Vanga’s predictions for the year for the world

Vanga really spoke about many events in advance. For example, in 1963 she said that there would be an assassination attempt on the 35th President of the United States. In 1969, Vanga predicted three significant political events in Czechoslovakia, and in 1969 she spoke about the imminent death of Indira Gandhi.

It is simply impossible to list everything. She received hundreds of people every day, including high-ranking officials. Vanga’s biography was so multifaceted and rich, a photo of which you can see here. The great fortuneteller died on August 10, 1996, having even predicted this event.

1. Death of Stalin. The death of the leader, Wang, was predicted six months in advance. She hinted: “The gates to another world, where Stalin will go, will be open for other rulers of Russia.”

2. Vanga pointed not only to the deaths of Russian politicians, but also foreign ones. The seer predicted Kennedy's death four months before the tragedy. On one August day in 1963, Vanga spoke about the assassination attempt on the 35th President of the United States.

3. The soothsayer also knew about the Soviet “perestroika” in advance. Back in 1979, she spoke about changes and the impending collapse of a great power. Vanga predicted: “I see a garden... This is Russia... There is snow all around... A lot of snow. I hear voices: male and female... No, these are not voices - from the depths of the earth, sap feeds the trees... An unusual spring is coming to Russia..."

4. The most shocking prediction was in 1980. Then the soothsayer saw the disaster with the Kursk submarine.

5. “We are witnessing fateful events. The world's two biggest leaders shook hands. But a lot of time will pass, a lot of water will flow away until the Eighth comes - he will sign the final peace on the planet,” Vanga said in January 1988. Apparently the seer was talking about Gorbachev and Reagan shaking hands. And the “Eighth” has already arrived: after all, Russia has joined the “Big Seven”.

6. In 1989, Vanga foresaw a terrorist attack in the United States. She said: “Fear, fear! Our American brothers will fall, pecked to death by iron birds. Wolves will howl from the bush, and innocent blood will flow like a river.” In September 2001, the World Trade Center skyscrapers collapsed following a terrorist air attack on the United States. These towers were indeed called “twins” or “brothers”.

7. Vanga also saw her life. She predicted her own death six years in advance. The clairvoyant died in the government hospital in Sofia on August 11, 1996. Vanga announced the date of her future departure back in 1990.

8. The date of the next prediction is unknown. Vanga said: “The world will go through many cataclysms, strong shocks. People's self-awareness will change, reports the RosRegistr portal. Hard times will come. People will be divided on the basis of faith...”

“The old order will collapse, and it will be replaced by a new one, pleasing to God and man.”

It is not difficult to guess what the fortuneteller is trying to say in this expression. Apparently, we will soon be able to observe the collapse of the current political system and the emergence of a new form of governance throughout the world. The clairvoyant uttered this phrase more than once with a direct reference to the second decade, the twenty-first century. Thus, if you believe the old lady, 2019 will bring not only shocks, but also a lot of good things.

As for our country, Vanga predicted only positive changes for 2019. Russia will grow stronger, develop and win its place as a great, world state. Despite the machinations of ill-wishers, it will grow stronger and turn into a powerful empire, an empire of the spirit.

“The tired Earth will rebel and destroy many people”

Studying this statement by Vangelia, absolutely everyone agrees that we are talking about natural disasters here. Our planet, suffering from the destructive activities of people, every now and then presents unpleasant “surprises” in the form of hurricanes, earthquakes, floods or tornadoes.

The greenhouse effect created by humanity is changing the climate at the global level, which naturally affects changes in weather conditions. Already today, each of us can observe how the number of cataclysms is growing exponentially and, judging by the words of the clairvoyant, 2019 will be the apogee of these changes, bringing many disasters to the entire population of our planet.

“Oil production will stop, the Earth will rest”

In this prophecy, the famous seer most likely speaks of the invention of a completely new type of fuel, because only this can cause the cessation of hydrocarbon production. Such words from a clairvoyant instill hope in the hearts of millions of people who are concerned about the state of the ecosystem of our planet.

The problem of finding an alternative type of fuel is one of the most pressing today. The earth's natural resources are extremely depleted and are no longer able to meet the ever-growing needs of humanity.

Every year, wars break out for control of oil and gas deposits under the guise of the fight against terrorism. Thus, if the Bulgarian soothsayer turns out to be right, then very soon we can expect many positive changes on a global scale.

