Soup recipe after gallbladder removal. Diet after gallbladder removal: rules, menu for the week. After what time can you season dishes with soy sauce

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Gallbladder 12/23/2013

Dear readers, today on my blog I have an article about nutrition after gall bladder surgery in holidays. This will be a continuation of a series of articles on this topic. I myself shared my experience on the blog: I have been living without a gallbladder for more than 15 years, and the doctor Evgeniy Snegir wrote several articles on the blog on this topic to give more full information. I am very grateful to Evgeniy for such work. How many people does he help with his answers? After all, it often happens that you are discharged, but the questions and all the little things that bother you every day simply remain unresolved.

I think that the article will be relevant to everyone who has problems with the gallbladder, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and pancreas. In short, dietary holiday recipes will be presented.

I give the floor to Evgeny Snegir, who wrote this article.

Nutrition after gallbladder removal. Menu and recipes for the holidays.

Today we will talk about nutrition on holidays for diseases of the gallbladder and in the postoperative period after cholecystectomy. All patients understand perfectly well that any errors in the diet will lead to an exacerbation of the disease and the holiday will be irreparably ruined. This is understandable. But on the other hand, I want to treat myself to something tasty. Therefore, we will try to diversify our festive table to the extent possible, without causing harm to health with these liberties.

Nutrition after removal of the gallbladder in the early postoperative period. Menu.

If less than 7 days have passed since gallbladder removal, then the basic principles of nutrition are outlined in the article Nutrition after gallbladder removal. We can’t think of anything more here; in the early postoperative period, a sick person needs very strict adherence to the rules of diet therapy. The close participation of relatives and a festively decorated table will compensate for temporary difficulties.

Nutrition after removal of the gallbladder, when 7-10 days to 1.5 months have passed. Menu. Recipes.

More options when 7-10 days have passed since the operation.

What dishes can we diversify our table?

1. Sour milk sandwich . Perfect as a light, interesting snack.

Take 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 100 g of stale white bread, 100 g of boiled or baked apples, 100 ml of 15% fat sour cream or kefir, dill or parsley.

You need to rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, chop the apples on a fine grater. Mix all products with sour cream. Grease the slices of bread with the resulting mixture, level the surface and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and dill.

2. Cream soup with shrimp . Very good as a daytime dish during the winter holidays.

Take 2-3 potato tubers, half a medium-sized carrot, one stalk of celery, half a bell pepper, 300 g of shrimp, 500 ml of water, 400 ml of milk, two tablespoons of wheat flour, 5 g of butter, salt.

Cut the potatoes into small cubes, carrots into small circles, and bell pepper– strips, then add finely chopped celery to them. Very carefully and lightly fry the vegetable mixture in butter and, stirring, simmer until tender. In a saucepan, mix the milk and flour well until the lumps disappear, then add water and put on fire. Peel the shrimp and place them and the vegetable mixture in the pan. After boiling, reduce heat and cook for 15-20 minutes, stirring frequently, and add salt at the end of cooking.

3. For those who like food from their own garden, we will provide recipe for milk semolina soup with pumpkin .

We need 1 liter of milk, 0.5 liters of water, half a glass of semolina, two glasses of grated pumpkin, two tablespoons of sugar.

Cut the peeled pumpkin into pieces, add a little water, simmer until tender, rub through a sieve with liquid. Then add semolina to the boiling milk, cook for 10-15 minutes, then add the grated pumpkin and boil. It is better to season the soup with sugar.

4. Soufflé made from boiled meat and cottage cheese . A soufflé beautifully placed on a plate successfully decorates a festive table.

Take beef meat - 150 g, cottage cheese - 50 g, half an egg, 15 g butter, 5 g cheese, 10 g white bread, 20 ml milk.

The beef must be freed from fat and films, boiled, then removed from the broth and cooled, covered with a bowl. Then pass the meat, cottage cheese and bread soaked in milk through a meat grinder with a fine grid, add the yolk and part of the softened butter, beat everything well. Beat the cooled egg white with a whisk and combine with the prepared mixture, stirring with a spoon from top to bottom. Then put everything into greased molds and smooth the top with a knife. Sprinkle grated cheese on top, drizzle lightly with melted butter and bake. When serving, the soufflé must be removed from the molds. It is very healthy to eat this dish with vegetable puree.

5. Boiled tongue in jelly . A very nutritious dish, especially useful during the winter holidays. Suitable for all guests without exception.

Will be required beef tongue– 120 g, broth – 80 ml, gelatin – 2 g.

The tongue must be thoroughly washed, scalded with boiling water, then scraped with a knife and washed again, boiled until soft for 3-4 hours. Hot tongue needs to be doused cold water and immediately remove the skin from it, then cool in the broth. Cut into slices, place in molds and pour into jelly prepared in the broth in which the tongue was cooked, and let the dish cool.

6. Fish dumplings. A savory, delicious option for a festive second course.

We will need pike perch fillet - 100 g, white stale bread - 10 g, cream - 30 ml or milk - 20 ml.

Carefully separate the fresh fish fillet from the bones and skin and, together with the bread soaked in milk, pass it through a meat grinder with a fine grid twice, add fresh cream and beat thoroughly. The main criterion is that the knocked-out dumpling mass should be easily separated from the spoon. Then, from the prepared mass, cut the dumplings into dumplings, place them in a low saucepan, add a little water and boil under the lid for 5-6 minutes. Remove the finished quenelles from the water with a slotted spoon and serve with mashed potatoes.

7. Vegetables stewed in a pot . The easiest dish to prepare and at the same time a very interesting dish. As soon as you place the pot on the table, a warm, spiritual atmosphere is instantly created.

You will need: 60 g potatoes, 80 g carrots, 60 g zucchini, one tablespoon vegetable oil, two tablespoons of low-fat sour cream, dill, salt.

Cut potatoes, carrots and zucchini into cubes. To soften, simmer the carrots with butter. Boil potatoes and zucchini separately until half cooked. Then place the vegetables in the pot in layers in the following sequence: potatoes, then zucchini and, finally, carrots. Fill everything with sour cream diluted with a small amount of hot boiled water. Place the dish in a preheated oven and simmer until done.

8. Of course, I really want sweets all the time. On a holiday, two tablespoons delicious jam, two excellent chocolates will significantly improve your mood.

In addition, the following can be prepared as a light dietary dish.

Steamed curd soufflé .

Take low-fat cottage cheese - 120 g, semolina - 10 g, milk - 20 ml, half an egg, sugar - 15 g, butter - 5 g, low-fat sour cream - 30 g.

The cottage cheese must be passed through a meat grinder, add sugar, semolina, milk, egg yolk and mix everything well. Then you need to carefully add the whipped whites into the resulting mass. Place the mixture in a greased mold and cook in a water bath. Can be served with low-fat sour cream.

Carrot soufflé.

We will need 8 carrots, one glass of milk, two tablespoons of semolina, two eggs, two tablespoons of sugar, one tablespoon of butter, ground crackers.

The carrots must be peeled, cut into pieces, add a small amount of milk, one tablespoon of butter and simmer until tender over low heat. Then pass through a meat grinder, add milk, semolina, yolks and sugar. Stir, then add the beaten egg whites and mix. Place our mixture in a mold, greased with oil and sprinkled with ground breadcrumbs, and smooth the resulting surface. Cook in a water bath until done.

9. Alcohol after gallbladder removal. Can I use it?

Now let's talk about alcohol.

The standard recommendation is to completely avoid alcohol consumption in the first year of the postoperative period. What about the holidays? On holidays, as a major exception, to maintain company, you are allowed to drink half a glass of dry or semi-dry red wine. Your relatives and true friends, knowing your situation, will under no circumstances insist on more.

Nutrition after gallbladder removal 1.5 months after surgery.

The greatest opportunities during the holidays are presented to patients with gallbladder diseases without exacerbation and a month and a half after surgery. We have already discussed general nutritional recommendations in the article Diet after gallbladder removal, and we also provided recipes for dietary dishes in the article Diet after gallbladder removal. Recipes for health.

Let's supplement the story with more delicious recipes.

1. Asparagus soup .

We need 1.5 liters of water, 500 g of asparagus, 2 tablespoons of wheat flour, one tablespoon of butter, two yolks, half a glass of sour cream, salt.

Prepared asparagus must be boiled in salted water until tender, rub through a sieve, add flour, fried with butter, and boil for 5-10 minutes. Remove from heat, season with sour cream, beat with egg yolks.

2. Chicken with milk sauce .

Let's take 150 g chicken fillet, 50 g cauliflower, 50 g carrots, two tablespoons of green peas, one teaspoon of wheat flour, half boiled egg, dill or parsley, salt.

To ensure a low-fat broth, boil the chicken until tender, changing the broth twice. Then strain the finished broth. Separate the cauliflower into florets, finely chop the carrots and simmer in chicken broth, then add the peas and heat through. Prepare milk sauce. Place fillet and vegetables on a plate, pour over milk sauce, sprinkle with chopped egg and finely chopped herbs.


