Repair of Italian brickwork of external walls. Technology for repairing brickwork of walls in separate places, do-it-yourself restoration. restoration of brickwork

Any, even the highest quality, masonry can become unusable after a certain period of time. There are several reasons for this - cement mortar dried out and began to crumble, problems in the foundation are revealed, the walls are sagging, they have cracked, etc. Of course, this phenomenon is unpleasant, but completely correctable.

Why are walls restored?

Repairing a brick wall is a labor-intensive process. Of course, if there are no special skills to perform brickwork, then to complete the task it is better to invite a team of qualified specialists who are able to fix the damaged area quickly enough. But if you decide to carry out the restoration of the wall yourself, then you should stock up not only necessary materials and tools, but also patience.

Before starting repair work, it is necessary to inspect the cracked wall and identify possible reasons the appearance of this phenomenon. It is extremely necessary to do this, because even after a perfectly executed restoration, the crack may appear again, which is unacceptable. Read how here. The choice of measures to be carried out depends on the degree of destruction of the structure. So, the following destructions of a brick wall are distinguished:

  • outwardly the problems are not noticeable, but the process has already arisen;
  • microcracks appear on the plastered surface;
  • the crack becomes more distinct on the brickwork;
  • the brick wall began to collapse.

The most optimal solution for such a task as restoration of (old) brickwork would be new jointing, which is quite simple to implement. Performing this procedure will significantly extend the life of the brickwork.

When starting to sew seams, you must do the following:

  • clean the surface, rinse and dry;
  • prepare the solution;
  • vertical seams are filled;
  • horizontal seams are filled;
  • jointing and grouting are carried out. The elements that have been preserved are aligned.

Dismantling an old brick wall is done using a sledgehammer. If the wall is built using lime mortar, you should use a pick or crowbar.

Removing cracks

External walls in houses or other buildings tend to crack. This phenomenon is quite common. Do-it-yourself restoration of brickwork is carried out after determining the reasons for the formation of cracks. There is one proven method for conducting this event. Special beacons made of plain paper or lintels made of plaster are installed on the wall (the plaster has been previously removed).

The wall should be left in this state for about two weeks, after which it will become clear whether the crack is growing or not. The presence or absence of installed beacons will serve as indicators of a problem. If everything remains in place, you can safely begin such a task as restoration of brickwork, the price of which is determined by the need to purchase a certain amount of building material.

The cement mortar may also contain adhesive components. This composition is used to eliminate large cracks. To eliminate smaller defects, the solution must be liquid.

It is worth emphasizing that during the restoration of brickwork, cement mortar is poured into the crack using a kind of construction syringe.

Restoration of old brickwork sometimes full of surprises. A more serious problem is the spalling of brickwork, which indicates the poor quality of the bricks. After only a short period of time, small cracks become apparent on the surface, but through them moisture gets inside, which has a destructive effect. Even a slight difference in temperature conditions gives impetus to further growth of the crack. As a result of the negative impact of such factors, complete cracking of the brick occurs.

In order not to disturb the overall architecture, restoration of brickwork must be carried out promptly and with the utmost care. A brick that has begun to crumble should be removed from the wall.

Depending on the extent of the damage, it may be necessary to remove the nearest bricks located in the neighborhood. In this case, you should pay attention to good bricks and leave them in place without damaging them. After removing the damaged elements, the surface should be cleaned of dust and old mortar, and a new brick should be installed in the free space. In this case, the solution must be of good quality. To add aesthetics, it is recommended to do.

When carrying out repairs on a large section of the wall, it is important to use special supports made of metal. First, metal jumpers are placed on the wall, and then the racks are placed. Jack stands are often used. Although the possibility of using massive logs or beams is not excluded.

Prices for restoration of brickwork very high. Not every specialist can undertake this work. It is important to have special skills.

After the restoration work is completed, the racks are removed. As for the lintels, they can be left in the brickwork. Thanks to this, the structure will only strengthen and will not allow repeated cracks. ( interesting facts o read the link)

Restoration of seams

Quite often there is a need to repair seams. This happens as a result of using low quality cement mortar. Although the possibility of a violation of the mixture preparation technology cannot be ruled out.

