The Sun in the houses of the natal chart. Electional astrology and the Sun. What does the conjunction of the Sun and Moon bring in different signs

Do you know the feeling of lack of energy: as if you have no strength for anything and your activity is fading away every day? Most likely, this is the most common illness today - blues, bordering on depression. There are many different types of training aimed at helping you get excited and invigorated.

But such activities give only a temporary effect and soon you return to your old way of life, apathy and laziness. Most people live this way, senselessly wasting their years, losing and missing out on their opportunities, only dreaming of better life. And no one thinks to look at the position of the Sun in the natal chart.

The sun as a source of personal energy and light

In astrology, the problem of energy is associated with the daylight - . In astrology, it is responsible for your “I” and for your place in this life, it gives the answer to the questions: who are you, why did you come, what can give you energy. The Sun shows the light within you - the core of your personality.

The position of the Sun in the sign and house in your natal chart will indicate what will inspire you. It ignites your individuality, reveals those features that no other person on earth has.

Harmonious Sun

Signs of a harmonious Sun:

  1. Self-confidence, enormous willpower. You are able to overcome even serious obstacles.
  2. You can turn any circumstances in your favor and benefit from them.
  3. You are filled with vital energy and literally sparkle.
  4. You are ready to create something new, you can be successful in completely different areas of activity: in the implementation of work projects or in family affairs.

Why is it extremely importantwork through ? For most people, it sleeps and is in a mode of passive activity. Perhaps this is a result of the influence of the Soviet era, because it is associated with a personality that was actively suppressed during that period.

Disharmonious Sun

Signs of a weak Sun:

  1. Lack of self-confidence, fear of expressing your desires.
  2. You are inert, follow the crowd, expect someone else to do everything for you.
  3. You do not use your own resources and energy, you feel empty.
  4. The constant desire for comfort puts pressure on you and does not allow you to act: it is easier for you to sit at home in poverty than to start doing something and changing your life.
  5. When the Sun is weak, you do not see the meaning of life: everything seems to be turned off for you, the world seems gray and faded.

Sun in houses

The sun in your home will show how you can “light it up”, work it out, what field of activity is suitable for a person. It is responsible for pride, for dignity, so the house in which the Sun is located is literally the house of a person’s dignity and pride.

Sun in the 1st house

Classically, this position gives very strong people, quite confident, with a leadership character. The main area for you in this position is yourself.

Below I will list the main qualities to develop:

  • Leadership, the ability to ignite others, bearing full responsibility for all processes.
  • Never, anywhere, depend on situations, but, on the contrary, strive to manage them.
  • You must be confident and not shy about showing healthy selfishness.

The extent to which you demonstrate these qualities, the more energy you will have and the more clearly you will understand the meaning of life.

Having worked the Sun , you can become the undisputed leader in all your endeavors.

Sun in the 2nd house

Being in the II house - the house of materiality, it literally calls for uniting the spiritual and material and not renouncing everything earthly. The source of pride in this position is your money and resources. On a psychological level, this position is responsible for what your self-esteem will be.

Signs of a disharmonious Sun:

  • Burning through resources and finances, especially if you try to avoid the topic of money or try to separate the spiritual from the material.
  • You underestimate yourself or, conversely, exaggerate your merits and estimate the cost of your services unreasonably high.

To work out the Sun, I recommend:

  • Take a sober look at yourself and your capabilities.
  • Take care of your self-esteem, learn to value yourself, your resources and work, but do it objectively.

Sun in the 3rd house

Classically, this situation provides a lot of information that needs to be collected and synthesized in order to create something qualitatively new. The situation is considered difficult because it requires special ingenuity.

To “turn on” it in this house, you need to:

  • Start actively meeting and communicating with new people.
  • Act as an initiator of meetings, rather than waiting for attention from others.

These simple actions will “light up” the Sun and give you a new outlook on life.

Sun in the 4th house

The fourth house of astrology is inextricably linked with the archetype of the father. The main theme for you in this situation is the theme of family, home, comfort and real estate in general.

The unprocessed Sun gives:

  • Emptiness and unfulfilled ambitions.
  • Reclusion. You sit within four walls and think that you are talented, deserve more, and therefore you don’t need to do anything.

For elaboration of the Sun I advice:

  • Build a house, start a family.
  • If you are a man, you should be the head of the house. It is important for you to prove yourself as a father and head of the family.
  • For a woman - to furnish a home, create a home and family comfort.

Sun in the 5th house

The 5th house of astrology is associated with creativity, the creation of something new, some kind of creativity.

Here are the signs of a disharmonious Sun in this house:

  • You are characterized by vegetation and procrastination.
  • You are in limbo: due to laziness, in fact, you will not be able to rest normally or work effectively.

Create and invent - this will help you work through your Sun and find yourself.

For elaboration of the Sunyou need to show your creative nature, create something: it could be a book, a painting or a sculpture - any area of ​​creativity that is close to you.

Sun in the 6th house

A difficult position, since the house is associated with submission, and in order to reveal your Sun, you need someone to dominate you. This could be a boss, a teacher, or a partner.

  • You may be affected by so-called solar diseases: heart attack, stroke, heart disease.
  • Almost all things turn out to be failures and turn into a problem.

For elaboration of the Sun I recommend:

  • For someone to move you, mentor you, guide you. You won’t have enough motivation on your own; you need some kind of push from the outside.
  • Reveal your “I” through hired work, since it will be very difficult for you to create a business or conduct your own projects on your own.

Sun in the 7th house

Symbolically, the Sun in the 7th house is at the place of its fall. In this position of the planet, you are subject to the influence of other people, it is very difficult for you to express yourself, outsiders have a strong influence on you, whether you want it or not.