"Trains will fly to the sun"

Most experts agree that this clairvoyant expression contains a prediction of a new technological revolution. Vanga was well aware of the unlimited possibilities of human genius and saw in her visions what we could achieve in the near future.

Naturally, due to her modest education, she could not give a detailed description of quantum reactions or neutron engines, but she conveyed the possibilities of promising technology honestly, in her characteristic manner.

“Old age will go away, and people will become like Adam’s children”

Apparently, this prediction foreshadows a revolution in medicine and the ability of humanity, with the help of new technologies, to extend not only life, but also youth. As you know, the children of the first man, according to biblical canons, lived for a very long time and died after several centuries.

Therefore, if you believe the words of the famous Bulgarian fortuneteller, very soon we can hear the sensational news that geneticists, through their manipulations, have managed to overcome one of the worst enemies of all humanity - old age.

Even if such a statement seems absolutely meaningless to a modern person, it should be remembered that science does not stand still and it is unknown what mysteries of nature will be revealed to scientists tomorrow. Many of the everyday things that are generally available today were considered fantastic and unreal just a couple of decades ago. Take, for example, antibiotics, just one tablet easily treats diseases that were considered fatal not so long ago.

This is how a person is designed, that he is curious about everything, everything is interesting. Especially when it comes to the future. Knowing something that has not yet happened is the highest privilege that almost everyone wants to have. This is why people believe in fortune telling and prophecies.

The world is so full and diverse, it contains not only scientists in various fields, geniuses, great inventors and other incredibly talented individuals who went down in history thanks to their intelligence and talent, but also those who are called soothsayers, psychics, clairvoyants.

Seers are able to tell about events that are just about to come true. And, most importantly, their predictions can concern not only an individual person, but the entire country, and even the whole world.

The most famous of all seers, perhaps, was the clairvoyant Vanga. More than once the prophecies of the Bulgarian woman, who has God’s gift of prophecy, have come true and continue to come true to this day, plunging society into shock.

Vanga's predictions for 2018 studied by a lot of people. Her words worry some, while others inspire hope. Let's find out what the world-famous blind soothsayer predicted and what to expect next year.

Changes in the global economy and the Russian economy

Vanga's prediction for 2018 for our country sounds encouraging. Economic recovery will begin in Russia. I really want to believe in a bright future, especially in light of the events of recent years.

Experts on the economic situation around the world are confident that the economies of many countries are suffering significant losses due to natural disasters and human pollution of the environment. If we talk about actual damage, then additional costs are necessary precisely to eliminate the negative and even negative consequences of natural and man-made phenomena.

Vanga insisted that oil production would stop altogether, and our Earth would be able to breathe easy and simply take a break from such aggressive human influence. It is this fact that will give rise to a new round in the history of the world economy.

Of course, it’s quite strange to hear this prediction and, even more so, hard to believe in it. How can countries exist and develop without oil? On the other hand, if we do not stop thoughtlessly using the Earth’s resources, our planet may get seriously “angry” and repay us in kind. In addition, to confirm Vanga’s words, solar batteries are already being actively used, and in some places you can find entire plantations of such batteries.

Russia in 2018

Let the Russians not be frightened by the prediction of the great seer regarding the abandonment of oil. Yes, our country depends on the extraction of “black gold”. But they testify to the prosperity of our country. Perhaps the government will be able to remove the shackles of oil dependence. It is likely that Russian scientists will find a way out of the situation - a new source of energy.

According to Vanga, our powerful state will once again regain the title of a great empire. It is still difficult to say what exactly, according to the clairvoyant, will happen in 2018, but it is known that the greatness of Russia will remain unshakable and, above all, it will be of a spiritual nature.

Among other things, relations between Russia and Ukraine will improve next year. Vanga believed that the only correct solution to the conflict between the fraternal powers would be the realization that it is better to seek a compromise not through political disputes, but through the efforts of the common people and thanks to the art of diplomacy.

Vanga’s prediction about Crimea and Russia came true one hundred percent. True, people believed that Crimea would join our country due to tectonic movements, but in reality it turned out that the seer had something slightly different in mind. In addition, in 2018, there remains the danger of the clairvoyant’s forecast that for some time Crimea will be under the complete control of the Crimean Tatars.

Inventions in 2018

A Bulgarian soothsayer said that in 2018 trains will begin to move through the air on wires from the Sun. How is this possible? Until recently, such a future seemed very distant and incredibly fantastic. However, construction has already begun in Belarus of a test site where they are going to test such trains.

