Frau Merkel naked. Autobiographical selection of photographs of Angela Merkel (32 photos). Personal life: family and children

I advise you to take a closer look at his works. In addition to pleasure, you will receive a good dose of clarity and understanding of what is happening and what happened.

I thought and thought and decided to make, out of harm’s way, two proactive remarks.

Firstly: 18+.

Secondly: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

In! - said Azadovsky, raising up thumb.

- Looks just right. What are you striving for? Just don’t go into treason,

don't think we're crazy here. I personally don’t give a damn about all this,

but if you want to be in our business, you can’t do without it. Briefly speaking,

I’ll roughly explain everything to you right now, but in more detail,

Then you’ll ask our chief, he’ll come over now. You, most importantly,

Take everything easier, calmer. Did you go to pioneer camps?

“I went,” Tatarsky answered, noting to himself this “main thing.”

Did you have a Neptune Day there? When was everyone dipped into the water?

So consider that this is the same Neptune Day. Tradition.

V. Pelevin.

In April 2013, a leak was made to the world media. Senseless and merciless, like a Russian riot. A photograph of three naked girls has gone viral across tabloid tabloids and banana-lemon websites. The piquancy of the situation was that one of the naked graces in appearance resembled the Federal Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, to the point of merging.

If you were already using the Internet in 2013, then this picture could not pass you by (Merkel on the left).

The legend that accompanied this photo said that it really was Frau Merkel. Still young. Not yet chancellor. In the process of allegedly relaxing on a nudist beach.

The authorship of the photo, as well as the date, place and circumstances of the shooting were not reported. The identities of the girls accompanying the future chancellor on a nudist holiday were also not established. And the most important thing is that no one understood the reasons and purposes of this stuffing!

It was clearly impossible to discredit Merkel with this photo. In Germany, nudism is the norm. There, on the contrary, no one imagines other forms of beach holidays (I remember how the Germans made fun of our changing cabins on the beach in Albena). This photo not only could not undermine Merkel’s reputation, but was not even capable of surprising anyone.

The interests of the owner of the image, however, could lie not in the political, but in a purely financial sphere. Simply put, it is possible that the beach paparazzi simply felt the need for money and decided to sell scandalous photo. But this does not characterize him as an intelligent person.

By the time the photo was published, Merkel had already been chancellor with reinforced concrete positions for seven years. Interest in any person naturally fades over such a period of time and, accordingly, intimate details are proportionally devalued. If an anonymous photographer wanted to make money from his photo, it would have to be sold at the peak of interest in Merkel, at the stage of the election campaign or in her first year as chancellor. Hot on our heels, so to speak. So far, what is called a news story in journalistic circles has not lost its relevance.

And, of course, it should have been sold for profit not to a shabby Turkish photo hosting site, but to some more serious editorial office, fortunately, hunters for fried sensations are now a dime a dozen both on the Internet and off it.

Having considered both motives, experts had to admit that neither politics nor finance were a sufficient driving force for carrying out such a stuffing at this particular time.

The official investigation, as often happens, raised more questions than it answered. It seems that the author of the photo and the initiator of the scandal were found - he turned out to be someone Stefanos Theofanakis. They found, as is now customary, not him himself, but a Facebook account (obviously fake).

The investigation, however, seemed to even lead to personal contact with the suspect Theofanakis, and he revealed that he was a Greek living in Amsterdam, and that he took the desired photograph back in the 1960s...

The lies of the fake Facebook Hellenic are destroyed with one click. Angela Dorothea Merkel (née Kasner) was born on July 17, 1954. In 1960 she was 6 years old; in 1969 - 15. Merkel in the picture is clearly not six years old. Yes, and not fifteen... She is about thirty there, that is, the picture was taken not in the 1960s, but in the 1980s, at least! I did not study the further testimony of the defendant Theofanakis, because I realized that this was clearly a false trail, along which someone was very persistently trying to lead the interested public in order to create even more fog around the already murky situation with the beach photo.

In a word, then I realized that it was time to close the laptop, take a magnifying glass and start figuring out the problem myself. So…

In the German-speaking segment of the Internet, the desired photo is searched using the tag “Die nackte Kanzlerin”. In our Palestines, the search engine responds more relevantly to the query “Merkel in her youth on the beach.”

Have you already noticed how persistently the idea of ​​a nudist beach is drummed into us? On the one hand, where else could Merkel and her friends parade in a negligee? on the other hand, crucify me, but I don’t see the beach in this photo!

Some kind of coastline in this photo is definitely implied, but it’s not in the frame! And what is behind the photographer - a nudist beach or a Hamburg cargo port - we can only guess. Yes, even if this is a beach, it is somehow quite deserted - not a single swimmer is visible in the water behind the backs of our beauties.

