Can you eat goose eggs like chicken eggs? The benefits and harms of goose eggs, can you eat them? Baked goose eggs

Goose eggs differ not only in appearance from chicken eggs, but also in nutritional value. There is no consensus among nutritionists about their effect on the human body: some believe that it is a panacea for many diseases, others believe that it is a danger fraught with a serious threat within. One thing is certain: this is a product with a pronounced taste and rich aroma. Let's find out why it is useful and how it can harm.

Is it possible to eat goose eggs

Goose eggs are often used in cooking. They are fried, boiled, baked, added to dough. But before eating such food, you should understand whether it can be eaten at all.


Our ancestors always had a weakness for this product, but it was not as frequent a guest in the diet as chicken eggs. This is due to the fact that geese lay eggs much less frequently than chickens. Overall, this is a nutritious and valuable product.

Important! Fresh goose eggs have a pleasant aroma. Any unpleasant smell is a sign of depravity.

When consuming, you must follow all prescribed precautions to minimize the risk of a threat to your own health.

Nursing mother

Nursing mothers should not indulge in such foods. This is due to the fact that her diet directly affects the baby’s health. Eggs by their nature are a strong allergen. Goose are no exception to the rule. Their use by a nursing woman can cause allergies in her child.


Fried goose eggs are not easy to distinguish from chicken eggs by taste, but their large yolk is very difficult to miss in a common dish. When fried, they are quite fatty and have a strong aroma. In any case, a heat-treated product can be consumed without much concern.

Video: goose egg omelette


When boiled, they can also be part of your diet. The main thing is to cook them correctly. Place the thoroughly washed product in a pan with cold water and cover the container with a lid. It must be cooked over medium heat. The boiling process should last for 15–25 minutes: 15 minutes of boiling - soft-boiled, 25 - hard-boiled. By the way, 1 such specimen in terms of nutritional properties replaces 4 chicken ones.


What's the benefit

100 g of goose product contains 200 kcal. It includes:

1. B vitamins, as well as vitamins A (retinol), D (calciferols), E (tocopherol), K (phylloquinone). 2. Minerals:

  • phosphorus (P);
  • iron (Fe);
  • sulfur (S);
  • copper (Cu);
  • calcium (Ca);
  • potassium (K), etc.

3. Proteins - 14 g. 4. Fats - 13.2 g. 5. Carbohydrates - 1.4 g.

Regular consumption of goose eggs has the following beneficial effects for the body:

  • brain activity improves;
  • hormonal levels stabilize;
  • blood vessels are cleansed;
  • toxins are eliminated;
  • vision improves;
  • the activity of the nervous system is normalized;
  • the condition of nail plates, hair, etc. improves.

What's the harm?

The results of regular consumption of goose eggs can be not only positive, but also negative for the body. Since the eggshells of these birds have too large pores, pathogenic bacteria can penetrate inside, which subsequently cause harm to humans (for example, salmonellosis). In addition, this product can cause allergies, especially in unprotected children.

How to use it correctly

Before use, you should carefully read the precautions:

  1. You can only buy eggs from trusted sellers, otherwise such an experiment could end in failure. The shell must be intact and clean.
  2. When directly collecting eggs from under a goose, they must be processed within the first 3 hours after “birth.” They are washed very carefully due to the size of the pores of the shell.
  3. They can be stored at a temperature of +2–12 °C and a relative humidity of 90%.
  4. The product should not be eaten raw. It must undergo heat treatment.

Goose eggs are a source of many beneficial substances for the body. The result of their use is an increase in brain activity, cleansing of blood vessels and stabilization of the nervous system. But you should be very careful with this product.

It can cause the development of various diseases in the body, including salmonellosis, cause allergies or poisoning. It is not recommended for use by young children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as people prone to allergies.

Most people have eggs in their diet. They are added to salads, dough, meat dishes, consumed on their own, etc. Chicken eggs are in particular demand, but the question often arises whether goose eggs are eaten and what properties they have.

Externally, they are much larger than chicken eggs, have a denser shell, a rich taste and a specific smell.

Because of this, they are used in cooking with great care so as not to spoil the taste of the dish. Goose eggs - the benefits and harms of the product, the features of preparation and storage are described by this material.


Goose eggs are much larger than regular chicken eggs.

