Essay on the topic of such a different soul. The soul and its role (School essays). Several interesting essays

Soul and mind

It is surprising that in all of world literature the most piercing, most stunning images of people with a beautiful soul are necessarily associated with the fact that they are mentally disabled. Such is Cervantes' Don Quixote, Prince Myshkin in Dostoevsky's "The Idiot", such are Gogol's "Old World Landowners" simple soul"Flaubert, Gerasim in Turgenev's Mumu, Matryona in Solzhenitsyn's Matryona's Court.

Is it not about them that Scripture says that the poor in spirit will be the first to enter the kingdom of heaven? But why exactly are they so attractive? Is it because a normal developed mind has the ability to defend itself? No matter what we say, a developed mind primarily develops for self-defense. In addition, with the many questions that arise in it, it involuntarily distracts the soul from its main task.

And only these people, unarmed and helpless, like children thrown into our animal world, create the only thing they can: love, goodness. And they are doomed to die. And here we, so to speak, mentally competent people, shocked and straightened up, at least for a while, realize that it was they who best fulfilled the main purpose of man in this world - to do good. And if this is so, they were the smartest people - the mind of the heart.

In this case, glory to the mind of the writers who created the images of these people, as a sign of admiration for them, as a sign of the non-vainness and non-vainness of their mind.


One day while I was taking a bath, I was thinking about an article I had read the night before. The author wrote that with any head injuries, the area in charge of higher mental activity, which is least dependent on physiology, suffers the least. She is the last one to refuse a dying person.

I was so carried away by the analysis of this article that I suddenly slipped, turned over, flew out of the bathtub and, hitting my head against the wall, lost consciousness.

I'm gradually coming to my senses. There is a roar in my head that turns into a ringing. I'm sitting in the bathroom, my back leaning against the wall. I hear a roar, gradually turning into a ringing. It seems to me that a huge hall is roaring, and I am a boxer who has received a knockout. The first thing I realized was that the referee should not count this blow because I received a blow to the back of the head. In boxing, such a blow is prohibited, and the referee must fine my opponent.

I finally come to my senses. There is a ringing in my head and the back of my head hurts a lot. The back of my head hit the wall. But that means that in the delirious scene that I dreamed, I correctly identified the place where I received the blow. This means that the author of the article is right.

Continuing to be amazed by the article, I somehow got up, dried myself and got dressed. My head still hurts and my whole body feels weak. And that evening I was supposed to perform in a club. It was inconvenient to cancel, people will come. I decided to go anyway. I was invigorated by the memory of this article, although my head continued to hurt and my whole body felt weak.

I took two texts with me to read in front of the public. One text was more complex in intonation and content; I decided to read it even before the fall. But now I grabbed the second text. He was simpler. Just in case, I decided that if I felt that the first text would be difficult for me to read, I would read the second.

My wife and I went to the club. There were a lot of people. My head continued to hurt. I still decided to read the first text. I'm reading. Got carried away. After about ten minutes I felt that my head stopped hurting. I got even more carried away. The audience listens attentively: laughs where necessary, remains silent where necessary. I read for over an hour.

Overall, the evening went well. Then my wife told me that I had never read so well. But this, of course, is due to the excitement before the reading: I’ll suddenly crash and lose consciousness. But the author of the article turned out to be right, apparently. Three days have passed since then, and I don’t feel any consequences of the fall, except for this note. But it is up to the readers to judge this; however, for the purity of the experiment, it is preferable for those who themselves did not hit their heads against the wall.

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Soul and Spirit First, I will hypothesize that in a person there are two instances, two clots of the biofield: the Soul and a less perfect instance - something similar to a powerful computer. Saint Luke, by the way, an outstanding Soviet doctor, called it the Spirit, let us have this computer

Essay... about the Soul...

