Is it possible to get a gas mask wet? Problems and solutions for cleaning reusable respirators Gas mask and respirator: distinctive features

alejandre 06/30/2009 - 15:23

In general, at a chemical plant they gave a friend a gas mask, it’s covered in talcum powder or some other rubbish, he needs it for use and we want to torture him, is it possible to wash the rubber mask of the helmet?

Mattan 07/03/2009 - 20:37

IMHO, you don’t have to “wash” it, just wipe it with a damp cloth, and that’s it. The main thing is to clean the glass well so that there is visibility. Disconnect the filter box and do not touch it, it does not need wet treatment (if it is not closed) =)
I will give a couple of features of using the new gas mask from personal experience:
1) Part of the talc in the new gas mask is located in the fairings (channels through which inhaled air is supplied to the spectacle unit to prevent fogging of the glasses). If you inhale sharply with your eyes open, it will get into your eyes and cause discomfort for a long time.
2) A new gas mask, carefully cleaned of talc, put on a clean head (with recently washed hair) will be even more unpleasant the longer the hair is =) The rubber will not slide, it will cling. This is if the gas mask has a mask closed type, like the GP-5 (rubber covers almost the entire skull). If you use a false face mask with a strap system, of course, there will be no difficulties.

alejandre 07/03/2009 - 21:09

Thank you, we wet the valve of the helmet-mask, it was too dirty (there was talcum powder with dirt and dust), now we are worried that it will leak. Because there are some narrow strips of rag at the joints of the glasses for the eyes. On the filter box it says GP-5, closed on one side with a rubber plug and on the other with a plug. A helmet-mask for the entire head, it also has an anti-fog film, although there are also slits near the eyes.

Mattan 07/03/2009 - 21:28

Thank you, we wet the valve of the helmet-mask, it was too dirty (there was talcum powder with dirt and dust), now we are worried that it will leak. Because there are some narrow strips of rag at the joints of the glasses for the eyes. It says GP-5 on the filter box, closed on one side with a rubber plug and on the other with a plug. A helmet-mask for the entire head, it also has an anti-fog film, although there are also slits near the eyes.
No, nothing will happen to it by soaking it, as long as the talc and dirt have been removed from there, it’s good, it will press tighter as you inhale =)
It happens that this valve moves a little to one side when cleaning, but this is clearly visible visually and can be easily corrected.
Well, that means GP-5 is the one, according to the description.
Anti-fog films are convenient at low temperatures, then condensation from the glass is difficult to blow off... + When you exhale without films, the glass fogs up every time before you inhale... Based on the transparency of the films (i.e., their suitability for use for their intended purpose), you can judge the storage conditions of a gas mask in a warehouse - with high humidity, the films become cloudy, and you cannot see anything through them.
And you must remember to remove the plug when using it. 😊

alejandre 07/03/2009 - 21:52

But what if we let water through the valve, like we do? Straight into a bowl of soapy water. The films are brown, but everything is visible.
You could also take it with a white helmet, a mask, a corrugated hose and a large carbon filter. to choose from. What brand is this, do you know?
Thanks for the answers :-)
There is an idea to torture someone in a closed space with a spray from a gas canister, but it would be a pity to reduce the filter resource

Mattan 07/03/2009 - 22:50

It will dry out and everything will be fine. And with a hose and a large filter - it was probably an industrial gas mask, FG-130. Their helmet-masks with GP-5 are actually the same. By the way, GP-5 has white masks much more often than black ones. There is also a version of the GP-5m, with holes for the ears and an intercom on the helmet mask.
It’s strange that the films are brown, this is just a sure sign of their unsuitability. The films are always colorless. Through darkened films from a distance it may appear that visibility is good. However, if you bring them close to your eyes, like glasses, you immediately feel a sense of vision problems =) - due to small foci of cloudiness on the films.
The test will practically not reduce the life of the filter if you do not stay in this atmosphere for a long time, especially if a friend uses a gas mask for work, I think he will have free access to consumables (filters) =)

alejandre 07/04/2009 - 15:17

The films are not very brown, slightly brownish. About the use, he said that according to safety regulations, it seemed to be the norm, the rest of the workers did not show enthusiasm and, as I understand it, they simply hung them near the fire extinguishers. There are no holes for ears. And that gas mask "FG-130" only has a larger hose and filter, and they are also suitable for the GP-5.

takeneo 07/05/2009 - 20:16

I used to dive in the bathroom wearing a gas mask as a child :-) And at work I washed a gas mask without a box under the tap with hot water and soap, so that water flowed into the valve. In the summer, dry in five minutes and go to battle. I checked it in the atmosphere of an emergency ammonia refrigeration shop, nothing was missing.

alejandre 07/06/2009 - 10:33

Thank you. Allayed my fears!

steel2021 07/13/2009 - 01:03

The title made me smile. 😊

DIGGER-VOEN 12/18/2009 - 13:01

=)))) 😀 the gas mask should be in talc...

kotowsk 04/12/2010 - 08:37

I checked it in the atmosphere of an emergency ammonia refrigeration shop, nothing was missing.
In general, ammonia clogs filters many times faster than even combat agents. I have experience using a gas mask to control domestic insects. in a closed room I treated all the baseboards. I spent a whole can. the bugs are all dead. I didn't even smell it. acquaintances talked about the use of gas masks

SYMRAX 08/22/2010 - 21:23

masks for scuba diving.

Izya Shnipelson 11/14/2010 - 22:16

Let's figure it out in order 😊

You can wet helmets/gas masks with water—namely, water! Think for yourself - there is rubber and metal, not microcircuits and capacitors. Water in the valve assembly - well, it will flow out and dry up, it won’t go anywhere. The main thing is not to get it too wet. cold water, but here, I think, your hands won’t be able to stand it first, and don’t soak them in boiling water. Personally, I washed my masks in hot water, ~60 degrees, and normal.

Anti-fog films are not always colorless! There are special tinted films; the plastic base in them is brown, not transparent. It won’t help when watching a nuclear explosion, of course, but any flashes and just bright light will be much easier to bear.

