Joining the Partnership for Peace program. State grant program of the Krasnoyarsk Territory “Social partnership for development. Support is always needed

People's Deputy of Yakutia, General Director of the Sakhaneftegazsbyt company Igor Nikitin visited kindergartens « Goldfish", "Kustuk" And "Tullukchaan". It is always important for him, as an owner, to see everything with his own eyes in order to help, support and personally answer questions from employees.

A tour of the territory of the Kustuk kindergarten was conducted by the head Alexandra Fedorova. The institution has a winter garden, a gym, offices for a psychologist, a speech therapist, and a theater studio. Much attention is paid to preparing for school and socializing children. The upbringing and development of preschool children is carried out in two official languages– Yakut and Russian. The results of successful implementation of educational educational process are the admission of children to gymnasiums and lyceums.

“We try to create the most comfortable conditions for the spiritual, moral, aesthetic, intellectual and creative development children. It’s gratifying that deputies are helping us with this. Once during an excursion, Igor Yuryevich noticed outdated booths in the Yakut group and suggested changing them. In 2014, when the question arose about building a fence for the kindergarten for the safety of children, we also turned to the deputies. Igor Yuryevich also helped us. I respect him as a responsible and active person,” noted Alexandra Fedorova.

At a meeting with a people’s deputy, the staff of the “Golden Fish” kindergarten was interested in the implementation of new social programs and projects. They said that the kindergarten works in five main areas of child development - social-personal, cognitive-speech, artistic-aesthetic and physical. Art, information activities, the development of associative thinking, attentiveness and fine motor skills - all aspects of the educational process in kindergarten are carefully worked out.

Head of the kindergarten "Golden Fish" Maria Vasilyeva noted that she has been cooperating with Deputy Nikitin for the third year. “I am sincerely grateful to Igor Yuryevich for his comprehensive help and support. He pays attention to every issue. For example, he established a bonus for the best kindergarten workers. Thanks to him, a piano was purchased for music hall. Children sing and dance to his magical melodies with pleasure,” said Maria Petrovna.

The most pressing issues for teachers of the Tullukchaan kindergarten were the topics of financing and improvement of the district, as well as the implementation of the contract system in the field of procurement.

Kindergarten "Tullukchaan" was recognized as the best preschool Yakutsk based on the results of the competition educational institutions within the framework of the Education project, was a laureate all-Russian competition video films at the Moscow Marathon of Educational Subjects festival, winner of the International Children's Fund "Children of Sakha-Asia" award in the categories "Beauty will save the world", "Diamonds of Yakutia". In addition, the kindergarten was the winner of the 1st All-Russian competition “Kindergartens for Children” in the categories “Best Municipal Kindergarten” and “Best Teaching Team”. The kindergarten maintains its leadership position to this day.

“I have been cooperating with people’s deputy Igor Yuryevich Nikitin for a very long time. JSC Sakhaneftegazsbyt is our patron enterprise. Igor Yurievich is a very open and sympathetic person. Always ready to help and support our endeavors. A very important incentive for employees is the presentation of a prize from the Afanasy Azarov Foundation,” said the head of the kindergarten Tatiana Santaeva.

During the meetings, it became clear that kindergarten employees are concerned about the issue of strengthening the material and technical base of institutions. For example, the Kustuk kindergarten needs to install new windows and insulate the premises. A kindergarten"Tullukchaan" needs to be renovated. The deputy took control of all proposals. The partnership for the sake of children will continue.



In January 1994, the heads of state and government of NATO member countries at a session of the North Atlantic Council in Brussels made a proposal to establish Partnership for Peace programs. The invitation was extended to the member states of the North Atlantic Cooperation Council, established in 1992, as well as to other CSCE countries. The final document adopted in 1994 makes reference to Article 10

The Washington Treaty states that "the North Atlantic Alliance remains open to the membership of other European states capable of upholding and developing the principles of this treaty and contributing to the security of the North Atlantic area." See: NATO Partnership for Peace.- Brussels: NATO Office of information and Press, 10th January 1994.- P.1

In other words, this program was considered as a kind of preparatory stage for candidate countries on the path to integration into the NATO bloc.

At the Washington meeting top level Alliance leaders noted the success of the Partnership for Peace (PfP) program during its first five years. PfP is a process that brings together NATO Allies and partners in a broad program of joint defense and security activities. The PfP program is characterized by openness and transparency, and all NATO member countries and their partners can participate in its activities.

The essence of the PfP program is a partnership between an individual country and NATO, created on a case-by-case basis according to that country's particular needs, with each participating government choosing at what level and at what pace the partnership will be implemented jointly with NATO.

