Diet for gaining muscle mass. Proper nutrition for gaining muscle mass. 30 best foods for gaining muscle mass.

We will tell you about food products for the set muscle mass, which will be interesting to know about for many people involved in sports. Many people realize that in order to gain quality weight, they need to eat more proteins and reduce the amount of fat in their diet. This is partly true, but everything is not so simple. The right approach to selecting products for weight gain will speed up the achievement of the desired results without harm to health.

Protein food

The best are protein foods, but they vary and not all are equally healthy. Let's look at which products you should focus on.

Lean meats

To gain muscle, the body requires protein - this is a kind of building material. Its deficiency causes degradation of muscle tissue. Eating lean meat in sufficient quantities is one of the criteria for high-quality and rapid weight gain, and not fat deposits. Some recommend consuming up to 2-3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, but this is quite a lot. 1.5 g of protein per kilogram of weight is quite enough, and it should come from such low-fat varieties meat like:

Dairy products

Each person's body metabolizes dairy products differently. Some people have a so-called lactase deficiency, which does not allow them to fully absorb milk protein. If you are not one of these people, consume more fermented milk products with a minimum percentage of fat content. Along with protein for muscle growth, beneficial bifidobacteria will enter the body.

Dairy products normalize the functioning of the intestines, making it better absorb other foods to gain muscle. Cottage cheese is considered one of the best dairy products for building muscle. It should be consumed 150-250 g per day. It is especially useful to eat it before bed, since the protein contained in cottage cheese is involved in the restoration of muscle fibers.


Some of the best foods for gaining muscle mass sold in stores include regular eggs. The protein they contain has a rich amino acid composition, but athletes and scientists have differing opinions regarding the benefits of eggs. Some are sure that it is better not to eat eggs, others recommend eating only the whites, and still others eat whole eggs. Note that there is no study that would confirm the harm from frequent consumption of eggs.

It doesn’t make sense for weight gain, since in this case the protein is only absorbed by half. It is better not to throw away the yolk, as it has a large nutritional value than protein.


This fish is very rich in protein - about 24 g of protein per 100 g of product. Tuna is very tasty when cooked correctly, so many people will like it. In addition to the high protein content, this weight gain product contains a lot of vitamin PP, A, potassium and fluorine, which all athletes also need.

Sources of Unsaturated Fats

Gaining muscle mass is impossible without eating foods containing healthy unsaturated fats. Many people prefer to get them from pharmacy vitamin complexes, but it is better to consume it from certain foods.

Fish and seafood

These products allow you to build muscle mass, so it is recommended to consume them at least 1-2 times a week. Fish oil, unlike animal oil, is rich in unique beneficial properties, which are needed for digestive processes. Unsaturated fats contained in fish and seafood are a source of microelements. In addition, fish and seafood contain large amounts of protein.


Some people believe that regular sunflower seeds are harmful, but if you don't overuse them, you will reap the benefits. Sunflower seeds are a good product for gaining muscles due to their protein and vitamin E content. The latter help accelerate the regeneration of muscle tissue that is damaged during sports. The seeds can not just be cracked, as is usually done, but added to salads and other dishes.


Nuts are a good product for gaining muscle mass. They contain a lot of vitamin E, which speeds up recovery after exercise. Nuts are especially useful in the summer, when the body experiences additional stress due to high ambient temperatures. If you exercise every other day, consume at least one piece of almonds, peanuts or other nuts daily to gain muscle.

Complex carbohydrates

There is no doubt that protein and healthy fats are very important for building muscle mass, but to simplify the process and provide the body with the energy necessary to perform physical activity, you need complex carbohydrates. They are a useful and efficient source of energy.


Grains need to be included in your diet if you want to gain muscle mass. Porridge also supplies the body with a small amount of vegetable protein. If you have a thin physique, then without cereals and cereals in your daily diet, you will never build muscle mass. The best foods for gaining muscle are:


These exotic fruits very high in calories due to the high content of carbohydrates and nutrients that help restore energy after physical training. Bananas are an ideal product for gaining muscle mass, so they are recommended for all athletes.


All pasta products contain a lot of carbohydrates, but not all of them are complex. Buy from stores that are good for gaining weight. Also try to get used to eating undercooked pasta, as they say, Al dente. For better absorption of this product, consume it with vegetables.


Another one of quality products for weight gain are oatmeal. Regular oatmeal is a good source of carbohydrates that fill us with important nutrients. To improve nutritional value oatmeal and more effective weight gain, cook it in milk and eat it every morning for breakfast. You can also add nuts and dried fruits to it.

Inexpensive products for weight gain

To complete the picture, consider a list of the most inexpensive products for gaining muscle mass, which are sold in all stores. By correctly forming your diet from them, you will certainly increase your weight qualitatively:

  • pollock and hake are inexpensive varieties of fish that supply the body with proteins and healthy fats;
  • fish oil capsules from the pharmacy;
  • chicken fillet;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • oatmeal, rice, buckwheat and millet;
  • eggs and egg powder;
  • beans;
  • mushrooms;
  • vegetables, nuts, fruits, dried fruits.

