Calculation of a spiral staircase. Calculation of a spiral staircase. The diameter of the staircase and the length of the steps. Determination of the main parameters and shape of the steps. It is perfect as a staircase on

When designing and constructing a staircase in a private house to the second floor with your own hands, you must carry out a calculation of the entire structure. In this case, such indicators as the width of the steps, diameter, and number are important. All this is very important to take into account in order to prepare the correct drawings and make the entire structure ergonomic and completely safe. This rather original design is very popular, since its construction does not require a large area, however, in order for the product to be durable and reliable, everything needs to be carefully thought out and all the nuances taken into account. In addition, the great advantage of a spiral staircase is that it fits into absolutely any interior and becomes its real decoration. To make it comfortable to walk on fan-type steps, you need to correctly indicate their dimensions. It is quite possible to rotate the spiral in any way, it all depends on the design idea and the availability of free space.

Designing spiral staircases involves determining all the required parameters of the product, as well as drawing up a schematic model of the structure with symbols. The diagram of a spiral staircase, regardless of its configuration, must be made in vertical and horizontal projection. This will allow you to draw all the main details of the structure in full, as well as determine the advantages and disadvantages of each method of arranging the steps.

The staircase can have a variety of configurations, namely:

  • Based on the central axis;
  • With partial inclusion of steps into the central support;
  • With emphasis on the side strings;
  • Console location.

The drawings of each type of staircase will differ from each other, and this must be taken into account when making calculations and drawing up a design plan. At the same time, the sizes of the parts used for spiral staircases vary significantly, since the fastening methods, to one degree or another, take up a certain amount of space intended for movement.

Designing a staircase in a private house is a complex process that includes determining the length and width of the flight of stairs, the angle of rotation and inclination of the structure, dimensional characteristics and the number of steps. We will help you not to get confused in this material: .

Functional spiral staircase: drawings and number of steps

Before completing a spiral staircase project, it is worth calculating everything correctly, as well as determining the number of steps. That is why, based on the data obtained, the structure will be developed and erected.

To build a staircase you need to determine:

  • Number of steps;
  • Riser height;

Initially, you need to determine the optimal number of steps. The ideal option would be 11-13 steps. There must be an odd number for greater comfort of movement. The countdown should go from top to bottom. The top step should act as a platform, and its dimensions do not differ at all from the other existing elements.

To determine the optimal riser height, you need to divide the resulting distance from the ceiling and to the floor by the number of steps. The ideal option would be a step height of 15-20 centimeters.

Winder steps are most suitable for a spiral staircase, which is why, in order to determine the optimal parameters, you need to first prepare a drawing.

Calculation of a spiral staircase: design features

A spiral staircase consists of winder steps and is made primarily of wood or metal. There are standard models spiral staircases, which can be made in the house or make your own original design, but for this you need to calculate everything correctly and accurately, and also take into account the features of the finished product. Before you begin constructing the structure, you need to select the optimal type of product.

In particular, spiral staircases can be:

  • Rectangular;
  • Polygonal;
  • Round.

Rectangular and polygonal structures can be used if the staircase is mounted next to a wall. If it is located in the middle of the room, then it is best to give preference to a round design. Spiral staircases can be made with or without risers. A staircase without risers is much more convenient to use, since the width of the winder step is much narrower than the foot, so the foot may slip if a riser is installed, since it takes up a certain space.

Important! The absence of risers makes it possible to place your entire foot on the tread, so moving along such stairs will be more convenient and safe.

How to prepare a drawing of a spiral staircase

To prepare a drawing of a spiral staircase, it is important to calculate everything correctly, and also take into account the dimensions of each structural element.

Before drawing a layout, you need to think about:

  • Features of the steps;
  • Tread width;
  • Opening dimensions.

Having looked through the available ready-made samples, you can choose the best option for yourself, which you can then slightly change to suit the existing parameters and features of the interior of the house. One of the main characteristics of a staircase is the width of the tread. To determine this parameter, you need not only to prepare a drawing, but also to use special formulas that will help determine the required width of the step.

The prepared plan must include:

  • O.D;
  • Degree of turn;
  • Tread width.

Additionally, when making calculations, you need to take into account the place for fixing the steps, as well as the area for the railings. In addition, you need to take into account the required area for the opening. When moving up or down, a person of any height should pass easily and freely without touching the ceiling beams. Optimal size the opening being constructed should be approximately 2 meters. The minimum diameter is in the range of 1.2-1.5 meters.