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3. Chicken casserole with rice.

We need 100 g of boiled chicken meat, half a glass boiled rice, half boiled carrots, half an egg, one teaspoon of grated cheese, dill, salt.

The chicken needs to be cut into small pieces, add rice, egg, finely chopped herbs and salt. Carrots should be cut into slices. Then place the rice mixture and carrots in layers, alternating, in a greased pan. Bake the dish in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 C, then sprinkle the casserole with grated cheese and bake for another 10 minutes.

4. Meat with vegetables in sour cream sauce .

Take 120 g of beef, one carrot, two tablespoons of canned green peas, two tablespoons of sour cream, dill, salt.

Cut the beef into cubes with a side of 1 cm and then boil until half cooked. Grate the carrots and mix with the meat. Add green peas, one tablespoon of broth, then cook the meat and vegetables until cooked. At the end of cooking, add salt, add sour cream, stir and heat. Before serving, it is better to sprinkle the dish with finely chopped dill.

What can you prepare for dessert?
5. Well, now let's talk about sweets. You can eat more sweets on holidays and this makes you noticeably happy!

Just be sure to remember that you still can’t eat ice cream, cream products and a lot of chocolate.. You can decorate your holiday table with the following dessert.

Kohlrabi and apple pudding .

We will need 4 kohlrabi, 4 apples, 2 tablespoons of semolina, one tablespoon of butter, half a glass of milk, two tablespoons of sugar, two eggs, half a glass of sour cream, salt.
Peeled kohlrabi should be grated on a coarse grater, add two tablespoons of butter, semolina, milk and then simmer until tender. Then add peeled, chopped apples and simmer for another 10 minutes. Cool the resulting mass, add salt, stir with the yolks and beaten whites, and then place in a greased mold and cook until ready by steaming or in the oven. The dish is best served with light-fat sour cream.

Pear and nut salad .

Take four large pears, 10-12 walnuts, three tablespoons of kefir.

Each pear must be cut into two parts and the core removed. Free the walnut kernels from the film, then put the walnut kernels into each half of the pear and pour in kefir. Fast, tasty, beautiful!

6. A few words about alcohol . On holidays, you can drink a glass, no more, of dry or semi-dry red wine. Quite sufficient and safe.

Good health!

I thank Evgenia for such recipes and advice for everyone who has undergone gall bladder surgery. I would like to wish everyone wisdom. Believe me, nothing terrible has happened in your life. You just need to be very attentive to your health now. Dietary recipes and the holiday menu compiled by Evgeniy, I think, will help you a lot. And I invite everyone to come and visit Evgeniy, who runs the website Dobro Heals.

  • Eat little and often.
  • Try not to mix food at one time.
  • Don't pile on your food.
  • Move more, don't sit in one place. At least take a walk in the fresh air.
  • Be positive.
  • Don't dwell on your problems. Everything will slowly be restored with a wise approach.
  • Use spices very carefully.
  • Use dietary recipes.
  • Basic thoughts for everyone: removal of the gallbladder does not affect the quality of life and its duration in the future with a wise approach.

I also suggest watching a very interesting video Life after gallbladder removal .

Consequences of gallbladder removal. Postcholecystectomy syndrome

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The gallbladder is involved in the process of digesting food. The pear-shaped organ is located under the liver. The main functions are the accumulation (deposit) and removal of fluid secreted by the liver. Bile helps digest fats in the body and activates the stomach.

Cholecystectomy – surgical. The entire organ is removed through surgery. Without it, people lead their usual lifestyle, following nutritional rules.

When functioning normally, the gallbladder plays an important role in the digestion of food. In the case of pathological processes occurring in the organ, it causes a lot of inconvenience: it worsens well-being and health. Symptoms appear:

  • Stomach ache;
  • Stool disorder;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Increased body temperature, etc.
  • Gallstone disease (GSD). Occurs with severe symptoms in the form of acute pain in the stomach, high fever, profuse vomiting.
  • Acute cholecystitis. A person experiences a feeling of nausea, vomiting, increased body temperature, cramps in the abdomen, and bitterness in the mouth.
  • Choledocholithiasis is a type of cholelithiasis.
  • Education .

With these diagnoses, the patient requires surgical medical intervention. Modern medicine, when removing an organ, performs cholecystectomy using laparoscopy. The duration of the operation is from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. The surgical method allows you to perform an operation that reduces the time for rehabilitation after removal of the gallbladder and helps to avoid postoperative consequences.

Postoperative period

After the organ is removed, the patient is immediately transferred to the intensive care unit and given proper care. The patient should remain in the hospital until he recovers. Complications are possible with cholecystectomy. Today, the operation is performed laparoscopically, complications and undesirable consequences are minimized. For the first time (12-24 hours), you should not get out of bed, eat or drink. If you need to stand, you need to move with the assistance of medical personnel. After anesthesia, dizziness and fainting are possible. The recovery period lasts 7 days. After 10 days, if the patient’s condition is satisfactory, the patient is discharged.

The man who was cut out gallbladder, must follow the advice:

  • Do not violate the dietary table, follow the diet. Healthy food, balanced diet menu– an important part in the body’s recovery process. The diet must be followed for life afterwards. The purpose of dietary nutrition is to stimulate the removal of bile from the body and stabilize metabolism. If the patient does not adhere to the doctor’s nutritional recommendations, attacks of cholecystitis are possible.
  • Use of medications. Drug therapy helps a person adapt to living without a gallbladder. The patient is prescribed hepatoprotectors - a class of drugs that perform a protective function for the liver. Six months later, the body recovers after laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
  • Doing exercises. Massage exercises for the abdomen (two months). At first, you should do the exercises under the supervision of a doctor. It is recommended to limit it for a month physical activity.

Three important rules will help the body adapt to life after surgery, quickly improve well-being and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Failure to comply with your doctor's instructions will negatively affect your health.

Diet after surgery

Nutrition after cholecystectomy is aimed at restoring metabolic processes in the body; food should be healthy and gentle on the stomach. Before preparing for surgery, it is important for a person to adjust to changes in the usual diet and restrictions in the first month.

Table of food products (allowed and prohibited) after cholecystectomy

Despite the restrictions, the food of a person with a removed gallbladder remains balanced. The body needs constant replenishment nutrients, useful microelements. Proper nutrition is the key to quick recovery. After the operation, there is a lack of appetite. It is important to tell your doctor about this.

In order to competently approach the rehabilitation period and adaptation of the stomach after cholecystectomy, it is important to know which foods are allowed to be consumed and which are strictly prohibited.

The menu is allowed to include:

Fresh fruits and vegetables are prohibited. They provoke increased secretion of bile.

Prohibited Products

List of foods that can disrupt the gastrointestinal tract - cause abdominal cramps and create excessive stress on the digestive process:

If you exclude the listed foods, you can avoid unpleasant consequences and complications. After a year, you can introduce some foods from the list of prohibited foods into your diet; a diet is used, scheduled by day. Nutrition is discussed with the attending physician.

Sample dietary menu after laparoscopic cholecystectomy

There are a lot of options available balanced nutrition after surgery. Knowing how to properly prepare permitted foods, you can make your meals healthy, tasty, and varied. Create a menu for the week. Use different ways cooking. A strict diet will help cope with gastrointestinal pathologies, with overweight, will improve your health. Remember! Portions should be small (200 g), meals should be fractional (6 times a day), the volume of water drunk should not be more than 2 liters. After 3 months, almost all vegetables and fruits are added to the menu.

Let's look at the diet after laparoscopic cholecystectomy and examples.

Option 1:

  • Breakfast. For your morning meal, prepare oatmeal. You can add a piece of butter to the porridge, rye bread. Drinking is recommended green tea(you can make decoctions from medicinal plants).
  • Lunch. Grated apples without peel.
  • Dinner. Chicken soup with vegetables (carrots, potatoes, broccoli, chicken fillet, parsley, a little salt). Bread with cheese (hard cheese, low-fat), compote from a mixture of dried fruits.
  • Afternoon snack. Kissel with crackers, bananas.
  • Dinner. Prepare minced fish cutlets in a steam bath. Cottage cheese casserole, compote.
  • Second dinner. At night you can drink a glass of yogurt.

Option 2:

  • Breakfast. Prepare a white omelette (separate the yolk). Make a rosehip decoction.
  • Lunch. Apricots are suitable for a snack.
  • Dinner. Dietary vegetable soup (cauliflower, carrots, bell pepper, salt). For the second course, prepare cod liver. Oatmeal cookies for dessert, warmed milk.
  • Afternoon snack. Yesterday's bread (crackers), cheese, compote.
  • Dinner. Cooking pasta with gravy. Tea with milk. For dessert, dates, raisins or marshmallows.
  • Second dinner. A portion of low-fat cottage cheese.

