Recipe Chicken liver in sour cream. Calorie content, chemical composition and nutritional value. Nutritional value and vitamin and mineral composition

Chicken liver It is considered one of the most delicious and healthy offal. It is included in many popular dishes in Russia. In some countries, the offal is considered a delicacy and is consumed as a dish for real gourmets. This product is very popular among nutritionists.

The liver contains many useful microelements, it is easily absorbed in the body and enriches it with all the necessary nutrients. Doctors from South Korea recognized beneficial properties of this product at the official level, using it as a medicine.

Benefits of the product for the body

Liver contains a large amount of protein, but is considered very low in calories. When consuming liver, the body receives the same amount of protein as from chicken breast. Doctors call this product dietary and very useful. It has a positive effect on the normalization of metabolic processes in the body.

The benefits of the liver are due to the high concentration of beneficial microelements and vitamins. It contains a lot of vitamin A, folic acid, vitamin C and B9, iron, as well as useful microelements such as magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, calcium and sodium.

Thanks to its rich vitamin composition, chicken organ is very useful for people with poor eyesight. Also, its use has an excellent effect on the condition of the skin and helps strengthen the immune system. Iron allows you to increase the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood, and microelements such as zinc, calcium and others can improve the condition of hair, teeth and nails, as well as strengthen bones. Folic acid is very beneficial for pregnant women and children. The rich vitamin and mineral composition of the liver promotes rapid recovery after serious illnesses, and also allows you to overcome overwork and chronic fatigue.

Consumption of offal has a positive effect on general condition health of the body. The presence of this product in the daily diet will allow a person to always be healthy and full of vital energy. This food is very useful during pregnancy. She's in mandatory should be included in the diet of every pregnant woman.

Nutritional value and vitamin and mineral composition

When eating chicken liver, the human body receives many nutrients and beneficial substances. Let's take a closer look at the nutritional value, as well as the vitamin and mineral composition per 100 grams of raw product, in the table.

Squirrels 19.1 g
Carbohydrates 0.6 g
Fats 6.3 g
Minerals Quantity per 100 g of raw product
Calcium 15 mg
Sodium 90 mg
Phosphorus 268 mg
Chromium 9 mcg
Cobalt 15 mcg
Magnesium 24 mg
Potassium 289 mg
Copper 386 mg
Molybdenum 25 mg
Vitamins Quantity per 100 g of raw product
Vitamin A 12 mg
Vitamin B9 240 mcg
Vitamin C 25 mg

Liver calories various types, depending on the method of heat treatment of the product, concentration nutrients, vitamins and minerals changes.

Chicken liver is one of the lowest calorie offal products. Let's consider its calorie content depending on the method of preparation, as well as the calorie content of other types of this product, in the table.

Eating a fresh product does not pose any threat to the human body. The only harm is that it contains a large amount of cholesterol. Ingesting a moderate amount of the above-mentioned substance is beneficial, but a large amount of cholesterol causes a strong blow to the cardiovascular system. However, even with daily consumption of offal, the amount of cholesterol will not exceed the norm. Grilling will help reduce the concentration of this substance. Boiled liver is the lowest in calories and healthiest.

Serious health problems can arise if you eat stale offal. A damaged liver can cause anything from mild indigestion to serious food poisoning. When choosing it in a store, you should pay attention special attention for freshness. An unspoiled product should be dark brown in color and have a smooth surface. It is very important to ensure that there are no large and obvious vessels.

The offal has a slightly bitter taste. However, after cooking it should not taste too bitter. A very bitter taste is a sign of staleness. You shouldn't eat this dish because you could end up in the hospital with food poisoning. You can also determine freshness by smell. The organ smells quite specifically, but the presence of an overly cloying odor indicates that the product has been lying on the counter for a long time and has managed to deteriorate.

You should not buy liver if it has a brown or orange tint. There will be no harm from eating a dish made from such an ingredient, but a change in color indicates that the product has been frozen. Due to excessive freezing, all useful microelements will disappear from the composition.