It is quite possible to eliminate this defect yourself. In this case, the involvement of third parties will be unnecessary. It is important to follow the sequence of restoration of the damaged area. So, you need:

  • using a chisel and hammer, the seams are embroidered as deep as possible;
  • dust and dirt are removed from the surface;
  • Cement mortar is pumped into the voids with the addition of an adhesive solution. Don't rush and fill the seam right away. It is better to do this in small portions in several stages, allowing time for the solution to set;
  • If damaged bricks are discovered during jointing, they must be replaced immediately.

I would like to emphasize that there is also another method of repairing seams. In this case, clay mortar is used instead of cement mortar. The clay is literally pressed into the void using a block of wood. Sometimes building gypsum is added to the cement mortar, which speeds up setting and compensates for shrinkage.

The methods described may not be clear to you. Then you can watch a video on brickwork restoration. Before starting work, it is necessary to assess the feasibility of using a particular method. It is important to follow consistency, rules for working with materials and tools and adhere to technology.

There are cases when the restoration of old brickwork means the complete dismantling of the wall and the construction of a new structure. Making such a decision on your own is risky. Therefore, it is better to seek advice from a specialist who will tell you from a professional point of view exactly what scale of work needs to be done.

Cracks formed in the wall are not always immediately visually noticeable. This usually happens with masonry indoors, where the surface is covered with wallpaper or other facing materials. This damage does not appear externally at all. It is necessary to carefully study the destruction in order to make the right decision on restoration measures.

More on the topic.

Conducted research and analysis of the causes of the formation of defects in multi-layer external walls of buildings, among which the most common are defects in the facing brick layer, with the participation of the authors, were developed constructive solutions for the repair of facing brickwork of external walls, ensuring their further and reliable operation.

To solve these issues, methods for using special repair flexible spiral connections from the English company BIT were proposed ( rice. 1), which have a number of advantages in comparison with threaded rods and reinforcing bars.

Over the past 30 years, spiral connections have been widely used in the West. As a result of their use, it is possible to ensure reliable fastening of the cladding in the inner layer of the wall ( rice. 2), when strengthening and repairing multi-layer external walls, strengthen existing cracks and install vertical expansion and expansion joints without dismantling the facing masonry of the walls, strengthen arched lintels.

Rice. 1. Flexible repair helical connections BIT-ThorHelical

Rice. 2. Connecting layers of brick wall using

flexible repair spiral connections BIT-ThorHelical

Spiral-shaped repair flexible connections are made of round stainless wire, the profile of which, during the rolling process, takes on a cruciform configuration with flat ribs extended from the central part, strengthened as a result of cold hardening. The resulting form of connection allows for simple and quick installation by manual or mechanical impact. Fastening of the repair connection occurs as a result of a self-forming mechanical lock between the spiral and the helical groove, which occurs during installation in the base material (concrete and reinforced concrete of various classes, including lightweight and cellular, ceramic materials, wood). When installing a connection, no stress or expansion occurs in the base material (no stress concentrators), which allows installation near the edge of the structure. The spacing of bonds and the depth of embedding in the base are determined in accordance with calculations and on the basis of verification tests of the strength of embedding bonds in the base material, carried out directly on site.

One of the most valuable advantages is that after repair work, the external appearance of the building remains practically without any traces of repair, since the connections are installed flush into the base material (brick, concrete, mortar joint), and the installation site is rubbed with mastics with additives of pigments matched to the color of the facade.

The presented solutions are unified and require full-scale testing of the strength and deformability of the presented connections, as well as taking into account the individual characteristics of each separate building. Reinforcement is possible both in a two-layer external wall and in a three-layer wall with internal insulation.

· when strengthening brickwork facing along the wall field by additional fastening in the base (inner layer of a multi-layer facade wall);

· when strengthening masonry in the area of ​​horizontal and vertical cracks;

· when replacing cladding fragments;

· when organizing vertical expansion joints;

· when strengthening masonry in the area of ​​lintels above openings.