Option 3:

  • Breakfast. Millet porridge, juice.
  • Lunch. Diet yogurt.
  • Dinner. Soup (champignons, potatoes, greens). Unsweetened cookies, compote.
  • Afternoon snack. Steamed zucchini, mint tea.
  • Dinner. Boil shrimp, makes mashed potatoes. For dessert, fruit jelly and tea.
  • Second dinner. A glass of fermented baked milk and crackers.

Option 4:

  • Breakfast. Buckwheat porridge, herbal tea and souffle (you can add raspberries, the berry activates the digestion process).
  • Lunch. Dairy products (kefir, yogurt).
  • Dinner. Cook the fish in a steam bath and make a salad. Drink a glass of juice.
  • Afternoon snack. Boiled corn, compote.
  • Dinner. It is allowed to prepare pizza using approved products for filling. As a dessert, tea with marshmallow.
  • Second dinner. Light salads are suitable.

Option 5:

  • Breakfast. Diet cottage cheese(can be ground in a blender, add a little dried apricots), green tea.
  • Lunch. Banana.
  • Dinner. Mashed potatoes with fish cutlets. Marshmallow, tea.
  • Afternoon snack. Sandwich, rosehip infusion.
  • Dinner. Seafood soup. Tea with jelly.
  • Second dinner. Dried apricots, raisins.

It is not recommended to use tomato juice at first. You are supposed to eat strictly following the doctor’s instructions and recommendations. The duration of treatment and eating behavior are prescribed individually. To ensure that the recovery period passes quickly and without complications, lead a healthy lifestyle.

As you know, proper nutrition is the most important component healthy image life. Therefore, in order to fully recover after certain diseases or serious surgical interventions, as part of rehabilitation, patients are instructed to carefully monitor their diet and strictly follow the recommended diet.

Of course, such operations include removal of the gallbladder.

  • The essence of the problem
  • Diet No. 5
  • Patient reviews

The essence of the problem

Removal of the gallbladder or cholecystectomy is a fairly simple and quick operation that, as a rule, does not entail any serious complications.

The most common reasons for doing this are:

Gallstone disease, that is, the presence of stones in the cavity of the gallbladder.
- Choledocholithiasis or the presence of stones in the bile duct.
- Cholecystitis is an acute inflammation of the gallbladder.
- Pancreatitis is acute inflammation of the pancreas.

Among the main contraindications it is necessary to name such phenomena as:

Chronic bleeding disorder;
- dysfunction of the most important organs and systems;
- borderline state of the patient;
- advanced cholecystitis;
- acute peritonitis;
- pregnancy;
- acute infectious diseases;
- large abdominal hernia, etc.

This operation is performed under general anesthesia, which is administered intravenously. To actively assist the patient's breathing, a special tube is placed into the trachea. Next, the surgeon removes the diseased organ using an open method or through laparoscopy (that is, without an incision, but using modern optical instruments).

Possible complications include:

Postoperative bleeding, which can lead to reoperation;
- inflammation of an internal wound or sutures;
- bile leakage into the abdominal cavity;
- abscess of the subhepatic or subdiaphragmatic region, accompanied by fever and severe shortness of breath.

Since medicine in Russia is developing more and more every year, in most regions of our country cholecystectomy is performed laparoscopically. This approach significantly simplifies the procedure itself, and also avoids many complications and significantly speeds up the recovery process. In addition, another indisputable advantage of this method is the absence of long stitches and unsightly scars.

Nutrition rules after cholecystectomy

After surgery to remove the gallbladder, the patient should strictly follow a diet. To understand the necessity of this measure, it is necessary to objectively assess the consequences of cholecystectomy.

So, as a result of this procedure, the body irreversibly loses its natural capacity intended for the accumulation of bile. Consequently, further lifestyle, and most importantly nutrition, should prevent its stagnation in the excretory tract. Otherwise, stones will form again.

First you need to remember the series simple rules, mandatory compliance with which should form healthy eating habits in the patient. These include:

Maximum reduction of intervals between meals. It is recommended to eat at least 5 times a day.
- Strict adherence to the nutrition schedule.
- Reducing the volume of portions.
- Eating exclusively warm foods.
- Chewing food thoroughly.
- Complete refusal of spicy, fatty and fried foods.
- It is necessary to give preference to boiled, stewed or steamed dishes.
- Drink plenty of fluids.

As for products, experts advise people who have undergone cholecystectomy to consume:

Low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream;
- chicken eggs, soft-boiled or hard-boiled;
- beef, rabbit or poultry;
- sea fish;
- seasonal vegetables;
- cereals, etc.

Diet No. 5

Most often, after laparoscopy of the gallbladder, patients are prescribed the popular diet No. 5. It promotes the fastest recovery of the body after cholecystectomy.

According to the rules of this diet, the patient must exclude from his diet such foods as:

Fatty meat and fish;
- pork lard;
- smoked meats;
- all types of sausages;
- canned meat and fish;
- mushrooms;
- semolina;
- hot and sweet and sour marinades and sauces;
- onions and garlic;
- legumes (peas, beans, etc.);
- sweets;
- tea and coffee;
- alcohol;
- carbonated drinks, etc.

Warm soups prepared with meat, fish or vegetable broths;
- main courses of boiled chicken, rabbit or veal;
- buckwheat and oatmeal;
- boiled or baked fruits;
- stewed vegetables;
- fermented milk products, etc.

Basic rules of nutrition during the recovery period

After successful open cholecystectomy, the patient's hospital stay lasts no more than 1 week, and through laparoscopy - no more than 3 days.

Subject to compliance general rules, the recovery period is quite quick and painless. So, the patient must spend the first 2 hours after surgery in the intensive care ward, after which he is transferred to a regular ward. Further, for the next 5 hours the patient is prohibited from getting out of bed and drinking.

Drinking water is allowed starting in the morning of the next day. However, no more than 4-5 sips every half hour are allowed. After a day, you are allowed to eat. Gastroenterologists recommend watery oatmeal, kefir or light low-fat broth.

Gradually, porridge, mashed potatoes, pureed meat and fruits are introduced into the diet. Fluid intake is also normalized.

During the first week after cholecystectomy, patients are usually discharged home. In order to maximize nutrition rationalization, experts advise creating a detailed meal schedule. In general, it is recommended to eat at least 6-7 times a day, that is, every 2.5 hours. You should have dinner 2 hours before bedtime.

Special attention should be paid to fluid intake. In general, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters per day. Moreover, we are talking not only about ordinary water, but also about mineral water, as well as freshly squeezed juices and healing decoctions (for example, from rose hips).

As for food, you should give preference to warm pureed vegetable and meat dishes, refusing fresh juicy vegetables, berries and rye bread.

How to organize meals in the future

For successful recovery of the body in the first month after laparoscopy of the gallbladder, the patient must continue to monitor his diet. If you strictly follow all the instructions of the attending physician, the gastrointestinal tract will quickly adapt to new mode work.

As a rule, the patient still needs to avoid eating fatty, fried, smoked or spicy foods, as well as alcohol and smoking.

From the second week of staying at home, the gastroenterologist may prescribe diet No. 5a or No. 5sch. In essence, this is the same diet No. 5, but it is more delicate and involves cooking light dishes exclusively by steaming.

In the second month after cholecystectomy, the patient may be given some relief. In some cases, after consultation with your doctor, you may be allowed to return some favorite foods in small portions. In this case, the average amount of fluid consumed should be increased to 2 liters per day. To prevent all kinds of gastric disorders, it is recommended to take active enzyme preparations such as mezim or festal, as well as drink yoghurts containing natural probiotics.

In the third, fourth and subsequent months over the next 1.5 years after removal of the gallbladder, you should continue to strictly monitor your diet and, in general terms, adhere to diet No. 5 and its various modifications. In the second or third year, it is possible to switch to a softer system, provided for by diet No. 15. It involves the gradual inclusion in the diet of a number of new products that are not included in the limited menu No. 5.

To simplify their life as much as possible in the postoperative period, patients are advised to follow a diet according to a pre-prepared diet and cook according to special recipes.

Sample menu after cholecystectomy for a week


1st breakfast: 200 g of semolina porridge, cooked in milk, and 1 glass of weak tea;
2nd breakfast: 150 g of fresh low-fat cottage cheese and 1 glass of rosehip decoction;
lunch: 100 g oatmeal soup with vegetable broth, 100 g mashed potatoes and 100 g mashed boiled chicken;
afternoon snack: 150 g banana;
1st dinner: 150 g of carrot puree, 100 g of boiled pollock and 1 glass of fruit and berry jelly;
2nd dinner: 1 glass of kefir.

Oatmeal soup with vegetable broth:


200 g potatoes;
- 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
- 1 carrot;
- 5 g vegetable oil;
- 1 bunch of fresh herbs;
- 1 pinch of sea salt.

Pour thoroughly peeled and finely chopped vegetables into half a liter of boiled water and place over medium heat. Bring the broth to a boil, add oatmeal and cook for another 5 minutes. Add oil, salt and herbs to taste.

Boiled pollock:


200 g fish fillet;
- 1 onion;
- 3 bay leaves;
- 5-7 black peppercorns;
- 1 pinch of salt.

