities greatly influence the rapid change from open landscape to forested landscape. Or you may encounter a surprise of a different kind: you return to your apartment on vacation and you find a lot of spotted ants crawling under the bathtub in the bathroom, where they found a place for the hunter after a long walk along the seaside, under the balcony door, a piece of the corridor for residential furniture .

Tools: Live insects - eg beetle, glass, bowl, grass. Description of activity: In a community circle, children and a teacher talk about their experiences the day before. The teacher tells the children a story about a Brouter who went on a journey and went to our nursery. He will show the children the mistake in the glass of grass. Children will look at the beetle in the glass first, after which the teacher will take it into the bowl. Children can reach it and let it rise into the palm of their hand, but be careful not to harm it. The words describe what the beetle looks like - shape, size, color, body parts - and also describe how they feel when the beetle is raised under their hand.

6. Ants are not allowed to eat the food they find. First, they must bring all the food they find to the anthill, after which distribution takes place.

7. One of the common delicacy dishes is "". These are ant larvae. This dish costs about $90 per kilogram.

8. The ant queen (queen) lives on average 15 years and mates only once in her entire life, but constantly produces her offspring.

Many baby ants will come to the anthill. Children look at ants and ants. Assess where the egg chambers are, where the larvae rotate, etc. they follow the ants, which quickly run around the anthill, watch it, fix it, and find food. Children let their ants climb up and look at them through a magnifying glass - counting how many legs they have, whether they have antennae, what the ant's head and body look like, what color they are, whether they make any sounds. Most children are not afraid of ants touching and looking at them closely, and it will be even more scary that when they do not harm animals in wildlife, she won't even hurt them.

Tools: books, encyclopedias, colored pencils, Thursdays. Description of the activity: Children look at various small animals - caterpillars, butterflies, spiders, ants, snails, beetles, dragonflies, bees, wasps, earthworms, centipedes and others in the encyclopedia. Individual animals verbally describe and determine what they distinguish - different numbers of pairs of legs, antennas, wings, size, color. The teacher explains to the children that animals that have a body divided into three parts - head, chest and buttocks, have 2 anvils on their heads, mostly large eyes, 6 feet, are called insects.

9. If an ant is idle and does nothing for no apparent reason, then it is kicked out of the anthill. But what is also interesting is the fact that this even applies to the queen. Ants can kick out the queen if she produces few offspring and then choose a new one.

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10. American entomologist Derek Morley monitored the behavior of ants and found out that when they wake up, they stretch out all 6 of their legs, after which they open their jaws wide, which means the ants also stretch and yawn when they wake up.

Bugs have wings upper part which are called beads. The children's task is to choose among those mentioned in the books those that belong to insects. The teacher helps the children by repeating the characteristics of insects - counting their legs, which have ankles?, consist of three body parts?

At the end of this activity, each child will draw a smaller paper or quarter sketch of insects. First he draws a body in three parts, then three pairs of legs, then at the end an anvil. According to the interests of individual children, they can draw one type of particular insect on another paper. We explain to children that ladybugs are often called ladybugs, sun rays. His coffins are red with seven dots. Children will discover that a beetle is an insect and will also learn what other small animals are insects.

11. Many people think that ants and termites are practically the same species, but this is not true. Ants are closer to bees and wasps, and termites are closer to!

12. Among some tribes in South America, the rite of passage for a boy to become a man goes like this: the boy puts on a sleeve full of ants. After numerous bites, the boy's hands become swollen, paralyzed and even blackened, but this goes away over time.

Tools: books, encyclopedias, magazines, pictures Description of activities: Children are familiar with the characteristics of insects, and now the teacher has an important task: within a week, children will bring kindergarten books, encyclopedias, magazines or photographs of insects. By the end of the week, everyone who collected the material has collected and discussed it. In separate books and magazines, they look for insects, try to identify them more, justifying why these animals belong to the field of insects - repeating the main features of insects.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher will reward each child for their work, for example, with a picture of a ladybug. Tools: butterfly nets, white canvas, magnifying glass Description of the activity: The teacher has short conversations with the children where we can find insects everywhere - in the garden, in the meadow, in the forest. Let us further clarify - under stones, in the soil, on walls, on flowers, on tree trunks, under bark, on plant leaves, on water. We will again use graphic material for interviews.

13. Formic acid has proven itself very well as a pain reliever for diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, gout, etc.

14. Many species of ant can stay under water for several days and nothing will happen to them.

15. Ants can always find their way to their anthill. This is explained by the fact that ants leave a trail of pheromones behind them, along which they find their way home.

After the initial motivation, we go into nature with the children and look for insects. Children try to identify among small animals what is and is not an insect, and tries to name it. Some insects are placed in magnets with magnifying glasses to make them appear magnified. Insects are collected by children by flapping nets in the grass, another method is that children place a white canvas under a tree or hold under a branch, and after shaking the branches, the insects fall onto the canvas.

The insects see the children on the canvas, under a magnifying glass, or allow them to rise onto their hands, which at the same time perceive the insects by touch. Tools: illustrated material, books, skewers Description: The teacher tells the children about ants, which are also insects. Children look at ants and ants in different pictures and books. The teacher explains to the children that an anthill is not just a pile of needles, as it looks at first, but it is a complex building with a large number of corridors and chambers, not only in the overpass, but even underground.