We often use the word soul... And what do we know about this concept... image..., word...?
They usually say, well, you can’t explain what it is, but you feel it, it’s true! And here, I confess to you, I am at a loss...
Let's first try to determine when and in what cases this word is used...?
Sing with the soul (or with the soul)..., The soul hurts and cries...,
Soul connection... Said soulfully... I don’t like this...
The soul sank into the heels... Heartfelt conversation...,
Kindred souls..., Heartbreaking...,
The soul turns back..., The soul asks..., The soul sings (flies)...
The soul can't stand it... The soul aches...
songs: “I may not be beautiful on the outside, but I’m certainly beautiful in soul...”
"The soul of man fears the meeting with the soul of the universe..." Victor Hugo
And so on, everyone can continue...
What qualities are inherent in the soul, judging by the previous examples?
It turns out that she is a certain organ, or a spiritual symbol inherent to it, something that feels..., but not with our usual 5 senses, but in a slightly different way...? Can we designate a corresponding organ in the human body that would adequately define the soul? And where is her abode, so to speak? Maybe it belongs to the mind (this is unlikely...)? Perhaps she is something in our consciousness?
Of course, it would be nice to also define what our consciousness is? But let’s imagine that everyone understands what consciousness is! It seems that this will be even purer than our question about the soul... However, let's leave everything as it is... Let's talk about consciousness later..., someday...
The mind, by the way, also needs to find its own definition..., in short, the further into the forest the correspondingly more firewood...!
But let's focus on the soul...
Both in life and in literature, the image of the soul is used unlimitedly and constantly from generation to generation, from century to century...
For example, the soul can fly, i.e. move in space..., sing - i.e. has a certain voice, it is not heard, but everyone seems to understand it (voice). Next - come into contact with other souls and even understand each other! It can also reject other souls; it can be disgusting, boring, unbearable, joyful and fun for her.
She can get sick, like any organ in the human body, and then suddenly get better! Complete miracles with this very soul!
But to touch her..., excuse me, move..., alas...!
But let's turn, for example... to popular encyclopedias.

Wikipedia - who knows what, but still...
Soul (from Old Russian dѹsha) (Greek ψυχή, Lat. anima) is a complex concept from the field of philosophy and religion.
According to many idealistic, dualistic philosophies and religious movements, soul is an immortal substance, an immaterial entity in which it is expressed divine nature his personality, which gives rise to and conditions life, the abilities of sensation, thinking, consciousness, feelings and will, contrasted with the body.
According to Plato, the soul is immortal and immaterial and precedes existence in the physical body. Before a person is born, the soul contemplates ideas in the immaterial world, and after it moves into the body, it “forgets” them. Hence Plato’s judgment that all knowledge is just memory forgotten ideas, known by the soul before birth. Aristotle calls it the first entelechy of the viable body; only the rational soul of a person (spirit) can be separated from the body and is immortal.
Herbert Spencer in 1855 developed the doctrine of the soul...
In 1863, Wilhelm Wundt gave lectures on the history of the development of the human soul and the soul of animals. Wundt outlined the problems of psychogenesis in his works.
Due to the fact that the soul is understood as a substance, the properties of the finest substance found in the blood are first attributed to it, as was the case with the majority of pre-Socratics in Greek philosophy (Empedocles, Anaxagoras, Democritus)
From Plato's point of view, the soul and body exist separately from each other, while for Aristotle (“all natural bodies are instruments of the soul”) they are inextricably interconnected.
For modern psychology, the soul is the bearer of the unconscious and the expression of those structural qualities (see Gestalt qualities) of the microcosm that impart to its parts (individual and specific) positions, importance and their dynamics (animation).
After the ancient period, Schopenhauer, Kant and Hegel again turned to the study of the soul. In the twentieth century, the prevailing tendency is to interpret the soul as a mystical concept, despite the work of such scientists as: Brentano, Freud (with the concept of the id), Jung, Jaspers and Gabriel Marcel, who argue that every person experiences impulses and creative life aspirations within himself, not directly related to the sphere of reason.
In the Talmud, the soul is described as an entity independent of the body, as that part of a person that is directly created by God. By its nature, the soul is immaculate, and the evil in man is explained by the fact that along with the good principle, which strives for good (yetzer ha-tov), ​​there is also a negative principle in man - prone to evil (yetzer ha-ra). The soul spiritualizes the body and controls it; just as God fills the Universe, but remains invisible, so the soul fills the human body, while itself remaining invisible.
In the teachings of Kabbalah, the soul is thought of as a spiritual essence, originating in higher mind or the world soul and arising as an emanation of the latter. The descent of the soul into the body is determined by its nature: it must unite with the body in order to, having fulfilled its purpose in earthly life, return to the world of pure light - God.
The essence of a person is something completely different, not visible and not felt, because it is a spiritual essence, embodied in a hidden form inside the body. And this is the “I” of a person. This “I” of man, which is the body with all its contents, is considered the property of this “I”, spiritual and eternal.