Pour salt, bay leaf and black pepper into a liter of water and put on fire. Add pollock pieces and coarsely chopped vegetables. Cook until fully cooked. Add additional salt if necessary.


1st breakfast: 150 g protein omelet and 1 glass of milkshake;
2nd breakfast: 100 g carrot salad and 1 glass of weak tea;
lunch: 200 g buckwheat soup, 100 g boiled haddock;
afternoon snack: 150 g baked apples;
1st dinner: 150 g of boiled rice, 100 g of boiled beef and 1 glass of warm milk;
2nd dinner: 1 glass of light pear smoothie.

Protein omelet:


3 eggs;
- 30 grams of milk;
- 5 g butter;
- 1 pinch of salt.

Separate the whites from the yolks and add milk to them. Beat the resulting mixture with a blender, pour it into a frying pan and fry for 5 minutes. Ready dish add salt to taste.

Carrot salad:


150 g carrots;
- 10 g raisins;
- 15 g honey;
- half a lemon.

Wash the carrots, peel them and grate them on a medium grater. Add raisins, season the salad with honey and garnish with thin lemon slices.

Boiled haddock:


200 g haddock;
- 2 potatoes;
- 1 carrot;
- 1 onion;
- 3 bay leaves;
- 4-5 black peppercorns;
- 1 bunch of greens;
- 1 pinch of salt.

Boil 1 liter of water, after adding salt, pepper and bay leaf. Peel and coarsely chop all vegetables. Add them to boiling water and cook for 10 minutes.

Peel the haddock and fillet it. Add to the pan, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs. Simmer for another 10-15 minutes. Before serving, the finished dish should be additionally salted.


1st breakfast: 100 g of oatmeal and 1 glass of rosehip decoction;
2nd breakfast: 150 g of cottage cheese with lingonberries and sour cream and 1 glass of chicory;
lunch: 150 g fish dumplings and 100 g millet porridge;
afternoon snack: 150 g fresh pear;
1st dinner: 150 g boiled potatoes, 100 g carrot and cabbage salad;
2nd dinner: 1 glass of multivitamin vegetable smoothie.

Cottage cheese with lingonberries:


100 g low-fat cottage cheese;
- 20 g dietary sour cream;
- 30 g lingonberries;
- 1 tsp. Sahara.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Chop the lingonberries and combine with sugar. Mix all components until smooth.

Fish dumplings:


200 g fine-grained minced fish;
- 1 chicken egg;
- 2 tbsp. l. milk;
- 1 piece of stale bread;
- 1 pinch of salt;
- 1 bunch of greens.

Soak the bread in milk, squeeze and add to the minced meat. Mix thoroughly with egg white, add salt and form into neat patties. Boil them in vegetable broth and garnish with herbs before serving.


1st breakfast: 150 g dumplings and 1 glass of milk;
2nd breakfast: 100 g of cottage cheese and 1 glass of tea;
lunch: 200 g puree soup and 150 g protein omelet;
afternoon snack: 150 g fresh strawberries;
1st dinner: 150 g pearl barley porridge, 100 g boiled perch, 100 g vinaigrette;
2nd dinner: 1 glass of kefir.

Lazy dumplings:


250 g. cottage cheese;
- 2 tbsp. l. flour;
- 1 egg;
- 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
- 1 pinch of salt.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and form dumplings from the resulting mixture. Boil them in boiling water. Add sour cream or berry syrup to the finished dish.

Vegetable puree soup:


500 g low-fat meat broth;
- 2 carrots;
- 2 tsp. vegetable oil;
- 1 bunch of greens;
- 1 pinch of salt.

Wash the carrots, peel them, cut them into small slices and pour in the broth. Boil until fully cooked, add salt, add herbs and blend with a blender until pureed. Serve the finished soup with wheat croutons or grated cheese.


1st breakfast: 150 g of cottage cheese casserole with dried fruits and 1 glass of kiwi smoothie;
2nd breakfast: 100 g semolina and 1 glass of rosehip decoction;
lunch: 150 g of beetroot, 100 g of buckwheat and 100 g of fresh cucumber and tomato salad;
afternoon snack: 150 g orange;
1st dinner: 150 g carrot puree and 150 g boiled chicken;
2nd dinner: 1 glass of banana smoothie.

Curd casserole:


500 g low-fat cottage cheese;
- 4 eggs;
- 5 g butter;
- 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
- 1 pinch of soda;
- 100 g of dried fruits (dried apricots and raisins).

Separate the whites from the yolks and beat them with sugar. Mix 2 of them with grated cottage cheese, adding soda and dried fruits soaked in water. Add 2 more a little later. The resulting “dough” should be placed in a pre-greased pan and baked for no more than half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees.



500 g chicken broth;
- 150 g boiled chicken;
- 200 g beets;
- 2 carrots;
- 1 onion;
- 1 pinch of salt.

Wash the vegetables, peel them, cut them into small slices, pour in chicken broth with pieces of meat and cook until fully cooked. Next, the soup should be crushed and blended with a blender until pureed. Add salt to taste.


1st breakfast: 100 g scrambled eggs and 1 glass of orange juice;
2nd breakfast: 150 g oatmeal with currant syrup and 1 glass of chicory;
lunch: 150 g oatmeal soup with vegetable broth, 100 g boiled rice and 100 g stewed pollock;
afternoon snack: 150 g kiwi;
1st dinner: 150 g vinaigrette, 100 g steam cutlets and 1 glass of kefir;
2nd dinner: 1 glass of rosehip decoction.

Steamed cutlets:


200 g veal;
- 100 g of cottage cheese;
- 50 g milk;
- 1 egg;
- 1 piece of white bread;
- 1 pinch of salt.

Soak the bread in milk. Separate the white from the yolk. Add all ingredients to the minced meat and form small cutlets. Steam them until fully cooked.

Stewed pollock:


300 g pollock;
- 2 carrots;
- 1 tomato;
- 1 bell pepper;
- 1 onion;
- 20 g vegetable oil;
- 1 pinch of salt.

Wash, peel, finely chop all vegetables and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Add fish fillets, salt and fill half with liters of water. Simmer until fully cooked over low heat.


1st breakfast: 150 g potato pancakes and 1 glass of tea;
2nd breakfast: 150 g protein omelet and 1 glass of milkshake;
lunch: 150 g lean fish soup, 100 g boiled haddock and 100 g fresh vegetable salad;
afternoon snack: 150 g banana;
1st dinner: 150 g of millet porridge, 150 g of carrot salad and 1 glass of fruit and berry jelly;
2nd dinner: 1 glass of multivitamin cocktail.



150 g milk;
- 1 banana;
- 5 g granulated sugar.

Cut the banana into slices and place in a blender. Pour milk, add sugar and beat until light foam forms.

Dietary soup:


200 g silver carp fillet;
- 1 carrot;
- 1 onion;
- 1/2 tbsp. barley;
- 1 bunch of greens;
- 1 pinch of salt.

Cut the fish fillet into small pieces, add salt, add water and cook until half cooked. Add finely chopped vegetables and cereal. Keep on medium heat for no more than half an hour. Before serving, garnish with carefully chopped herbs.

The diet after removal of the gallbladder is strict during the first week, then the diet expands. But you need to be prepared to stick to proper nutrition will have to for the rest of my life. Give up some foods completely and love others. If you follow the recommendations of specialists, the digestive system will work smoothly, discomfort, painful sensations will not arise. Otherwise, disease of the pancreas, liver, and duodenum develops.

Surgery is stressful for the entire body. Removing the gallbladder disrupts the natural course of digestion; it will take time to force the gastrointestinal tract to work in a new way.

  1. It is forbidden to eat or drink. Complete fasting is required. It is allowed to wet your lips with ordinary water, non-carbonated mineral water. At the end of the day, rinsing your mouth with herbal decoctions is allowed. Chamomile, lemon balm, and mint are often prescribed.
  2. You are allowed to drink non-carbonated mineral water, regular spring water, and rosehip decoction without sugar. Drink no more than 1 liter per day. Otherwise, an increased outflow of bile begins, which is undesirable.
  3. The diet is also strict, but you are already allowed to drink dried fruit compote - raisins, dried apricots, prunes, apples, pears, weak tea without added sugar, low-fat kefir. Allowed foods should be consumed every 3 hours. Portion 100 ml. The volume of liquid per day should be no more than 1.5 liters.
  4. Fractional meals up to 8 times per day, serving no more than 200 g. Drink tea with sugar, pumpkin, apple, beet, and carrot juices. Prepare mashed potatoes and pureed soups in water with the addition of butter and sour cream. Low-fat boiled fish, fruit jelly, and omelette made exclusively from protein are allowed.
  5. The diet is expanded with white stale bread, biscuits, crackers, and bagels. Portion – 100 g per day.
  6. They eat porridge, boiled fish, chopped chicken, turkey, vegetable puree, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, and homemade yogurt. Porridge is prepared from oatmeal, wheat, and buckwheat. Cook the dish in water or diluted milk. You can add a little sugar and butter.