Let's consider the main options for using flexible spiral connections.

1) Additional fastening of facing brickwork along the wall field in the base (inner layer of a multi-layer facade wall).

In areas of external walls with an insufficient number of flexible connections, it is proposed to secure the brick cladding in the inner layer of the external wall using flexible spiral connections BIT-Thorhelical on chemical anchors. It is recommended to install connections in a checkerboard pattern with a pitch of 500×500 mm on solid sections of walls and with a pitch of 250×250 mm in the areas of window and door openings.

When installing a connection into the inner layer of cellular concrete, installation is ensured using impact ( rice. 3a), by driving the connection into the inner layer, when installing in a base made of monolithic reinforced concrete, before installing the connection, it is necessary to drill a pilot hole to the required depth. If the inner layer is made of hollow brick, the connection is secured using chemical anchors ( rice. 3b) .

Rice. 3. Repair connection installation diagram:

a) in cellular or lightweight concrete; b) in masonry made of hollow bricks.

Securing the bond in the outer hollow brick cladding is also ensured by a chemical composition that fills the preliminary hole required for installing the bond into the inner layer. Completed chemical composition the hole is rubbed flush with the masonry surface.

2) Fastening facing brickwork when organizing vertical expansion joints.

In multi-layer external walls with an insulating layer of effective insulation or material with a low thermal conductivity coefficient, the outer brick facing layer in winter time year, it is practically not warmed up by air from the premises, and in the summer, on the contrary, it is exposed to high temperatures. As a result of temperature fluctuations in the brick facing layer due to changes in the length and volume of the material, vertical cracks arise from temperature stresses. Vertical and horizontal temperature expansion joints compensate for these changes and thereby prevent the formation of cracks in the masonry.

The distance between vertical temperature expansion joints depends on the design of the multilayer wall and is determined by calculations for temperature and humidity influences. In accordance with these calculations, the distances between vertical temperature expansion joints in the outer cladding layer of external walls for the conditions of Moscow are taken equal to 10 m.

For making vertical expansion joints ( rice. 4) - vertical seams are cut in the brick cladding with a width of 20 mm to the height of the floor and to a depth of 120 mm, and horizontal mortar seams of the masonry are also cut to a depth of 70 mm, 110 mm long, every 4 rows of brick in height. The cut horizontal mortar joints are filled with a chemical composition to the full thickness. The reinforcing bars are first installed in a movable plastic tube. A rod with a plastic tube is installed in prepared horizontal seams at a distance of 50 mm from the outer surface of the brick, so that right side a tube was located in the vertical seam. In this case, the distance from the free end of the tube to the rod is 30-40 mm, which makes it possible to perceive temperature deformations when the lining area expands

Rice. 4. Scheme of arrangement of expansion joints (TDJ):

After installing the reinforcing rods, the horizontal seams are filled with a chemical composition and rubbed flush with masonry mortar. An elastic gasket is installed over the entire height of the vertical seam with a compression of 2/3 of its diameter and a sealing layer of non-hardening mastic is applied. Next, point connections are installed in a checkerboard pattern along the height of the seam; the length of the connection is taken depending on the depth of anchoring in the inner layer of the wall.

3) Strengthening the facing masonry in the area of ​​horizontal and vertical cracks.

If there are cracks with an opening width of less than 3 mm, it is advisable to reinforce the masonry in these areas. On rice. 5 structural solutions for strengthening sections of brick cladding with cracks less than 3 mm using BIT-TCS reinforcing rods are shown. Horizontal mortar joints of the masonry are cut on both sides of the crack, 70 mm deep, 110 mm long, every 4 rows of bricks in height. In this case, the crack is located in the middle of the mortar joint. The cut horizontal mortar joints are filled with cement-sand mortar to the full thickness. Reinforcing rods are installed in prepared horizontal joints at a distance of 50 mm from the edge of the outer surface of the brick.

Rice. 5. Scheme of strengthening cracks with an opening width of less than 3 mm.