Most Christian denominations are characterized by the idea of ​​the soul as an immortal, immaterial essence of man created by God, the bearer of reason, feelings and will (the so-called trinity of the soul), an integral part of which in man is the uncreated spirit. After the death of a person’s body, the soul, according to these ideas, continues a fully conscious existence, and its further fate is determined by God at the judgment (first preliminary, then the Last Judgment), and the further place of residence of the soul is either heaven or hell. The Roman Catholic Church, in addition, has a doctrine of purgatory.
The doctrine of the immortality of the soul is an integral part of the doctrine of all Christian denominations, with the exception of Seventh-day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses and some few denominations.
In Christianity, the concept of “soul” is inextricably linked with the concept of salvation. The salvation of the soul means the salvation of a person from eternal punishment for sin (in hell or fiery gehenna). Salvation is achieved through faith in the death and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ and repentance before God. Most Christians believe that after the resurrection of the dead, the souls of saved people will be reunited with their bodies and in these bodies will receive eternal life.
Buddhists used the word “atman” for the soul. According to “anatmavada” or the fundamental Buddhist doctrine of “no soul”, Buddhism denies the existence of “atman”, soul or self, and believes that belief in the existence of atman leads to delusion and is the main cause of all suffering.
In 1901, the American physician Duncan McDougall conducted a series of experiments on “direct weighing of the soul” in accordance with the scientific methodology of his time. (got weight loss from
15 - up to 35 gr.) - 6 experiments.
Guys... and this is just Wikipedia..., let alone the Encyclopedia Britannica or the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia..., not to mention the mountains of philosophical works on this topic...!!!
Well, it’s always like this, you start digging... but there’s no end in sight...
But I have a question, many agree that the soul has a divine origin!? What happens if from the divine, that is, obviously: the absolute, perfect, limitless - we get a part that hurts and groans and can even sink into our heels on occasion..., but at the same time it is immortal, immaculate, its essence - spiritual... but it can be weighed in grams!? And I forgot to say - it can develop!
George Gurdjieff noted that after his birth a person needs to grow his (soul), otherwise... everything disintegrates, like the body, into molecular components...
Moreover, not to forget, after death the soul is “judged” - and who... turns out to be GOD himself...!? This is what happens, the most perfect, “splitting off” a piece of itself and breathing it into a person - gives a person the opportunity to spoil it... And this immortal part, depending on the behavior of a person on our “sinful” earth (there are generally a lot of questions here ?!) may spoil!!! Obviously, something can ruin it!
And dad, the spiritual one, looks from the side, well, like an observer..., and thinks to himself, it’s interesting, well, this red-haired and curly-haired one will swim out or not, although in general he should know this in advance...!
Something doesn’t stick here, it doesn’t grow together...
Eckhart Tolle has a concept - “Existence” and “Personality”...
Let me reason based on these two concepts...
This is based on Tolle, but also on myself...
Existence is that which is given to man from a part of Existence, Divine, Being, it is eternal and unchangeable, like the Whole from which it comes... It cannot be spoiled, it does not suffer and does not cry..., it is present.. ., and with its presence allows everything living and non-living to be and exist, because all this diversity of the world is from the Whole... Without Existence, nothing in the world can exist and manifest itself in the world, without Existence there is nothing, its absence is absence not only in the physical, mental world, but also in the world of ideas and spiritual... There is no Existence - there is no Consciousness, and therefore everything else that is our world...
Existence is like a float, it doesn’t pull you towards the shore, it doesn’t float towards the boat, but it won’t let you drown, in any case, even if you choke on the wave...
In the spiritual world, Existence has a quality - a certain high frequency, inherent also in the whole “Whole” - Being...
Now let's talk about "Personality". This category is a category nurtured by civilization as a whole and the society surrounding a person, family, school, church, politics, morality of a given society... All this shapes the personality, at the same time adapting it to a comfortable existence in our civilization...
Due to the above, this “Personality” can certainly be characterized by all sorts of qualities, both negative and positive (from the point of view of the society that raised this personality).
Here she (personality) - in my opinion, can: possess all the qualities, as was shown earlier - inherent in the human soul!
This person is in turmoil, singing, indignant, flying, and so on and so forth...
So, the frequency component of the “Personality” is usually lower than the frequency component of the “Existence” and the task of each “Personality” is to become equal in its frequency component to the “Existence” - in this case, the Human Soul (consisting of the Existence and the Personality) - becomes perfect and it there is no longer a need to go through new lives (reincarnation) in order to merge with the Existing One in frequency - i.e. become equal with the Whole, Being.
That freedom of choice, which is gifted by Being to man, is necessary for him so that he has the opportunity to consciously choose his own in transcending himself, gaining awareness, which allows him to instantly connect the “Personality” with the “Existence”, without that tedious pushing in each reincarnation (life - death )through suffering and deprivation...
There are only two paths to perfection and the “Whole”, either through suffering or through enlightenment, there is no third option...
Our path (Tao) is not determined by us, but how to go through it is entirely up to us...
What about the Soul...?
Need to be continued...