Filter gas masks/helmets cannot be used under water or in other liquids. Their design provides for exhalation through the valve assembly into the atmosphere, etc. Since the density of water is much higher than the density of the atmosphere, the pressure it creates will simply push the valves inward, and water will enter the mask. Underwater, you can only use helmet-mask insulating gas masks, because... in them, exhaled gases are not released into the atmosphere, but are included in the cycle, and in general - the name “insulating” speaks for itself 😊

Neforo 07/21/2011 - 07:58

But from this moment on, can you be more detailed? =))
probably tormented by the hose gas mask 😊

-/-/-Max-/-/- 07/22/2011 - 12:31


masks for scuba diving.

But from this moment on, can you be more detailed? =))

Gas masks to ensure crew members escape from a flooded tank:
IP-46M and IP-5 with a depth of immersion under water under water no more than 7 m
Diving equipment with closed breathing patterns such as
Apparatus AT-1, Regenerative rebreathers IDA-59, IDA-71, IDA-72, IDA-85

kotowsk 30.07.2011 - 17:26

Filter gas masks/helmets cannot be used under water or in other liquids. Their design provides for exhalation through the valve assembly into the atmosphere, etc. Since the density of water is much higher than the density of the atmosphere, the pressure it creates will simply push the valves inward, and water will enter the mask.
I agree only partially. pressure that can “bend the valve inward” will first bend the entire mask. so with a small difference in pressure nothing will happen. I don’t know the brand of masks used. used together with the ASV 2 scuba gear; in the fire version, a gas mask is perfectly attached there. I haven’t tried it personally - they said that you can breathe, but it’s better with a mouthpiece and an “underwater” mask.

73GI 08/04/2012 - 23:00

Tell me, is it harmful to inhale talc? There is a gas mask, already washed with soap. But then I noticed that there was some talc left in it.

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Checking the respirator during cleaning

When cleaning, the respirator should also be checked:

1. Inspect the respirator as described previously (before and after use), but remove all parts and check for dirt, damage, or loss of flexibility.

2. Replace damaged parts.

3. Thoroughly rinse, disinfect and reassemble the respirator.

Cleaning, maintenance and storage of respirators used for TB prevention


OSHA Standard on Respirators (Appendix A) requires proper cleaning, repair, and proper storage of respirators.Proper implementation of such measures will keep the respirator functioning the same as it was when purchased.


In general, disposable filter half masks do not require cleaning or repair.If they become dirty or damaged, throw them away. But some manufacturers make disposable respirators that are similar to reusable elastomeric masks - the filters are not removable and the mask cannot be disassembled. These respirators may require some cleaning.

When using elastomeric respirators with replaceable filters, they must be maintained carefully.To maintain the good condition and performance of the respirator, use the manufacturer's instructions. The following is a discussion of maintenance that should help the reader understand how to perform this job.

A. Disassembly.

Respirators cannot simply be immersed in cleaning solution.Before cleaning and disinfection, the following must be removed from the respirator:

1. Filters

2. Talking diaphragm

3. Valve assembly

4. Headband straps

5. Corrugated breathing hose

6. Gaskets

B. Cleaning and disinfection

When cleaning and disinfecting, follow the manufacturer's instructions, especially regarding the maximum fluid temperature.Typically this operation is carried out like this:

1. Wash the respirator with warm water containing a little detergent at the temperature recommended by the manufacturer. Products that allow cleaning and disinfection at the same time may be used (see next paragraph). Organic solvents must not be used for cleaning.

2. To clean the headband straps, use a brush and a mild detergent solution.

3. If a cleaning solution was used, disinfect the respirator and rinse it in clean water at the temperature recommended by the manufacturer.

4. Drain the respirator and allow it to air dry in a clean, hygienic area.

5. Clean and disinfect all parts of the respirator removed from it during disassembly.

6. Wipe the respirator and all its parts with a cloth to remove any remaining water.

If you need to wash a large number of respirators, you can use washing machines and dryers.To do this, you need to change their design - respirators must be fixed motionless.

C. Solutions for cleaning and disinfection

Use solutions to clean and disinfect respirators as follows:

1. Use any suitable detergent to clean the respirator, or use special detergents or disinfectants (surfactants). Quaternary ammonium is often used for disinfection.

2. Follow (manufacturer's) instructions regarding dive duration.

3. Thoroughly rinse the cleaned and disinfected respirator in clean water at the temperature recommended by the manufacturer to remove all traces of detergent and disinfectant. This is very important to prevent worker skin irritation.

D. Respirators with PPV and loose-fitting facepieces .

To clean these respirators, remove the helmet or hood and wash it in a cleaning solution. Also wash the pendant inside the head part.Wash and disinfect the face shield.


1. Check the respirator and all its parts.

2. Replace the damaged parts with others designed for the same respirator. Use only replacement parts made by the respirator manufacturer.

3. Reassemble the entire respirator.

4. Attach new filters to the respirator.

5. Check the respirator to see if everything is installed and tight.


1. Comply with OSHA's respirator storage requirements, which require that respirators be stored either packaged or in such a way that the facepiece and exhalation valve retain their original shape and position (29 CFR 1910.139(f)(5)(ii). If the shape of the elastomeric parts of the respirator is distorted, their correct operation will be disrupted.

2. Keep disposable filter half masks at the entrance to areas where employees will be exposed to TB so they can select and put on a respirator. To do this, you can use a box to store all the (necessary) respirators that will be used in this location. The box must be installed in the right place and must have compartments for respirators. This box is similar to a mailbox with hatches for individual respirators. Hatches must display the employee's (appropriate) name

3. Do not use bags, plastic bags or other closed containers to store disposable filter half masks.

4. Store respirators with replaceable filters (half masks and full face masks) after cleaning in plastic bags in storage rooms. There they should be placed in one layer with the front parts and exhalation valves in their normal position - to prevent distortion of their shape.

Note: Always read and follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning, disinfecting, repairing, inspecting and storing respirators.

Below are two examples of Work Rules

Example of Work Execution Rules

Rules for performing work No....

Respirator maintenance _____ - half masks with replaceable filters.

Name of medical institution: _______________________________________

Disassembling the respirator:

1. (Service) personnel must collect used respirators at the specified collection points located in the hallways of each room - TB isolation rooms.