How to calculate a spiral staircase online

You can independently carry out all the required calculations and measurements when completing a spiral staircase project. However, there are special programs that help you quickly and easily take the required measurements, draw up a drawing and visualize the resulting drawings. This way, you can get a complete picture of how the finished staircase will look in the interior.

You can come up with a staircase design yourself, the main thing is that the design is practical, comfortable and safe. Let's talk about how to do everything yourself: .

In particular, these are programs such as:

  • Online calculator;
  • 3D designer;
  • Autocad.

The most popular and in demand are the online calculator and the AutoCAD program. It is enough to enter only the required data and the program itself will carry out the calculation and offer the most optimal solution. You can get a visualization of the finished structure from all sides, as well as its sections, which will allow you to determine how strong and safe it will be.

If the calculation is carried out in AutoCAD, then it is worth remembering that the finished file will have a dwg extension, which is not compatible with all programs.

Carrying out the design of a spiral staircase

A spiral staircase is installed mainly if you need to save space.

It is perfect as a staircase for:

  • Second floor;
  • Attic;
  • Attic.

In order to completely accurately and correctly carry out the design of the structure, all the requirements and standards of GOST are important, as this will make the staircase strong, stable and safe.

The design of a spiral staircase must be thought out very carefully down to the smallest detail so that it turns out strong and reliable. Ascent and descent should not cause discomfort. Materials for the manufacture of parts must be durable and fully comply with the loads exerted on the structure.

Determining the dimensions of a spiral staircase (video)

The spiral staircase has simply an excellent design and original appearance, so it can easily decorate any home interior, regardless of its stylistic features.

Details: drawings of spiral staircases (photo examples)

Cramped conditions inside the house force owners to install a spiral staircase to reach the second floor, attic or attic. Screw designs allow you to save space in the room, but they are very labor-intensive and difficult to manufacture. You can build a spiral staircase yourself, but before manufacturing it is necessary to make a design, an accurate calculation of the spiral staircase and its elements, so that moving along it is convenient, and the staircase itself to the second floor is durable and will last for many years.

Internal staircases have various designs. Spiral stairs have a number of undeniable advantages over other types of stairs:

You must move along such stairs carefully and slowly. Reliability will be ensured by the installation of strong enclosing structures.

Where to start the project

Before starting to develop the project and make calculations for the screw structure, it is necessary to determine the size of the opening leading to the second floor. Also, the initial data for this is the interfloor distance. All these parameters will affect the length of the treads and the total number of steps. Before starting design, it is very important to determine the angle of twist of the structure.

If you plan a staircase with a full circle - 360 degrees, then the exit from the staircase to the upper floor will be in the projection of the starting point of movement. If the staircase is placed in the middle of the room, the entry and exit points can be planned anywhere. But, when designing a spiral staircase near the walls, you should take into account the direction of rotation, and accurately calculate the starting and ending points, since it may happen that a design with a rotation angle of 360 degrees will not suit you.

It is important to understand that the convenience and safety of moving along a spiral staircase is ensured by the correct design and optimal dimensions of the steps. In this case, ergonomic indicators are taken as a basis, such as the length of a person’s step and the length of the foot. Thus, the optimal step length is considered to be within 59-65 cm. And the length of an adult’s foot is approximately 30 cm.

Designing a spiral staircase in a computer program.

Calculation example

The spiral staircase is calculated using formulas. Let's look at how to calculate a spiral staircase using the example of a structure with a 360-degree rotation, the diameter of which is 2.2 m, with a height of 3 meters.

  1. We start the project by calculating the circumference (L), which, as we remember from school, is calculated as L = 2πR. We calculate the length of the line of movement in accordance with the formula L = 2πr, here r = 2R/3, since the projection of the spiral movement lies at a distance of 2/3 of the radius of the structure. As a result, we obtain the desired length along the scan L = 4πR/3 = 4 × 3.14 × 1100/3 = 4605 mm (4.6 m).

  2. At the first stage, as a result of calculations, we obtained the parameters for the development of our structure in the form of a staircase from one flight. Now you can start counting the number of steps. With a given height of three meters and the optimal recommended step height of 17 (± 3) cm, in our case, we get 20 steps. That is, for the multiplicity, we took the height as 15 cm, and got 300:15 = 20. The last 15th step falls on the landing.