Focus on protein foods for weight gain, but don't forget about complex carbohydrates and unsaturated fats.

How to create a diet?

Finally, let’s look at an approximate diet made up of the above products for weight gain. Based on this information, you can choose a suitable diet for yourself, taking into account your personal taste preferences and financial capabilities. Try to steam, bake, stew or boil food; vegetables, fruits and herbs are healthier when eaten raw.

To gain weight, you can have breakfast with buckwheat, oatmeal or other porridge, and also drink a glass of milk, tea or cocoa. You can eat an omelet made from several eggs and some unsweetened fruit.

For lunch, porridge with vegetables in any form, as well as a portion of meat or fish, is suitable. You can eat vegetable soup, fresh fruit and drink a glass of compote.

For dinner, the best option would be buckwheat, low-fat cottage cheese, boiled eggs, vegetable salad and unsweetened tea.

Between these main meals, be sure to have light snacks, eating bananas, nuts, natural unsweetened yogurt, and kefir. Be sure to drink more fluids throughout the day to maintain normal fluid balance - it is extremely important during physical activity. , read this article.

In order for muscle mass to grow quickly and be of high quality, you need to focus not onlyfor training. Diet plays a very important role in the growth process.muscles. A nutritional program for mass is adherence to the basic principles of rational and balanced meals that support the body of an athlete or just an amateur during a period of intense training. Which Muscle Gaining Foods Top the List? What should be the diet for weight gain: frequency, calorie content, nutrient ratio? What role do sports supplements play in gaining muscle?

Nutrition principles for gaining weight

Frequency and number of meals

The opinions of coaches, nutritionists and athletes are divided. Some advocate the usual option - 5-6 meals a day, others - 3-4. With the first option, the body receives building elements every 3 hours without failure. This is important for athletes who perform at a professional level. The second system is suitable for amateur athletes. For them, in addition to three main meals, there will be one additional meal, but in the form of pure protein.

Daily calorie content

Muscles grow when there is a surplus of calories. It is important what foods these calories come from. Food for gaining muscle mass must come from proper nutrition. And the percentage of subcutaneous fat formed must be kept under control.

Ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

Squirrels- building element of muscles. There should be 30-35% of them in the food consumed. The daily norm per 1 kg of body weight is 1.5-2 grams.

Fats. For muscles to grow normally, it is enough for the body to receive up to 20% fat from the total diet.

Carbohydrates– energy. Their limits are 50-60%.

Optimal meal times

It is better to coordinate your meals with your training schedule. A carbohydrate-heavy meal 2 hours before training. You can eat bananas immediately after physical activity. But a full meal should be no earlier than 40 minutes after exercise, with proteins and carbohydrates.

Diet: food and products for gaining muscle mass

Food products for gaining muscle mass must first of all be beneficial for the athlete’s body. It is important that they fully provide his needs for all nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

1. From proteins:

chicken, turkey meat;
dairy and fermented milk products (milk, yogurt, cottage cheese);
fish and seafood;
legumes (chickpeas, lentils, peas, beans);
nuts ( walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts);
cereals (buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth)

2. From fats:

Fatty fish;
vegetable oils(olive, flaxseed, grape seed oil);
nuts and seeds (flax, sesame)

3. From carbohydrates:

Cereals (wheat, millet, barley, rice, oats);
pasta (wheat, corn, rice, rye, spelled);
vegetables (potatoes, carrots);
fruits and berries (bananas, pineapple, strawberries, raspberries);
dried fruits (raisins, figs, dried apricots, prunes, cranberries).

Photo. Carbohydrate foods for gaining muscle mass

4. Vitamins and microelements

Each group of plant and animal foods contains all the necessary vitamins and microelements. Calcium, potassium, magnesium, iodine, iron and others. For the normal functioning of the human body, the diet must be varied.

Weekly menu for gaining muscle mass

Consider the option of a weekly menu with 6 meals a day.


» Breakfast: 3-4 egg whites (boiled), oatmeal with 1 banana and honey.
» Second breakfast (snack): cottage cheese with any fruits and berries.
" Dinner: chicken breast baked with vegetables, boiled bulgur.
» Dinner: steamed fish, avocado salad, whole grain bread.

natural yogurt with fresh fruit and berries.

Meal after workout: boiled chicken breast with rice.


» Breakfast: 3-4 egg white omelette, greens, oatmeal with water and apples.
» Second breakfast (snack): natural yogurt, banana, a handful of walnuts.
» Lunch: steamed fish, vegetable salad dressed with olive oil, buckwheat.
» Dinner: baked chicken breast, salad with egg whites and herbs.

Eating before training: whole grain bread with honey and nuts.

Meal after workout: turkey with stewed vegetables.

Photo. Protein menu for muscle gain


» Breakfast: oatmeal with 2 apples, honey and nuts.
» Second breakfast (snack): cottage cheese casserole with berries.
» Lunch: steamed turkey with vegetables and rice.
» Dinner: boiled fish, fresh vegetable salad.

