After mammoplasty - patient review. Consequences of mammoplasty. Photos before and after breast augmentation surgery 2 5 months after mammoplasty

Rehabilitation after breast augmentation with modern methods plastic methods It doesn't take that much time. It begins immediately after the woman returns home. But during this period, you must follow all the doctor’s recommendations to avoid complications. Otherwise, it will not be possible to return to normal life soon.

The breast after mammoplasty needs restoration. At first it is hard to the touch, but when the breasts become soft depends on individual characteristics. On average plastic surgery requires waiting for recovery from one to three months. Since the implant is located under the muscles, they swell, become inflamed and tense. To quickly get rid of these unpleasant symptoms, a woman’s life must follow special rules.

How many days it will take to recover after breast augmentation surgery primarily depends on the size of the implant, the technique of their implantation and the quality of the operation. An important role is played by the state of the woman’s immunity and the presence of allergic reactions.

During the entire recovery period, you must follow the doctor’s special recommendations. Rehabilitation after mammoplasty by day looks something like this.

  • The initial stage is considered to be the first day after a breast lift, when you need to stay in bed. In the first days after mammoplasty, in order to reduce the risk of bleeding, doctors recommend applying cold to the breast as often as possible. It reduces swelling and reduces pain.
  • On the third day after surgery, pain intensifies and increased swelling is observed. It is imperative to monitor body temperature and, if necessary, take antipyretic and painkillers. Caring for the bust and postoperative sutures is important. It is recommended to tighten the chest with special elastic bandages and from this period it is necessary to wear compression garments.
  • You can take a shower after mammoplasty from day 5. The seam must be sealed with adhesive tape. Those who wash the seam with water run the risk of infection. You cannot wash your hair yourself, as during this period you cannot raise your hands. When can you raise your arms above your shoulders? The restriction will last approximately until the end of the first month. You can't bathe in the bathroom for 1.5 months. After water procedures, you should dry all the seams thoroughly, you can use a hairdryer. The patient’s review noted: “It was problematic to wash my hair for the first 10 days, as soon as I raised my hands, sharp pain, so I needed help. But from the 10th day I washed my hair myself.”
  • Rehabilitation after mammoplasty in the first week must be carried out with special care. These days there is a high risk of developing infection and bleeding. Women who have undergone breast augmentation surgery may experience swelling and bruising. But they should pass soon. Stop taking after 7-10 days medicines. Until this time, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial or painkillers may have been prescribed. Exercise is still prohibited.
  • After the 11th day of mammoplasty, the risk of complications is minimal. At this stage, you can begin to perform light gymnastics. Swelling subsides, and minor chest pain may only bother you at night. In a month, when the stitches are removed, you can raise your arms. In this case, the load in the hands should not be more than 1.5 kg.
  • After 1.5 months, the rehabilitation period after mammoplasty is coming to an end. By this time, the swelling will have passed, and pain will occur less frequently. Feeling better. There may be a feeling of numbness in the nipples, but this should go away soon.

The final result after mammoplasty can be judged only after 3-4 months. By this time, the normal life to which the woman is accustomed should gradually return.

If the recovery period passes without complications and severe pain, and the scars heal quickly, then removal of the sutures will be painless. After how many days are sutures removed? The stitches are removed on days 7-10. Breast surgery is performed with internal and external sutures. You should not settle for external sutures that dissolve on their own. This process lasts about two months. During this time, various infections and dirt can stick to the threads, causing inflammation.

From the reviews: “Girlfriend, the recovery was successful. The result is excellent. Definitely, after suffering for several days.”

Prohibited moments

Many women are interested in the question of when can they have sex after breast augmentation surgery. In most cases, doctors do not allow sex after mammoplasty for the first 1.5-2 months.

Why you can’t have sex is primarily due to a lot of physical stress on the body and hormonal changes. If you do not follow the recommendations, complications may arise in the form of implant displacement and suture separation. During sex, you can accidentally injure your breasts and this causes the development of bruises, hematomas. In these situations, it is sometimes necessary to repeat the operation. During excitement, the production of hormones will increase, blood flow to the incision area increases swelling and pain.