On average, the weight of this product is 200 g; the larger it is, the more beneficial it is considered. How many calories are in a goose egg, and what substances does it contain? The energy value and nutritional value are quite high. The calorie content of a goose egg is 185 kcal. After heat treatment, it changes depending on the cooking method. When fried, the calorie content is much higher due to the use of oil. How much protein is in a goose egg? This figure is 13.9 g per 100 g of product, fat is 13.3 g, and carbohydrates are 1.4 g.

The product is also rich in vitamins, such as A, B, D, E, K. Minerals include calcium, copper, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, selenium, magnesium, and sodium. Lutein, which is an antioxidant, plays an important role. With its help, the body gets rid of harmful substances, thereby rejuvenating and cleansing.

You might be interested to know if duck eggs are healthy? Duck eggs are ahead of chicken eggs in terms of the content of vitamin A and B vitamins, but contain a large amount of cholesterol, 884 mg, and chicken eggs - 425 mg per 100 g of product. You will find product details


Whether goose eggs are healthy is indicated by their composition, rich in vitamins and minerals. This is a nutritious product that can quickly saturate and bring certain benefits to the body. It’s difficult to say for sure which eggs are healthier – chicken or goose. Their value depends on the size and proper nutrition of the bird. In addition, it is important to prepare the product correctly to avoid salmonellosis.

How are they useful?

Eating this product contributes to the following beneficial factors:

  • Increasing attention and improving memory;
  • Removing harmful substances, toxins, cleansing the liver;
  • Improving the functioning of the nervous system;
  • Slowing down cell aging;
  • Improved visual acuity;
  • Normalization of the functioning of the reproductive and excretory systems;
  • Beneficial effects on the development of the child during pregnancy;
  • Strengthening bone tissue and cardiovascular system;
  • Improving intestinal microflora;
  • Strengthening metabolism and muscle fiber formation, which is especially important for athletes;
  • Prevention of anemia;
  • Help with migraines and headaches.

Geranium essential oil can also help relieve a migraine attack.

Harm and contraindications

Why don't they eat goose eggs? The main reason is the presence of strong allergens in them, which cause allergic reactions. In this regard, can children have goose eggs? The reaction can be unpredictable, so it is not recommended to include them in children’s diets until they are 7 years old.

Is it possible to eat goose eggs raw? Without heat treatment, such a product has a high probability of developing pathogenic bacteria. If ingested, salmonellosis may develop. It is impossible to externally determine the presence of harmful microorganisms, since the product does not change its smell, taste, or color. Therefore, it is better to digest such food than to eat it half-cooked.

Children can eat quail eggs. They improve health and improve immunity. You will learn all the details about the benefits of quail eggs.

Features of use

Goose eggs are not used that often. However, if you want to try them, you need to know the rules of preparation and preparation. The first step is to wash the product under running water. In addition, you should use baking soda or laundry soap to eliminate bacteria and other harmful organisms. You can eat no more than one goose egg per day; it is advisable not to eat more than 2-3 pieces of the product per week.

The most popular cooking method is boiling. This will take more time than when cooking chicken eggs. On average, the process takes 20-25 minutes, with a minimum of 15 minutes of cooking. The longer they cook, the better. It is strictly prohibited to consume them raw to avoid infection.

The product can also be fried, but until it is completely fried, leaving the yolk raw is unacceptable. Another option is to make an omelet.

How to cook a goose egg omelette - watch the video:

In some countries it is common to use baking. To do this, you need to remove the contents from a small hole, beat it with vegetables, spices, and nuts in a blender until smooth. The resulting mixture is returned to the shell using a syringe and baked.

Let's sum it up

It is impossible to buy goose eggs in stores. To make a purchase, you must contact farmers. At the same time, you need to understand that the cost of the product is much higher than the price of chicken eggs. It is important to carefully select a quality product. The shell must be intact, foreign unpleasant odors and dirt are deviations from the norm. Storage is carried out in the refrigerator, air temperature 2-12 degrees. A suitable humidity level is 85-90%.

Thus, the benefits of the product are quite high. However, if prepared and cooked incorrectly, it can cause serious harm to your health. This is due to the uncleanliness of this bird, the products of which may contain pathogenic bacteria and cause salmonellosis. Therefore, it is important to wash the shells well and then heat them until the product is completely cooked.

