Crafts from plastic bottles, flowers. DIY flowers from plastic bottles: step by step, ideas, photos. Water lily from plastic bottles

New fashion trend Decorating the interior and exterior of residential premises with plastic flowers will delight those who like bright and unusual accessories. People who cannot have indoor flowers and plants in their home or do not know how to care for them will also like this idea. And, of course, this method of using used plastic drinking containers will appeal to everyone who cares about the health of the planet, since it reduces the amount of non-degradable household waste, frees up useful space from its accumulation and at the same time performs a decorative function. How to make flowers from plastic bottles do it yourself step by step for beginners and what are they like?

What can be decorated

Such unusual jewelry is interesting not only for its durability, but also for its unique variety, since each one is made entirely by hand. They decorate living rooms, kitchens, hallways and offices, apartment areas and entrances, and office premises.

They decorate work tables and kitchen tables, as well as any suitable horizontal surfaces. They create the appearance of freshness and naturalness, but you don’t have to water them, change the water, wash the vase, just wipe them from dust from time to time. And then, there will be a need for this.

From such an accessible and pliable material as plastic bottles, crafts on the theme of indoor vegetation are made, not necessarily containing flowers, but also decorations like house plants. Suitable for those who love greenery in the interior, but cannot have natural living plants. Good reasons may include having pets in the home, allergies, lack of time to provide proper care, or inability to do so.

Not only real flowers, but also skillful plastic flowers can decorate your garden with rainbow colors. Especially if you have neither the time nor the ability to plant, weed and water flower beds with living plants.

You can also create larger-scale decorations - flower trees and other tall flowering plants. For example, if construction is underway on a plot of land, especially if it has been somewhat delayed, you can organically embellish the look by building succulent bushes.

How to create

Such flowers have become very popular and widespread not only because they help decorate the interior and exterior spaces of buildings, but also eliminate the accumulation of empty plastic containers. The point is that their creation is simple and accessible, and for creative and observant people this is a huge niche where they can fully express their imagination.

The bottles are cut to the required size and given their final shape using smelting methods. Heat sources can be the flame of a candle, lighter, or hair dryer. Plastic as a material is very malleable, so it is quite easy to give it realistic shapes - under the influence of heat and tongs it easily twists and bends. To ensure maximum resemblance to real plants, the resulting blanks are painted with special paints or markers. And then the individual parts are fastened together with glue or rods (usually metal).

  • Before you start creating something from a plastic bottle, you should thoroughly rinse it inside and out, remove labels, wash off the glue, and then wipe it dry with a cloth or towel.
  • If you need to cut out many identical elements, it is better to make a sample from cardboard, so that you can then simply trace it with an awl or a needle along the edges.
  • In order to give the desired shape to the workpieces, it is more convenient to use tongs and a candle flame. Such plastic quickly softens and cools, which makes it possible to perform various manipulations when forming a part.
  • You can paint the part in the main color before curly cutting and melting; and then you can add dotted strokes.

How to paint plastic

  • The best option is colored acrylic varnish.
  • Acrylic paints also look good on PET products, but they should be coated with a clear acrylic varnish for durability.
  • Large flowers for the garden can be painted with spray paint (for example, car paint).
  • Enamel or stained glass paints are also used.

Tender rose

You will need: 2 PET bottles - green and any other color, thick wire, candle, tongs, awl, scissors.

  1. Depending on the desired size of the future flower, cut out 7 squares of sizes proportional to the blanks in the picture from a bottle of an arbitrary color (for example, blue).
  2. Using scissors, cut out four-petal flowers from each square.
  3. Use an awl to make holes in the center of the flowers.
  4. Hold each of them over a candle flame - the plastic will begin to bend, and in the process you can give it the desired shape using metal tongs.
  5. From a green container, cut out a receptacle, also four-leaved (“toothed”).
  6. Bend it slightly over the flame and make a hole in the middle with an awl.
  7. Cut part of the bottle (depending on the selected size of the accessory to be made) in a circle, you will get a spiral strip about 5 mm wide.
  8. Heat it over a candle and, with your hands, overlap the melted plastic onto the wire; leave approximately 1 cm “unrefined”.
  9. Place a receptacle and flower-shaped elements on the wire, starting from larger size to less.
  10. Use your fingers or pliers to bend the remaining part of the wire to secure the structure.
  11. Cut a blank for the stem from green plastic.
  12. Over the flame, twist the stems in a spiral and bend the leaves slightly.
  13. Connect the resulting sheet to the main stem, melting the place where the part is attached.

field chamomile

You will need: 3 plastic bottles, ideally white, yellow and green (so that you don’t have to paint additionally), scissors, a thick needle or awl, a candle, tongs, superglue gel.