  3. Since the steps of the screw structure have a trapezoidal shape, we will calculate them in three stages. First, let's calculate the depth of the treads in the middle of the staircase along the path of movement. For this, we will need the length of the circle calculated in step 1 along the development of the structure. Divide 4605 by 14 (the fifteenth step is considered a platform) and get 329 mm. This slightly exceeds the accepted standards for indoor stairs, so the number of steps should be increased to 17, so that the number of rises is 18. In this case, we get a tread with a depth of 4605:17 = 271 mm and a height of 3000:18 = 167 mm. Such parameters fall into ergonomic recommendations based on the width of a human step.

  4. If a remainder is formed during division, it can be taken into account by adjusting the height of the first step. Other treads must be the same, both in height and width.
  5. Next, you need to calculate the depth of the treads at the attachment point on the central support. As a rule, such a support serves metal pole, with a diameter of 50 mm, on which steps are strung. To attach the steps, you need a hole of the same diameter as the pipe and 50 mm edges. Therefore, the depth of the trapezoidal steps in their narrow part will be equal to 50x3 = 150 mm.
  6. Next, we calculate and design the opening in the interfloor ceilings, which must be provided during the construction of the house or made in advance before designing the staircase structure, taking into account that its dimensions should exceed the staircase diameter by approximately 20-22 cm. The shape of the opening to the upper floor can be round or rectangular .

  7. In attic-type houses, it is necessary to take into account the distance to the upper ceiling.

In addition to correct calculations, it is equally important to correctly carry out the installation process itself. To do this, we also recommend that you familiarize yourself with. It discusses in detail important points installation of a spiral staircase.

Ladder- this is one of the most important structures in any private house, as it is the basis for free movement between floors. When choosing a project, craftsmen are often guided only by the economic and aesthetic side of the problem, often neglecting construction and design standards and rules. However, ignoring such an important component in many cases leads to the product being unstable, unsafe and uncomfortable.

The effective construction service KALK.PRO offers to perform an automated calculation of stairs online using a 3D calculator, as a result of which you will receive everything you need to install the structure: comprehensive estimate, full set of drawings and interactive model for better visual perception. The staircase design program calculates the parameters of all elements and provides some recommendations based on the provisions of SNiP, GOST and TU, which are used for the manufacture of wooden buildings.

The program is easy to use and does not require special engineering skills - all fields of the calculator are intuitive, and the help includes illustrations with symbols of individual elements. Each calculation is accompanied by an assessment of the resulting structure, and if incorrect values ​​are entered - in case of critical deviations, the calculation will stop and a pop-up window will show in which field the error was made; if the deviation is insignificant, recommendations will be provided where the correction needs to be applied.

Use the calculator for calculating a wooden staircase to the second floor to create a truly reliable and comfortable design. Over 5 years of work, we have helped to implement over 3000 projects for residents of Russia, the CIS and Europe.

Why are our staircase calculators better?

Close cooperation with staircase manufacturers

Highest detail in drawings and 3D models

Final report with a list of required materials

Ready-made estimate for the construction of the structure by the contractor

Technical support helps when working with the calculator

Positive feedback and large number completed projects

Unlike other sites online calculator For stairs, our project has a number of undeniable advantages and these are not empty words, since you can personally check all these statements in practice.

  • Constructor functionality. You can design any type of structure and choose the features for fastening the elements. If invalid values ​​are entered, the calculation will stop and a warning with an error will be displayed, on other resources - the calculation will be carried out in any case.
  • Recommendations. Our calculator provides recommendations for many design elements, for example, you will find out the optimal parameters: angle of inclination, height of steps, width of the step board, tread width, staircase width, width of stringers (upper, intermediate, lower). On other sites - only tilt angle .
  • . Our development department works closely with real manufacturers of staircase structures, thanks to which we pay increased attention to detailing and fastening of individual components. Professionals and private companies use our tool everywhere .
  • Ready estimate. As a result of the calculation, the user receives a final report, which contains all the necessary drawings, a 3D model in the selected projection and a ready-made estimate for the manufacture of stairs, with detailed description quantity of materials . On other sites - only the dimensions of the elements.
  • Graphics. Most visitors choose our site, among other reasons, because of the availability of high-quality, well-designed graphics. In addition to the fact that the drawings are as close as possible to the standards of technical documentation, the projection of individual elements in the diagram is selected in such a way that when cutting, the fiber direction wood (seam of laminated boards).
  • . If you experience difficulties using the calculator or have questions regarding the resulting calculation, we will look into the situation and we'll try to answer for any constructive questions 24/7.
  • Personal account. Also on our website there is a convenient personal account, in which the results of calculating a staircase or any other structure are saved - you you'll never lose your project, and you can also download the download at any time, regardless of the time of the operation.