We are accustomed to eating exclusively chicken eggs, using them in the preparation of various dishes, as well as in cosmetology. Less common are quails, which have a large number of beneficial properties for the body. But few people can boast that they have tried a goose egg, which is more valuable in its composition. The fact is that most people doubt whether goose eggs can be eaten, because geese are birds that cannot boast of cleanliness. In addition, the structure of the egg itself is very different from a chicken egg, for example. The pores of the shell are larger, as a result of which gases, water vapor, as well as all kinds of microorganisms and mold pores, which can subsequently develop in a favorable nutrient environment, easily penetrate inside. The high probability of becoming infected with salmonella is especially frightening, because eggs can be affected by it in utero.

Product value

Goose eggs are much (3-4 times) larger than chicken eggs, and they also contain more fat, which was influenced by the peculiarities of evolutionary development. In addition, due to the content of specific substances, eating them helps cleanse blood vessels, remove toxins from the liver, improve memory and visual acuity and maintain natural levels of sex hormones. Eating goose eggs has a beneficial effect on the health of pregnant women, as they contribute to the normal development of the child’s circulatory and nervous systems. The yolk of a goose egg contains a very rare substance called lute; it is a powerful antioxidant and can slow down aging and even rejuvenate the human body. Like chicken and quail eggs, goose eggs are widely used for cosmetic purposes. In this case, only yolk is used, which is added to face and hair masks. This component has a strong moisturizing effect.

How to choose and cook correctly

Despite their value, goose eggs cannot be purchased at your local store. Most of them go to the reproduction of geese, so in order to purchase such a useful product, you will have to go to the nearest village. When choosing goose eggs, pay special attention to the cleanliness and integrity of the shell. If the surface is dirty and there are cracks, this may be a signal that harmful microorganisms have entered the egg. It's not worth taking it. The best solution would be to purchase a goose hatching egg. The fact is that for incubation, eggs undergo careful selection, after which products unsuitable for these purposes are rejected. In addition to strict selection, immediately before incubation, eggs are disinfected with a special solution, which reduces the risk of becoming infected with salmonella. If you get your hands on edible goose eggs, it’s worth remembering the rules for preparing them. For example, they should be cooked for at least 15 minutes, and baking them in the oven will completely eliminate the likelihood of diseases. They must be stored exclusively in the refrigerator.

Anyone regularly eats eggs. They are added to meat dishes, dough, salads, etc. Most often, chicken eggs are purchased for food, and quail eggs are much less common. But many people are interested in this question: is it possible to eat goose eggs and will they cause harm to the body? Therefore, before consuming them, you should understand what goose eggs are, what the benefits and harms of this product are.

How are goose eggs different from chicken eggs?

Unlike chicken goose eggs quite large (about 4 times larger than chicken ones) and differ from them in their strong shell, which has a limestone-white tint. In addition, goose product has a richer taste, but due to its specific taste and smell it is used with caution in cooking. Goose is not recommended to be consumed raw, but is best boiled or used to prepare dough for bakery and confectionery products. They must be washed before use.

Composition and calorie content

The nutritional value of a goose egg is determined by its weight. The larger it is, the greater the benefit it brings to the body. Its weight is approximately 200 g. But, compared to chicken eggs, goose eggs are not as nutritious. 100 g of product contains:

  • 13.9 g protein;
  • 13.3 g fat;
  • 1.4 g carbohydrates.

Besides this, they include vitamins A, E, D, K, B vitamins, as well as minerals and trace elements:

It also contains lutein, which is a well-known antioxidant. It helps the body remove harmful substances, due to which the body is cleansed and rejuvenated. The calorie content of a goose egg is 200 kcal, but it depends on the processing method. For example, a fried product is much higher in calories than a boiled one.

Useful properties

Goose eggs- This is a very nutritious product that is of great value to the body. But experts advise consuming them only after heat treatment. This is explained by the fact that geese are not very clean animals and there is a possibility of contracting salmonellosis if you drink a raw egg.

This product is very useful and is even approved for use by pregnant women. The substances it contains contribute to the development of the brain of a child in the womb. In addition, this product has a beneficial effect on vision. With its regular use, you can prevent the development of cataracts.