  1. Cut out 2 circles of the same diameter from a white container.
  2. Make 4 cuts to create equal parts.
  3. Make 3 cuts in each of them.
  4. Round the resulting petals, carefully cutting off the corners.
  5. Hold it on the candle for a while so that the edges of the petals bend slightly.
  6. Cut out two cores from the yellow container.
  7. Also bend slightly under the flame.
  8. From a green bottle, cut out a receptacle in the form of a 6-pointed star.
  9. Bend its ends over the candle.
  10. Cut a long green strip 4-5 mm wide in a spiral and, while heating, twist it around the wire so that there are no free areas left. Leave approximately 1-1.5 cm to place the receptacle on it. To do this, you can heat the bare end of the wire over a fire or use a needle/awl to make a hole in the center.
  11. Place two white blanks on top.
  12. Place the first core and bend the remaining wire.
  13. Glue the second core on top.
  14. Cut leaves from green plastic.
  15. Curve over the flame.
  16. Stems, heat, twist into a spiral.
  17. Glue or solder the resulting sheet to the stem of the flower.

In conclusion

If you have a certain amount of PET bottles for drinking, dishwashing detergent, shampoo or other things at home, you should not rush to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Moreover, considering the fact that not all residential areas are yet equipped with specialized containers for storing plastic containers. Creating flowers from plastic bottles will not take much time even for beginners, and examples that describe step by step how to make them with your own hands will help you quickly learn how to do it beautiful decor on one's own.

Decorate flowers from plastic bottles maybe not only a flower garden personal plot. Yes, they have a huge advantage, because they are not afraid of moisture, wind, direct sun rays, do not lose their attractiveness even after a long time. But if you learn to do the work carefully and approach it with a certain skill, then you can successfully decorate the interior of your apartment with ready-made crafts, so the flower arrangements will be original and beautiful.

Flowers from plastic bottles

To understand what kind of master class on making flowers from plastic bottles you will like it and can handle it, you can look at various options similar crafts. They differ from other options for decorating a dacha in that in the process you can recycle unnecessary plastic and turn garbage into a real decoration for the surrounding space.

In addition, when working with plastic, you do not need complex tools; scissors, a knife and, if necessary, a candle on which you can melt the edges of the material will be enough, achieving an interesting visual effect. If you want to do it with your children, then they should not be trusted with complex steps and work with scissors, an awl, and a knife. After all, plastic is much stronger than paper; if you fail to correctly apply force and fix a sharp object in your hand, you can very easily get injured. If kids are interested in the process of creating such plastic beauty, then you can complete the steps together, and to do it yourself, trust them to paint or form a bouquet, for example, stringing a garland and the like.

By the way, very simple options, work, how to make a flower from a plastic bottle, are in front of you in the top photo. Let us remember that initially the shape of the bottom of a plastic container already resembles a flower, that is, in order to form the simplest decorations for the site, all you need to do is cut off the top part, leaving only the bottom and make cuts between the compacted sections of the bottom. The shape will give you a daisy with five petals. To paint, you can arm yourself with nail polish and carefully apply stroke by stroke to the surface. However, you can go the other way and use aerosol paint, but remember that such work should definitely be done in a well-ventilated area, and preferably in an open space, since it is easy to inhale aerosol paint. If your workshop does not have sufficient ventilation, then it is better to use some simple respirator. Then the task is to speed up significantly.

The more prominent and interesting the packaging you use, the more impressive you will get. Even in their simplest form, such decorations, when there are many of them, create a very interesting visual effect. You can decorate them as a border for a flower bed, place them on a playground, or place them in a window box, which will significantly decorate the facade of your country house.