For elaboration of the Sun I advice:

  • Consider your “I” as the center of the universe around which the whole world revolves: in this case, the Sun in the 7th house can give the aspect of popularity.
  • In any relationship, be it business, partnership or marriage, you need to be the initiator: this applies to both men and women.

Sun in the VIII house

This is a rather difficult situation, because the VIII house is associated with the theme of risks, dangers and extremes. It is simply impossible to reveal yourself in a simple, calm life.

Here are the signs of a harmonious Sun:

  • You are able to open up in extreme situations and feel great when in danger.
  • You can turn any crisis, including an economic one, to your advantage.

To work it out you need:

  • Crises and dangerous situations where you can show all your strengths.
  • As much risk as possible, for example, extreme sports or trading on the stock market.

By awakening your Sun, you neutralize negative energy home in the form of unforeseen situations, which will be replaced by the true revelation of your personality.

Sun in the 9th house

Classically considered a good position: it is in the house of one's joy.

A disharmonious Sun can give a naive attitude to life, too high expectations from it and a superficial worldview.

Elaborated Sunmakes you an excellent teacher and mentor, helping you to constantly develop your thinking.

  • Pay as much attention as possible to personal development, obtain new information and transfer your knowledge through teaching.
  • Travel more to explore other cultures and traditions: this will inspire you.

Sun in X house

Strong position: The Sun is a personality, the X house is a career and power. When handled correctly, these aspects can make you a very bright, charismatic leader who knows exactly what he wants and in which direction to go.

A disharmonious Sun gives abuse of one's capabilities and an incorrect assessment of one's capabilities and resources.

Work out the Sunpossible under the following conditions:

  • With sole management of your project, where you will have full authority.
  • You should only do what you enjoy, earning status and money.

Sun in the 11th house

The 11th house in astrology is the house of friends and like-minded people. The sun is in symbolic exile, problems with friends are possible.

With a disharmonious Sun, you put the interests of your friends above your own, so you may suffer from others taking advantage of your kindness.

A well-developed luminary gives the ability to ideologically inspire teams and lead the crowd.

  • Through friendship in which everyone's interests are respected.
  • Through organizational activities. You need to literally gather people around you using your charisma and energy.

Sun in the XII house

It is considered a difficult position, since the XII house is the house of blocks and secrets, it is associated with the theme of everything implicit and closed. Symbolically, in this position the personality is closed, the Sun is not manifested.

Below I list the signs of a disharmonious Sun:

  • It is difficult for you to realize yourself in society; you cannot understand what you want, but at the same time you vaguely feel your needs.
  • Doubts torment you and in your dreams or intuitively you feel that you know what you need, but you don’t trust your inner voice.

Solitude will allow you to listen to yourself and gain unlimited access to secret knowledge.

  • Listen to yourself, eliminating information noise.
  • Understand what exactly you want, and your personality will reveal itself in solitude and solitude.
  • You need to stay away from large crowds of people.
  • Do not let unnecessary people into your life, who with their best-intentioned advice can impose on you something of their own that is unnecessary and inappropriate for you.

The Sun is being processedthrough creativity, Jungian analysis or active imagination techniques, when you begin to draw invaluable experience and knowledge from the collective unconscious.

“Turning on” your Sun: the first step in working out your natal chart

The sun is the vital force, the main spark of a person, giving the strength to live, giving life meaning. It needs to be “turned on”, because if it is not worked out, literally the entire horoscope will be de-energized and will function at low speed.

It is always necessary to start working out your natal chart from the Sun. And if you want to light up the luminary in your chart to the fullest, as well as Plunge into an atmosphere of mystery, find like-minded people, become confident in the future and simply get a new fashionable profession in which you can make good money, go to our school!

(soul indicator).

Studying the location of the Sun in a horoscope allows one to obtain information about a person’s appearance, his energy and the main features of his behavior, everything related to his father, health, leadership ability, and the depth of his knowledge of his inner self. The Sun represents people involved in government, those working in churches and temples, those involved in the gold trade, and those employed in industries related to health care, as well as those who are famous and popular. The sun is the king of the planets, it gives everyone warmth and light (visible). Thus, the position of the Sun in the horoscope allows one to see how powerful, influential a given person is and how noble, self-realized he can be. In this case, it is necessary to check the state of the houses associated with these qualities, for example, pay attention to the 9th house and the Sun to know about the degree of spiritual awareness of a person, and to the 10th house and the Sun to have an idea of ​​​​his professional status.


Om Namo Bhagavate Ramachandraya

There are many mantras for various names of the Sun - Surya, Savitar, Aditya, Ravi, Mitra, Varuna, Aryaman, Pushan, Indra and Agni.

  • The main mantra of the name is “Om Surya Namah!”
  • Main bija mantra (“seed” mantra) - "Om Sum!"(pronounced with a long "u")

Another effective “seed” mantra of the Sun is "Ram"(pronounced with a long "a"), the name of Rama is an avatar of Vishnu. It strengthens a person’s connection with the Divine Light. You can also use the mantra " Ohm", for this sound is considered the sound of the Sun. The sun is the quintessence of all vowel sounds. Another effective mantra is “ Khrim” (pronounced with a long “i”). She radiates the golden glow of her heart. It is advisable to recite these mantras on Sunday, during daylight hours (at sunrise, noon or sunset).

Mantras of the Sun

  • Bija mantra of Surya (Sun):

Om hraam hreem hraum sah suryaaya namah

  • Surya Stotra Mantra:

Japaa kusumasamkaasham kaashyapeyam mahahyutim
Tamo rim sarvapaapaghnam pranato smi divaakaram

  • Gayatri mantra of Surya (Sun):

Om Bhaaskaraaya vidmahe mahaatejaaya dhimahi
Tanno suurya prachodayaat

Astrological indicators

Relationships with planets:

  • friends with the Moon, Mars and Jupiter
  • enemies with Venus and Saturn
  • neutral with Mercury

With the ascendant in Aries, Leo, Scorpio or Sagittarius, the Sun is a benefic planet. In these cases (provided that the Sun is not weakened), with the help of astrological healing remedies one can strengthen the positive solar qualities - leadership abilities, independence, intellectual strength and insight.