Sex after mammoplasty at the permitted time should be careful. During sexual intercourse, a woman should not remove compression garments.

Breast surgery is accompanied by serious changes in the body. Therefore, there are other restrictions after mammoplasty.

Alcohol consumption is prohibited both before the operation and during the entire postoperative period. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited for several reasons:

  • medications prescribed in the first days after surgery can cause adverse reactions (antibiotics and alcohol can lead to serious disorders in the nervous system);
  • the process of recovery and wound healing slows down significantly;
  • after anesthesia, substances contained in alcohol are slowly eliminated from the body, so the risk of poisoning is high;
  • against the background of decreased immunity, alcohol can worsen chronic diseases.

Alcohol after mammoplasty can be consumed in small doses only after two months. In addition to alcohol, carbonated drinks, juices, and milk are prohibited.

You cannot smoke after mammoplasty. In order to prevent complications, it is advisable to give up nicotine at least in the first 20 days of rehabilitation after mammoplasty. Stagnation of blood in the vessels can cause thrombosis or even tissue necrosis. Smoking negatively affects blood circulation and wound healing.

There are also prohibitions on postures during sleep. Your health status will determine when you can sleep on your side after mammoplasty. For the first 2.5 weeks you should not lie on your stomach or side. After this period, you can try sleeping on your side, but only in special underwear to reduce tension on the muscles and prevent the implants from moving. You are allowed to sleep on your stomach after mammoplasty only after a month. Sometimes the doctor won’t allow you to sleep on your stomach for even two months; it all depends on how the scars heal and the general well-being of the patient.

Speeding up recovery with massage

Recovery after mammoplasty is not complete without massage. Breast massage after mammoplasty is prescribed for several reasons:

  • implants take a natural position;
  • prevents fusion connective tissue around the prosthesis;
  • relieves swelling after mammoplasty faster and reduces pain;
  • helps the muscles of the back and spine quickly relieve tension from increased breast size;
  • sessions increase skin elasticity and firmness;
  • preserves breast sensitivity.

Massages after mammoplasty begin at different times. It all depends on the condition of the stitches and the general health of the woman, but not earlier than after 14 days. In some cases, you cannot massage for the entire first month.

The very first permitted exercise after mammoplasty is to gently move your hands up and down around each breast, repeating five times. After a month, when the stitches have healed, you can use more intense exercises. Compress the chest at the base and stretch it in different directions. Similar movements should be done every day for six months, morning and afternoon.

Only the attending surgeon should prescribe a massage during the rehabilitation period; it is he who shows how to correctly perform certain movements. If you can’t do a massage yourself, you can contact a professional massage therapist. After the sessions, the breasts will become soft and take on natural shapes much faster.

Introduction of sports

Women involved in sports should avoid sports and physical activity during the period of scar healing after surgery. If this rule is not followed, complications often develop. Physical activity increases gradually and should not cause pain or discomfort.

Sports after mammoplasty are contraindicated. The load on the muscles increases, the risk that the seams will come apart, the implants will move and there will be breast asymmetry. The most serious complication is the discovery of severe bleeding.

The period when you can play sports after mammoplasty is influenced by the type of sport, surgical technique, size and shape of the prosthesis. In the first 6 months after mammoplasty, strength exercises are prohibited, and running or dancing is not recommended.

2.5 months after breast enlargement, you can gradually continue athletics or light jogging, but only after the surgeon’s permission. For example, if the implant was implanted under a muscle, then any load on the shoulder girdle can be started no earlier than after 1.5 months. Advice: “Do sports only in compression garments, and from the second month in a special sports bra.”

Fitness after mammoplasty can have a positive effect on the progress of rehabilitation. Some exercises can be started as early as 15 days after mammoplasty surgery. You just can’t do it right away large number exercises and several approaches. The intensity of training should be minimal. As soon as pain or discomfort occurs, it is better to stop exercising. Reviews: “I have been doing fitness since the third week after mammoplasty. Special exercises helped me recover faster, I didn’t feel any pain.”