However, we have nothing to blame the unknown photographer for. It’s just that at the time of shooting he was focused on other details, much more global. From a mystical point of view, the location for filming was chosen, if not ideally, then close to it! The frame captured the point of convergence of three elements - water, earth and air. The only thing missing is fire; so I wouldn’t be surprised if I found out that a ritual theft was blazing behind the photographer’s back.

What else do we see?

Three naked women move along a fragile bridge from water to land. A bridge is a symbol of transition. In the photograph being studied, the bridge does not connect the banks, but starts from the water. Such a bridge symbolizes not a transition, but a rebirth - a person, as it were, emerged from the water (was born again), plunged into the air and went to land (changed three elements at a time).

I don’t know anything about photography, all these filters and photoshops are a dark forest for me, but even my knowledge is enough to understand that, supposedly, an accidental fleeting photograph was taken not by a voyeur who jumped out of the bushes, but by a strong professional. The photograph conveys the dynamics of the girls’ movement, but not a single detail is blurred, no one closed their eyes at the wrong time or made a ridiculous face. All three models know they are being photographed and pose with ease. And the photographer confidently holds his instrument - the horizon is not blocked, shadows are kept to a minimum, the figures are in the center of the frame with sniper precision... that is, it is possible that this is generally shooting from a tripod.

Another point speaks about the staged nature of the photo. The most obvious one. And precisely because of its obviousness, it was not noticed by any of the experts! None of the girls in this photo were in the water! None of them have a drop of moisture on their skin. They all have dry hair. And not only on the head, but also below.

This is what undines just got out of the water look like, shot in “spy camera” mode (compare with the previous photo).

But what then were these three conventional “nudists” doing on the walkways jutting into the sea? Did you stand, smoke, spit the bulls into the water and go back? Or did they end up in the water, and then after a few runs, while the photographer was making his takes, managed to dry out?

In my opinion, stop guessing – it’s time to voice your own version.

Somewhere in the 1980s, Angela Merkel underwent a certain ritual. The ritual essentially boiled down to purification or even rebirth. Both required ritual nudity from the participants.

For obvious reasons, the ceremony itself could not be captured on photo or video. Therefore, to document the fact that it took place, apparently right the next morning after the cleansing night, a staged photo shoot was organized, where the key attributes of the magical action performed were reconstructed in a veiled form (the border of the elements; ritual (not nudist) nudity; the bridge - as symbol of transition/birth in a new quality).

This photo was taken intentionally. And not with the goal of tarnishing Merkel’s reputation in the distant chancellor’s future, but quite the opposite - in order to show urbi et orbi strong evidence of her dedication in due time.

That's not all!

If I correctly determined Merkel’s age in the “nudist” photograph, then it was after this ritual that two changes occurred in her life.

Firstly, her career skyrocketed uncontrollably. First, someone very authoritative recommended that political heavyweight Helmut Kohl take her on as an intern on his team - and he asked in such a way that Kohl could not refuse; then at 36 she became the youngest minister of the federal government; well, and, in the end, she took the highest post of Federal Germany, becoming the first female chancellor in history.

And, secondly, she began to develop her own “signature” style. Or rather, not even a style, but a manner of holding the body: a slightly tilted body forward, arms half-bent at the elbows, hands lower than the solar plexus and a characteristic diamond-shaped interlocking of fingers.

Internet wits even launched a meme about this: “Be careful with superglue, Frau Merkel!”

Merkel's pose has become an even more recognizable brand than Hitler's mustache. But if in order to grow a mustache it is enough not to shave for a week, then in order for the body to consolidate the dynamic stereotype at the reflex level, years of training according to Pavlov’s system are necessary.

And even among people from conspiracy theories and other distant mystics, doubts began to creep into their souls - was Merkel giving non-verbal signs to someone?

And again, false directions were given to the curious public. The first version said that Merkel was depicting an inverted pyramid; the authors of the second saw a vigilant eye in the combination of her fingers. In a word, no matter where you went, you had to follow the Masonic trail everywhere.

I have already spoken about the Freemasons somewhere. They definitely exist and quite successfully carry out their behind-the-scenes intrigues, but the wide publicity, if not unhealthy popularization of their activities, suggests that initially they are just an element of a “cover operation”; a screen that, with its stormy activity, distracts the public's eyes from something disproportionately more important.

So the Freemasons have nothing to do with the signs that Merkel broadcasts. And, if they do, it is extremely distant and indirect. The tips of the thumbs and index fingers of the hands placed on the stomach, touching, symbolize the uterus. The uterus is not in the anatomical sense, but in a broader sense - the womb, the receptacle.

Freudian psychologists commented on this symbol in their own way. They say that childless Merkel subconsciously yearns for unrealized motherhood. For mercy, we have catastrophic crowds of childless women - go to any reproduction or IVF center and find me there, in line, at least one visitor clasping her hands in the symbol of the uterus!