Every month we receive dozens positive feedback and thanks from users of the KALK.PRO project. On the page " Reviews» located finished projects structures made based on the calculations of our tools.

Designer capabilities

The service provides a large number of proven tools, using which you can create a convenient, reliable and safe design. In its calculations, the 3D staircase designer algorithm takes into account the data of SNiP 21-01-97 (SP 112.13330.2011) “Fire safety of buildings and structures”, SNiP 31-02-2001 (SP 55.13330.2010) “Single-apartment residential buildings”, SNiP 2.08 .01-89 “Residential buildings”, SNiP 2.08.02-89 (SP 118.13330.2011) “ Public buildings and structures", SNiP 2.01.07-85 (SP 20.13330.2010) "Loads and impacts", GOST 23120-78 "Flight stairs, platforms and steel fences", etc.

Currently, the program offers calculations for the following types of wooden structures:

  • straight staircase (on stringers, on bowstrings);
  • staircase with winder steps at 90° (two-flight);
  • staircase with winder steps 180° (two-flight);
  • staircase with winder steps 180° (three-flight);
  • staircase with a 90° turntable (two-flight);
  • staircase with a 180° rotating platform (two-flight);
  • staircase with a 180° rotating platform (three-flight).

In addition to this, we also have on the project calculation of metal stairs- perhaps you will be interested in the design on a broken stringer (zigzag)?!

Among the main features of the calculator, it is necessary to highlight ( - only on KALK.PRO) :

  • Units of measurement. Ability to select units of measurement (mm, cm, m, inches, feet), as well as their automatic translation in the calculator fields and results without recalculation by the user.
  • Drawing color. Possibility of choosing color or monochrome drawing of drawings. May be useful for persons with disabilities and, if necessary, increasing the contrast of individual elements.
  • Staircase option. Possibility of choosing the side of the staircase (right or left).
  • Fastening turning steps. Possibility of choosing the type of fastening of the rotary steps to the support post (tenon-groove connection, connection with a cut in the support post).
  • Opening parameters. Classic fields for entering opening parameters (height, length, width).
  • Definition of an opening. Calculators have the ability to select a direction (segment) along the outer edge of the stairs (upper, intermediate or lower flight), which will be taken as the length of the opening. The characteristics of the staircase directly depend on this parameter.
  • Calculation of stepsstairs. Depending on the calculator, you will need to enter the number of upper, intermediate and lower steps, their thickness and protrusion. It is also necessary to indicate whether the upper step is considered below the level of the second floor or not.
  • Risers. It is possible to note whether the installation of risers is required and, if so, what thickness they will be.
  • Stringers(for stairs on a stringer). You must enter the thickness and width of the stringer.
  • Bowstring(for stairs on a bowstring). You must enter the thickness and width of the string. We also take into account the heel margin and the bowstring width margin (front, back), and the drawings are presented in two projections.
  • Support beams. You must enter the thickness and width of the stiffener beams.
  • Support pillars. It is necessary to enter the value of the cross-sectional side of the support column.
  • Stair railing. Fields for entering parameters of staircase enclosing elements: handrails (thickness, width, height), balusters (section side).
  • Floor slab. Fields for entering floor parameters (protrusion above the opening, distance from the wall, thickness).
  • Wall. Optional field, necessary for better visual perception.

A well-executed design of a staircase to the second floor in a private house will save a significant amount of time and money on the construction.

Calculation results

As a result of calculating the stairs online, you receive a comprehensive estimate with the optimal consumption of materials (quantity, volume) and detailed characteristics each structural element. However, the most important thing is that the convenience of the structure will be assessed according to the following parameters: the angle of inclination of the stairs, the width of the stairs, the number of steps, the height of the steps, the depth of the tread, the minimum width of the stringer/string); at the end of which you can make adjustments to the parameters and make a final decision on the need to use this type of staircase.

Calculations are carried out on the basis of classical mathematical logic using simple geometric formulas, so calculation errors are minimized, however, it is worth considering rounding numbers when displaying dimensions in drawings. There is a direct relationship that determines that the accuracy of displaying the calculation result is higher when using units of measurement of a lower order, that is, for millimeters the error will be no more than 0.1 mm, and when choosing centimeters - ~1 mm, etc.

Also worth noting some features when transferring dimensions from drawings to a real structure. Firstly, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the cut, which has physical dimensions of several millimeters in width. Secondly, we must not forget about the cumulative error, an example of which can be demonstrated as follows.