Eating before training: fruit salad (apples, grapes, oranges).

Meal after workout: tuna in own juice with fresh vegetable salad.


» Breakfast: 3-4 egg whites (boiled), cheesecakes with banana and honey
» Second breakfast (snack): natural yogurt with nuts and fruits.
» Lunch: boiled chicken, vegetable salad with avocado, brown rice.
» Dinner: cheesecakes with dried fruits, kefir.

Eating before training:

Meal after workout: steamed beef with buckwheat.


» Breakfast: 3-4 egg whites (boiled), oatmeal with apples and honey.
» Second breakfast (snack): cottage cheese with any fruits, berries, nuts.
» Lunch: fatty fish baked with bell pepper, boiled potatoes, fresh vegetables.
» Dinner: chicken breast and grilled vegetables.

Eating before training: natural yogurt with banana and strawberries.

Meal after workout: steamed turkey with fresh vegetables.


» Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole with banana and honey.
» Second breakfast (snack): protein omelet (3-4 proteins), vegetable salad.
» Lunch: boiled beef with vegetables, buckwheat.
» Dinner: steamed fish, vegetable salad.

Eating before training: fruit and berry salad with natural yogurt.

Meal after workout: baked chicken breast with vegetables, brown rice.


» Breakfast: cheesecakes with protein, fruit salad.
» Second breakfast (snack): 3-4 egg whites (boiled), greens.
» Lunch: pasta with seafood, vegetable salad.
» Dinner: turkey and grilled vegetables, greens.

Eating before training: whole grain bread with apple, honey, nuts.

Meal after workout: cottage cheese with natural yogurt and banana.

For those who find this menu option too complicated and costly, you can create a budget meal plan. Where there will be more grains, less variety of meat products and not as many fresh fruits. Homemade meals for gaining muscle mass consist mainly of steamed, oven-baked or boiled foods. The basis of nutrition for a beginner should be protein foods: meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk.

The role of sports nutrition in gaining muscle mass

Diet for weight is quite painstaking. It is often difficult for an athlete to cope without taking additional medications - sports nutrition.

Why include sports nutrition?

Properly selected sports nutrition provides an additional boost of energy for training, increases the athlete’s endurance and promotes muscle gain. Nutritional supplements help the body recover faster. They complement the complex of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. When a regular diet cannot fully provide the athlete’s body with all the necessary nutrients, sports nutrition comes to the rescue.

Who needs a gainer?

When it is difficult to gain muscle mass, you can use a gainer. The sports supplement easily copes even with advanced cases: with a thin physique, underweight.

Who needs protein?

Protein will help those athletes whose training regime is very intense. At the same time, there is a desire to transform your body - to build muscle mass. Protein – protein concentrate, up to 90%.

Who needs creatine

A strong natural energy drink that will be useful for amateur athletes who want to increase their strength. Creatine saturates the muscles inside, as it penetrates freely into them. Thus, the mass grows faster.

Who needs amino acids and BCAA

The advantage of supplements is instant absorption. Muscles that have worked hard need reinforcement. Amino acids and BCAAs reduce muscle breakdown after intense work. That is, they are needed by everyone who trains hard.

The result you want to achieve from training depends not only on the set of exercises, intensity of training and diligence, but also on your diet. It is important to choose the right nutrition for gaining weight.

Good day, comrades. You are on a blog without lies and falsehood, bodybuilding in its purest form.

In today's issue, I will tell you about the basic principles of nutrition for gaining muscle mass, however, I also made a special exclusive issue (practical, everything is detailed and specific from A to Z, what and how to do in terms of nutrition) whose name => “Diet for gaining muscle mass"<= рекомендую обязательно перейти по ссылке и также изучить, я гарантирую вы не пожалеете.

In today’s article, you will learn about the basic principles of nutrition for gaining muscle mass and strength, and also learn about the main differences between the food of a bodybuilder and an ordinary person, what food nutrients and how much to consume in order to become healthy and strong, and finally, how everything Absorb this throughout the day in order to maximally speed up the process of muscle growth.

Basic nutrition rules for gaining muscle mass and strength

First of all, you must know and understand that training with iron causes tremendous stress for your internal environment, which affects many structures and systems of our body (organism).

So, in this situation, our body tries to eliminate all this damage (this stress resulting from training), however, it does this with a small margin in case such stress recurs in the future (this is the so-called supercompensation).

Clever, isn't it? =) considering that in the future this stress (training) will indeed be repeated. So, in order to eliminate this stress (destruction), the body (body) needs two things:

  • Energy (carbohydrates) + building materials (protein)
  • Time

As you may know, any renovation requires building materials to build and time to complete it. This applies both to the renovation of an apartment and to the repair of our muscles...

Because Our discussion today is about body building, we will need enough protein (building material) and carbohydrates (energy) to complete (build) repairs (muscles). Do you understand?

A sufficient amount, for those who are not in the know, let me explain: in our body (body) there is a constant exchange of nutrients (i.e., some are spent, and some come in).