NATO launched the Partnership for Peace program in January 1994 with the aim of increasing stability and security in Europe. Since the Partnership for Peace's existence, 30 countries have joined it: Austria, Albania, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Hungary, Bulgaria, Georgia, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Russia , Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Sweden, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Finland, Croatia, Czech Republic and Estonia. Ten of these partner states then became NATO members. See: Alliance and Partnership for Peace. Shared security.- Brussels, Belgium: NATO Office of information and press

The main objectives of the PfP, defined in 1994, remain relevant. They include:

increasing the level of openness regarding national military planning and military budgeting;

ensuring democratic control of the national armed forces;

creation in the long term in partner states of forces with increased capabilities of interaction with the forces of NATO member states;

Currently, PfP is an integral element of the European security architecture. The two-year program, which involves allies and partners, currently includes more than 2,000 events, ranging from large-scale military exercises to small workshops involving a few people. PfP touches on virtually every area of ​​NATO's activities.

One of the core principles of the program is the use of a process of “self-differentiation,” whereby states select from the PfP program those activities that support their national policy directions and meet their specific requirements and financial capabilities.

The Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) serves as the overall political framework for NATO's relations with partner countries, where Allies and partners can exchange views on security issues of mutual interest.

The role of partners has increased significantly in the day-to-day activities of PfP, particularly with the creation of “Partnership Staff Elements” at several NATO headquarters, in which NATO and Partner officers work together and on an ongoing basis perform international staff functions. The program coordination group is located in Belgium in the city of Mons. She conducts military planning for Partnership for Peace exercises.

In 1997, NATO Allies decided to deepen PfP by strengthening its operational aspect and greater partner participation in decision-making and planning, as well as strengthening the political consultation aspect.

This decision was partly influenced by the experience gained through multinational cooperation during the peacekeeping operations of IFOR (Implementation Force) and then SFOR (Stabilization Force) in Bosnia.

At the Washington meeting, the heads of state and government approved a “Deeper and more operational PfP program”. This decision was based on the experience already accumulated and provides direction for the development of the operational partnership program in the 21st century.

A deeper and more responsive PfP program is built on the following three elements:

the political-military framework of NATO-led PfP operations;

an expanded and adapted planning and review process (PAP);

in-depth practical cooperation in the military and defense fields, covering the entire spectrum of PfP cooperation.

Central to the third element of the partnership is the Capability Concept for NATO-led PfP Operations, an initiative that places even greater emphasis on enhancing the military effectiveness of multinational forces. It aims to further strengthen military cooperation to help partners build forces more capable of interoperating with NATO member forces in future crisis situations. The PfP program continues to evolve and the Alliance views it as a dynamic process that will lead to gradual rapprochement between NATO and Partners.

Thus, after finishing " cold war"a key role in changing the strategic situation in the Euro-Atlantic region was played by the policy of the North Atlantic Alliance aimed at developing partnerships with a large number of countries from Eastern Europe and the CIS See: Appendix No. 2, not members of NATO. Partnership in its various forms promotes political dialogue and cooperation in a wide range of areas and helps create a Euro-Atlantic security culture characterized by a strong commitment to international cooperation in order to solve the most serious problems security both within the Euro-Atlantic community and beyond. The Euro-Atlantic Partnership also contributes to the process of democratic transition by stimulating and supporting military reform in many partner countries. It helps build modern, capable armed forces and other defense institutions under democratic control, and helps partner countries cope with the social and material consequences of reform.

Last week, the Internet Initiatives Development Fund (IIDF) and one of the largest domestic food retail companies, X5 Retail Group, announced the launch of a joint strategic partnership program. Within its framework, X5, with the support of the IIDF, will test innovative projects in the early stages and introduce the best of them into its business practice.

It is expected that in June IIDF will launch its 12th accelerator. This time its main topic will be supporting startups developing innovative technologies in retail (retail-tech). Projects that have been selected for acceleration will receive financial support from the IIDF (from 2 to 25 million rubles) as well as a unique opportunity to receive advice and expert assessment X5 tested its ideas using the company's consumer database, which contains anonymized information on more than three billion purchases. Both the strongest graduates of the new accelerator cohort and more mature portfolio projects of the fund that have already proven themselves in the market will be able to take part in the testing.

Growing digitalization opens up opportunities for retail to expand into new sectors, IIDF is confident. Therefore, investments in startups related to retail-tech are becoming more and more relevant. Over the three years of IIDF’s work, the number of startups whose product or service can be used in retail trade in the fund’s funnel already exceeds several thousand. Moreover, over half of these projects submitted applications for investment last year.