A calculation was made of a staircase (in centimeters) with 10 steps with an opening height of 162.5 cm - as a result, in the drawings the height of each step was 16.3 cm. However, you can notice that if you make a reverse calculation by steps, you get 16.3 cm × 10 = 163 cm, which is actually 0.5 cm higher than the height of the opening. This situation arises due to the fact that when drawing on the drawings, values ​​are rounded to the first decimal place, i.e., under the number 16.3 cm the value of 16.25 cm was “hidden”. To reduce such errors to a minimum calculations should be made in millimeters However, in some situations it will still be necessary to adjust the outermost elements of the structure when installing in height.

Staircase drawing with dimensions

Staircase drawings are a critical component of any project documentation, since they allow you to fix design features elements and their connections. They also provide an opportunity to preliminary evaluate the parameters of individual design components in practice. That is, by making templates from cheaper materials, such as cardboard or paper, you can eliminate the error at the initial stage and save a significant amount of money on materials.

However, you should not assume that you can draw a staircase diagram yourself without proper experience in drawing and design. Without special training, you are unlikely to be able to maintain the dimensions of the drawings, maintain accuracy down to a fraction of a millimeter and at the same time show accuracy, maintaining the readability of each element. Professional computer programs AutoCAD, Compass-3D, CorelDRAW, etc. cost a considerable amount of money; in addition, without the proper operating skills, it will take a lot of time to even learn the basics.

The KALK.PRO service eliminates unnecessary difficulties and provides ready-made drawings wooden stairs based on the user's entered data. Our diagrams are distinguished by excellent elaboration of individual node connections and the entire picture as a whole; you can independently evaluate the high quality of graphics and compare it with other services.

3D model

A 3D model of the staircase allows you to examine the resulting structure in real proportions and evaluate the prospects for using the current project. Unlike drawings, a 3D model is not intended for the manufacture of structural elements, but it can visually convey general idea object down to the smallest detail.

On our website, a 3D staircase design is drawn based on the user’s entered data with absolute accuracy without any distortions or errors. Zooming and controlling the camera occurs using the mouse - left and right keys, respectively. The three-dimensional model can be downloaded in the selected projection on the staircase calculator tab in PNG format, it is also possible to download graphics in OBJ format (supported by Autodesk 3ds Max, AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, PC LIRA...) for further editing.

How to calculate stairs online using a calculator?

To calculate a staircase with drawings on an online calculator, you need to go to the tab of the corresponding design and fill in all the fields based on the available opening parameters. However, first we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the proposed video, which describes in detail all the steps of working in the program and provides advice from a professional master, who personally manufactures stairs.

Calculating stairs online using a calculator from KALK.PRO means confidence in the quality of the structures being built due to the high accuracy of the operations performed.

How to make a comfortable staircase?

The choice of staircase design depends to a greater extent on the parameters of the opening and to a lesser extent on one’s own preferences, since in the predominant number of private houses redevelopment is excluded and it is necessary adapt to existing conditions. In this case, the main task of the master comes down to the most rational use of the available space in order to achieve optimal characteristics of the staircase, which will ensure high ergonomics of the structure as a whole.

Accordingly, we can identify a certain directly proportional relationship, the arguments of which are the area of ​​the structure in projection onto the floor/ceiling surface and the conditional convenience coefficient. The correlation occurs according to the principle - the larger the occupied area, the greater the convenience a person will experience when moving between levels. In decreasing order of convenience, the sorting looks like this:

  • the stairs are straight;
  • stairs with a platform;
  • stairs with winder steps;
  • combined stairs;
  • spiral staircases.

Thus, the best structures are considered to be marching staircases, then combined ones and, in last place, spiral ones.

In the case of choosing classic designs on a stringer or bowstring, it is necessary to pay increased attention to the overall slope of the staircase, calculation of steps, height of railings, etc. The list of all recommendations and rules is quite extensive, but among the most significant it is worth noting the following values:

  • staircase inclination angle from 30° to 45°;
  • the number of steps per march should vary from 3 to 16 and be odd, so that the first and last step fall on one foot;
  • the recommended height of the steps is 12-20 cm, the optimal height is 15-18 cm;
  • width (depth) of steps - 27-30 cm;
  • the height of the railing should not be less than 90 cm; if there are children, it is better to increase it to 150 cm;
  • The safe installation interval for balusters is 10-15 cm.

