How to make grass from matter. Matter in Minecraft: what is it for in the game? Mods in Minecraft


Hooray! Nano- and other high technologies have reached Minecraft! Now crafting many items is not required. What is an item in Minecraft? Essentially, it is matter. But we know that matter is energy, and vice versa. For those who don’t know, the author of the theory of relativity is hitting him relatively hard in one place. So, the usual way to get things is through crafting. That is, you take certain items, mix them according to the recipe, and get the result. But since we know that matter is the other side of the world order coin, we can easily imagine that, given the technical possibility, it can be obtained from energy. Wow! And in Minecraft there is now such an opportunity. There is such a mod - Industrial Craft 2. It brings new blocks, tools, electricity, etc. to the game. But now it is interesting to us because in this modification it is possible to make a matter generator.

To be precise, crafting, of course, is present here (this is Minecraft), but it is unusual and high-tech.

Nature of matter

To produce matter (one unit) in Minecraft, you need a lot of eE - one million. This is, in fact, a lot. To speed up and reduce the cost of production, waste materials are used. We will explain what this is a little later. The production of one unit of waste materials requires 5000 EU. But at the same time, when you start the generator using it, you get an additional approximately 30,000 eE. If you subtract 5,000, you are left with 25,000. That's a net benefit! In other words, thanks to the use of waste materials, you now need about one hundred and seventy thousand EU instead of a million. Sixfold savings. Expressing all this in other numbers, we find that one unit of matter in Minecraft will require approximately thirty-four units of scrap.

Recycling materials is an item added by the Industrial Craft 2 mod. It is obtained in the process of recycling most game items by the recycler. If you do not change the settings of the mod file, then it will not turn some items, such as snowballs, sticks, glass panels, scaffolding, into scrap materials. But, if you delve into the settings, these blocks will also be processed. Crafting a recycler is possible in Minecraft if you have a compressor, light dust, an ingot of purified iron and earth.

What is the generator made of?

Well, what about the generator? How to make it? This is the case when no one canceled ordinary crafts. And crafting it will require you to have supplies of light dust, an improved mechanism body, an improved electrical circuit and a lazurotron crystal. Ultimately, to make a matter generator, you need these blocks:

  • Glowdust (8)
  • Coal (32)
  • Diamond (1)
  • Iron Ingot (26)
  • Red Dust (24)
  • Rubber (24)
  • Copper Ingot (24)
  • Ultramarine (10)
  • Tin Ingot (8)

Despite the fact that these technologies are advanced, high and generally almost from the realm of science fiction, the recipes for “nanoproduction”, or rather, the vast majority of them in Minecraft, are absolutely unprofitable. It’s like, for example, instead of buying a shovel in a store, you decide to make it yourself: make a mold, melt the metal, sharpen the handle... This is also an option, of course, but unless it’s a hobby, it’s a crazy option. Remember how much effort you need to put in to get eight blocks of wood? Well, just a little, right? These same blocks can be obtained from one unit of matter. How much effort does it take to produce it? In short, elementary mathematics. Sometimes old methods rule. But, nevertheless, iridium, water and “pure” lava in Minecraft can only be made from matter. And mycelium, by the way, can only be obtained with the help of matter.

Matter in the game is obtained from a special generator. The process is quite energy-intensive; one million eE is used to produce a unit of matter; besides, energy is not free. So every player is interested in accelerating generation, and scrap materials can be used as a catalyst.

Crafting matter

You can save very significantly, because the speed of the process increases six times. The proportion looks like 1:2, that is, one stack of salvage is needed to obtain two units of matter.

Crafting recipes from matter

If we compare costs and profits, we see that most recipes are very unprofitable. At the same time, water sources, iridium and pure lava can only be obtained from matter. It is also used to make unique mycelium for growing large mushrooms.

Crafting a matter generator

The Industrial Craft 2 mod for Minecraft 1.6.2 adds a matter generator, the energy consumption of which is described above. It features six times energy savings if you find salvage material and use it as a source of energy. A unit of it saves about 25,000 EE, because it only requires 5,000 EE to process, and you get plus 3% to the amount of matter produced.

To achieve maximum efficiency you will need 34 units of waste, it is cheaper, but you still have to take into account significant energy costs. Without using a voltage amplifier, players only use the terraformer and the matter generator itself; for everything else, you need to adjust the voltage value. To stop the generator, you need to supply red dust to it.

So, to build a matter generator you need to collect: diamond (1), coal (32), red dust (24), tin ore (6), iron ore (26), copper ore (12), ultramarine (10), glow dust ( 8) and rubber (24).

Matter is one of the most expensive and useful materials in the modification Industrial Craft 2 Experimental.

With its help you can get almost all things from Minecraft and from some mods: Industrial Craft 2 Expirimental, Build Craft and others. Please note that things that can only be obtained in Creative mode cannot be obtained using matter!

So, what do we need to produce matter and use it further?

  • First of all, a lot, a lot of energy! That is, you need to find a good, powerful source of it.
  • You will also need a MFSU (Multifunctional Extra Capacity Device). The algorithm for creating these machines can be found below on the page.

To create things from matter, you will definitely need the following things (Descriptions of items below):

  • Matter Generator;
  • Recycler;
  • Scanner;
  • Template storage;
  • Replicator.

Matter Generator

The most important thing is the Matter Generator.