So, if your goal is to gain muscle mass, you need to adjust your diet so that you get more than you spend. This is the basic principle on which success (weight gain) will depend.

Now, we are talking about the caloric content of your food during the day, which shows energy intensity (i.e. you should receive more energy than you expend). And this is quite logical, because in order to get something, we always need to spend something.

The question arises, how to understand (or find out) how many calories you need to eat to grow muscles? (after all, you need to receive more than you spend). There is a special formula for calculating the required kcal per day, which looks like this: WEIGHT (in kg) X 30 = .... Kcal

This resulting figure will tell you the approximate number of calories to maintain your body weight the same. I repeat - unchanged.

However, if your goal is to gain muscle mass, then we need a lot of energy, so you need to add another 500 calories per day to the resulting kcal per day, because you need to receive more than you spend.

However, there is one caveat. The fact is that you also need to take into account your body type (ectomorph or endomorph or mesomorph).

Well, for example, if you are an ectomorph (because you are skinny, roughly speaking, skinny), you can easily add not 500 calories, but as much as 1000, because it will benefit him (the ectomorph), unlike the endomorph, who will begin to gain fat when excess calories (and this is a very sad sight).

My advice is this: if you are an ectomorph or mesomorph, you can safely add not 500, but 1000 kcal at once or even more (see and decide for yourself), I would add 500, and then adjust (gradually) upward, because this is the most correct solution .

I also recommend reading: “Ectomorph Nutrition”, “Erdomorph Nutrition”, “Mesomorph Nutrition”.

Okay, after you have decided on the number of calories, you need to choose the optimal diet. Optimal ratio of nutrients healthy eating, including for weight gain, should have the following percentage of fat, protein and carbohydrates:

  • Carbohydrates - 50-60%
  • proteins - 20-30%
  • fats - 10-20%

Protein is a building material

Heh (at first it was funny, but now, frankly speaking, it’s sad), in general, usually, when a person has been and continues to visit the gym for a long time and has achieved, so to speak, “good results”, he comes to study/work and here from the mouths of those around him people, questions like: “did you pump yourself or on proteins?” well, in that spirit...”

Many have heard (perhaps firsthand) and understand what we are talking about... So, I want to clarify this point once and for all, assuring you that all this is complete nonsense. Protein is just protein, it's just food, exactly the same as regular food products (for example, cottage cheese in bodybuilding or meat).

In general, when you count (if you do it at all, because many are lazy, and in vain, it’s not just anyone who needs it, but you.. think about it) the amount of protein, remember two rules:

  • You need to consume at least 2 grams of protein per day, for every kg of your weight (in general, I recommend studying the article => “How much protein is needed for muscle growth”)
  • We calculate only protein of animal origin or from supplements (sports nutrition), we do not take into account vegetable protein.

P.s. Animal protein is fish, poultry, any meat, eggs, dairy products (cottage cheese, milk, kefir).

Pps. Animal proteins are much better than plant proteins due to their better amino acid profile. Actually for this reason, all experienced bodybuilders, including us (after all, I also recommend you) do not take vegetable protein into account when calculating daily consumption protein (protein).

Carbohydrates are energy

The basic principle: you need to receive more than you spend. Follow this rule and everything will be fine. Don't forget about the proportion that I gave you, i.e. 50-60% carbohydrates throughout the day. Now, about what kind of carbohydrates there are.

There are two types of carbohydrates:

  • Simple (aka fast)
  • Complex (aka slow)

The former cause a rapid rise in insulin and are very quickly absorbed by the body, often leading to the accumulation of excess fat, but complex carbohydrates, on the contrary, are absorbed slowly and provide us with energy for a stable long time.

As a rule, we need simple carbohydrates when we urgently need to restore energy in the shortest possible time (well, for example, after a workout), and we need the latter at all other times in order to consistently provide energy.

In general, when you count carbohydrates, take into account only complex (slow) ones, that is, cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, potatoes, etc.), and do not take into account simple (fast) carbohydrates, such as sweets, flour, etc. .

A few words about fiber. The fact is that vegetables and fruits (in fact, they are formally sources of carbohydrates) contain a lot of fiber, and it is very useful for our body because it slows down the absorption of food (p.s. vegetables must be combined with almost every protein meal, because that they contribute to the digestion and absorption of animal protein).

In addition, they contain many vitamins and minerals, which are no less important.

In other words, you can consume cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes within reasonable limits without any calculation.

But fruits such as grapes, pears, bananas, persimmons, etc. (they are sweet) they have a lot simple sugars, so their use should be limited, and if consumed, it is preferable in the first half of the day.

How much, when, and most importantly, what to eat?

In short, you need to eat often, but little by little (you can reach up to 8-12 meals during the day).

Why, you ask? Because fractional nutrition boosts our metabolism, which is very, very good, because this applies to both the processes of fat burning (getting rid of excess fat) and the processes of gaining muscle mass (muscle growth), however, in addition to this, fractional nutrition also provides us sufficient nutrients throughout the day (i.e., small portions of nutrients are constantly entering the bloodstream, which will nourish the muscles throughout the day).