P.s. a miniature experience of representation... that does not pretend to be complete and, especially, true...

Example OGE essays 9.3 (15.3) according to the text by N.S. Leskova“According to his custom, Bobrov, the housekeeper, was a homebody.”

How do you understand the meaning of the word SOUTHERNESS? Write an essay-discussion on the topic " What kind of person can be called soulful? "


Sincerity is a rare quality of a person, which consists of kindness, mercy, the ability to empathize and perceive the adversity of other people as one’s own. A sincere person is someone who treats all people kindly, without exception, and tries to put himself in the place of these people. A sincere person is the hero of Leskov’s text, Andrei Petrovich. He is the housekeeper of the cadet school, beloved by the students, who, for all his deliberate severity, in fact always pitied his students. The author describes him as a compassionate person who even broke the rules if he could not do otherwise. He fed the guilty cadets who were put on bread and water, and when he had to scold someone, after that he always encouraged and consoled the punished. Such a person can certainly be called “spiritual.” This quality of his could not go unnoticed: “the cadets loved him,” they even carried him in their arms. This example proves that sincerity is a wonderful quality. People around him treat a sincere person with warmth.

The hero of the story of the same name by A.P. can also be called soulful. Platonov Yushka. He has a huge heart, in which there is a place for every blade of grass that he is in no hurry to pluck, and for every boy who threw a stone at him, and for the orphan to whom he gives all his money so that she can receive an education.

Thus, we can conclude that sincerity is the highest manifestation of goodness in a person. This quality makes a person special, others are drawn to a sincere person, and he, in turn, makes people better by giving them an example of philanthropy and kindness.

We seem to ourselves to be dense, impenetrable objects, but this is not so. External factors influence internal processes. And yet we maintain our integrity. Our body is constantly being renewed: some cells die, others are born. And yet we maintain our integrity. What is the reason for this integrity? Of course, by the presence of the soul.
Genetics will object to me: the integrity of the body is determined by the gene code. But why does the gene code work this way and not otherwise? Why does it even work? His work is supported by the presence of the soul. Can we somehow feel our soul? Of course. The soul is our sense of self. There is nothing bad or reprehensible in this feeling. In the pure sense of self there is not even egoism. This is a natural feeling. This feeling in its flowering is self-awareness. This feeling in its culmination is the awareness of Absolute Consciousness, that is, God. Everyone has their own sense of self and everyone has the same feeling: people, animals, plants and stones. On planets, quasars, etc. What separates us also unites us in the complex and majestic symphony of Life.
The soul is not some abstract principle like Plato’s “idea”. And at the same time, the soul is connected with the body, like a thought with its verbal expression. Is thought material? There is an opinion that to a certain extent it is material. We say that a thought “visits”, “comes to mind.” Who knows, maybe there is some reality behind these figurative expressions. In any case, there is no doubt that thought has an influence, sometimes enormous. It is also certain that thought precedes its verbal expression. This is how the soul precedes and surpasses its physical incarnation. We can say that the soul creates the body in its own image and likeness. It may be objected to me that then we would all be as beautiful as angels. But ideas about beauty in different eras among different peoples are very different. They are different even among representatives of the same era and the same people. In addition, souls, like living beings, are endowed with different abilities: some are less talented, others are more talented. The degree of giftedness probably depends on the purity of the channel connecting the soul with its Creator, in whose image and likeness it was created. The soul of Jesus Christ was a genius: it managed to resurrect its physical shell after that personal apocalypse, which we call “death.” But our souls are also talented, if only because they resurrect our bodies every morning after a small death called “dream” (those who don’t dream will understand me).
With a slight degree of convention, we can say that the soul is a particle of God in each of us. The convention is that the soul and God are actually not separate from each other. At the same time, the soul has real free will. We are one in God, this is conciliarity. Conciliarity at the level of physical units is a crowd (football fans, religious fanatics - it doesn’t matter). Despite the unity of souls in God, each soul is an individual. Individuality has properties. On the one hand, inherent in everyone (which creates the opportunity for communication), on the other hand, inherent only in it (which ensures its uniqueness). Is the soul subject to evolution? Yes and no. No, because the soul initially has everything you need. Yes, because what is in the soul initially must manifest itself, unfolding in time.
Is the soul susceptible to evil? Yes and no. Yes, because the soul is connected with the physical shell, whose nature is, so to speak, lower than the nature of the soul, and the intentions of this lower nature can be negative. But, since evil (unlike good) has no substance, it passes through the soul without distorting it. So the reflection in the mirror does not change the nature of the mirror. The soul, by definition, cannot be sinful. No matter what happens to her and no matter how she acts, she remains a particle of God. And since the soul is a particle of God, it is free from death.