Sun in houses

If at the moment of a person’s birth, the Sun occupies:

  • Ascendant - the person will love battles, will be slow in work, will not be observant and will be ruthless; but if Aries is the rising sign (Aries Ascendant) and the Sun occupies it, the person will become rich and suffer from eye diseases; if Leo is the rising sign (Ascendant in Leo) and the Sun occupies it, the person will not see at night; if Libra is the rising sign and the Sun is in it, the person will be blind and poor; if Cancer is the rising sign and the Sun is in it, the person will have a spot in his eye.
  • 2nd house - the person will be very rich, his wealth will be taken away by the king and he will suffer from diseases on his face.
  • 3rd house - the person will be smart and powerful.
  • 4th House - The person will be afflicted with sadness and mental anguish.
  • 5th house - he will have no sons and will be poor.
  • 6th house - the person will be powerful, but will be conquered by the enemy. If the Sun occupies the 6th house from the Ascendant, the native's enemies will meet with ruin. According to Satyacharya, such a person will be free from enemies, diseases and grief, but the Text has the support of Yavanacharya and Suchidhwaja.
  • 7th house - a person will be disgraced at the hands of women.
  • 8th house - the person will have few sons and will go blind.
  • 9th house - the person will have sons, wealth and comfort (A). According to another version, a person born with the Sun in the 9th house will have neither sons nor wealth. Satyacharya says that such a person will do evil deeds, will be afflicted with diseases and will achieve a humble position in life.
  • 10th house - the person will live in comfort and will be powerful.
  • 11th house - the person will be very rich.
  • 12th house - he will become an apostate.

In determining the influence of planets in certain houses from the Ascendant, in determining the nature of such houses, it must be taken into account whether the houses are occupied by several planets, whether their signs are friendly, hostile or neutral signs, or whether their own houses, or their signs of exaltation and the like (A). Moreover, according to Satyacharya, benefic planets strengthen houses while malefic planets weaken them; but for the 6th, 8th and 12th houses the opposite case applies (b).


(A) According to Garga, planets in their exaltation, moolatrikona, abode or in friendly signs strengthen the houses occupied by them; planets in their hostile or suppressive signs weaken the houses they occupy; planets in their neutral signs do not strengthen or diminish the houses they occupy.

(b) That is, if a benefic planet occupies the 6th house, the enemies will meet with devastation, if a malefic planet occupies it, the strength of the enemies will be increased. Again, if a benefic planet occupies the 8th house, the person will be freed from dangers in life, if a malefic planet occupies it, the dangers in life will increase. Finally, if a benefic planet occupies the 12th house, the person will not suffer any losses, if a malefic planet occupies it, then the amount of losses will be increased.

This view is in accordance with Svalpa Jataka.

If planets c good properties occupy their signs of exaltation, such properties are fully expressed. If they occupy their Mulatrikona (A) signs, only three quarters of such influences will manifest themselves; if they occupy their houses, half their influence will appear; if they occupy their friendly signs, one-fourth of such influences will manifest; if they occupy their hostile signs, less than one-fourth of such influences will come true; if planets occupy signs of their fall or if planets are combusted (b), good influences will fail completely.

The bad influences of planets, if they occupy the signs of their fall or if planets are combusted, will be fully expressed. If the planets occupy their hostile signs, then by three quarters; if they occupy their friendly signs, they will manifest themselves in half; if they occupy their signs, then one quarter; if they occupy their Mulatrikona signs, then less than a quarter of the bad influence will come true. If the planets occupy their signs of exaltation, the ill effects of the planets will not occur.

Sun in zodiac signs

Born with the Sun:

  • in the sign of Aries but not in a degree of exaltation, will become widely known and talented, will travel a lot, own small wealth and carry weapons. If a person is born with the Sun in the degree of exaltation, he will be very rich, a commander in the army, will have great fame and fame;
  • in the sign of Taurus he will sell clothes, perfumes and other items, will treat women poorly, will be skilled in music, vocals and playing musical instruments;
  • in the sign of Gemini he will be literate, will be an astrologer and will be rich;
  • in the sign of Cancer will be independent and cruel, poor, doing other people's work and will suffer from the fatigue of traveling on foot;
  • in the sign of Leo he will live in forests, mountains and pastures, he will be strong and stupid;
  • in the sign of Virgo he will be a writer, artist, literary publisher and mathematician, will have extensive knowledge, his body will be like a woman’s;
  • in the sign of Libra he will love to drink and produce alcohol, will be a wanderer, an alchemist, and will commit bad deeds;
  • in the sign of Scorpio he will have a ferocious character, frivolous in his work, will earn money by actions related to poison or his earnings will not be of use to him, unusually skillful in handling weapons;
  • in the sign of Sagittarius he will be respected by sages, rich and independent, will be trained in medicine and sculpture;
  • in the sign of Capricorn he will be involved in matters that do not correspond to his position in life, will be ignorant, a seller of not very good things, a little rich, greedy and enjoying at the expense of other people;
  • in the sign of Aquarius he will be engaged in affairs that do not correspond to his status in life, he will be poor, he will not have sons and property;
  • in the sign of Pisces will earn wealth from water-related products and will be popular with women.

When the Sun and Moon are conjunct in one sign at the time of birth of a person, he will have moles and birthmarks according to the distribution of zodiac signs on the Kalapurusha body.