2. Take used respirators to the service area.

3. Remove from the respirator all those parts that the manufacturer recommends (removing):

A. Filters and gaskets

B. Exhalation valve cover

C. Inhalation and exhalation valves

D. Talking membrane

E. Elastic headband straps

F. Front part

4. Check the respirator to see if there are damaged or faulty parts, and if so, replace them with serviceable ones. Replacement parts must match the defective parts being replaced or be NIOSH certified (as replacements) and made by the same manufacturer.

A. Check to see if the filters are damaged (dents, cracks), dirt or damage to the mounting threads (scratches, chips, dents). Check the wear and flexibility of the gaskets.

B. Check the condition of the exhalation valve cap.

C. Check the inhalation and exhalation valves for cracks, tears, wear, holes, or deterioration of the valve material.

D. Check the speaking membrane for any structural defects.

E. Check the headband straps - breaks, loss of elasticity, faulty connections.

F. Inspect the front for cuts, tears, holes, loss of flexibility, or deterioration due to improper storage.

Cleaning and disinfection

1. For cleaning and disinfection, use ______________ at ____ temperature. Immerse the respirator components for _____ minutes. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions.

2. Thoroughly rinse the washed and disinfected parts of the respirator in clean water at a temperature of ____ to remove traces of detergents and disinfectants. This is very important for the prevention of dermatitis.

3. The respirator and its parts must be dried in a clean and hygienic place - in the air.

4. The respirator and its components are wiped with a cloth to remove traces of water.

Reassembly and repair:

1. Assemble and inspect a clean, dry respirator and its parts. Replace filters.


1. Before a washed and dried respirator is reissued for use, it should be stored in a (reusable) plastic bag. It should be stored in a clean, dry place, away from direct sunlight so that the elastic parts retain their original shape.

Rules for performing work No....

Maintenance of a _____ respirator - a disposable filtering half mask.

Name of medical institution: _______________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________

Head of the DPP (or other designated responsible person)______

Date of writing the PVR: __________________________________________

Date of signing of the PVR by the head of the PRZ: ________________________

Rules revision date: _______________________________________

1. Check whether the elastic bands of the headband can hold the respirator tightly enough on your face. If not, throw away the respirator. Do not try to tie elastic bands to shorten them to achieve a tighter tension.

Note: Some manufacturers make filtering half masks with elastic bands of adjustable length.

2. Check the respirator to see if it is dirty or damaged. If yes, throw it away.

3. Store the respirator in a clean and dry place. Marks must be made indicating which worker the respirators are intended for (for example, labels, etc.). Storing respirators in a sealed plastic bag is not the best solution. After use, the respirator may be damp, and sealed packaging will prevent it from drying. This will promote the proliferation of microorganisms. If using plastic bags, allow the respirator to dry before packing it.

Note: Read the manufacturer's directions for maintaining N-95 filter half masks.

Useful information:

Often in production, when moving from disposable respirators to reusable ones, the question of organizing their cleaning and disinfection arises. Users apply various ways removing all types of dirt (organic and inorganic) and foreign materials from the surfaces of masks and half masks. Some enterprises organize centralized collection and cleaning with the help of special services, while others resolve this issue by the employees themselves. Regardless of the fundamental difference in approaches, it is necessary that cleaning takes place in a regulated manner, based on separate instructions or in parallel with the enterprise's respiratory protection program. In this article we invite the reader to familiarize himself with general principles cleaning reusable respirators using the example of 3M solutions.

How should I clean, sanitize, or disinfect my respirator?

For all types of respirators, you should always follow the hygiene and infection control requirements established by your employer for your specific work environment. The user must familiarize himself with and comply with the procedures specified in operating instructions for a specific respirator model.

Note. This material provides information on cleaning respiratory system components. When cleaning reusable respirators, always read and follow the instructions for use for the specific product.

You should also always comply with the hygiene and infection control requirements set by your employer for your work environment.

General provisions

It is important to follow all steps indicated in the operating instructions .

Hand hygiene should always be maintained.

Nitrile or vinyl gloves and other cleaning products should always be used when cleaning respirator components. personal protection(PPE) as required by your employer.

The instructions for use of the disinfectant should be carefully reviewed for suitability, applicability, dilution rate and contact time, and all components should be thoroughly rinsed with clean, warm water and thoroughly dried before use or storage.

It is important to thoroughly rinse off all chlorine-based products from the mask. Although rinsing is preferred, some disinfectants may not require this.

When disposing of cleaning products and solutions, please follow your facility's regulations.

3M™ Reusable Respirators 6000, 6500, 7500 Series

1. Removing cartridges or filters. Removing or reusing filters/cartridges should be done according to your facility's guidelines or service life. Used filters/cartridges must be disposed of in accordance with local regulations.

Note. Frameless filters FFP2 and FFP3 2100 series cannot be cleaned or disinfected. 6000 Series cartridges can be cleaned and disinfected as follows.

2. Cleaning the filter housing/cartridge. Gently wipe the outside of the filter/cartridge housing using a mild cleaning solution. If necessary, rinse in the same way with clean water:

b) Do not attempt to clean the material inside the filter/cartridge housing.

3. Disinfection of the filter housing/cartridge. Disinfect the outside surfaces of the filter/cartridge housing using a clean, soft cloth dampened with a sanitary disinfectant (such as a 0.5 percent chlorine solution or a solution containing 5,000 ppm free chlorine) prescribed by your facility, local health authorities control. Follow the instructions for use of the selected disinfectant:

a) do not allow liquid to enter the filter/cartridge housing;

b) do not attempt to clean the material inside the filter/cartridge housing;

c) do not spray the filter/cartridge as this may damage the filter material.

4. Rinsing the filter housing/cartridge. Rinse the filter/cartridge housing by wiping it with a clean, soft cloth soaked in clean, warm water at ~49°C.

5. Cleaning the face mask (excluding filters and cartridges). Immerse the mask in a warm, mild pH-neutral (pH 6-8) detergent cleansing solution. The water temperature should not exceed 49 °C. Clean the mask with a soft brush. Do not use detergents containing lanolin or other oils, organic or chlorinated solvents, or abrasive cleaning agents.

6. Disinfection of the face mask. Wipe the face mask with a clean, soft cloth soaked in a sanitary disinfectant (such as a 0.5 percent chlorine solution or a solution containing 5,000 ppm free chlorine) prescribed by your facility or local health authority. Follow the instructions for use of the selected disinfectant, including the specified contact time.