The body does not recover in a week, but learns to work in a new way. In the future, you should adhere to a gentle diet so as not to burden the digestive tract, not to cause stagnation, as well as rapid movement of bile.

Diet for the fifth to seventh day

The principle of healthy nutrition involves the use of foods that are quickly digested, do not burden the gastrointestinal tract, do not cause stagnation or fermentation, and increase energy potential. You are allowed to eat vegetable puree, porridge, fermented milk products, lean fish, chicken, turkey, and rabbit.

The meat is prepared into rolls, cutlets, stewed or boiled, and then put through a meat grinder. Vegetables allowed are potatoes, onions, beets, carrots, zucchini, and pumpkin. Vegetable dishes are steamed, baked, stewed, then chopped. Among the sweets, baked apples, pumpkin porridge, cottage cheese with dried fruits are allowed. To prepare porridges, choose crushed buckwheat and oatmeal. An easy-to-prepare dish - pour boiled water over oatmeal, add a little salt, add a spoonful of sugar, and a piece of butter. Let it brew for 5 minutes.

The best drink to drink is rosehip decoction. It cooks very quickly. Pour water over the fruits, boil over low heat for 5 minutes, leave for half an hour. You should drink warm, 0.5 cups up to 3 times a day. Mineral still water, weak green, black tea. You will have to give up coffee.

Fermented milk products improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and speed up digestion. It is recommended to consume low-fat homemade products - sour cream, kefir, yogurt, boiled milk diluted with water, yogurt, cottage cheese.

Soups are prepared in water with the addition of butter. Grinded buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina, and vermicelli are used as filling. It is prohibited to add spices or salt to minimum quantity.

Nutrition from the eighth day

After a week, they switch to a gentle diet. Its principles are to ensure the normal functioning of the digestive tract. The body receives all the necessary nutritional components, quickly processes food, and maintains metabolic processes in a normal rhythm. The liver produces bile in sufficient quantities and enters the small intestine in a normal manner.

You should eat small portions up to 6 times a day. Avoid overeating and prolonged fasting. After the meal you should still feel a slight feeling of hunger. It is recommended to drink drinks 20 minutes after eating food. Otherwise, the digestion process slows down.

Dishes should be steamed, baked, stewed, boiled, but it is not necessary to chop them or grind them through a meat grinder, you just need to chew them thoroughly. Eat warm. Too hot or cold is prohibited. The reason is still the same - slow digestion, increased stomach acidity.

Allowed dishes:

  • Meatballs;
  • Pancakes with meat, cottage cheese, apples;
  • Meatballs;
  • Protein omelette;
  • Dumplings;
  • Boiled chicken, turkey meat;
  • Mashed potatoes;
  • Borscht with beets;
  • Soup with vegetable and light meat broth;
  • Milk porridge;
  • Fish;
  • Syrniki;
  • Puddings;
  • Juices;
  • Compote;
  • Fermented milk products;
  • Mineral water;
  • Stewed zucchini;
  • Pumpkin porridge;
  • Lenten cookies, crackers, bagels;
  • Vermicelli with butter, milk;
  • Dumplings with potatoes, cottage cheese.

There is nothing complicated, but if a person is accustomed to fried, spicy dishes, he will have to adjust his tastes.

Authorized Products

After a month and a half, they switch to proper nutrition. A person will have to give up some foods, but soon the new diet will become familiar and easy to follow. It is imperative to follow the recommendations, since junk food worsens digestion, irritates the intestines, burdens the liver, and leads to new health problems.

  • Meat. You are allowed to eat chicken, turkey, veal, beef, rabbit, and lean pork. Excluded fried foods, stewed, baked, boiled are possible, but do not overeat. Meat should not be present in the daily diet, but twice a week is mandatory.
  • Eggs. Boil, prepare an omelette in a steamer or frying pan. However, preference should be given to protein; the yolk makes digestion difficult and increases cholesterol levels. An excellent breakfast is an omelet with herbs, a piece of ham or cheese.
  • Vegetables. They make stews, salads, purees, and eat them raw. Seasoning is allowed with butter or vegetable oil. You are allowed to eat everything, but in moderation. No restrictions - potatoes, carrots, onions. Garlic, pumpkin, zucchini, beets, carrots, and cabbage are good for the liver. Raw tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, and legumes are eaten in minimal quantities.
  • Cereals. Porridge is prepared with water and milk, and cereals are added to the soup. It is recommended to eat buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, semolina, wheat, less often corn chaff, and millet. To prepare milk porridge, milk is diluted in equal proportions with water, and butter is allowed to be added at the end.
  • Pasta. Used as a seasoning for soup, as a side dish, dairy dish, casserole. Season with butter, adding sugar is allowed. Do not eat spaghetti with sauce or ketchup.
  • Soups, borscht. Cooked in vegetable and meat broth. When the water boils, drain it, pour a new one into the saucepan, and begin preparing the dish. You are allowed to eat soup with rice, buckwheat, noodles, oatmeal, semolina, and millet. Borscht with beets, sorrel, cabbage soup.
  • Fermented milk products. You are allowed to eat absolutely all dishes if there is no individual intolerance. Sour cream, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, homemade cheese, yogurt, baked milk.
  • Sweets. You should limit your consumption of chocolate, pastries, and cakes. If it is impossible to completely refuse, eat a small piece. Honey, jam, jam, syrup, caramels, cookies, marmalade, marshmallows, marmalade, ice cream, and dried fruits are allowed.
  • Drinks No more than 1.5 liters per day. Still mineral water, cocoa, tea, compote, jelly, decoction of medicinal herbs, juices.
  • Bakery products. Preference should be given to dried white bread, but baked goods are allowed in limited quantities. Buns, pies, bagels, rolls, loaf, white, black bread.

What fruits can you eat?

If there are no concomitant diseases - stomach, liver, intestines - all vegetables are allowed to be eaten. But only some can be eaten freely, others in limited quantities. Moreover, among fruits and berries there are natural hepatoprotectors that improve liver function, stimulate the movement of bile, and prevent stagnation. For a diseased gallbladder, as well as after its removal, experts recommend eating grapefruit, apricot, and persimmon.

Allowed fruits and berries:

  • Apple;
  • Plum;
  • Apricot;
  • Peach;
  • Melon;
  • Watermelon;
  • Banana;
  • Cherry plum;
  • Orange;
  • Grapefruit;
  • Lemon;
  • Grape;
  • Papaya;
  • Mandarin;
  • Pomegranate;
  • Persimmon;
  • Pineapple;
  • Raspberry;
  • Strawberries;
  • Strawberry;
  • Blueberry;
  • Cherry;
  • Cherries;
  • Rowan;
  • Kalina;
  • Wig;
  • Gooseberry;
  • Currant;
  • Mulberry;
  • Blueberry.

The fruits must be ripe. They are consumed fresh, canned, or drunk in juices.

What not to eat

Foods and drinks that cause fermentation, rotting, and impede digestion are prohibited. At the same time, some products are completely prohibited, while others are limited.

Should not be consumed in large quantities:

  • Cabbage;
  • Legumes;
  • Butter pastries;
  • Candies;
  • Chocolate;
  • Bell pepper;
  • Cocoa;
  • Garlic;
  • Fried foods;
  • Salted fish;
  • Sausages;
  • Kvass;
  • Canned food;
  • Beer;
  • Smoked meats.


  • Spices;
  • Fatty foods;
  • Salted, smoked fish;
  • Ketchup;
  • Sauces;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Fried pies, meat;
  • French fries;
  • Hot dogs;
  • Pizza;
  • Products with added flavor enhancers and flavorings;
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Alcohol;
  • Coffee.

It is forbidden to overeat, eat at night, or have dinner later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Further diet

On the forums you can find reviews where, after removal of the gallbladder, they continue to eat normally, do not limit themselves in anything, and feel great. This behavior is not allowed, since poor nutrition leads to pathological processes and health problems over time. Following a diet is the key to good health while living without a gallbladder.

You only need to follow strict instructions for the first 30 days, when the body is recovering after surgery. There are no special restrictions in the future, you just need to eat right. Fatty, fried foods, sweets, alcohol negatively affect not only the digestive organs, but also the heart, blood vessels, muscles, hormonal, endocrine, nervous system. Poor nutrition leads to weight gain, obesity, metabolic disorders. As a result, pathologies of the liver, intestines, stomach, and other organs appear.

It is much easier for women to stick to proper nutrition; men need to make every effort. After surgery, you need to immediately prepare yourself to change your diet. Lifestyle.

You should drink along with your diet folk remedies, improving the functioning of the liver and digestive tract.