After installing the reinforcing rods, the horizontal joints are filled flush with cement-sand mortar. After that, point connections with a diameter of Æ9mm are installed in a checkerboard pattern along the height of the crack; the length of the connection is taken depending on the anchorage depth in the inner layer of the wall.

If there are cracks in the outer facing masonry with an opening width of more than 3 mm, this section is rebuilt ( rice. 6). At the same time, the fastening of the new masonry in the inner layer is ensured with the help of flexible spiral ties BIT-Thorhelical Æ9mm, staggered with a pitch of 500x500mm in solid areas and with a pitch of 250x250mm in the areas of window and door openings. In areas of new brickwork, bricks with a thickened wall and a voidness of no more than 15% are used in order to prevent destruction of the brick when atmospheric moisture enters the voids in the autumn-spring periods of the year. Reinforcement of the laid masonry sections is carried out metal mesh with a cell of 50x50mm every 4 rows in height.

Rice. 6. Scheme of relaying the outer brick cladding in areas of destruction and in the presence of cracks with an opening width of more than 3 mm

4) In areas of external multilayer walls with insufficient insulation It is possible to replace the insulation only by dismantling the existing brickwork. When installing insulation located between the outer and inner structural layers of facade walls, it is secured to the surface of the inner layer using disc-shaped facade dowels. The location pitch is 500×500 mm in a checkerboard pattern. After installing the insulation, a new brick lining is laid according to the scheme described above, using flexible repair ties BIT-Thorhelical Æ9mm.


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Brick is one of the most durable and in demand building materials. But during operation, the wall is destroyed under the influence of natural influences and as a result of violations of construction technology.

Timely repair of brickwork walls in separate places helps to extend the life of the building and protect it from moisture penetration and further destruction. Restoration work can be done with your own hands, following the technology described in this article.

What causes masonry to collapse?

Often the masonry is destroyed due to incorrect foundation calculations

To prevent the destruction of a building, you need to know what could cause its integrity to be compromised.

Reasons for the destruction of a brick wall:

  • violation of construction technology and incorrect calculation of foundation loads;
  • different soil densities under the building;
  • absence of expansion (temperature) joints;
  • close proximity groundwater;
  • shrinkage of the foundation, insufficient or excessive depth of its foundation;
  • beam deformation
  • under the influence of moisture.

If there is a large layer of snow on the roof, this significantly increases the load on load-bearing structures, which can lead to their shrinkage and destruction. To extend the life of the building, you need to promptly clear snow, drainpipes and repair the roof.

If cracks occur, provide them with beacons

When cracks or deformation occur, the first step is to find and eliminate the cause that is negatively affecting the building.

After this, monitor the building. Beacons are installed at the locations of the cracks and the dynamics are monitored.

Repair work is carried out after eliminating the causes leading to destruction.

Connected cracks lead to masonry collapse

The destruction of masonry takes place in several stages:

  • under the influence of negative factors in the building, tension arises that is invisible to a layman;
  • microcracks form in individual bricks, then they expand to the width of a hair;
  • cracks in the brickwork unite with each other and capture vertical seams, this leads to a serious violation of the integrity of the building.

Deformation can be determined using measurements, visually, by calculating the permissible load on the brickwork.

If you start repairs without understanding the reasons leading to destruction, then the violation of the integrity of the brickwork will continue.

Possible damage to masonry

To repair brick walls, you need to know what types of damage occur and their causes:

Type of damageCause
1 Potholes, cracks, chipped cornersFormed under mechanical stress.
2 Damage and peeling of paints, plaster, cladding elementsOccurs due to destruction or deformation of brickwork.
3 Buckling of bricks in external masonryOccurs as a result of shifts due to freezing and sudden thawing of groundwater or rupture of vertical intermediate connections.
4 Rust stains inside or outsideIndicate corrosion processes of reinforcement or embedded parts in the wall. These factors lead to loss of solidity of the structure.

It must be carried out in a timely manner, this will prevent further damage to the integrity of the wall.