7. Washing the face mask. Rinse the face mask thoroughly with clean, warm water and dry thoroughly before using or storing.

8. Make sure all components are dry before reuse or storage.

9. Cleaned face masks and filters/cartridges must be thoroughly inspected in accordance with 3M operating instructions. When not in use, face masks and filters/cartridges should be stored away from contaminated areas according to appropriate operating instructions .


engineer of the PPE department at 3M Ukraine

Everyone knows what a gas mask is. Why it is needed is also no secret. And, despite the fact that in the present, relatively peaceful time, the population is not subject to mass infections and attacks from chemical and bacteriological weapons, gas masks are in considerable demand - the risk of getting into an emergency always remains. And if people whose profession involves at least having the skills to work with this personal protective equipment can easily cope with its use, then the ordinary civilian population very often has a number of, including naive, questions about gas masks.

In order to expand the understanding of the general population about what a gas mask is and how to handle it, representatives of one of the largest companies producing personal respiratory protection equipment, Breeze-Kama LLC, gave answers to a number of popular questions asked not only by their clients, but also by people who have never seen a gas mask in person.

1. Is there a universal gas mask?

This is probably one of the most popular questions from people who have never used a gas mask. There are even cases when, without a clear idea of ​​the scope of its application, people ask the question: “Which gas mask will always help?” and are persistently looking for universal gas masks. Universal in their understanding is a gas mask that will suit anyone and protect against everything.

Only filter gas masks are intended for the civilian population, which are quite easy to use and affordable. Such devices are equipped with a filter element designed to protect only from a specific type of substance. In addition, this device only purifies the air entering the body, so another limitation when using it is the presence of the required proportion of oxygen in the contaminated atmosphere. It is clear that it is necessary to choose this kind of gas mask solely within the framework of the purpose of the filter element.

A more or less universal type includes insulating gas masks that do not interact with environment and work with any composition and concentration of hazardous substances in the air. However, this kind of devices are not intended for the civilian population, because require special training before their use and in the event of a sudden accident or during an emergency evacuation, an unprepared person simply will not be able to use it.

2. What does a gas mask NOT protect against?

A filtering gas mask that does not have the ability to enrich the air with oxygen will be absolutely useless in conditions of insufficient oxygen for the human body (less than 17%). Also, the composition of standard filters does not provide protection against organic gases, including carbon monoxide. Therefore, it is always important to pay special attention composition of filter elements and, if necessary, purchase additional filters aimed at more extensive protection.

In addition, you should be very careful about the proper use of a gas mask. Since any mistake in its use - for example, breaking the seal of the front part, using a gas mask with a damaged filter or any other element - can lead to harmful consequences.

3. Will a gas mask help in case of fire?

The release of carbon monoxide during a fire poses a greater danger than the danger of an open fire. The standard filter gas mask is equipped with filters that protect against many types of toxic substances, but is not capable of filtering the air from carbon monoxide, so it is useless in case of fire.

To protect against carbon monoxide, there are additional filter elements that are purchased separately. But since most often their action is aimed at filtering the air only from carbon monoxide, and they do not protect against other combustion products, then these types of filters should be used in conjunction with the standard ones included in the basic gas mask kit.

4. Is it possible to suffocate in a gas mask?

You can suffocate without a gas mask. The device itself does not pose a direct threat, but there is a very important nuances, which should be taken into account before you start using a gas mask.

Firstly, if the rules for its use are not followed, death is quite likely due to the penetration of toxic substances into the submask space. For example, if a rubber mask is damaged or does not fit tightly to the face, be it a filtering or insulating gas mask, the effect of its protective elements becomes useless.

Secondly, in filter gas masks, the operating time of the filters is always limited, and their use after the stated operating time has expired or after they have been fully used also leads to undesirable consequences. Do not forget about the purpose of the filters - if the filter element is incorrectly selected, the gas mask will also be ineffective.

As for insulating gas masks, work in them can begin strictly after activation of the starting device, which releases the first portions of clean air.

In addition, it should be remembered that while working in a gas mask, breathing resistance and pressure on the front part are noticeably felt, which significantly affects the performance and functioning of the entire body. Therefore, you should study all contraindications to the use of this type of device.

5. Is it possible to clean filters in gas masks or refill oxygen cylinders at home?

All gas mask filters are disposable, because... contain an absorbent layer activated carbon and paper membranes that cannot be cleaned. Therefore, after working out, the filter elements must be replaced with new ones.

As for refilling oxygen cylinders, such work can only be carried out in specially equipped laboratories, because Oxygen filling occurs under pressure, and this is impossible to do at home.

Filtering gas masks

A filter gas mask protects the human body from the ingress of toxic substances from the atmosphere by filtering polluted air. Due to the fact that such gas masks only purify the air from harmful impurities, these devices can only be used if there is at least 17% oxygen in the atmosphere.

Filter gas mask device

The device of filtering gas masks includes a front part and a filter-absorbing box.

The front part, or helmet-mask, is made of elastic rubber and, through a hermetically sealed fit, ensures insulation of the respiratory organs, vision and facial skin from harmful external environment. The mask includes the body itself, goggles, and inhalation/exhalation valves. Some models can be equipped with a seal, fairings, an intercom, and a liquid intake system.

Some modifications of filter gas masks contain a corrugated hose, which serves as a means of connecting the front part and the filter box. Such models are used mainly in the military sector or industry characterized by particularly hazardous working conditions.

Spectacle units, depending on the model and type of gas mask, can have different design variations: standard location, frontal - for some models of military gas masks, with an increased viewing angle, and instead of shackles there may be panoramic glass.

The valve box of the filter gas mask includes inhalation and exhalation valves. With the help of the valve box, the flows of inhaled and exhaled air are distributed - through the inhalation valve, purified air is directed into the submask space, and with the help of the exhalation valve, exhaled air is released into the atmosphere.

The intercoms included in certain models of gas masks are designed to improve the quality of speech while using a gas mask, and the device for receiving liquid allows you to take water from a special flask without removing the device.