But Merkel’s childlessness should be viewed from the exact opposite perspective - is it not ritual? Isn't this some kind of celibacy? Let me remind you that our heroine was already a federal minister at the age of 36! Do you believe that the federal minister of a country with the best medicine in the world did not have the opportunity to cure infertility or perform in vitro fertilization? I am a doctor by training and I don’t believe it!

Merkel does not have children not for health reasons, but for the same reason that the Pope does not have them - she is not entitled to them due to her status. By status, not a chancellor, but a priestess...

I have every reason to believe that Merkel is not just a priestess, but a priestess of a very high degree of dedication. And the sign of the womb or container that she constantly depicts shows that she fulfills the role of the Guardian. There is no point in demonstrating an empty container - if they signal about it, it means it is filled with something.

The closest analogue that came to my mind is Baba Yaga. Remember from whom in most fairy tales Ivan Tsarevich receives the treasure sword. From her - from Baba Yaga. She is the keeper of certain artifacts, which she does or does not give out to visiting seekers of brutal adventures. And the further fate of all the foolish Ivans depends only on her disposition towards them.

By the way, Baba Yaga has two sisters. The tales reflected the mystical tradition, according to which the main Guardian is assigned two assistants. After all, although they are priestesses, they are also people, and the death or incapacity of the main guardian should not lead to the loss of the relic, so he must... no, he should not, but must have backups. So, unobtrusively, we found out why the pseudo-nudist photo we are studying today shows exactly three girls, and not one, not two, or five.

The classic banner group consists of three people(standard bearer plus two assistants) and represents an ersatz priestly team guarding such a sacred object as the banner.

The only thing left to do is to find out what powers higher and unknown to us have entrusted to Angela Merkel to keep?

You know, this is not the first time I have been convinced that all these puzzles that current confessors of secret cults offer us are designed for people who did not study well at school and do not visit anything on the Internet except social networks. That's why they do everything they can to reduce the quality of education and the cultural and intellectual level of the population.

Why do you think Merkel is sticking out her pose so much? Yes, solely so that she – her pose, and not Merkel – could be recognized. But in order to find out, I repeat, you had to do well in school...

On the left is an image of a Sumerian priestess; on the right is our heroine - they are separated by 6000 years, but united by... well, you can see everything for yourself... even their hairstyles are similar!

There is nothing signature about Merkel's signature pose - it's the pose of a Sumerian priestess. Having identified the priestess, it was not difficult to identify the artifact she kept.

The ancient Sumerians obviously did not count on our mental abilities, and therefore captured everything they needed in one drawing. Or rather, not in the drawing, but in the print.

Sumerian cylinder seal and its imprint (the imprint was made incorrectly - the image should be read from a deer lying under a tree, which is a sign separating the beginning and end of the composition).

The imprint of this seal depicts a scene of a certain earthly ruler (a male figure with his head turned to the left) preparing for war. The goddess Inanna (Ishtar), the patroness of military ecstasy, hands him a spear (a spear is an offensive weapon, that is, a campaign of conquest is planned). The naked female figure in the Merkel pose behind the goddess is her priestess.

It is clear that the presence of the goddess could only be depicted in a drawing. In reality, she participated in the ritual hypothetically and her role was played by a priestess. She issued the sacred spear only for the period of hostilities, after which the king had to hand it back for safekeeping in the sanctuary. In principle, nothing complicated; such functionality can easily be combined with performing the duties of the chancellor of some small European country.

But if so, then the natural question is: where is the spear that Merkel should keep?

As they say in Odessa, I have them! As many as four pieces. And each of them claims the right to be called a “spear of fate.”

According to legend, composed already in deeply Christian times, the spear of fate is the weapon of the Roman centurion Longinus, with which he pierced the chest of the crucified Christ in order to ensure his death. Having been imbued with holy blood, the spear acquired magical properties, in particular, the ability to grant its owner invincibility in battle.

As I already said, there are now four candidates for the role of the spear of fate: Armenian, Krakow, Vatican and Viennese.

Almost everything is clear with the Armenian spear. You don’t have to be an expert on edged weapons to understand that this is not even the tip of a spear, but the top of some kind of pole or flagpole.

Armenian spear of fate.

The situation with the Krakow spear is even clearer - it is only a copy of the Vienna spear. Even the church does not deny this and it is not considered a sacred object, but “an object useful for performing prayers” - Catholics also have this status.

The Vatican also has its own spear of fate. It would seem, where should the original be stored, if not there! And the Vatican would use it to the fullest! Just imagine - the shrine of shrines; instrument of Christ's passion, washed by the blood of the Savior! This should be exhibited not even in St. Peter's Cathedral, but in the square in front of it. And there will be no end to those who want to venerate... But the Holy See prefers not to display its spear, and, in general, not to advertise it. There isn't even a photo of him on the Internet! If you want to shame a search engine that boasts that it can find everything, ask it for “photo of the Vatican spear”...