This is a long period of rehabilitation, accompanied by painful sensations and discomfort. For the sake of beautiful breasts and a sense of self-confidence, women are ready to undergo this test. If you follow all the specialist’s recommendations, the recovery period will be easier.

Mammoplasty is a surgical intervention on the mammary glands to improve their shape, change their size, and also for medical reasons. If the operation is successful, the patient can be discharged the next day. Typically, healing of a postoperative wound occurs quickly, within a few days. Reliable fixation of the implant occurs after 8-10 weeks.

Recovery after mammoplasty by day:

  • the first day after surgery the patient lies in the intensive care unit;
  • on the second day the woman is discharged home;
  • Bed rest is indicated for the first 3 days;
  • on the 5th day you need to undergo an examination at the clinic and have a dressing done;
  • after 7-10 days, the sutures are removed if they are not self-absorbing;
  • in a week you can start working, if it is not hard physical labor;
  • the minimum period of abstinence from sex is from 2 weeks to 1 month;
  • after 3-5 weeks, breast swelling subsides;
  • after 6 weeks, the doctor conducts a final examination, assessing the result of the operation;
  • You must wear compression garments for a month;
  • sports are banned from 3 months to six months;
  • you cannot visit the sauna or bathhouse for 2 months;
  • for 3 months it is prohibited to sunbathe or visit a solarium;
  • cigarettes and alcohol are excluded for at least a month;
  • pregnancy is planned no earlier than in a year.

The woman stays at home for a little over a week of the rehabilitation period, after which she visits a surgeon for an examination, consultation, and removal of sutures if they are not biodegradable. Recovery after mammoplasty is accompanied by weakness, discomfort and pain. Severe pain occurs after the installation of very large implants or if the implantation was performed under the muscle.

The first weeks of the recovery period are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. This is the body's response to the presence of a foreign body - implants. Inflammatory processes occur due to decreased immunity. Therefore, the patient requires a number of medications.


The surgeon prescribes medications that the woman must take during the recovery period:

  1. Painkillers. While the woman is in the hospital, she is given painkilling injections. At home she can take Ketanov and Ketorol.
  2. Antibiotics. Helps avoid suppuration due to infection entering the wound.
  3. Antiviral agents. Necessary against herpetic complications.
  4. Antiseptics. Prevents infection of sutures.
  5. Preparations for healing sutures (“Kontraktubeks”, “Dermatix”).

In addition to standard medicines Others may be needed for recovery, depending on the patient’s individual condition.

Taking care of seams

Caring for the operated area during recovery involves taking care of the suture area. To avoid the formation of a noticeable wide scar, wear compression garments, seal the edges of the wound with silicone adhesives, and treat the skin:

  • wipe with sterile wipes;
  • treated with antiseptic drugs (furacilin, peroxide, alcohol, chlorhexidine).

After the seams are completely tightened and lightened, you can rub in Contractubex cream or its analogues. But you should not rush to use it, as the seam will become rough and stretched. It is better to consult your doctor first.


During surgery, blood vessels rupture, external tissues are damaged, and blood circulation is disrupted. Therefore, during recovery, swelling inevitably occurs as a natural post-operative reaction. Swelling after breast augmentation appear on the second day, increasing and spreading throughout the entire breast within 3-4 weeks. Sometimes swelling does not subside until 2 months. A woman should follow the doctor's recommendations:

  • wear compression garments;
  • exclude salt and spices from the diet;
  • do not take a bath, only warm or cool shower;
  • the air temperature in the room should not provoke overheating of the body;
  • exclude physical effects on the mammary glands;
  • avoid fluctuations in body weight.

Changes in body weight during recovery can have a detrimental effect on the outcome of surgery. Weight gain leads to sagging breasts and the formation of stretch marks. Losing weight causes implants to appear under the skin. Growing long time swelling should alert a woman, as it may be a sign of a complication. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe lymphatic drainage and restorative massage.


Sleeping during the recovery period is allowed only in an angled position, on your back, on a high pillow. Time, When can you sleep on your side?, depends on the recovery process. You can try it 2 weeks after the stitches are removed. But you must wear compression garments. If pain occurs, you should stop lying on your side. If the recovery process is slow and swelling causes discomfort, then you should wait a month.