If at the time of a person's birth the Sun, the Sun sign and the ruler of this sign were strong, the results described above are fully realized. If the two conditions were strong, the results will partially come true. If only one condition was strong, they will come true only to a small extent, and if none of the three conditions were strong, the above interpretations will not be realized.

Best position

Physiology and health

In the human body, the Sun is responsible for:

  • vocal cords
  • upper back and entire spine
  • vitality in general - general state human health, body strength reserve
  • body bone tissue
  • heart
  • visual power
  • metabolism (metabolism)
  • vision
  • right eye for men and left eye for women

Signs of a Strong Sun

A strong Sun in the horoscope speaks of the ability of self-awareness, the ability to find support in oneself and in God, who is always with us.

People who have a strong Sun in their horoscope will have a strong constitution, a strong body and good health, attractive appearance, large round face and, as a rule, average height, dark hair and dark skin color.

In addition, a strong Sun gives clear life principles, self-confidence, prosperity, high social status, popularity, leadership qualities and the ability to lead people.

A strong Sun speaks of respect for others, self-esteem, pride, generosity, nobility, generosity and sincerity, and bestows ambitions and talents.

The sun is responsible for vision, and if a person develops spiritually, he gains the ability to see subtle realities. In its highest manifestation the Sun gives transcendental vision.

Signs of a weak Sun

The main symptoms of Sun weakness are lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem or lack of self-respect. A person does not value himself, he has a negative self-image, he is unable to achieve success and recognition. He is weak-willed and timid, subject to fears and doubts. He lacks sense of purpose and motivation and is dependent on others emotionally and financially. He gains a sense of his own individuality only by looking at other people (most often, family and friends), and it is difficult for him to work independently. The father of such a person most likely had a difficult fate.

On the physical level, a person suffers from a lack of energy. He is pale and anemic, has cold hands and feet, poor digestion and appetite, a weak or slow pulse, a weak heart and poor circulation. Possible swelling, accumulation of fluids and mucus, general hypofunction of organs and nervous system. Possible impaired vision. Such a person may have very fragile bones and be susceptible to arthritis. The body's resistance is low; in particular, this person is defenseless against cold and dampness.

A weak or negatively affected Sun indicates that the person will be selfish, overly proud, arrogant, extravagant, will strive to dominate other people and dream of power. Such a person will not have the support of his family, he will wander and experience humiliation from relatives.

If the influence of the Sun is not harmonious, then a person experiences the following health problems: poor vision, circulatory problems, heart disease, high blood pressure, weak bones, epilepsy, headaches.

Such people are characterized by low vitality, increased irritability, and inflammation of the appendix (appendicitis) occurs in severe form.


The sun can mean increased temperature, fever, eye and dental diseases, neuralgia.

  • Immune diseases
  • Heart defects, arrhythmias
  • Various curvatures of the spine
  • Low vision
  • Fevers
  • Anemia
  • General weakness
  • Hair growth problems
  • Pale skin

Upaya (methods of harmonization) of solar energy

  • Getting up early - getting up on Brahma Muhurta is very favorable - the period 40-45 minutes before sunrise, dedicating this time to communication with God
  • Walking in the Sun (to the zenith)
  • Cultivation of the qualities of the Sun in goodness
  • Performing fasting and austerities on Sundays
  • Performing the Surya Namaskar complex in the morning
  • Dedicate Sunday to spiritual practices

Sun in the gunas

Sattva Rajas Tamas
  • responsibility
  • nobility
  • generosity
  • generosity
  • joy in activity
  • self-esteem
  • humanism
  • determination
  • determination
  • self-discipline
  • strength of will
  • ability to lead without using punishment
  • cheerfulness from the abundance of inner happiness
  • innovation
  • respect for yourself and others
  • loud commanding voice
  • attentiveness to advice
  • sincerity
  • early rise with joy
  • undying enthusiasm
  • feeling of gratitude
  • conceptual thinking
  • desire to be the center of attention
  • "artificial" smile
  • pride
  • impulsiveness
  • desire for power
  • desire to manipulate, exploit
  • dependence on the opinions of others
  • ambition
  • self-praise
  • responsibility only for profit
  • obsessive desire to help
  • unwillingness to listen to the opinions of others
  • terry selfishness
  • irresponsibility
  • desire to enjoy
  • failure to keep a promise
  • pleasure from other people's suffering
  • hostile attitude towards the world and people
  • claims
  • prolonged anger
  • arrogance
  • diffidence
  • aimless life
  • the desire to go towards your goal “head over heels”

additional information

If at the lowest level the Sun represents the ego or the image of the “I”, then at the highest level it is the true, divine “I” (atman).

The main task of the Sun is to resolve the problem of personality. Our true identity lies in consciousness as such, and not in any other thing with which we identify ourselves. All that we identify with are just forms of darkness. Our true nature is the ability to shed light on existence, and not at all those objects that are illuminated by the light of our consciousness.

Our true being is being in the light. It itself is light. To find true light, you need to turn inside yourself. Any external light that we reflect only darkens our soul, no matter how bright it may be.

The sun gives a person vitality and awareness of his inner self. It also gives strength and the ability to make quick decisions.

Demands respect for the father. If there is no respect for the father, the sunny aspect in life closes (the same applies to the stepfather, boss, government).

Symbolizes the male Divine aspect.

The energy of the Sun is tough, but noble.


To strengthen the Sun, a person must develop independence and courage, fight his fears. He must illuminate with bright light all the dark recesses of his consciousness. He must learn to appear in public without companions. He must learn to be alone. He should take the initiative more often and take on the role of leader.

You need to spend more time outdoors in the bright sun and take sunbathing daily (about twenty minutes). You need to get up early in the morning and greet the Sun - best with a prayer or mantra of the solar Deity, at sunrise, at noon and at sunset. You should also perform the yogic “Worship of the Sun” (“Surya Namaskar”) daily.