Also, filter gas masks can be equipped with anti-fog films - to protect spectacle units from fogging, or with insulating cuffs used at sub-zero temperatures to prevent glasses from freezing.

The filter-absorbing box is made of aluminum alloys or tin and contains an anti-aerosol filter and a charge (activated carbon). The anti-aerosol filter is a dense mesh made of fibrous materials, on the walls of which harmful aerosol particles are retained. The absorbent mixture is a layer of activated carbon that absorbs dangerous gases and vapors.

All filter gas masks must be equipped with a gas mask bag, which is necessary for storing and carrying them.

The principle of operation of a filter gas mask

A filter-absorbing box, which includes an absorbent layer of active carbon and an anti-aerosol filter, is responsible for cleaning the air entering the submask space.

To clean the air from gases and vapors, the chemical process of adsorption is used, the meaning of which is to absorb harmful impurities by the surface solid(in this case, a charge with a layer of activated carbon is used).

Substances with high molecular weight and high boiling point are well suited to the adsorption process. For poorly adsorbed elements, it is common to use processes such as chemisorption (absorption of toxic substances by reacting with chemically active elements) and catalysis (changing the rate of chemical reactions). In the first case, alkaline chemicals are additionally applied to the activated carbon layer; in the second, copper, silver or chromium oxides are added.

The principle of operation of the anti-aerosol filter of the filter-absorbing box of a gas mask is to retain aerosols or large dust particles on the fibers of the mesh of this filter, consisting of dense layers of fibrous materials.

Purpose of a filter gas mask

The main purpose of a filter gas mask is to clean the air from toxic impurities before it enters the human body. These types of gas masks are not capable of enriching the air with oxygen, so their use is possible only when the volume of oxygen in the atmosphere is at least 17%. Also, each gas mask filter is designed to protect against specific types of toxic substances, and based on this, they cannot be used if the composition of harmful impurities is not established or is not known in advance.

Scope of application of filter gas masks

Filtering gas masks can be used by both ordinary people and industrial workers to protect against harmful gases, vapors, aerosols in the event of emergencies or accidents involving the release of toxic substances into the atmosphere.

Civilian gas masks are designed to protect the population caught in a hotbed of air contamination with dangerous chemical, radioactive, and bacteriological emissions. Used in the event of sudden accidents involving the release of toxic substances, civilian filtering devices do not require prior training for their use, and are more often used when evacuating people from contaminated areas.

Also, filter gas masks are widely used in industrial sectors whose activities involve the storage, production or use in their activities of substances hazardous to human health. All such enterprises are equipped with sets of filtering industrial gas masks in case of unforeseen accidents or emergencies.

General-arms filter gas masks are used during combat operations or military exercises. Such devices often have a more complex design and are equipped with additional elements.

For schoolchildren and children preschool age special models of filter devices that are smaller in size are used.

Checking filter gas masks

Before direct use, each gas mask needs to be checked - both visually and to check for serviceability.

The first step is an external inspection of all parts of the gas mask. Having taken the device out of the bag, you need to make sure that all its components are present and intact. The rubber mask should not have punctures, cuts, scratches, the spectacle units should be free of cracks and chips, the valve and filter boxes should also be free of dents, holes and other damage. Metal parts must be free of corrosion or rust. It is also worth checking the presence of all valves in the valve box, the serviceability of the headband straps of the helmet mask, and the tightness of the connection tube to the front part. The gas mask bag must also be checked for integrity and the presence of all straps, fasteners, waist tape, and wooden pads.

After you make sure that all parts of the filter gas mask are present and have no mechanical damage, you need to check the tightness of the front part. To do this, while wearing a mask, you should tightly hold the bottom of the filter box with your palm and try to take a deep breath. If the mask fits tightly to your face, you will not be able to inhale. If air still leaks into the space under the mask, then it is necessary to once again inspect the components of the gas mask for contamination or any malfunctions. Also, you should pay special attention if air passes under the mask in the area of ​​the temples - this indicates that the size of the gas mask is incorrectly selected. In this case, a smaller device should be used.

More effective tests of filter gas masks are carried out in specially equipped chambers, or tents, filled with vapors or aerosols of an irritating substance.

How to put on a filter gas mask

Putting on a filter gas mask occurs at the command “gases”, after notification of the occurrence of atmospheric contamination, or upon independent detection of such a danger.

Putting on a gas mask is carried out in the following sequence:

1 - close your eyes, hold your breath 2 - if necessary, remove your headgear 3 - remove the gas mask from the bag 4 - put on the gas mask, holding it by the lower part so that only your thumbs remain outside, place the lower part under your chin and pull it with a sharp movement mask on the head 5 – check the tightness of the mask, remove any wrinkles that have formed (if necessary, repeat the procedure of pulling the mask) 6 – exhale, open your eyes, restore breathing

If any part of the gas mask is damaged, either the element or the device itself must be replaced. When replacing a filter gas mask during its operation, it is necessary to prepare a new gas mask for quick donning, hold your breath and close your eyes, remove the damaged device, quickly put on a new one, open your eyes, and restore breathing. If the connecting tube of the gas mask is damaged, then you also need to close your eyes and hold your breath, disconnect the gas mask tube, connect the filter directly to the front part (to the valve box), open the gas, and restore breathing. If damage has formed on the mask, then the breakout points must be pressed tightly with the palm of your hand and not released until you leave the contaminated area. In case of more serious damage to the mask, you need to close your eyes and hold your breath, remove the mask, disconnect the connecting tube from it along with the filter, take the end of the tube in your mouth, pinch your nose with your fingers, breathe through your mouth without opening your eyes. Stay in this state until assistance is provided or leaving the contaminated area.

Storing a filter gas mask

Any gas mask must be protected from any kind of damage. There is no need to unnecessarily disassemble it and remove the valves from the box. It is important to protect the filter box from moisture, from dents, to prevent rust from appearing on metal parts, and to protect the membranes of the intercom from dust.

After using a filter gas mask in the rain, it must be thoroughly dried, as well as the gas mask bag. When using a gas mask in the cold, it is better to carry it under outerwear, to avoid deformation of the rubber mask. When moving the device from a cold to a warm room, you should avoid the appearance of condensation on the glass by wiping it with a dry cloth. When wiping the front part with a damp cloth, the filter box must be removed so that moisture does not get into it. Exposure to dampness can lead to rust formation and filter malfunction. Filtering gas masks should be stored in a gas mask bag, assembled, away from any kind of heating devices. If the gas mask is to be stored for a long time, the bottom of the filter box must be closed with a rubber stopper.