Types of brick wall repairs

Depending on the volume, causes and scale of damage, a certain type of repair work is chosen. For more information about eliminating cracks, watch this video:

The types of restoration work and their characteristics are presented in the table:

Type of brickwork restorationRepair technology
1 Seam repairThe seams are cleaned of masonry mortar. With a stiff brush or machine high pressure clean out the dust. For better adhesion with cement mortar, the masonry and the space between the bricks are well moistened. The joints are filled with cement mortar, and concrete colors are added to it to add color. Carry out jointing. Renewal of joints must be carried out without waiting for the old mortar to crumble.
2 Restoration of areas with damaged bricksIf brick blocks They started to crumble and need to be repaired. The crumbled areas are cleaned to a solid base. Fill a steel mesh with small cells. Moisten the wall, fill the damaged area with cement-sand mortar mixed in a ratio of 1:3. After the repaired surface has dried, the solution is cleaned.
3 Puttying cracksThe cracks are thoroughly cleaned of dust. The surface is moistened. Pour cement mortar into the crevice using a syringe, syringe or other device. To prevent the solution from spreading over the surface, a bar is held under the repaired area.

To understand that the crack has stopped expanding, cover the damaged surface with paper. If the paper tears, it means that shrinkage and destruction are continuing. In this case, you need to look for the reasons and eliminate them.

Major Damage Repair

If the damage is severe, then the wall must be dismantled to the damaged area.

If minor defects are not corrected in time, you may need major renovation brickwork of external and internal walls. In this case, you will have to relay the masonry along the entire depth of the wall.

Before starting repair work, the cause that caused the damage to the building is eliminated.


Scope of work for major repairs:

  1. Temporary reinforcement is installed for an undamaged section of the wall located above the destroyed area.
  2. They dismantle the destroyed part of the brick wall.
  3. The construction of a new section of the wall is carried out from new bricks using semi-rigid cement-sand mortar.
  4. The reinforcing structure is removed 7-10 days after installation of the last row. For more information about the fight against destruction, watch this video:

When they are performed in different sizes and depths, a screed device is required. To give the wall strength, it is tightened with metal channels or anchors.

Emergency condition of the walls

This building needs major renovations

The fact that the masonry is in in emergency condition, indicate the following changes:

  • deviation of the wall in the vertical plane or its bulging by 1/3 of the thickness or 1/200 of the height;
  • overhanging bricks, facing tiles peeling off from the main structure;
  • cracks that cross more than four consecutive courses of brickwork;
  • mechanical damage more than 20 mm deep;
  • loss of integrity and delamination.

Restoring brickwork for these damages involves performing major repairs.

Repair manual

Methods for restoring and repairing brickwork are described in a standard flow chart (TTK). When performing work, minor changes to the instructions are allowed.

An individual card is created depending on specific design features. Restoration work is carried out by professional masons.

In order to prevent the destruction of walls, it is necessary to promptly repair cracks in a brick wall, fill crumbling seams with cement, replace and restore damaged areas.

Ancient monuments prove that brickwork can withstand millennia. However, if you want to keep it appearance, all cracks and chips must be repaired immediately, especially in cold climates. Even the smallest crack allows moisture to penetrate the wall or slab and continue to deteriorate through freeze-thaw cycles.

It is not difficult to repair such a crack using ordinary or liquid mortar. The methods described here for repairing masonry, concrete and plaster also apply to paths and platforms, only the direction of movement of the tools changes. However, the method used depends on the defect. The most common three types of defects are: crumbling of mortar in the seams, destruction of part of the wall and destruction of steps and paths.