Actually, in order to reach 6-8 or more meals, you need to eat every 2 hours, for example, at 8.00, then at 10.00, then 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22. See? 8 meals.

You should also be aware that your protein and carbohydrate needs change throughout the day. Those. There is a time for bulk intake of carbohydrates (energy), and there is a time primarily for protein (building material).

Just know that the day starts with carbohydrates and ends with protein (or in other words, the first half of the day should be mostly carbs, and the second half protein).

However, on mass, this daily distribution of nutrients plays a secondary role.

For example, because... I am constantly on weight, I eat slow (complex) carbohydrates all day long (stupidly from the morning until 21.00) and in addition to each meal I eat protein, in other words, you don’t have to adhere to this distribution (like carbohydrates during the day, and only protein in the evening) ..

This rule was said so that you understand the very essence, i.e. when you wake up, you need a lot of energy for the whole day, for this you need a lot of carbohydrates, but in the evening, why do you need energy? where will you spend it? for gatherings in front of the computer/TV? => you need protein (building material) from which your muscles that were damaged during training will heal, and this rule is suitable for those who do not want to gain excess fat (for example, endomorphs), and ectomorphs/mesomorphs generally don’t care.

Therefore, see for yourself (I gave you information for thought, it’s up to you to decide).

A proper pre-workout meal contains slow (complex) carbohydrates and proteins and does not contain fat at all (if it contains, no more than 3 grams). As a rule, you need to eat 1-2 hours before training.

As for eating after a workout, there is an opinion that within 30-60 minutes after completing a workout, the so-called “carbohydrate-protein window” is open in the body, and it needs to be closed by consuming fast carbohydrates and proteins.

As for eating before bed, take the so-called long-lasting protein (casein). The fact is that your body will go 8 hours without new food intake, so it is very important to take a good portion of protein at night.

In turn, a large amount of protein drink will help you reduce nighttime catabolic reactions (muscle breakdown) by giving you casein (which is found in cottage cheese or in casein protein from sports nutrition, which is sold in any gym), I prefer cottage cheese with kefir (so to speak, I recommend it).

  • The right foods for homo sapiens and health

Finally, so that you can consolidate the material and be 100% confident in your actions, I have prepared for you short version basics of nutrition for weight:

  • To grow muscle mass, you need to get more than you spend (this is the basic principle).
  • You need to eat often, but little by little (2-3 meals as before will not work), at least 6 meals
  • For every kg of your body you should have approximately 1.6 - 2 grams of protein.
  • We count only animal sources of protein + from supplements, we do not touch plant sources.
  • Carbohydrates (energy) are required more in the first half of the day (although this is not important, the weight is the same, the more, the better).
  • After working out in the gym, the body needs approximately 25% of the daily requirement of carbohydrates.
  • Limit your diet to simple carbohydrates (so as not to stupidly gain fat).
  • Of the carbohydrate products, we count only complex (slow) ones; simple ones are not taken into account.
  • Eat more fats of plant origin, and reduce the consumption of animal fats.
  • Drink as much water as possible, at least 3 liters per day, because during periods of physical activity the body’s need for fluid increases sharply, therefore, without water, muscle mass growth is impossible.

On the path to muscle growth, food intake plays an important role along with training in the gym. If you include the foods suggested below in your diet, you will be able to achieve your goal much faster. You will recover faster and gain muscle mass.

1. Whole egg

Eggs provide great content 6 to 8 grams of protein, and are also rich in vitamins and minerals such as zinc, iron and calcium. Such components allow us to call the egg one of the most important products for building muscle mass.

2. Chicken breast

For every 100 grams of chicken breast you get 30 grams of protein from minimum quantity fat Chicken breasts are relatively inexpensive and easy to prepare.

3. Water

It's not a food, but keeping your body hydrated is an important part of building muscle. Our body is 70 percent water. Maintenance water balance will help increase strength, increase energy levels and aid in proper digestion.

4. Fish oil

Fish oil has anti-inflammatory properties that allow your body to quickly recover after a tough workout. This means that you will be able to exercise more often. Moreover, fish oil can also speed up your metabolism. This way, you will not only build muscle mass, but also burn more fat.

5. Beef

Beef is high in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A and vitamin E.

Try to find a store that sells fresh meat.

6. Turkey

Turkey isn't just for watching Americans eat at Thanksgiving. Turkey is one of the most underrated muscle building foods.

It is a fantastic source of protein and is also a good source of 11 vitamins and minerals. Turkey also contains selenium, which, according to latest research, may help prevent some types of cancer.

7. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a healthy and beneficial food for athletes. Oats provide an excellent combination of carbohydrates, fiber, protein, minerals and vitamins. Oatmeal digests slowly, keeping you full longer.

8. Pineapple

Pineapples are a rich source of proteolytic digestive enzymes (bromelain). This enzyme reduces muscle inflammation, breaks down fats, and participates in protein and carbohydrate metabolism. This makes pineapple a great addition to your post-workout diet.