I only found this drawing of the Vatican Spear of Destiny; I would be grateful if someone would share his photo with me.

Judging by such a serious veil, the Vatican spear has its own Guardians and they do not need any Sumerian priestess to help.

The most publicized spear is the Viennese one. German chancellors have special feelings for him. One of Merkel’s predecessors, not yet a chancellor but an aspiring artist, according to his own recollections, found himself in front of a museum display case with this exhibit, fell into a trance and remained there for several hours until he was brought back to his senses by caretakers at the end of the working day.

That young man never became an artist, but became first chancellor and then Fuhrer. And having become the Fuhrer, he captured Austria and, in a solemn speech on the occasion of its annexation, stated that one of the goals of the entire adventure was to obtain the coveted spear.

Hitler surveys the imperial regalia at the Hofburg Palace (1938).

The spear (along with other treasures of the Austrian crown) was transported by special armored train from Vienna to Nuremberg; to the city where the attributes of power of the Holy Roman Emperors were kept. We must pay tribute that Hitler, to some extent, restored historical justice, because, from 962 to 1806, the spear actually belonged to them. It was taken to Vienna due to the threat of its capture by Napoleon, and there, taking advantage of the general confusion, the cunning Baron Gugel, who led the evacuation, sold it to the Habsburgs.

The miniature depicting the coronation of Henry II is the first reliable evidence of the Viennese spear of fate.

But his participation in the execution of Christ seems doubtful. It does not correspond either in shape or in metal composition to the standard pilums that were in service with the Roman legionnaires. The shape is a Viennese spear - so, in general, it’s pure assegai and I, I confess, I’m a sinner - quite long time even tried to prove his African origin. And the casket opened more than just...

Current state Viennese spear.

It turns out that the Viennese tip was broken in half in ancient times. They did not melt down or reforge it (apparently for fear that it would be magical power it will be lost), but they repaired it in the following way: they pulled the fragments together with wire and put silver plates on top.

Emperor Henry IV, having obtained somewhere a nail with which Jesus was allegedly nailed to the cross, ordered it to be implanted in the center of the tip. The next restoration was carried out by Emperor Charles V. By his time, the silver plates had become quite tarnished and he ordered gold plates to be placed on top of them.

And without all these overlays, nails and wires, the Viennese tip looks just like the spear of Inanna from the Sumerian seal we discussed above... well, or very similar e.

On the left is the spear of Inanna; on the right is the tip of a Viennese spear (1) with the plates removed (2) and the sacred nail removed from the center (3).

Let's bend our fingers: the similarity between the Sumerian priestess from the seal and Merkel's standard pose is obvious - this time. The similarity between the spear of Inanna and the Viennese spear is also extremely difficult to deny - these are two. The centuries-old indifference of German rulers to the Vienna spear has been proven - that’s three. Proof that Merkel underwent a rite of passage in her youth is revealed to us in the form of a “photo from a nudist beach” - that’s four. And five means that the insertion of this photograph was carried out in time with pinpoint precision.

Before answering why a photograph of an undressed Merkel was published in the spring of 2013, we need to understand a more global thing. We are talking about tradition. I estimate the age of this tradition at five to six thousand years. And it is the politician Angela Merkel who can appear out of nowhere and disappear into nowhere, but the priestess Angela Merkel could not appear out of nowhere. As a link in tradition, it was obliged to have a predecessor, just as it will be obliged to have a successor.

Let us pay attention to another point: in the second half of the twentieth century, a certain lady was constantly present in world politics, beneficially diluting the monotony of the male political elite. Her gender already gives her a hundred points ahead, and what for a male politician would have been an ordinary matter that no one would have paid attention to, in the performance of this lady was presented as something epoch-making. Their deeds are glorified, and they themselves are shrouded in a semi-mystical flair.

Immediately after the Second World War, such a political star became Golda Meir(Prime Minister of Israel at the peak of his career). After Golda Meir, the era of the “Iron Lady” began Margaret Thatcher(Prime Minister of Great Britain). Thatcher replaced her in the political firmament Angela Merkel(Chancellor of Germany). Hillary Clinton is approaching, right now running to become President of the United States...

Now let’s bring these two postulates together.

The photograph we are studying today first appeared on a second-rate Turkish photo hosting site on April 1, 2013, but its active promotion in Germany and Europe as a whole began on April 10 of the same year.

And on April 8, 2013, Margaret Thatcher passed away. Do you believe in coincidences? – Keep believing!