Professions and occupation

  • kings, kings
  • managers
  • administrators
  • leaders, strategists
  • military leaders
  • doctors
  • rich famous people
  • great actors
  • playwrights


To strengthen the Sun, you need to meditate on the image of a red or golden solar ball located in the heart area. Preference should be given to bright, clean, transparent and warm colors - mainly red, yellow, gold, light brown and orange tones. Avoid dark colors, as well as dark places and landscapes; Particularly dangerous are cloudy, opaque tones and all shades of gray and black.

Type of yoga

To establish a connection with your higher self, it is advisable to meditate and practice the yoga of knowledge. The main task here is to establish a sense of identity with your inner essence as pure consciousness. We must learn to distinguish the lower self from the higher self. You need to find the origins of the mental image of “I” in the Divine Light of your heart.


The Sun and the Moon are responsible for the 6th Chakra (Ajna). This chakra is located in the center of the forehead, in the area of ​​the “third eye”.

Day of the week


Direction and places

It is extremely favorable to sleep with your head facing the east and to have an entrance to your home from the east. Even having at least one window to the east and the opportunity to watch the sunrise every day is already a big plus.

The sun in astrology symbolizes the color orange, gem ruby and gold metal. It is considered the most important planet in every person's birth horoscope. The sun influences individuality, self-awareness and personal development. Over a period of one year, the sun goes through a cycle through all the signs of the zodiac, and then returns to its original position. It lingers in one sign for about one month.

The position of the Sun is decisive at the time of human birth. It indicates his personal zodiac sign. The sun has a direct relationship with the human spirit, with that part of God that everyone has.

Symbol of the Sun and how it is designated

The glyph looks like a dot in the center of a circle, which is the symbol of the Sun. This sign shows how much a person strives for self-knowledge. Since ancient times, the circle has been considered unity, integrity and the personification of infinity. It shows the infinity of the life cycle.

A person strives to realize himself in life, to know his essence.

The dot in the center of the circle shows that he is just a drop in the Universe. Everything that exists in the world depends on each other, and man himself is capable of thinking, therefore he must fulfill a certain purpose.

Sun in zodiac signs

When a planet appears in a person’s natal chart and moves into his sign, the individual’s actions depend on this. The sun makes you learn and discover yourself, strive for independence and independence. Each new zodiac sign changes completely during the influence of the Sun on it.

A person is constantly trying to bring new ideas to life, his energy is overflowing. Often such individuals prefer to work alone and strive to become independent.

  • Taurus

Slow and patient people try to get to the bottom of things, love to live in comfort and convenience, and are often lazy.

  • Twins

They are witty and inquisitive people, but quickly change their field of activity and hobbies. In principle, such individuals are happy, because they learn something new all the time.

Emotional and sensitive people need the support of loved ones, treat their family well, know how to love and sacrifice themselves, but without support they can withdraw into themselves.

Strong and ideological personalities, love to be in the center of attention, open and sincere.

All actions are carried out with great care. Such people want everything to be in order and demand the same from others.

They love to have fun in companies, they need the approval and sympathy of others, but they do not make decisions very willingly, they are afraid of making a mistake.

  • Scorpion

They are very emotional people, but they prefer not to make them public. They often become withdrawn and lonely. They prefer to take sophisticated revenge on their offenders.

  • Sagittarius

Very active and restless individuals, they constantly prefer to leave home. Such people dream of freedom without any conventions and restrictions. They love to travel and engage in self-discovery.

  • Capricorn

Very serious people, they are sure that nothing comes easy.

  • Aquarius

Sincere and fair individuals strive for the respect and attention of others, and they themselves respond in kind. Sometimes they are too stubborn.

They are susceptible to the mood of others, so they cannot communicate with depressed and sad people.

Sun in the houses of the horoscope

The sun is responsible for human self-awareness, creativity and spirit. The sun in houses shows certain abilities of the individual, shows where you can try to realize yourself. It’s worth first determining whose planet the Sun is in the horoscope, so that you can then understand in what area you can achieve real success.

  • 1 house

A person strives to solve only his personal problems, they want to live life to the fullest, they know how to gather strength and strive forward. They cope with all troubles on their own, they are narcissistic and envious.

  • 2nd house

The person is realistic, self-confident, stable. He earns money quite easily and spends it the same way, is engaged in creativity and achieves success.

  • 3rd house

Infantile personalities, light and spontaneous, are strongly influenced by those around him.

  • 4th house

They prefer to preserve family traditions, respect their parents and spouses, and often show a penchant for occult sciences and mysticism.

  • 5th house

They are prone to freedom and creative self-expression; they cannot imagine their life without love. They are very attached to children and are excellent family men.

  • 6th house

They are hardworking and noticeable, quickly build a career, and prefer to always keep funds in reserve for a rainy day.

  • 7th house

Spirituality is formed under the influence of society and is able to achieve popularity and recognition. Sometimes very capricious individuals demand a lot, but give too little.

  • 8th house

Fatal personalities are drawn to secrets and mysticism, take risks and love dangers, sometimes very desperate ones. They achieve resounding success in life and become famous.

  • 9th house

Active, constantly traveling and expanding opportunities. They strive for romance and a rich life.

  • 10th house

They love it when people pay attention to them, they love to win and achieve their goals.

  • 11th house

A person is far ahead of the development of society, strives to achieve everything on his own, and does not ask anyone for help.

  • 12th house

They prefer to meditate and strive for spiritual development personality and knowledge of the Universe and the secrets of the universe. They know how to keep secrets and love to be alone.