9. Spinach

Why did the cartoon Popeye eat so much spinach?

Researchers from Rutgers University (2008) showed that phytoecdysteroids found in spinach can increase muscle growth by up to 20 percent. How do you like it? True You must eat 2 kg of spinach per day to see the same results.

10. Salmon

Salmon is powerful source protein and omega-3 fatty acids. A double attack will help you achieve your dream of having a toned body. Research shows that it also speeds up your metabolism.

11. Whey protein

Whey protein is best taken after a workout. It contains amino acids that are critical for building and maintaining muscle. Whey protein is highly digestible and helps you build great muscles.

12. Broccoli

Broccoli and other vegetables (asparagus, spinach, tomatoes, corn, sweet pepper, onions) should be on your list of foods consumed. You should eat 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, as it is difficult to find a better source of vitamins, minerals and fiber than these sources. But be careful! Overcooked vegetables contain fewer vitamins and minerals.

13. Wild rice

Wild rice is often overlooked when building muscle, although it is rich in fiber and protein. This is a good alternative to regular rice.

14. Cottage cheese

Some may consider cottage cheese a dessert, but it is also one of best products for muscle building. One cup of cottage cheese contains approximately 28 grams of protein. Cottage cheese consists of a combination of fast and slow proteins, so you can prevent hunger.

15. Almonds

Almonds are an excellent source of protein and fat. It is also rich in vitamin E, a good source of protein and fat that will be very beneficial for your muscles. Almonds are a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals and helps you recover quickly after workouts.

To build muscle mass, weight training alone is not enough. After all, if the muscles don’t get required quantity nutrients, they will not be able to grow. In addition, you need to take into account that muscle growth is a very energy-consuming process that is disadvantageous for the body. In order for there to be enough resources to provide it, you need to eat more than is required to function normally. In addition, for a quick and high-quality gain of muscle mass, it is important to know which foods should be consumed and which ones should be avoided.


Irina Pegova shocked everyone with her weight loss recipe:“I lost 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew it at night...” Read more >>

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    Basic principles of nutrition

    Without proper nutrition, it is impossible to gain muscle mass. After all, muscle growth must be provided with energy and essential nutrients.

    The well-known principle of “eating a lot on weight” means that you should stick to a daily calorie surplus. That is, the body must receive more than it spends. Only then will he have the resources to build muscles.

    Moreover, you need to eat often, every 2-4 hours. Therefore, you should get 5-6 meals a day. This diet is necessary to ensure the occurrence of anabolic processes and block catabolic ones. The former lead to muscle enlargement, while the latter lead to their destruction.

    To gain muscle mass, and not excess fat, you should follow the ratio of BJU in the diet. Proteins necessary for the construction of muscle fibers should be 30-35% of the daily requirement. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for training and recovery, so their share should be the largest - 50-60%. Fats should also be present in an athlete’s menu for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, ensuring thermoregulation processes and maintaining health in general. The recommended proportion of fat is 10-15% of the daily requirement.

    If you at least approximately maintain this ratio, eat in a calorie surplus and regularly do heavy strength training, weight will increase, but body quality will improve, since the growth will come from muscle.

    This nutritional system is suitable not only for men, but also for women. After all, skinny ectomorph girls often want to build muscle in the right places to look more feminine.

    List of the Best Muscle Building Foods

    Based on the above principles, you can make a list of the best foods for gaining muscle mass.

    First, you should choose foods rich in protein. Secondly, it is necessary to include foods containing complex carbohydrates in your diet. They are a high-quality source of energy and, unlike fast carbohydrates, do not create unnecessary fat deposits on the body.

    In addition, you need to eat foods that include healthy fats: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, as well as small amounts of saturated fats.

    How to quickly gain weight for a man - nutrition principles and training program


    First on the list of mass-gaining foods is beef. This is due to the fact that red meat is a source of high-quality protein and essential amino acids.

    100 grams of lean beef contains about 22 grams of protein, 7 grams of fat and 0 grams of carbohydrates. Energy value- 158 kcal.

    Beef is rich in amino acids, in particular, the product contains arginine, glycine, threonine, methionine and many others. In addition, from 100 g of meat you can get as much as 5 g of essential amino acids BCAA (isoleucine, leucine and valine).

    An important advantage of beef is that it contains creatine. This substance allows you to increase strength by increasing resources for replenishing energy during exercise.

    In addition, by eating beef, you can get B vitamins and useful microelements such as iron, zinc, phosphorus and others.

    It is recommended to choose lean beef, as it is less fatty. A large amount of fat interferes with the absorption of protein. In addition, fatty meat is high in saturated fat and bad cholesterol.


    Another product that helps build muscle is chicken. It is advisable to eat chicken breast as it is less fatty.

    Like beef, chicken contains a variety of amino acids and vitamins, especially necessary for the body during heavy physical activity.

    From 100 g of chicken breast you can get 23-29 g of protein, about 1.8 g of fat and 0.5 g of carbohydrates. Calorie content - 137 kcal.