Flowers from a plastic bottle

Now let's move on to simple master classes on forming flowers from a plastic bottle. A beautiful water lily is suitable not for the task, but for those in whom landscape design there is a pond or pool where it can effectively float on the surface, especially in combination with living greenery. Like artificial decor for ponds in the store is quite expensive, but we suggest you use completely free materials to create it. You will need a bright yellow package and a white container that could contain milk or yogurt; they most often have a bright white color and a denser structure. From the yellow part of our initial material we will need two elements: the neck along with part of the middle, to form the sepals, and the middle, with a total height of about 10 centimeters, which will turn into stamens.

Let's do the easiest part of the process first and cut the material around the neck vertically to form the petals. Their rectangular shape, of course, does not suit us, so we need to round each one. We simply cut the part that was the middle vertically and we have in our hands a yellow strip 10 centimeters wide. It needs to be cut into thin strips to form a kind of fringe. Now we move on to the melting process, because all the parts of the middle must bend inward to look like a formed bud. To do this, we heat the edges and bend them a little inward while they are still hot, and for the fringe we generally curl it using hot scissors or a knitting needle. Then you need to roll this cut tape into a roll and insert it inside the neck.

The next stage is the formation of snow-white petals for our water lily. To do this, we draw elongated narrow petals on the surface using a template (you can draw the templates yourself or download them online) and, what is very important, in order to achieve maximum similarity, we bend each petal in half lengthwise to form a vertical fold. We glue the petals around the sepals we have already formed, and not in one layer, as with chamomile, but in several, in a checkerboard pattern. If you want to save a little time and effort, then do not cut out individual petals, but use a template with which you can cut them together into a single piece right around the neck of the white container. After that, you put them on the yellow blank, secure it with glue, and put another similar blank on top, shifting it relative to the first one in a checkerboard pattern.

And at the last stage you need to form a large water lily leaf on which the royal lily will rest, floating across your pond. For this, of course, you can use various materials, but if we really want to do it completely, then the water lily leaf will also be like this. To do this, we cut off only the bottom of the plastic container and paint it completely in green, and then use glue to secure our water lily on top.

DIY flowers from plastic bottles

Second master class on implementation DIY flowers from plastic bottles will allow you not just to make any single plants, but a whole flower garland, a composition that can be hung during a holiday. It is based on two large wire circles, one small and the other large, which we will fill with inflorescences.

For work, we will need bottles of the smallest volume, half-liter, which are rarely used in summer cottage work. You can’t make any flowerpots, flowerpots, etc. with their help, but even them in one summer season a lot accumulates. Each blank, clean and free of labels, must be cut in half, and both one and the other part will be used.

The part to which the neck adjoins is thinner, so we cut it, as for a master class on making daisies. But the part that contains the bottom is denser; there the petals can be quite wide; they will need to be given a pointed or rounded shape with scissors. The preparatory stage is completed by the process of painting the workpieces with spray paint. bright color. To make the garland look more impressive, you should take an unconventional approach to the process of painting all its components. For example, a part can be painted with two colors, gradually moving from the center to the edges (gradient effect), you can paint only the center or only the edges of the petals. In general, so that they do not merge into one big lump, but are individual.

Now we need to fill the wire bases with our decorations. To secure the elements with a neck, you just need to thread a thin wire inside them and tie it to the base circle. To screw elements with a bottom, you can make two holes in the bottom and attach them like buttons. Place the finished flower circles parallel to each other by tying ribbons between them or stretching decorative wire and in the end you will have a very elegant mobile. However, you can make a beautiful flower garland in the same manner, which can be a curtain on a window or hang in a doorway, or you can decorate any jar or glass by making luxurious ones.

DIY flower from a plastic bottle

Luxurious DIY flower from a plastic bottleroyal rose, for which we need green, blue and red base materials. There is complex, multi-component work ahead, so you need to concentrate yourself and call on your young assistants for help.