Sesquisquare Sun

It is not enough for a person to fulfill the will of God; he must think that this is his desire. This aspect is quite complicated. Such people can sometimes be very straightforward. The role of the Sun in this configuration can hinder any human undertakings and be destructive in all aspects of interest to him.

If everything seems to be going well, then something demonic turns on inside the personality, which the person is unable to stop. In this case, you need to constantly engage in self-development, strive to learn the secrets of the Universe, and be spiritual. Also in this case, you need to form the right ideals, program the subconscious, and strive for the highest.

Square and opposition of the Sun with other planets

Sun and moon

When a person needs to make a decision, his temperament does not allow him to do so. The individual becomes uneasy, scared and unpleasant. You need to reconcile with those around you, see who is dependent on his decision. Such people constantly want to be in two places at the same time, but this is impossible. Those around them strive for one thing, but the person wants the completely opposite.

You have to leave your loved ones to do what you love. Or you have to give up your own self for the sake of others. This results in hatred and various diseases. Either way, nothing good happens.

  • Sun and Mercury with Venus

There is no square here. There is only a half square.

  • Sun and Mars

Such individuals seem to be created in order to rebel and go against generally accepted rules. They adore those people who have fire in them and blindly follow them. They are narcissistic and adore those like them, but constantly challenge them. Such individuals are very dangerous, they cannot be openly challenged and enter into battle, because they do not have the habit of fearing the enemy.

  • Sun and Jupiter

Such people have nothing sacred, they are vain and proud, they know how to get out of the most difficult situations. Such a person considers himself above everyone else; only his own well-being is important to him. He often speaks thoughtlessly and incorrectly, and can get himself into trouble.

  • Sun and Saturn

These individuals seem to be squeezed; they cannot afford anything. They need to make only the right decisions, otherwise disaster will follow. Nobody pays attention to their achievements. They are fearless and ambitious, and therefore very dangerous.

  • Sun and Uranus

Independent individuals, interested only in their own well-being. They love to take risks and therefore often achieve success. People around him consider such a person to have an icy heart. Some even consider such people to be abnormal, but very attractive.

  • Sun and Neptune

Tendency to compassion and saving others. They love to lie and get out of difficult situations in order to become free. They often commit unimaginable stupidities and experience pangs of conscience.

  • Sun and Pluto

A person rejoices in things that others do not understand. Very often such individuals take risks, and completely unjustifiably, they become victims.

Vedic astrology and the Sun

Surya is the personification of the Sun in Vedic astrology. Many are sure that the Sun is the real God, so you should look at it as often as possible. The sun is considered the source of knowledge, heat and light, the planet is considered the king of Graha.

The sun is gigantic in size and spherical in shape. It makes up the total mass of all cosmic bodies in the solar system. Myths say that Surya was born to defeat the Asuras, who personify darkness. It is Surya that is considered a symbol of light.

Surya symbolizes human determination, the ability to achieve one’s own. If a person lives in accordance with his own spiritual world, then everything works out for him, this inspires him. It is the Sun that is responsible for the temples that can purify the human soul.

Surya is the king of all planets, but is considered noble, has self-respect and high origin. The king is obliged to monitor the situation in his kingdom and be able to manage it. We need to develop the most good qualities in his subjects, to help them achieve success. To do this, sometimes you have to give up something important for the sake of others, but then everything will only get better.

Surya is considered to be the personification of God's pure energy, creativity and creation.

Surya also represents the father in the natal chart. In ancient times, it was the father who was considered the head of the family, he was revered and respected, and obeyed unquestioningly. Now everything has changed, but the laws remain the same.

The sun also shows the physical condition of a person and affects his health. Many may be perplexed about this, because the Sun opens the soul. However, it is the spiritual nature that is main in a person, and not the physical body; it manifests itself first, and therefore affects health.

The soul is located in the region of the heart of every person, and the Sun occupies the position of the heart in the natal chart. That is why they say that a person is warm and cordial, capable of love and sympathy. The sun shows immunity, which protects everyone from diseases. Surya is also responsible for human vision. After all, people perceive the world primarily with their eyes, and light helps them with this. No wonder they say that you should not look into the eyes evil people, they can burn, but the good ones warm the eyes with their light.

Psychology and the Sun

The sun gives a person endurance and physical strength, longevity and generosity, procreation. It shows where a person can get vitality and health, where success and prosperity can await him. The planet also shows the individual’s attitude to the troubles and difficulties that he will encounter, chooses work activity and relationships with others.

The sun is the center solar system, therefore, in a person it shows the central sphere of his personality and can tell about the potential that was given at the time of birth. The sun is a divine spark, it forces you to engage in self-development. Only the Sun has a truly global influence on a person’s personality.

In psychology, the planet shows a person’s consciousness, and the subconscious is personified by the Moon.

Those individuals who consciously follow the flow of the Sun’s energy feel their integrity, find themselves and their purpose in life, and understand that their existence is necessary. He understands what difficulties and trials are for.

Those who choose to go against solar energy, lose their individuality and cannot find their place in life. They are full of illusions that cannot become truth. As a result, such people become vain and despotic, authoritarian and pompous, and assert themselves at the expense of those around them. Man is falling lower and lower on the evolutionary ladder.

The sun always casts a shadow, therefore it shows both the strengths and weaknesses of human beings. A person is not able to know himself completely, but strives for this with all his might. The Higher Sun in a person pushes him to global actions. You just need to give him the way, and then everything will definitely work out, the person will be able to fully realize himself.

Mundane astrology and the Sun

The Sun is the main planet in a person's horoscope. It shows a powerful person, leader, king or president. In general, sunny people are usually politicians or government leaders. The Sun can also provoke the ways in which nations are able to express themselves.