It is said that a witch cannot die until she has “passed on her hand” to another person, her mystical heir. Here's what Wikipedia writes: “Back in 2005, Thatcher drew up a detailed plan for her funeral, and preparations for them had been underway since 2007...” The witch began preparing for her funeral the year Angela Merkel became Federal Chancellor. They have their own vision of the ongoing processes and Thatcher understood everything correctly - the highest post in the world of people for Merkel meant only a step on the way to the status of a guardian priestess in the world of Navya. And she had to hand over the post to her successor.

Well, in April 2013, so that even the most stupid of the goyim would understand what was happening now in the subtle worlds, the puppeteers organized several noisy events at once. In Britain, for example, this month an unexpected surge in popularity brought the song “Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead" from the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz.

This was explained to the Lochs by the fact that the opponents of the ex-prime minister were very happy about her death. But among us, among normal people, the concept of “witch” has a negative connotation, but among them, among the confessors of dark hidden cults, a witch is simply a “knower,” that is, someone who knows something. And for other “knowledgeable” people, the song about the deceased witch became a farewell hymn to the former main priestess.

And so that the world knows who took her place, two days after her death, a photograph with a naked Merkel was put into circulation...

On July 17, German Chancellor Angela Merkel celebrated her 61st birthday. In honor of this event, we invite you to get acquainted with the autobiography of one of the most influential politicians in the world, on whose decisions the fate of a huge number of people depends.

It just so happened that a few days ago, Bundeschancellor Angela Merkel challenged “civilized humanity” and personally US President Barack Obama, essentially declaring that she was not going to support the idea of ​​legalizing same-sex marriage.

Looking at this cute and funny child

It’s hard to imagine that he will grow into a woman who will be called the “Iron Lady” and who will repeatedly top the list of the most powerful women in the world, according to Forbes magazine.

Her fate as a person and as a politician cannot be called easy, since she had to go through a difficult path and endure a sufficient number of life trials. Only her childhood could be called almost carefree.

Having spent all of his childhood and youth in the GDR, in school years Angela Merkel was a member of the pioneer organization and then the Union of Free German Youth (SSNM). And before the fall of the Berlin Wall, she even managed to work at the Academy of Sciences of the GDR.

But this laughing, carefree girl, despite the fact that she got married twice, could not find her women's happiness and realize yourself in motherhood. And, probably, that’s why she devoted all her energy to politics.

The events that took place in Germany in the late 1980s and early 1990s, leading to its unification, captured the ambitious Merkel, and in 1989 she joined the Democratic Awakening organization, a year later became its press secretary, and a few months later took the same position in the first and last non-communist government of the GDR.

Her political career developed extremely successfully, and in 2005 Merkel will be inaugurated as German Chancellor.

By the way, her rise to power then greatly puzzled the two largest world powers - Russia and the USA. For Russia, the fact that long-time supporters of our country, the Social Democratic Party, represented by Chancellors Gerhard Schröder and Helmut Kohl, were defeated in the elections, was an unpleasant surprise. And many were anxiously awaiting the results of a woman from the Christian Democratic Union coming to power, in place of politicians who always expressed a friendly attitude towards Russia. But the US State Department “rubbed their hands” in the hope that this event would lead to a cooling in relations between Russia and Germany.

But Mrs. Merkel was able to immediately surprise both the United States and Russia when she calmly supported the decision of the newly appointed Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who announced the inappropriateness of deploying a missile defense system in Eastern Europe.
The indignant NATO leadership tried to demand an explanation from Merkel, to which Angela told them that the issue of deploying missiles on the territory of Poland and Romania must necessarily be agreed upon with Moscow. To say that Moscow was delighted, and the US State Department was unpleasantly surprised, is to say nothing. But this was not their first and not the last surprise.

It was thanks to Merkel’s political position that Russia and Germany for the first time after the Great Patriotic War became military allies and signed an agreement under which they pledged to coordinate their actions in the military sphere.

So this is not the first time that a German female chancellor has taken the risk of ruining relations with the United States when it is necessary to make a categorical decision, especially if this decision is directly related to Russia.

I think that this “inflexible grandmother” will surprise us and world politicians more than once, and in honor of her birthday yesterday, I want to express my respect to her and show you a selection of photographs from Angela Merkel’s past.

I hope you like it, because some of the photos are quite rare.

Angela Dorothea Merkel was born in July 1954 in Hamburg. She is the first and so far only woman in German history to hold the post of chancellor. Has the status of a scientific physical chemist. She acquired the chancellorship relatively recently - in November 2005.

Her dad, Horst Kasner, has an ambiguous biography. For example, some believe that he was a servant of the Nazis.

One of the reasons to think so is the change of name before the arrival of Hitler. He had a job as a church pastor at the Lutheran Church of Berlin-Brandenburg. Her mother's work involved working with children who did not have the opportunity to attend educational institutions and institutions for preschool age. She taught Latin and English.