Initially, you need to form paper templates according to which you will cut out plastic blanks. Such templates are needed for both petals and sepals, as well as for green pink leaves. In this case, we work exclusively with the smooth side surfaces of the plastic, so the parts with the neck and bottom are wasted. First of all, using the contours drawn using the template, we cut out blue petals, seven in total, but their main feature is that they are all different sizes, from large to just tiny. All of them are processed over an open fire so that the petals get a wave-like shape and begin to bend slightly inward, which is characteristic of real rose petals. A hole is made in the center of each workpiece using an awl, which is used to connect all the parts into a single inflorescence.

The wire that serves as the base for the flower must also be decorated, and for this we will use strips of green plastic, which we heat and spirally twist around the wire. While the plastic is soft, it will easily take the desired shape by hiding the wire rod in a decorative casing. All that remains is to attach a twig with three leaves and our craft will be ready.

How to make flowers from plastic bottles

We hope that our advice and recommendations, how to make flowers from plastic bottles, were useful for you, and photo examples of interesting works, which are located above, will definitely encourage you to repeat similar crafts on your own site.

Creating your own decor is best option for those who really dream of bringing a special vision of beauty into the arrangement of their home. For beginners, master classes will be very interesting, which will allow you to understand how to create flowers from plastic bottles step by step with your own hands.

With such an unusual activity, it is very important to remember the basic rules for making flowers from plastic bottles and strive to comply with certain safety measures.

When creating flowers from plastic bottles, it is important to remember certain stages and important rules, because the finished result largely depends on this.

  1. For beginners, it is best to create templates that can greatly simplify the creation of plastic flowers.
  2. To create flower particles from plastic containers, always use a lighter or candle.
  3. After this, a bend is created on the inside of the flower. It is advisable to use tweezers to avoid burning your fingers. It is important to note that some flowers are created from the tops of plastic bottles, as a result of which a hole is made in the lid and fishing line, wire or thread is passed through to secure the core.
  4. To secure the leaves, use a flame or green tape. The stem is decorated using soft plastic or electrical tape of a suitable color.
  5. Waterproof paints are then applied to the created plastic plants. To ensure color saturation, paint is applied in several layers. As a result, the flowers will visually resemble real ones.

Such step-by-step work is considered the basis, regardless of what kind of plastic flowers will be created.

Precautions during operation

Useful master classes will help you understand how to create flowers from plastic bottles step by step with your own hands. The task set can be accomplished even by novice decorators. It is very important to remember certain safety measures.

  1. IN mandatory The plastic needs to be heated using a candle or lighter. In this case, it is advisable to use a regular candle, since using a lighter is considered more dangerous.
  2. The work surface must be covered with high quality thick paper. You need to understand that the plastic heats up and subsequently melts. In this case, drops of frozen plastic are scraped off from the surface of the furniture only with paint, as a result of which the surface of the table can be damaged.
  3. You need to remember that drops of candles and hot plastic can burn your hands. It is important to understand that wearing gloves can even worsen the effects of a hot drop on a person's hands. It's best to do everything at an optimal speed and pay close attention to the creative process and the drops that may fall.
  4. When painting plastic flowers, you also need to remember safety precautions. It is advisable to use a respirator when painting if spray paint is used.

As you can understand, it is quite simple to observe safety measures, but the safety of the creative process largely depends on this.

Master classes on creating plastic flowers

Each master class will allow you to understand how you can step by step create beautiful flowers from plastic bottles with your own hands, and all the proposed ideas are accessible even to beginners.


Plastic daisies are practically a classic. At the same time, such ornamental plants They can also delight you with their delicate beauty and naturalness.

  1. It is advisable to use white plastic bottles, which should have smooth walls.
  2. The bottom of the plastic bottle is cut off.
  3. Now cut out plastic chamomile petals, and they should be fairly even. It is advisable to draw a template on the bottle to guide you. The edges of the plastic petals are rounded. You can cut the petals right up to the bottle cap.
  4. The bottle cap must be orange color. Only in this case will the flower look believable.
  5. Connect two bottles using a strong thread or special wire. First, small holes are made in the lids for thread or wire. Holes in the plastic cover can be made with a hot awl.
  6. The daisies are attached to a wire stem, which will be decorated with green plastic leaves. To do this, you also need to draw templates, cut out the necessary bases from a regular bottle and use a lighter or candle to shape them.

Now you can admire the beautiful plastic daisies.