In the body of any living creature, the liver performs very important function. It filters the blood from toxins. Some farmers use low-quality feed and additives to accelerate the growth of the animal, which can gradually cause toxins to accumulate in the organ. In such a situation, the prepared dish will have a bitter aftertaste of medicine. It is better not to eat such a product. It is best to buy liver in one trusted place.

Consumption of liver for weight loss

The offal is very useful for weight loss. Its presence in the diet during a diet will help enrich the body with nutrients and microelements. Due to the low calorie content of this dietary product, liver can be an excellent source of protein for people suffering from excess weight. The iron and complex of vitamins that are included in the composition will help avoid loss of strength due to changes in diet.

The product helps normalize metabolic processes in the body, which will not only prevent the consumption of excess calories, but also make the process of assimilation of food as complete as possible. Very often, obesity is caused by metabolic disorders.

Nutritionists from all over the world recommend eating chicken liver. When losing weight, you can also eat pork or beef offal; in such a situation, the composition will differ insignificantly. You can choose the type of liver based on your own taste preferences. The only exception is cod liver, which is a fairly high-calorie product.

A nutritionist will tell you more about the benefits and harms of chicken liver in the following video:

Chicken liver has many beneficial properties for the body and also has a very pleasant taste. This product is very beneficial for the whole body, and when losing weight it can become the basis of your diet. Delicious and useful product is relatively inexpensive and easily accessible. A large number of recipes from this offal allow you to prepare delicious and very diverse dietary dishes.

Chicken liver is an offal that is actively used in nutrition. modern man. It is customary to eat it in many countries of the world and this can be explained, first of all, by its excellent taste characteristics and speed of preparation. According to nutritionists, chicken liver can be classified as a dietary product due to its high content of substances beneficial to the human body and low calorie content. Moreover, the number of calories in chicken liver largely depends on the method of its preparation. Therefore, having decided to treat yourself to this delicious product, you need to decide how best to prepare it in order to get required quantity calories. The calorie content of chicken liver is only 136 kcal per 100 g for a fresh product. This low indicator makes it possible to use the liver in special nutrition systems aimed at combating excess weight.

In addition to the low calorie content of chicken liver, its beneficial properties include a special composition. There are practically no carbohydrates in this by-product. 100g of chicken liver contains 6.3g of fat and 19.1g of protein. It also contains elements necessary for the human body such as magnesium, phosphorus and iron in an amount that satisfies the daily intake. In this regard, it is clear why doctors recommend eating chicken liver for those who have low hemoglobin. Chicken liver is rich in vitamin A, which is essential for skin and vision, as well as folic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic system and immunity. As you can see, this product is a real find for those who want to make their diet balanced and healthy.

In some countries, this product is usually prescribed to patients as a medicine. Chicken liver is simply irreplaceable for those who suffer from visual impairment or chronic fatigue. Unlike traditional medicines, eating chicken liver can be a pleasure if this product is fresh and prepared correctly.

How to choose chicken liver

The usefulness of chicken liver depends on the quality of the product, which can be influenced by many factors. Therefore, you need to take the choice of liver seriously so as not to purchase a product that is obviously poor in nutrients and has little nutritional value. To combine the calorie content of chicken liver with its usefulness, you should pay attention to certain points.

Fresh chicken liver should have a rich brown, its surface is smooth, without foreign inclusions. The presence of blood clots or blood vessels should alert you. A loose consistency mixed with blood may indicate that the product is of poor quality. This is also indicated by fatty inclusions. A change in color of chicken liver indicates that it was not stored correctly. For example, orange color is a sign that the liver has been frozen. Improper storage also affects the consistency of the product. If chicken liver has been thawed several times, it becomes loose and falls apart. When a product has been sitting on the counter for too long, it can affect its taste - the liver begins to become very bitter.

How many calories are in chicken liver cooked in different ways?