The Chancellor also has a younger sister, Irene, and a younger brother named Marcus. The brother is a physicist teaching in Frankfurt am Main in Larmstadt. And sister Irene, her only best friend, has a specialty as a psychotherapist.

The earliest photos of Merkel in her youth:

In the photo: teenage Angela Merkel cooks food over a fire. The photo was taken in July 1973.

She was not very talkative at school, but she was always the best among everyone in her studies. She passed her final exams with excellent marks.

In 1973 she entered the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Leipzig.

From then on, Angela was actively interested in politics and later joined one party.

Start of a career

Absolutely everyone knows that this woman is the Chancellor of Germany. Everything she did always evoked respect from many. The girl was unable to achieve success in the “Democratic Breakthrough” (as the party was called). One year later, she became a referent in Wolfgang Schnur's own party.

She posted and distributed leaflets to gain public attention. Here she had job responsibilities press secretary. Unfortunately, the work here did not last long. However, after some time, Angela ascended to the post of deputy in the Bundestag parliament.

In 1991, she took up the position of deputy head of the CDU in Germany. A couple of years later she became the head of this union. Merkel stood up for the rights of women and children, which had a significant impact on her career growth.

And so, in 2005, she was nominated for the post of German leader. At this time, she already had enormous authority and support from the citizens of the country. In the elections, Angelai receives the chancellorship. Angela actively supports the unity of all countries - the European Union. And also her foreign policy supports and cooperates with the USA and all European countries.

Personal life: family and children

She met her first husband at the institute in her 3rd year in 1977. Future husband Ulrich Merkel studied to be a biologist. A year later, the couple got married. Angela replaced her father's last name - Kasner - with her husband's last name - Merkel, and since then she has been known by that name. The marriage did not last long; five years later they divorced.

Even during her first marriage, Angela learned about the diagnosis of infertility. The girl was treated for a long time in the best women's health centers, but, unfortunately, nothing worked out. Angela and her husband Joachim Sauer have no children.

A very difficult question to which there is no clear answer. Although it would seem that Frau is open to all views and pure as glass. But one feels that the well-known face is just a mask, and most likely more than one. Many secrets are hidden in her past and present.

And now a little more detail...

Angela Dorothea Merkel


Height: 173 centimeters
IN EU: 65 kilograms.
The family has Polish roots.
Inconspicuous appearance. Slouching.
Has no special signs.
Education: Finished
Polytechnic secondary school in Templinand Karl Marx University in Leipzig with honors.
Languages: native German, Russian, English. (All three at the highest level).
Specialties and areas of work: bartender, disco organizer, physicist, chemist-analyst, mathematician, politician.
In the GDR she was in the equivalent of the Komsomol in the propaganda department.
Successful in science, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Study of the mechanism of decomposition reactions with simple breaking of bonds and calculation of their rate constants based on quantum chemical and statistical methods.”
In big politics since 1989.

Federal Chancellor, head of the conservative party of the CDU/CSU bloc. Elected for the 4th term.
According to horoscope: Cancer, Horse.
Character: Nordic.
Demonstrably modest. Punctual. Pedantic. Scrupulous. Attentive. Sociable. She is vindictive. Compassionate? Law-abiding.Cunning and resourceful. (Ready to walk over heads and corpses.)
Nickname:"Teflon". (For always getting away with it.)
Dietary preferences:
: mint tea. Doesn't like coffee.
Food: loves meat dishes and apple juice.
Cloth: trouser suits, jeans in my youth.
Musical preferences: the Beatles group.
Phobias: Bo dogs. (In 1995, a neighbor's hunting dog attacked her and bit her on the leg.)
Health: Barren. (She was treated for a long time and unsuccessfully.Previously, I really wanted to have a child.)
Sexual preferences: Bisexual. Lately he prefers women.
(Not proven. Presumably her friend is her mistress Liz Mon, director of the largest European concern Bertelsmann).
Close relatives: Markus Kasner brother, physicist, teaches at higher education educational institution Frankfurt am Main. Lives in Darmstadt.
Irena Kasner is Angela's sister and friend. Psychotherapist.
Marital status: For my husband for the second time. Husband, Joachim Sauer, a famous chemist, is bisexual. (His previous wife divorced after finding him in bed with a man.)

Finance: The total official gross income is 290 thousand euros per year. Like all officials, he does not pay pension insurance and unemployment insurance...
Assumptions: Possibly a former agent"". Is under the surveillance of the US intelligence services, which have serious compromising evidence...
He is the conductor of pro-American policy in Europe.
As a teenager, I dreamed of being a teacher.
On the table, at the workplace, he keeps a portrait of Catherine II.