You can create beautiful sunflowers using plastic bottles. In this case, the creative process will also delight you with amazing ease.

  1. Initially, they take plastic bottles and cut off their bottoms. To create one sunflower you will need to use 2 plastic bottles. It should be noted that the bottom is useful, and it is advisable to paint it in brown.
  2. The bottles are painted equally in two colors: yellow and green.
  3. Then the plastic containers are cut after the paints have completely dried. The bottles are cut into 12 strips, retreating a few centimeters from the edge. All blanks are bent, giving them a pointed shape.
  4. Now the yellow and green blanks are connected to each other.
  5. The bottom of a plastic bottle is attached to the central part of the flower.
  6. Now they create plastic flowers by combining all their components.

Such sunflowers can decorate not only a house, but also a summer cottage.


Plastic tulips are also often created by decorators who want to decorate their homes.

  1. Initially, they prepare the stems. Wooden sticks are painted green. The dry stick is connected to the half of the yellow piece using high quality glue.
  2. Flowers can be created from the bottom or top of the bottle. The selected containers should be painted in different colors. In addition, you can use internal painting: a small amount of paint is poured into a container, which is closed with a lid and carefully turned along the axis. After the bottle is evenly coated with paint, you can open the cap and wait for the workpiece to dry.
  3. The painted plastic bottle is cut into 2 parts. The edges are cut in the form of sharp or rounded petals.
  4. A hole is created in the central part of the buds into which a stem with a yellow core can be inserted. The stem can be fixed securely if the edges of the hole are coated with glue.
  5. Long, sharp-shaped leaves are created from a green bottle, which are attached to the stem with glue.

Such master classes allow you to understand how best to create step-by-step flowers from plastic bottles with your own hands and what ideas are available for novice decorators who also want to transform their homes.

There are many ways to decorate your house, apartment, plot, for example, this can be done using plastic bottles, or rather, crafts made from them - cheap, convenient, stylish, unusual, beautiful and, most importantly, durable. You can also come up with a huge number of options for such crafts, but flowers will be the most universal and appropriate anywhere, so today’s master class will be devoted to how to make flowers from plastic bottles.

Option 1 - luxurious lilies.

  1. Prepare everything you need for work:
  • scissors and knife,
  • directly the plastic bottle itself (one or more),
  • nail polish.
  1. Using a knife and scissors, cut the bottle at the curved points, as shown in the photo. As a result, you should get an even cylinder, cone ( upper part bottles with a neck) and a cup. We will make flowers from the latter (cups and cones).

  1. Take the cone by the neck and cut it in the same way as shown in the photo. Decide for yourself exactly how many petals and sepals to make, the only important thing is that they have approximately the same size.
  2. Give the ends of the petals a triangular shape.

  1. Bend the sepals from the base and twist them with a knife; to do this, hold each of them in turn between the blade of the knife and your thumb at the base and pull the knife towards you with force.
  2. Similarly, give the petals a curved shape. As a result, you should get a flower like this.

  1. Complete its creation by painting the petals on the outside and inside with nail polish. While it’s drying, let’s make a flower of a different shape from the bottom of a plastic bottle (cup). The principle of its creation is the same, only the number of petals is strictly specified by the bends of the bottom and is 5 pieces and there is no need to twist anything here: we just cut it and decorate it (with nail polish).

Option 2 – climbing flowers.

  1. Prepare required material and tool:
  • plastic bottles;
  • beads or small beads;
  • marker;
  • knife, scissors;
  • wire;
  • pliers;
  • a candle (you can use matches or a lighter, but this will be less convenient).
  1. Cut off the bottom of the bottle.
  2. Cut the remaining part so that you get a spiral about 10 cm wide.
  3. Using a marker, draw a stem and leaves on it according to the pattern (see photo).

  1. Cut out the drawn branch and melt its edges with a candle.
  2. Create other blanks in the same way until you get the number of branches you need.

  1. Move on to creating flowers. You can simply draw them on multi-colored plastic bottles and cut them out, but it will be much faster and easier to immediately create two templates (larger and smaller) on paper, and then simply trace them the required number of times on a plastic canvas.
  2. Cut out the flowers along the resulting contours and melt their edges with a candle.
  3. Make two holes in the middle of each of the “flower” blanks.