Each of us sooner or later asks the question: what is the human soul? They say you need to look into your eyes and see your soul. After all, the eyes are the mirror of the soul.

And what will we see inside?

It seems to me that all the actions that people perform come from the soul. This way we can understand the inner world and evaluate a person’s actions. People who are filled with kindness have a beautiful soul.

Their main qualities: mercy, understanding, sympathy, love and respect for others. They try to listen and help everyone. And they do this for free

Just at the behest of the soul.

This is how they feel and this is how they live. With their participation, they bring joy and hope into the lives of those around them. When you look at the actions of such people, you understand that our world has a future.

Angry, envious, dishonest people are common these days. I can call them soulless or people with ugly souls. Why are they like this?

I think there are many reasons for this. One of them is education. After all, it is from infancy that parents instill in us those values ​​that will benefit peace and prosperity. Every mother or father wants their child to grow up to be a “human being.”

And if there is no love in a family or no desire to raise a worthy citizen, soulless people grow up. I think this is very bad and wrong. It turns out that for some reason a bright soul is lost.

But this is how our world is. We face good and evil, bad and good people. But I believe that there are more people with beautiful souls.

I often hear on TV how people help each other in difficult situations, save lives, protect animals, our nature. Mutual assistance and support is very important. I believe that people can change and the soul can be reborn into a good one.

Everyone needs to prove this by personal example.

I believe that kindness will save the world, because we are a big family.

Essay on the topic What is the Human Soul?

The unrecognized, invisible, intangible part of a person. For thousands of years, the world's minds have been arguing about what the soul is! Is this God's Gift or a banal awareness of oneself as a person with an emotional background?

Many reject this reality and repeat publicly that the soul is a myth and fiction. Taking apart human body piece by piece, professors and doctors with grins on their faces claim that they have not yet found an organ called “soul” in our body. And while a person lives a calm and measured life, he does not think about whether he has it.

But as soon as something extraordinary happens, something that makes the heart beat twice as fast, tears flow in an endless stream, then everyone, even the most fanatical skeptics, asks the question: what makes me worry and empathize so much? Conscience, understanding of the complexity of the issue or soul? There are a lot of questions, even more opinions.

And not everyone, if anyone at all, can find the truth.

A soulless person cannot sympathize, he laughs in the face of grief, he is selfish and simple. A person with a soul will never refuse to help those in need, will always let someone else’s grief pass through his heart and will try to help society. This is how the soul is commonly understood among ordinary people.

It’s just that life adjusts many things to suit itself in a way that suits it, because in fact, the human soul is a divine and natural concept. An immortal substance that every person is endowed with so that after his earthly life he continues to live in the immaterial world. But who cares about that now? After all, a large percentage of the world’s population now does not believe in God at all and the soul is not an object of increased attention for them.

No one cares about it; it is perceived, if accepted at all, as something akin to the stomach or liver in their bodies.

And as soon as something extraordinary happens: love, the death of a loved one, a catastrophe, people all over the world are struck by millions of levels of humanity, everyone, as one, clutches their chest and cannot understand what? What makes them feel the pain of thousands and thousands of strangers, strangers to them? Of course, everyone knows how Wi-Fi works, but no one knows how the human soul works or considers it necessary not to find out.

The whole world is in touch 24 hours a day, this is how nature created us, and when you watch news about wars, when you watch videos on the Internet about how animals in Africa are suffering from drought, a person’s long-lost soul turns on, what is the most valuable in life, something that unites billions of people.

But modern life shamelessly devalued this gift.

8th grade. Philosophy