Horary astrology and the Sun

The sun passes through all the signs of the zodiac throughout the year. In a day it makes an arc of 59'8, sometimes about 57'16, and sometimes more, but the maximum arc is 61'6. The planet constantly moves along the ecliptic, there is no latitude. The sun is never retrograde. However, sometimes it moves slower, in some cases faster. This planet is masculine, diurnal, if it has virtues, then only beneficial ones.

With a good placement of the Sun, a person is loyal and always fulfills what he promises. He really wants to achieve power and recognition, and tries in every way to change something.

When the Sun is poorly placed, a person is very arrogant and proud. He considers himself superior to those around him and treats them with disdain. However, such individuals completely lack common sense in their affairs and actions.

Typically, sunny people have an impressive build with a yellow complexion and a large forehead. The eyes are huge, mostly bulging, the face is not very attractive, but quite friendly, healthy and ruddy. These people seem bossy, but they are confident, friendly, and keep their promises.

Electional astrology and the Sun

The hour of the Sun is successful for all matters. For example, a person agreed to come for an interview. Everything seemed to go well, the manager promised to call, but in response there was silence. It's worth calling yourself, but only during sunny hours. It is better to start playing sports or improve your health during the sunny hour, to improve your life.

Also at this hour, communication with those people who have power and are authoritative will be best. It is difficult to change someone's opinion in a sunny hour, because a person considers himself exclusively right and competent in all matters.

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Sun in the natal chart

The Sun is the center of the astronomical system to which we belong, the star that gives life and light, which the other planets can only reflect. In astrology, the Sun symbolizes the process of self-awareness, the formation of one’s own “I”, integration different qualities character, habits and inclinations into a complete personality. Its influence on the horoscope is enormous. The sun denotes the center of power of the body and it is not without reason that it is directly associated with what is called the “life force” of a person. Together with the Ascendant, the Sun describes human health and physiology. When interpreting, it must be taken into account that, unlike ASC, the Sun is not so noticeable and has a lesser effect on the human constitution, although there are exceptions here. Anatomically, the Sun is directly connected with such an important organ as the heart, and symbolically - with a special metaphysical center of a person - the spiritual heart, the container of all vital energies, responsible for the entire vitality of the human being.

The influence of the Sun on biological processes in a person is so great that in the old days the Sun was called “Hileg” (giver of life) if it was in the 1st, 7th, 9th, 10th or 11th houses at a person’s birth. In this case, according to its strength, location and aspects, a person’s life expectancy and the general situation with his health were judged. In the event that the Sun was not in any of these houses, then the Moon was chosen as the Hileg if it was in the 1st, 7th, 10th or 11th houses. And if there was no Moon there, then ASC was considered such a Hilegial point. All this was known in ancient times, and only emphasizes the enormous influence the Sun has on biological processes and the general physical condition of the body.

In the old days, it was believed that the Sun had the greatest influence on the body and soul in a man’s horoscope, and the Moon in a woman’s horoscope. Many modern astrologers no longer adhere to such a strict opinion, but K. Kraft in his “Astrophysiology” proves that there is some truth in all this. However, both he and other modern astrologers confirm that the Sun, both in the horoscope of men and in the horoscopes of women, has the strongest influence on the body and soul.

It is believed that by the position and aspects of the Sun in a woman’s horoscope one can judge her attitude towards a man - her life partner. In addition, by the position and aspects to the Sun they judge a person’s relationship to his father, or rather to the image and principle of the father, as a symbol of power and authority. In the old days, it was often said that the personality and fate of the father was reflected in the position and aspects of the Sun in the radix of his children, and the life and fate of the mother was associated with the Moon, Venus and the X house. Nowadays, children’s horoscopes are no longer used to judge the life and character of their parents, since it is believed that the chart reflects only a person’s subjective point of view on those around them. In the radix one can only find indications of how a person will relate to his parents, and how his parents will influence his personal life and destiny. The horoscope reflects a person’s attitude to the principles of fatherhood or motherhood, as such, describes the formation of his parental models.

The position of the Sun in the horoscope is related to some of the deepest features of the psyche of a conscious person. Traditionally, it is customary to say that it expresses the higher “I” of a person, and the opinions of most astrologers agree on this. Sometimes the interpretation of the Sun speaks of the so-called super-ego. This is a concept of modern psychoanalysis and in astrology it finds its justification in how a person realizes the principle of father, power and authority.

The position of the Sun in the signs of the Zodiac greatly influences what is commonly called a person’s mentality (the relationship of the spirit, as the central point of the individual, to the world around him). This is a special form of human consciousness, showing the relationship of a person’s “I” to “you”. Mentality indicates the primary and most essential perception of a person and the direction of the spirit of his personality. The meaning of the Sun in the signs of the Zodiac is manifested, first of all, in the process of creation, in what exactly a person does and how; and, most importantly, in human spiritual creativity.

At high level development of personality, the principle of the Sun manifests itself especially strongly and noticeably, it immediately catches the eye. In this case, the sign of the Zodiac in which the Sun is located manifests itself especially strongly; The solar principle literally permeates the entire character and behavior of a person, leaving its mark even on the appearance and demeanor. In these cases, the Sun sign and its aspects express what is called a person's suiryust in all its diversity, in contrast to the personality described by the ASC.

In the horoscopes of most people, the position of the Sun can be used to judge the general direction of the intellect and its dynamics. A strongly placed Sun in the horoscope speaks of a person’s great self-awareness of intellect, aimed at expansion, outward. This follows from the very principle of the Sun, as a fiery planet associated with power and authority. Another important principle of the Sun is higher rationality, in contrast to Mercury - lower rationality. This highest rationality is expressed in the nature of thinking as clarity of intellect. A person's ability to express his thoughts and feelings clearly and clearly depends on the position of the Sun to a greater extent than on Mercury.