The future transport has its own name – SkyWay. This is a transport system transferred to the airspace. The trains will move, absorbing solar energy, on suspended rails. According to preliminary data, the “air” train will be able to accelerate to 500 km/h. Thanks to automated control, errors due to the human factor are eliminated.

Many countries will switch predominantly to automated technical systems. All everyday manipulations and everyday processes will be automated. Only African countries will lag behind more advanced countries.

As for domestic and foreign aviation, it will become mostly unmanned. It is thanks to this innovation that the civil defense of many states will improve.

Natural disasters in 2018

If you believe in Vanga’s predictions (and we believe, since the great clairvoyant comes true), the ecology of the entire planet will undergo changes, and not for the better. Episodes of earthquakes, frequent volcanic eruptions are expected, and floods in countries close to the oceans and seas will lead to real disasters.

Vanga's prophecy says: in the next five years, our home planet will prepare to change its orbit. It is this factor that will serve as the main cause of multiple natural disasters that will break out here and there throughout the world.

The soothsayer’s forecast is not very comforting, especially since the prediction says that quite a few countries will suffer significantly from the “whims” of nature. Vanga foreshadowed the restoration of the planet to its original appearance. According to the clairvoyant, the process will be completed closer to the year 3000.

Medicine in 2018

Of the predictions of the Bulgarian blind seer, the most curious thing is that she spoke about medicines. In 2018, humanity will come close to revealing the secrets of some currently incurable diseases.

Discoveries in the field of medicine and genetic engineering will follow one another, and people will have an excellent opportunity to take medicines that can restore the energy and strength of the body. You can even call the new drug an elixir of youth, because a substance synthesized from the hormones of some animals (more precisely, horses, dogs and turtles) will give us all real longevity.

Logically, the new drug could give a horse the stamina, the dog's ability to regenerate organ tissue, and the longevity for which turtles are famous.

The most popular clairvoyant of the 20th century was the Bulgarian prophetess Vanga. Her visions of the end of the world and the Third World War are being studied and deciphered by the whole world with great interest. As you know, Vanga’s predictions are quite vague and not always optimistic. Therefore, not everyone takes her words seriously. However, recently it has become increasingly clear that Vanga’s predictions very often come true.

And if we talk about the current 2018, the most pressing issue is the end of the world and the beginning of the Third World War. Was Vanga right in her predictions on this matter? What does she think will happen soon? Are we on the verge of an all-destructive war, or has humanity not yet completely lost its mind? How long will our world rush on the brink of discord, without even trying to restore the long-lost balance? Perhaps the answers to these questions will be revealed in our top Vanga predictions for 2018.

The woman learned about her gift to see the future in 1941. Then, in her first vision, she met a courageous warrior dressed in ancient clothes. This young man told Vanga that she would have to become a mediator between the real and the afterlife and that she would be able to predict the fate of people and nations. Since then, at the behest of the mysterious guest, the seer began to make prophecies.

It is worth noting that Vanga described not only the near future, but also the distant 3000s. However, now we are more interested in how the Bulgarian clairvoyant saw the current 2018.

“Trains will start flying on wires from the sun”

1) The fortuneteller said that this year there will be trains that will travel not on roads, but by air. This new mode of transport will apparently be powered by solar energy. Some countries have already begun to develop something similar. According to the projects, the simulated cars will run on solar batteries and move on rails hanging above the earth's surface at a speed of 500 km/h. Cars on vacuum cushions also fit the prophetess’ descriptions.

2) Vanga said that in 2018 the production of oil and many other minerals will be suspended, as humanity will invent a new type of fuel. Thanks to this, the Earth will finally be able to rest from the destructive influence.

3) According to Vanga, China will begin to occupy the leading position in 2018. And many countries will change places: the followers will become the leaders, and the leaders will become the followers.

“China will become the new world power”

4) As Vanga said, from this year the Earth will slowly begin to fall out of orbit, and in the next 5 years serious natural disasters will hit the world: hurricanes, tsunamis, deaths, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

"The Earth will turn away from the Sun"

5) According to the clairvoyant, very soon scientists will invent something like an elixir of youth. And considering the frantic pace at which science and medicine are developing today, this prediction does not seem fantastic. Moreover, people have always dreamed of slowing down the aging process.