Chicken liver dishes are found in the cuisines of many nations. Of course, each country prepares it differently, but the main beneficial properties of this product are preserved. The main requirement for the cooking process is its speed. This product does not tolerate long heat treatment. As a rule, it takes 8 to 15 minutes for chicken liver to reach a state of readiness. Longer heat exposure can cause the liver to become tough and unpalatable. In general, heat treatment does not significantly affect the calorie content of chicken liver, but there are certain differences in its values ​​when in different ways preparations. Thus, the calorie content of stewed chicken liver is 164 kcal per 100 g, the calorie content of fried chicken liver is 181 kcal per 100 g, and boiled liver contains 152 kcal per 100 g of product. As you can see, fried liver has the highest calorie content, which is due to the fact that additional fats are used to prepare the dish in this way and are absorbed into the product. In second place in terms of calories is stewed liver. But at the same time, it is worth considering that if the liver is prepared with the addition of fat-containing ingredients, such as sour cream, then the calorie content of stewed chicken liver will be significantly higher. For those who are watching their figure, it is best to choose boiled chicken liver. Its calorie content is significantly less than the calorie content of fried chicken liver or stewed liver. However, it is quite possible to treat yourself to such dishes from time to time.

How to reduce the calorie content of chicken liver

Obviously, how many calories are in chicken liver depends on the method of its preparation. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the ingredients that, in addition to the product itself, are used in the dish. If you like fried liver, then nutritionists recommend using olive oil. In addition, today it is possible to do without adding fat during the cooking process. Special non-stick cookware will allow you to enjoy the taste of fried liver without the extra calories in it. It is worth remembering that the finished liver must remain juicy in order to retain its special taste. Boiled or grilled liver will contain the least amount of calories.

Tender and tasty chicken liver, prepared according to a special recipe, can easily compete with some restaurant delicacy. This offal goes well with any side dishes and spices and is very difficult to spoil when cooking. It is well tolerated different types culinary processing, preserving maximum useful elements and remaining low-calorie product. If raw liver contains only 137 kcal, then the calorie content of boiled chicken liver will not be much higher. In addition, chicken liver is affordable and can always be found in grocery stores.

TO valuable properties This product is primarily due to its high nutritional value. But at the same time, even people who observe strict diet, you don’t need to painfully calculate every time how many kilocalories are contained in chicken liver. This product is a source of valuable protein and substances responsible for acceleration. Therefore, its inclusion in the diet will help optimize weight and overall health of the body. The main thing is to choose the right way preparation of this by-product.

How many calories are in chicken liver after cooking?

The low calorie content of the fresh product is explained by the optimal balance of nutrients in it: most of it is protein, approximately 40% is valuable saturated fat, and only 2% is carbohydrate compounds. At culinary processing Other components are inevitably added to the starting raw material, so the calorie content of the product will increase. But you can reduce the process of increasing the nutritional value of chicken liver dishes to a minimum if the offal is boiled or steamed. Steam liver is also the most useful, since it retains most of all active substances and primary source. The calorie content of steamed chicken liver is only 127 kcal. Not far from it was the indicator of a dish prepared by boiling. So, the calorie content of boiled chicken liver is 150 kcal per hundred grams.

Fried liver contains much more calories. After all, during cooking, oil or its analogue will inevitably be used, and this is pure fat that is added to what is already present in the raw material. As a result, fried chicken liver calories can contain from 190 to 250 units. The final calorie content also depends on the presence of other ingredients in the dish.

Despite the fact that the most commonly used parts of poultry are the breast, wings and thighs, offal such as liver is also quite actively consumed in kitchens. different countries. In addition to fairly ordinary cooking options in the form of frying, boiling and stewing, pates, pancakes and even cakes are made from it, and in terms of its beneficial properties, liver is not inferior to poultry meat, which is more familiar to consumers. Eastern medicine, well aware of this, often recommends this by-product for decreased performance and psychological stress, and in French cuisine, for example, chicken liver is valued in the same way as caviar in Russia, classified as a delicacy. As for its use in nutrition systems focused on weight loss, then, unlike red meat, it is certainly not limited, but no special recommendations have been noticed. Therefore, you will have to find out personally how many calories are in chicken liver, what its chemical composition, the effect on the body and figure, in what form it is best to consume and with what products, having specific goals.