  • Rose hip. Prepare your own decoction or tincture from the berries. The recipe was described above. A syrup based on rosehip extract is available for sale, with the addition of sugar, citric acid, and ascorbic acid. The product improves the flow of bile, eliminates inflammatory processes, renews liver cells, and strengthens the immune system. It can be taken periodically, in long courses or continuously. Contraindication is acute form of gastritis with increased acidity. One of the names of the syrup is Kholosas, the cost is about 150 rubles.
  • Beet juice, carrot juice. Fresh juice is mixed in a ratio of 1:10. If you have stomach problems, dilute with water in equal proportions. Let it sit for 15 minutes, drink a glass at a time in the morning on an empty stomach. The product eliminates congestion, improves digestion, helps with constipation, and renews liver cells.
  • Milk thistle with honey. The plant is a natural hepatoprotector and is used to make many medicines. In combination with honey, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, removes toxins, strengthens the immune system, and eliminates inflammatory processes. 2 hours
  • Pumpkin juice. Every morning you should drink 1 glass on an empty stomach. With regular use, the liver and digestive system will function normally. It is allowed to add zucchini and carrot juice.
  • Radish with honey. Choleretic agent with hepatoprotective abilities. Used for the treatment of liver diseases, as well as for prevention. Grate the radish on a fine grater, mix with fresh honey, take 1 tbsp. Spoon on an empty stomach.

If it is impossible to give up alcohol, after a feast it is recommended to drink the drug Allohol for several days. Removes toxins, supports the liver, normalizes the flow of bile.

Diet price

Proper nutrition consists of familiar foods and does not require exotic dishes. You just need to give up harmful products and normalize the regime. The price of a diet is a complex issue. Since it all depends on whether vegetables and fruits grow on your own plot of land or you have to buy them. And also whether there is shelter on the farm, chickens, pigs or not. People even make their own bread in a bread machine. You will definitely have to buy cereals and vegetable oil.

For city dwellers who have to buy absolutely everything, dietary food It will cost even less than regular food. You don’t have to buy mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces, sausages, salted fish, coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks and much more.
On average per healthy eating costs 5000-6000 rubles per month.

Menu for a week after gallbladder removal with recipes

Immediately after the surgical procedure, eating is allowed only on the fourth day. Meals should be fractional - up to 8 times a day. Portion no more than 100 g.

4th day

  • Green tea with 1 teaspoon of sugar.
  • Mashed potatoes seasoned with sour cream, butter, milk.
  • Soup. Throw potatoes, carrots, and onions into boiling water. After 5 minutes, crushed buckwheat. At the end of cooking, add chopped herbs and butter.
  • Boiled fish. They prepare capelin, hake, and any sea fish without small bones. Throw into salted water, take out after 20 minutes.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Kefir.

Between breaks you are allowed to eat a baked apple, yogurt, and drink carrot juice.

5th day

  • Omelet without yolk.
  • Tea with bagels.
  • Vermicelli soup. It is prepared in the same way as the recipe described, but instead of buckwheat, noodles are added. A piece of yesterday's bread.
  • Mashed potatoes.
  • Curd casserole.
  • Kefir.

For snacks, cookies, yogurt, carrot juice.

6th day

  • Oatmeal with milk. Brew the cereal with boiled milk and add sugar. After 5 minutes they eat.
  • Tea with crackers.
  • Soup with buckwheat and meat broth. Water with meat boils, drain. Pour in a new portion. After boiling again, start preparing the soup.
  • Buckwheat porridge with chicken cutlet steamed. Twist the minced meat, add onions, salt, and egg. Form cutlets, roll in flour, place in a slow cooker, turn on the appropriate mode.
  • Curd casserole.
  • Compote with dried fruits.
  • Yogurt.
  • Banana.

7th day

  • Omelet with greens. Green tea with sugar.
  • Meat broth soup with vermicelli.
  • Carrot juice.
  • Stuffed cabbage rolls. Boil the cabbage. Separately, carrots and onions are stewed in vegetable oil. Boil rice. Mix porridge, vegetables, chicken or turkey mince. Wrap the filling in a cabbage leaf. Place in a multicooker bowl and pour over sour cream. Stew on the appropriate mode.
  • Pancakes with cottage cheese. For pancakes: 100 g flour, 2 eggs, 1 tbsp. Spoon of sugar, 0.5 tsp. Spoons of salt, 1 tbsp. A spoon of starch, vegetable oil, 350 ml of milk. The pancakes are fried on both sides; there is no need to additionally grease the pan. The cottage cheese is ground with sugar, sour cream, and protein is added. Wrap the pancakes and place in the oven for 20 minutes. Served with sour cream.
  • Kefir.
  • Baked apple.

The dishes are prepared quickly, they turn out tasty, nutritious, and healthy.


Gallbladder 08/07/2016

Dear readers, today I want to return to a very current topic nutrition after gallbladder removal, despite the fact that there is a lot of material on the blog dedicated to this very issue. The fact is that they still write to me and ask questions, because this is very important for people who have undergone surgery, since nutrition and diet are the most important factor in the recovery period after removal of the gallbladder.

In the comments to articles on the topic of gallbladder removal, people ask their questions, which Evgeniy answers competently and clearly. And I decided to cover the main aspects of nutrition after removal of the gallbladder, as well as collect the doctor’s answers to your questions in one article. Thus, each of you, dear readers, will be able to obtain the most complete information on all issues related to diet and behavior after surgery to remove the gallbladder.

Is it necessary to remove the gallbladder?

First, let's talk a little about whether the gallbladder needs to be removed. This question, I am sure, worries everyone who, based on the results of the examination, has been diagnosed - cholelithiasis. The upcoming operation cannot but frighten, this is a normal reaction of any person, and of course, many begin to look for alternative methods of treatment, such as crushing stones or dissolving them with the help of medications.

Crushing stones is not a safe procedure, therefore it is indicated for a very limited number of patients, and is not used often. An article is devoted to this method, which you can read if you wish.

Dissolution medicines Not all stones are susceptible, only cholesterol stones. In addition, the effectiveness of this method is determined by many factors, such as the size of the stones, their location, the absence of an inflammatory process, etc. Evgeny Snegir wrote about all this in detail in one of his articles

Therefore, you need to trust your doctor and understand that stones pose a constant threat of inflammation of the gallbladder and the development of obstructive jaundice, when a stone gets stuck in the bile duct, and this is already a threat to life.

Therefore, it is more correct to perform the operation as planned, when there is no pain, without waiting for serious complications.

Moreover, instead of abdominal surgery, laparoscopic cholecystectomy is now most often performed; this operation makes it possible to reduce the length of hospital stay and minimize possible complications and, just as importantly, less traumatic.

Why do you need a diet after gallbladder removal?

But you finally made up your mind, and your gallbladder was removed, giving fairly general recommendations to stick to a diet for the rest of your life. Is this true?

First of all, you need to understand that everything in the body functions the same as before the operation and liver cells produce bile necessary for normal digestion and cleansing the body of toxins. But if you have a gallbladder, bile accumulates in it and periodically passes into the intestine, and after cholecystectomy, bile constantly flows into the intestine through the bile ducts. Therefore, a certain diet is required that protects the intestines and does not provoke stagnation and increased secretion of bile.

A strict diet is only needed for a certain period after surgery. Over time, the functions of the gallbladder are taken over by the intrahepatic ducts and the common bile duct, and during the normal course of the postoperative period, stagnation of bile does not occur, which allows a person to refuse strict diet and switch to a normal diet with minor restrictions. This usually occurs one year after the gallbladder is removed.

Now let's talk about dietary nutrition, which allows the body to adapt to living conditions without a gallbladder and which is the basis for maintaining good health. What can you eat immediately after surgery and during the first month to one and a half months after removal of the gallbladder?

Diet and nutrition in the first days after surgery to remove the gallbladder up to 1.5 months

From three days to a week After the operation, a person spends in a hospital under the supervision of medical staff and his nutrition is organized according to all the rules of the necessary diet, but after discharge from the hospital, many questions regarding nutrition usually arise, which we will try to answer today.

The main task in the postoperative period is to prevent stagnation of bile, diluting it with plenty of divided drinks and eating small portions 6 - 7 times a day. It is important to establish a diet by eating at the same time, chewing food thoroughly, and drinking at least 1.5 liters per day in small portions.

For 3 – 5 days You are allowed to drink unsweetened natural juices (apple, beetroot), fruit jelly, mashed potatoes, and slightly sweetened tea. You can already eat a little vegetable soup pureed through a sieve and a vegetable omelette.

On day 5 It is already allowed to add dried white bread to your diet, but not more than 100 grams per day.

On 6 – 7 days You can eat pureed liquid porridge, pureed vegetable soups, unsweetened and low-fat cottage cheese, fermented milk products, lean boiled minced meat, boiled fish, mashed potatoes, egg whites. It is already allowed to add dried white bread to your diet, but not more than 100 grams per day. Do not forget that nutrition and fluid intake are fractional and in small portions, this is very important.

You can drink rosehip decoction, still mineral water, which is recommended by your doctor, dried fruit jelly, sweetened tea, and natural fruit and vegetable juices. The volume of liquid can be increased to 2 liters.