2 weeks or a month after mammoplasty, the doctor recommends daily massage 4-5 times a day. The duration of self-massage is about six months. At the early stage of recovery, make stroking movements with warm palms. A month later, they begin to compress and stretch the oil-covered mammary glands in different directions. Then you can have a classic massage from a specialist. Many women need a back massage after mammoplasty.

Pain during manipulation signals the need to reduce pressure. The difficulty of self-massage at the early stage of the recovery period is the difficulty in raising your arms. Massage movements after mammoplasty surgery are useful for several reasons:

  • prevent the occurrence of capsular contracture;
  • makes the placement of the implant more natural;
  • reduces swelling and pain, restores lymph flow;
  • helps maintain breast sensitivity;
  • maintains skin elasticity;
  • adapts the spine to the increased load.

Skin restoration

Rehabilitation after breast augmentation requires restoration of stretched skin. Many women note a decrease in its sensitivity. A week after mammoplasty surgery, you can apply creams and masks, closing the stitches during their application. It is good to use breast enlargement creams as they contain many moisturizing ingredients. After a month, you can use alginate masks, algae wraps, and collagen serums.

Physical activity

Physical activity should be excluded for a minimum period of 3 months if the rehabilitation period is favorable. In case of complications, the period is extended to six months. The load should be introduced gradually. After 3 days of bed rest, you can start walking.

After 3 weeks of the recovery period, light movements are allowed, but not in the chest and shoulder girdle. After a month you can gradually introduce simple exercises for the upper body, approved by a doctor. He can also prescribe restorative exercises. A couple of months later, you are allowed to swim and lift small dumbbells. After waiting another month, you can start fitness if there are no objections from your doctor. Running, dancing and bodybuilding should be avoided for six months after mammoplasty.

What are the consequences of violating the rules of the recovery period? Main consequences:

  • internal bleeding;
  • seam divergence;
  • intense pain;
  • displacement of implants;
  • capsular contracture;
  • hypertrophied, keloid scars.

Women drivers are concerned about the issue when can you drive? It depends on the design of the steering wheel. 2-4 weeks after mammoplasty surgery, you can drive a car if the steering wheel has power steering. In other cases, the period of the ban increases, as the pectoral muscles are overstrained.


When can you have sex? It is recommended to carefully resume sex after mammoplasty no earlier than a month later. This is due to body tension, sudden movements, and fluctuations in hormone levels. Body tension can cause implants to move. Due to the effect of hormones on blood vessels, hematomas can occur. During intimate contact, blood rushes to the breast, which increases pain and swelling. You should remember about contraception, since it is recommended to postpone pregnancy for a year to allow the body to recover after mammoplasty.

Until recovery after surgery is complete, choosing a bra is carried out according to the following rules:

It is prohibited to wear bra models such as push-up and strapless. Required reliable fixation and breast support.

Mammoplasty is classified as complex surgical operations. To avoid complications, you need to carefully consider the choice of blade and doctor. Correct behavior of a woman during the recovery period is the key to her health and beauty.

OP 03.06.15
Polytech, 275 ml anatomy, incision under the breast.

275, anatomists

24 May 2015
The OP will be in June, I can’t wait, here’s my sad source (or rather its complete absence:(). Height 166, weight 48, OPG 71.

I have 2 children :) and have been breastfeeding the youngest for almost 2 years, this is the result.

The doctor only suggested me 275 maximum. I’m trying to imagine what will happen, I’ve already poured water into the bag and applied it.

25 May 2015
Anatomists. Too bony rib cage, otherwise the border will be very noticeable

So far so good, ttt. I don't feel anything :)

I’m so glad it’s finally happened. Now I’ll see the doctor in a week to have the stitches removed. In general, everything turned out to be not so scary, there is no pain, it’s just hard to get up on my own, I ask my eldest daughter.