The end of the world in the prophecies of a clairvoyant

Vanga never predicted the imminent Apocalypse. And she didn’t say anything about a threat from space to Earth in the near future. If you believe the transcripts of her prophecies, we are now just beginning to approach the end of the world, gradually undermining the ecology of the planet. And the culmination of the terrible consequences of our behavior will occur in later years, when global natural disasters hit the planet.

World War III

It was with the Third World War that Vanga associated the possible death of all humanity. And all her prophecies in this regard look so realistic that the thought involuntarily creeps in: “This is exactly how everything will be!”

The Bulgarian clairvoyant warned about a war with Syria and violent conflicts on religious grounds, from which the world confrontation would begin. Vanga’s prophecies say that after large-scale bloodshed, chemical and nuclear weapons will be used, which is why most of the population of our planet will die in terrible agony. It's terrible, but such a nightmare scenario now seems very plausible.

But we must not forget that not all of Vanga’s predictions came true. Many of the clairvoyant’s predictions remained “horror stories” with which conspiracy theorists needlessly frightened us all. Therefore, let us not lose faith in the best and in the rationality of our civilization. Let only the good ones come true of all Vanga’s predictions!

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Everyone knows this name - Vanga, Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, Bulgarian clairvoyant, native of Strumitsa of the Ottoman Empire.

This woman, being blind, saw the past, present and future not only of individual people, but of entire nations and countries.

After leaving this world in 1996, she received thousands of people during her life, and made hundreds of predictions for decades to come. We will learn what awaits us in the near future from Vanga’s predictions for 2018.

In 2018, fantasy will become reality

Vanga's most famous prediction for 2018 concerns the achievements of technological progress. The seer said that the trains would not move on the ground as usual, but would rise into the sky and fly on solar wires. We can assume that this prediction has already come true.

Technological progress has given us a new type of transport, the Sky Way - the Sky Road. These are automatically controlled trains that reach speeds of up to five hundred kilometers per hour and consume solar energy. Yes, Vanga also said that trains will rise into the sky.

This is true. Sky Way is suspended on a single-lane rail and moves above the ground at a fairly high height. The miracle train is not a fantasy, but a reality, for which a testing ground has been built in Belarus, where new transport will be tested in 2018.

The earth needs rest

The following concerned the Earth's energy resources. The seer said that oil production would decrease significantly from 2018. The Earth needs rest; humanity has exhausted its reserves too much. At the time when this prediction was made, no one could imagine how one could abandon the main energy resource, the foundation of the economy of the whole world - oil.

But today the prophecy is starting to come true. Solar energy is replacing petroleum products. Batteries and accumulators that charge in daylight are no longer a curiosity. And electric cars are confidently entering the market and filling city streets, especially in Europe and America. The use of clean energy solves problems associated with environmental pollution and depletion of the Earth's mineral resources.

Russia is on the path to well-being and prosperity

2018 will be a turning point for Russia, Vanga predicted. There will be a change of power. The position of the president will be taken by a person not connected with the security forces. The country will begin to emerge from the economic crisis. It is at this time that the process of returning Russia’s status and influence will begin. No one and nothing can prevent the preservation and strengthening of the spirit of the Russian people, and the Russian state from becoming the ruler of the world.

Vanga also mentioned Vladimir: everything will disappear, like ice will melt, only the glory of Vladimir and Russia will remain. Then the interpreters attributed these words to Prince Vladimir, who baptized Rus'. But over time, opinions diverged. Many people associate this prophecy specifically with Vladimir Putin.

He is the most influential and iconic personality in the entire modern history of Russia. And even when he steps down as head of state, his policies and leadership style will remain fundamental for many subsequent generations.

Vanga’s most recent statement to Russia was non-verbal in nature. She simply made a large circle in the air with her hands. Those who were nearby at that moment believe that in this way she predicted the greatness and integrity of the state.

People will live long lives

There is one very optimistic prediction from Vanga for 2018. It concerns a topic that has concerned humanity for many centuries - life extension and the fight against aging. So, the seer said that in 2018, scientists will finally be able to discover the elixir of eternal youth. This will be a medicine created based on the hormones of three animals - a dog, a turtle and a horse.

From the dog we will receive regenerative properties, rapid restoration and healing of tissues. Endurance and strength will enter the human body through horse hormones. The turtle has a long lifespan. This property is necessary to increase human life expectancy.