From 8–10 days to 1.5 months you need to continue to follow a gentle diet, all dishes should be boiled or steamed. These can be steamed cutlets, boiled meat and fish, meatballs, meatballs, souffles, milk soups and vegetable broth soups, cottage cheese puddings, casseroles, viscous milk porridges, pureed boiled vegetables, jelly, non-acidic juices. Don’t forget about fermented milk products, which are simply necessary for the intestines. And be sure to drink water, maybe mineral water, I repeat, in consultation with your doctor.

Fresh vegetables and fruits are strictly prohibited, as they promote bile secretion. Rye bread is also excluded; you can only eat white bread and it must be dried or yesterday’s baked bread. Dishes should be neither cold nor hot.

You can read more about nutrition in the first days after surgery and in the first month after surgery in the article

Diet No. 5, nutrition after removal of the gallbladder from 1.5 months to a year. Recipes. Menu

In the postoperative period, when 1.5 months have passed after removal of the gallbladder, main task is to eat food that does not irritate the digestive tract and helps dilute the bile. Diet No. 5 fully meets these criteria, which you should adhere to.

The main restrictions during this period are everything spicy, fatty and fried.

And if the recovery period goes well, there is no pain or other unpleasant sensations, then the diet can be gradually expanded, but within the recommended diet, still avoiding foods that are strictly prohibited.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet:

  • fatty meats (pork, goose, duck),
  • fatty fish,
  • meat broths,
  • salo,
  • sausages,
  • smoked meats,
  • canned foods,
  • salted fish,
  • offal,
  • caviar,
  • mushrooms,
  • onion, garlic,
  • legumes,
  • radish, radish, sorrel, spinach,
  • mustard, horseradish, pepper and other hot seasonings,
  • fresh bread, pastries with cream and pastries,
  • fatty dairy products,
  • chocolate,
  • ice cream,
  • cold drinks,
  • strong coffee, cocoa,
  • alcohol.

The basis of the diet should be milk and vegetable soups with the addition of various cereals, crumbly porridge, boiled or steamed lean fish and meat (beef, chicken, turkey), chicken eggs, but no more than one per day. Include dairy products in your diet every day, cook cottage cheese casseroles, drink kefir, fermented baked milk and fermented milk products enriched with bifidobacteria. As a side dish you can cook boiled potatoes, pasta, vegetable stew, cereals with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil.

You can already afford desserts in the form of marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, you can also have a little honey, jam or homemade jam for tea. You can eat dried apricots and prunes, but in small quantities.

Fresh vegetables and fruits after gallbladder removal

1.5 months after the operation, you can already diversify your diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, gradually accustoming your digestive tract to them. At first fresh vegetables introduce into the diet in crushed form, no more than 100 - 150 grams before meals. This could be carrots, zucchini, celery, small quantities of sauerkraut, tomatoes. At first, remove the skin from the tomatoes. You can add any non-acidic fruits; peel the apples.

Avoid sour varieties of apples, citrus fruits, and currants; give preference to sweet fruits and berries with delicate pulp. Watermelons are very useful, but it is better not to eat melon during the first year after surgery, it is a rather difficult product to digest.

So, let’s summarize: we exclude forbidden foods from the diet, everything fatty, fried, spicy, we take food warm, in no case hot or cold. We take food 4–5 times a day in small portions, the daily amount of liquid consumed is from 1.5 to 2 liters.

And one more very important condition: introduce new foods into your diet gradually, in small portions, carefully listening to your body’s reaction. And if some product causes you pain or discomfort in the form of bloating, belching, heartburn, it is better to give it up for now or reduce the portion. Even healthy people tolerate different foods differently, and after removal of the gallbladder you need to be very careful about your body.

What menu should you create for this time? The blog has two very detailed articles with recipes and recommended menus for this time. All recipes are described in great detail, there are quite a lot of them, you will be convinced that even dietary food can be tasty and varied. These are the articles:

Alcohol after gallbladder removal

Very often people wonder if they can afford a little on holiday alcoholic drinks. If you do not want to harm yourself, then listen to the advice of nutritionists and give up alcohol for one year after surgery. Only as an exception, 1.5 months after surgery, you can occasionally drink no more than one glass of dry or semi-dry wine on a holiday. Strong drinks under the strictest ban.

What can you eat on holidays?

It is much more difficult when you are invited to visit, then you will have to choose, avoiding prohibited foods if possible. You shouldn’t risk your health, especially since in a year you will be able to eat nutritiously without any special restrictions. Just give your body time to learn how to function without your gallbladder.

Diet and nutrition after gallbladder removal in questions and answers

Dear readers, there are so many questions from readers on the blog, so many comments. And doctor Evgeniy Snegir, author of the blog, is always in touch with us Medicine for the soul Evgeniy, once again I want to thank you for such work. No comment goes unanswered.

And the questions usually start like this: “Is it possible after surgery after removing the gallbladder”..., and then comes the question - who cares? I tried to collect in one place the main questions and answers of doctor Evgeniy. I would like to hope that the structure of the answers and questions will be clear to you.

Meat, fish products, eggs

Is it possible to eat meat broth soups after being discharged from the hospital?

In the first 1.5 months after the operation, it is better to eat vegetarian soups, but if you occasionally cook soups with weak meat broth, then there will not be much crime.

Is fish and meat baked in foil over an open fire fried and prohibited? And when can all this be introduced into the diet?

Fish and meat baked over an open fire in foil are still more related to kebabs than to dietary dishes. Therefore, it is better to postpone such goodies for a year. As an exception, 1.5 months after the operation you can pamper yourself with them on holidays, but very, very carefully.

Please tell me, is it possible to bake chicken and turkey with vegetables in the oven if only 9 days have passed since the operation? Is it even possible to cook permitted foods in pots or is it too early?

It is already possible to bake chicken with vegetables in your postoperative period, just do not add fats, add only water so that the food does not burn and there is no crust.

2. You can already make pots in the oven with approved products, again only with water.

Please tell me when it will be possible to eat red caviar, fatty fish and crab sticks?

It is better to postpone fatty fish and red caviar for a year. Occasionally, on holidays, 1.5 months after the operation you can treat yourself to a small piece of lightly salted red fish, but nothing more. Crab sticks with a proven reputation, you will be able to eat 1.5 months after the operation.

When can you eat sushi and rolls?

How long after surgery can I eat whole eggs?

After 1.5 months from the date of surgery, you can only add egg white, in the future, you can eat whole eggs throughout the year, but no more than one per day.

Is it possible to use meat baby food in jars as a snack during the postoperative period?

Baby food still refers to canned foods that are not recommended during the first year after surgery. Fermented milk products with white bread are quite suitable as a snack.

Fats and dairy products

How long after surgery can vegetable oil be added to food?

Vegetable oil is acceptable 1.5 months after surgery and no more than two tablespoons per day.

When can you add butter to food?

It is advisable to completely exclude butter from the diet during the first year of the postoperative period.

Is it possible to gradually add sour cream to food a month and a half after surgery?

You can already try adding sour cream to food, but not fatty, focus on how you feel.

A week has passed since the operation, please tell me what fat content of fermented milk products can be consumed and is it possible to drink acidophilus?

In the first 1.5 months after surgery, the lower the fat content of fermented milk products, the better. Acidophilus is allowed to be taken.

A week ago, my gallbladder was removed via laparoscopy. Can I now eat Tema and Agusha children's curds (they have 4-5% fat content) and drink 3.2% kefir? I suffer with bowel movements, there is no urge at all.

You can now eat baby curds and drink kefir too.

Vegetables and fruits

It's been 2 weeks since the surgery, can I eat cauliflower?

Boiled cauliflower You can already eat it fresh only 1.5 months after the operation.

When can you start eating sauerkraut and homemade lecho?

Theoretically, sauerkraut and you can start eating lecho 1.5 months after the operation, but these homemade preparations can cause severe bloating (flatulence), so here you will need to focus on your own well-being. If you tolerate it well, then you eat, if it’s bad, we wait a year.


Is it possible to drink rosehip decoction a week after surgery?

You can drink rosehip decoction and even really need it.

Is it possible to drink dried fruit compote immediately after being discharged from the hospital?

You can now drink compote and dried fruits in peace. Everything will be fine.

What mineral waters can you drink after gallbladder removal?

You can drink mineral waters; after removal of the gallbladder, Essentuki No. 4, Slavyanovskaya, Smirnovskaya, Mashuk No. 19 are suitable.

1.5 months have passed since the operation, I feel good, I am on a diet. Can I take lemon water now?

Yes, you can. Just focus on your own well-being; an exacerbation of chronic gastritis or duodenitis is possible. Therefore, if you experience abdominal pain, it is better to stop taking lemon water.

Nuts, sauces

4 months have passed since the operation, can nuts and seeds be added to the diet?

You can eat a little bit of nuts and seeds, just reduce the amount of fat in your daily diet.

How long will it take to season food with soy sauce?


A month has passed since the operation, can I eat marmalade?

Considering the great importance of marmalade, you can eat it, but in the first 1.5 months after the operation - a couple of slices and no more than twice a week.