Literally for a second I put on the underwear that I wore before the OP. Of course, the chest is still motionless, the stomach is swollen... but how pleasing is the result ALREADY :)

All this is really very individual. She got married at 19, gave birth to her eldest at 22, and her youngest at 27 :) And all this was conscious.
Now my husband and I are 33, I think that this is exactly the age when we can still go to discos, and the children are already 10 and 5 years old :)

18 June 2015

Having read, I prepared for the worst, but there was no pain at all... Neither on the same day, nor the next, nor, as they say, the third is the most difficult - and then nothing hurt. I took painkillers only on the 2nd day, and then probably for my own peace of mind :) The stitches were removed on the 9th day, and then I was allowed to no longer wear the tape. Perhaps the most unpleasant thing was a swollen belly, like in the 5-6th month... Today is the 15th day, and I don’t feel at all that I’m wearing something that doesn’t belong to me.

01 July 2015
Mine are almost a month old, already like family, only not quite mobile yet, it’s difficult to choose a swimsuit.

Mine is almost a month old :)

Time dragged on until the OP, now it flies.

16 July 2015
I was initially only inclined towards anatomists + the doc supported me. He showed me examples of round ones with my body type - I didn’t like the result.

04 August 2015
Yesterday it was already 2 months since my girlfriends have been with me, I’ve already become so close to them :)
I've been sleeping for a week without compra, there is absolutely no discomfort. All in all glad-glad:)

I admire it myself :)))
But it still depends on the clothes - in some ways it’s really great, but in others it’s even unnoticeable :)

The story of the patient "SimplyBlond" was taken from the forum.

What do breasts look like at different stages after mammoplasty? Patients often ask such questions during consultations. On this page I will answer in detail how recovery occurs after mammoplasty.first after and the next day, after 3 and 5 days, after 1 and 2 weeks, after 10 days, after 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 months and after 1 year, and how patients feel at these times.

Immediately after mammoplasty

Upon completion of the operation, special drainages are installed after mammoplasty, through which wound discharge will drain in the early postoperative period. During the first day, on average, 50-80 ml are separated from each side. Therefore, the question “to install drains or not” disappears by itself; it is imperative to do so, otherwise this fluid will remain, and this will lead to the formation of a seroma.

Immediately on operating table The patient is put on a special compression bra, which the patient is recommended to wear for an average of 2 months. Why such a deadline? Because during this time a capsule is formed around the implant, and it acquires primary strength precisely by this time, and in the future it itself “fixes” the implant from displacement.

After the patient is fitted with a bra, she is transferred to a room where she will be closely monitored by medical staff. A few hours after the operation, the patient is early mobilized (prevention of thrombosis). To prevent pain, painkillers are administered intramuscularly.

The day after mammoplasty

Assessment in progress general condition patients. In 90 percent of cases, patients note pain in the chest area, which is well eliminated by NSAIDs (ketanol, ketonal, etc.)

The wound discharge per day is assessed, and if it is within the above figures, then a decision is made to remove the drains.

When dressing, the sutures are treated with special antiseptics (alcohol solution of chlorhexedine, betadine, etc.), and sterile dressings are applied to the area of ​​the sutures.

As a rule, patients are discharged from the hospital on the 1st day after surgery. If there are any deviations from the optimal course, hospitalization can be extended for the required period.

On the 3rd day after mammoplasty

As a rule, at this time, patients come to the clinic for their first planned dressing change. Until this moment, they do not do the dressing themselves at home. During dressing, the condition of the breast and the area of ​​the sutures are assessed. On the 3rd day the swelling is maximum. Patients often note distension. The pain is significantly reduced. If necessary, planned dressings are performed individually for a period of 1 week, 10 days and 2 weeks.

Any heavy physical activity should be avoided.

On the 5th day you can take a full shower.

For at least a week, and if necessary, even more, you cannot be sexually active. This is explained by the fact that excitement causes strong tension in the chest, which can lead to inflammation and suture dehiscence.

One month after mammoplasty

At this time, the first control inspection is performed. The swelling has subsided, but is still noticeable. As a rule, no one experiences pain anymore. It is still recommended to wear a compression bra all the time, removing it only when taking a shower.

Starting from the 1st month, you can sleep on your side.

During this period, restrictions on driving a car are lifted. You can give light physical activity that does not affect the upper shoulder girdle.