  • If you notice crumbled mortar in the joints of old walls, remove the remaining mortar with a chisel and fill the joints with new mortar. If there are cracked or fallen bricks from the wall, install new ones. In both cases, you can make a clean repair by matching the bricks and grouting the seams to match the rest of the wall seams.
  • The solution shrinks as it dries, and this can lead to cracks in the new seams. New red bricks immediately after production absorb moisture and expand slightly. This expansion is usually sufficient for thin cracks to close. However, new silicate (sand and lime) or concrete bricks shrink after some time. Wait for such a crack to stabilize, then cover it with liquid cement paste. To prepare cement paste, mix cement with water to create a liquid composition that can be used to cover the crack.
  • It is dangerous to leave destroyed concrete paths or cracked steps without repair. The materials required for repair may vary depending on the size and type of damage . Small cracks, for example, can be covered with liquid mortar; large ones require regular solution. If the tiles do not stick to the steps, they can be glued with synthetic glue. However, if part of the step collapses, it will have to be remade from mortar.
  • Remember that the solution must be kept wet for three to four days until it reaches the required strength. If possible, cover the repair area with film and, in hot weather, water it several times a day.

Repair of brickwork seams

1. Cleaning the seam

Using a plumber's chisel, cut out the mortar in the joint to a depth of about 16 mm. To ensure good adhesion, clean the surface of the bricks at the joint. Clean the joint thoroughly with a brush to remove dust. Attention: be sure to carry out this work wearing safety glasses.

2. Laying the mortar

Wet the seam with a brush and water or a hose with a spray gun. Place a 10 mm thick layer of mortar on the falcon (a wooden board with a handle to hold the mortar while working). . Using the bottom plane of a cutting blade, which is smaller than a regular trowel, cut a thin piece of mortar and press it onto the seam. Since you are pressing the solution away from you, apply it with the lower plane of the cut. To fill long seams with mortar, you can use a flat surface jointer.

If you need to repair a large area, fill no more than two square meters with the solution at a time. meters of wall. Work from bottom to top and from left to right, being careful not to stain the bricks with mortar.

How to split a brick

Splitting across

When working with brick, you often need to break the brick into small pieces. Using a pencil and ruler, draw a split line around the brick. If necessary, apply an oblique line (insert below), However, remember that it is more difficult to split a brick along an oblique line. Wear goggles to protect your eyes from debris. Place the brick on the sand layer with the part you want to use facing you. Place the blade of a wide chisel on the split line and hit it with a hammer. Gradually deepen the groove around the brick. Listen to the sound of impacts. When the brick starts to crack, the sound will become dull and you may end the job with a sharp blow. Chop off any rough edges with a trowel.

Splitting along

Draw a split line along all four sides of the brick, dividing it in half. Use the square end of a pick to score the surface of the brick along the line (don't forget to wear safety glasses). For very hard bricks, use a chisel as shown above. Then grab the brick firmly with one hand and hit it sharply with the flat end of the hammer near the center of the chipped line. (You may need to practice a little before you can gently break a brick in half with one blow.) Use a thin hammer blade to level the surface of the brick.

It is more difficult to split bricks lengthwise than crosswise. If you have a power tool, you can use an abrasive disc instead of a hammer and chisel to make a groove, and then split the brick with a sharp blow of the hammer and a wide chisel.

Replacing bricks in masonry

1. Removing one damaged brick

Remove the solution using a special crowbar if you can find one. If not, do it with a chisel. The crowbar is also good because it allows you to work with two hands, and this speeds up the work. Remove the required brick and clear the area of ​​any remaining mortar.

2. Replacing bricks

Choose a suitable brick or chip off a part of it. Wet the hole and apply a thick layer of solution. Place the brick on a falcon or mortar board, placing its edge 15 mm above the row in which the brick will be located. Hammer the brick into the socket and trim off any remaining mortar.

Repairing a damaged wall

Replacing bricks

Remove any mortar from around the damaged bricks and use a chisel to break up any damaged or cracked bricks. If the damaged section of the wall consists of several bricks, remove the top ones first, then the bottom ones.

Use a brush to remove any remaining mortar and broken bricks. Wet the damaged area of ​​the wall, as well as the new bricks, with water and lay them in the same way as if you were laying a new wall. Apply the mortar to the side faces of the bricks and lay them on the mortar, not forgetting to make a groove in it. When the mortar has set, stitch the seams using the same method as used in the remaining seams of the wall. . Keep the solution wet for three to four days.

A variety of materials are used in construction. One of the most popular is that this material is durable and resistant to aggressive environments. However, brick also deteriorates over time. If there is repairable damage, the brickwork is repaired or restored. Let's take a closer look at what it is.