Three weeks have passed since the operation, can I eat jam, marshmallows, and chocolate?

During your postoperative period, it will be safe to periodically consume two tablespoons of delicious jam per day. Marshmallows can be eaten 1.5 months after surgery. Chocolate is not officially recommended during the first year of the postoperative period. But if you really want it, then you can easily allow yourself two chocolates twice a week. They won't do much harm, but will significantly improve your mood.

Cereals, bran, flour dishes

Is it possible to eat store-bought cookies and cookies with tea?

You can start eating store-bought dried biscuits no earlier than 1.5 months after surgery, but carefully and not every day. A year after the operation, within the framework of reasonable use, there will be no restrictions.

Is it possible to eat pizza during the first year after surgery?

Is it possible to eat soups and porridges made from rice and peas on the 8-9th day after removal of the gallbladder?

Soups and porridges made from rice are already possible. During the first year after surgery, legumes should be excluded from the diet.

38 days have passed since the operation, I read that bran is useful, can I use it now?

Bran can be added to food 1.5 months after surgery, i.e. in your case already in a week. Theoretically, you can take any according to your taste, but according to the experience of patients, wheat ones are best suited.

When can you eat pancakes? Or will we have to forget about them now?

You can start eating pancakes 1.5 months after surgery, but be careful; it is advisable not to use a large amount of oil in the recipe. Pancakes made with fermented milk products are very good. Pancakes can be eaten no more than twice a week.

Is it possible to cook “Extra” oatmeal 1.5 months after surgery?

If there is no tendency to constipation in the postoperative period, then you can eat “Extra” oatmeal. If you are worried about constipation, then it is better to cook yourself a full-fledged oatmeal porridge.

I hope that the doctor’s answers will help you resolve your doubts and organize your diet correctly. In addition to nutrition itself, many people have questions about how to cope with nausea, how to get rid of constipation or loose stools after surgery, what to do if skin rashes appear.

Nausea after surgery

17 days have passed since the operation to remove the gallbladder. I stick to the diet, but for the last 2 days I have started to feel a little nauseous during the day. What to do about this and what could it be from?

As a rule, nausea is associated with the reflux of bile into the stomach from the duodenum. Frequent small meals and distraction therapy (a slice of lemon in tea) help in the fight against nausea. The drug “Motilium” has proven itself well, but the use of any medicine need to be agreed with the doctor after a direct examination.

I have aversions to food, nausea, a sour or metallic taste in my mouth, and problems with bowel movements. Maybe you can recommend something to increase your appetite?

Within a year, the body must adapt to new operating conditions after removal of the gallbladder and everything should return to normal.

Try to eat small portions, but often. This will allow the constantly formed bile to bind, which will normalize the stool situation. Rice is good in this situation, buckwheat porridge, fermented milk products aged more than three days. Bananas and apples also help. Unsweetened apple juice is a good appetite stimulant.

If you don’t want to eat anything at all, then cook yourself at least a light summer vegetable soup, add grated cheese, the white of a boiled egg to taste and a spoonful of vegetable oil. Delicious, easy, nutritious!

At the pharmacy you can buy special nutritional mixtures “Nutridrink”. They have different tastes, there's definitely something you'll like!

Proven recipes from me.

(chamomile with flax seed recipe).

Normalization of stool after gallbladder removal

After removal of the gallbladder, I was tormented by constipation, help! And how long can you take laxatives?

Laxatives cannot be taken constantly, otherwise they can completely unlearn the intestines to work independently.

  1. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of water at room temperature, then breakfast and go to the toilet.
  2. Digestion requires fiber. Therefore, cook compotes from dried fruits (preferably including prunes). You can already eat vegetables and fruits after heat treatment: baked apples, boiled beets and carrots are good.
  3. Once every five days you can perform a cleansing enema, but not more often, otherwise you can wean the intestines from working on their own. Counter enemas also help: insert 100 ml of boiled water at room temperature with a rubber bulb into the rectum before going to the toilet; you can add one tablespoon of vegetable oil to the water.
  4. Movement is necessary for normal bowel function. Therefore, physical activity is required: regular morning exercises, walking.

A recipe from me, tested in practice - prunes. It should be soaked overnight in warm water, covered with a saucer and left at room temperature. In the morning, drink water and eat prunes. Accept in the system. It is enough to soak 6-8 prunes in about a glass or a little more water. Prunes can be eaten in two servings.

After the operation, despite following the diet, frequent loose stools bother me. Tell me how to deal with this?

  1. Frequent meals are necessary (4 to 5 times a day) in order to bind the bile that constantly enters the intestines.
  2. Fermented milk products aged for more than three days help (fresh ones, on the contrary, have a laxative effect).
  3. Eat rice, rice and buckwheat porridge.
  4. Fiber is essential, baked apples are very good.
  5. In the postoperative period, you can undergo a course of treatment with drugs containing normal intestinal microflora (Linex).

Skin problems after surgery

After the operation, my mother developed acne on her face, although she never had any skin problems before the operation. Help please

Over time, everything will return to normal; you must follow the diet and recommended drinking regimen. Courses of multivitamin preparations, for example “Vitrum” or “Alphabet”, also help. Ointments with complex effects (“Zinerit”, “Dalacin-T”) help locally. They contain antibacterial agents and are used in a course. Skinoren gel is suitable for long-term use. But I still advise you to visit a dermatologist and coordinate the use of ointments and gels with him.

Behavior after gallbladder removal in questions and answers

In addition to nutrition, many issues are related to behavior in everyday life after gall bladder surgery, the answers to which I collected for you, dear readers, in the comments to the articles. Perhaps they will help many of you overcome the difficult period of adaptation and live a normal and fulfilling life. How to live after gallbladder removal?

When can you start swimming in open water after surgery? Is it possible to sunbathe? Does water temperature matter?

It will be possible to swim in the sea and other open waters in a month, but it is necessary to avoid stress on the abs. You can actively swim no earlier than 6 months after surgery. The water temperature should be comfortable so as not to cause spastic contractions of the intestines.

It is not recommended to sunbathe on purpose for the first 6 months; in addition, you should wear a closed swimsuit in the sun (persistent pigmentation may appear at the site of postoperative sutures under the influence of the sun). You can only sunbathe for 6 months after surgery.

Tell me, how long after the operation can I go to the pool for swimming?

You can engage in active swimming in the pool six months after the operation. Just splash around in the pool without heavy load You can use your abdominal muscles within a month after surgery.

Can I ride a bike or rollerblade after gallbladder removal surgery?

In a relaxed tourist mode, you can start riding a bicycle within a month after the operation. But active roller skating and cycling in sports mode can only be done 6 months after surgery, as the risk of developing postoperative ventral hernias is high.

Is it possible to exercise after removal of the gallbladder and what physical activity is acceptable?

You can and should do physical exercise after gallbladder removal. In the first 6 months after surgery, it is advisable to avoid intense stress on the abs. As for loads, after laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the first month of the postoperative period, the permissible load is to lift no more than two kilograms of weights. After abdominal surgery in the first month - two kilograms, the second month - four kilograms. In both cases, intense stress on the abs should be avoided in the first six months.

6 months after surgery there are no longer any special restrictions on reasonable physical activity. The only thing worth emphasizing is that professional sports are not always good for health. Therefore, a very balanced approach is needed here.

When can I start ballroom and sports dancing?

It will be possible to practice ballroom dancing within a month after the operation, and sports dancing - after six months.

4 months have passed since my gallbladder was removed, is it still possible to do yoga?

During the first year of the postoperative period, you need to choose the mildest option. In the first 6 months, it is advisable to avoid intense stress on the abs.

Is it possible to be sexually active after surgery?

Within reasonable limits, you can begin to be sexually active within a week after surgery. For the first 1.5 months, it is advisable to avoid intense sexual intercourse.

When after surgery is it permissible to undergo sanatorium-resort treatment and is it possible to fly by plane?

Sanatorium-resort treatment is possible three months after surgery. You can fly by plane.

Is it possible to take weight loss medications 4 months after gallbladder removal?

Special weight loss techniques can be practiced one year after surgery. It will be safe this way. In addition, it should be noted that strict adherence to diet No. 5, which is recommended for those who have had their gallbladder removed, usually leads to weight loss, and if you follow it, your weight problem will gradually go away.

3 months have passed since the operation. Can I do anti-cellulite massage and vacuum in the abdominal area?

You will have to wait another three months, when six months have passed since the operation.

2 months have passed since the operation, I feel good, can I go to the sauna?

Yes, you can, just be careful, don’t sit too long, focus on your own well-being.

These are the recommendations from Evgeniy Snegir and me for everyone who has undergone surgery to remove the gallbladder. And remember, the most important thing is your positive thoughts, the attitude that everything will be fine. And, of course, it’s worth sticking to a diet, at least in the first year and a half after surgery. And such food can be tasty and varied. Health to everyone and joys of life.

And for the soul we will listen today F. Schubert. Impromptu. Op. 90 No 3 . Performed by David Frey. I really love this pianist.