2 months after mammoplasty

At this time, a second control examination is performed. Maximum swelling subsides, tension in the chest goes away. The scars at this stage are reddish.

A compression bra is replaced by a bralette or sports top. Restrictions on physical activity are lifted, now you can safely go to the gym. The load should be given gradually, since the muscles have become “unaccustomed” to the load within 2 months.

4 and 6 months after mammoplasty

At this time, the third and fourth control examinations are performed. The breasts, starting from 4 months, become softer, and patients begin to perceive them as their own part of the body. At this time there are no longer any restrictions. Scars begin to turn white at 6 months.

One year after mammoplasty

By one year, the breast has completely “healed” and the wound process is completed. There is no swelling at this time, The breasts are already perceived as their own part of the body.

Improving the shape and correcting the size of the breast with the help of surgery gives an aesthetic result of better quality than diets, sports and cosmetic procedures. But one should not think that it depends only on the art of doctors. After an operation such as mammoplasty, rehabilitation is of great importance. And here the patient must make an effort.

Read in this article

Medications during the recovery period

The intervention takes place under general anesthesia. So the patient needs the first medications even before the operation. But even then, recovery requires the use of medications, which are divided into several groups.

Drug groups Purposes of application
Painkillers These drugs are necessary first of all, since the sensations after the anesthesia wears off are not pleasant. During the operation, muscles, blood vessels and skin are damaged. Naturally, pain receptors are affected, transmitting a signal about tissue injury to the brain. The sensations are especially intense during the first 2–3 days, when the patient is still in the hospital. They are treated with painkiller injections. Further discomfort weakens, but you can relieve the slightest manifestations of it with tablets "Ketanov", "Ketorol".
Antibiotics When tissue is damaged, there is always a danger of bacteria getting inside. To prevent the problem, as well as the subsequent development of the purulent process, the patient must take antibiotics. Their choice is up to the doctor, but usually these are broad-spectrum drugs.
Antiviral There is also a possibility of herpetic complications occurring in the postoperative period. The intervention itself can lead to this, as it reduces immunity. You can avoid the problem by taking antiviral drugs.
Antiseptics These are external means for treating seams. The risk of infection is especially great where tissue is damaged. Therefore, the seams must be treated with solutions prescribed by the doctor. And cover them on top with a special plaster.
Means for healing sutures They are used later, when the tissues have healed and the scars have become soft. Creams are used to smooth them out and make them invisible. "Kontraktubex", "Dermatix".

This set of medications is standard. But the individual characteristics of the patient’s body and problems in postoperative recovery may dictate the prescription of additional medications.

Caring for seams

Sutures to eliminate divergence of tissue edges are made from absorbable or non-biodegradable materials. In the second case, they are removed 7–10 days after surgery. The healing of sutures, and therefore their care, is of great importance in rehabilitation.

After mammoplasty, breast tissue changes its position, that is, it needs adaptation. If an implant is installed, muscles, fascia
and the skin is stretched, the load on them is increased. This creates the preconditions for the formation of a noticeable wide scar. To avoid the problem:

  • The edges of the wound, in addition to the suture material, are secured with a plaster;
  • treated with antiseptics several times a day;
  • wear that reduces the load on the tissue.

You can use seam smoothing agents only when it becomes light. If you start fighting for its beauty earlier, it’s easy to get the opposite effect.

Help with swelling

Breast swelling is one of the inevitable consequences of surgery. Upper part The mammary glands appear swollen for at least a week after the intervention, and sometimes longer. But rehabilitation after mammoplasty involves fighting this symptom of healing of injured tissue:

  • wearing compression garments that act like a gentle massage;
  • special nutrition, which should contain a minimum of salt and spices (they cause thirst, that is, the need to drink plenty of fluids);
  • washing with moderately warm water, which helps normalize blood circulation;
  • staying in a cool room, avoiding overheating of the body;
  • protecting the mammary glands from physical contact with anything (except for compression garments and clothing, which should be loose);
  • maintaining body weight at the same level.

The extent of swelling must be controlled. The problem should normally decrease. If the swelling increases, this is a complication that requires the help of a doctor, and not a side effect.