  1. Take a small piece of wire, bend it in the center and place three beads or beads on it.
  2. Continue collecting the flower; to do this, immediately put a smaller plastic flower blank on the same wire, and then a larger one (it will be more beautiful if they are of different colors). Twist the wire several times at the base of the resulting flower so that it does not fall apart, and, having made two holes in any random place on the previously created branch, attach your creation there, again twisting the ends of the wire with each other.

  1. Repeat steps 10 and 11 until you have “strewn” all your branches with flowers.
  2. Using pliers, “bite off” the excess wire, and bend what remains closer to the branch so that it does not stick out.
  3. Lightly heat the ends of the branches (the one without leaves) one at a time with a candle and bend them, then collect them all together and wind them with wire, not forgetting to make a small loop. With its help, your composition will be easier to attach to the chosen location.

Curly flowers from plastic bottles are ready, all that remains is to slightly disguise the attachment point (wire) with the neck of the bottle (without the screw part). Those who wish can leave everything as is.

Option 3 – clivia.

  1. Stock up on everything you need:
  • awl, scissors;
  • alkyd paint;
  • PVA glue;
  • wire, thick and thin;
  • electrical tape;
  • beads or beads;
  • plastic bottles;
  • candle.
  1. Cut off the necks of the prepared bottles (along with the caps) at the bend.
  2. Cut them (before the twist thread) into 6 petals of the same size. Round the edges of these petals using scissors.
  3. Melt the edges of the blanks with a candle.
  4. Paint each petal circle, after twisting the lid off it, with alkyd paint. It is better to paint outside, after first putting a plastic bag on the hand holding this circle.
  5. After drying, it is recommended to paint the center of each petal circle with a different color (it’s more beautiful and natural).

  1. Prepare the stamens. To do this, take small pieces of thin wire, bend them in the center and put beads or seed beads on them. Then weave the edges of each of the stamens together.
  2. Pierce the corks in the center with an awl, and then widen the hole with scissors so that the edges of the 7 stamens can fit there. Pour a little PVA glue into each lid, screw them to the base of the prepared buds, insert the required number of stamens into them. Tie a thick wire (stem) to the ends of these elements, securing it all with glue.

  1. Place the resulting blanks in a vase or glass and wait until the glue dries completely.
  2. Paint the lids the same color as the color (green or turquoise) of the future stems and leaves. Dry the workpieces. Wrap the wire stem with electrical tape of a suitable color.

  1. Cut out oblong leaves of different sizes from green plastic bottles. They should look something like this.
  2. Melt the edges of the leaves with a candle, then hold their lower central parts over the fire - the heat will straighten them a little. Then make punctures in these places with an awl and pull the wire through them, twist its ends and wrap it with electrical tape.

  1. It’s clear how to make flowers from plastic bottles and leaves for them, all that remains is to combine them into one composition. To do this, take a long (1 m) thick wire and, having previously coated its surface with PVA glue, tie one of the flowers to it with threads. Next, after the glue has dried, the stem, starting from the bud and 20 cm down, should be wrapped with electrical tape. In the place where the electrical tape ends, tie 3 more flowers to the stem with threads, first bending their stems a little and again coating the base with glue. When the glue has dried, repeat wrapping the stem with electrical tape from the junction 25-30 cm down. Then add 3 more flowers to the composition in the same way, placing their inflorescences between those installed earlier. At the very bottom of the bouquet, alternately use glue and thread to tie 2 small, 2 medium and 2 large leaves. After the glue dries, the stem is completely hidden in electrical tape.


If you think that this is not for you, that you have both hands “left”, you could never even make a craft for your child in the kindergarten, then do not rush to conclusions. You can create beautiful flowers from plastic bottles with your own hands in a matter of minutes. It's very simple and you probably have all the materials you need at home. Besides, such crafts are great budget option decorations for the garden, for the home, such flowers are also suitable as crafts for children in kindergarten. So let's get started! We will tell you simple master classes for beginners.