Goose eggs contain a large number of vitamins and microelements that activate the brain, improve memory, and also maintain sex hormones at the proper level in both men and women. If you use them regularly, the blood vessels will be cleared of cholesterol plaques. They also have a good effect on the liver, cleansing it of toxins.

In cooking, they are used to prepare main courses and snacks. This product has a slightly specific taste, so it is recommended to use it with caution. They also add it to baked goods, but in this case the taste will be very specific. Fried and boiled eggs have a rather pleasant smell, but raw eggs smell nothing at all.

Also, the beneficial properties of the product are widely used in cosmetology. It is often used as a basis for various masks that are applied to the neck, face and décolleté. This product is suitable for any skin type.


This product may be dangerous to some people. It is contraindicated for those who have an individual intolerance or allergy to egg white, because it is the protein that can cause an allergic reaction in a person. It is not recommended to give goose eggs to preschool children, and it is best to completely exclude them from the diet of children under 7 years of age.

This product can only be consumed in its finished form, since in its raw form it is often contaminated with salmonellosis. Therefore, you should wash it before cooking with detergents, and cook it longer than usual. How long to cook a goose egg in this case? This will take at least 20 - 25 minutes. It is also undesirable to fry fried eggs from such a product. It is best to make an omelet from it or wait for the yolk to cook well.

In addition, experts recommend collecting eggs from geese almost immediately after demolition, since already 3 hours after this, all bacteria and harmful elements penetrate the shell and become inaccessible to detergent compositions. In this case, they can cause quite significant harm to human health.

Application in cosmetology and dietetics

Goose eggs are used in cosmetology to make various masks. If your skin is dry, then you need to mix:

  • yolk;
  • fresh tomato pulp.

This mask should be kept on the skin for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. For oily skin, use protein in combination with orange or lemon juice. In addition, there are recipes specifically for hair care.

Although goose eggs are higher in calories than chicken eggs, they are also considered dietary product. They contain few carbohydrates, a lot of protein and a moderate amount of healthy fats, so this product is included in the diet menu. It is healthier to eat it boiled - in this case it will have even fewer calories.

How to select and store goose eggs?

This product is not sold in a regular store. You can buy it only from farmers. The price of goose eggs is much higher than chicken eggs. When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the smell, cleanliness, and also the integrity of the shell. Ideally, such an egg should be of the correct shape, free of droppings and other dirt, and completely odorless. Otherwise, it is better to refuse to purchase them.

This product should only be stored in the refrigerator at home. There, the most suitable conditions are created for it - air humidity 85 - 90% and temperature within 2 - 12 degrees.

Thus, if you need to purchase goose eggs, photos of which are presented in the article, you must check their quality first. They should be prepared and consumed correctly, always by boiling or frying, since if consumed raw, you can become infected with such a dangerous disease as salmonellosis. In addition, you need to take into account the fact that such a product has certain contraindications.


Goose eggs differ from chicken eggs not only in their larger size, but also in their more durable shell, covered with a limestone-white coating.

Compared to chicken, they have a richer taste, although they have less aroma and fat content. The properties of the product allow it to be widely used in cooking, although its smell and taste are specific.

Before consuming goose eggs, you need to study its beneficial properties, contraindications, and find out recommendations for use.

Which eggs are healthier - chicken or goose? Is it possible to eat goose eggs, what are their benefits for the body, is there any harm, how to use them correctly and where, besides cooking, is the product used?

How to choose a good product

You can buy goose eggs at the farm where these birds are bred - they are not sold in stores.

The product should be stored at a temperature of no more than 12 degrees, and humidity is at least 85 percent. You can increase the shelf life if you wash the eggs first.

Composition and calorie content

100 grams of product contains 13.9 g protein, 13.3 g fat, 1.4 g carbohydrates.

The calorie content is 185 kcal, but it also depends on the processing method: for example, when fried they are higher in calories than when boiled.

Contains vitamins A, E, K, group B, minerals: , potassium, sulfur, . There are easily digestible proteins and fats.

Which eggs are healthier?

Most often they are consumed as food, about the beneficial properties of which much is known. Other species are less common in the diet.

Regular use of the product may saturate the body with substances that have a beneficial effect on brain function, maintaining the correct level of sex hormones.

Eggs help cleanse blood vessels and have a beneficial effect on memory.

It’s worth mentioning separately about the yolks. They contain a very valuable substance - lutene, which helps prevent many diseases of the organs of vision.