    Ectomorphs are not at risk of gaining excess fat, so they can eat not only breast, but also thighs and chicken wings. Mesomorphs and endomorphs who run the risk of increasing body fat should not do this.


    It is worth eating fish, as it contains protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids. This fat is good for humans. It helps speed up metabolism, helps muscles recover faster and regulates the production of the hormone cortisol, which breaks down muscle tissue.

    In addition, fish is a source of vitamin D, which helps strengthen bones and joints. This property is especially important for athletes involved in gaining muscle mass. After all, during strength training with weights, the joints experience greater stress.

    It is difficult to name specific varieties of fish that are recommended to be consumed to build muscle. This will depend on the athlete himself. Ectomorphs can eat fattier red fish: salmon, sockeye salmon, trout, tuna, herring and others. For endomorphs and mesomorphs, white fish varieties are suitable: cod, carp, haddock, flounder, etc.

    For example, 100 grams of steamed trout contains 121 kcal, 18.5 g of protein, 4.5 g of fat and 0.38 g of carbohydrates.

    You can eat fish in the form of canned food, pieces without oil and in other forms.

    Cottage cheese

    One of the most popular products for gaining muscle mass is cottage cheese. It is famous among athletes due to its high protein content and availability.

    Cottage cheese is an inexpensive natural source of casein, a “slow” protein that provides the body with nutrients for 4-8 hours. In addition, cottage cheese contains a large amount of calcium, necessary for strengthening bone tissue, and B vitamins.

    100 g of cottage cheese contains 16-18 g of protein, approximately 9 g of fat and about 2 g of carbohydrates. Calorie content -159 kcal.

    It is worth giving preference to 9% rather than low-fat cottage cheese. It contains much more calcium and fats, which help build muscle.


    Regular ones will also help you gain muscle mass. chicken eggs. Egg white Easily digested and broken down by the body into amino acids.

    In total, the egg contains 9 essential amino acids, as well as cholesterol, necessary for the synthesis of testosterone.

    100 g of eggs contain about 12 g of protein, 10 g of fat and less than 1 g of carbohydrates. Calorie content - 157 kcal.

    Many people don't eat yolks for fear of gaining too much fat and exceeding their cholesterol levels. But during the period of weight gain it will be beneficial. However, it is still recommended to maintain a 1 to 3 ratio between yolks and whites. That is, leave one yolk for every 3 whites.


    Oatmeal can serve as a source of slow or complex carbohydrates for muscle gain. It allows you to restore energy reserves and gives you a feeling of fullness.

    100 g of boiled oatmeal contains approximately 65 g of carbohydrates, about 12 g of protein and 5-6 g of fat. Energy value - 350-360 kcal.

    Brown rice

    Another good source of complex carbohydrates is brown rice. It is preferable to white, as it is absorbed by the body more slowly, supplying it with nutrients for longer.

    You can eat brown rice before training. Then you will have enough energy for the entire lesson. You can also consume this dish after training to restore lost energy.

    100 g brown rice contain 72 g of carbohydrates, about 7 g of protein and approximately 1.8 g of fat. Calorie content - 337 kcal.


    In addition, it contains a lot of fiber - coarse fibers that are not digested by the body. The role of fiber in building muscle is very important. It helps remove breakdown products of heavy protein foods from the gastrointestinal tract.

    In addition, buckwheat contains many vitamins and beneficial microelements. In particular, we can note the B vitamins, which are responsible for the normal functioning of nervous system, calcium, magnesium, iodine, iron, zinc, etc.

    100 g of buckwheat, boiled in water, contains 110 kcal, about 20 g of carbohydrates, 4 g of protein and 2 g of fat.

    Sprouted wheat

    You can get slow carbohydrates and high-quality protein from sprouted wheat.

    This product is called live, since the embryos are at the peak of growth and contain many active substances: calcium, iodine, iron, potassium, magnesium, as well as vitamins C, D and group B.

    100 grams of wheat germ contains 41 grams of carbohydrates, more than 7 grams of protein and approximately 1.3 grams of fat. The calorie content of the product is 198 kcal.

    As a result of consuming sprouted wheat, digestion improves, metabolism accelerates, and the risk of vitamin deficiency and diseases associated with weak immunity. The benefit of such wheat for increasing muscles is that it contains complex carbohydrates that provide energy and improves the condition of the body as a whole.

    You can germinate it yourself. To do this, you will need to purchase wheat grains for germination. These can be found in health food stores or garden centers. Then you need to use this recipe:

    1. 1. Rinse the selected grains and transfer them to a glass container.
    2. 2. Pour in slightly warm water so that the grains are covered by approximately 3 cm.
    3. 3. Cover the container with gauze or cotton cloth.
    4. 4. Leave the grains soaked for 8-10 hours or overnight.
    5. 5. After the allotted time, you need to carefully rinse the wheat germ and place them in a plate, after placing a wet cloth on its bottom.

    After approximately 10 hours, the first shoots can be seen. You will need to wait another 2 days, and the sprouted wheat will be ready for consumption.