According to Dmitry Kalaev, director of educational and acceleration programs of the IIDF, today the global market for offline retail technologies is in approximately the same state as the hotel booking market was 10 years ago or the taxi market five years ago:

“We are on the verge of significant changes. In the next five to seven years, they will only increase in this area, and retail companies have the potential to capitalize on this by improving their business performance.

Founders of companies will be able to apply for participation in the new acceleration program if their product or service helps make traditional purchases faster and more comfortable, maximally personalize the customer service process, optimize logistics or space trading floor, increase conversion through a combination of online and offline sales channels.

Vadim Kapustin, director of strategic marketing and planningX5 Retail Group stated that his company views innovative development as one of the most important conditions for creating a long-term competitive advantage:

– We approach this issue systematically, so partnership with IIDF is very important for us. Our company has chosen four main areas: product innovation, service innovation, business process innovation and business model innovation.

As examples of innovative projects that are already being tested and implemented in X5, Kapustin cited the technology of contactless payments using a mobile phone. Another direction that the company is developing is the personalization of offers and intelligent loyalty programs, when using Big Data, the retailer learns almost everything about the preferences of its customers.

X5 implements innovations in the field of business processes, in particular price monitoring, thanks to image recognition technologies (collecting information from photos of products on shelves and their price tags): “This is just one example of what we have already begun to cooperate with IIDF” , notes Kapustin. – “There is a company within the fund that has similar technologies, we have conducted several pilot projects in our stores and now we move on to discussing commercial terms.”

X5 also pays attention to such trends as robotization, logistics optimization and omnichannel (as an innovation in business models):

“We understand that customers need to be given much more opportunities where and how to purchase goods,” says Kapustin. – This can be online stores, social networks, and home delivery/delivery through lockers (special safes). This year we are planning to launch an online store as part of the Crossroads project.

According to Fabricio Granja, Chief Information OfficerX5 Retail Group, the company is also looking for technologies that “will allow us to do everything faster, cheaper, and systems that will make it possible to use crowdsourcing and crowdtesting”:

– Now the IT that we use can be divided into three levels: for customers who come to our stores, for the front office of the stores and for the back office of the stores. So we need innovations that improve performance at these three levels. For example, a system that will speed up the search for employees will be in great demand - a sort of “Uber” in the HR field. We are already working in this direction. We are also implementing an IT system for employee self-training.

Chief Executive Officer of X5 Retail Group Igor Shekhterman believes that cooperation with IIDF will give his company the opportunity to test and implement innovations at the earliest project stages, to find new and innovative ways to solve its own problems, which are aimed at increasing the operational efficiency of the business in all parts of the supply chain: from the manufacturer to the store.

He said that within X5 there already exists an innovation group, which includes 25 people - practitioners from business, from various networks, from the corporate center who interact with startups. The company today spends about 10% of its capital expenditures on IT. But, since X5 plans to acquire some of the particularly successful startups in the course of cooperation with IIDF, this budget may increase.

By the way, among other things, the company successfully implements the use of GIS technologies:

“We have our own, in many ways, unique geographic information system, with the help of which we opened several thousand stores last year,” Shekhterman said. - How does it work? Our specialist, who is involved in the development of a chain of stores, comes to a particular region, where he selects a potential location for opening a new point - an object that we are interested in renting. The object is photographed and immediately sent for processing to our GIS, where all the information about this location is already stored: the number of potential buyers, their preferences, etc. As a result, literally in a few minutes the GIS provides data that is important for the turnover of the future store. And then, regardless of the person, automatic systems prepare this information for discussion at the investment committee. That is, we make a fairly accurate forecast about how successful the store will be, and to make an investment decision we abstract from the dependent opinion of a person who may want to “push” this object. And all approvals take place online, without any paperwork...

As reported Director of the IIDF Kirill Varlamov, the fund has created the largest domestic network for working with startups today, through which about eight thousand projects pass through every year. They will have to successfully pass through four levels of acceleration to become more mature:

– Then we invest the fund’s funds in them (at this stage, funding from partners has not yet been attracted), with this money we develop them again, “pumping up” the services, products and the very vision of life of their founders. And only after that we release these startups to our partners. This is all a separate colossal work. Of course, it is easier for our partners, such as, for example, X5 Retail Group, to then talk substantively with five to ten specific project teams that have been selected and cultivated, than to try to find them among tens of thousands of startups scattered throughout the country.

For us, strategic partnerships with market leaders, for example with the largest Russian offline retailer, are very important, because only by applying the expertise, knowledge accumulated by the market, and the ability to enter it - using selected startups in specific processes - can we ensure their rapid growth . And this is exactly what we are interested in.