In general, the new drug will solve problems with the treatment of many diseases, will contribute to the rapid restoration of immunity and strength, will counteract the aging process of tissues and improve health.

Damaging evidence of Vanga's predictions

Today, when the great sorceress Vanga has been no longer on this Earth for a little over twenty years, and her predictions are presented to us in the free interpretation of witnesses, it is impossible to say unequivocally whether everything that the blind seer told us is true or fiction. Was Vangelia Gushterova clairvoyant? There is a lot of criticism and revealing evidence against Vanga.

Doctors, psychologists, sociologists and even intelligence agencies conducted research into Vanga’s extrasensory abilities. In this article we will present some observations and conclusions of Professor Velichko Dobriyanov, a famous Bulgarian philosopher, sociologist and expert in the study of the Vanga phenomenon.

Some statistics:

According to Velichko Dobriyanov’s calculations, it is clear that Vanga really had extraordinary abilities. But, nevertheless, there is evidence that she resorted not only to psychic methods. For example, a person who came to Vanga for a session was not immediately allowed in.

He was offered to stay in a hotel for several days. During this time, maids and taxi drivers elicited information from the future visitor about his life, or the problem with which he came, or simply found out his identity and passed it on to the seer. And not only to her, but also to the Bulgarian special services, if they had an interest in the visitor.

The sorceress had another way to find out about the visitor’s past. During a fairly long conversation, at the very beginning she asked questions to which the visitor answered, and then in the middle or towards the end of the conversation Vanga gave out this information. The visitor, due to strong excitement and an unusual situation, basically did not remember what he said at the beginning, and no one used voice recorders. So it turned out that the seer could tell specific facts from life.

And yet, a lot of what Vanga spoke about came true.

  • Hitler's defeat in World War II.
  • Death of Stalin.
  • The assassination attempt on John Kennedy and his death.

  • The presidencies of Richard Nixon and James Carter.
  • The tragic fate of the Gandhi family.
  • The tragic car accident involving Lyudmila Zhivkova, daughter of the chairman of the Bulgarian Communist Party, Todor Zhivkov, and her subsequent death two years later.
  • Presidency of M.S. Gorbachev.
  • The exact date of your death.

These are not all the events that took place. She received a colossal flow of information, broadcast a lot, and for the most part her prophecies came true and are coming true now. People came to Vanga for predictions and help from all over the world.

She received, advised, treated, predicted for everyone, both the great of this world and ordinary people. The predictions of Vangelia Gushterova - Vanga, a simple woman with a unique gift, help humanity even today.

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Vanga's predictions for 2018 are being studied by thousands of people with anxiety and hope. It is believed that this unique woman from Bulgaria was endowed with a wonderful gift of foresight: she read the future like an open book.