The use of the product can be useful for pregnant women, since the components of the composition have a beneficial effect on the development of the fetal brain.

B vitamins in combination with magnesium help strengthen the nervous system. The product saturates with proteins and amino acids.

There are benefits for the heart and blood vessels, since the testicles help strengthen the heart muscle and reduce bad cholesterol levels. A positive effect on brain function and mental activity was noted.

Let's consider how the product can affect certain groups of citizens:

For adult men and women

It all depends on the choice of eggs and the absence of contraindications. Then the product, when consumed in moderation, will only bring benefits.

Pregnant and nursing

Are goose eggs good for pregnant and lactating women? Goose testicles can have certain benefits for expectant and nursing mothers, It should be used with caution due to its high allergenicity.


It is better to introduce the product into the diet for children over seven years of age.. If consumed correctly and in moderation, it will promote proper development and improve mental activity.

Elderly people

For older people, goose testicles are useful because will help strengthen the cardiovascular, nervous, and skeletal systems. Lutin is very useful, which helps maintain good vision.


The composition of the product is useful for those who actively play sports or do physical work, because it contains valuable protein, a number of amino acids.

Potential dangers and contraindications

Goose eggs are more allergenic than chicken eggs, therefore they should not be given to small children - they are included in the diet from the age of seven.

They should never be consumed raw.: According to statistics, they are most susceptible to salmonella infection.

This is partly due to the fact that geese are not the cleanest birds. Therefore, you need to carefully clean the product and cook it longer than usual.

Eggs that are not collected immediately after laying are harmful..

After three hours, harmful microorganisms can enter them, which neither detergents nor heat treatment can handle, so they need to be collected as early as possible.

Goose eggs should never be eaten raw. Before cooking, you should wash them thoroughly with detergents.

They take longer to cook than chicken. You shouldn’t make fried eggs from them either: it’s better to make an omelette or wait until the yolk is baked.

You can use goose eggs to prepare the same dishes as chicken eggs, but you need to cook them longer and more carefully. It is not recommended to use them too often and in large quantities.

In cooking

Goose eggs can be used for preparing various dishes, for baking, desserts, and casseroles. They can be added when preparing sauces, such as mayonnaise. You can put them in various snacks and salads.


Baked goose eggs are popular in many countries.. To cook them, you need to carefully make a small hole in the shell to remove the contents.

Then the white and yolk are mixed with spices, vegetables, nuts and other products. Everything is ground in a blender until smooth.

Then the shell is filled with this mass again (using a syringe), and the dish goes into the oven. We offer several more interesting recipes.


Goose egg omelette, video recipe:

Stuffed with mushrooms

Eggs stuffed with mushrooms. You need to take 4 goose eggs, dried mushrooms, milk, onion, mayonnaise.

Preparation: Pour mushrooms into a deep plate, pour milk, leave for 2-3 hours. Then drain the milk, rinse the mushrooms and leave them for seven minutes.

After heating the frying pan, fry the finely chopped onions and mushrooms. Boil the eggs, remove the shell, cut into two halves and remove the yolk.

Mash the yolk into a paste and mix with mushrooms, mayonnaise and onions. Fill half of the egg whites with this mixture. At the end, sprinkle the dish with chopped dill.


Thanks to the use of goose product instead of chicken, the noodles acquire an interesting and unusual taste. To prepare it, you need 300 g of flour, one egg and salt.

Preparation: pour the egg into a container, add salt. Knead the dough. When the dough is kneaded, cover it with a cloth and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Roll it out into a thin layer and cut into strips of arbitrary thickness. The chopped noodles can be dried or cooked directly.

Frittata with asparagus

You will need 2 goose eggs, a bunch, 2 tablespoons of water, salt,.

Preparation: Peel the asparagus, steam it for five minutes, then chop it into small pieces. Beat the egg white and yolk, add asparagus, salt and water.

Heat the butter in a frying pan, pour the mixture obtained earlier into it. Fry the dish for about eight minutes. It can be served either cold or hot.

Goose egg can be used in cosmetology. It is included in recipes for various masks.

For example, for dry skin You can mix the yolk with fresh gruel. Keep on the skin for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Goose eggs can be in our diet, but we need to be confident in their quality, consume and cook them correctly, and take into account existing contraindications.