Answering the question of what kind of startups are waiting in the twelfth acceleration stream of the IIDF, Dmitry Kalaev noted that the main emphasis will be on those teams that have at least a prototype of a product, and not just an innovative idea:

– We can also help such people: discuss how much their idea will be in demand in the retail market. But we are focused specifically on start-ups, and not just on scientific personnel who come and say “look, I can do research, but I don’t know how to build a business on this later.” And one of the markers of whether people can start a business or not is whether they are able to create a minimum viable product, whether they have the resources and competencies to do it without attracting any investor at all.

Therefore, first of all, we still hope to see those with whom we can immediately begin piloting the project and together “reach value.” On the one hand, value is confirmation that our partner really needs this acceleration for some reason from a business point of view (it will help earn more, reduce personnel costs, etc.). On the other hand, it is the confidence that this product will also make life easier for store customers (buying will become easier, more convenient, cheaper, etc.).

By the way, as our and world practice has shown, the ideal startup is one that has two co-founders: one is responsible for technical aspects, and the second for business competencies. One can come up with something that is not on the market and make it. And the second one knows how to reach the final buyer and this buyer has his own new product sell. Of course, there may be some unique person who has these competencies “two in one”; it may also be that some of these competencies are “stretched” over three or four people in the team, but both of them should be there. Otherwise, no business and implementation of the solution will happen.

“There is something that reveals our soul more than our face - this is its expression; and something that reveals it more than our facial expression is our smile.” (V. Hugo)

The face is a multifunctional biomechanical system that changes dynamically throughout our lives. A face is an aesthetic and emotional attractiveness, a format of non-verbal communication, and a biometric age.

To be beautiful is a natural human desire. There is a relationship between the microaesthetics of a smile and the macroaesthetics of the face. It is impossible not to take into account this connection in the work of the dentist with the patient.

That is why an interdisciplinary approach in dentistry is beginning to be in demand. Dentistry is becoming “smart”, creating teams of doctors, and developing standards for interaction between specialists.

Dentistry of complex cases “Diastom” not only became one of the first dentistry to introduce this approach in its work, but also broadcast it to fellow dentists.

Congresses on interdisciplinary dentistry in Tolyatti, organized by the Diastom team, have already become a good tradition. On February 18-19, the regular, 5th, Volga Scientific and Practical Congress Diastom was held, which was supported by the strategic partners of the clinic - a team of dentists, Professor Mikhail Soykher, who heads the Institute of Biotechnology and the Center for Interdisciplinary Dentistry and Neurology (Moscow).

V.V. DREVIN chief doctor of the dental clinic "DIASTOM"

For me, Soykher's course is a discovery! Discovery of simplicity! The logic, the cause-and-effect relationships that I felt, I knew in many ways, but there was not enough knowledge connected into a single whole... The entire team of the clinic has been undergoing full training at the M.G. Soykher Center for 5 years. I can say that after the course there were no options left! not a single drop of doubt about the correctness of the previously intuitively chosen path. The most important thing is the result. At the end of dental treatment, the patient wants to receive comfort and improve the quality of his life. And this is what is important - when the patient himself begins to realize that the quality of his life is directly related to our work, then he reaches another level of comprehension.

He thinks and reasons differently. He sets tasks differently and buys our services differently. He becomes a different consumer!!
Thanks to Mikhail Soykher, I received a new insight into the “old” profession. This is new for me interesting world, which you want to master and in which you want to live. And I am very glad that I can call our clinic “Diast” - a partner of the Center for Interdisciplinary Dentistry and Neurology.

M.I. SOYKHER Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chief Physician of the Moscow Regional Dental Clinic

Every patient is a book that we read with white sheet and we can endlessly analyze clinical cases and learn from each other. We have been friends with the Diastom clinic for more than 5 years and our close interaction allows us to communicate not only as friendship, but also as scientific advancement, because we take a lot from them, they take from us. And it is close interaction that enriches us.

We can say with confidence that the clinical cases that the doctors of the Diastom clinic presented in their presentations are of a decent quality level.

And we are glad to have the opportunity to have a partner “platform” for joint development and implementation of advanced technologies.

G.G. DREVINA director of the dental clinic "DIASTOM"

A dental problem is a holistic problem of the body, and we are glad that over 5 years, with the help of our colleagues from the Center for Interdisciplinary Dentistry and Neurology, we were able not only to build a technological approach in our clinic, but also to transmit it to the dental community of Togliatti and Samara. This year the congress attracted about 200 participants. During two scientific and practical days, three sections worked in parallel, an online implantation operation was carried out, speakers spoke, including doctors from our clinic “Diastom”