Vanga left behind numerous predictions, and now we have the opportunity to check whether they actually come true. What are Vanga’s predictions for 2018 for Russia?
What should humanity in general and Russians in particular prepare for? You will learn the answers to these questions from this article. Who is Vanga? Vanga is a legendary fortuneteller who has gained worldwide fame. Her abilities have not yet been explained scientifically. Visitors from all over the world came to her, and she gave each one accurate predictions, which subsequently certainly came true. Wang also left predictions for humanity as a whole, many of which have already come true. True, most of the prophecies have an allegorical form, so very often it is possible to understand what the Bulgarian prophetess was talking about only after the predicted event occurs.
Many paranormal researchers attribute this to the fact that Vanga did not have a systematic education: she simply could not decipher and accurately describe the images that came to her. Vanga was born into the family of a poor Bulgarian peasant in 1911. The girl's mother had unique abilities: she could predict the future and heal people. Perhaps the abilities were passed on to little Vanga. By the way, as a child, she loved to play blindfolded: she blindfolded herself and tried to navigate the house and yard. Perhaps even then the girl had a presentiment of her fate.
Vanga went blind at the age of 12: a whirlwind hit the village, which threw the girl several meters away. Vanga was found a few hours later. Her eyes were filled with dust and sand. The parents did not have money to treat the girl, and as a result she became blind. The monument to Vanga The Gift of the Fortune Teller opened in her place in 1941. It was then that she had a vision: a warrior dressed in ancient clothes came to Vanga and said that a war would soon happen that would claim millions of lives. Vanga herself will become a conductor between the kingdoms of the living and the dead and will predict the future for everyone.
Since then, Vanga began to predict the future. Ordinary people, artists, and politicians came to her from all over the world. By the way, Vanga predicted the future with the help of ordinary refined sugar: before coming to the reception, it was necessary to keep a few pieces of sugar under the pillow. Over the years of practice, Vangu was visited by more than two million people, who brought almost 2 tons of refined sugar! Prediction for 2018 According to the Bulgarian fortuneteller, in 2018 trains will begin to fly on wires all the way to the sun.
It’s difficult to say what the clairvoyant meant: Vanga’s predictions for 2018 often sound quite strange. However, it is possible that the prediction should be interpreted in a figurative sense: perhaps new types of engines powered by solar energy will be invented, which will greatly simplify space flights. But it is quite possible that Vanga had in mind the invention of a fundamentally new type of public transport. By the way, testing of new transport that uses string technologies is now in full swing in Belarus. The new technology is called SkyWay - “Heavenly Road”. The rails literally hang in the sky: they are stretched between strong supports. Due to the fact that the vehicle does not come into contact with the ground, its speed can reach 500 kilometers per hour! By the way, the “sky trains” will be powered by solar panels. It is possible that the development of Belarusian scientists will become widespread worldwide in 2018.
Vanga also said that in 2018, oil production will cease, and the planet will have the opportunity to rest. Vanga’s prediction for 2018 literally reads as follows: “Oil production will stop, the Earth will rest.” This prophecy can cause nothing but surprise. How to live without the main source of energy? You shouldn't be surprised.
Two scenarios are possible: in the first, oil production will stop due to the fact that the price of a barrel will fall too much, and it will become advisable to use the accumulated oil that was previously produced. With the second, an alternative source of energy will be found, and the need for labor-intensive and costly exploration and production of oil and gas fields will simply disappear. The Bulgarian clairvoyant also claimed that in 2018 China will become a leading world power.
It will take a leading place in the economy and will impose its will on other countries. Gradually, the situation will begin to change throughout the world: countries that were previously oppressed will themselves become someone’s masters, acquiring their own “colonies.” Russian flag Vanga's predictions for Russia Residents of Russia may be scared to learn that, according to Vanga, oil production will be stopped in 2018. After all, it is known that the economy of our country is highly dependent on the price of oil. However, the Bulgarian clairvoyant claimed that in 2018 Russia’s economic recovery will begin.
Perhaps the government will finally be able to free the economy from “oil dependence”; it is possible that Russian scientists will invent a new source of energy. Thus, there is no need to be afraid: in 2018, things will start to go uphill. Yandex.Direct Help Julia Wang Official website of the psychic medium! Get your consultation now! Vanga also argued that Russia would again regain its status as a great empire. It is difficult to say what, in Vanga’s opinion, Russia will do in 2018, but it is certain that the greatness of our country will be primarily of a spiritual nature.
The fortuneteller did not name the date when such a significant event would occur. However, it can be assumed that the processes that will lead our country to such a significant future have already begun, and in 2018 they will become even more noticeable. Vanga also argued that relations between Russia and Ukraine could improve in 2018.
She believed that the only way to find a compromise would be to realize that the peoples living in the two countries are fraternal, no matter what happens. It is possible that the conflict will be eliminated not through political discussions, but through the efforts of ordinary people and “public diplomacy.” By the way, there are Vanga’s predictions regarding Crimea. The Bulgarian clairvoyant claimed that Crimea and Russia would be united into a single whole.
True, many believed that Vanga was talking about tectonic movements. However, it turned out that something completely different was meant. In addition, Vanga argued that within a short time Crimea would be under the control of the Crimean Tatars. Flag of Syria Vanga's predictions about Syria Vanga's prediction regarding Syria has been preserved. She argued that Syria would be engulfed in a large-scale military conflict. And when Syria falls, the third world war will begin.
At the moment, hostilities are unfolding on the territory of the country, causing enormous damage to the local population. Unfortunately, the interests of the parties to the conflict do not coincide: Russia supports Assad’s rule, while America is trying with all its might to remove the current president, accusing him of genocide of the “moderate opposition.” So far Vanga’s prophecy has not come true, but it is possible that the conflict will continue in 2018. Vanga’s prophecies for 2018 for Russia sound quite positive.
Economic growth, gaining the status of a spiritual power, the opportunity to resolve old political conflicts... One can only hope that the great Bulgarian clairvoyant was not mistaken!..