How many calories are in chicken liver

Like most other products, the calorie value of chicken liver, as well as its beneficial properties, will vary depending on the method of thermal exposure. By and large, the same principle applies to it as with everything else that goes into food: frying significantly reduces the beneficial effects of the dish, while boiling and steaming preserve the beneficial properties as much as possible. The question regarding the multicooker, oven and microwave stove is resolved by finding out whether vegetable fats are used in the cooking process.

For raw chicken liver, the calorie content is approximately 137 kcal per hundred grams, of which 59% is pure protein, 39% is fat, and only 2% is carbohydrates. From a similar breakdown energy value You can understand that even if you replace butter, sour cream or mayonnaise with water during baking, the product will not become dry and hard. A high percentage of protein that can compete with what is demonstrated chicken fillet, allows you to include this by-product in your diet for those who are looking for light and satisfying food, people with high physical activity, and after quitting protein-deficient diets.

As for the chemical composition, vitamin A, which accumulates in the liver and is responsible for vision, bone tissue, and skin condition, comes to the fore. It is important for women expecting a child in the first trimester, since it goes directly to the baby’s development bone tissue and placenta. Moreover, one hundred grams of chicken liver contains almost the daily requirement of this vitamin for pregnant women. We cannot ignore folic acid (vitamin B9), which, by the way, is again necessary for pregnant women. And among animal products, the record holder for its content is chicken liver, with a calorie content that allows you not to gain weight from it. During the process of bearing a child, vitamin B9 contributes to the formation of its neural tube, which helps minimize the risks of various defects, especially for such serious problems, such as anencephaly, hydrocephalus, retarded mental development. In especially severe cases, folic acid deficiency threatens miscarriage. For a person as a whole, this vitamin is required to reduce the likelihood of heart attack and stroke, anemia, which results in increased nervous excitability, psychological stress, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. Therefore, despite the far from negative calorie content of chicken liver - stewed, fried or boiled - it must be consumed at least several times a month, since the dose of folic acid in one hundred grams of this offal is equal to the daily norm.

In addition to the vitamins listed above, there are vitamins A and C, as well as the following chemical elements, like copper, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. All these components help strengthen the immune system, normalize metabolism and the circulatory system. Be that as it may, even if the caloric content of boiled or stewed chicken liver is not ideal, it is significantly lower than the same indicator for, say, beef, which is equal in benefits during anemia. This means that you should make a choice in favor of the first one.

Regarding the method of its preparation, as already mentioned, fried chicken liver surpasses other options in calorie content: the indicator jumps to 145 kcal per hundred grams, and the ratio between proteins and fats changes in favor of the latter, giving them almost equal proportions. This dish is certainly not the most dietary, but at the same time it is lighter than regular chicken cooked with butter in a frying pan. And if you serve it with fresh or steamed vegetables, or even mushrooms, the calorie content of fried chicken liver, of course, will not fall, but it will not hit your figure so hard, since the harm is offset by the other ingredients of the dish. Cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage are especially good for helping to break down fats. As well as various greens, onions and garlic.

Among housewives, stewed chicken liver with a calorie content of 127 kcal is popular, the preparation of which is based on low-fat cream, water, vegetable oil and adding the onion head. This is the simplest and dietary recipe, moreover, it does not have such a strong load on the pancreas and allows you to preserve the beneficial properties of the offal as much as possible. In addition to the absence of a strong increase in caloric value, when stewing, chicken liver, if you also exclude the oil, remains almost the same as when boiling, but becomes more appetizing: few people like the barely salted version from the pan, especially taking into account the bitterness. Cream with sauteed onions can slightly change the taste of the dish for the better.

A rather exotic recipe for liver cake that can surprise guests, containing in the list of ingredients not only chicken liver itself, but also low-fat milk, mayonnaise, onions, carrots, eggs and flour; the calorie content is not so bad: only 166 kcal per hundred grams. If you prepare mayonnaise yourself, without using yolks, it is possible to further reduce this indicator. You can decorate it with herbs and grated cheese. The only negative is that the chicken liver is fried, and as a result, the calorie content is quite high. As does the load of the dish on the digestive tract, coupled with the percentage of fat content.