Compliance with these and other recommended parameters is extremely important - comfort during movement and safety, minimization of the occupied space, compliance with requirements depend on them fire safety, throughput staircase structure. Each online staircase calculator from KALK.PRO evaluates structures and provides some recommendations, which can be viewed in the corresponding block of the report.

Rice. 1 General drawing of the stairs

  • H - height of the stairs - usually determined by the height of the floors of your house
  • D1 - staircase diameter - the dimensions of the staircase, depends on how much space you can allocate in your home for the stairs
  • D1 - internal diameter - the size of the rod to which the steps are mounted
  • A - angle of rotation - depends on the relative position of the beginning of the staircase and the “receiving” platform of the upper floor
  • Z - thickness of steps - geometric parameter of the material (for example, boards) from which you plan to build the stairs
  • C - number of steps - in how many steps will it be most comfortable for you to move from floor to floor

Function "Black and white drawing:"

Rice. 2 Black and white drawing of a staircase

It is advisable to use this function in two cases:

  1. If you are used to working with standard GOST drawings, and, accordingly, you better perceive graphics without color content.
  2. If you are going to print the results of calculating a spiral staircase online. Then you will spend less paint/toner and the visual perception of the drawings on paper will be better. And, of course, this function is used when printing on a black and white printer.

The main result of this calculator is the drawing and calculation of helical stages.

Based on this drawing, the parts from which the structure is assembled are made.

Rice. 3 Example of a step drawing

All other drawings show the final appearance of the structure after joining the steps to the rod.

How to make an effective transition to the second and third floors? Which design option should you choose to give your home its own flair? Pay attention to spiral staircases of different sizes and shapes, which you can assemble with your own hands or entrust their manufacture to professionals. Calculating spiral staircases to the second floor using our service will allow you not only to clarify the cost of the future product, but also to decide on the choice of parameters.

An online calculator for calculating a spiral staircase to the second floor will help you equip your house with a staircase yourself, and if you entrust this work to professionals, then the entire list of work will be completed without your participation, but taking into account all your requirements and wishes. It is important to note that, compared to other types of stairs, the spiral one will cost less, and in design and reliability it will not be inferior to the others. It can be made with wooden or metal steps, but in the same style as the interior design.

Calculation of a spiral staircase to the second floor

The decision to make your own staircase should begin with a calculation of the features of the future product, flights, size and shape of steps and other nuances that will ultimately paint the overall picture. A convenient online spiral staircase calculator will help you calculate absolutely everything important parameters and determine the amount of material that will be needed during the implementation of this project, as well as see the parameters in the drawings.

Rice. 1 General drawing of the stairs

    H - height of the stairs - usually determined by the height of the floors of your house D1 - diameter of the stairs - the dimensions of the stairs, depends on how much space you can allocate in your house for the stairs D1 - internal diameter - dimensions of the rod to which the steps are mounted A - angle of rotation - depends on mutual placement of the beginning of the staircase and the “receiving” platform of the upper floor Z - thickness of the steps - geometric parameter of the material (for example, boards) from which you plan to build the staircase C - number of steps - in how many steps will it be most comfortable for you to move from floor to floor

2 Black and white drawing of a staircase It is advisable to use this function in two cases: If you are used to working with standard GOST drawings, and, accordingly, better perceive graphics without color content. If you are going to print the results of calculating a spiral staircase online. Then you will spend less paint/toner and the visual perception of the drawings on paper will be better. And, of course, this function is used when printing on a black and white printer. The main result of this calculator is the drawing and calculation of the helical steps. Based on this drawing, the parts from which the structure is assembled are made.

Rice. 3 Example of a step drawing All other drawings show the final appearance of the structure after connecting the steps to the rod. How to make an effective transition to the second and third floors? Which design option should you choose so that your home gets its own zest? Pay attention to spiral staircases of different sizes and shapes, which you can assemble with your own hands or entrust their manufacture to professionals.

Calculating spiral staircases to the second floor using our service will allow you not only to clarify the cost of the future product, but also to decide on the choice of parameters. An online calculator for calculating a spiral staircase to the second floor will help you in equipping your house with stairs yourself, and if you entrust this work to professionals, then the whole the list of works will be completed without your participation, but taking into account all your requirements and wishes. It is important to note that, compared to other types of stairs, the spiral one will cost less, and in design and reliability it will not be inferior to the others. It can be made with wooden or metal steps, but in the same style as the interior design.