In it, liquid matter appears from energy. This is what its interface looks like:

  1. Slot for scrap materials.
  2. Slot for universal capsules.
  3. Slot for capsules with matter.
  4. Upgrade slot.

The waste materials will simply “evaporate” from it. It saves you energy units (EU) and speeds up the production of matter. In the upgrade slot, after creating the Replicator (which you will read more about in point 5), you should install the “Liquid Ejector” improvement, and place the Replicator itself close to the matter generator, so that all the matter automatically falls into it. Where do you get the scrap materials? From the recycler.


This is the recycler interface:

  1. Slot for recyclable items;
  2. Slot with salvage materials;
  3. Upgrade slot.

You will need to ensure a continuous supply of waste materials to the matter generator; how you do this is up to you!


A device that creates templates for objects - Scanner.

Please note that after scanning the item disappears! It can be installed close to the Template Storage so that all scans are transferred to it without using a memory crystal.

  1. Slot for the item to be scanned;
  2. Memory crystal slot;
  3. Memory Crystal – portable storage of the 1st template.

Template repository

It needs to be installed tightly to the Replicator. Storage Interface:

Crystal slot with or without template. Arrows to the right and left - select an item. Down and up arrows – export/import to/from the crystal.


A device that creates from matter whatever your heart desires - a Replicator.

Its interface:

  1. Slot for a capsule with matter;
  2. Slot for empty capsule;
  3. Internal storage of matter;
  4. Selecting a template to create;
  5. An object created from matter;
  6. Control buttons, in order: Stop; Create 1 item; Create items without stopping;
  7. Improvements.

Here is an example of a compact arrangement of devices without a recycler:

That's it! Stock up on energy and create whatever your imagination allows you to create.

In Minecraft there is such a substance as matter. It is very expensive, but without this element it is impossible to craft some rare resources. Below we will tell you what can be made from matter.

Crafting matter in Minecraft

To get matter for yourself, you need to craft it. This can only be done thanks to the matter generator. You can find out how to craft it from our article - How to make a matter generator. It is important to keep in mind that it takes a lot of energy to create a unit of matter, and specifically, one million of this resource. This is a little affordable, since energy is also not free in Minecraft. But without matter it will be impossible to acquire some rare resources. This:

  • water sources;
  • untainted lava;
  • iridium;
  • unique mycelium for feeding a huge mushroom.

All of the above can only be crafted from pure matter, so the player will have to take on the creation of this resource at some point.

What can be made from matter in Minecraft

When thinking about what can be made from matter, you can stop at fairly ordinary objects and the necessary resources.


  • snow;
  • grass;
  • water;
  • mossy cobblestone;
  • snowball;
  • cactus;
  • coal;
  • snow-white wool;
  • vines;
  • bone;
  • feather;
  • rubber;
  • ink bag;
  • glass;
  • sweet cane;
  • carved stone brick;
  • cocoa beans;
  • latex.

Useful resources:

  • tree species;
  • sandstone;
  • stone;
  • copper ore;
  • tin ore;
  • glowing stone;
  • hell stone;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • obsidian;
  • reddish dust;
  • steel ore;
  • gold ore;
  • diamond;
  • powder;
  • sand;
  • Earth;
  • ruby;
  • emerald;
  • flint.

Of course, these resources can be found in the game without resorting to crafting, but when you don’t have time to search, you can make them in Minecraft from matter. Naturally, this is unprofitable, so it is better to resort to crafting the above items in the latter case.

Now you understand what can be made from matter in Minecraft, and you will use this substance more often. Moreover, the costs of its creation can be significantly reduced; it is only necessary to use waste materials as a source of energy. Ultimately, the costs will decrease by a couple of times, which means that crafting items from matter will not be too hard on your pocket. Happy crafting!

Today we will talk about what Minecraft matter is and what this substance is used for. This resource is very expensive, but without it it is impossible to obtain some rare elements.


You should know that Minecraft matter is obtained using a special recipe. It can only be created using a special generator. It also needs to be initially designed. To produce a unit of matter, it will take a lot of energy - 1 million. A very high price, since the last resource is also very difficult to obtain. At the same time, without matter it is impossible to acquire a number of rare elements. Among them: a unique mycelium that allows you to grow a huge mushroom; iridium; pure lava; water sources. Everything mentioned above can only be obtained through pure substance, so it must be created.

Matter "Minecraft": crafts with its participation

First of all, from this resource you can create quite useful and simple items. These include: latex, cocoa bean, stone brick, glass, ink sac, rubber, feather, bone, vines, white wool, coal, cactus, mossy cobblestone, water, grass and snow. Minecraft materia also allows you to obtain a number of useful resources. Among them: flint, emerald, ruby, earth, sand, gunpowder, diamond, gold, iron, tin, red dust, obsidian, lapis lazuli, hellish (luminous and ordinary) stone, sandstone, wood. Most of the resources listed can be found ready-made, but if you don’t have time for this, then matter will help you create them. Such recipes cannot be called profitable, so the production of the listed resources should be used in case of special need. To reduce the cost of producing matter, waste materials should be used as an energy source. This approach will allow you to save significantly.

Matter Generator

We will definitely need this device to produce the necessary resource. We are talking about a special block that allows you to produce matter. To create it you need the following resources: coal (32), rubber (24), red dust (24), (13), copper ore (11), ultramarine (10), glow dust (8), (5), diamond (1 ). The generator, like the Minecraft matter itself, is available only in a special modification, Industrial Craft 2. Such a mechanism is capable of directly receiving all types of electricity coming from any of the transformers or the ECHO energy store.