He won’t leave his phone on silent mode and loves to communicate via SMS.

Lives at: Bundeskanzleramt Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel Willy-Brandt-StraBe 1 10557 Berlin in apartment building on the fourth floor in a rented apartment opposite the Pergamon Museum. Lives with her husband. There is a personal house.

Transport: Service armored Audi.

Russian version of the account of Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel on Twitter.

Interesting figure Frau Merkel?

The memoirs of former Chancellor Kohl, who knew her very well, say a lot of interesting things about Angela Merkel. For example, it is alleged that she was poorly brought up and did not know how to use a knife and fork correctly, trying to grab food from the table with her hands. (According to a specialist on Germany: Kohl thus wants to say that he taught Merkel everything.) But the main thing is a veiled admission that she is involved in cooperation with American intelligence services...

What is this? Revelations of a politician with one foot in the grave or revenge of the one who betrayed him?

At one time, he doted on Angel - he called him “his chicken” and “girl”. Journalists hearing this wrote, “Helmut Kohl’s girl,” hinting that Merkel is the chancellor’s mistress. Perhaps, but like many other facts from her biography, it has not been proven. Although, during the next scandal with expenses, Kohl took the blame for the use of the air park by his girl...

Let's go back to the moment of her birth.

In Hamburg in 1954, namely on July 17, a girl was born into the family of Gerlina and Hoster Kasner, who received the names Angela Dorothea. Parents were educated people: mother is a teacher English language and Latin, and his father, being a Lutheran priest, taught theology at the Universities of Hamburg and Heidelberg. When Angela was only a few weeks old, her parents moved from West Germany to East Germany. In the GDR, Hoster Kasner served the church in Perleberg.

Let me remind you what happened at this time and earlier. Namely, the confrontation between the USSR (the formation of countries Warsaw Pact will happen in a year) against the United States, with NATO already fledgling for 5 years, is being delayed. The proposal made in 1952 by Stalin about demilitarization and the creation of a united Germany with the withdrawal of all troops of the participating countries caused a sharp refusal from the West.
How so? Give the opportunity to the defeated competitor - Germany - to become independent again??! Never!
Let me remind you that in the United States there was a proposal to further dismember the country and sterilize the Germans. US Treasury Secretary Morgenthau persistently pursued it; according to his calculations, 20 thousand surgeons will be able to quickly treat 48 million people. And rid the world of the German threat forever...

But if Stalin did not allow the most radical plans to be carried out, then everything else that was happening in the territories captured by the Allies was not in his power to change.
At this time, there was a massive migration of residents from the western part of the occupation to the eastern part due to the fact that here the food and living conditions of the Germans were much better.

“From 1945 to mid-1948, we saw the enslavement, humiliation, and destruction of an entire nation,” these are the words of a US Navy medical officer. Captain Albert Behnke compared the German and Dutch famines: for many months in some areas of Germany, the Allied ration was 400 calories per day; in most areas it was just under 1,000 calories per day. The Viceroy of the Third Reich in Holland, Arthur Seyss-Inquart, established a diet of 1394 calories per day, which the Dutch always received.(He was later hanged for this allies).

And Stalin, from 1946 to 1948, gave orders for the export of grain abroad in a volume of over 5 million tons, to save the inhabitants of Eastern Europe and the Germans in the Soviet occupation zone in Germany...

Since 1948, the Marshall Plan began to work to enslave all of Europe and fight the USSR.
The consequences of the Marshall Plan were global: the United States gained the huge market of Western Europe, the foundations of effective transatlantic integration were laid, and the Cold War began.

At the same time, the German Minister of Economics Ludwig Erhard, who went down in history as the father of the economic miracle and the future chancellor, began economic and monetary reform in Germany.

The United States rejected Stalin's proposal for a united Germany and created the Federal Republic of Germany.
In 1950, four months after its creation, the country suffered a crisis: production fell, the number of unemployed was 13.5%.
The “effectiveness of American assistance” was fully reflected, in addition, the country could not “digest” the gigantic number of refugees (the costs of housing, as well as for war invalids, devastated the state budget), as a result of which half of all imports were food, and there was not enough money even for import of necessary raw materials. Two years later, Germany had to pay 3 billion marks to Israel as compensation for damage caused during the Nazi years. Taxes on workers exceeded 30%. Crazy rise in prices, termination or reduction of subsidies. And so on and so forth. In general, life was not fun in Germany, a US colony...

(Although modern Germany is considered prosperous today, it remains to this day an occupied territory, where there are from 200 to 308American bases! The difference is in the numbersdepending on what exactly is considered a base.)

But let's return to Angela's parents.

They were given two cars and a spacious house in the GDR.
The family lived in the new place for three years, and then changed their place of residence, moving to the small provincial town of Templin, where Hoster Kasner was able to head the seminary. In 1957, on July 7, Angela gave birth to a brother, Marcus, and later, in 1964, a sister, Irena.