Calculation of a spiral staircase to the second floor

The decision to make your own staircase should begin with a calculation of the features of the future product, flights, size and shape of steps and other nuances that will ultimately paint the overall picture. A convenient online spiral staircase calculator will help you calculate absolutely all the important parameters and determine the amount of material that will be needed during the implementation of this project, as well as see the parameters in the drawings.

A spiral staircase is an option popular among owners of small spaces, as its design can significantly save space.

According to most beginners in matters of construction and repair, making such a staircase is much more difficult than a flight of stairs. This is wrong. It is necessary to study in detail the design features of such a structure and adhere to the recommended order of its construction in order to obtain a reliable and durable result.

Design Rules

For safe operation of the ladder, its parameters must be selected in a special way:

The optimal width should be at least 80 cm.

This will allow one person to walk freely. The average width of the step (tread) should vary between 25-30 cm. This value is based on the average width of a person's step. The height of the riser should correspond to an interval of 15-20 cm. This value is also based on the average width step. The most convenient angle of inclination, at which the structure does not become too bulky, is 30-40°.

The features of spiral staircases should be taken into account. In similar designs upper part is above the person.

So that he does not have to constantly bend down, it is not recommended to choose a riser height less than 17 cm. It is more convenient to use a staircase that contains an odd number of steps. Safety railings should be between 90 cm and 120 cm.

It is necessary to check the parameters of the stairs according to the following ratio: a-b=12-14 cm, a+b=45-47 cm, where a is the width of the tread, b is the height of the riser.

Geometric calculation method

Before carrying out calculations, it is necessary to determine the location of the stairs, the entry point on the lower floor and the exit point to top floor.

The main nuance that must be taken into account at this stage is the height of the passage. A person should rise and fall calmly without having to duck his head.

The first stage of calculations is determining the height of the steps. First, their number is determined.

To do this, divide the floor height by the recommended riser height. If the result is 2.8 m, then the following calculations are made: 280/17 = 16.47. It is recommended to install structures with an odd number of steps, so their number is taken to be 17.

Accordingly, the height of each will be equal to 16.47 cm. The resulting value is rounded to 16.5 cm. All steps, except the bottom one, will be equal to 16.5 cm (in height), and the first one will be 16 cm.

Next, the width of the tread is calculated. At this stage of the calculations, it should be taken into account that the person is walking at a distance of 1/3 of the width from the outer edge of the stairs. With a width of 1 m, a person walks in one ascent (or descent) a distance (L) equal to the length of the circle (its diameter is 100 cm * 2/3).

L=2*3.14*100*2/3=418.7 cm.

This distance should be divided by the number of steps, reduced by 1, since the top step will be located flush with the landing of the upper floor. It turns out: 418.6/16=26.2 cm. This value falls within the specified recommended interval, therefore it is taken as the calculated value.

With such a width of the tread, the exit on the upper platform is located strictly above the entrance below. However, this is not possible in all rooms. Therefore, the calculations will need to be adjusted, taking into account the degree of rotation of the spiral staircase.

After correcting the data obtained as a result of the calculation, all that remains is to install the structure. Its installation is also carried out according to certain norms and rules.

The invention of the spiral staircase is one of the most successful in the construction industry.

They are compact, comfortable, and always fit organically into the interior, being its original element. Their sizes and designs are very diverse - from heavy stone lifts in ancient towers to interesting aerial solutions in modern buildings. At first glance, it seems that such a design is too complex for self-made, but in fact, building such a staircase with your own hands is not such a difficult task.

Spiral staircases have been invented a long time ago.

They fit perfectly into any interior and are distinguished by a wide variety of shapes, sizes and designs. Before you start building a spiral staircase, you need to calculate it correctly. You will have to remember your school geometry course. Steps are equal sectors of a circle, located at the same distance in height and rotated relative to each other at the same angle. When calculating a staircase - any one, not just a spiral one - you need to take into account accepted ergonomic standards, since it must be easy to use and safe.

Ergonomic rules for design

As ergonomic calculations show, a staircase will be comfortable and safe if its design parameters correspond to the average width of a person’s step and the length of his foot.

Its width in a living room should be sufficient for one person to pass through; this size should be at least 80 cm.

The width of the tread (the actual steps) is 25-30 cm, best size- 28 cm. This indicator is especially important when moving down. If the width is less than 25 cm, then a person will be able to step on it not with his full foot, but only with his heel, which can lead to a fall when descending.

The height of the riser is taken within 15-20 cm.