In the online store you can buy gas masks, as well as separate filters for gas masks or face parts. We offer our clients the best prices!

Design and principle of operation of the gas mask device

Starting from school, every person was at least approximately familiar with a gas mask. The device was first used in 1915 during military operations - then one of the opponents used chemical weapons.

More than a hundred have now been developed various options models of this protective device, having different purposes and differing in the time of their operation. We will analyze the most popular and modern models gas masks: how they work, structural features, design, composition, differences from each other, purpose.

Purpose and types

Regardless of the model, this device is designed to protect the organs of the respiratory system, organs of vision, and facial skin from radioactive substances, toxic or bacterial agents.

These dangerous impurities come in the air and take the form of steam, aerosol or gas. According to the principle of operation, gas masks for the respiratory system are divided into filtering and insulating models.

Filtering gas masks are designed to protect the lungs from incoming harmful impurities by trapping them in special materials.

The latter completely limit access to the respiratory system of ambient air. The supply of oxygen to gas masks of the IP type is ensured using a special cartridge built into it.

Components of filter models

In this section, we will analyze in detail the device, purpose, principle of operation, types, composition and main parts of the filter gas mask. The device is not capable of saturating the air inhaled by a person with oxygen, so their use is limited in an atmosphere containing at least 17% oxygen.

The main components of a gas mask are the front part and the gas box. Both of these parts are connected to each other.

Also included with this device are:

  • Gas bag.
  • A special anti-fog film that prevents perspiration from appearing on the lenses of glasses.
  • Membranes designed for negotiations.
  • Cover for gas mask box, knitted, hydrophobic.
  • Warming cuffs.

The helmet-mask or, in other words, the front part is made of gray or black rubber. The helmet consists of the following components:

  • body;
  • glasses assembly;
  • flowing part;
  • valve box;
  • negotiation device.

The gas box can purify the air from aerosols and vapors. In the first case, this is carried out due to an anti-aerosol filter, in the second - thanks to a carbon catalyst with an absorbing surface.

The gas box is a housing with a bottom and a special lid. During storage, it is sealed with a rubber stopper and a metal cap, also with a rubber gasket. The body has a cylindrical shape and is made of metal.

Insulating cuffs are necessary in the cold season to prevent the spectacle unit from freezing under the influence of low temperatures. The valve box is responsible for the distribution of air: inhaled/exhaled.

The fairings are shaped like air ducts. Their main purpose is to clean the spectacle unit using air entering the gas mask.

The negotiation device can have several variations:

  • The design does not require disassembly. Such a mechanism is added to the gas mask at the factory.
  • The structure can be disassembled. It is represented by a body, a rubber and support ring, a membrane, a flange, and a lid.

In the case of a dismountable device for negotiations, the protective mask includes additional safety membranes intended for the front part of the protective device.

Filtering gas masks are very common; you can stay in them for 12 hours at a time.

Design and principle of operation of insulating

Now let's look at the insulating gas mask: its design, purpose, types, composition, principle of operation, application, where it is used.

The operating principle of such a device is based on the fact that a person breathes purified air inside the device, prepared in advance. Such a device is equipped with a large air tank, reminiscent of a diver's oxygen tank.

He is also equipped with a mask. Its remaining components are presented:

  • cartridge for air regeneration;
  • breathing bag;
  • pipe connection system;
  • valve responsible for excess pressure.

The breathing bag together with the cartridge for air regeneration are located in a frame specially designed for them.

The gas mask includes membranes for negotiations, anti-fog films for glasses, and cuffs for reinforcement.

Among insulating gas masks there are subtypes:

  • Gas masks containing compressed oxygen and the same air in capsules.
  • Gas masks containing oxygen, which is chemically bound. It begins its activation when carbon dioxide interacts with water.
  • Hose. For them, the air for inhalation is released from a special purified zone.

The obvious disadvantage of an insulating gas mask is that its use is limited in time: it is used for no more than three hours. Another disadvantage: it is quite difficult to move with it; together with the cylinder and all the additional ammunition, it weighs more than one kilogram.

What to pay attention to before use

Immediately before using personal protective equipment (PPE), it is necessary to thoroughly check the integrity of the gas mask components and their functional suitability.

The check begins with an external inspection of the gas mask:

The use of other people's protective equipment and their use without prior technical control are prohibited.

Naturally, each of the gas masks we examined has its own advantages and disadvantages: it all depends on the purpose of their use. It should be a priority for any person to gain knowledge about the design of a gas mask and the principle of its protective action, purpose and procedure for use, because someday the information will come in handy in critical situations and help save your health and life!

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Gas mask: the story of a lung protector

It is known that gas masks are intended to protect the respiratory organs, eyes and facial skin from the penetration of harmful elements that could be contained in the intake air. There are a huge number of different types of gas masks, and in order to understand their purpose or procedure for use or what a GP gas mask is, to the common man It won't be that easy.

Purpose of a gas mask

The invention of the gas mask is associated with German troops, who during the First World War used a new tactic - a gas attack. They killed with gas slowly and painfully, but with a huge area of ​​destruction for those times.

Literally two weeks after the first attack, the first personal protective equipment against the toxic substance began to appear. At first they protected themselves with bandages soaked in acids that neutralized chemical agents, and then they thought about more solid protection.

More than a hundred years have passed and chemical weapons have become one of the most popular means of group killing of people. At the same time, the means of personal protective equipment against it also did not stand still. They were vigorously developed by military and civilian departments around the world.

Gas mask and respirator: distinctive features

Personal chemical protection equipment is divided into two main categories; they can be in the form of gas masks and respirators. Often people with an unprofessional eye can confuse them with each other, especially since some modifications of products are indeed similar. In order not to make mistakes when choosing devices, experts recommend studying their types, components, purpose, how a GP filter gas mask or respirator functions, what is their difference, and also what dangers a gas mask warns against.