General information

Restoration of old brickwork includes a complex of various activities. First of all, the condition and quality of the wall is assessed. After this, cleaning and removal of crumbled elements are performed. The next step is preparing restoration solutions and filling the voids with it.

In practice, it often happens that one brick wall in a building is damaged, but the rest remain intact. In such situations, it is not practical to demolish the entire building. It is much more economical to restore brickwork. Rates per m2 vary depending on the severity of the damage, the age of the building itself and other factors.

Causes of destruction

Violation of the structural solidity of brick walls is caused by various circumstances. The main cause of destruction is the shrinkage of the structure. A year or two after construction, the structure shrinks. Accordingly, restoration of the brickwork of the new building will be required in any case.

The walls exert a certain pressure on the foundation. This causes its deformation over time, which, in turn, negatively affects the condition of the base: a crack appears. She goes higher, destroying the wall.

Weather conditions are of no small importance. With constant exposure to precipitation, a small crack increases in size.

Another cause of destruction is wall deflection. It occurs as a result of increased pressure in the ceilings and vaults of the building. In such a situation, experts recommend first determining the exact cause of the damage, and then deciding whether to restore the brickwork. The price per m2 of wall can reach a significant amount. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the economic feasibility of restoration work.

Counter drilling

Among all the methods of restoring brickwork, this method is considered the most reliable and cheapest.

Restoring the wall is as follows. At a certain level, holes are made using a chain or in a checkerboard pattern at a given distance. In thick walls they are drilled on both sides opposite each other. The holes are filled with a hydrophobic solution (liquid or creamy). To restore the statics of the masonry, a mineral suspension is added.

Partial parsing

As the name suggests, this brickwork restoration technology involves dismantling the damaged section of the wall. Waterproofing is laid in it and covered with new bricks.

The disadvantage of this method is the high cost and excessive consumption of material.

Microwave dehumidification

A microwave field is created in the wall using an autonomous electrical system. It ensures the conversion of moisture into steam, which escapes through the capillaries. Different-pole electrodes are inserted into the wall and the ground, to which current is supplied.

This method allows you to remove excess moisture from the masonry and prevent further destruction.

Saw method

This method of restoring brickwork is considered the most expensive. Its essence is as follows.

The masonry is sawn horizontally. The resulting opening is filled with waterproofing material, and the gaps are filled with mineral suspensions that help restore the statics of the masonry.

The disadvantage of this method is the frequent incompatibility of suspensions with old masonry. This leads to stratification of the compositions.

Laboratory research

This stage is one of the mandatory stages in the process of restoration of brickwork.

For analysis, samples are taken from different sections of the wall. They are examined for the presence of sulfates, nitrates, moisture and salts.

During a visual inspection, it is not always possible to detect water in the capillaries of a masonry. For laboratory testing, samples from at least three sites are required. They are studied and the percentage of water in each is determined, then the results are compared. If the indicators are high, a cutoff is made.

The salt content is examined in a similar way. If their high content is detected, measures are taken to eliminate their negative impact on the wall.

In addition to surface cleaning, cupping is also performed. It involves converting salts into an insoluble form. In this case, a special chemical treatment is carried out. It allows you to stop the hygroscopic swelling of salt, which prevents it from reaching the surface of the masonry and destroying the wall.

If the salinity level is very high, light porous solutions are used. The compositions are applied directly to the masonry. Their task is to draw out salts, after which the solutions are knocked off the wall and thrown away. Then repeat laboratory tests are done. If the salt content has not decreased sufficiently, the solution is applied again. If their number has decreased, move on to the next stage of recovery.


It is carried out during the restoration of seams in brickwork. Injection is performed with mineral, epoxy or polyurethane compounds that do not allow moisture to pass through. The choice of a specific composition is influenced by the condition of the masonry, load and humidity.

Organosilicon mixtures are considered the most suitable for restoration. Kerosene or white spirit is used as a solvent.