  1. Before you start working with plastic containers, you must wash them thoroughly and remove any paper or plastic labels.
  2. To make your crafts more lively and different, it is better to paint the bottles. For this it is best to take acrylic paints, but they will have to be secured on top with varnish. It’s better to immediately purchase acrylic varnish with a colored base. You can also use spray paint.
  3. To avoid cutting yourself on the uneven plastic edges of the bottle or getting burned from the fire, and without it you cannot make flowers from plastic bottles, it is especially important for beginners to always use gloves.
  1. To make it easier for you to make good flower shapes, always draw them on cardboard first as templates. And then make plastic cuttings using them. To make an outline, use a marker, an awl or a thick needle.

Materials for creating flowers from plastic bottles

Of course, in order for you to know exactly how to make flowers from plastic bottles, you must know what you will need. There is nothing complicated here.

So, you will need:

  • of course, there are many and different bottles to create different options;
  • paints and brush for application;
  • candle;
  • pliers;
  • wire;
  • beads, beads or buttons for decoration;
  • hot glue gun for adhesion of parts or thick threads;
  • cardboard and scissors;
  • marker, awl.

So let's get started.

DIY flowers from plastic bottles step by step for beginners

Method 1. Making simple, spectacular flowers.

To make such a flower you will need literally 10 minutes. By the way, you can create a lot of them, and then make a large bouquet by attaching the stems. They can also be used individually, for example, to decorate the surface of a fence or wall. You can create a whole panel of multi-colored flowers.

  • So, first draw a flower on the cardboard. One of which will be larger, the other smaller. It's better to take different shades plastic as shown in the picture.
  • Transfer the templates to the bottles using a marker and outline them. You can make a large flower from the bottom of a cut bottle. Then you just have to make cuts on both sides above each indentation on the bottom.
  • The blanks are ready, take them with pliers and heat them over a candle. But don't overdo it. Be careful and use gloves.
  • When the plastic becomes warm, bend the cut edges of the bottom of the bottle as shown in the figure. It will be a big flower.
  • You simply cut out the small one and heat it slightly to give it a concavity.
  • Flowers can be connected to each other using hot glue or thread. Decorate the middle with a beautiful button, bead or beads.

Method 2. Making daisies

  • You will need white plastic bottles. Dairy products often have these. But choose them without ribbed walls.
  • The bottom of the bottle needs to be cut off.
  • To make daisies, you just need to cut out neat petals. To make them even, first draw a template on the bottle with a marker. Or cut first into two even parts, then into four and then into six. Then round off the edges of the petals. But it's easier to draw first. You need to cut the petals up to the lid.
  • To make the daisy look believable, look for bottles with an orange cap, or find one separately, or paint it.
  • Connect two bottles together and secure them with wire or thread, after making holes in the lid using a hot awl.
  • You can make a wire stem for the daisies and decorate it with green leaves from bottles. To do this, again draw the templates, cut them out and shape them over the fire.

Method 3. Making Roses

  • Draw patterns of seven colors, different sizes as in the picture. These are all components of one flower.

  • Cut them out of plastic. Take different shades of bottles for each flower.
  • In the blanks, make a hole in the middle with an awl to fasten the petals together.
  • Next, heat each plastic flower over a fire so that the edges are deformed.

  • Combine all seven colors into one, add a beautiful button or bead to the center.
  • To make the stem, take a green bottle and cut it into a spiral. Then heat it over the fire and wrap it around the wire.
  • Add leaves to roses.

Method 4. Making zinnias and chrysanthemums

  • Cut the bottle in half.
  • Next, cut it up to the lid into thin strips. We make 2-3 more of these blanks. You can take bottles of a smaller diameter to make the flowers look more voluminous. The neck of these blanks can be cut off.
  • We heat the workpieces over the fire, twist thin strips in the opposite direction with a knife or scissors. We do this with all bottles.
  • We insert one flower into another and secure them with hot glue. The center can be made from the lid, so the flowers will look more like zinnias. If left without it, the flowers will look like chrysanthemums.

  • We make a stem from wire.

Method 5. Making sunflowers.

  • We take bottles, cut off the bottom, you need two bottles for one flower. We do not throw out the bottom and paint it brown if it is not brown.
  • We paint the bottles equally yellow and green.