The biography of Angela Merkel contains many blank spots; for example, little is known about her childhood. And she doesn’t like to share memories of her early youth.

Angela once said that when she was little, the Soviet military stole her bicycle several times. I wonder if it really happened? How could she find out who exactly the culprit was?

In 1961, Angela went to first grade at the secondary polytechnic school in Templin. And before graduation she was one of the best students.

They say Angela was an inconspicuous, quiet girl, but at the same time after classes she did not feel like a black sheep at all, freely communicating with peers and peers, participating in the life of the class and general entertainment.

Her loved ones school subjects there were mathematics and physics. In 1973, Angela Dorothea graduated high school, passing all exams with flying colors.

In the same year, she moved to Leipzig, where she continued her studies at the university at the Faculty of Physics and again shone with her knowledge. She became the winner of the national Russian language Olympiad, and as a reward received a trip to the USSR.

She easily mastered all disciplines, although she gravitated towards the exact sciences. She was an active participant in the Free Youth of Germany organization - engaged in propaganda and agitation.

In Germany, nudism has always been taken lightly.

Only the lazy did not write about how she earned pocket money from speculating with blueberries, so I will not develop this topic...

Soon Angela met her future husband, Ulrich Merkel from Vogtland, he was also a physics student.

In 1977, they got married and lived together for about 5 years, unsuccessfully trying to have a child. In 1981, due to this, they officially divorced. But Merkel decided to keep her husband’s surname, it sounded very impressive: translated from German, “Merkel” means “noticeable.”

To be continued...

Angela Merkel - Chancellor of Germany, European politician. For recent years she has repeatedly topped the ranking of the most influential women in the world according to the American financial and economic magazine Forbes, and her photos can always be seen on the covers of the main publications on the planet. Journalists call Merkel "the new iron lady" of Europe or "Teutonic".

Childhood and youth

The biography of Angela Merkel originates in Hamburg, where she was born on July 17, 1954 in the family of a teacher. foreign languages(English and Latin) and pastor of the Lutheran Church of Berlin-Brandeburg. Soon she had a sister, Irena, and a brother, Marcus. The ancestors of the German Chancellor had Polish roots.


At school, the girl was best at Russian language and mathematics; she passed the final exams in these sciences with flying colors in 1973. Still sitting at school desk, Merkel decided to continue her education at the University of Leipzig, where in 1973 she entered the physics department. In her youth, the girl already planned to engage in political and government activities.

Career and politics

Angela Merkel's career began long before she topped the political pedestal of Germany and the EU; her path to the top was long. In 1989, Angela Merkel took a job at political party"Democratic Breakthrough". A year later she became a follower of the ideas of Wolfgang Schnur. After the reunification of Germany, Merkel took the position of adviser at the German Information and Press Office, which she replaced with a seat as a member of the Bundestag.

The migration crisis that erupted in Europe in 2015 has posed a major challenge for Merkel during her time as chancellor. Mass migration to Europe is out of control. All actions taken by the politician to resolve this issue led to collapse.

In February 2016, the situation in the European Union resembled a critical one. At the EU summit in Brussels, state authorities tried to come to an agreement with representatives of Turkey, drawing up a plan for accepting refugees by this country. This had its effect, and the flow of migrants soon decreased significantly.

The situation with the flow of refugees greatly undermined the electorate's trust in the chancellor, but Merkel gained required quantity votes, and the CDU/CSU party was again represented in the Bundestag in the majority.

Personal life

While studying, Angela Merkel met Ulrich Merkel, who became her husband. She still bears his last name. In 1977, Angela married Ulrich, but this marriage was not durable: in 1982, Merkel divorced her husband, there were no children in their family. Later, the chancellor admitted that she considered the first union her mistake - she got married because that was the custom at that time.

Embed from Getty Images Angela Merkel and her husband Joachim Sauer

2 years after the divorce, Angela Merkel met her second husband Joachim Sauer, but this time the woman decided not to rush into the wedding; the couple officially legalized their marriage only in 1998. Moreover, at the time of their acquaintance, Sauer was married to another woman. The couple live modestly; they still do not have their own home.

Interestingly, Merkel is wary of modern technologies. She uses cellular communications to communicate with her subordinates, sending several dozen SMS messages a day. By email The chancellor does not use it, but studies the news using an iPad.

Angela Merkel now

In the summer of 2019, the German, and after them the world media, started talking about the unstable health of the German Chancellor. Merkel's first bout of tremors was noticed during a June meeting with. Angela, and this lasted several minutes. The woman was brought a glass of water, after which the attack stopped. The Chancellor explained this incident by dehydration - the weather was abnormally hot in Berlin at that time.