The main difference between these two products is that the respirator does not cover the entire face, or rather, only the area of ​​the nose and mouth, everything else remains open. Whereas a gas mask covers the entire head, eyes and protects the respiratory organs from the penetration of harmful elements.

This feature of using respirators in conditions where there are substances nearby that can penetrate the body through the skin or eyes is unsafe. You should know that you shouldn’t even be around hazardous substances, interaction with which is undesirable, let alone working. These substances may be acid gases, inorganic corrosive gases, and many other hazardous materials. It is also advisable to remember about radioactive dust, from which a gas mask will save you, but a respirator will not.

Definitions and Application

Filtering and isolating devices are mandatory parts in equipment sets for specialists, no matter whether they are civilian or military. Especially if there are volatile toxic substances nearby or there is a risk of exposure to chemical poisoning. Moreover, the use of a wide variety of personal chemical protective equipment will be strictly mandatory in the conditions of a man-made disaster.

Types of gas masks

The main purpose of most types of gas masks is to protect the respiratory tract. However, some of them have certain specifics.

According to the methods of protection and types of structures, there are two types of gas masks, which are filtering and insulating.

Filtering gas mask GP

It is used with a filter box and is designed to protect organs from potential or real threats of harmful elements, the penetration of which into the respiratory tract must be stopped using mechanical filters or chemical reactions. Using gas masks of this type, their owners continue to inhale the surrounding air mixture, but one that has been further purified.

Similar devices provide protection for a certain period of time only from a specified type of malicious elements. This happens because any filter box is not universal; moreover, each box will constantly need to be replaced as its service life expires. In general, the service life of filters may vary. Their effect can last a few minutes or even a day and depend on their varieties, as well as, naturally, on the degree of poisoning of the environment.

Self-contained gas mask (IP)

This device already has a compressor box. It is clear that this is the most advanced safety level, which is also one hundred percent universal. In general, an oxygen-insulating gas mask is intended to protect the respiratory organs in conditions of oxygen deficiency. A distinctive feature of an insulating gas mask from a filter one is that its owner can breathe not an ordinary or poisoned air-gas mixture, but a clean one, but of a completely different origin.

This type of gas mask is divided into two more types, depending on the source. For example, this is a self-contained breathing apparatus, the owner of which has its own compressor box with a compressed air cylinder. And also a hose (gas mask) respirator, through the hose of which air flow is supplied from an external source, in particular a pipeline with compressed air.

In addition, combined versions of gas masks (IP gas mask) are often used. For example, when the main flow of air flows through the hose, then just in case there is an autonomous spray can nearby for action in emergencies.

Types of gas masks by area of ​​application

Gas masks are classified according to areas of use. They differ in military, civil, industrial and even children's.

Military gas mask (PMK)

Military gas masks stand out high level reliability and versatility and are included in the standard equipment of all military personnel. In addition, they are actually used by some specialized paramilitary structures. For example, a general-arms gas mask can be used by the Ministry of Emergency Situations and similar organizations, just like a VK gas mask.

Civilian gas mask (GP)

May be issued for use by the public in emergency situations. These gas masks are quite cheap to manufacture, but generally reliable. Outwardly, they are not very different from military modifications, if you do not pay attention to the fact that the materials are not of the same high quality as military ones. A civilian gas mask will be an excellent means of protection for the respiratory organs.

Industrial gas mask (IGC)

This is a special type of gas masks for workers who professionally work with hazardous chemical elements. As a rule, they are built into OZK or similar class protective suits.

Children's gas mask

These modifications are used to protect the respiratory organs of children and adolescents; they differ in smaller sizes. By the way, there are also baby devices. These are structures with rubber chambers in a metal frame, in which the entire child is placed, into which air is then pumped using bellows.

Purpose of civilian gas masks

The main purpose of all civilian gas masks is to protect the population living in areas of air contamination with a wide variety of harmful substances. Such devices attract with their simplicity of use, easy to put on and light weight, and the ability to breathe purified air for a certain amount of time.

For example, the GP-7 gas mask is interesting because it can be used immediately with special equipment that protects the head. Moreover, this gas mask has a special device, as a result of which you can stay in it for a relatively long time. Due to the convenient panoramic glass there is good visibility. Any civilian gas mask (GP) is available for free sale, and everyone decides which gas mask to buy for themselves, of course, having studied their individual technical specifications and purpose.

Gas mask GP-5

The GP-5 filtering gas mask is intended to protect the eyes, facial skin and respiratory organs from bacteriological weapons, radioactive radiation, as well as other harmful elements that may be in gaseous or suspended states. The GP-5 gas mask was developed not only for the adult population, but also for high school students. The GP-5 gas mask was produced in 1962-1989. The main distinguishing characteristic of this modification from all previous ones was the absence of a corrugated tube, which previously combined the filter box and the gas mask helmet.

Gas mask GP-7

The GP-7 gas mask is a proven model that reliably protects users from exposure to a wide variety of toxic substances. With the help of such a device, the respiratory organs, skin of the face and eyes are usually protected from a wide variety of elements, which can be toxic substances, radioactive dust, and biological aerosols.

From the history of gas masks

The main gas mask GP-7 was developed in the eighties of the last century. Due to modifications to the previous version of the GP-5 device, the gas mask of the new modification turned out to be more reliable and safe. Another clear and visible difference was that previously the ears did not close, but now the belt attachment system has been successfully modified.

With the help of this device, reliable protection against harmful elements of a combat nature is provided. However, the GP-7 gas mask, which was initially characterized as a reliable protector, did not earn such a reputation at critical concentrations of toxic chemicals in enclosed spaces. Nowadays, gas masks of this modification are produced at three Russian enterprises.

Civilian gas mask GP-9 (GP-9V)

The civilian gas mask GP-9 (GP-9V) was developed using the latest trends in world technological thought, as well as original technical solutions. This was the impetus for the release of a new gas mask with an expanded line of modified devices. The main distinctive feature of this product is that for the first time civilian gas masks received a panoramic mask. Thanks to this, the area of ​​the field of view was significantly increased, and the GP-9 gas mask itself acquired an aesthetic appearance. In addition, thanks to another innovation, namely two structurally new valve-intercom devices, speech clarity is ensured for more than 90% of spoken words.