Physical activity

Another important point in the recovery period – physical activity. Here you should be careful and consistent in increasing loads:

  • The first week it should be minimal. It is strictly forbidden to raise your arms high, carry anything heavier than 3 kg, or make sudden movements affecting the upper half of the body.
  • You should not drive a car until 2 weeks after surgery. If the steering wheel does not have power steering, then you will have to wait longer.
  • After half a month you are allowed to do simple physical work, if it does not require heavy lifting and sudden movements. If you feel well, you can close sick leave, but only on the condition that the activity in the service is associated with mental work.
  • At the same stage, you should develop your arms and shoulders using the “cheerful man” exercise. It involves moving the index and middle fingers upward along a vertical surface in small “steps.” The total load should be limited to simple walking for now.
  • After 3-4 weeks, if the doctor does not object, you can begin more serious exercises. But the effort involved should be minimal.
  • After 2 months, you can run, exercise with dumbbells, or go to the gym. But also only after consulting a doctor.

About when you can return to physical activity after mammoplasty, watch this video:


One of the mandatory methods that includes rehabilitation after mammoplasty under the muscle is breast massage. More often it is prescribed a month after surgery. But in some cases it is advisable to conduct a course and
earlier. Massage helps to quickly relieve swelling and improve overall well-being.

And most importantly, it will help to avoid capsular contracture, that is, the formation of a thick and hard shell of connective tissue around. Normally, it should be thin and elastic so as not to cause pain and support the endoprosthesis.

Do it with warm hands; the doctor will describe the types of manipulations. There are several methods of procedure after breast surgery, but all of them are aimed at softening fibrous tissue and improving blood supply. Movements are usually made on the area where the base of the implant is located, including stroking, rocking, and gentle pressure.

Skin care

After mammoplasty special attention breast skin requires. As a result of the installation of the implant, it is greatly stretched. And when the mammary glands are reduced due to the excision of excess tissue, the load on the skin is also great. Therefore, caring for it should ensure that it maintains elasticity and prevents the appearance of stretch marks and other irregularities. The skin needs to be nourished and moisturized with creams and masks. They can be used a week after the intervention, making sure that the composition does not get on the seams. For this purpose, it is allowed to take breast enlargement creams containing many moisturizing ingredients.

One month after mammoplasty, it is permissible to carry out the following procedures:

  • Make alginate masks containing special acid, extracts medicinal plants, essential oils. They will help fill the skin with moisture while maintaining elasticity.
  • Use seaweed wraps that contain fatty acids, vitamins, microelements. With their help, it will be possible to maintain youthful skin by stimulating regenerative processes.
  • Apply serums twice a day that promote collagen production by cells. They will help increase skin elasticity, making it smooth.

To carry out these manipulations you can use ready-made compounds intended for home use. It is not forbidden to go to the salon.

Other restrictions

The rehabilitation period after mammoplasty includes not only necessary actions, but also mandatory prohibitions. It is forbidden:

  • during the first 2 months, drink alcohol and smoke, as bad habits will interfere with the healing of sutures and the adaptation of tissues to the implant, and will help delay swelling;
  • Go to the sauna for 4 weeks, take a hot bath, as heat provokes complications;
  • have sex for the same period, because it stimulates a rush of blood to the mammary glands, which will interfere with tissue regeneration;
  • reduce or increase your own weight (this can cause implant deformation, breast asymmetry, skin problems).

Transition from compression to regular underwear

Beautiful breasts make you want to quickly put on seductive lingerie. But this cannot be done for at least 4 weeks after surgery, and for some up to 3 months. And after the doctor has given permission to part with compression garments, choosing a bra remains a difficult task. It must meet the following requirements:

  • have a cup of sufficient depth, a wide base and the same straps;
  • do not cause overheating of the skin, that is, be made from natural fabric;
  • do not overtighten your breasts, but do not let them “dangle” either.

This means that for now it is forbidden to wear push-up or strapless models.

Recovery after breast augmentation is a rather difficult period in which life goes on according to strict rules. And with an intervention such as reduction mammoplasty, rehabilitation is similar to that needed when installing implants. But the reward will be beautiful breasts and excellent health, for which it is worth trying.