This value corresponds medium length step of an adult. If the lifting height is made less than 15 cm, you will have to step too often, which is not very convenient. And if the height is made more than 20 cm, then climbing such a ladder will be difficult - you will have to raise your leg too high.

The tilt angle is 30-40º.

A steeper staircase is inconvenient to use, and a flatter one takes up more space. In the case of a screw structure, one must also take into account the fact that when climbing, the upper steps may be directly above the person’s head, so a riser height that is too low is unacceptable. Its optimal size is 17 cm.

For ease of use, it is necessary that the number of steps be odd, and the height of the railing be in the range of 90-120 cm.

To check how well the staircase meets the requirements of convenience and safety, you can use the following formulas:

where a is the width of the tread, b is the height of the riser.

It is advisable to take these recommended dimensions into account at the stage of designing a house, but if the house has already been built and the staircase has not been previously designed, then its dimensions will have to be adjusted to the finished premises, but take into account, if possible, ergonomic requirements.

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First you need to determine where the entrance to the stairs will be and how the exit from it will be located on the top floor. One must not lose sight of the fact that when lifting a person should not rest his head on the upper platform.

Do-it-yourself staircase calculations begin with determining the height of the steps. To do this, the floor height is divided by the recommended riser height.

For example, the height between the floor of the first and second floor is 2.8 m. Do not forget that the number of steps should be odd. With a simple selection, you can determine that with a riser height of 16.5 cm, you get 17 steps.

17x16.5=280.5 cm.

Graphic calculation of a spiral staircase.

The extra 0.5 cm is subtracted from the height of the first step. All other steps must be the same height, including the very last one, which is also the second floor floor level or staircase landing.

So, we got 17 lifts of 16.5 cm each, which meets the ergonomic requirements. Let's move on to calculating the width of the tread.

When calculating a spiral staircase, you need to take into account that a person walks at a distance of 2/3 of the width from the center of the staircase. Make the calculation for a passage width of 1 m. The path (L) that a person travels is equal to the length of a circle with a radius equal to 100x2/3 cm.

L=2πR2/3=2*3.14*100*2/3=418.7 cm.

Divide the resulting value by the number of steps minus one step, since the top one, as already noted, is the second floor landing.

418.7/16=26.2 cm.

But it doesn't always work out that way. With a narrower passage, the steps would have been smaller in width, which would have been inconvenient when going down the stairs. In this case, you need to reduce the number of steps and increase the riser accordingly.

For example, the width of the staircase is 90 cm with the same floor height. Then the path length will be equal to

L=2*3.14*90*2/3=376.8 cm.

Rules for the construction of steps and risers.

With the same number of steps, their width is equal to 376.8/16 = 23.5 cm. You can leave this size, but for greater convenience and safety it is still better to increase it to 25 cm.

Then the number of lifts will change: 376.8/25=15. The height of the riser will be 280/15 = 18.7 cm, which also complies with the rules of ergonomics. It should be recalled that if the height of the staircase is not divided entirely by the size of the riser, then the bottom step is made smaller, and all the rest are made equal in height.

If your project provides for a spiral staircase with a rotation of not 360º, but less, then you need to take into account that as you rise, the total height decreases, and if you make the upper platform 3-4 steps wide, then when you enter the staircase you will have it right above your head. For example, with a riser of 16.5 cm and a floor height of 2.8 m, on the fourth rise the height will decrease by 66 cm, leaving more than 2 m left, which means that in this case you can make a platform 4 steps wide.

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When calculating spiral staircases, it is difficult to adhere to strict rules. Usually miscalculated different options, in addition to convenience and safety, factors such as layout, aesthetic parameters, and properties of the material from which the staircase will be made are taken into account.

More stringent requirements are imposed on the selection of step heights.

The width of the treads in this case is less important, since the design of the steps is such that their width is not the same along their length. In addition, each person will ascend and descend along different trajectories - some will walk closer to the center, others will prefer to walk closer to the edge, where the steps are wider. And if we take into account the fact that a person will inevitably step on areas of different widths with his left and right foot, then it becomes clear that in this case the width of the tread is a rather arbitrary value.

Therefore, when designing a spiral staircase, several calculations are made various options height of the steps, determine how many of them are obtained, and choose the one at which the results obtained most closely correspond to accepted standards.

It should be noted that the dimensions of any structure must correspond to the general style and layout of the building. Wooden interior elements must be of sufficient size so as not to look too lightweight and fragile, and forged hardware should be airy enough so as not to burden the space of the room.