The crack is plugged and the composition is injected under pressure. The solutions are viscous and penetrate into small crevices.

To prevent delamination of the composition, fine sand is added to it. Otherwise, only the liquid component will penetrate into the depth of the crack, and the base will remain at the top.

Important points

It happens that during restoration it is necessary to preserve old materials, for example, if work is carried out with historical masonry. In such cases, weak points must be identified by visual inspection. After this, the degree of strength of the materials is determined in a laboratory manner. If its value is low, the wall is strengthened with solutions containing silicon.

The brick is restored using restoration mortars, and the seams are restored using special sutures. They must match the samples in strength, grain size and color. The necessary parameters are determined during laboratory tests.


Restorative and suture compounds come in three types:

  1. Lime based.
  2. Cement-containing.
  3. Acrylic.

The choice of a specific solution is influenced by the strength of the masonry, as well as the requirements for the object.

Epoxy and polyurethane compounds are used quite rarely in practice. Lime mixed with sand is used to restore the walls of old buildings. If such masonry contains seams and bricks of different colors, color imitation is allowed. For this, azures with the addition of dyes are used.

Modern technologies make it possible to restore masonry for at least 10 years. Creamy or liquid water-repellent agents based on silane-siloxane are used as preservatives. Silicone compounds and siliconates are used less frequently. Creamy water repellents are considered the most effective.

DIY brickwork restoration

To restore the surface you will need the following tools:

  • Drill.
  • Hammer.
  • Chisel.
  • Hammer.
  • Trowel.
  • Wire brush.

Before starting work, it is necessary to fix the wall.

The technology for restoring brickwork with your own hands is as follows.

Using a drill with a special attachment, the bricks to be removed and adjacent seams are cut.

The joints along the perimeter of the destroyed brick are knocked down with a hammer and chisel. In this case, you should act carefully so as not to damage adjacent intact masonry elements. They need to be carefully cleaned of the old solution. The bricks are first moistened with water.

The mortar should be laid out on all sides of the hole formed by the removed bricks. The layer of the composition is at least 2 cm. Whole bricks are soaked in water and coated with the solution on all contact parts. They are inserted in place of the removed damaged elements.

To shrink them into the holes, lightly tap them with the handle of a trowel.

The supports and other fasteners can be removed after the work is complete.

Restoration of brickwork: prices

Today, many companies offer their services in the field of repair. Their cost, of course, varies in each region.

As a rule, companies offer comprehensive services for structural bonding of formed cracks, strengthening of masonry, and installation of cutoffs. Their cost is formed from the price of work and materials. The first, in turn, depends on the volume and labor intensity of restoration measures. The cost of the material is calculated based on its quantity and unit price, taking into account delivery to the site.

Currently, in most cases, an injectable (injected) composition is used for restoration. His choice is determined by the goals of recovery and the degree of complexity of the problem that has arisen. The more pores and cracks in the masonry, the more material and working time is naturally needed.

In addition, the formation of the cost of work is influenced by such factors as:

  • The need for masonry reinforcement.
  • Working conditions.
  • Height of the building.
  • The need to heat the work area.
  • Remoteness of the object.
  • The need to deliver restoration material from another region (on order).
  • Additional costs (transportation costs, etc.).

In St. Petersburg, for example, the average prices for restoration activities are as follows:

Types of work

Unit measurements

Price (RUB)

Strengthening masonry by injection

Anti-capillary (cut-off) waterproofing device

Application in layers up to 3 cm

Preparatory work:

  • cutting down masonry (depth 20 mm);
  • applying repair composition (plastering)


kg dry solution

Filling cracks with restoration mortar

High Precision Cementing

Preparatory work (cleaning, dust removal, degreasing)


kg dry solution

As you can see, the cost of the entire complex of work can be quite high. However, additional costs may be required for laboratory tests.

In case of significant damage to the masonry, it is better to contact a professional. If the cracks are small, then it is quite possible to cope on your own. This, however, does not apply to buildings with historical masonry. The fact is that for its restoration it is necessary to have certain experience and knowledge. In addition, laboratory tests cannot be avoided.