The position describes a person's ability to think objectively. The best position for the Sun is top part horoscope, closer to MS. Here the Sun most contributes to objective thinking and objective perception of events in the outside world. This position of the Sun most of all corresponds to its natural expansion, desire for power and ambition. The location of the Sun near the lower meridian - IC, and especially in the IV house, makes a person more focused on his internal problems and affairs, and the nature of thinking becomes more subjective. Problems of a person’s inner world dominate his life. This position of the Sun is not particularly favorable for him, since the Sun is very sensitive to tense aspects in cases where the planets sending these aspects are elevated above it.

The Sun manifests itself most harmoniously in the angular houses, especially in the X; it manifests itself quite fully in the I and VII houses, they most fully correspond to its expansive fiery nature. In fixed houses, the Sun is somewhat constrained in its energy and is often forced to adapt to restrictions and restrain itself, however, a harmonious Sun is highly desirable here, since it can greatly revitalize and stimulate the areas of life associated with these houses. Falling houses are not very favorable for the Sun, especially XII and VI; in them, even the slightest tense aspect to the Sun causes adverse effects, especially related to health, and at the psychological level it greatly injures the personality, infringing on its tendencies towards external expansion and aspirations for power.

The sun being on the eastern half of the horoscope, i.e. when it rises to the upper meridian more strongly than the Sun in the western half of the horoscope. In the east, the Sun has more opportunities to show its character and nature. The tendency towards extraversion is more consistent with the tendency towards expansion characteristic of the Sun. The thinking of such a person is more active and more self-centered and selfish. A person tends to be more active in the outside world; he strives to realize himself and succeed in his affairs. These tendencies of the Sun to assert its self and its influence on others are especially evident near the ASC and MC.

When the Sun is located in the western half of the horoscope, a person’s mentality and his main tendencies acquire features of introversion. Such a Sun is more conducive to self-deepening and a person can be more critical of himself, his needs and desires. More altruism appears in him and the “YOU” zone of such a person acquires greater importance in his life. It is important for such a person to assert himself not so much externally as internally. This position of the Sun promotes more serious scientific and creative work. The sun in the west makes a person more adaptable to the needs and desires of other people, it helps to look at oneself through the eyes of other people.

In order to judge the characteristics of a person’s mentality, it is important to trace the influence of two other planets: the Moon and Saturn. Any connections between the Sun and the Moon indicate how the spirit of a person, his higher self, relates to the soul of a person - his ability to perceive, directed to the outside world - to other people. Disharmonious aspects between the Moon and the Sun indicate an imbalance in the relationship between the Spirit and the soul; there is a source of internal contradictions here. At the same time, this is also a source of contradictions between the masculine - active side of a person’s life and his feminine side of the soul, which is responsible for how a person perceives other people and how others perceive him. These aspects indicate, if not some conflicts between parents, then the internal conflict of the person himself - the internal contradiction between his super-ego and instinctive, subconscious impulses and drives. In critical cases, unfavorable aspects between the Sun and the Moon can also lead to mental and nervous illnesses or complications, especially if the luminaries are located in unfavorable houses.

In other, less critical cases, we can assume that any aspects between the Sun and the Moon have a stimulating and exciting effect on a person, this especially contributes to a person’s activity, and, above all, affects his contacts with people and creativity. For creative work, any connections between these two luminaries can be considered desirable and useful. But, in any case, the thinking of a person whose Sun has a tense aspect with the Moon will suffer from a lack of specificity and bear the imprint of vagueness and uncertainty. His thinking will be very figurative, visual and colored by emotions. When choosing his paths and goals in life, a person will be largely guided by his emotions, likes and dislikes; he will lack common sense and the ability to calculate options in advance and plan his actions. With harmonious aspects, this approach also has its advantages, for example, people of this type have highly developed intuition and the ability to anticipate, they subtly capture the moods and feelings of others and are almost unconsciously able to act in the best way. Thanks to this aspect, they are sociable and sociable, get along well with other people and are a pleasure to deal with.

The relationship between the Sun and Saturn is of a different nature. Saturn, with its ability to impose its own framework and boundaries on everything, in any case endows a person with seriousness and endurance. Here the expansive tendencies of the Sun receive the necessary rein, endow a person with the talent of an organizer, his intellect is curbed and disciplined, he knows how to correctly plan his actions and actions and weigh his possibilities. Any aspects between these two planets promote serious, in-depth work and are especially desirable in scientific or research work. In unfavorable cases, aspects between the Sun and Saturn create a special kind of interference and obstacles, which are most often generated as a result of some kind of paternal complexes of a person.

Sometimes, due to overcompensation of hidden fears, pessimism, stubbornness and inability to adapt develop. For the same reasons, he may have difficulties communicating with other people, for example, he may make too high demands on them or even find fault with little things. By inclining toward excessive pedantry, Saturn makes a person uncooperative, unsociable, and sometimes pushes him toward misanthropy and the desire to withdraw into himself and his interests. In this, Saturn and the Moon act on the Sun and the human mentality in exactly the opposite way.

A strong and harmonious Sun forms ambition, a pronounced will to power, determination, organizational talent, innate leadership qualities, courage and the ability to insist on one’s own, to carry out one’s line and will.

A strong and disharmonious Sun indicates excessive ambition, a thirst for power, mental overstrain, a tendency to go towards a goal, sweeping away everything in its path, a thirst for external significance. Such people burn with a painful desire to organize and manage everything, usually without choosing the means. They are characterized by reckless courage, boasting, they act first and think later. Their affairs are often accompanied by coercion and violence against people.

With a weak and disharmonious Sun, a person is usually weak-willed, there is no sense of purpose in him, he is lacking initiative, easily falls under the influence of others, and indecision is evident in his actions. He hesitates all the time, afraid to make a choice, and is inclined to shift responsibility to others. He is fearful and lacks energy.