Gas mask GP-9: purpose

The GP-9 gas mask is designed to protect emergency rescue units, the population, as well as personnel of industrial enterprises from dangerous substances that are formed as a result of the use of weapons of mass destruction, as well as due to the occurrence of an emergency. These can be vapors, gases and aerosols of toxic or chemically active substances.

Rules for using gas masks

The civilian population, if necessary, is provided only with filtering devices, which is prescribed by many instructions. Those whose positions require isolating models will receive separate instructions after they are issued.

In the event of a possible threat, the device is worn on the stomach in a special bag, and the buttons on it are in the undone position. It is advisable to take a few minutes to study the instructions on the rules for putting on a gas mask:

  1. Take a breath;
  2. Hold your breath;
  3. Close your eyes;
  4. Remove the gas mask from the bag using your left hand;
  5. Remove the plug in the filter box;
  6. Place four fingers of each hand inside the gas mask, leaving the thumbs outside;
  7. Place the bottom of the mask on the chin area;
  8. Exhale;
  9. Pull the gas mask from bottom to top with a sharp movement and straighten it so that there are no wrinkles;
  10. Open your eyes;
  11. Hang the bag to the side so that it does not interfere with freedom of movement.

When devices are issued for a long time, it is necessary to monitor their condition. You will have to clean them, wipe the glasses of the mask. In addition, you need to monitor the level of production in the filter box (the time and conditions for its replacement are usually written on it).

And most importantly, you need to try to get out of the affected area as quickly as possible, especially if there are open areas of skin on your clothes.

What not to do when wearing a gas mask

In general, all that needs to be done is to follow one single rule - never, under any circumstances, try to depressurize gas masks, so that this does not lead to the entry of unfiltered air mixture through them, because this will make the fact of wearing the devices completely useless. sense.

One should take into account the fact that the temptation to break this tightness is extremely great. And this is true, because gas masks are not so easy to wear. For example, the effect of the filter box will impede the airflow in the lungs, which may lead to mild suffocation, especially in those with respiratory problems.

If you take into account the fact that with the device on you will have to not only walk, but possibly also run, then some untrained people will want to free themselves from gas masks, so this can turn out to be a real test.

How to clean gold plated items at home

Everyone knows what a gas mask is. Why it is needed is also no secret. And, despite the fact that in the present, relatively peaceful time, the population is not subject to mass infections and attacks from chemical and bacteriological weapons, gas masks are in considerable demand - the risk of getting into an emergency always remains. And if people whose profession involves at least having the skills to work with this personal protective equipment can easily cope with its use, then the ordinary civilian population very often has a number of, including naive, questions about gas masks.

In order to expand the understanding of the general population about what a gas mask is and how to handle it, representatives of one of the largest companies producing personal respiratory protection equipment, Breeze-Kama LLC, gave answers to a number of popular questions asked not only by their clients, but also by people who have never seen a gas mask in person.

1. Is there a universal gas mask?

This is probably one of the most popular questions from people who have never used a gas mask. There are even cases when, without a clear idea of ​​the scope of its application, people ask the question: “Which gas mask will always help?” and are persistently looking for universal gas masks. Universal in their understanding is a gas mask that will suit anyone and protect against everything.

Only filter gas masks are intended for the civilian population, which are quite easy to use and affordable. Such devices are equipped with a filter element designed to protect only from a specific type of substance. In addition, this device only purifies the air entering the body, so another limitation when using it is the presence of the required proportion of oxygen in the contaminated atmosphere. It is clear that it is necessary to choose this kind of gas mask solely within the framework of the purpose of the filter element.

A more or less universal type includes insulating gas masks that do not interact with the environment and work with any composition and concentration of hazardous substances in the air. However, this kind of devices are not intended for the civilian population, because require special training before their use and in the event of a sudden accident or during an emergency evacuation, an unprepared person simply will not be able to use it.

2. What does a gas mask NOT protect against?

A filtering gas mask that does not have the ability to enrich the air with oxygen will be absolutely useless in conditions of insufficient oxygen for the human body (less than 17%). Also, the composition of standard filters does not provide protection against organic gases, including carbon monoxide. Therefore, it is always important to pay special attention to the composition of the filter elements and, if necessary, purchase additional filters aimed at more extensive protection.

In addition, you should be very careful about the proper use of a gas mask. Since any mistake in its use - for example, breaking the tightness of the front part, using a gas mask with a damaged filter or any other element - can lead to harmful consequences.

The release of carbon monoxide during a fire poses a greater danger than the danger of an open fire. The standard filter gas mask is equipped with filters that protect against many types of toxic substances, but is not capable of filtering the air from carbon monoxide, so it is useless in case of fire.

To protect against carbon monoxide, there are additional filter elements that are purchased separately. But since most often their action is aimed at filtering the air only from carbon monoxide, and they do not protect against other combustion products, then these types of filters should be used in conjunction with the standard ones included in the basic gas mask kit.

4. Is it possible to suffocate in a gas mask?

You can suffocate without a gas mask. The device itself does not pose a direct threat, but there are very important nuances that should be taken into account before you start using a gas mask.

Firstly, if the rules for its use are not followed, death is quite likely due to the penetration of toxic substances into the submask space. For example, if a rubber mask is damaged or does not fit tightly to the face, be it a filtering or insulating gas mask, the effect of its protective elements becomes useless.

Secondly, in filter gas masks, the operating time of the filters is always limited, and their use after the stated operating time has expired or after they have been fully used also leads to undesirable consequences. Do not forget about the purpose of the filters - if the filter element is incorrectly selected, the gas mask will also be ineffective.

As for insulating gas masks, work in them can begin strictly after activation of the starting device, which releases the first portions of clean air.

In addition, it should be remembered that while working in a gas mask, breathing resistance and pressure on the front part are noticeably felt, which significantly affects the performance and functioning of the entire body. Therefore, you should study all contraindications to the use of this type of device.

5. Is it possible to clean filters in gas masks or refill oxygen cylinders at home?

All gas mask filters are disposable, because... contain an absorbent layer of activated carbon and paper membranes that cannot be cleaned. Therefore, after working out, the filter elements must be replaced with new ones.

As for refilling oxygen cylinders, such work can only be carried out in specially equipped laboratories, because Oxygen filling occurs under pressure, and this is impossible to do at home.