    Whole wheat bread

    Whole grain is the most useful look bread It contains the largest number of vitamins and amino acids for muscle growth. In addition, the composition includes coarse fibers - fiber necessary for cleansing the digestive system.

    In 100 g whole grain bread contains 38 g of complex carbohydrates, almost 9 g of protein and 3.5 g of fat. Energy value - 229 kcal.


    To get the right fats, you can eat nuts. They will help improve testosterone synthesis, which will ultimately lead to muscle growth.

    Unlike animal products, nuts contain mostly polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats and are virtually free of saturated fat and cholesterol.

    The healthiest nuts are almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, walnuts and some others.

    For example, 100 grams of almonds contain 597 kcal, 53 g of fat, more than 18 g of protein and about 13 g of carbohydrates.


    Fruits are also useful during the period of mass gain. First, they are a good source of antioxidants, which helps strengthen the immune system, which can be weakened by heavy physical activity.

    Secondly, fruits contain fast carbohydrates, which help replenish energy reserves and block catabolic processes that destroy muscles. That is why it is recommended to eat bananas immediately after training.

    100 g of bananas contain 21.8 g of carbohydrates, about 1.5 g of protein and approximately 0.1 g of fat. The calorie content of the fruit is 89 kcal.


    An unexpected mass-gaining product is beets. Some studies have proven that its juice increases blood flow to whites muscle fibers by 38%. This helps to increase endurance during training and increase strength indicators.

    100 g of boiled beets contain 10 g of carbohydrates, 1.92 g of protein and 0.11 g of fat. Calorie content is 49 kcal.


    Another herbal product for gaining weight is garlic. This may seem strange, since it contains virtually no proteins, fats or carbohydrates. But the fact is that garlic affects a person’s hormonal levels, setting him up for muscle growth.

    This happens due to an increase in the production of testosterone (a hormone responsible for increasing muscle mass) and a reduction in the production of cortisol (a stress hormone that causes muscle breakdown). That is, garlic is one of the cheapest ways to safely change your hormonal levels.

    100 g of garlic contains 23 g of carbohydrates, 6.67 g of protein and 0.64 g of fat. The energy value is 122 kcal.

    Calorie content and nutritional value of products

    To make it easier to navigate the variety of products for muscle growth, you can use a summary table indicating their calorie content and composition.

    Product Calorie content (kcal per 100 grams) Composition (gramin 100 g)
    Squirrels Carbohydrates Fats
    Beef158 22 0 7
    Chicken137 23-29 0,5 1,8
    Fish (steamed trout)121 18,5 0,38 4,5
    Cottage cheese159 16-18 2 9
    Eggs157 12 0,7 10
    Oatmeal350 12 65 5
    Brown rice337 7 72 1,8
    Buckwheat110 4 20 2
    Sprouted wheat198 7,5 41 1,3
    Whole wheat bread229 9 38 3,5
    Nuts (almonds)597 18 13 53
    Fruit (banana)89 1,5 21,8 0,1
    Beet49 1,92 10,5 0,11
    Garlic122 6,67 23 0,64

    As already mentioned, you should include in your muscle-building diet not only high-protein foods, but also foods containing complex carbohydrates and healthy fats.

    Sample menu

    A sample menu for a week during the period of weight gain is presented in the table. You can eat it for 1-3 months. This is usually how long it takes to gain weight.

    Meal time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
    8:00 (first breakfast)Cottage cheese, milkRice porridge with milk, orange, yogurtGainer or whey proteinOatmeal with milk, bananaOmelette, dark chocolate, teaGainer or whey protein
    10:30 (second breakfast)Omelette with vegetablesBoiled eggs, kefirCottage cheese, milk, nutsCurd mass, dried fruitsBoiled eggs, cheese sandwich, teaCottage cheese with apple pieces, milkFried eggs, orange, yogurt
    14:00 (lunch)Baked potatoes + steamed troutBrown rice + lean beefPuree + trout fillet in batterRice + tunaBrown rice + chicken fillet in the oven
    16:30 (snack)Protein servingProtein servingProtein servingProtein servingProtein servingProtein servingProtein serving
    19:00 (dinner)Rice with vegetables + chicken filletCarp baked in the oven with potatoesBrown rice + tunaBuckwheat + lean beef + vegetable saladBaked potato + tongue + vegetable saladBrown rice + pollock filletBuckwheat + chicken breast + vegetable salad
    21:30 (snack before bed)Cottage cheese (5 or 9%) with milk or casein proteinCottage cheese (5 or 9%) with milk or casein proteinCottage cheese (5 or 9%) with milk or casein proteinCottage cheese (5 or 9%) with milk or casein proteinCottage cheese (5 or 9%) with milk or casein proteinCottage cheese (5 or 9%) with milk or casein protein

    Portion sizes should be determined individually based on your own daily calorie intake for muscle growth.

    Of course, the given list is not closed and the only correct one. On the menu in mandatory other products should be included. But the above constitute the foundation of nutrition when gaining muscle mass.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that fat girls they call it “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make these sizes.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

    And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...