Chicken liver in the diet of those watching their figure

Based on the analysis of the by-product “by the bones”, its chemical composition and benefits for the body, the priority should not be the question of how many calories are in chicken liver, but how to serve it correctly so as not to ultimately deprive it of all its beneficial properties. In addition to the fact that you should avoid frying, giving preference to boiling, stewing, steaming or oven processing, it is undesirable to add potatoes, rice, animal and vegetable fats to the product. From the point of view of digestibility and calorie content, chicken liver is good with vegetables, mushrooms, low-fat cream used for stewing, or red wine, various kinds of spices.

There is practically no advice on choosing an offal, as well as on limiting its use. You should not buy chicken liver if its color has pronounced orange or yellowish notes, or if the consistency is poor, there are blood clots, or there is no gloss. And regarding medical recommendations, for those who already have increased level cholesterol in the blood, chicken liver is contraindicated.

3.8 out of 5 (11 Votes)

The cuisines of various nations of the world, including dietary cuisine, have not ignored such a product as chicken liver, the calorie content of which allows it to be eaten without unnecessary worries about health.

First of all, you need to choose fresh and healthy liver. In this case, its surface is glossy, with a dark brown tint, and no blood clots or blood vessels are visible on it. Based on these signs, you can already protect yourself from purchasing an unsuitable product.

It is considered dietary because the calorie content of chicken liver is low and amounts to approximately 136 kcal for every 100 grams of weight. For this reason, it normalizes metabolism and is considered a healthy and wholesome food.

At the same time, the liver contains a significant amount of microelements and vitamins much needed by the body. Thus, vitamin A improves our vision and has a beneficial effect on skin health. Support immune system Folic acids will help with tone.

Chemical composition and healthy properties

And every 100 grams of product satisfies daily requirement body in the gland, which is successful in treating anemia. Doctors unanimously recommend that pregnant women eat chicken liver.

In addition to the above, it has the following beneficial properties:

  • protein content is not inferior to dietary chicken meat, for example, breast;
  • vitamin B stimulates the circulatory and immune systems;
  • a large amount of riboflavin accelerates the absorption of iron;
  • selenium and iodine normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • We need the antioxidant contained in vitamin C for DNA synthesis;
  • fried liver improves memory, stimulates brain activity, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The product is also rich in macro- and microelements:

  • magnesium and calcium;
  • sodium, potassium, phosphorus;
  • zinc, copper;
  • manganese, chromium, etc.

How not to harm yourself?

Diverse in taste qualities dishes are prepared from this part of the chicken. The boiled product is not only tender and juicy, but is also capable of absorbing fats of various origins. Most often, pates, rolls, casseroles, and salads are prepared from the liver. Liver stewed in sour cream tastes delicious.

Pairs perfectly with potatoes and any vegetables, cereals, and mushrooms. In order not to overcook the product, you need to throw it into boiling water and cook for no more than 10-15 minutes. The degree of readiness is determined by the clear juice when pierced with a knife.

However, even perfectly cooked fried liver can cause unwanted side effects. This is due to its high cholesterol content, which causes aging and blockage of blood vessels. Therefore, you should not oversaturate your diet with regular consumption of this product - it is enough to eat chicken liver no more than once every 1-2 weeks.

Older people should not get carried away with it either: due to the content of extractive substances, do not exceed the weekly consumption rate of 100 grams of the product. Despite the relatively low calorie content of chicken liver, it would be a good idea to refrain from using it in the diet for those people who suffer from ulcers, gastritis or kidney disease, given the increased protein content.

Choosing the right one

As you know, any type of this by-product has a slight bitterness. If the stewed liver prepared according to the recipe by the housewife is still very bitter, there is a high probability that the meat has been waiting for its buyer on the store counter for too long. This can lead to indigestion or even food poisoning.

Well, and most importantly, you don’t need to buy a brown or orange color, which will mean freezing it. If this does not cause harm to the body, then there are no more useful substances left in such a product.

It is also better to set aside a poorly cleaned, bleeding liver with the presence of fatty tissue. Only a fresh and properly prepared product can bring benefits to the body.